
package module
v0.0.0-...-dae9c38 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 26, 2021 License: MIT Imports: 30 Imported by: 0





package main

import (

func main() {
	sugar.StartServer("tcp://:6666", sugar.MsgTypeCmd, &sugar.EchoMsgHandler{}, nil)

现在打开命令行,执行telent 6666,输入一个字符串,回车后你将收到原样的回复消息。    






type MessageHead struct {
	Len   uint32 //数据长度
	Error uint16 //错误码
	Cmd   uint8  //命令
	Act   uint8  //动作
	Index uint16 //序号
	Flags uint16 //标记



type Message struct {
	Head       *MessageHead //消息头,可能为nil
	Data       []byte       //消息数据
	IMsgParser              //解析器
	User       interface{}  //用户自定义数据



sugar将数据流抽象为消息队列,无论是来自tcp,udp还是websocket的数据流,都会被抽象为消息队列。     根据是否带有消息头,sugar将消息队列分为两种类型:  

type MsgType int

const (
	MsgTypeMsg MsgType = iota //消息基于确定的消息头
	MsgTypeCmd                //消息没有消息头,以\n分割



type ParserType int

const (
	ParserTypePB  ParserType = iota // protoBuf, use this type of message to communicate with client
	ParserTypeCmd                   // cmd type, like telnet, console
	ParserTypeRaw                   // do not parse whatever


type ParseErrType int

const (
	ParseErrTypeSendRemind ParseErrType = iota // if message parsed failed, send message tips to sender, notice sender message send failed
	ParseErrTypeContinue                       // if message parsed failed, skip this message
	ParseErrTypeAlways                         // if message parsed failed, still go to nex logic
	ParseErrTypeClose                          // if message parsed failed, closed connection

比如我们现在有一个需求是根据用户id获取用户等级,那么我们可以建立一个cmd类型的解析器,这样我们就能直接通过telent连接到服务器进行查询了,使用如下代码 创建一个cmd类型的解析器。

pf := &sugar.Parser{Type: sugar.ParserTypeCmd}



  1. 基于 MsgTypeMsg 的,根据 cmd 和 act 进行解析,支持上面三种 Parser 类型,使用 Register 进行注册。
  2. 基于 MsgTypeCmd 的,可以支持 ParserTypeCmd 和 ParserTypeRaw 类型,这种消息往往没有消息头,使用 RegisterMsg 进行注册。   两种类型的注册函数定义如下:
Register(cmd uint8, act uint8, c2s interface{}, s2c interface{})
RegisterMsg(c2s interface{}, s2c interface{})


  1. match:"k"表示只需要匹配字段名即可,为了减少输入的大小写切换,在匹配的时候会将字段名默认作为小写匹配。
  2. match:"kv"表示需要匹配字段名和字段值   命令行解析器的注册需要一个结构体,比如上面例子,需要查询用户等级的,我们的定义如下:
type GetGamerLevel struct {
	Get   string `match:"k"`
	User int
	Level int `match:"k"`


  1. Get字段,表示方法,比如get,set,reload,这种情况我只需要输入方法即可,而tag match:"k"则表示只需要匹配字段名即可  
  2. User字段,表示用户id,没有tag,对于没有tag的字段,解析器会认为需要匹配字段名和值,比如输入user 1 会被认为合法,而user test则不合法,因为test不是int
  3. Level字段,表示用户等级,有tag,表示只需要匹配level这个字段名即可。   定义好结构体之后我们需要注册到解析器,使用如下代码注册即可:
pf.RegisterMsg(&GetGamerLevel{}, nil)






type IMsgHandler interface {
	OnNewMsgQue(msgQue IMsgQue) bool                         //新的消息队列
	OnDelMsgQue(msgQue IMsgQue)                              //消息队列关闭
	OnProcessMsg(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) bool          //默认的消息处理函数
	OnConnectComplete(msgQue IMsgQue, ok bool) bool          //连接成功
	GetHandlerFunc(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) HandlerFunc //根据消息获得处理函数



type Handler struct {


h := &Handler{}
h.RegisterMsg(&GetGamerLevel{}, func(msgQue sugar.IMsgQue, msg *sugar.Message) bool {
	c2s := msg.C2S().(*GetGamerLevel)
	c2s.Level = 8
	return true






sugar.StartServer("tcp://:6666", sugar.MsgTypeCmd, h, pf)

