
package module
v0.0.0-...-f5a9580 Latest Latest

This package is not in the latest version of its module.

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Published: Feb 27, 2016 License: BSD-3-Clause Imports: 16 Imported by: 31


Basic LDAP v3 functionality for the GO programming language.  

Most features are used in the test files. ldaplocal_test.go tests
most new features.

Required Librarys: 

   Connecting to LDAP server
   Binding to LDAP server
   Searching for entries
   Compiling string filters to LDAP filters
   Paging Search Results
   Mulitple internal goroutines to handle network traffic
      Makes library goroutine safe
      Can perform multiple search requests at the same time and return
         the results to the proper goroutine.  All requests are blocking
         requests, so the goroutine does not need special handling
   Request Controls - MatchedValuesRequest, PermissiveModifyRequest,
      ManageDsaITRequest, SubtreeDeleteRequest, Paging, ServerSideSort
Tests Implemented:
   Filter Compile / Decompile
   Local OpenDJ Tests for most Operations

   LDIF Reader - LDIF entries only (~16k entries/sec)
   Some limited documentation

   LDIF Reader - mods/adds/deletes/...
   Test to not depend on initial Directory setup
   Do something with binary attributes.
   FilterExtensibleMatch Decode
   Modify DN Requests / Responses
   Implement Tests / Benchmarks
   Timeouts (connect Go 1.1?), Timeout Operations.



File contains Bind functionality

This package provides LDAP client functions.

This package provides LDAP client functions.

File contains Entry structures and functions

An LDAP search filter is defined in Section 4.5.1 of [RFC4511]

Filter ::= CHOICE {
    and                [0] SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF filter Filter,
    or                 [1] SET SIZE (1..MAX) OF filter Filter,
    not                [2] Filter,
    equalityMatch      [3] AttributeValueAssertion,
    substrings         [4] SubstringFilter,
    greaterOrEqual     [5] AttributeValueAssertion,
    lessOrEqual        [6] AttributeValueAssertion,
    present            [7] AttributeDescription,
    approxMatch        [8] AttributeValueAssertion,
    extensibleMatch    [9] MatchingRuleAssertion }

SubstringFilter ::= SEQUENCE {
    type    AttributeDescription,
    -- initial and final can occur at most once
    substrings    SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF substring CHOICE {
     initial        [0] AssertionValue,
     any            [1] AssertionValue,
     final          [2] AssertionValue } }

AttributeValueAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
    attributeDesc   AttributeDescription,
    assertionValue  AssertionValue }

MatchingRuleAssertion ::= SEQUENCE {
    matchingRule    [1] MatchingRuleId OPTIONAL,
    type            [2] AttributeDescription OPTIONAL,
    matchValue      [3] AssertionValue,
    dnAttributes    [4] BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE }

AttributeDescription ::= LDAPString
                -- Constrained to <attributedescription>
                -- [RFC4512]

AttributeValue ::= OCTET STRING

MatchingRuleId ::= LDAPString

AssertionValue ::= OCTET STRING

LDAPString ::= OCTET STRING -- UTF-8 encoded,
                            -- [Unicode] characters

This package provides LDAP client functions.

This package provides LDAP MatchingRule functions.

File contains Search functionality



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const (
	MessageQuit     = 0
	MessageRequest  = 1
	MessageResponse = 2
	MessageFinish   = 3
View Source
const (
	ControlTypeMatchedValuesRequest    = "1.2.826.0.1.3344810.2.3"
	ControlTypePermissiveModifyRequest = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.1413"
	ControlTypePaging                  = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.319"
	ControlTypeManageDsaITRequest      = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.2"
	ControlTypeSubtreeDeleteRequest    = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.805"
	ControlTypeNoOpRequest             = ""
	ControlTypeServerSideSortRequest   = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.473"
	ControlTypeServerSideSortResponse  = "1.2.840.113556.1.4.474"
	ControlTypeVlvRequest              = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9"
	ControlTypeVlvResponse             = "2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10"
View Source
const (
	FilterAnd             = 0
	FilterOr              = 1
	FilterNot             = 2
	FilterEqualityMatch   = 3
	FilterSubstrings      = 4
	FilterGreaterOrEqual  = 5
	FilterLessOrEqual     = 6
	FilterPresent         = 7
	FilterApproxMatch     = 8
	FilterExtensibleMatch = 9
View Source
const (
	FilterSubstringsInitial = 0
	FilterSubstringsAny     = 1
	FilterSubstringsFinal   = 2
View Source
const (
	TagMatchingRule      = 1
	TagMatchingType      = 2
	TagMatchValue        = 3
	TagMatchDnAttributes = 4
View Source
const (
	ApplicationBindRequest           = 0
	ApplicationBindResponse          = 1
	ApplicationUnbindRequest         = 2
	ApplicationSearchRequest         = 3
	ApplicationSearchResultEntry     = 4
	ApplicationSearchResultDone      = 5
	ApplicationModifyRequest         = 6
	ApplicationModifyResponse        = 7
	ApplicationAddRequest            = 8
	ApplicationAddResponse           = 9
	ApplicationDelRequest            = 10
	ApplicationDelResponse           = 11
	ApplicationModifyDNRequest       = 12
	ApplicationModifyDNResponse      = 13
	ApplicationCompareRequest        = 14
	ApplicationCompareResponse       = 15
	ApplicationAbandonRequest        = 16
	ApplicationSearchResultReference = 19
	ApplicationExtendedRequest       = 23
	ApplicationExtendedResponse      = 24

