Create and use private keys in Tezos
Use MvGo to generate and use private keys for joy and pleasure.
Usage: key <cmd> [args]
gen <type> generate a new key of type
normal: edsk [mv1], spsk [mv2], p2sk [mv3]
encrypted: edesk, spesk, p2esk
info <key> prints info about `key`
encrypt <key> encrypt private `key`
sign <sk> <msg> [generic] sign blake2b hash of message `msg` with key
outputs typed signature by default
use `generic` to create a generic signature
sign-digest <sk> <digest> [generic] sign blake2b digest with key
outputs typed signature by default
use `generic` to create a generic signature
verify <pk> <sig> <msg> verify signature `sig` using pubkey `pk` against blake2b hash of message `msg`
-password string
password for encrypted keys (may also use env TEZOS_KEY_PASSPHRASE)
-v be verbose
# create new private key
go run . gen edsk
# show address and pubkey
go run . info edsk4KVDTs6J69y5EYELh1WRPBsuj5fRRJdRonyE2P5uaeEi7hqSNc
# encyrpt the private key to pretoct ot
go run . encrypt edsk4KVDTs6J69y5EYELh1WRPBsuj5fRRJdRonyE2P5uaeEi7hqSNc
# sign a message (actually, this signs the blake2b hash of the message)
go run . sign edsk4KVDTs6J69y5EYELh1WRPBsuj5fRRJdRonyE2P5uaeEi7hqSNc "Cool stuff"
# verify a signature
go run . verify edpkuHNzxQnjV5jNAKWBDjmb2fyEZH2KrsFywwBHELMKozTGU9RDEU edsigtjPe9hmQvYcn9P24zEHT4neheDQ39jCwAoKF4pLxqYyq9cVpkLBHUvivmEVdXKDYE2s1cqQd8YEpD2irG13W6d7LdeYbSs "Cool stuff"