在服务启动后我们需要等待ctrl+C消息以结束服务,使用WaitForSystemExit()函数即可。     完整示例:

package main

import "sugar"

type GetUserLevel struct {
	Get   string `match:"k"`
	User int
	Level int `match:"k"`

type Handler struct {
func test(msgQue sugar.IMsgQue, msg *sugar.Message) bool {
	c2s := msg.C2S().(*GetGamerLevel)
	c2s.Level = 8
	return true
func main() {
	pf := &sugar.Parser{Type: sugar.ParserTypeCmd}
	pf.RegisterMsg(&GetGamerLevel{}, nil)

	h := &Handler{}
	h.RegisterMsg(&GetGamerLevel{}, test)

	sugar.StartServer("tcp://:6666", sugar.MsgTypeCmd, h, pf)

现在打开命令行,执行telent 6666。
输入字符串 get user 1 level,你将收到回复{"Get":"get","User":1,"Level":8} 上面的例子模拟了一个游戏服务器常见的需求,即命令行式的交互,这对于游戏后台的调试以及某些gm指令的执行非常有效。  




  1. StartTick 用于标识sugar启动的时刻,是一个毫秒级的时间戳
  2. NowTick 用于标识sugar现在的时刻,是一个自动变化的毫秒级时间戳
  3. DefMsgQueTimeout 默认的网络超时,当超过这个时间和客户端没有交互,sugar将断开连接,默认是30s
  4. MaxMsgDataSize 默认的最大数据长度,超过这个长度的消息将会被拒绝并关闭连接,默认为1MB



  1. WaitForSystemExit 用于等待用户输入ctrl+C以结束进程。
  2. Go 用于创建可被sugar管理的goroutine
  3. Go2 同Go,不同的是会有个默认的channel,以通知sugar的结束
  4. Stop 结束sugar
  5. Println 再也不想需要打印某些调试信息的时候导入fmt,而打印完成又去删除fmt引用了
  6. Printf 同上
  7. Sprintf 同上
  8. IsStop sugar是否停止
  9. IsRuning sugar是否运行中
  10. PathExists 判断路径是否存在
  11. Daemon 进入精灵进程
  12. GetStatis 获得sugar的统计信息
  13. Atoi 简化字符串到数值
  14. Itoa 简化数值到字符串
  15. ParseBaseKind 字符串到特定类型的转化
  16. CmdAct 将cmd和act转为一个int  
  17. SetTimeout 设置一个定时器
  18. DelTimeout 删除定时器
  19. LogXXX 日志系列函数



const (
	LogLevelAllOn  LogLevel = iota //开放说有日志
	LogLevelDebug                  //调试信息
	LogLevelInfo                   //资讯讯息
	LogLevelWarn                   //警告状况发生
	LogLevelError                  //一般错误,可能导致功能不正常
	LogLevelFatal                  //严重错误,会导致进程退出
	LogLevelAllOff                 //关闭所有日志


sugar.Redis代表了对redis的一个封装,主要记录了对eval指令的处理,能购把预先生成的lua脚本上传到redis得到hash,以后使用evalsha命令进行调用。 RedisManager用于管理一组redis数据库。  








View Source
const (
	FlagEncrypt  = 1 << 0 //encrypted data
	FlagCompress = 1 << 1 //compressed data
	FlagContinue = 1 << 2 //still have remain data need to be received
	FlagNeedAck  = 1 << 3 //message should be acknowledged
	FlagAck      = 1 << 4 //acknowledgement message
	FlagReSend   = 1 << 5 //message been re-sent
	FlagClient   = 1 << 6 //use this to tell the message source, internal server or published client
View Source
const (
	MsgHeadSize = 12


View Source
var (
	ErrOk             = NewError("success", 0)
	ErrPBPack         = NewError("pb pack error", 1)
	ErrPBUnPack       = NewError("pb unpack error", 2)
	ErrJSONPack       = NewError("json pack error", 3)
	ErrJSONUnPack     = NewError("json unpack error", 4)
	ErrCmdUnPack      = NewError("cmd parse error", 5)
	ErrMsgLenTooLong  = NewError("message too long", 6)
	ErrMsgLenTooShort = NewError("message too short", 7)
	ErrDBDataType     = NewError("bad db type", 8)

