Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AddAncillaryPermissions(permissions []string) []string
- func AppErrorFromJSON(r io.Reader) error
- func AppErrorInit(t i18n.TranslateFunc)
- func ArrayFromInterface(data any) []string
- func ArrayFromJSON(data io.Reader) []stringdeprecated
- func ArrayToJSON(objmap []string) string
- func AuditModelTypeConv(val any) (newVal any, converted bool)
- func ChannelMentions(message string) []string
- func ChannelModeratedPermissionsChangedByPatch(role *Role, patch *RolePatch) []string
- func CleanRoleNames(roleNames []string) ([]string, bool)
- func CleanTeamName(s string) string
- func CleanUsername(logger mlog.LoggerIFace, username string) string
- func ClearMentionTags(post string) string
- func CompliancePostHeader() []string
- func ContainsIntegrationsReservedProps(props StringInterface) []string
- func CopyStringMap(originalMap map[string]string) map[string]string
- func DecryptPostActionCookie(encoded string, secret []byte) (string, error)
- func EmailInviteWithErrorToEmails(o []*EmailInviteWithError) []string
- func EmailInviteWithErrorToString(o *EmailInviteWithError) string
- func Etag(parts ...any) string
- func FloorToNearestHour(ms int64) int64
- func GenerateLinkMetadataHash(url string, timestamp int64) int64
- func GetDMNameFromIds(userId1, userId2 string) string
- func GetDefaultAppCustomURLSchemes() []string
- func GetEmojiNameFromUnicode(unicode string) (emojiName string, count int)
- func GetEndOfDayMillis(thisTime time.Time, timeZoneOffset int) int64
- func GetEtagForFileInfos(infos []*FileInfo) string
- func GetGroupDisplayNameFromUsers(users []*User, truncate bool) string
- func GetGroupNameFromUserIds(userIds []string) string
- func GetMillis() int64
- func GetMillisForTime(thisTime time.Time) int64
- func GetPreferredTimezone(timezone StringMap) string
- func GetPreviousVersion(version string) string
- func GetReportDateRange(dateRange string, now time.Time) (int64, int64)
- func GetServerIPAddress(iface string) string
- func GetServiceEnvironment() string
- func GetStartOfDayMillis(thisTime time.Time, timeZoneOffset int) int64
- func GetSystemEmojiId(emojiName string) (string, bool)
- func GetTimeForMillis(millis int64) time.Time
- func HashPassword(password string) (string, error)
- func IncomingWebhookRequestFromJSON(data io.Reader) (*IncomingWebhookRequest, *AppError)
- func IsBotDMChannel(channel *Channel, botUserID string) bool
- func IsChannelAutoFollowThreadsValid(channelAutoFollowThreads string) bool
- func IsChannelMarkUnreadLevelValid(markUnreadLevel string) bool
- func IsChannelNotifyLevelValid(notifyLevel string) bool
- func IsCloud() bool
- func IsCurrentVersion(versionToCheck string) bool
- func IsIgnoreChannelMentionsValid(ignoreChannelMentions string) bool
- func IsInRole(userRoles string, inRole string) bool
- func IsPreviousVersionsSupported(versionToCheck string) bool
- func IsReservedTeamName(s string) bool
- func IsSendEmailValid(sendEmail string) bool
- func IsSystemEmojiName(emojiName string) bool
- func IsValidAlphaNumHyphenUnderscore(s string, withFormat bool) bool
- func IsValidAlphaNumHyphenUnderscorePlus(s string) bool
- func IsValidCategoryId(s string) bool
- func IsValidChannelIdentifier(s string) bool
- func IsValidEmail(email string) bool
- func IsValidHTTPURL(rawURL string) bool
- func IsValidId(value string) bool
- func IsValidJobStatus(status string) bool
- func IsValidJobType(jobType string) bool
- func IsValidLocale(locale string) bool
- func IsValidPluginId(id string) bool
- func IsValidRemoteName(s string) bool
- func IsValidReportExportFormat(format string) bool
- func IsValidRoleName(roleName string) bool
- func IsValidSchemeName(name string) bool
- func IsValidTeamName(s string) bool
- func IsValidUserRoles(userRoles string) bool
- func IsValidUsername(s string) bool
- func IsValidUsernameAllowRemote(s string) bool
- func MakeDefaultRoles() map[string]*Role
- func MapBoolFromJSON(data io.Reader) map[string]bool
- func MapBoolToJSON(objmap map[string]bool) string
- func MapFromJSON(data io.Reader) map[string]string
- func MapToJSON(objmap map[string]string) string
- func NewId() string
- func NewPluginKeyValueFromOptions(pluginId, key string, value []byte, opt PluginKVSetOptions) (*PluginKeyValue, *AppError)
- func NewPointer[T any](t T) *T
- func NewRandomString(length int) string
- func NewRandomTeamName() string
- func NewUsername() string
- func NonSortedArrayFromJSON(data io.Reader) ([]string, error)
- func NormalizeEmail(email string) string
- func NormalizeRemoteName(name string) string
- func NormalizeUsername(username string) string
- func PadDateStringZeros(dateString string) string
- func ParseHashtags(text string) (string, string)
- func ParseSlackAttachment(post *Post, attachments []*SlackAttachment)
- func ParseSlackLinksToMarkdown(text string) string
- func PermissionsChangedByPatch(role *Role, patch *RolePatch) []string
- func RemoveDuplicateStrings(in []string) []string
- func RemoveDuplicateStringsNonSort(in []string) []string
- func RewriteImageURLs(message string, f func(string) string) string
- func RuneToHexadecimalString(r rune) string
- func SafeDereference[T any](t *T) T
- func SanitizeUnicode(s string) string
- func SortedArrayFromJSON(data io.Reader) ([]string, error)
- func SplitVersion(version string) (int64, int64, int64)
- func StatusListToJSON(u []*Status) ([]byte, error)
- func StatusMapToInterfaceMap(statusMap map[string]*Status) map[string]any
- func StringInterfaceFromJSON(data io.Reader) map[string]any
- func StringInterfaceToJSON(objmap map[string]any) string
- func StructFromJSONLimited[V any](data io.Reader, obj *V) error
- func TeamMemberWithErrorToString(o *TeamMemberWithError) string
- func ToJSON(v any) []byte
- func TruncateOpenGraph(ogdata *opengraph.OpenGraph) *opengraph.OpenGraph
- type AccessData
- type AccessResponse
- type AddOn
- type Address
- type AllowedIPRange
- type AllowedIPRanges
- type AnalyticsPostCountsOptions
- type AnalyticsRow
- type AnalyticsRows
- type AnalyticsSettings
- type AnnouncementSettings
- type AppError
- func DecodeAndVerifyTriggerId(triggerId string, s *ecdsa.PrivateKey, timeout time.Duration) (string, string, *AppError)
- func GenerateTriggerId(userId string, s crypto.Signer) (string, string, *AppError)
- func InvalidTermsOfServiceError(fieldName string, termsOfServiceId string) *AppError
- func InvalidUserError(fieldName, userId string, fieldValue any) *AppError
- func InvalidUserTermsOfServiceError(fieldName string, userTermsOfServiceId string) *AppError
- func IsChannelMemberNotifyPropsValid(notifyProps map[string]string, allowMissingFields bool) *AppError
- func IsSearchParamsListValid(paramsList []*SearchParams) *AppError
- func IsValidEmojiName(name string) *AppError
- func MakeBotNotFoundError(where, userId string) *AppError
- func MakePermissionError(s *Session, permissions []*Permission) *AppError
- func MakePermissionErrorForUser(userId string, permissions []*Permission) *AppError
- func MinimumProfessionalProvidedLicense(license *License) *AppError
- func NewAppError(where string, id string, params map[string]any, details string, status int) *AppError
- func (er *AppError) Error() string
- func (er *AppError) SystemMessage(T i18n.TranslateFunc) string
- func (er *AppError) ToJSON() string
- func (er *AppError) Translate(T i18n.TranslateFunc)
- func (er *AppError) Unwrap() error
- func (er *AppError) WipeDetailed()
- func (er *AppError) Wrap(err error) *AppError
- type AppliedMigration
- type Attribute
- type AttributeValue
- type Audit
- type Audits
- type AuthData
- type AuthorizeRequest
- type AutocompleteArg
- type AutocompleteArgType
- type AutocompleteData
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddCommand(command *AutocompleteData)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddDynamicListArgument(helpText, url string, required bool)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddNamedDynamicListArgument(name, helpText, url string, required bool)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddNamedStaticListArgument(name, helpText string, required bool, items []AutocompleteListItem)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddNamedTextArgument(name, helpText, hint, pattern string, required bool)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddStaticListArgument(helpText string, required bool, items []AutocompleteListItem)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) AddTextArgument(helpText, hint, pattern string)
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) Equals(command *AutocompleteData) bool
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) IsValid() error
- func (ad *AutocompleteData) UpdateRelativeURLsForPluginCommands(baseURL *url.URL) error
- type AutocompleteDynamicListArg
- type AutocompleteListItem
- type AutocompleteStaticListArg
- type AutocompleteSuggestion
- type AutocompleteTextArg
- type BaseMarketplacePlugin
- type BillingScheme
- type BillingType
- type Bitmask
- type BleveSettings
- type Bot
- func (b *Bot) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (b *Bot) Clone() *Bot
- func (b *Bot) Etag() string
- func (b *Bot) IsValid() *AppError
- func (b *Bot) IsValidCreate() *AppError
- func (b *Bot) Patch(patch *BotPatch)
- func (b *Bot) PreSave()
- func (b *Bot) PreUpdate()
- func (b *Bot) Trace() map[string]any
- func (b *Bot) WouldPatch(patch *BotPatch) bool
- type BotGetOptions
- type BotList
- type BotPatch
- type BulkExportOpts
- type BundleInfo
- type CWSWebhookPayload
- type CacheSettings
- type Channel
- func (o *Channel) AddProp(key string, value any)
- func (o *Channel) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *Channel) DeepCopy() *Channel
- func (o *Channel) Etag() string
- func (o *Channel) GetBothUsersForDM() (string, string)
- func (o *Channel) GetOtherUserIdForDM(userId string) string
- func (o *Channel) IsGroupConstrained() bool
- func (o *Channel) IsGroupOrDirect() bool
- func (o *Channel) IsOpen() bool
- func (o *Channel) IsShared() bool
- func (o *Channel) IsValid() *AppError
- func (o *Channel) LogClone() any
- func (o *Channel) MakeNonNil()
- func (o *Channel) Patch(patch *ChannelPatch)
- func (o *Channel) PreSave()
- func (o *Channel) PreUpdate()
- func (o *Channel) Sanitize() Channel
- type ChannelBookmark
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) Clone() *ChannelBookmark
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) IsValid() *AppError
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) Patch(patch *ChannelBookmarkPatch)
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) PreSave()
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) PreUpdate()
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) SetOriginal(newOwnerId string) *ChannelBookmark
- func (o *ChannelBookmark) ToBookmarkWithFileInfo(f *FileInfo) *ChannelBookmarkWithFileInfo
- type ChannelBookmarkAndFileInfo
- type ChannelBookmarkPatch
- type ChannelBookmarkType
- type ChannelBookmarkWithFileInfo
- type ChannelCounts
- type ChannelData
- type ChannelForExport
- type ChannelList
- type ChannelListWithTeamData
- type ChannelMember
- func (o *ChannelMember) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *ChannelMember) GetRoles() []string
- func (o *ChannelMember) IsChannelMuted() bool
- func (o *ChannelMember) IsValid() *AppError
- func (o *ChannelMember) PreSave()
- func (o *ChannelMember) PreUpdate()
- func (o *ChannelMember) SetChannelMuted(muted bool)
- type ChannelMemberCountByGroup
- type ChannelMemberForExport
- type ChannelMemberHistory
- type ChannelMemberHistoryResult
- type ChannelMemberIdentifier
- type ChannelMemberWithTeamData
- type ChannelMembers
- type ChannelMembersWithTeamData
- type ChannelMentionMap
- type ChannelModeratedRole
- type ChannelModeratedRoles
- type ChannelModeratedRolesPatch
- type ChannelModeration
- type ChannelModerationPatch
- type ChannelOption
- type ChannelPatch
- type ChannelSearch
- type ChannelSearchOpts
- type ChannelStats
- type ChannelType
- type ChannelUnread
- type ChannelUnreadAt
- type ChannelView
- type ChannelViewResponse
- type ChannelWithBookmarks
- type ChannelWithTeamData
- type ChannelWithTeamDataAndBookmarks
- type ChannelsWithCount
- type Client4
- func (c *Client4) AcknowledgePost(ctx context.Context, postId, userId string) (*PostAcknowledgement, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddChannelMember(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId string) (*ChannelMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddChannelMemberWithRootId(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId, postRootId string) (*ChannelMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddChannelMembers(ctx context.Context, channelId, postRootId string, userIds []string) ([]*ChannelMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddChannelsToRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, channelIDs []string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddTeamMember(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId string) (*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddTeamMemberFromInvite(ctx context.Context, token, inviteId string) (*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddTeamMembers(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userIds []string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddTeamMembersGracefully(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userIds []string) ([]*TeamMemberWithError, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddTeamsToRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, teamIDs []string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AddUserToGroupSyncables(ctx context.Context, userID string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ApplyIPFilters(ctx context.Context, allowedRanges *AllowedIPRanges) (*AllowedIPRanges, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ArrayFromJSON(data io.Reader) []string
- func (c *Client4) AssignBot(ctx context.Context, botUserId, newOwnerId string) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AttachDeviceProps(ctx context.Context, newProps map[string]string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AuthorizeOAuthApp(ctx context.Context, authRequest *AuthorizeRequest) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AutocompleteChannelsForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId, name string) (ChannelList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AutocompleteChannelsForTeamForSearch(ctx context.Context, teamId, name string) (ChannelList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AutocompleteEmoji(ctx context.Context, name string, etag string) ([]*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AutocompleteUsers(ctx context.Context, username string, limit int, etag string) (*UserAutocomplete, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AutocompleteUsersInChannel(ctx context.Context, teamId string, channelId string, username string, ...) (*UserAutocomplete, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) AutocompleteUsersInTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, username string, limit int, etag string) (*UserAutocomplete, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CancelJob(ctx context.Context, jobId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ChannelMembersMinusGroupMembers(ctx context.Context, channelID string, groupIDs []string, page, perPage int, ...) ([]*UserWithGroups, int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CheckCWSConnection(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CheckIntegrity(ctx context.Context) ([]IntegrityCheckResult, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ClearOAuthToken()