LDAP Application Codes

View Source
const (
	LDAPResultSuccess                      = 0
	LDAPResultOperationsError              = 1
	LDAPResultProtocolError                = 2
	LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded            = 3
	LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded            = 4
	LDAPResultCompareFalse                 = 5
	LDAPResultCompareTrue                  = 6
	LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported       = 7
	LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired           = 8
	LDAPResultReferral                     = 10
	LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded           = 11
	LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension = 12
	LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired      = 13
	LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress           = 14
	LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute              = 16
	LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType       = 17
	LDAPResultInappropriateMatching        = 18
	LDAPResultConstraintViolation          = 19
	LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists       = 20
	LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax       = 21
	LDAPResultNoSuchObject                 = 32
	LDAPResultAliasProblem                 = 33
	LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax              = 34
	LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem    = 36
	LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication  = 48
	LDAPResultInvalidCredentials           = 49
	LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights     = 50
	LDAPResultBusy                         = 51
	LDAPResultUnavailable                  = 52
	LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform           = 53
	LDAPResultLoopDetect                   = 54
	LDAPResultNamingViolation              = 64
	LDAPResultObjectClassViolation         = 65
	LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf          = 66
	LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN              = 67
	LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists           = 68
	LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited    = 69
	LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs          = 71
	LDAPResultOther                        = 80

	ErrorNetwork         = 201
	ErrorFilterCompile   = 202
	ErrorFilterDecompile = 203
	ErrorDebugging       = 204
	ErrorEncoding        = 205
	ErrorDecoding        = 206
	ErrorMissingControl  = 207
	ErrorInvalidArgument = 208
	ErrorLDIFRead        = 209
	ErrorLDIFWrite       = 210
	ErrorClosing         = 211
	ErrorUnknown         = 212

LDAP Result Codes

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const (
	DefaultTimeout       = 60 * time.Minute
	ResultChanBufferSize = 5 // buffer items in each chanResults default: 5
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const (
	AddRecord    = 0
	ModifyRecord = 1
	ModDnRecord  = 2
	ModRdnRecord = 3
	DeleteRecord = 4
	EntryRecord  = 255
View Source
const (
	MatchingRule_numericStringOrderingMatch          = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_numericStringMatch                  = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_caseExactSubstringsMatch            = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_caseExactOrderingMatch              = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_caseExactMatch                      = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreSubstringsMatch           = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_keywordMatch                        = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_wordMatch                           = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_directoryStringFirstComponentMatch  = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_objectIdentifierFirstComponentMatch = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreOrderingMatch             = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_integerFirstComponentMatch          = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_generalizedTimeOrderingMatch        = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_generalizedTimeMatch                = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_protocolInformationMatch            = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_uniqueMemberMatch                   = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_presentationAddressMatch            = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_telephoneNumberSubstringsMatch      = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_telephoneNumberMatch                = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreMatch                     = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_octetStringSubstringsMatch          = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_octetStringOrderingMatch            = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_octetStringMatch                    = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_bitStringMatch                      = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_integerOrderingMatch                = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_integerMatch                        = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_booleanMatch                        = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreListSubstringsMatch       = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreListMatch                 = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_numericStringSubstringsMatch        = ""                  //
	MatchingRule_distinguishedNameMatch              = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_objectIdentifierMatch               = ""                   //
	MatchingRule_authPasswordMatch                   = ""     // DESC 'authentication password matching rule'
	MatchingRule_authPasswordExactMatch              = ""     // DESC 'authentication password exact matching rule'
	MatchingRule_caseExactIA5SubstringsMatch         = ""  //
	MatchingRule_partialDateAndTimeMatchingRule      = ""    //
	MatchingRule_relativeTimeLTOrderingMatch         = ""    //
	MatchingRule_relativeTimeGTOrderingMatch         = ""    //
	MatchingRule_historicalCsnOrderingMatch          = ""    //
	MatchingRule_ds_mr_user_password_equality        = ""    // DESC 'user password matching rule'
	MatchingRule_ds_mr_user_password_exact           = ""    // DESC 'user password exact matching rule'
	MatchingRule_ds_mr_double_metaphone_approx       = ""    // DESC 'Double Metaphone Approximate Match'
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreIA5SubstringsMatch        = "" //
	MatchingRule_caseIgnoreIA5Match                  = "" //
	MatchingRule_caseExactIA5Match                   = "" //
	MatchingRule_uuidOrderingMatch                   = ""             //
	MatchingRule_uuidMatch                           = ""             //

At the moment just helper values for ServerSideSorting.