	ErrErrIDNotFound = NewError("unknown error code", 255)
View Source
var DefMsgQueTimeout = 180
View Source
var ErrIDMap = map[error]uint16{}
View Source
var IDErrMap = map[uint16]error{}
View Source
var MaxMsgDataSize uint32 = 1024 * 1024
View Source
var MinUserError = 256
View Source
var NowTick int64
View Source
var StartTick int64
View Source
var Timestamp int64
View Source
var UDPServerGoCnt = 32


func AddStopCheck

func AddStopCheck(cs string) uint64

func Atoi

func Atoi(str string) int

func CmdAct

func CmdAct(cmd, act uint8) int

func ContainsStr

func ContainsStr(s, substr string) bool

func DBData

func DBData(v proto.Message) []byte

func DBStr

func DBStr(v proto.Message) string

func Daemon

func Daemon(skip ...string)

func Date

func Date() string

func Debug

func Debug(args ...interface{})

func DebugRoutineEndStack

func DebugRoutineEndStack(id uint64, count int64)

func DebugRoutineStartStack

func DebugRoutineStartStack(id uint64, count int64)

func Debugf

func Debugf(format string, args ...interface{})

func DelDir

func DelDir(path string)

func DelFile

func DelFile(path string)

func Error

func Error(args ...interface{})

func Errorf

func Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})

func Fatal

func Fatal(args ...interface{})

func Fatalf

func Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})

func FindStr

func FindStr(s string, f string) int

func GetErrID

func GetErrID(err error) uint16

func GetError

func GetError(id uint16) error

func GetFiles

func GetFiles(path string) []string

func GetHour

func GetHour(timestamp int64, timezone int) int

func GetHour23

func GetHour23(timestamp int64, timezone int) int

func GetHour24

func GetHour24(timestamp int64, timezone int) int

func GetNextHourIntervalMS

func GetNextHourIntervalMS(timestamp int64) int

func GetNextHourIntervalS

func GetNextHourIntervalS(timestamp int64) int

func GetSelfExtraIP

func GetSelfExtraIP(ifNames ...string) (ips []string)

func GetSelfIP

func GetSelfIP(ifNames ...string) []string

func GetSelfIntraIP

func GetSelfIntraIP(ifNames ...string) (ips []string)

func Go

func Go(fn func())


func Go2

func Go2(fn func(stopCh chan struct{})) bool


func GoArgs

func GoArgs(fn func(...interface{}), args ...interface{})


func HTTPGet

func HTTPGet(url string) (string, *http.Response, error)

func HTTPGetWithBasicAuth

func HTTPGetWithBasicAuth(url, name, passwd string) (string, *http.Response, error)

func HTTPPost

func HTTPPost(url, form string) (string, *http.Response, error)

func HTTPUpload

func HTTPUpload(url, field, file string) (*http.Response, error)

func HookLogger

func HookLogger(in Logger)

func Info

func Info(args ...interface{})

func Infof

func Infof(format string, args ...interface{})

func IsDiffDay

func IsDiffDay(now, old int64, timezone int) int

func IsDiffHour

func IsDiffHour(now, old int64, hour, timezone int) bool

func IsDiffWeek

func IsDiffWeek(now, old int64, hour, timezone int) bool

func IsRunning

func IsRunning() bool

func IsStop

func IsStop() bool

func Itoa

func Itoa(num interface{}) string

func JSONPack

func JSONPack(msg interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func JSONUnPack

func JSONUnPack(data []byte, msg interface{}) error

func JoinStr

func JoinStr(a []string, sep string) string

func LogStack

func LogStack()

func MsgPackPack

func MsgPackPack(msg interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func MsgPackUnPack

func MsgPackUnPack(data []byte, msg interface{}) error

func NewDir

func NewDir(path string) error

func NewRedisScript

func NewRedisScript(commit, str string) int

func Now

func Now() time.Time

func PBPack

func PBPack(msg interface{}) ([]byte, error)

func PBUnPack

func PBUnPack(data []byte, msg interface{}) error

func Panic

func Panic(args ...interface{})

func Panicf

func Panicf(format string, args ...interface{})

func ParseBaseKind

func ParseBaseKind(kind reflect.Kind, data string) (interface{}, error)

func ParseDBData

func ParseDBData(data []byte, v proto.Message) bool

func ParseDBStr

func ParseDBStr(str string, v proto.Message) bool

func ParsePbData

func ParsePbData(data []byte, v proto.Message) bool

func ParsePbStr

func ParsePbStr(str string, v proto.Message) bool

func ParseTime

func ParseTime(str string) (time.Time, error)

func PathBase

func PathBase(p string) string

func PathClean

func PathClean(p string) string

func PathDir

func PathDir(p string) string

func PathExists

func PathExists(path string) bool

func PathExt

func PathExt(p string) string

func PbData

func PbData(v proto.Message) []byte

func PbStr

func PbStr(v proto.Message) string

func Print

func Print(a ...interface{}) (int, error)