- func (c *Client4) ClearServerBusy(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CompleteOnboarding(ctx context.Context, request *CompleteOnboardingRequest) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ConvertBotToUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, userPatch *UserPatch, setSystemAdmin bool) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ConvertUserToBot(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateBot(ctx context.Context, bot *Bot) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateChannel(ctx context.Context, channel *Channel) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateChannelBookmark(ctx context.Context, channelBookmark *ChannelBookmark) (*ChannelBookmarkWithFileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *Command) (*Command, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, report *Compliance) (*Compliance, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateDataRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policy *RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateDirectChannel(ctx context.Context, userId1, userId2 string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateEmoji(ctx context.Context, emoji *Emoji, image []byte, filename string) (*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateGroup(ctx context.Context, group *Group) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateGroupChannel(ctx context.Context, userIds []string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateIncomingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hook *IncomingWebhook) (*IncomingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateJob(ctx context.Context, job *Job) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateOAuthApp(ctx context.Context, app *OAuthApp) (*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateOutgoingOAuthConnection(ctx context.Context, connection *OutgoingOAuthConnection) (*OutgoingOAuthConnection, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateOutgoingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hook *OutgoingWebhook) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreatePost(ctx context.Context, post *Post) (*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreatePostEphemeral(ctx context.Context, post *PostEphemeral) (*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateRemoteCluster(ctx context.Context, rcWithPassword *RemoteClusterWithPassword) (*RemoteClusterWithInvite, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateScheduledPost(ctx context.Context, scheduledPost *ScheduledPost) (*ScheduledPost, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateScheme(ctx context.Context, scheme *Scheme) (*Scheme, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID string, ...) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateTeam(ctx context.Context, team *Team) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateTermsOfService(ctx context.Context, text, userId string) (*TermsOfService, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateUpload(ctx context.Context, us *UploadSession) (*UploadSession, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateUserAccessToken(ctx context.Context, userId, description string) (*UserAccessToken, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateUserWithInviteId(ctx context.Context, user *User, inviteId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) CreateUserWithToken(ctx context.Context, user *User, tokenId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DatabaseRecycle(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeauthorizeOAuthApp(ctx context.Context, appId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteBrandImage(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteChannelBookmark(ctx context.Context, channelId, bookmarkId string) (*ChannelBookmarkWithFileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteCommand(ctx context.Context, commandId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteDataRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteDraft(ctx context.Context, userId, channelId, rootId string) (*Draft, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteEmoji(ctx context.Context, emojiId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteExport(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteGroupMembers(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userIds *GroupModifyMembers) ([]*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteIncomingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hookID string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteLdapPrivateCertificate(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteLdapPublicCertificate(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteOAuthApp(ctx context.Context, appId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteOutgoingOAuthConnection(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteOutgoingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hookId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeletePost(ctx context.Context, postId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeletePreferences(ctx context.Context, userId string, preferences Preferences) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteReaction(ctx context.Context, reaction *Reaction) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteRemoteCluster(ctx context.Context, remoteClusterId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteSamlIdpCertificate(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteSamlPrivateCertificate(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteSamlPublicCertificate(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteScheduledPost(ctx context.Context, scheduledPostId string) (*ScheduledPost, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteScheme(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DemoteUserToGuest(ctx context.Context, guestId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DetachPlugin(ctx context.Context, pluginID string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DisableBot(ctx context.Context, botUserId string) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DisablePlugin(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DisableUserAccessToken(ctx context.Context, tokenId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIDelete(ctx context.Context, url string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIDeleteBytes(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIGet(ctx context.Context, url string, etag string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIPatchBytes(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIPost(ctx context.Context, url string, data string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIPostBytes(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIPut(ctx context.Context, url string, data string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIPutBytes(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIRequest(ctx context.Context, method, url, data, etag string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIRequestBytes(ctx context.Context, method, url string, data []byte, etag string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIRequestReader(ctx context.Context, method, url string, data io.Reader, ...) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoAPIRequestWithHeaders(ctx context.Context, method, url, data string, headers map[string]string) (*http.Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoEmojiUploadFile(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte, contentType string) (*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoPostAction(ctx context.Context, postId, actionId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoPostActionWithCookie(ctx context.Context, postId, actionId, selected, cookieStr string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoUploadFile(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte, contentType string) (*FileUploadResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DoUploadImportTeam(ctx context.Context, url string, data []byte, contentType string) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, reportId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadExport(ctx context.Context, name string, wr io.Writer, offset int64) (int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadFile(ctx context.Context, fileId string, download bool) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadFilePreview(ctx context.Context, fileId string, download bool) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadFileThumbnail(ctx context.Context, fileId string, download bool) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadJob(ctx context.Context, jobId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) DownloadLogs(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) EnableBot(ctx context.Context, botUserId string) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) EnablePlugin(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) EnableUserAccessToken(ctx context.Context, tokenId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ExecuteCommand(ctx context.Context, channelId, command string) (*CommandResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ExecuteCommandWithTeam(ctx context.Context, channelId, teamId, command string) (*CommandResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GenerateMfaSecret(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*MfaSecret, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GeneratePresignedURL(ctx context.Context, name string) (*PresignURLResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GenerateRemoteClusterInvite(ctx context.Context, remoteClusterId, password string) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GenerateSupportPacket(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetActiveUsersInTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllChannels(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllChannelsExcludePolicyConstrained(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int, etag string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllChannelsIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllChannelsWithCount(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllRoles(ctx context.Context) ([]*Role, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllSharedChannels(ctx context.Context, teamID string, page, perPage int) ([]*SharedChannel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllTeams(ctx context.Context, etag string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllTeamsExcludePolicyConstrained(ctx context.Context, etag string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAllTeamsWithTotalCount(ctx context.Context, etag string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAnalyticsOld(ctx context.Context, name, teamId string) (AnalyticsRows, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAncillaryPermissions(ctx context.Context, subsectionPermissions []string) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAppliedSchemaMigrations(ctx context.Context) ([]AppliedMigration, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAudits(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) (Audits, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetAuthorizedOAuthAppsForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, page, perPage int) ([]*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBot(ctx context.Context, userId string, etag string) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBotIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, userId string, etag string) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBots(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBotsIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBotsOrphaned(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBrandImage(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetBulkReactions(ctx context.Context, postIds []string) (map[string][]*Reaction, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId, etag string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelByName(ctx context.Context, channelName, teamId string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamName(ctx context.Context, channelName, teamName string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameForTeamNameIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, channelName, teamName string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelByNameIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, channelName, teamId string, etag string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMember(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId, etag string) (*ChannelMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMemberCountsByGroup(ctx context.Context, channelID string, includeTimezones bool, etag string) ([]*ChannelMemberCountByGroup, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembers(ctx context.Context, channelId string, page, perPage int, etag string) (ChannelMembers, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersByIds(ctx context.Context, channelId string, userIds []string) (ChannelMembers, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersForUser(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId, etag string) (ChannelMembers, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersTimezones(ctx context.Context, channelId string) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelMembersWithTeamData(ctx context.Context, userID string, page, perPage int) (ChannelMembersWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelModerations(ctx context.Context, channelID string, etag string) ([]*ChannelModeration, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelPoliciesForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, offset, limit int) (*RetentionPolicyForChannelList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelStats(ctx context.Context, channelId string, etag string, excludeFilesCount bool) (*ChannelStats, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelUnread(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId string) (*ChannelUnread, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, page, perPage int) (*ChannelsWithCount, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForScheme(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, page int, perPage int) (ChannelList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForTeamAndUserWithLastDeleteAt(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId string, includeDeleted bool, ...) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId string, includeDeleted bool, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelsForUserWithLastDeleteAt(ctx context.Context, userID string, lastDeleteAt int) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetChannelsMemberCount(ctx context.Context, channelIDs []string) (map[string]int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetCloudCustomer(ctx context.Context) (*CloudCustomer, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetCloudProducts(ctx context.Context) ([]*Product, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetClusterStatus(ctx context.Context) ([]*ClusterInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetCommandById(ctx context.Context, cmdId string) (*Command, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReport(ctx context.Context, reportId string) (*Compliance, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetComplianceReports(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int) (Compliances, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetConfig(ctx context.Context) (*Config, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicies(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPoliciesCount(ctx context.Context) (int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context) (*GlobalRetentionPolicy, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDataRetentionPolicyByID(ctx context.Context, policyID string) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDefaultProfileImage(ctx context.Context, userId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDeletedChannelsForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetDrafts(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId string) ([]*Draft, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEditHistoryForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string) ([]*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEmoji(ctx context.Context, emojiId string) (*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEmojiByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEmojiImage(ctx context.Context, emojiId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEmojiList(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int) ([]*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEmojisByNames(ctx context.Context, names []string) ([]*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetEnvironmentConfig(ctx context.Context) (map[string]any, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFile(ctx context.Context, fileId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFileInfo(ctx context.Context, fileId string) (*FileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFileInfosForPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, etag string) ([]*FileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFileInfosForPostIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, postId string, etag string) ([]*FileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFileLink(ctx context.Context, fileId string) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFilePreview(ctx context.Context, fileId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFileThumbnail(ctx context.Context, fileId string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFilteredUsersStats(ctx context.Context, options *UserCountOptions) (*UsersStats, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, page int, perPage int) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUserInChannel(ctx context.Context, userId string, channelId string, page int, perPage int) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetFlaggedPostsForUserInTeam(ctx context.Context, userId