Scan POM files for dependencies.
go install github.com/maxgio92/pomscan@latest
Scan POM files
pomscan [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
dependency Search an artifact through the direct dependencies across the project hierarchy.
help Help about any command
plugin Search an artifact through the plugins across the project hierarchy.
--debug Sets log level to debug
-h, --help help for pomscan
-p, --project-path string Project path (default ".")
Use "pomscan [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For command documentation please read the CLI documentation.
$ pomscan dep -a guava -p . --version-only
📦 com.google.guava.guava
artifact-id : guava
group-id : com.google.guava
pom-file : druid-handler/pom.xml
version : ${druid.guava.version}
version-property-name : druid.guava.version
version-property-value : 16.0.1
version-property-declare-path : druid-handler/pom.xml
📦 com.google.guava.guava
artifact-id : guava
group-id : com.google.guava
pom-file : itests/qtest-druid/pom.xml
version : ${druid.guava.version}
version-property-name : druid.guava.version
version-property-value : 16.0.1
version-property-declare-path : druid-handler/pom.xml
📦 com.google.guava.guava
artifact-id : guava
group-id : com.google.guava
pom-file : pom.xml
version : ${guava.version}
version-property-name : guava.version
version-property-value : 22.0
version-property-declare-path : pom.xml
📦 com.google.guava.guava
artifact-id : guava
group-id : com.google.guava
pom-file : standalone-metastore/pom.xml
version : ${guava.version}
version-property-name : guava.version
version-property-value : 22.0
version-property-declare-path : pom.xml
📦 com.google.guava.guava
artifact-id : guava
group-id : com.google.guava
pom-file : storage-api/pom.xml
version : ${guava.version}
scope : test
version-property-name : guava.version
version-property-value : 22.0
version-property-declare-path : pom.xml
Usage with bumps
It can be really useful when preparing patches, for example with pombump
Consider that from the previous example we want to bump com.google.guava.guava
to the version 24.1.1-jre because both 22.0 and 16.0.1 both contain CVEs, we now know thanks to pomscan
that we need to change the following version properties:
in the root project's pom.xml
in the Druid Handler project's druid-handler/pom.xml
So, we can run pombump
to update the pom.xml
files accordingly, and we feeed it with the information retrieved from pomscan
, like below:
$ pombump --properties="guava.version@24.1.1-jre" pom.xml >pom.bumps.xml
2024/10/26 13:04:54 INFO Patching property: guava.version from 22.0 to 24.1.1-jre
$ pombump --properties="druid.guava.version@24.1.1-jre" druid-handler/pom.xml >druid-handler/pom.bumps.xml
2024/10/26 13:06:05 INFO Patching property: druid.guava.version from 16.0.1 to 24.1.1-jre
We now have the new POMs updated at pom.bumps.xml
and druid-handler/pom.bumps.xml
, that will set the new version for all the occurrences of the com.google.guava.guava
artifact across all the direct dependencies of the Maven project and subprojects.