func Printf

func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (int, error)

func Println

func Println(a ...interface{}) (int, error)

func ReadFile

func ReadFile(path string) ([]byte, error)

func RedisError

func RedisError(err error) bool

func RemoveStopCheck

func RemoveStopCheck(id uint64)

func ReplaceStr

func ReplaceStr(s, old, new string) string

func SendMail

func SendMail(user, password, host, to, subject, body, mailtype string) error

func SetTimeout

func SetTimeout(interval int, fn func(...interface{}) int, args ...interface{})

func Sleep

func Sleep(ms int)

func SplitStr

func SplitStr(s string, sep string) []string

func SplitStrN

func SplitStrN(s string, sep string, n int) []string

func Sprintf

func Sprintf(format string, a ...interface{}) string

func StartServer

func StartServer(addr string, typ MsgType, handler IMsgHandler, parser *Parser) error

func Stop

func Stop()

func StrContains

func StrContains(s, substr string) bool

func StrFind

func StrFind(s string, f string) int

func StrJoin

func StrJoin(a []string, sep string) string

func StrReplace

func StrReplace(s, old, new string) string

func StrSplit

func StrSplit(s string, sep string) []string

func StrSplitN

func StrSplitN(s string, sep string, n int) []string

func StrToLower

func StrToLower(s string) string

func StrToUpper

func StrToUpper(s string) string

func StrTrim

func StrTrim(s string) string

func StrTrimRight

func StrTrimRight(s, cutset string) string

func Tag

func Tag(cmd, act uint8, index uint16) int

func ToLowerStr

func ToLowerStr(s string) string

func ToUpperStr

func ToUpperStr(s string) string

func TrimRightStr

func TrimRightStr(s, cutset string) string

func TrimStr

func TrimStr(s string) string

func Try

func Try(fun func(), handler func(interface{}))


func UnixMs

func UnixMs() int64

func UnixTime

func UnixTime(sec, nsec int64) time.Time

func WaitForSystemExit

func WaitForSystemExit(atexit ...func())

func Warn

func Warn(args ...interface{})

func Warnf

func Warnf(format string, args ...interface{})

func WriteFile

func WriteFile(path string, data []byte)


type CmdMatchType

type CmdMatchType int
const (
	CmdMatchTypeK CmdMatchType = iota

type ConnType

type ConnType int
const (
	ConnTypeListen ConnType = iota //listen type
	ConnTypeConn                   //connected type
	ConnTypeAccept                 //accepted type

type DefMsgHandler

type DefMsgHandler struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*DefMsgHandler) GetHandlerFunc

func (r *DefMsgHandler) GetHandlerFunc(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) HandlerFunc

func (*DefMsgHandler) OnConnectComplete

func (r *DefMsgHandler) OnConnectComplete(msgQue IMsgQue, ok bool) bool

func (*DefMsgHandler) OnDelMsgQue

func (r *DefMsgHandler) OnDelMsgQue(msgQue IMsgQue)

func (*DefMsgHandler) OnNewMsgQue

func (r *DefMsgHandler) OnNewMsgQue(msgQue IMsgQue) bool

func (*DefMsgHandler) OnProcessMsg

func (r *DefMsgHandler) OnProcessMsg(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) bool

func (*DefMsgHandler) Register

func (r *DefMsgHandler) Register(cmd, act uint8, fun HandlerFunc)

func (*DefMsgHandler) RegisterMsg

func (r *DefMsgHandler) RegisterMsg(v interface{}, fun HandlerFunc)

type EchoMsgHandler

type EchoMsgHandler struct {

func (*EchoMsgHandler) OnProcessMsg

func (r *EchoMsgHandler) OnProcessMsg(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) bool

type Errorz

type Errorz struct {
	ID      uint16
	Message string

func NewError

func NewError(str string, id uint16) *Errorz

func (*Errorz) Error

func (r *Errorz) Error() string

type HandlerFunc

type HandlerFunc func(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) bool

type IMsgHandler

type IMsgHandler interface {
	OnNewMsgQue(msgQue IMsgQue) bool
	OnDelMsgQue(msgQue IMsgQue)
	OnProcessMsg(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) bool //default message handler
	OnConnectComplete(msgQue IMsgQue, ok bool) bool
	GetHandlerFunc(msgQue IMsgQue, msg *Message) HandlerFunc

type IMsgParser

type IMsgParser interface {
	C2S() interface{}
	S2C() interface{}
	C2SData() []byte
	S2CData() []byte
	C2SString() string
	S2CString() string

type IMsgQue

type IMsgQue interface {
	ID() uint32
	GetMsgType() MsgType
	GetConnType() ConnType
	GetNetType() NetType