string, teamId string, page int, perPage int) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID, etag string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupMembers(ctx context.Context, groupID string) (*GroupMemberList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupStats(ctx context.Context, groupID string) (*GroupStats, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID, syncableID string, ...) (*GroupSyncable, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupSyncables(ctx context.Context, groupID string, syncableType GroupSyncableType, ...) ([]*GroupSyncable, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroups(ctx context.Context, opts GroupSearchOpts) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupsAssociatedToChannelsByTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, opts GroupSearchOpts) (map[string][]*GroupWithSchemeAdmin, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupsByChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string, opts GroupSearchOpts) ([]*GroupWithSchemeAdmin, int, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupsByTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, opts GroupSearchOpts) ([]*GroupWithSchemeAdmin, int, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetGroupsByUserId(ctx context.Context, userId string) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetIPFilters(ctx context.Context) (*AllowedIPRanges, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hookID string, etag string) (*IncomingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhooks(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*IncomingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhooksForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*IncomingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetIncomingWebhooksWithCount(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) (*IncomingWebhooksWithCount, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetInvoicesForSubscription(ctx context.Context) ([]*Invoice, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetJob(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Job, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetJobs(ctx context.Context, jobType string, status string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Job, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetJobsByType(ctx context.Context, jobType string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Job, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetKnownUsers(ctx context.Context) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetLdapGroups(ctx context.Context) ([]*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetLogs(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetMarketplacePlugins(ctx context.Context, filter *MarketplacePluginFilter) ([]*MarketplacePlugin, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetMe(ctx context.Context, etag string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetMyIP(ctx context.Context) (*GetIPAddressResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetNewUsersInTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetNotices(ctx context.Context, lastViewed int64, teamId string, client NoticeClientType, ...) (NoticeMessages, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOAuthAccessToken(ctx context.Context, data url.Values) (*AccessResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOAuthApp(ctx context.Context, appId string) (*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOAuthAppInfo(ctx context.Context, appId string) (*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOAuthApps(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int) ([]*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOldClientConfig(ctx context.Context, etag string) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOldClientLicense(ctx context.Context, etag string) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingOAuthConnection(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OutgoingOAuthConnection, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingOAuthConnections(ctx context.Context, filters OutgoingOAuthConnectionGetConnectionsFilter) ([]*OutgoingOAuthConnection, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hookId string) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooks(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksForChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetOutgoingWebhooksForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPing(ctx context.Context) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPingWithFullServerStatus(ctx context.Context) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPingWithOptions(ctx context.Context, options SystemPingOptions) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPingWithServerStatus(ctx context.Context) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPinnedPosts(ctx context.Context, channelId string, etag string) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPluginStatuses(ctx context.Context) (PluginStatuses, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPlugins(ctx context.Context) (*PluginsResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, etag string) (*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostIncludeDeleted(ctx context.Context, postId string, etag string) (*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostInfo(ctx context.Context, postId string) (*PostInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostThread(ctx context.Context, postId string, etag string, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostThreadWithOpts(ctx context.Context, postID string, etag string, opts GetPostsOptions) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsAfter(ctx context.Context, channelId, postId string, page, perPage int, etag string, ...) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsAroundLastUnread(ctx context.Context, userId, channelId string, limitBefore, limitAfter int, ...) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsBefore(ctx context.Context, channelId, postId string, page, perPage int, etag string, ...) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsByIds(ctx context.Context, postIds []string) ([]*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsForChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string, page, perPage int, etag string, ...) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsSince(ctx context.Context, channelId string, time int64, collapsedThreads bool) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPostsUsage(ctx context.Context) (*PostsUsage, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPreferenceByCategoryAndName(ctx context.Context, userId string, category string, preferenceName string) (*Preference, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPreferences(ctx context.Context, userId string) (Preferences, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPreferencesByCategory(ctx context.Context, userId string, category string) (Preferences, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPrivateChannelsForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetProductLimits(ctx context.Context) (*ProductLimits, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetProfileImage(ctx context.Context, userId, etag string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, channelIds []string) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetPublicChannelsForTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetReactions(ctx context.Context, postId string) ([]*Reaction, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRecentlyActiveUsersInTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRedirectLocation(ctx context.Context, urlParam, etag string) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRemoteCluster(ctx context.Context, remoteClusterId string) (*RemoteCluster, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRemoteClusterInfo(ctx context.Context, remoteID string) (RemoteClusterInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRemoteClusters(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int, filter RemoteClusterQueryFilter) ([]*RemoteCluster, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRole(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Role, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRoleByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Role, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetRolesByNames(ctx context.Context, roleNames []string) ([]*Role, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSamlCertificateStatus(ctx context.Context) (*SamlCertificateStatus, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSamlMetadata(ctx context.Context) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSamlMetadataFromIdp(ctx context.Context, samlMetadataURL string) (*SamlMetadataResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetScheme(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Scheme, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSchemes(ctx context.Context, scope string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Scheme, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSelfHostedProducts(ctx context.Context) ([]*Product, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetServerBusy(ctx context.Context) (*ServerBusyState, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetServerLimits(ctx context.Context) (*ServerLimits, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSessions(ctx context.Context, userId, etag string) ([]*Session, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSharedChannelRemotesByRemoteCluster(ctx context.Context, remoteId string, filter SharedChannelRemoteFilterOpts, ...) ([]*SharedChannelRemote, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSidebarCategoriesForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID, etag string) (*OrderedSidebarCategories, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID, categoryID, etag string) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSidebarCategoryOrderForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID, etag string) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSortedEmojiList(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int, sort string) ([]*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetStorageUsage(ctx context.Context) (*StorageUsage, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSubscription(ctx context.Context) (*Subscription, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetSupportedTimezone(ctx context.Context) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId, etag string) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamByName(ctx context.Context, name, etag string) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamIcon(ctx context.Context, teamId, etag string) ([]byte, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamInviteInfo(ctx context.Context, inviteId string) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamMember(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId, etag string) (*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembers(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersByIds(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userIds []string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, etag string) ([]*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamMembersSortAndWithoutDeletedUsers(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, sort string, ...) ([]*TeamMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamPoliciesForUser(ctx context.Context, userID string, offset, limit int) (*RetentionPolicyForTeamList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamStats(ctx context.Context, teamId, etag string) (*TeamStats, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamUnread(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId string) (*TeamUnread, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, page, perPage int) (*TeamsWithCount, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForScheme(ctx context.Context, schemeId string, page int, perPage int) ([]*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamsForUser(ctx context.Context, userId, etag string) ([]*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamsUnreadForUser(ctx context.Context, userId, teamIdToExclude string, ...) ([]*TeamUnread, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTeamsUsage(ctx context.Context) (*TeamsUsage, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTermsOfService(ctx context.Context, etag string) (*TermsOfService, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetTotalUsersStats(ctx context.Context, etag string) (*UsersStats, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUpload(ctx context.Context, uploadId string) (*UploadSession, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUploadsForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string) ([]*UploadSession, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUser(ctx context.Context, userId, etag string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessToken(ctx context.Context, tokenId string) (*UserAccessToken, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessTokens(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int) ([]*UserAccessToken, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserAccessTokensForUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, page, perPage int) ([]*UserAccessToken, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserAudits(ctx context.Context, userId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) (Audits, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserByEmail(ctx context.Context, email, etag string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserByUsername(ctx context.Context, userName, etag string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserScheduledPosts(ctx context.Context, teamId string, includeDirectChannels bool) (map[string][]*ScheduledPost, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserStatus(ctx context.Context, userId, etag string) (*Status, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserTermsOfService(ctx context.Context, userId, etag string) (*UserTermsOfService, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserThread(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId, threadId string, extended bool) (*ThreadResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUserThreads(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId string, options GetUserThreadsOpts) (*Threads, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsers(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersByGroupChannelIds(ctx context.Context, groupChannelIds []string) (map[string][]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersByIds(ctx context.Context, userIds []string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersByIdsWithOptions(ctx context.Context, userIds []string, options *UserGetByIdsOptions) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersByUsernames(ctx context.Context, usernames []string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersForReporting(ctx context.Context, options *UserReportOptions) ([]*UserReport, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersInChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersInChannelByStatus(ctx context.Context, channelId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersInGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersInGroupByDisplayName(ctx context.Context, groupID string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersInTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersNotInChannel(ctx context.Context, teamId, channelId string, page int, perPage int, ...) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersNotInTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersStatusesByIds(ctx context.Context, userIds []string) ([]*Status, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersWithCustomQueryParameters(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, queryParameters, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersWithInvalidEmails(ctx context.Context, page, perPage int) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetUsersWithoutTeam(ctx context.Context, page int, perPage int, etag string) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) GetWebappPlugins(ctx context.Context) ([]*Manifest, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ImportTeam(ctx context.Context, data []byte, filesize int, ...) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InstallMarketplacePlugin(ctx context.Context, request *InstallMarketplacePluginRequest) (*Manifest, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InstallPluginFromURL(ctx context.Context, downloadURL string, force bool) (*Manifest, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InvalidateCaches(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InvalidateEmailInvites(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InviteGuestsToTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userEmails []string, channels []string, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InviteGuestsToTeamGracefully(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userEmails []string, channels []string, ...) ([]*EmailInviteWithError, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InviteRemoteClusterToChannel(ctx context.Context, remoteId, channelId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InviteUsersToTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userEmails []string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InviteUsersToTeamAndChannelsGracefully(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userEmails []string, channelIds []string, ...) ([]*EmailInviteWithError, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) InviteUsersToTeamGracefully(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userEmails []string) ([]*EmailInviteWithError, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LinkGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID, syncableID string, ...) (*GroupSyncable, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LinkLdapGroup(ctx context.Context, dn string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ListAutocompleteCommands(ctx context.Context, teamId string) ([]*Command, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ListChannelBookmarksForChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string, since int64) ([]*ChannelBookmarkWithFileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ListCommandAutocompleteSuggestions(ctx context.Context, userInput, teamId string) ([]AutocompleteSuggestion, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ListCommands(ctx context.Context, teamId string, customOnly bool) ([]*Command, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ListExports(ctx context.Context) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ListImports(ctx context.Context) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) Login(ctx context.Context, loginId string, password string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LoginById(ctx context.Context, id string, password string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LoginByLdap(ctx context.Context, loginId string, password string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LoginWithDesktopToken(ctx context.Context, token, deviceId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LoginWithDevice(ctx context.Context, loginId string, password string, deviceId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) LoginWithMFA(ctx context.Context, loginId, password, mfaToken string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) Logout(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MarkNoticesViewed(ctx context.Context, ids []string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MigrateAuthToLdap(ctx context.Context, fromAuthService string, matchField string, force bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MigrateAuthToSaml(ctx context.Context, fromAuthService string, usersMap map[string]string, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MigrateConfig(ctx context.Context, from, to string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MigrateIdLdap(ctx context.Context, toAttribute string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MockSession(token string)
- func (c *Client4) MoveChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId, teamId string, force bool) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MoveCommand(ctx context.Context, teamId string, commandId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) MoveThread(ctx context.Context, postId string, params *MoveThreadParams) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) NotifyAdmin(ctx context.Context, nr *NotifyAdminToUpgradeRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *Client4) OpenInteractiveDialog(ctx context.Context, request OpenDialogRequest) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchBot(ctx context.Context, userId string, patch *BotPatch) (*Bot, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string, patch *ChannelPatch) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchChannelModerations(ctx context.Context, channelID string, patch []*ChannelModerationPatch) ([]*ChannelModeration, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchConfig(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Config, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchDataRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, patch *RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs) (*RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, patch *GroupPatch) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID, syncableID string, ...) (*GroupSyncable, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchPost(ctx context.Context, postId string, patch *PostPatch) (*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchRemoteCluster(ctx context.Context, remoteClusterId string, patch *RemoteClusterPatch) (*RemoteCluster, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchRole(ctx context.Context, roleId string, patch *RolePatch) (*Role, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchScheme(ctx context.Context, id string, patch *SchemePatch) (*Scheme, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string, patch *TeamPatch) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PatchUser(ctx context.Context, userId string, patch *UserPatch) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteAllUsers(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PermanentDeletePost(ctx context.Context, postId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PermanentDeleteUser(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PinPost(ctx context.Context, postId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PostLog(ctx context.Context, message map[string]string) (map[string]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PromoteGuestToUser(ctx context.Context, guestId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PublishUserTyping(ctx context.Context, userID string, typingRequest TypingRequest) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PurgeBleveIndexes(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) PurgeElasticsearchIndexes(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ReadMultipleChannels(ctx context.Context, userId string, channelIds []string) (*ChannelViewResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ReattachPlugin(ctx context.Context, request *PluginReattachRequest) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RegenCommandToken(ctx context.Context, commandId string) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RegenOutgoingHookToken(ctx context.Context, hookId string) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RegenerateOAuthAppSecret(ctx context.Context, appId string) (*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RegenerateTeamInviteId(ctx context.Context, teamId string) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RegisterTermsOfServiceAction(ctx context.Context, userId, termsOfServiceId string, accepted bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ReloadConfig(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoteClusterAcceptInvite(ctx context.Context, rcAcceptInvite *RemoteClusterAcceptInvite) (*RemoteCluster, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveChannelsFromRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, channelIDs []string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveLicenseFile(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemovePlugin(ctx context.Context, id string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveRecentUserCustomStatus(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveTeamIcon(ctx context.Context, teamId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveTeamMember(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveTeamsFromRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, teamIDs []string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveUserCustomStatus(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RemoveUserFromChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RequestTrialLicense(ctx context.Context, users int) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RequestTrialLicenseWithExtraFields(ctx context.Context, trialRequest *TrialLicenseRequest) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ResetPassword(ctx context.Context, token, newPassword string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ResetSamlAuthDataToEmail(ctx context.Context, includeDeleted bool, dryRun bool, userIDs []string) (int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RestoreChannel(ctx context.Context, channelId string) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RestoreGroup(ctx context.Context, groupID string, etag string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RestoreTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RevokeAllSessions(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RevokeSession(ctx context.Context, userId, sessionId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RevokeSessionsFromAllUsers(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) RevokeUserAccessToken(ctx context.Context, tokenId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SaveReaction(ctx context.Context, reaction *Reaction) (*Reaction, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchAllChannels(ctx context.Context, search *ChannelSearch) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchAllChannelsForUser(ctx context.Context, term string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchAllChannelsPaged(ctx context.Context, search *ChannelSearch) (*ChannelsWithCount, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchArchivedChannels(ctx context.Context, teamId string, search *ChannelSearch) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchChannels(ctx context.Context, teamId string, search *ChannelSearch) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchChannelsForRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, term string) (ChannelListWithTeamData, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchEmoji(ctx context.Context, search *EmojiSearch) ([]*Emoji, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchFiles(ctx context.Context, teamId string, terms string, isOrSearch bool) (*FileInfoList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchFilesWithParams(ctx context.Context, teamId string, params *SearchParameter) (*FileInfoList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchGroupChannels(ctx context.Context, search *ChannelSearch) ([]*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchPosts(ctx context.Context, teamId string, terms string, isOrSearch bool) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchPostsWithMatches(ctx context.Context, teamId string, terms string, isOrSearch bool) (*PostSearchResults, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchPostsWithParams(ctx context.Context, teamId string, params *SearchParameter) (*PostList, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchTeams(ctx context.Context, search *TeamSearch) ([]*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchTeamsForRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, policyID string, term string) ([]*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchTeamsPaged(ctx context.Context, search *TeamSearch) ([]*Team, int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchUserAccessTokens(ctx context.Context, search *UserAccessTokenSearch) ([]*UserAccessToken, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SearchUsers(ctx context.Context, search *UserSearch) ([]*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SendPasswordResetEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SendVerificationEmail(ctx context.Context, email string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetBoolString(value bool, valueStr string)
- func (c *Client4) SetDefaultProfileImage(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetOAuthToken(token string)
- func (c *Client4) SetPostReminder(ctx context.Context, reminder *PostReminder) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetPostUnread(ctx context.Context, userId string, postId string, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetProfileImage(ctx context.Context, userId string, data []byte) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetServerBusy(ctx context.Context, secs int) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetTeamIcon(ctx context.Context, teamId string, data []byte) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetThreadUnreadByPostId(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId, threadId, postId string) (*ThreadResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SetToken(token string)
- func (c *Client4) SoftDeleteTeam(ctx context.Context, teamId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SubmitClientMetrics(ctx context.Context, report *PerformanceReport) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SubmitInteractiveDialog(ctx context.Context, request SubmitDialogRequest) (*SubmitDialogResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SwitchAccountType(ctx context.Context, switchRequest *SwitchRequest) (string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) SyncLdap(ctx context.Context, includeRemovedMembers bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TeamExists(ctx context.Context, name, etag string) (bool, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TeamMembersMinusGroupMembers(ctx context.Context, teamID string, groupIDs []string, page, perPage int, ...) ([]*UserWithGroups, int64, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TestElasticsearch(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TestEmail(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TestLdap(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TestNotifications(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TestS3Connection(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TestSiteURL(ctx context.Context, siteURL string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) TriggerNotifyAdmin(ctx context.Context, nr *NotifyAdminToUpgradeRequest) (int, error)
