CSV2SQL, An util to convert csv data to SQL scripts and load to MySQL.
How it works
[Read the xlsx file] -> [Convert to SQL scripts] -> [Execute SQL scripts]
How to use
- Prepare the xlsx file with your data
Assume the file is dropped into test/import.xlsx
, you can download it from here
- Config the
- name: pipeline
enabled: true
- name: process_excel
enabled: true
input_queue: primary
max_go_routine: 1
threshold_in_ms: 0
timeout_in_ms: 5000
joint: read_csv
enabled: true
file_name: "test/import.xlsx"
- joint: convert_sql
enabled: true
sheet_name: fish_information
data_start_from_index: 3
- id
- outer_code
- common_name
- scientific_name
- english_name
- chinese_name
- region_name
- aquatic_category_id
- category_name
- is_homemade
- aquatic_region_id
- inner_code
- produce_pattern
- feed_pattern
- catch_pattern
- 'INSERT INTO `aquatic_base_info` (`id`, `outer_code`, `common_name`, `scientific_name`, `english_name`, `chinese_name`, `region_name`, `aquatic_category_id`)'
- 'VALUES (<{id: }>, <{outer_code: }>, <{common_name: }>, <{scientific_name: }>, <{english_name: }>, <{chinese_name: }>, <{region_name: }>, <{aquatic_category_id: }>);'
- 'INSERT INTO `aquatic_source` (`inner_code`, `aquatic_base_info_id`, `is_homemade`, `aquatic_region_id`, `produce_pattern`, `feed_pattern`, `catch_pattern`) '
- 'VALUES (<{inner_code: }>, <{id: }>, <{is_homemade: }>, <{aquatic_region_id: }>, <{produce_pattern: }>, <{feed_pattern: }>, <{catch_pattern: }>);'
- joint: convert_sql
enabled: false
sheet_name: aquatic_region
data_start_from_index: 1
- id
- code
- name
- is_homemade
- 'INSERT INTO `aquatic_region` (`id`, `code`, `name`, `is_homemade`) VALUES (<{id: }>, <{code: }>, <{name: }>, <{is_homemade: }>);'
- joint: import_sql
enabled: true
mysql_conn: root:password@tcp(localhost:3306)/ifish?charset=utf8
rollback_enabled: true
- joint: logging
enabled: true
joint: on_error
enabled: true
Note, there are more than one joint config with name: convert_sql
, which means you can import multi data sheet with different config,
in this example the second convert_sql
joint has been disabled, you can enable it if you wish, and also you can add more convert_sql
And also as you can see, in the first convert_sql
joint, with the data sheet fish_information
, the config row_format
is a array,
and have more than one SQL template, separated with ;
, which means you can generate multi SQL from one single data sheet,
map one data row to multi mysql data records, and then we can inset the data into different mysql tables.
The config row_format
is a SQL template, and the config column_name
is how your data sheet will be used in your template,
like this template variable <{is_homemade: }>
, it will looking for the data from column is_homemade
which we have already configured in section column_name
you can get the SQL template by using MySQLWorkBench quickly([select db]->[select table]->[Copy to Clipboard]->[Insert Statement])
Note, once you change the column in data sheet, you must keep the column_name
Note, please also change MySQL connection in joint mysql_conn
config, ie: your_mysql_user:you_password@tcp(your_mysql_host:3306)/your_mysql_db?charset=utf8
And, the example is jus a example, you can use it to map any data sheet to any mysql table, update the config and import the data.
- Start to import the data
➜ csv2sql git:(master) ✗ ./bin/csv2sql
_____ _______ _____ _____ ____ _
/ ____|/ ____\ \ / /__ \ / ____|/ __ \| |
| | | (___ \ \ / / ) | (___ | | | | |
| | \___ \ \ \/ / / / \___ \| | | | |
| |____ ____) | \ / / /_ ____) | |__| | |____
\_____|_____/ \/ |____|_____/ \___\_\______|
[CSV2SQL] An util to convert csv data to SQL scripts.
0.1.0_SNAPSHOT, 67026ee, Sat May 5 13:23:42 2018 +0800, medcl, support import multi datasheet
[05-05 15:29:38] [INF] [instance.go:23] workspace: data/APP/nodes/0
[05-05 15:29:38] [INF] [pipeline.go:67] pipeline: process_excel started with 1 instances
[05-05 15:29:38] [INF] [api.go:147] api server listen at:
[05-05 15:29:38] [INF] [ui.go:149] http server listen at:
[05-05 15:29:38] [INF] [import_sql.go:87] sql execute success, 1 rows affected, lastInsertID: 1
[05-05 15:29:38] [INF] [import_sql.go:87] sql execute success, 1 rows affected, lastInsertID: 1
[CSV2SQL] got signal:interrupt, start shutting down
| |
_` | _ \ _ \ _` | _ \ | | -_)
\__, | \___/ \___/ \__,_| _.__/ \_, | \___|
____/ ___/
[CSV2SQL] 0.1.0_SNAPSHOT, uptime:5.773621s
- Now, check out the database, you will see 2 new records in two different table
Released under the Apache License, Version 2.0 .
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