Null is a package that provides a generic nullable variable that can be used for both JSON
and SQL
- Uses a generic type for the underlying value
- Provides an easy way to test if certain struct fields were set after unmarshalling a
- Makes it easier to update only those fields in the database which were set previously. Especially in
databases using JSON
- Compatible with the standard
- If the underlying type is a custom type that the standard
package can't handle, then it is possible to implement the sql.Scanner
and driver.Valuer
interfaces for that given type to be compatible
- Possible to control how the underlying value is handled during json marshalling and unmarshalling by implementing the
and json.Unmarshaler
interfaces for the underlying type
go get -u
Usage & Examples
Below you can see how to use the package in general and also in a more complex scenario. There are a few examples in test_null.go
as well.
General usage
var nullableStr null.Var[string]
// IsSet returns if the value was set
nullableStr.IsSet() // false
// Valid returns if the value is NULL
nullableStr.Valid() // false
// Val returns the value
nullableStr.Val() // ""
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
nullableStr.IsSet() // true
nullableStr.Valid() // true
nullableStr.Val() // "foo"
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
nullableStr.IsSet() // true
nullableStr.Valid() // false
nullableStr.Val() // ""
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
nullableStr.IsSet() // false
nullableStr.Valid() // false
nullableStr.Val() // ""
Complex usage
- Let's have the following types
// custom integer type
type SiblingType int64
const (
Sister SiblingType = iota
// custom slice type
type CustomSlice []string
// custom generic map
type CustomMap[K, V comparable] map[K]V
// custom struct
type Sibling struct {
Name null.Var[string] `json:"name"`
Age null.Var[int64] `json:"age"`
Type null.Var[SiblingType] `json:"type"`
// another custom struct
type Person struct {
Name null.Var[string] `json:"name"`
Age null.Var[int64] `json:"age"`
BirthDate null.Var[time.Time] `json:"birth_date"`
Books null.Var[CustomSlice] `json:"books"`
ExamScores null.Var[CustomMap[string, int64]] `json:"exam_scores"`
Sibling null.Var[Sibling] `json:"sibling"`
- Default
var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:false valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
j, _ := json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// "name":null,
// "age":null,
// "birth_date":null,
// "books":null,
// "exam_scores":null,
// "sibling":null
// }
var s Sibling
log.Printf("%+v", s)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// "name":"Peter",
// "age":25,
// "birth_date":null,
// "books":null,
// "exam_scores":null,
// "sibling":{
// "name":"Anna",
// "age":20,
// "type":0
// }
// }
p.BirthDate.Set(time.Unix(852073200, 0))
p.Books.Set([]string{"George Orwell - 1984", "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"})
p.ExamScores.Set(CustomMap[string, int64]{
"math": 80,
"physics": 90,
j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// "name":"Peter",
// "age":25,
// "birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
// "books":[
// "George Orwell - 1984",
// "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"
// ],
// "exam_scores":{
// "math":80,
// "physics":90
// },
// "sibling":{
// "name":"Anna",
// "age":20,
// "type":0
// }
// }
- Implement
marshaler for Person
and Sibling
// NOTE:
// It is better to implement a generic function that can turn a struct into a map.
// Then in the MarshalJSON implementations, turn the structure into a map, loop through each item and
// do a type switch for nullable variables (each type of null.Var used in the original struct should have a case) and
// just filter out those variables which were not set.
// To keep this example clean, we will just manually check each field instead.