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const (
	ModAdd       = 0
	ModDelete    = 1
	ModReplace   = 2
	ModIncrement = 3
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const (
	ScopeBaseObject   = 0
	ScopeSingleLevel  = 1
	ScopeWholeSubtree = 2
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const (
	NeverDerefAliases   = 0
	DerefInSearching    = 1
	DerefFindingBaseObj = 2
	DerefAlways         = 3
View Source
const (
	SearchResultEntry     = ApplicationSearchResultEntry
	SearchResultReference = ApplicationSearchResultReference
	SearchResultDone      = ApplicationSearchResultDone
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const (
	FilterItem = 256


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var ApplicationMap = map[uint8]string{
	ApplicationBindRequest:           "Bind Request",
	ApplicationBindResponse:          "Bind Response",
	ApplicationUnbindRequest:         "Unbind Request",
	ApplicationSearchRequest:         "Search Request",
	ApplicationSearchResultEntry:     "Search Result Entry",
	ApplicationSearchResultDone:      "Search Result Done",
	ApplicationModifyRequest:         "Modify Request",
	ApplicationModifyResponse:        "Modify Response",
	ApplicationAddRequest:            "Add Request",
	ApplicationAddResponse:           "Add Response",
	ApplicationDelRequest:            "Del Request",
	ApplicationDelResponse:           "Del Response",
	ApplicationModifyDNRequest:       "Modify DN Request",
	ApplicationModifyDNResponse:      "Modify DN Response",
	ApplicationCompareRequest:        "Compare Request",
	ApplicationCompareResponse:       "Compare Response",
	ApplicationAbandonRequest:        "Abandon Request",
	ApplicationSearchResultReference: "Search Result Reference",
	ApplicationExtendedRequest:       "Extended Request",
	ApplicationExtendedResponse:      "Extended Response",
View Source
var ControlTypeMap = map[string]string{
	ControlTypeMatchedValuesRequest:    "MatchedValuesRequest",
	ControlTypePermissiveModifyRequest: "PermissiveModifyRequest",
	ControlTypePaging:                  "Paging",
	ControlTypeManageDsaITRequest:      "ManageDsaITRequest",
	ControlTypeSubtreeDeleteRequest:    "SubtreeDeleteRequest",
	ControlTypeNoOpRequest:             "NoOpRequest",
	ControlTypeServerSideSortRequest:   "ServerSideSortRequest",
	ControlTypeServerSideSortResponse:  "ServerSideSortResponse",
	ControlTypeVlvRequest:              "VlvRequest",
	ControlTypeVlvResponse:             "VlvResponse",
View Source
var DerefMap = map[int]string{
	NeverDerefAliases:   "NeverDerefAliases",
	DerefInSearching:    "DerefInSearching",
	DerefFindingBaseObj: "DerefFindingBaseObj",
	DerefAlways:         "DerefAlways",
View Source
var FilterComponent = map[string]uint64{
	"&":  FilterAnd,
	"|":  FilterOr,
	"!":  FilterNot,
	"=":  FilterEqualityMatch,
	">=": FilterGreaterOrEqual,
	"<=": FilterLessOrEqual,
	"~=": FilterApproxMatch,
View Source
var FilterDebug bool = false
View Source
var FilterMap = map[uint64]string{
	FilterAnd:             "And",
	FilterOr:              "Or",
	FilterNot:             "Not",
	FilterEqualityMatch:   "Equality Match",
	FilterSubstrings:      "Substrings",
	FilterGreaterOrEqual:  "Greater Or Equal",
	FilterLessOrEqual:     "Less Or Equal",
	FilterPresent:         "Present",
	FilterApproxMatch:     "Approx Match",
	FilterExtensibleMatch: "Extensible Match",
View Source
var FilterSubstringsMap = map[uint64]string{
	FilterSubstringsInitial: "Substrings Initial",
	FilterSubstringsAny:     "Substrings Any",
	FilterSubstringsFinal:   "Substrings Final",
View Source
var LDAPResultCodeMap = map[uint8]string{
	LDAPResultSuccess:                      "Success",
	LDAPResultOperationsError:              "Operations Error",
	LDAPResultProtocolError:                "Protocol Error",
	LDAPResultTimeLimitExceeded:            "Time Limit Exceeded",
	LDAPResultSizeLimitExceeded:            "Size Limit Exceeded",
	LDAPResultCompareFalse:                 "Compare False",
	LDAPResultCompareTrue:                  "Compare True",
	LDAPResultAuthMethodNotSupported:       "Auth Method Not Supported",
	LDAPResultStrongAuthRequired:           "Strong Auth Required",
	LDAPResultReferral:                     "Referral",
	LDAPResultAdminLimitExceeded:           "Admin Limit Exceeded",
	LDAPResultUnavailableCriticalExtension: "Unavailable Critical Extension",
	LDAPResultConfidentialityRequired:      "Confidentiality Required",
	LDAPResultSaslBindInProgress:           "Sasl Bind In Progress",
	LDAPResultNoSuchAttribute:              "No Such Attribute",
	LDAPResultUndefinedAttributeType:       "Undefined Attribute Type",
	LDAPResultInappropriateMatching:        "Inappropriate Matching",
	LDAPResultConstraintViolation:          "Constraint Violation",
	LDAPResultAttributeOrValueExists:       "Attribute Or Value Exists",
	LDAPResultInvalidAttributeSyntax:       "Invalid Attribute Syntax",
	LDAPResultNoSuchObject:                 "No Such Object",
	LDAPResultAliasProblem:                 "Alias Problem",
	LDAPResultInvalidDNSyntax:              "Invalid DN Syntax",
	LDAPResultAliasDereferencingProblem:    "Alias Dereferencing Problem",
	LDAPResultInappropriateAuthentication:  "Inappropriate Authentication",
	LDAPResultInvalidCredentials:           "Invalid Credentials",
	LDAPResultInsufficientAccessRights:     "Insufficient Access Rights",
	LDAPResultBusy:                         "Busy",
	LDAPResultUnavailable:                  "Unavailable",
	LDAPResultUnwillingToPerform:           "Unwilling To Perform",
	LDAPResultLoopDetect:                   "Loop Detect",
	LDAPResultNamingViolation:              "Naming Violation",
	LDAPResultObjectClassViolation:         "Object Class Violation",
	LDAPResultNotAllowedOnNonLeaf:          "Not Allowed On Non Leaf",
	LDAPResultNotAllowedOnRDN:              "Not Allowed On RDN",
	LDAPResultEntryAlreadyExists:           "Entry Already Exists",
	LDAPResultObjectClassModsProhibited:    "Object Class Mods Prohibited",
	LDAPResultAffectsMultipleDSAs:          "Affects Multiple DSAs",
	LDAPResultOther:                        "Other",

