Get a handle on PRs chains on GitHub
Usage: chainlink <command>
-h, --help Show context-sensitive help.
--repo=STRING Repository to operate on
--no-cache Ignore cache (cached for 1m)
Log PR chains
open <filter>
Open specific PR chain
rebase <filter>
Rebase specific PR chain
Run "chainlink <command> --help" for more information on a command.
You'll have to setup CHAINLINK_TOKEN
env variable to a GitHub personal access token.
Getting the token for CHAINLINK_TOKEN
- Go to tokens
- Click on "Generate new token" > "Generate new token (classic)"
- Set note, and expiration your preferred values
- Select "repo" in "Select scopes" section
- Click on "Generate token"
- Set the token you get as env variable (export CHAINLINK_TOKEN="gh_...")
If you only need to use on public repos, you can generate a fine
grained token with
just read only access to public repositories.
Log PR chains
Approved PRs will be in green.
$ chainlink log --repo alcionai/corso
#4051 Basic code for backup cleanup (ashmrtn) [3217-incomplete-backup-cleanup]
#4065 Add and populate mod time for BaseModel (ashmrtn) [3217-model-mod-time]
#4066 Exclude recently created models from garbage collection (ashmrtn) [3217-delay-model-gc]
#4030 Create backup collections for Group's default SharePoint site (meain) [group-files]
#4043 Group CLI (meain) [group-cli]
#4050 add handlers for channels (neha-Gupta1) [channelHandlers]
#4068 channels and messages API (neha-Gupta1) [HandlerImplemenation]
Open a PR chain in the correct order
$ chainlink open --repo alcionai/corso group-cli
Rebase a PR chain with main
$ chainlink rebase 3217-model-mod-time --push
set -ex
git checkout 3217-incomplete-backup-cleanup
git rebase --update-refs main
git push --force-with-lease
git checkout 3217-model-mod-time
git rebase --update-refs 3217-incomplete-backup-cleanup
git push --force-with-lease
git checkout 3217-delay-model-gc
git rebase --update-refs 3217-model-mod-time
git push --force-with-lease