CSR with Google Cloud KMS
Quick utility tool that creates a CSR cert and signs it with a private key coming from Google Cloud KMS or HSM.
The private key never leaves Google, everyone is happy. The CSR can then be used to get cert from CA.
I would've done it with openssl
, but there is no Google Cloud KMS engine available. (Sept. 2018)
go build -o csr
./csr -key <key-resource-id> -out my.csr --common-name MyOrg
Get the key-resource-id by running the following command:
gcloud kms keys versions list --key <keyname> --keyring <keyring-name> --location=<region>
Key Resource Id Version has the following format:
Make sure to use an asymmetric key.
You can verify my.csr
openssl req -text -noout -verify -in my.csr
Google's application credentials are used for authenticating with the Google API.
If you haven't done so already, you can set the application default credentials locally with:
gcloud auth application-default login