help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
-a, --append
Run in append mode. Adds the OSM change file into the database without removing existing data. (default: false)
-c, --create
Run in create mode. This is the default if -a, --append is not specified. Removes existing data from the database tables! (default: true)
-d value, --database value
The name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to. If this parameter contains an = sign or starts with a valid URI prefix (postgresql:// or postgres://), it is t reated as a conninfo string. See the PostgreSQL manual for details.
-U value, --username value
Postgresql user name. (default: "postgres")
-W, --password
Force password prompt. (default: false)
-H value, --host value
Database server hostname or unix domain socket location. (default: "localhost")
-P value, --port value
Database server port. (default: 5432)
--workers value
Number of workers (default: 4)
Store coordinates in degrees of latitude & longitude. (default: false)
-t value, --table value
Output table name (default: "planet_data")
-j, --json
Add tags without column to an additional json (key/value) column in the database tables. (default: false)
--schema value
Use PostgreSQL schema SCHEMA for all tables, indexes, and functions in the pgsql output (default is no schema, i.e. the public schema is used). (default: "public")