	ErrorNetwork:         "ErrorNetwork",
	ErrorFilterCompile:   "ErrorFilterCompile",
	ErrorFilterDecompile: "ErrorFilterDecompile",
	ErrorDebugging:       "ErrorDebugging",
	ErrorEncoding:        "ErrorEncoding",
	ErrorDecoding:        "ErrorDecoding",
	ErrorMissingControl:  "ErrorMissingControl",
	ErrorInvalidArgument: "ErrorInvalidArgument",
	ErrorLDIFRead:        "ErrorLDIFRead",
	ErrorClosing:         "ErrorClosing",
View Source
var LDIFDebug bool = false
View Source
var ModMap map[uint8]string = map[uint8]string{
	ModAdd:       "add",
	ModDelete:    "delete",
	ModReplace:   "replace",
	ModIncrement: "increment",
View Source
var ScopeMap = map[int]string{
	ScopeBaseObject:   "Base Object",
	ScopeSingleLevel:  "Single Level",
	ScopeWholeSubtree: "Whole Subtree",
View Source
var VlvDebug bool


func AttributeValueAssertion

func AttributeValueAssertion(attr, op, value string) (*ber.Packet, error)

func CompileFilter

func CompileFilter(filter string) (*ber.Packet, error)

func DebugBinaryFile

func DebugBinaryFile(FileName string) error

func DecompileFilter

func DecompileFilter(packet *ber.Packet) (ret string, err error)

func EscapeFilterValue

func EscapeFilterValue(filter string) string

func IsBinary

func IsBinary(attrName string) (isBinary bool)

func NeedsBase64Encoding

func NeedsBase64Encoding(val string) bool

func NewLDAPError

func NewLDAPError(resultCode uint8, sText string) error

func UnescapeFilterValue

func UnescapeFilterValue(filter string) string


type AddRequest

type AddRequest struct {
	Entry    *Entry
	Controls []Control

func NewAddRequest

func NewAddRequest(dn string) (req *AddRequest)

func (*AddRequest) AddAttribute

func (req *AddRequest) AddAttribute(attr *EntryAttribute)

func (*AddRequest) AddAttributes

func (req *AddRequest) AddAttributes(attrs []EntryAttribute)

func (*AddRequest) AddControl

func (req *AddRequest) AddControl(control Control)

func (*AddRequest) Bytes

func (req *AddRequest) Bytes() []byte

func (*AddRequest) RecordType

func (req *AddRequest) RecordType() uint8

func (*AddRequest) String

func (addReq *AddRequest) String() (dump string)