- func (c *Client4) UnacknowledgePost(ctx context.Context, postId, userId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UninviteRemoteClusterToChannel(ctx context.Context, remoteId, channelId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UnlinkGroupSyncable(ctx context.Context, groupID, syncableID string, ...) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UnlinkLdapGroup(ctx context.Context, dn string) (*Group, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UnpinPost(ctx context.Context, postId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannel(ctx context.Context, channel *Channel) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelBookmark(ctx context.Context, channelId, bookmarkId string, patch *ChannelBookmarkPatch) (*UpdateChannelBookmarkResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelBookmarkSortOrder(ctx context.Context, channelId, bookmarkId string, sortOrder int64) ([]*ChannelBookmarkWithFileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelMemberSchemeRoles(ctx context.Context, channelId string, userId string, schemeRoles *SchemeRoles) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelNotifyProps(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId string, props map[string]string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelPrivacy(ctx context.Context, channelId string, privacy ChannelType) (*Channel, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelRoles(ctx context.Context, channelId, userId, roles string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateChannelScheme(ctx context.Context, channelId, schemeId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateCloudCustomer(ctx context.Context, customerInfo *CloudCustomerInfo) (*CloudCustomer, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateCloudCustomerAddress(ctx context.Context, address *Address) (*CloudCustomer, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateCommand(ctx context.Context, cmd *Command) (*Command, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateConfig(ctx context.Context, config *Config) (*Config, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateIncomingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hook *IncomingWebhook) (*IncomingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateJobStatus(ctx context.Context, jobId string, status string, force bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateOAuthApp(ctx context.Context, app *OAuthApp) (*OAuthApp, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateOutgoingOAuthConnection(ctx context.Context, connection *OutgoingOAuthConnection) (*OutgoingOAuthConnection, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateOutgoingWebhook(ctx context.Context, hook *OutgoingWebhook) (*OutgoingWebhook, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdatePassword(ctx context.Context, userId, currentPassword, newPassword string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdatePost(ctx context.Context, postId string, post *Post) (*Post, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdatePreferences(ctx context.Context, userId string, preferences Preferences) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateScheduledPost(ctx context.Context, scheduledPost *ScheduledPost) (*ScheduledPost, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoriesForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID string, ...) ([]*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoryForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID, categoryID string, ...) (*SidebarCategoryWithChannels, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateSidebarCategoryOrderForTeamForUser(ctx context.Context, userID, teamID string, order []string) ([]string, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateTeam(ctx context.Context, team *Team) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamMemberRoles(ctx context.Context, teamId, userId, newRoles string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamMemberSchemeRoles(ctx context.Context, teamId string, userId string, schemeRoles *SchemeRoles) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamPrivacy(ctx context.Context, teamId string, privacy string) (*Team, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateTeamScheme(ctx context.Context, teamId, schemeId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateThreadFollowForUser(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId, threadId string, state bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateThreadReadForUser(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId, threadId string, timestamp int64) (*ThreadResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateThreadsReadForUser(ctx context.Context, userId, teamId string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUser(ctx context.Context, user *User) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserActive(ctx context.Context, userId string, active bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserAuth(ctx context.Context, userId string, userAuth *UserAuth) (*UserAuth, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserCustomStatus(ctx context.Context, userId string, userCustomStatus *CustomStatus) (*CustomStatus, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserHashedPassword(ctx context.Context, userId, newHashedPassword string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserMfa(ctx context.Context, userId, code string, activate bool) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserPassword(ctx context.Context, userId, currentPassword, newPassword string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserRoles(ctx context.Context, userId, roles string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpdateUserStatus(ctx context.Context, userId string, userStatus *Status) (*Status, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadBrandImage(ctx context.Context, data []byte) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadData(ctx context.Context, uploadId string, data io.Reader) (*FileInfo, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadFile(ctx context.Context, data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (*FileUploadResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadFileAsRequestBody(ctx context.Context, data []byte, channelId string, filename string) (*FileUploadResponse, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadLdapPrivateCertificate(ctx context.Context, data []byte) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadLdapPublicCertificate(ctx context.Context, data []byte) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadLicenseFile(ctx context.Context, data []byte) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadPlugin(ctx context.Context, file io.Reader) (*Manifest, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadPluginForced(ctx context.Context, file io.Reader) (*Manifest, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadSamlIdpCertificate(ctx context.Context, data []byte, filename string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadSamlPrivateCertificate(ctx context.Context, data []byte, filename string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UploadSamlPublicCertificate(ctx context.Context, data []byte, filename string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpsertDraft(ctx context.Context, draft *Draft) (*Draft, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) UpsertGroupMembers(ctx context.Context, groupID string, userIds *GroupModifyMembers) ([]*GroupMember, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ValidateBusinessEmail(ctx context.Context, email *ValidateBusinessEmailRequest) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ValidateWorkspaceBusinessEmail(ctx context.Context) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) VerifyUserEmail(ctx context.Context, token string) (*Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) VerifyUserEmailWithoutToken(ctx context.Context, userId string) (*User, *Response, error)
- func (c *Client4) ViewChannel(ctx context.Context, userId string, view *ChannelView) (*ChannelViewResponse, *Response, error)
- type ClientRequirements
- type CloudCustomer
- type CloudCustomerInfo
- type CloudSettings
- type CloudWorkspaceOwner
- type ClusterDiscovery
- type ClusterEvent
- type ClusterInfo
- type ClusterMessage
- type ClusterSettings
- type ClusterStats
- type Command
- type CommandArgs
- type CommandMoveRequest
- type CommandResponse
- type CommandWebhook
- type CompleteOnboardingRequest
- type Compliance
- type ComplianceExportCursor
- type CompliancePost
- type ComplianceSettings
- type Compliances
- type Conditions
- type Config
- func (o *Config) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *Config) Clone() *Config
- func (o *Config) GetSSOService(service string) *SSOSettings
- func (o *Config) GetSanitizeOptions() map[string]bool
- func (o *Config) IsValid() *AppError
- func (o *Config) Sanitize(pluginManifests []*Manifest)
- func (o *Config) SetDefaults()
- func (o *Config) ToJSONFiltered(tagType, tagValue string) ([]byte, error)
- type ConfigFunc
- type ConfirmPaymentMethodRequest
- type ConnectedWorkspacesSettings
- type ContactPerson
- type CreateDefaultMembershipParams
- type CreatePostFlags
- type CreateSubscriptionRequest
- type CustomStatus
- type Customer
- type DataRetentionSettings
- type DelinquencyEmail
- type DelinquencyEmailTrigger
- type Dialog
- type DialogElement
- type DirectChannelForExport
- type DirectPostForExport
- type DisplaySettings
- type DoPostActionRequest
- type Draft
- type ElasticsearchSettings
- type EmailInviteWithError
- type EmailSettings
- type Emoji
- type EmojiSearch
- type EncryptionMethod
- type Endpoint
- type EntityDescriptor
- type ExperimentalAuditSettings
- type ExperimentalSettings
- type ExportSettings
- type ExternalDependency
- type FailedPayment
- type FeatureFlags
- type Features
- type Feedback
- type FileData
- type FileForIndexing
- type FileInfo
- type FileInfoList
- func (o *FileInfoList) AddFileInfo(fileInfo *FileInfo)
- func (o *FileInfoList) AddOrder(id string)
- func (o *FileInfoList) Etag() string
- func (o *FileInfoList) Extend(other *FileInfoList)
- func (o *FileInfoList) MakeNonNil()
- func (o *FileInfoList) SortByCreateAt()
- func (o *FileInfoList) ToSlice() []*FileInfo
- func (o *FileInfoList) UniqueOrder()
- type FileInfoSearchMatches
- type FileInfoSearchResults
- type FileSettings
- type FileUploadResponse
- type FilesLimits
- type GetFileInfosOptions
- type GetGroupOpts
- type GetIPAddressResponse
- type GetPersistentNotificationsPostsParams
- type GetPostsOptions
- type GetPostsSinceForSyncCursor
- type GetPostsSinceForSyncOptions
- type GetPostsSinceOptions
- type GetUserThreadsOpts
- type GetUsersForSyncFilter
- type GithubReleaseInfo
- type GlobalRelayMessageExportSettings
- type GlobalRetentionPolicy
- type Group
- func (group *Group) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (group *Group) GetMemberCount() int
- func (group *Group) GetName() string
- func (group *Group) GetRemoteId() string
- func (group *Group) IsValidForCreate() *AppError
- func (group *Group) IsValidForUpdate() *AppError
- func (group *Group) IsValidName() *AppError
- func (group *Group) LogClone() any
- func (group *Group) Patch(patch *GroupPatch)
- type GroupMember
- type GroupMemberList
- type GroupMessageConversionRequestBody
- type GroupModifyMembers
- type GroupPatch
- type GroupSearchOpts
- type GroupSource
- type GroupStats
- type GroupSyncable
- func (syncable *GroupSyncable) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (syncable *GroupSyncable) IsValid() *AppError
- func (syncable *GroupSyncable) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (syncable *GroupSyncable) Patch(patch *GroupSyncablePatch)
- func (syncable *GroupSyncable) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error
- type GroupSyncablePatch
- type GroupSyncableType
- type GroupWithSchemeAdmin
- type GroupWithUserIds
- type GroupsAssociatedToChannel
- type GroupsAssociatedToChannelWithSchemeAdmin
- type GroupsWithCount
- type GuestAccountsSettings
- type GuestsInvite
- type IDPSSODescriptor
- type ImageProxySettings
- type ImportSettings
- type IncomingWebhook
- type IncomingWebhookRequest
- type IncomingWebhooksWithCount
- type IndexedEndpoint
- type InitialLoad
- type InstallMarketplacePluginRequest
- type Installation
- type InstalledIntegration
- type IntegrityCheckResult
- type Invites
- type Invoice
- type InvoiceLineItem
- type Job
- type JobSettings
- type KeyDescriptor
- type KeyInfo
- type LdapGroupSearchOpts
- type LdapSettings
- type License
- func (l *License) DaysToExpiration() int
- func (l *License) HasEnterpriseMarketplacePlugins() bool
- func (l *License) HasRemoteClusterService() bool
- func (l *License) HasSharedChannels() bool
- func (l *License) IsCloud() bool
- func (l *License) IsE20OrEnterprise() bool
- func (l *License) IsExpired() bool
- func (l *License) IsPastGracePeriod() bool
- func (l *License) IsSanctionedTrial() bool
- func (l *License) IsStarted() bool
- func (l *License) IsTrialLicense() bool
- func (l *License) IsWithinExpirationPeriod() bool
- type LicenseRecord
- type LinkMetadata
- type LinkMetadataType
- type LocalizationSettings
- type LocalizedName
- type LocalizedURI
- type LogEntry
- type LogFilter
- type LogSettings
- type Manifest
- func (m *Manifest) ClientManifest() *Manifest
- func (m *Manifest) GetExecutableForRuntime(goOs, goArch string) string
- func (m *Manifest) HasClient() bool
- func (m *Manifest) HasServer() bool
- func (m *Manifest) HasWebapp() bool
- func (m *Manifest) IsValid() error
- func (m *Manifest) MeetMinServerVersion(serverVersion string) (bool, error)
- type ManifestServer
- type ManifestWebapp
- type MarketplaceLabel
- type MarketplacePlugin
- type MarketplacePluginFilter
- type MattermostFeature
- type MemberInvite
- type MessageExport
- type MessageExportCursor
- type MessageExportSettings
- type MessagesLimits
- type MetricSample
- type MetricType
- type MetricsSettings
- type MfaSecret
- type MobileSessionMetadata
- func (z *MobileSessionMetadata) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *MobileSessionMetadata) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *MobileSessionMetadata) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *MobileSessionMetadata) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *MobileSessionMetadata) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type MoveThreadParams
- type NameID
- type NameIDFormat
- type NativeAppSettings
- type NoticeAction
- type NoticeAudience
- type NoticeClientType
- type NoticeInstanceType
- type NoticeMessage
- type NoticeMessageInternal
- type NoticeMessages
- type NoticeSKU
- type NotificationLogSettings
- type NotificationReason
- type NotificationStatus
- type NotificationType
- type NotifyAdminData
- type NotifyAdminToUpgradeRequest
- type OAuthApp
- type Office365Settings
- type OnInstallEvent
- type OpenDialogRequest
- type OrderedSidebarCategories
- type Organization
- type OrphanedRecord
- type OutgoingOAuthConnection
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) Etag() string
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) HasValidGrantType() *AppError
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) IsValid() *AppError
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) Patch(conn *OutgoingOAuthConnection)
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) PreSave()
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) PreUpdate()
- func (oa *OutgoingOAuthConnection) Sanitize()
- type OutgoingOAuthConnectionGetConnectionsFilter
- type OutgoingOAuthConnectionGrantType
- type OutgoingOAuthConnectionToken
- type OutgoingWebhook
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) GetTriggerWord(word string, isExactMatch bool) (triggerWord string)
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) IsValid() *AppError
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) PreSave()
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) PreUpdate()
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) TriggerWordExactMatch(word string) bool
- func (o *OutgoingWebhook) TriggerWordStartsWith(word string) bool
- type OutgoingWebhookPayload
- type OutgoingWebhookResponse
- type PacketMetadata
- type PacketType
- type PageOpts
- type PasswordSettings
- type PaymentMethod
- type PerformanceReport
- type Permalink
- type Permission
- type PluginClusterEvent
- type PluginClusterEventSendOptions
- type PluginEventData
- type PluginInfo
- type PluginKVSetOptions
- type PluginKeyValue
- type PluginOption
- type PluginReattachConfig
- type PluginReattachRequest
- type PluginSetting
- type PluginSettingType
- type PluginSettings
- type PluginSettingsSchema
- type PluginSettingsSection
- type PluginState
- type PluginStatus
- type PluginStatuses
- type PluginsResponse
- type Post
- func (o *Post) AddProp(key string, value any)
- func (o *Post) Attachments() []*SlackAttachment
- func (o *Post) AttachmentsEqual(input *Post) bool
- func (o *Post) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *Post) ChannelMentions() []string
- func (o *Post) CleanPost() *Post
- func (o *Post) Clone() *Post
- func (o *Post) ContainsIntegrationsReservedProps() []string
- func (o *Post) DelProp(key string)
- func (o *Post) DisableMentionHighlights() string
- func (o *Post) EncodeJSON(w io.Writer) error
- func (o *Post) Etag() string
- func (o *Post) ForPlugin() *Post
- func (o *Post) GenerateActionIds()
- func (o *Post) GetAction(id string) *PostAction
- func (o *Post) GetPersistentNotification() *bool
- func (o *Post) GetPreviewPost() *PreviewPost
- func (o *Post) GetPreviewedPostProp() string
- func (o *Post) GetPriority() *PostPriority
- func (o *Post) GetProp(key string) any
- func (o *Post) GetProps() StringInterface
- func (o *Post) GetRemoteID() string
- func (o *Post) GetRequestedAck() *bool
- func (o *Post) IsFromOAuthBot() bool
- func (o *Post) IsJoinLeaveMessage() bool
- func (o *Post) IsRemote() bool
- func (o *Post) IsSystemMessage() bool
- func (o *Post) IsUrgent() bool
- func (o *Post) IsValid(maxPostSize int) *AppError
- func (o *Post) LogClone() any
- func (o *Post) MakeNonNil()
- func (o *Post) Patch(patch *PostPatch)
- func (o *Post) PreCommit()
- func (o *Post) PreSave()
- func (o *Post) SanitizeInput()
- func (o *Post) SanitizeProps()
- func (o *Post) SetProps(props StringInterface)
- func (o *Post) ShallowCopy(dst *Post) error
- func (o *Post) StripActionIntegrations()
- func (o *Post) ToJSON() (string, error)
- func (o *Post) ToNilIfInvalid() *Post
- func (o *Post) WithRewrittenImageURLs(f func(string) string) *Post
- type PostAcknowledgement
- type PostAction
- type PostActionAPIResponse
- type PostActionCookie
- type PostActionIntegration
- type PostActionIntegrationRequest
- type PostActionIntegrationResponse
- type PostActionOptions
- type PostCountOptions
- type PostEmbed
- type PostEmbedType
- type PostEphemeral
- type PostForExport
- type PostForIndexing
- type PostImage
- type PostInfo
- type PostList
- func (o *PostList) AddOrder(id string)
- func (o *PostList) AddPost(post *Post)
- func (o *PostList) BuildWranglerPostList() *WranglerPostList
- func (o *PostList) Clone() *PostList
- func (o *PostList) EncodeJSON(w io.Writer) error
- func (o *PostList) Etag() string
- func (o *PostList) Extend(other *PostList)
- func (o *PostList) ForPlugin() *PostList
- func (o *PostList) IsChannelId(channelId string) bool
- func (o *PostList) MakeNonNil()
- func (o *PostList) SortByCreateAt()
- func (o *PostList) StripActionIntegrations()