	LocalAddr() string
	RemoteAddr() string

	IsStop() bool
	Available() bool

	Send(m *Message) (re bool)
	SendString(str string) (re bool)
	SendStringLn(str string) (re bool)
	SendByteStr(str []byte) (re bool)
	SendByteStrLn(str []byte) (re bool)
	SendCallback(m *Message, c chan *Message) (re bool)
	SetTimeout(t int)
	GetTimeout() int
	Reconnect(t int) //reconnect interval, unit: s, this function only can be invoked when connection was closed

	GetHandler() IMsgHandler

	SetUser(user interface{})
	GetUser() interface{}
	SetExtData(extData interface{})
	GetExtData() interface{}
	// contains filtered or unexported methods

func StartConnect

func StartConnect(netType string, addr string, typ MsgType, handler IMsgHandler, parser *Parser, user interface{}) IMsgQue

type IMsgRegister

type IMsgRegister interface {
	Register(cmd, act uint8, fun HandlerFunc)
	RegisterMsg(v interface{}, fun HandlerFunc)

type IParser

type IParser interface {
	GetType() ParserType
	GetErrType() ParseErrType
	ParseC2S(msg *Message) (IMsgParser, error)
	PackMsg(v interface{}) []byte
	GetRemindMsg(err error, t MsgType) *Message

type Logger

type Logger interface {
	Debug(args ...interface{})
	Info(args ...interface{})
	Warn(args ...interface{})
	Error(args ...interface{})
	Panic(args ...interface{})
	Fatal(args ...interface{})

	Debugf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Infof(format string, args ...interface{})
	Warnf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Errorf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Panicf(format string, args ...interface{})
	Fatalf(format string, args ...interface{})

type Message

type Message struct {
	Head       *MessageHead //message head, can be empty
	Data       []byte       //message data
	IMsgParser              //message parser
	User       interface{}  //user self defined data

func NewDataMsg

func NewDataMsg(data []byte) *Message

func NewErrMsg

func NewErrMsg(err error) *Message

func NewForverMsg

func NewForverMsg(cmd, act uint8, index, err uint16, data []byte) *Message

func NewMsg

func NewMsg(cmd, act uint8, index, err uint16, data []byte) *Message

func NewStrMsg

func NewStrMsg(str string) *Message

func NewTagMsg

func NewTagMsg(cmd, act uint8, index uint16) *Message

func (*Message) Act

func (r *Message) Act() uint8

func (*Message) Bytes

func (r *Message) Bytes() []byte

func (*Message) Cmd

func (r *Message) Cmd() uint8

func (*Message) CmdAct

func (r *Message) CmdAct() int

func (*Message) CopyTag

func (r *Message) CopyTag(old *Message) *Message

func (*Message) Tag

func (r *Message) Tag() int

type MessageHead

type MessageHead struct {
	Len   uint32
	Error uint16
	Cmd   uint8
	Act   uint8
	Index uint16
	Flags uint16
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func MessageHeadFromByte

func MessageHeadFromByte(data []byte) *MessageHead

func NewMessageHead

func NewMessageHead(data []byte) *MessageHead

func (*MessageHead) Bytes

func (r *MessageHead) Bytes() []byte

func (*MessageHead) BytesWithData

func (r *MessageHead) BytesWithData(wdata []byte) []byte

func (*MessageHead) CmdAct

func (r *MessageHead) CmdAct() int

func (*MessageHead) FromBytes

func (r *MessageHead) FromBytes(data []byte) error

func (*MessageHead) String

func (r *MessageHead) String() string

func (*MessageHead) Tag

func (r *MessageHead) Tag() int

type MsgParser

type MsgParser struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*MsgParser) C2S

func (r *MsgParser) C2S() interface{}

func (*MsgParser) C2SData

func (r *MsgParser) C2SData() []byte

func (*MsgParser) C2SString

func (r *MsgParser) C2SString() string

func (*MsgParser) S2C

func (r *MsgParser) S2C() interface{}

func (*MsgParser) S2CData

func (r *MsgParser) S2CData() []byte

func (*MsgParser) S2CString

func (r *MsgParser) S2CString() string

type MsgType

type MsgType int
const (
	MsgTypeMsg MsgType = iota // this type of message should have message head
	MsgTypeCmd                // this type of message's message head can be empty, use \n as separator