DumpAddRequest - Basic LDIF "like" dump for testing, no formating, etc

type CompareRequest

type CompareRequest struct {
	DN       string
	Name     string
	Value    string
	Controls []Control

func NewCompareRequest

func NewCompareRequest(dn, name, value string) (req *CompareRequest)

type ConnectionInfo

type ConnectionInfo struct {
	Conn      *LDAPConnection
	MessageID uint64

type Control

type Control interface {
	Encode() (*ber.Packet, error)
	GetControlType() string
	String() string

Control Interface

func FindControl

func FindControl(controls []Control, controlType string) (position int, control Control)

func NewControlPagingFromPacket

func NewControlPagingFromPacket(p *ber.Packet) (Control, error)

func NewControlServerSideSortResponse

func NewControlServerSideSortResponse(p *ber.Packet) (Control, error)
SortResult ::= SEQUENCE {
  sortResult  ENUMERATED {
      success                   (0), -- results are sorted
      operationsError           (1), -- server internal failure
      timeLimitExceeded         (3), -- timelimit reached before
                                     -- sorting was completed
      strongAuthRequired        (8), -- refused to return sorted
                                     -- results via insecure
                                     -- protocol
      adminLimitExceeded       (11), -- too many matching entries
                                     -- for the server to sort
      noSuchAttribute          (16), -- unrecognized attribute
                                     -- type in sort key
      inappropriateMatching    (18), -- unrecognized or
                                     -- inappropriate matching
                                     -- rule in sort key
      insufficientAccessRights (50), -- refused to return sorted
                                     -- results to this client
      busy                     (51), -- too busy to process
      unwillingToPerform       (53), -- unable to sort
      other                    (80)
  attributeType [0] AttributeDescription OPTIONAL }

func NewControlStringFromPacket

func NewControlStringFromPacket(p *ber.Packet) (Control, error)

func NewControlVlvResponse

func NewControlVlvResponse(p *ber.Packet) (Control, error)
VirtualListViewResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
      targetPosition    INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
      contentCount     INTEGER (0 .. maxInt),
      virtualListViewResult ENUMERATED {
           success (0),
           operationsError (1),
           protocolError (3),
           unwillingToPerform (53),
           insufficientAccessRights (50),
           timeLimitExceeded (3),
           adminLimitExceeded (11),
           innapropriateMatching (18),
           sortControlMissing (60),
           offsetRangeError (61),
           ... },
      contextID     OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }

func ReplaceControl

func ReplaceControl(controls []Control, control Control) (oldControl Control)

type ControlMatchedValuesRequest

type ControlMatchedValuesRequest struct {
	Criticality bool
	Filter      string

func NewControlMatchedValuesRequest

func NewControlMatchedValuesRequest(criticality bool, filter string) *ControlMatchedValuesRequest

func (*ControlMatchedValuesRequest) Decode

func (c *ControlMatchedValuesRequest) Decode(p *ber.Packet) (*Control, error)

func (*ControlMatchedValuesRequest) Encode

func (c *ControlMatchedValuesRequest) Encode() (p *ber.Packet, err error)

func (*ControlMatchedValuesRequest) GetControlType

func (c *ControlMatchedValuesRequest) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlMatchedValuesRequest) String

func (c *ControlMatchedValuesRequest) String() string

type ControlPaging

type ControlPaging struct {
	PagingSize uint32
	Cookie     []byte

func NewControlPaging

func NewControlPaging(PagingSize uint32) *ControlPaging

func (*ControlPaging) Encode

func (c *ControlPaging) Encode() (p *ber.Packet, err error)

func (*ControlPaging) GetControlType

func (c *ControlPaging) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlPaging) SetCookie

func (c *ControlPaging) SetCookie(Cookie []byte)

func (*ControlPaging) String

func (c *ControlPaging) String() string

type ControlServerSideSortRequest

type ControlServerSideSortRequest struct {
	SortKeyList []ServerSideSortAttrRuleOrder
	Criticality bool

func NewControlServerSideSortRequest

func NewControlServerSideSortRequest(sortKeyList []ServerSideSortAttrRuleOrder, criticality bool) *ControlServerSideSortRequest

func (*ControlServerSideSortRequest) Decode

func (c *ControlServerSideSortRequest) Decode(p *ber.Packet) (*Control, error)

func (*ControlServerSideSortRequest) Encode

func (c *ControlServerSideSortRequest) Encode() (p *ber.Packet, err error)

func (*ControlServerSideSortRequest) GetControlType

func (c *ControlServerSideSortRequest) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlServerSideSortRequest) String

type ControlServerSideSortResponse

type ControlServerSideSortResponse struct {
	AttributeName string // Optional
	Criticality   bool
	Err           error