- func (o *PostList) ToJSON() (string, error)
- func (o *PostList) ToSlice() []*Post
- func (o *PostList) UniqueOrder()
- func (o *PostList) WithRewrittenImageURLs(f func(string) string) *PostList
- type PostMetadata
- type PostPatch
- type PostPersistentNotifications
- type PostPriority
- type PostReminder
- type PostSearchMatches
- type PostSearchResults
- type PostsUsage
- type Preference
- type Preferences
- type PresignURLResponse
- type PreviewPost
- type PrivacySettings
- type Product
- type ProductLimits
- type ProductNotice
- type ProductNoticeViewState
- type ProductNotices
- type ProductSku
- type PushNotification
- type PushNotificationAck
- type PushResponse
- type PushSubType
- type RateLimitSettings
- type Reaction
- type RecentCustomStatuses
- type RecurringInterval
- type RegisterPluginOpts
- type RelationalIntegrityCheckData
- type RemoteCluster
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) GetSiteURL() string
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsConfirmed() bool
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsOnline() bool
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsOptionFlagSet(flag Bitmask) bool
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsPlugin() bool
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) IsValid() *AppError
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) Patch(patch *RemoteClusterPatch)
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) PreSave()
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) PreUpdate()
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) Sanitize()
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) SetOptionFlag(flag Bitmask)
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) ToRemoteClusterInfo() RemoteClusterInfo
- func (rc *RemoteCluster) UnsetOptionFlag(flag Bitmask)
- type RemoteClusterAcceptInvite
- type RemoteClusterFrame
- type RemoteClusterInfo
- type RemoteClusterInvite
- type RemoteClusterMsg
- type RemoteClusterPatch
- type RemoteClusterPing
- type RemoteClusterQueryFilter
- type RemoteClusterWithInvite
- type RemoteClusterWithPassword
- type ReplicaLagSettings
- type ReplyForExport
- type ReportableObject
- type ReportingBaseOptions
- type Response
- type RetentionIdsForDeletion
- type RetentionPolicy
- type RetentionPolicyChannel
- type RetentionPolicyCursor
- type RetentionPolicyForChannel
- type RetentionPolicyForChannelList
- type RetentionPolicyForTeam
- type RetentionPolicyForTeamList
- type RetentionPolicyTeam
- type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCounts
- type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelCountsList
- type RetentionPolicyWithTeamAndChannelIDs
- type Role
- func (r *Role) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (r *Role) CreateAt_() float64
- func (r *Role) DeleteAt_() float64
- func (r *Role) GetChannelModeratedPermissions(channelType ChannelType) map[string]bool
- func (r *Role) IsValid() bool
- func (r *Role) IsValidWithoutId() bool
- func (r *Role) MergeChannelHigherScopedPermissions(higherScopedPermissions *RolePermissions)
- func (r *Role) Patch(patch *RolePatch)
- func (r *Role) RolePatchFromChannelModerationsPatch(channelModerationsPatch []*ChannelModerationPatch, roleName string) *RolePatch
- func (r *Role) UpdateAt_() float64
- type RoleDescriptor
- type RolePatch
- type RolePermissions
- type RoleScope
- type RoleType
- type SSODescriptor
- type SSOSettings
- type SamlAuthRequest
- type SamlCertificateStatus
- type SamlMetadataResponse
- type SamlSettings
- type ScheduledPost
- func (s *ScheduledPost) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (s *ScheduledPost) BaseIsValid() *AppError
- func (s *ScheduledPost) GetPriority() *PostPriority
- func (s *ScheduledPost) IsValid(maxMessageSize int) *AppError
- func (s *ScheduledPost) PreSave()
- func (s *ScheduledPost) PreUpdate()
- func (s *ScheduledPost) RestoreNonUpdatableFields(originalScheduledPost *ScheduledPost)
- func (s *ScheduledPost) SanitizeInput()
- func (s *ScheduledPost) ToPost() (*Post, error)
- type ScheduledTask
- func CreateRecurringTask(name string, function TaskFunc, interval time.Duration) *ScheduledTask
- func CreateRecurringTaskFromNextIntervalTime(name string, function TaskFunc, interval time.Duration) *ScheduledTask
- func CreateTask(name string, function TaskFunc, timeToExecution time.Duration) *ScheduledTask
- type Scheme
- type SchemeConveyor
- type SchemeIDPatch
- type SchemePatch
- type SchemeRoles
- type SearchParameter
- type SearchParams
- func (p *SearchParams) GetAfterDateMillis() int64
- func (p *SearchParams) GetBeforeDateMillis() int64
- func (p *SearchParams) GetExcludedAfterDateMillis() int64
- func (p *SearchParams) GetExcludedBeforeDateMillis() int64
- func (p *SearchParams) GetExcludedDateMillis() (int64, int64)
- func (p *SearchParams) GetOnDateMillis() (int64, int64)
- type SecurityBulletin
- type SecurityBulletins
- type ServerBusyState
- type ServerLimits
- type ServiceSettings
- type Session
- func (s *Session) AddProp(key string, value string)
- func (s *Session) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (s *Session) CreateAt_() float64
- func (z *Session) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (s *Session) DeepCopy() *Session
- func (z *Session) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (s *Session) ExpiresAt_() float64
- func (s *Session) GenerateCSRF() string
- func (s *Session) GetCSRF() string
- func (s *Session) GetTeamByTeamId(teamId string) *TeamMember
- func (s *Session) GetUserRoles() []string
- func (s *Session) IsBotUser() bool
- func (s *Session) IsExpired() bool
- func (s *Session) IsIntegration() bool
- func (s *Session) IsMobile() bool
- func (s *Session) IsMobileApp() bool
- func (s *Session) IsOAuthUser() bool
- func (s *Session) IsSSOLogin() bool
- func (s *Session) IsSaml() bool
- func (s *Session) IsUnrestricted() bool
- func (s *Session) IsUserAccessToken() bool
- func (s *Session) IsValid() *AppError
- func (s *Session) LastActivityAt_() float64
- func (z *Session) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *Session) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (s *Session) PreSave()
- func (s *Session) Sanitize()
- func (z *Session) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type SharedChannel
- type SharedChannelAttachment
- type SharedChannelFilterOpts
- type SharedChannelRemote
- type SharedChannelRemoteFilterOpts
- type SharedChannelRemoteStatus
- type SharedChannelUser
- type SidebarCategoriesWithChannels
- type SidebarCategory
- type SidebarCategoryOrder
- type SidebarCategorySorting
- type SidebarCategoryType
- type SidebarCategoryWithChannels
- type SidebarChannel
- type SidebarChannels
- type SlackAttachment
- type SlackAttachmentField
- type SlackCompatibleBool
- type SqlSettings
- type StartCloudTrialRequest
- type Status
- type StorageUsage
- type StringArray
- func (sa StringArray) Contains(input string) bool
- func (z *StringArray) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z StringArray) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (sa StringArray) Equals(input StringArray) bool
- func (z StringArray) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z StringArray) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (sa StringArray) Remove(input string) StringArray
- func (sa *StringArray) Scan(value any) error
- func (z *StringArray) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (sa StringArray) Value() (driver.Value, error)
- type StringInterface
- type StringMap
- func (z *StringMap) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z StringMap) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (m StringMap) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (z StringMap) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z StringMap) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (m *StringMap) Scan(value any) error
- func (z *StringMap) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (m StringMap) Value() (driver.Value, error)
- type StringSet
- type StripeSetupIntent
- type SubmitDialogRequest
- type SubmitDialogResponse
- type SubscribeNewsletterRequest
- type Subscription
- type SubscriptionChange
- type SubscriptionFamily
- type SubscriptionHistory
- type SubscriptionHistoryChange
- type SubscriptionLicenseSelfServeStatusResponse
- type SuggestCommand
- type SupportPacket
- type SupportPacketOptions
- type SupportSettings
- type SwitchRequest
- type SyncMsg
- type SyncResponse
- type System
- type SystemAsymmetricSigningKey
- type SystemECDSAKey
- type SystemPingOptions
- type SystemPostActionCookieSecret
- type TaskFunc
- type Team
- func (o *Team) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (o *Team) Etag() string
- func (o *Team) IsGroupConstrained() bool
- func (o *Team) IsValid() *AppError
- func (o *Team) LogClone() any
- func (o *Team) Patch(patch *TeamPatch)
- func (o *Team) PreSave()
- func (o *Team) PreUpdate()
- func (o *Team) Sanitize()
- func (o *Team) ShallowCopy() *Team
- type TeamForExport
- type TeamInviteReminderData
- type TeamMember
- func (o *TeamMember) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (z *TeamMember) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *TeamMember) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (o *TeamMember) GetRoles() []string
- func (o *TeamMember) IsValid() *AppError
- func (z *TeamMember) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *TeamMember) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (o *TeamMember) PreUpdate()
- func (z *TeamMember) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type TeamMemberForExport
- type TeamMemberWithError
- type TeamMembersGetOptions
- type TeamPatch
- type TeamSearch
- type TeamSettings
- type TeamStats
- type TeamUnread
- type TeamsLimits
- type TeamsUsage
- type TeamsWithCount
- type TermsOfService
- type ThemeSettings
- type Thread
- type ThreadMembership
- type ThreadMembershipForExport
- type ThreadResponse
- type Threads
- type Token
- type TrialLicenseRequest
- type TypingRequest
- type UpdateChannelBookmarkResponse
- type UploadSession
- type UploadType
- type User
- func (u *User) AddNotifyProp(key string, value string)
- func (u *User) Auditable() map[string]interface{}
- func (u *User) ClearCustomStatus()
- func (u *User) ClearNonProfileFields(asAdmin bool)
- func (u *User) CustomStatus() *CustomStatus
- func (z *User) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (u *User) DeepCopy() *User
- func (u *User) EmailDomain() string
- func (z *User) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (u *User) Etag(showFullName, showEmail bool) string
- func (u *User) GetAuthData() string
- func (u *User) GetCustomStatus() *CustomStatus
- func (u *User) GetDisplayName(nameFormat string) string
- func (u *User) GetDisplayNameWithPrefix(nameFormat, prefix string) string
- func (u *User) GetFullName() string
- func (u *User) GetMentionKeys() []string
- func (u *User) GetPreferredTimezone() string
- func (u *User) GetProp(name string) (string, bool)
- func (u *User) GetRawRoles() string
- func (u *User) GetRemoteID() string
- func (u *User) GetRoles() []string
- func (u *User) GetTimezoneLocation() *time.Location
- func (u *User) IsGuest() bool
- func (u *User) IsInRole(inRole string) bool
- func (u *User) IsLDAPUser() bool
- func (u *User) IsOAuthUser() bool
- func (u *User) IsRemote() bool
- func (u *User) IsSAMLUser() bool
- func (u *User) IsSSOUser() bool
- func (u *User) IsSystemAdmin() bool
- func (u *User) IsValid() *AppError
- func (u *User) LogClone() any
- func (u *User) MakeNonNil()
- func (z *User) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *User) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (u *User) Patch(patch *UserPatch)
- func (u *User) PreSave() *AppError
- func (u *User) PreUpdate()
- func (u *User) Sanitize(options map[string]bool)
- func (u *User) SanitizeInput(isAdmin bool)
- func (u *User) SanitizeProfile(options map[string]bool, asAdmin bool)
- func (u *User) SetCustomStatus(cs *CustomStatus) error
- func (u *User) SetDefaultNotifications()
- func (u *User) SetProp(name string, value string)
- func (u *User) ToPatch() *UserPatch
- func (z *User) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (u *User) UpdateMentionKeysFromUsername(oldUsername string)
- func (u *User) ValidateCustomStatus() bool
- type UserAccessToken
- type UserAccessTokenSearch
- type UserAuth
- type UserAutocomplete
- type UserAutocompleteInChannel
- type UserAutocompleteInTeam
- type UserChannelIDPair
- type UserCountOptions
- type UserFacingProduct
- type UserForIndexing
- type UserGetByIdsOptions
- type UserGetOptions
- type UserMap
- type UserMentionMap
- type UserPatch
- type UserPostStats
- func (z *UserPostStats) DecodeMsg(dc *msgp.Reader) (err error)
- func (z *UserPostStats) EncodeMsg(en *msgp.Writer) (err error)
- func (z *UserPostStats) MarshalMsg(b []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- func (z *UserPostStats) Msgsize() (s int)
- func (z *UserPostStats) UnmarshalMsg(bts []byte) (o []byte, err error)
- type UserReport
- type UserReportOptions
- type UserReportQuery
- type UserSearch
- type UserSearchOptions
- type UserSlice
- type UserTeamIDPair
- type UserTermsOfService
- type UserUpdate
- type UserWithGroups
- type UsersStats
- type UsersWithGroupsAndCount
- type ValidateBusinessEmailRequest
- type ValidateBusinessEmailResponse
- type ViewUsersRestrictions
- type WebSocketClient
- func NewReliableWebSocketClientWithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer, url, authToken, connID string, seqNo int, ...) (*WebSocketClient, error)
- func NewWebSocketClient(url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, error)
- func NewWebSocketClient4(url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, error)
- func NewWebSocketClient4WithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer, url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, error)
- func NewWebSocketClientWithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer, url, authToken string) (*WebSocketClient, error)
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) Close()
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) Connect() *AppError
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) ConnectWithDialer(dialer *websocket.Dialer) *AppError
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) GetStatuses()
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) GetStatusesByIds(userIds []string)
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) Listen()
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) SendBinaryMessage(action string, data map[string]any) error
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) SendMessage(action string, data map[string]any)
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) UpdateActiveChannel(channelID string)
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) UpdateActiveTeam(teamID string)
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) UpdateActiveThread(isThreadView bool, channelID string)
- func (wsc *WebSocketClient) UserTyping(channelId, parentId string)
- type WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) Add(key string, value any)
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) Copy() *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) DeepCopy() *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) Encode(enc *json.Encoder, buf io.Writer) error
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) EventType() WebsocketEventType
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) GetBroadcast() *WebsocketBroadcast
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) GetData() map[string]any
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) GetSequence() int64
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) IsValid() bool
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) PrecomputeJSON() *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) RemovePrecomputedJSON() *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetBroadcast(broadcast *WebsocketBroadcast) *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetData(data map[string]any) *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetEvent(event WebsocketEventType) *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) SetSequence(seq int64) *WebSocketEvent
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) ToJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (ev *WebSocketEvent) WithoutBroadcastHooks() (*WebSocketEvent, []string, []map[string]any)
- type WebSocketMessage
- type WebSocketRequest
- type WebSocketResponse
- type WebsocketBroadcast
- type WebsocketEventType
- type Worker
- type WorkspaceDeletionRequest
- type WranglerPostList
- type WranglerSettings
- type X509Certificate
- type X509Data
Examples ¶
- Client4.AddChannelMember
- Client4.CreateChannel
- Client4.CreateDirectChannel
- Client4.CreateGroupChannel
- Client4.DeleteChannel
- Client4.GetChannel
- Client4.GetChannelByName
- Client4.GetChannelByNameForTeamName
- Client4.GetChannelMember
- Client4.GetChannelMembers
- Client4.GetChannelMembersByIds