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (s Sibling) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
m := map[string]any{}
if s.Name.IsSet() {
m["name"] = s.Name
if s.Age.IsSet() {
m["age"] = s.Age
if s.Type.IsSet() {
m["type"] = s.Type
return json.Marshal(m)
// MarshalJSON implements the json.Marshaler interface
func (p Person) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
m := map[string]any{}
if p.Name.IsSet() {
m["name"] = p.Name
if p.Age.IsSet() {
m["age"] = p.Age
if p.BirthDate.IsSet() {
m["birth_date"] = p.BirthDate
if p.Books.IsSet() {
m["books"] = p.Books
if p.ExamScores.IsSet() {
m["exam_scores"] = p.ExamScores
if p.Sibling.IsSet() {
m["sibling"] = p.Sibling
return json.Marshal(m)
var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:false valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
j, _ := json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {}
var s Sibling
log.Printf("%+v", s)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// "age":25,
// "name":"Peter",
// "sibling":{
// "age":20,
// "name":"Anna",
// "type":0
// }
// }
p.BirthDate.Set(time.Unix(852073200, 0))
p.Books.Set([]string{"George Orwell - 1984", "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"})
p.ExamScores.Set(CustomMap[string, int64]{
"math": 80,
"physics": 90,
j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// "age":25,
// "birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
// "books":[
// "George Orwell - 1984",
// "Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"
// ],
// "exam_scores":{
// "math":80,
// "physics":90
// },
// "name":"Peter",
// "sibling":{
// "age":20,
// "name":"Anna",
// "type":0
// }
// }
p.Books.SetNil() // will be null
p.ExamScores.Unset() // will be unset
p.Sibling.Unset() // will be unset
j, _ = json.Marshal(p)
log.Printf("%s", j)
// {
// "age":25,
// "birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00",
// "books":null,
// "name":"Peter"
// }
- Default
var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:false valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
jsonStr1 := []byte(`{}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr1, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:false valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
p = Person{} // reset variale
jsonStr2 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":0}}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr2, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Peter}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:25}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:true valid:true value:{
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Anna}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:20}
// Type: {set:true valid:true value:0}
// }
// }
// }
p = Person{} // reset variale
jsonStr3 := []byte(`{"age":25,"birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00","books":["George Orwell - 1984","Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers"],"exam_scores":{"math":80,"physics":90},"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":0}}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr3, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Peter}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:25}
// BirthDate: {set:true valid:true value:{wall:0 ext:62987670000 loc:0x2ca260}}
// Books: {set:true valid:true value:[George Orwell - 1984 Stephen E. Ambrose - Band of Brothers]}
// ExamScores: {set:true valid:true value:map[math:80 physics:90]}
// Sibling: {set:true valid:true value:{
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Anna}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:20}
// Type: {set:true valid:true value:0}
// }
// }
// }
p = Person{} // reset variale
jsonStr4 := []byte(`{"age":25,"birth_date":"1997-01-01T00:00:00+01:00","books":null,"name":"Peter"}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr4, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Peter}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:25}
// BirthDate: {set:true valid:true value:{wall:0 ext:62987670000 loc:0x2ca260}}
// Books: {set:true valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:false valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
- Implement
unmarshaler for SiblingType
// UnmarshalJSON implements the json.Unmarshaler interface
func (st *SiblingType) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
// null value already handled by null.Var,
// so we don't need to check for that here
str := string(data)
if str == "brother" {
*st = Brother
} else if str == "sister" {
*st = Sister
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid type for %T", st)
return nil
var p Person
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:false valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
jsonStr1 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":"sister"}}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr1, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Peter}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:25}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:true valid:true value:{
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Anna}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:20}
// Type: {set:true valid:true value:0}
// }
// }
// }
p = Person{}
jsonStr2 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":{"age":20,"name":"Anna","type":"foo"}}`)
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonStr2, &p)
log.Printf("%v", err)
// invalid type for *SiblingType
p = Person{}
jsonStr3 := []byte(`{"age":25,"name":"Peter","sibling":null}`)
_ = json.Unmarshal(jsonStr3, &p)
log.Printf("%+v", p)
// {
// Name: {set:true valid:true value:Peter}
// Age: {set:true valid:true value:25}
// BirthDate: {set:false valid:false value:{wall:0 ext:0 loc:<nil>}}
// Books: {set:false valid:false value:[]}
// ExamScores: {set:false valid:false value:map[]}
// Sibling: {set:true valid:false value:{
// Name: {set:false valid:false value:}
// Age: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// Type: {set:false valid:false value:0}
// }
// }
// }
- Use with the
// NOTE:
// If the underlying value is not compatible with the database/sql package by default,
// then implement sql.Scanner and driver.Valuer interfaces for the underlying type
var p Person
// Exec
// If any of the variables are not set or set to NULL, then NULL will be inserted
_ = db.Exec(/* query */, p.Age, p.Name)
// Scan
// If any of the values scanned will be NULL, then the IsValid() will return false.
// IsSet() will return true for every field used in the scan.
_ = db.QueryRow(/* query */, &p.Age, &p.Name)