Index ¶
Constants ¶
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const ( // AppVersionKind is the constant to represent contents of App_VersionKind.yaml file AppVersionKind = `` /* 234-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // AppVersionMao is the constant to represent contents of App_VersionMao.yaml file AppVersionMao = `` /* 272-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // AppVersionTectonicNetwork is the constant to represent contents of App_VersionTectonicNetwork.yaml file AppVersionTectonicNetwork = `` /* 273-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // IngressNamespace is the constant to represent contents of Ingress_Namespace.yaml file IngressNamespace = `` /* 329-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // MachineConfigOperator01ImagesConfigmap is the constant to represent contents of Machine_ConfigOperator01ImagesConfigmap.yaml file MachineConfigOperator01ImagesConfigmap = `` /* 438-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // OpenshiftClusterAPINamespace is the constant to represent contents of Openshift_ClusterApiNamespace.yaml file OpenshiftClusterAPINamespace = `` /* 213-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // OpenshiftMachineConfigOperator is the constant to represent contents of Openshift_MachineConfigOperator.yaml file OpenshiftMachineConfigOperator = `` /* 170-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // OpenshiftWebConsoleNamespace is the constant to represent contents of Openshift_WebConsoleNamespace.yaml file OpenshiftWebConsoleNamespace = `` /* 238-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // OperatorstatusCrd is the constant to represent contents of Operatorstatus_Crd.yaml file OperatorstatusCrd = `` /* 959-byte string literal not displayed */ )
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const ( // TectonicNamespace is the constant to represent contents of Tectonic_Namespace.yaml file TectonicNamespace = `` /* 213-byte string literal not displayed */ )
Variables ¶
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var ( // ClusterApiserverCerts is the constant to represent contents of cluster_apiservercerts.yaml file ClusterApiserverCerts = template.Must(template.New("cluster-apiserver-certs.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: metadata: name: cluster-apiserver-certs namespace: openshift-cluster-api labels: api: clusterapi apiserver: "true" data: tls.crt: {{.ClusterapiCaCert}} tls.key: {{.ClusterapiCaKey}} `)) )
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var ( // IgnConfig is the constant to represent contents of ign_config.yaml file IgnConfig = template.Must(template.New("ign-config.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: ignition-worker namespace: openshift-cluster-api type: Opaque data: userData: {{.WorkerIgnConfig}} `)) )
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var ( // KubeApiserverSecret is the constant to represent contents of kube_apiserversecret.yaml file KubeApiserverSecret = template.Must(template.New("kube-apiserver-secret.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: kube-apiserver namespace: kube-system type: Opaque data: aggregator-ca.crt: {{.AggregatorCaCert}} aggregator-ca.key: {{.AggregatorCaKey}} apiserver.key: {{.ApiserverKey}} apiserver.crt: {{.ApiserverCert}} apiserver-proxy.key: {{.ApiserverProxyKey}} apiserver-proxy.crt: {{.ApiserverProxyCert}} {{.ServiceaccountPub}} service-account.key: {{.ServiceaccountKey}} root-ca.crt: {{.RootCaCert}} kube-ca.crt: {{.KubeCaCert}} etcd-client-ca.crt: {{.EtcdCaCert}} etcd-client.crt: {{.EtcdClientCert}} etcd-client.key: {{.EtcdClientKey}} oidc-ca.crt: {{.OidcCaCert}} service-serving-ca.crt: {{.ServiceServingCaCert}} service-serving-ca.key: {{.ServiceServingCaKey}} kubeconfig: {{.OpenshiftLoopbackKubeconfig}} `)) )
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var ( // KubeCloudConfig is the constant to represent contents of kube_cloudconfig.yaml file KubeCloudConfig = template.Must(template.New("kube-cloud-config.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: kube-cloud-cfg namespace: kube-system type: Opaque data: config: "" `)) )
