0.2.2 (Dec 3, 2022)
Single executable to download videos, profiles, sync your collection with authors in one command with the best
quality available.
No installation required, you don't have to use Terminal.
I was asked to add conversion to h.264
, so now Tikmeh could access user-provided ffmpeg
, by default the system's
- tikmeh.exe – download Windows (amd64) executable (
compatible even with Win7)
- tikmeh – download Linux (amd64) executable
– interactive mode (more on that later)
tikmeh tiktok.com/@shrimpydimpy/video/7133412834960018730
– simply download the video
tikmeh --convert --directory goddess 7133412834960018730
– download to ./goddess and convert to h.264
tikmeh profile shrimpydimpy losertron
– download all their videos to ./shrimpydimpy & ./losertron accordingly
tikmeh --directory ./mp4 profile @shrimpydimpy
– download all @shrimpydimpy videos to ./mp4
videos to ./shrimpydimpy
, ./losertron
tikmeh -d . -c profile --all losertron
– download all losertron videos to current directory, convert to h.264
Yes, literally synchronization. Just download a profile once in full and Tikmeh wouldn't re-upload already downloaded
Note: by default Tikmeh loads the profile until it meets already downloaded video,
to ensure nothing is skipped, use check-all
By default, directory named after the profile username is created.
Interactive mode
Exists mainly for Windows users, which usually don't like to use Terminal, so they could just start in this
simple python-like environment.
Tikmeh (0.2.0 (Nov 4, 2022)) [sources and up-to-date executables: https://github.com/mehanon/tikmeh]
Enter 'help' to get help message.
>>> --directory mp4 tiktok.com/@shrimpydimpy/video/7133412834960018730
>>> profile @losertron
loading `@losertron` profile...
>>> exit
Building from sources
Note: requires Golang 1.19+
git clone https://github.com/mehanon/tikmeh
cd tikmeh
go build
Using Tikwm utilities in your own project
Simply add submodule import "github.com/mehanon/tikmeh/tikwm"
package main
import (
func main() {
files, err := tikwm.NewProfileDownloader("kaycoree").Download()
if err != nil {
fmt.Print(strings.Join(files, "\n"))
- The name is fucking retarded. Let's pretend it's
after Tikmeh (iranian village)
- Windows anti-malware may not allow
to access the internet, in this case administrator rights might
help (idk how Windows work).
You don't have to trust me, building from sources is always an option.
- Tikmeh depends on tikwm.com/api, which is the main bottleneck (1 request/10 sec is cringe)
- – become independent of tikwm to improve performance multiple times.
- – embed
a way that don't require the user to download ffmpeg
somewhere separately
(is somewhat realised, but ffmpeg has to be provided by user)