type NetType

type NetType int
const (
	NetTypeTCP NetType = iota //TCP
	NetTypeUDP                //UDP

type ParseErrType

type ParseErrType int
const (
	ParseErrTypeSendRemind ParseErrType = iota // if message parsed failed, send message tips to sender, notice sender message send failed
	ParseErrTypeContinue                       // if message parsed failed, skip this message
	ParseErrTypeAlways                         // if message parsed failed, still go to nex logic
	ParseErrTypeClose                          // if message parsed failed, closed connection

type ParseFunc

type ParseFunc func() interface{}

type Parser

type Parser struct {
	Type    ParserType
	ErrType ParseErrType
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Parser) Get

func (r *Parser) Get() IParser

func (*Parser) GetErrType

func (r *Parser) GetErrType() ParseErrType

func (*Parser) GetType

func (r *Parser) GetType() ParserType

func (*Parser) Register

func (r *Parser) Register(cmd, act uint8, c2s interface{}, s2c interface{})

func (*Parser) RegisterFunc

func (r *Parser) RegisterFunc(cmd, act uint8, c2sFunc ParseFunc, s2cFunc ParseFunc)

func (*Parser) RegisterMsg

func (r *Parser) RegisterMsg(c2s interface{}, s2c interface{})

func (*Parser) RegisterMsgFunc

func (r *Parser) RegisterMsgFunc(c2sFunc ParseFunc, s2cFunc ParseFunc)

type ParserType

type ParserType int
const (
	ParserTypePB   ParserType = iota // protoBuf, use this type of message to communicate with client
	ParserTypeJSON                   // json type
	ParserTypeCmd                    // cmd type, like telnet, console
	ParserTypeRaw                    // do not parse whatever

type Redis

type Redis struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*Redis) Script

func (r *Redis) Script(cmd int, keys []string, args ...interface{}) (interface{}, error)

func (*Redis) ScriptInt64

func (r *Redis) ScriptInt64(cmd int, keys []string, args ...interface{}) (int64, error)

func (*Redis) ScriptStr

func (r *Redis) ScriptStr(cmd int, keys []string, args ...interface{}) (string, error)

func (*Redis) ScriptStrArray

func (r *Redis) ScriptStrArray(cmd int, keys []string, args ...interface{}) ([]string, error)

type RedisConfig

type RedisConfig struct {
	Addr     string
	Password string
	PoolSize int

type RedisManager

type RedisManager struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewRedisManager

func NewRedisManager(conf *RedisConfig) *RedisManager

func (*RedisManager) Add

func (r *RedisManager) Add(id int, conf *RedisConfig)

func (*RedisManager) Exist

func (r *RedisManager) Exist(id int) bool

func (*RedisManager) GetByRid

func (r *RedisManager) GetByRid(rid int) *Redis

func (*RedisManager) GetGlobal

func (r *RedisManager) GetGlobal() *Redis

func (*RedisManager) Sub

func (r *RedisManager) Sub(fun func(channel, data string), channels ...string)

type RedisModel

type RedisModel struct{}

func (*RedisModel) DBData

func (r *RedisModel) DBData(v proto.Message) []byte

func (*RedisModel) DBStr

func (r *RedisModel) DBStr(v proto.Message) string

func (*RedisModel) ParseDBData

func (r *RedisModel) ParseDBData(data []byte, v proto.Message) bool

func (*RedisModel) ParseDBStr

func (r *RedisModel) ParseDBStr(str string, v proto.Message) bool

func (*RedisModel) ParsePbData

func (r *RedisModel) ParsePbData(data []byte, v proto.Message) bool

func (*RedisModel) ParsePbStr

func (r *RedisModel) ParsePbStr(str string, v proto.Message) bool

func (*RedisModel) PbData

func (r *RedisModel) PbData(v proto.Message) []byte

type Stat

type Stat struct {
	GoCount     int
	MsgQueCount int
	StartTime   time.Time
	LastPanic   int
	PanicCount  int32

func GetStat

func GetStat() *Stat

type StopCheckMap

type StopCheckMap struct {
	M map[uint64]string

type WaitGroup

type WaitGroup struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*WaitGroup) Add

func (r *WaitGroup) Add(delta int)

func (*WaitGroup) Done

func (r *WaitGroup) Done()

func (*WaitGroup) TryWait

func (r *WaitGroup) TryWait() bool

func (*WaitGroup) Wait

func (r *WaitGroup) Wait()

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