incorporate more info when creating errors (e.g. running commands)
fix phantom symbols in fzf (see below)
add a history file for fzf (is it even possible ?)
Improve application provider, with inspiration from the Gnome desktop's extensions
f.go should accept arguments
for the base directory
to hide files
to hide directories
add a way to add options in the config file directly
(the JSON is hard to modify without risking errors)
combined CLI
Add build version to avoid version mismatch between the processes
Avoid rewriting the configuration file if not needed
Phantom symbols in fzf
When presenting the results with fzf, a strange error can appear.
This behavior is not systematic, and seems to be almost random.
Certain entries may have altered text, sometimes only a suffix, that is displayed alongside.
However, the selection works properly (i.e. the read text has no alteration.).
It is possible that another thread/process writes to STDERR at the same time as fzf, thus mixing the output.
This bug doesn't seem to appear when no selection is performed.