func (*ControlServerSideSortResponse) Encode

func (c *ControlServerSideSortResponse) Encode() (p *ber.Packet, err error)

func (*ControlServerSideSortResponse) GetControlType

func (c *ControlServerSideSortResponse) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlServerSideSortResponse) String

type ControlString

type ControlString struct {
	ControlType  string
	Criticality  bool
	ControlValue string

func NewControlManageDsaITRequest

func NewControlManageDsaITRequest(criticality bool) *ControlString

func NewControlNoOpRequest

func NewControlNoOpRequest() *ControlString

func NewControlPermissiveModifyRequest

func NewControlPermissiveModifyRequest(criticality bool) *ControlString

func NewControlString

func NewControlString(ControlType string, Criticality bool, ControlValue string) *ControlString

func NewControlSubtreeDeleteRequest

func NewControlSubtreeDeleteRequest(criticality bool) *ControlString

func (*ControlString) Encode

func (c *ControlString) Encode() (p *ber.Packet, err error)

func (*ControlString) GetControlType

func (c *ControlString) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlString) String

func (c *ControlString) String() string

type ControlVlvRequest

type ControlVlvRequest struct {
	Criticality        bool
	BeforeCount        int32
	AfterCount         int32
	ByOffset           *VlvOffSet
	GreaterThanOrEqual string
	ContextID          []byte
VirtualListViewRequest ::= SEQUENCE {
     beforeCount    INTEGER (0..maxInt),
     afterCount     INTEGER (0..maxInt),
     target       CHOICE {
                    byOffset        [0] SEQUENCE {
                         offset          INTEGER (1 .. maxInt),
                         contentCount    INTEGER (0 .. maxInt) },
                    greaterThanOrEqual [1] AssertionValue },
     contextID     OCTET STRING OPTIONAL }

func (*ControlVlvRequest) Encode

func (c *ControlVlvRequest) Encode() (*ber.Packet, error)

func (*ControlVlvRequest) GetControlType

func (c *ControlVlvRequest) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlVlvRequest) String

func (c *ControlVlvRequest) String() string

type ControlVlvResponse

type ControlVlvResponse struct {
	Criticality    bool
	TargetPosition uint64
	ContentCount   uint64
	Err            error // VirtualListViewResult
	ContextID      string

func (*ControlVlvResponse) Encode

func (c *ControlVlvResponse) Encode() (p *ber.Packet, err error)

func (*ControlVlvResponse) GetControlType

func (c *ControlVlvResponse) GetControlType() string

func (*ControlVlvResponse) String

func (c *ControlVlvResponse) String() string

type DeleteRequest

type DeleteRequest struct {
	DN       string
	Controls []Control

func NewDeleteRequest

func NewDeleteRequest(dn string) (delReq *DeleteRequest)

func (*DeleteRequest) AddControl

func (delReq *DeleteRequest) AddControl(control Control)

TDDO make generic for mod/del/search via interface.

func (*DeleteRequest) RecordType

func (req *DeleteRequest) RecordType() uint8

type Dialable

type Dialable interface {
	Dial(string, string) (net.Conn, error)

An interface for a network dialing method compatible with net.Dial()

type Dialer

type Dialer func(string, string) (net.Conn, error)

Converts a net.Dial() compatible function to Dialable

func (Dialer) Dial

func (fn Dialer) Dial(n, a string) (net.Conn, error)

type DiscreteSearchResult

type DiscreteSearchResult struct {
	SearchResultType uint8
	Entry            *Entry
	Referrals        []string
	Controls         []Control

type Entry

type Entry struct {
	DN         string
	Attributes []*EntryAttribute

func NewEntry

func NewEntry(dn string) *Entry

func (*Entry) AddAttributeValue

func (e *Entry) AddAttributeValue(attributeName, value string)

AddAttributeValue - Add a single Attr value no check is done for duplicate values.

func (*Entry) AddAttributeValues

func (e *Entry) AddAttributeValues(attributeName string, values []string)

AddAttributeValues - Add via a name and slice of values no check is done for duplicate values.

func (*Entry) GetAttributeIndex

func (e *Entry) GetAttributeIndex(Attribute string) int

func (*Entry) GetAttributeValue

func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValue(attributeName string) string

GetAttributeValue - returning an empty string is a bad idea some directory servers will return empty attr values (Sunone). Just asking for trouble.

func (*Entry) GetAttributeValues

func (e *Entry) GetAttributeValues(attributeName string) []string

func (*Entry) RecordType

func (req *Entry) RecordType() uint8

func (*Entry) String

func (e *Entry) String() string

TODO: Proper LDIF writer, currently just for testing...