- Client4.GetChannelMembersForUser
- Client4.GetChannelMembersTimezones
- Client4.GetChannelStats
- Client4.GetChannelUnread
- Client4.GetChannelsForTeamForUser
- Client4.GetChannelsForUserWithLastDeleteAt
- Client4.GetPinnedPosts
- Client4.GetPrivateChannelsForTeam
- Client4.GetPublicChannelsByIdsForTeam
- Client4.GetPublicChannelsForTeam
- Client4.GetUsers
- Client4.PatchChannel
- Client4.RemoveUserFromChannel
- Client4.SearchArchivedChannels
- Client4.SearchChannels
- Client4.SearchGroupChannels
- Client4.UpdateChannel
- Client4.UpdateChannelNotifyProps
- Client4.UpdateChannelPrivacy
- Client4.UpdateChannelRoles
- Client4.UpdateChannelScheme
- Client4.ViewChannel
Constants ¶
const ( AccessTokenGrantType = "authorization_code" AccessTokenType = "bearer" RefreshTokenGrantType = "refresh_token" )
const ( AuthCodeExpireTime = 60 * 10 // 10 minutes AuthCodeResponseType = "code" ImplicitResponseType = "token" DefaultScope = "user" )
const ( BotDisplayNameMaxRunes = UserFirstNameMaxRunes BotDescriptionMaxRunes = 1024 BotCreatorIdMaxRunes = KeyValuePluginIdMaxRunes // UserId or PluginId BotWarnMetricBotUsername = "mattermost-advisor" BotSystemBotUsername = "system-bot" )
const ( ChannelTypeOpen ChannelType = "O" ChannelTypePrivate ChannelType = "P" ChannelTypeDirect ChannelType = "D" ChannelTypeGroup ChannelType = "G" ChannelGroupMaxUsers = 8 ChannelGroupMinUsers = 3 DefaultChannelName = "town-square" ChannelDisplayNameMaxRunes = 64 ChannelNameMinLength = 1 ChannelNameMaxLength = 64 ChannelHeaderMaxRunes = 1024 ChannelPurposeMaxRunes = 250 ChannelCacheSize = 25000 ChannelSortByUsername = "username" ChannelSortByStatus = "status" )
const ( ChannelBookmarkLink ChannelBookmarkType = "link" ChannelBookmarkFile ChannelBookmarkType = "file" BookmarkFileOwner = "bookmark" MaxBookmarksPerChannel = 50 DisplayNameMaxRunes = 64 LinkMaxRunes = 1024 )
const ( ChannelNotifyDefault = "default" ChannelNotifyAll = "all" ChannelNotifyMention = "mention" ChannelNotifyNone = "none" ChannelMarkUnreadAll = "all" ChannelMarkUnreadMention = "mention" IgnoreChannelMentionsDefault = "default" IgnoreChannelMentionsOff = "off" IgnoreChannelMentionsOn = "on" IgnoreChannelMentionsNotifyProp = "ignore_channel_mentions" ChannelAutoFollowThreadsOff = "off" ChannelAutoFollowThreadsOn = "on" ChannelAutoFollowThreads = "channel_auto_follow_threads" ChannelMemberNotifyPropsMaxRunes = 800000 )
const ( // Each sidebar category has a 'type'. System categories are Channels, Favorites and DMs // All user-created categories will have type Custom SidebarCategoryChannels SidebarCategoryType = "channels" SidebarCategoryDirectMessages SidebarCategoryType = "direct_messages" SidebarCategoryFavorites SidebarCategoryType = "favorites" SidebarCategoryCustom SidebarCategoryType = "custom" // Increment to use when adding/reordering things in the sidebar MinimalSidebarSortDistance = 10 // Default Sort Orders for categories DefaultSidebarSortOrderFavorites = 0 DefaultSidebarSortOrderChannels = DefaultSidebarSortOrderFavorites + MinimalSidebarSortDistance DefaultSidebarSortOrderDMs = DefaultSidebarSortOrderChannels + MinimalSidebarSortDistance // Sorting modes // default for all categories except DMs (behaves like manual) SidebarCategorySortDefault SidebarCategorySorting = "" // sort manually SidebarCategorySortManual SidebarCategorySorting = "manual" // sort by recency (default for DMs) SidebarCategorySortRecent SidebarCategorySorting = "recent" // sort by display name alphabetically SidebarCategorySortAlphabetical SidebarCategorySorting = "alpha" )
const ( HeaderRequestId = "X-Request-ID" HeaderVersionId = "X-Version-ID" HeaderClusterId = "X-Cluster-ID" HeaderEtagServer = "ETag" HeaderEtagClient = "If-None-Match" HeaderForwarded = "X-Forwarded-For" HeaderRealIP = "X-Real-IP" HeaderForwardedProto = "X-Forwarded-Proto" HeaderToken = "token" HeaderCsrfToken = "X-CSRF-Token" HeaderBearer = "BEARER" HeaderAuth = "Authorization" HeaderCloudToken = "X-Cloud-Token" HeaderRemoteclusterToken = "X-RemoteCluster-Token" HeaderRemoteclusterId = "X-RemoteCluster-Id" HeaderRequestedWith = "X-Requested-With" HeaderRequestedWithXML = "XMLHttpRequest" HeaderFirstInaccessiblePostTime = "First-Inaccessible-Post-Time" HeaderFirstInaccessibleFileTime = "First-Inaccessible-File-Time" HeaderRange = "Range" STATUS = "status" StatusOk = "OK" StatusFail = "FAIL" StatusUnhealthy = "UNHEALTHY" StatusRemove = "REMOVE" ConnectionId = "Connection-Id" ClientDir = "client" APIURLSuffixV1 = "/api/v1" APIURLSuffixV4 = "/api/v4" APIURLSuffixV5 = "/api/v5" APIURLSuffix = APIURLSuffixV4 )
const ( EventTypeFailedPayment = "failed-payment" EventTypeFailedPaymentNoCard = "failed-payment-no-card" EventTypeSendAdminWelcomeEmail = "send-admin-welcome-email" EventTypeSendUpgradeConfirmationEmail = "send-upgrade-confirmation-email" EventTypeSubscriptionChanged = "subscription-changed" EventTypeTriggerDelinquencyEmail = "trigger-delinquency-email" )
const ( BillingSchemePerSeat = BillingScheme("per_seat") BillingSchemeFlatFee = BillingScheme("flat_fee") BillingSchemeSalesServe = BillingScheme("sales_serve") )
const ( BillingTypeLicensed = BillingType("licensed") BillingTypeInternal = BillingType("internal") )
const ( RecurringIntervalYearly = RecurringInterval("year") RecurringIntervalMonthly = RecurringInterval("month") )
const ( SubscriptionFamilyCloud = SubscriptionFamily("cloud") SubscriptionFamilyOnPrem = SubscriptionFamily("on-prem") )
const ( SkuStarterGov = ProductSku("starter-gov") SkuProfessionalGov = ProductSku("professional-gov") SkuEnterpriseGov = ProductSku("enterprise-gov") SkuStarter = ProductSku("starter") SkuProfessional = ProductSku("professional") SkuEnterprise = ProductSku("enterprise") SkuCloudStarter = ProductSku("cloud-starter") SkuCloudProfessional = ProductSku("cloud-professional") SkuCloudEnterprise = ProductSku("cloud-enterprise") )
const ( CDSOfflineAfterMillis = 1000 * 60 * 30 // 30 minutes CDSTypeApp = "mattermost_app" )
const ( ClusterEventNone ClusterEvent = "none" ClusterEventPublish ClusterEvent = "publish" ClusterEventUpdateStatus ClusterEvent = "update_status" ClusterEventInvalidateAllCaches ClusterEvent = "inv_all_caches" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForReactions ClusterEvent = "inv_reactions" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelMembersNotifyProps ClusterEvent = "inv_channel_members_notify_props" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelByName ClusterEvent = "inv_channel_name" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannel ClusterEvent = "inv_channel" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelGuestCount ClusterEvent = "inv_channel_guest_count" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForUser ClusterEvent = "inv_user" ClusterEventInvalidateWebConnCacheForUser ClusterEvent = "inv_user_teams" ClusterEventClearSessionCacheForUser ClusterEvent = "clear_session_user" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForRoles ClusterEvent = "inv_roles" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForRolePermissions ClusterEvent = "inv_role_permissions" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForProfileByIds ClusterEvent = "inv_profile_ids" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForAllProfiles ClusterEvent = "inv_all_profiles" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForProfileInChannel ClusterEvent = "inv_profile_in_channel" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForSchemes ClusterEvent = "inv_schemes" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForFileInfos ClusterEvent = "inv_file_infos" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForWebhooks ClusterEvent = "inv_webhooks" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForEmojisById ClusterEvent = "inv_emojis_by_id" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForEmojisIdByName ClusterEvent = "inv_emojis_id_by_name" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelFileCount ClusterEvent = "inv_channel_file_count" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelPinnedpostsCounts ClusterEvent = "inv_channel_pinnedposts_counts" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelMemberCounts ClusterEvent = "inv_channel_member_counts" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForChannelsMemberCount ClusterEvent = "inv_channels_member_count" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForLastPosts ClusterEvent = "inv_last_posts" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForLastPostTime ClusterEvent = "inv_last_post_time" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForPostsUsage ClusterEvent = "inv_posts_usage" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForTeams ClusterEvent = "inv_teams" ClusterEventClearSessionCacheForAllUsers ClusterEvent = "inv_all_user_sessions" ClusterEventInstallPlugin ClusterEvent = "install_plugin" ClusterEventRemovePlugin ClusterEvent = "remove_plugin" ClusterEventPluginEvent ClusterEvent = "plugin_event" ClusterEventInvalidateCacheForTermsOfService ClusterEvent = "inv_terms_of_service" ClusterEventBusyStateChanged ClusterEvent = "busy_state_change" // Gossip communication ClusterGossipEventRequestGetLogs = "gossip_request_get_logs" ClusterGossipEventResponseGetLogs = "gossip_response_get_logs" ClusterGossipEventRequestGenerateSupportPacket = "gossip_request_generate_support_packet" ClusterGossipEventResponseGenerateSupportPacket = "gossip_response_generate_support_packet" ClusterGossipEventRequestGetClusterStats = "gossip_request_cluster_stats" ClusterGossipEventResponseGetClusterStats = "gossip_response_cluster_stats" ClusterGossipEventRequestGetPluginStatuses = "gossip_request_plugin_statuses" ClusterGossipEventResponseGetPluginStatuses = "gossip_response_plugin_statuses" ClusterGossipEventRequestSaveConfig = "gossip_request_save_config" ClusterGossipEventResponseSaveConfig = "gossip_response_save_config" ClusterGossipEventRequestWebConnCount = "gossip_request_webconn_count" ClusterGossipEventResponseWebConnCount = "gossip_response_webconn_count" // SendTypes for ClusterMessage. ClusterSendBestEffort = "best_effort" ClusterSendReliable = "reliable" )
const ( CommandMethodPost = "P" CommandMethodGet = "G" MinTriggerLength = 1 MaxTriggerLength = 128 )
const ( CommandResponseTypeInChannel = "in_channel" CommandResponseTypeEphemeral = "ephemeral" )
const ( ComplianceStatusCreated = "created" ComplianceStatusRunning = "running" ComplianceStatusFinished = "finished" ComplianceStatusFailed = "failed" ComplianceStatusRemoved = "removed" ComplianceTypeDaily = "daily" ComplianceTypeAdhoc = "adhoc" )
const ( ConnSecurityNone = "" ConnSecurityPlain = "PLAIN" ConnSecurityTLS = "TLS" ConnSecurityStarttls = "STARTTLS" ImageDriverLocal = "local" ImageDriverS3 = "amazons3" DatabaseDriverMysql = "mysql" DatabaseDriverPostgres = "postgres" SearchengineElasticsearch = "elasticsearch" MinioAccessKey = "minioaccesskey" MinioSecretKey = "miniosecretkey" MinioBucket = "mattermost-test" PasswordMaximumLength = 72 PasswordMinimumLength = 5 ServiceGitlab = "gitlab" ServiceGoogle = "google" ServiceOffice365 = "office365" ServiceOpenid = "openid" GenericNoChannelNotification = "generic_no_channel" GenericNotification = "generic" GenericNotificationServer = "" MmSupportAdvisorAddress = "" FullNotification = "full" IdLoadedNotification = "id_loaded" DirectMessageAny = "any" DirectMessageTeam = "team" ShowUsername = "username" ShowNicknameFullName = "nickname_full_name" ShowFullName = "full_name" PermissionsAll = "all" PermissionsChannelAdmin = "channel_admin" PermissionsTeamAdmin = "team_admin" PermissionsSystemAdmin = "system_admin" FakeSetting = "********************************" RestrictEmojiCreationAll = "all" RestrictEmojiCreationAdmin = "admin" RestrictEmojiCreationSystemAdmin = "system_admin" PermissionsDeletePostAll = "all" PermissionsDeletePostTeamAdmin = "team_admin" PermissionsDeletePostSystemAdmin = "system_admin" GroupUnreadChannelsDisabled = "disabled" GroupUnreadChannelsDefaultOn = "default_on" GroupUnreadChannelsDefaultOff = "default_off" CollapsedThreadsDisabled = "disabled" CollapsedThreadsDefaultOn = "default_on" CollapsedThreadsDefaultOff = "default_off" CollapsedThreadsAlwaysOn = "always_on" EmailBatchingBufferSize = 256 EmailBatchingInterval = 30 EmailNotificationContentsFull = "full" EmailNotificationContentsGeneric = "generic" EmailSMTPDefaultServer = "localhost" EmailSMTPDefaultPort = "10025" CacheTypeLRU = "lru" CacheTypeRedis = "redis" SitenameMaxLength = 30 ServiceSettingsDefaultSiteURL = "http://localhost:8065" ServiceSettingsDefaultTLSCertFile = "" ServiceSettingsDefaultTLSKeyFile = "" ServiceSettingsDefaultReadTimeout = 300 ServiceSettingsDefaultWriteTimeout = 300 ServiceSettingsDefaultIdleTimeout = 60 ServiceSettingsDefaultMaxLoginAttempts = 10 ServiceSettingsDefaultAllowCorsFrom = "" ServiceSettingsDefaultListenAndAddress = ":8065" ServiceSettingsDefaultGiphySdkKeyTest = "s0glxvzVg9azvPipKxcPLpXV0q1x1fVP" ServiceSettingsDefaultDeveloperFlags = "" ServiceSettingsDefaultUniqueReactionsPerPost = 50 ServiceSettingsDefaultMaxURLLength = 2048 ServiceSettingsMaxUniqueReactionsPerPost = 500 TeamSettingsDefaultSiteName = "Mattermost" TeamSettingsDefaultMaxUsersPerTeam = 50 TeamSettingsDefaultCustomBrandText = "" TeamSettingsDefaultCustomDescriptionText = "" TeamSettingsDefaultUserStatusAwayTimeout = 300 SqlSettingsDefaultDataSource = "postgres://mmuser:mostest@localhost/mattermost_test?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10&binary_parameters=yes" FileSettingsDefaultDirectory = "./data/" FileSettingsDefaultS3UploadPartSizeBytes = 5 * 1024 * 1024 // 5MB FileSettingsDefaultS3ExportUploadPartSizeBytes = 100 * 1024 * 1024 // 100MB ImportSettingsDefaultDirectory = "./import" ImportSettingsDefaultRetentionDays = 30 ExportSettingsDefaultDirectory = "./export" ExportSettingsDefaultRetentionDays = 30 EmailSettingsDefaultFeedbackOrganization = "" SupportSettingsDefaultTermsOfServiceLink = "" SupportSettingsDefaultPrivacyPolicyLink = "" SupportSettingsDefaultAboutLink = "" SupportSettingsDefaultHelpLink = "" SupportSettingsDefaultReportAProblemLink = "" SupportSettingsDefaultSupportEmail = "" SupportSettingsDefaultReAcceptancePeriod = 365 LdapSettingsDefaultFirstNameAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultLastNameAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultEmailAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultUsernameAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultNicknameAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultIdAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultPositionAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultLoginFieldName = "" LdapSettingsDefaultGroupDisplayNameAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultGroupIdAttribute = "" LdapSettingsDefaultPictureAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultIdAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultGuestAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultAdminAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultFirstNameAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultLastNameAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultEmailAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultUsernameAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultNicknameAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultLocaleAttribute = "" SamlSettingsDefaultPositionAttribute = "" SamlSettingsSignatureAlgorithmSha1 = "RSAwithSHA1" SamlSettingsSignatureAlgorithmSha256 = "RSAwithSHA256" SamlSettingsSignatureAlgorithmSha512 = "RSAwithSHA512" SamlSettingsDefaultSignatureAlgorithm = SamlSettingsSignatureAlgorithmSha1 SamlSettingsCanonicalAlgorithmC14n = "Canonical1.0" SamlSettingsCanonicalAlgorithmC14n11 = "Canonical1.1" SamlSettingsDefaultCanonicalAlgorithm = SamlSettingsCanonicalAlgorithmC14n NativeappSettingsDefaultAppDownloadLink = "" NativeappSettingsDefaultAndroidAppDownloadLink = "" NativeappSettingsDefaultIosAppDownloadLink = "" ExperimentalSettingsDefaultLinkMetadataTimeoutMilliseconds = 5000 ExperimentalSettingsDefaultUsersStatusAndProfileFetchingPollIntervalMilliseconds = 3000 AnalyticsSettingsDefaultMaxUsersForStatistics = 2500 AnnouncementSettingsDefaultBannerColor = "#f2a93b" AnnouncementSettingsDefaultBannerTextColor = "#333333" AnnouncementSettingsDefaultNoticesJsonURL = "" AnnouncementSettingsDefaultNoticesFetchFrequencySeconds = 3600 TeamSettingsDefaultTeamText = "default" ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultConnectionURL = "http://localhost:9200" ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultUsername = "elastic" ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultPassword = "changeme" ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultPostIndexReplicas = 1 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultPostIndexShards = 1 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultChannelIndexReplicas = 1 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultChannelIndexShards = 1 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultUserIndexReplicas = 1 