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var ( // KubeControllerManagerSecret is the constant to represent contents of kube_controllermanagersecret.yaml file KubeControllerManagerSecret = template.Must(template.New("kube-controller-manager-secret.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: kube-controller-manager namespace: kube-system type: Opaque data: service-account.key: {{.ServiceaccountKey}} root-ca.crt: {{.RootCaCert}} kube-ca.crt: {{.KubeCaCert}} kube-ca.key: {{.KubeCaKey}} `)) )
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var ( // MachineConfigServerTLSSecret is the constant to represent contents of machine_configservertlssecret.yaml file MachineConfigServerTLSSecret = template.Must(template.New("machine-config-server-tls-secret.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: machine-config-server-tls namespace: openshift-machine-config-operator type: Opaque data: tls.crt: {{.McsTLSCert}} tls.key: {{.McsTLSKey}} `)) )
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var ( // OpenshiftApiserverSecret is the constant to represent contents of openshift_apiserversecret.yaml file OpenshiftApiserverSecret = template.Must(template.New("openshift-apiserver-secret.yaml").Parse(` apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata: name: openshift-apiserver namespace: kube-system type: Opaque data: aggregator-ca.crt: {{.AggregatorCaCert}} aggregator-ca.key: {{.AggregatorCaKey}} apiserver.key: {{.ApiserverKey}} apiserver.crt: {{.ApiserverCert}} openshift-apiserver.key: {{.OpenshiftApiserverKey}} openshift-apiserver.crt: {{.OpenshiftApiserverCert}} apiserver-proxy.key: {{.ApiserverProxyKey}} apiserver-proxy.crt: {{.ApiserverProxyCert}} {{.ServiceaccountPub}} service-account.key: {{.ServiceaccountKey}} root-ca.crt: {{.RootCaCert}} kube-ca.crt: {{.KubeCaCert}} etcd-client-ca.crt: {{.EtcdCaCert}} etcd-client.crt: {{.EtcdClientCert}} etcd-client.key: {{.EtcdClientKey}} oidc-ca.crt: {{.OidcCaCert}} service-serving-ca.crt: {{.ServiceServingCaCert}} service-serving-ca.key: {{.ServiceServingCaKey}} kubeconfig: {{.OpenshiftLoopbackKubeconfig}} `)) )
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var ( // Pull is the constant to represent contents of pull.yaml file Pull = template.Must(template.New("pull.json").Parse(` { "apiVersion": "v1", "kind": "Secret", "type": "", "metadata": { "namespace": "kube-system", "name": "coreos-pull-secret" }, "data": { ".dockerconfigjson": "{{.PullSecret}}" } } `)) )
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var ( // TectonicNetworkOperator represents the template variable for tectonic-network-operator.yaml file TectonicNetworkOperator = template.Must(template.New("tectonic-network-operator.yaml").Parse(` --- apiVersion: apps/v1beta2 kind: DaemonSet metadata: name: tectonic-network-operator namespace: kube-system labels: k8s-app: tectonic-network-operator managed-by-channel-operator: "true" spec: selector: matchLabels: k8s-app: tectonic-network-operator updateStrategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 1 type: RollingUpdate template: metadata: labels: k8s-app: tectonic-network-operator tectonic-app-version-name: tectonic-network spec: containers: - name: tectonic-network-operator image: {{.TectonicNetworkOperatorImage}} resources: limits: cpu: 20m memory: 50Mi requests: cpu: 20m memory: 50Mi volumeMounts: - name: cluster-config mountPath: /etc/cluster-config hostNetwork: true restartPolicy: Always imagePullSecrets: - name: coreos-pull-secret securityContext: runAsNonRoot: true runAsUser: 65534 volumes: - name: cluster-config configMap: name: cluster-config-v1 items: - key: network-config path: network-config nodeSelector: "" tolerations: - key: "" operator: "Exists" effect: "NoSchedule" updateStrategy: rollingUpdate: maxUnavailable: 1 type: RollingUpdate `)) )
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Source Files
- 01-tectonic-namespace.go
- 02-ingress-namespace.go
- 03-openshift-web-console-namespace.go
- 04-openshift-machine-config-operator.go
- 05-openshift-cluster-api-namespace.go
- app-version-kind.go
- app-version-mao.go
- app-version-tectonic-network.go
- cluster-apiserver-certs.go
- ign-config.go
- kube-apiserver-secret.go
- kube-cloud-config.go
- kube-controller-manager-secret.go
- machine-config-operator-01-images-configmap.go
- machine-config-server-tls-secret.go
- openshift-apiserver-secret.go
- operatorstatus-crd.go
- pull.go
- tectonic-network-operator.go
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