type EntryAttribute

type EntryAttribute struct {
	Name   string
	Values []string

type LDAPConnection

type LDAPConnection struct {
	IsTLS bool
	IsSSL bool
	Debug bool

	Addr                        string
	NetworkConnectTimeout       time.Duration
	ReadTimeout                 time.Duration
	AbandonMessageOnReadTimeout bool

	TlsConfig *tls.Config

	Dialer Dialable
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

Conn - LDAP Connection and also pre/post connect configuation

IsTLS bool // default false
IsSSL bool // default false
Debug bool // default false
NetworkConnectTimeout time.Duration // default 0 no timeout
ReadTimeout    time.Duration // default 0 no timeout
AbandonMessageOnReadTimeout bool // send abandon on a ReadTimeout (not for searches yet)
Addr           string // default empty
Dialer         Dialable // default nil, optional network dialer to use (net.Dial()/net.DialTimeout() by default)

A minimal connection...

ldap := NewLDAPConnection("localhost",389)
err := ldap.Connect() // Connects the existing connection, or returns an error

func NewLDAPConnection

func NewLDAPConnection(server string, port uint16) *LDAPConnection

NewConn returns a new basic connection. Should start connection via Connect

func NewLDAPSSLConnection

func NewLDAPSSLConnection(server string, port uint16, tlsConfig *tls.Config) *LDAPConnection

func NewLDAPTLSConnection

func NewLDAPTLSConnection(server string, port uint16, tlsConfig *tls.Config) *LDAPConnection

func (*LDAPConnection) Abandon

func (l *LDAPConnection) Abandon(abandonMessageID uint64) error

Will return an error. Normally due to closed connection.

func (*LDAPConnection) Add

func (l *LDAPConnection) Add(req *AddRequest) error

func (*LDAPConnection) Bind

func (l *LDAPConnection) Bind(username, password string) error

Simple bind to the server. If using a timeout you should close the connection on a bind failure.

func (*LDAPConnection) Close

func (l *LDAPConnection) Close() error

Close closes the connection.

func (*LDAPConnection) Compare

func (l *LDAPConnection) Compare(req *CompareRequest) (bool, error)

func (*LDAPConnection) Connect

func (l *LDAPConnection) Connect() error

Connect connects using information in LDAPConnection. LDAPConnection should be populated with connection information.

func (*LDAPConnection) Delete

func (l *LDAPConnection) Delete(delReq *DeleteRequest) (error error)

func (*LDAPConnection) ModDn

func (l *LDAPConnection) ModDn(req *ModDnRequest) error


func (*LDAPConnection) Modify

func (l *LDAPConnection) Modify(modReq *ModifyRequest) error
func modifyTest(l *ldap.Conn){
    var modDNs []string = []string{"cn=test,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com"}
    var modAttrs []string = []string{"cn"}
    var modValues []string = []string{"aaa", "bbb", "ccc"}
	modreq := ldap.NewModifyRequest(modDNs[0])
	mod := ldap.NewMod(ldap.ModAdd, modAttrs[0], modValues)
    err := l.Modify(modreq)
	if err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Modify : %s : result = %d\n",modDNs[0],err.ResultCode)
    fmt.Printf("Modify Success")
ModifyRequest ::= [APPLICATION 6] SEQUENCE {
      object          LDAPDN,
      changes         SEQUENCE OF change SEQUENCE {
           operation       ENUMERATED {
                add     (0),
                delete  (1),
                replace (2),
                ...  },
           modification    PartialAttribute } }

func (*LDAPConnection) Search

func (l *LDAPConnection) Search(searchRequest *SearchRequest) (*SearchResult, error)

Search is a blocking search. nil error on success.

func (*LDAPConnection) SearchWithHandler

func (l *LDAPConnection) SearchWithHandler(
	searchRequest *SearchRequest, resultHandler SearchResultHandler, errorChan chan<- error,
) error

SearchWithHandler is the workhorse. Sends requests, decodes results and passes on to SearchResultHandlers to process.

SearchResultHandler, an interface, implemeneted by SearchResult.
Handles the discreteSearchResults. Can provide own implemented to work on
a result by result basis.
errorChan - if nil then blocking, else error returned via channel upon completion.
returns error if blocking.

func (*LDAPConnection) SearchWithPaging

func (l *LDAPConnection) SearchWithPaging(searchRequest *SearchRequest, pagingSize uint32) (*SearchResult, error)

SearchWithPaging adds a paging control to the the searchRequest, with a size of pagingSize. It combines all the paged results into the returned SearchResult. It is a helper function for use with servers that require paging for certain result sizes (AD?).

