Template CLI project including:
- config - defined by Go struct
- data - stored in a an embedded sqlite DB
Both customizable and stored in the user home directory.
The repo also includes pipelines to create distributable binaries in multiple OS/Architecture combinations with SBOM and SLSA provenance.
See releases for example.
Repo Usage
Use this template to create a new repo (click the green button and follow the wizard). When done, clone your new repo locally, and navigate into it:
Initialize your new repo. This will update all the references to your newly clone GitHub repository.
When completed, commit and push the updates to your repository:
git add --all
git commit -m 'repo init'
git push --all
The above push will trigger the on-push
flow. You can navigate to the /actions
in your repo to see the status of that pipeline.
Trigger release pipeline
The canonical version of the entire repo is stored in .version file. Feel free to edit it (by default: v0.0.1
). When done, trigger the release pipeline:
If you did edit the version, make sure to commit and push that change to the repo first. You can also use make tag
to automate the entire process.
export VERSION=$(cat .version)
git tag -s -m "initial release" $VERSION
git push origin $VERSION
Monitor the pipeline
Navigate to /actions
in your repo to see the status of that release pipeline. Wait until all steps (aka jobs) have completed (green).
If any steps fail, click on them to see the cause. Fix it, commit/push changes to the repo, and tag a new release to re-trigger the pipeline again.
This is my personal project and it does not represent my employer. While I do my best to ensure that everything works, I take no responsibility for issues caused by this code.