It is NOT an efficent way to process huge result sets i.e. it doesn't process on a pageSize number of entries, it returns the combined result.

type LDAPError

type LDAPError struct {
	ResultCode uint8
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*LDAPError) Error

func (e *LDAPError) Error() string

func (*LDAPError) Status

func (e *LDAPError) Status() string

type LDIFReader

type LDIFReader struct {
	Version string
	Charset string
	Reader  *bufio.Reader

	NoMoreEntries bool
	EntryCount    uint64
	LineCount     uint64

func NewLDIFReader

func NewLDIFReader(reader io.Reader) (*LDIFReader, error)

func (*LDIFReader) ReadLDIFEntry

func (lr *LDIFReader) ReadLDIFEntry() (LDIFRecord, error)

type LDIFRecord

type LDIFRecord interface {
	RecordType() uint8

type LDIFWriter

type LDIFWriter struct {
	Writer      *bufio.Writer
	EncAsBinary func(string) bool
	LineCount   uint64
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLDIFWriter

func NewLDIFWriter(writer io.Writer) (*LDIFWriter, error)

func (*LDIFWriter) WriteLDIFRecord

func (lw *LDIFWriter) WriteLDIFRecord(record LDIFRecord) error

type Mod

type Mod struct {
	ModOperation uint8
	Modification EntryAttribute
Reuse search struct, should Values be a [][]byte
type EntryAttribute struct {
	Name   string
	Values []string

func NewMod

func NewMod(modType uint8, attr string, values []string) (mod *Mod)

func (*Mod) DumpMod

func (mod *Mod) DumpMod() (dump string)

Basic LDIF dump, no formating, etc

type ModDnRequest

type ModDnRequest struct {
	DN            string
	NewRDN        string
	DeleteOldDn   bool
	NewSuperiorDN string
	Controls      []Control

type ModifyRequest

type ModifyRequest struct {
	DN       string
	Mods     []Mod
	Controls []Control

func NewModifyRequest

func NewModifyRequest(dn string) (req *ModifyRequest)

func (*ModifyRequest) AddControl

func (req *ModifyRequest) AddControl(control Control)

func (*ModifyRequest) AddMod

func (req *ModifyRequest) AddMod(mod *Mod)

func (*ModifyRequest) AddMods

func (req *ModifyRequest) AddMods(mods []Mod)

func (*ModifyRequest) Bytes

func (req *ModifyRequest) Bytes() []byte

func (*ModifyRequest) RecordType

func (req *ModifyRequest) RecordType() uint8

func (*ModifyRequest) String

func (req *ModifyRequest) String() (dump string)

Basic LDIF dump, no formating, etc

type SearchRequest

type SearchRequest struct {
	BaseDN       string
	Scope        int
	DerefAliases int
	SizeLimit    int
	TimeLimit    int
	TypesOnly    bool
	Filter       string
	Attributes   []string
	Controls     []Control

SearchRequest passed to Search functions.

func NewSearchRequest

func NewSearchRequest(
	BaseDN string,
	Scope, DerefAliases, SizeLimit, TimeLimit int,
	TypesOnly bool,
	Filter string,
	Attributes []string,
	Controls []Control,
) *SearchRequest

func NewSimpleSearchRequest

func NewSimpleSearchRequest(
	BaseDN string,
	Scope int,
	Filter string,
	Attributes []string,
) *SearchRequest

NewSimpleSearchRequest only requires four parameters and defaults the other returned SearchRequest values to typical values...

DerefAliases: NeverDerefAliases
SizeLimit:    0
TimeLimit:    0
TypesOnly:    false
Controls:     nil

func (*SearchRequest) AddControl

func (req *SearchRequest) AddControl(control Control)

AddControl adds the provided control to a SearchRequest

type SearchResult

type SearchResult struct {
	Entries   []*Entry
	Referrals []string
	Controls  []Control

func (*SearchResult) ProcessDiscreteResult

func (sr *SearchResult) ProcessDiscreteResult(dsr *DiscreteSearchResult, connInfo *ConnectionInfo) (stopProcessing bool, err error)

ProcessDiscreteResult handles an individual result from a server. Member of the SearchResultHandler interface. Results are placed into a SearchResult.

func (*SearchResult) String

func (sr *SearchResult) String() (dump string)

type SearchResultHandler

type SearchResultHandler interface {
	ProcessDiscreteResult(*DiscreteSearchResult, *ConnectionInfo) (bool, error)

type ServerSideSortAttrRuleOrder

type ServerSideSortAttrRuleOrder struct {
	AttributeName string
	OrderingRule  string
	ReverseOrder  bool

type TimedDialable

type TimedDialable interface {
	DialTimeout(string, string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)

An interface for a network dialing method compatible with net.DialTimeout()

type TimedDialer

type TimedDialer func(string, string, time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)

Converts a net.DialTimeout() compatible function to TimedDialable

func (TimedDialer) Dial

func (fn TimedDialer) Dial(n, a string) (net.Conn, error)

func (TimedDialer) DialTimeout

func (fn TimedDialer) DialTimeout(n, a string, t time.Duration) (net.Conn, error)

type VlvOffSet

type VlvOffSet struct {
	Offset       int32
	ContentCount int32

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