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultUserIndexShards = 1 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultAggregatePostsAfterDays = 365 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultPostsAggregatorJobStartTime = "03:00" ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultIndexPrefix = "" ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultLiveIndexingBatchSize = 10 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultRequestTimeoutSeconds = 30 ElasticsearchSettingsDefaultBatchSize = 10000 ElasticsearchSettingsESBackend = "elasticsearch" ElasticsearchSettingsOSBackend = "opensearch" BleveSettingsDefaultIndexDir = "" BleveSettingsDefaultBatchSize = 10000 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultMessageRetentionDays = 365 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultMessageRetentionHours = 0 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultFileRetentionDays = 365 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultFileRetentionHours = 0 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultBoardsRetentionDays = 365 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultDeletionJobStartTime = "02:00" DataRetentionSettingsDefaultBatchSize = 3000 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultTimeBetweenBatchesMilliseconds = 100 DataRetentionSettingsDefaultRetentionIdsBatchSize = 100 OutgoingIntegrationRequestsDefaultTimeout = 30 PluginSettingsDefaultDirectory = "./plugins" PluginSettingsDefaultClientDirectory = "./client/plugins" PluginSettingsDefaultEnableMarketplace = true PluginSettingsDefaultMarketplaceURL = "" PluginSettingsOldMarketplaceURL = "" ComplianceExportTypeCsv = "csv" ComplianceExportTypeActiance = "actiance" ComplianceExportTypeGlobalrelay = "globalrelay" ComplianceExportTypeGlobalrelayZip = "globalrelay-zip" GlobalrelayCustomerTypeA9 = "A9" GlobalrelayCustomerTypeA10 = "A10" GlobalrelayCustomerTypeCustom = "CUSTOM" ClientSideCertCheckPrimaryAuth = "primary" ClientSideCertCheckSecondaryAuth = "secondary" ImageProxyTypeLocal = "local" ImageProxyTypeAtmosCamo = "atmos/camo" GoogleSettingsDefaultScope = "profile email" GoogleSettingsDefaultAuthEndpoint = "" GoogleSettingsDefaultTokenEndpoint = "" GoogleSettingsDefaultUserAPIEndpoint = ",emailAddresses,nicknames,metadata" Office365SettingsDefaultScope = "User.Read" Office365SettingsDefaultAuthEndpoint = "" Office365SettingsDefaultTokenEndpoint = "" Office365SettingsDefaultUserAPIEndpoint = "" CloudSettingsDefaultCwsURL = "" CloudSettingsDefaultCwsAPIURL = "" CloudSettingsDefaultCwsURLTest = "" CloudSettingsDefaultCwsAPIURLTest = "" OpenidSettingsDefaultScope = "profile openid email" LocalModeSocketPath = "/var/tmp/mattermost_local.socket" ConnectedWorkspacesSettingsDefaultMaxPostsPerSync = 50 // a bit more than 4 typical screenfulls of posts // These storage classes are the valid values for the x-amz-storage-class header. More documentation here StorageClassStandard = "STANDARD" StorageClassReducedRedundancy = "REDUCED_REDUNDANCY" StorageClassStandardIA = "STANDARD_IA" StorageClassOnezoneIA = "ONEZONE_IA" StorageClassIntelligentTiering = "INTELLIGENT_TIERING" StorageClassGlacier = "GLACIER" StorageClassDeepArchive = "DEEP_ARCHIVE" StorageClassOutposts = "OUTPOSTS" StorageClassGlacierIR = "GLACIER_IR" StorageClassSnow = "SNOW" StorageClassExpressOnezone = "EXPRESS_ONEZONE" )
const ( UserPropsKeyCustomStatus = "customStatus" CustomStatusTextMaxRunes = 100 MaxRecentCustomStatuses = 5 DefaultCustomStatusEmoji = "speech_balloon" )
const ( EmojiNameMaxLength = 64 EmojiSortByName = "name" )
const ( FileinfoSortByCreated = "CreateAt" FileinfoSortBySize = "Size" )
const ( GroupSourceLdap GroupSource = "ldap" GroupSourceCustom GroupSource = "custom" GroupNameMaxLength = 64 GroupSourceMaxLength = 64 GroupDisplayNameMaxLength = 128 GroupDescriptionMaxLength = 1024 GroupRemoteIDMaxLength = 48 )
const ( PostActionTypeButton = "button" PostActionTypeSelect = "select" DialogTitleMaxLength = 24 DialogElementDisplayNameMaxLength = 24 DialogElementNameMaxLength = 300 DialogElementHelpTextMaxLength = 150 DialogElementTextMaxLength = 150 DialogElementTextareaMaxLength = 3000 DialogElementSelectMaxLength = 3000 DialogElementBoolMaxLength = 150 )
const ( JobTypeDataRetention = "data_retention" JobTypeMessageExport = "message_export" JobTypeElasticsearchPostIndexing = "elasticsearch_post_indexing" JobTypeElasticsearchPostAggregation = "elasticsearch_post_aggregation" JobTypeBlevePostIndexing = "bleve_post_indexing" JobTypeLdapSync = "ldap_sync" JobTypeMigrations = "migrations" JobTypePlugins = "plugins" JobTypeExpiryNotify = "expiry_notify" JobTypeProductNotices = "product_notices" JobTypeActiveUsers = "active_users" JobTypeImportProcess = "import_process" JobTypeImportDelete = "import_delete" JobTypeExportProcess = "export_process" JobTypeExportDelete = "export_delete" JobTypeCloud = "cloud" JobTypeResendInvitationEmail = "resend_invitation_email" JobTypeExtractContent = "extract_content" JobTypeLastAccessiblePost = "last_accessible_post" JobTypeLastAccessibleFile = "last_accessible_file" JobTypeUpgradeNotifyAdmin = "upgrade_notify_admin" JobTypeTrialNotifyAdmin = "trial_notify_admin" JobTypePostPersistentNotifications = "post_persistent_notifications" JobTypeInstallPluginNotifyAdmin = "install_plugin_notify_admin" JobTypeHostedPurchaseScreening = "hosted_purchase_screening" JobTypeS3PathMigration = "s3_path_migration" JobTypeCleanupDesktopTokens = "cleanup_desktop_tokens" JobTypeDeleteEmptyDraftsMigration = "delete_empty_drafts_migration" JobTypeRefreshPostStats = "refresh_post_stats" JobTypeDeleteOrphanDraftsMigration = "delete_orphan_drafts_migration" JobTypeExportUsersToCSV = "export_users_to_csv" JobTypeDeleteDmsPreferencesMigration = "delete_dms_preferences_migration" JobTypeMobileSessionMetadata = "mobile_session_metadata" JobStatusPending = "pending" JobStatusInProgress = "in_progress" JobStatusSuccess = "success" JobStatusError = "error" JobStatusCancelRequested = "cancel_requested" JobStatusCanceled = "canceled" JobStatusWarning = "warning" )
const ( UserAuthServiceLdap = "ldap" LdapPublicCertificateName = "ldap-public.crt" LdapPrivateKeyName = "ldap-private.key" )
const ( DayInSeconds = 24 * 60 * 60 DayInMilliseconds = DayInSeconds * 1000 ExpiredLicenseError = "api.license.add_license.expired.app_error" InvalidLicenseError = "api.license.add_license.invalid.app_error" LicenseGracePeriod = DayInMilliseconds * 10 //10 days LicenseRenewalLink = "" LicenseShortSkuE10 = "E10" LicenseShortSkuE20 = "E20" LicenseShortSkuProfessional = "professional" LicenseShortSkuEnterprise = "enterprise" )
const ( LinkMetadataTypeImage LinkMetadataType = "image" LinkMetadataTypeNone LinkMetadataType = "none" LinkMetadataTypeOpengraph LinkMetadataType = "opengraph" LinkMetadataMaxImages int = 5 )
const ( AdvancedPermissionsMigrationKey = "AdvancedPermissionsMigrationComplete" MigrationKeyAdvancedPermissionsPhase2 = "migration_advanced_permissions_phase_2" MigrationKeyEmojiPermissionsSplit = "emoji_permissions_split" MigrationKeyWebhookPermissionsSplit = "webhook_permissions_split" MigrationKeyListJoinPublicPrivateTeams = "list_join_public_private_teams" MigrationKeyRemovePermanentDeleteUser = "remove_permanent_delete_user" MigrationKeyAddBotPermissions = "add_bot_permissions" MigrationKeyApplyChannelManageDeleteToChannelUser = "apply_channel_manage_delete_to_channel_user" MigrationKeyRemoveChannelManageDeleteFromTeamUser = "remove_channel_manage_delete_from_team_user" MigrationKeyViewMembersNewPermission = "view_members_new_permission" MigrationKeyAddManageGuestsPermissions = "add_manage_guests_permissions" MigrationKeyChannelModerationsPermissions = "channel_moderations_permissions" MigrationKeyAddUseGroupMentionsPermission = "add_use_group_mentions_permission" MigrationKeyAddSystemConsolePermissions = "add_system_console_permissions" MigrationKeySidebarCategoriesPhase2 = "migration_sidebar_categories_phase_2" MigrationKeyAddConvertChannelPermissions = "add_convert_channel_permissions" MigrationKeyAddSystemRolesPermissions = "add_system_roles_permissions" MigrationKeyAddBillingPermissions = "add_billing_permissions" MigrationKeyAddManageSecureConnectionsPermissions = "manage_secure_connections_permissions" MigrationKeyAddDownloadComplianceExportResults = "download_compliance_export_results" MigrationKeyAddComplianceSubsectionPermissions = "compliance_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddExperimentalSubsectionPermissions = "experimental_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddAuthenticationSubsectionPermissions = "authentication_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddSiteSubsectionPermissions = "site_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddEnvironmentSubsectionPermissions = "environment_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddReportingSubsectionPermissions = "reporting_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddTestEmailAncillaryPermission = "test_email_ancillary_permission" MigrationKeyAddAboutSubsectionPermissions = "about_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddIntegrationsSubsectionPermissions = "integrations_subsection_permissions" MigrationKeyAddPlaybooksPermissions = "playbooks_permissions" MigrationKeyAddCustomUserGroupsPermissions = "custom_groups_permissions" MigrationKeyAddPlayboosksManageRolesPermissions = "playbooks_manage_roles" MigrationKeyAddProductsBoardsPermissions = "products_boards" MigrationKeyAddCustomUserGroupsPermissionRestore = "custom_groups_permission_restore" MigrationKeyAddReadChannelContentPermissions = "read_channel_content_permissions" MigrationKeyS3Path = "s3_path_migration" MigrationKeyDeleteEmptyDrafts = "delete_empty_drafts_migration" MigrationKeyDeleteOrphanDrafts = "delete_orphan_drafts_migration" MigrationKeyAddIPFilteringPermissions = "add_ip_filtering_permissions" MigrationKeyAddOutgoingOAuthConnectionsPermissions = "add_outgoing_oauth_connections_permissions" MigrationKeyAddChannelBookmarksPermissions = "add_channel_bookmarks_permissions" MigrationKeyDeleteDmsPreferences = "delete_dms_preferences_migration" MigrationKeyAddManageJobAncillaryPermissions = "add_manage_jobs_ancillary_permissions" MigrationKeyAddUploadFilePermission = "add_upload_file_permission" )
const ( NotificationStatusSuccess NotificationStatus = "success" NotificationStatusError NotificationStatus = "error" NotificationStatusNotSent NotificationStatus = "not_sent" NotificationStatusUnsupported NotificationStatus = "unsupported" NotificationTypeAll NotificationType = "all" NotificationTypeEmail NotificationType = "email" NotificationTypeWebsocket NotificationType = "websocket" NotificationTypePush NotificationType = "push" NotificationNoPlatform = "no_platform" NotificationReasonFetchError NotificationReason = "fetch_error" NotificationReasonParseError NotificationReason = "json_parse_error" NotificationReasonMarshalError NotificationReason = "json_marshal_error" NotificationReasonPushProxyError NotificationReason = "push_proxy_error" NotificationReasonPushProxySendError NotificationReason = "push_proxy_send_error" NotificationReasonPushProxyRemoveDevice NotificationReason = "push_proxy_remove_device" NotificationReasonRejectedByPlugin NotificationReason = "rejected_by_plugin" NotificationReasonSessionExpired NotificationReason = "session_expired" NotificationReasonChannelMuted NotificationReason = "channel_muted" NotificationReasonSystemMessage NotificationReason = "system_message" NotificationReasonLevelSetToNone NotificationReason = "notify_level_none" NotificationReasonNotMentioned NotificationReason = "not_mentioned" NotificationReasonUserStatus NotificationReason = "user_status" NotificationReasonUserIsActive NotificationReason = "user_is_active" NotificationReasonMissingProfile NotificationReason = "missing_profile" NotificationReasonEmailNotVerified NotificationReason = "email_not_verified" NotificationReasonEmailSendError NotificationReason = "email_send_error" NotificationReasonTooManyUsersInChannel NotificationReason = "too_many_users_in_channel" NotificationReasonResolvePersistentNotificationError NotificationReason = "resolve_persistent_notification_error" NotificationReasonMissingThreadMembership NotificationReason = "missing_thread_membership" )
const ( PaidFeatureGuestAccounts = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.guest_accounts") PaidFeatureCustomUsergroups = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.custom_user_groups") PaidFeatureCreateMultipleTeams = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.create_multiple_teams") PaidFeatureStartcall = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.start_call") PaidFeaturePlaybooksRetrospective = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.playbooks_retro") PaidFeatureUnlimitedMessages = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.unlimited_messages") PaidFeatureUnlimitedFileStorage = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.unlimited_file_storage") PaidFeatureAllProfessionalfeatures = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.all_professional") PaidFeatureAllEnterprisefeatures = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.all_enterprise") UpgradeDowngradedWorkspace = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.upgrade_downgraded_workspace") PluginFeature = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.plugin") PaidFeatureHighlightWithoutNotification = MattermostFeature("mattermost.feature.highlight_without_notification") )
const ( OAuthActionSignup = "signup" OAuthActionLogin = "login" OAuthActionEmailToSSO = "email_to_sso" OAuthActionSSOToEmail = "sso_to_email" OAuthActionMobile = "mobile" )
const ( CurrentMetadataVersion int = 1 SupportPacketType PacketType = "support-packet" PluginPacketType PacketType = "plugin-packet" PacketMetadataFileName = "metadata.yaml" )
const ( PermissionScopeSystem = "system_scope" PermissionScopeTeam = "team_scope" PermissionScopeChannel = "channel_scope" PermissionScopeGroup = "group_scope" PermissionScopePlaybook = "playbook_scope" PermissionScopeRun = "run_scope" )
const ( PluginClusterEventSendTypeReliable = ClusterSendReliable PluginClusterEventSendTypeBestEffort = ClusterSendBestEffort )
const ( PluginIdPlaybooks = "playbooks" PluginIdFocalboard = "focalboard" PluginIdApps = "com.mattermost.apps" PluginIdCalls = "com.mattermost.calls" PluginIdNPS = "com.mattermost.nps" PluginIdChannelExport = "com.mattermost.plugin-channel-export" PluginIdAI = "mattermost-ai" )
const ( KeyValuePluginIdMaxRunes = 190 KeyValueKeyMaxRunes = 150 )
const ( PluginStateNotRunning = 0 PluginStateStarting = 1 // unused by server PluginStateRunning = 2 PluginStateFailedToStart = 3 PluginStateFailedToStayRunning = 4 PluginStateStopping = 5 // unused by server )
const ( MinIdLength = 3 MaxIdLength = 190 ValidIdRegex = `^[a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]+$` )
const ( PostSystemMessagePrefix = "system_" PostTypeDefault = "" PostTypeSlackAttachment = "slack_attachment" PostTypeSystemGeneric = "system_generic" PostTypeJoinLeave = "system_join_leave" // Deprecated, use PostJoinChannel or PostLeaveChannel instead PostTypeJoinChannel = "system_join_channel" PostTypeGuestJoinChannel = "system_guest_join_channel" PostTypeLeaveChannel = "system_leave_channel" PostTypeJoinTeam = "system_join_team" PostTypeLeaveTeam = "system_leave_team" PostTypeAutoResponder = "system_auto_responder" PostTypeAddRemove = "system_add_remove" // Deprecated, use PostAddToChannel or PostRemoveFromChannel instead PostTypeAddToChannel = "system_add_to_channel" PostTypeAddGuestToChannel = "system_add_guest_to_chan" PostTypeRemoveFromChannel = "system_remove_from_channel" PostTypeMoveChannel = "system_move_channel" PostTypeAddToTeam = "system_add_to_team" PostTypeRemoveFromTeam = "system_remove_from_team" PostTypeHeaderChange = "system_header_change" PostTypeDisplaynameChange = "system_displayname_change" PostTypeConvertChannel = "system_convert_channel" PostTypePurposeChange = "system_purpose_change" PostTypeChannelDeleted = "system_channel_deleted" PostTypeChannelRestored = "system_channel_restored" PostTypeEphemeral = "system_ephemeral" PostTypeChangeChannelPrivacy = "system_change_chan_privacy" PostTypeWrangler = "system_wrangler" PostTypeGMConvertedToChannel = "system_gm_to_channel" PostTypeAddBotTeamsChannels = "add_bot_teams_channels" PostTypeMe = "me" PostCustomTypePrefix = "custom_" PostTypeReminder = "reminder" PostFileidsMaxRunes = 300 PostFilenamesMaxRunes = 4000 PostMessageMaxRunesV1 = 4000 PostMessageMaxBytesV2 = 65535 // Maximum size of a TEXT column in MySQL PostMessageMaxRunesV2 = PostMessageMaxBytesV2 / 4 // Assume a worst-case representation PostPropsMaxRunes = 800000 PostPropsMaxUserRunes = PostPropsMaxRunes - 40000 // Leave some room for system / pre-save modifications PropsAddChannelMember = "add_channel_member" PostPropsAddedUserId = "addedUserId" PostPropsDeleteBy = "deleteBy" PostPropsOverrideIconURL = "override_icon_url" PostPropsOverrideIconEmoji = "override_icon_emoji" PostPropsOverrideUsername = "override_username" PostPropsFromWebhook = "from_webhook" PostPropsFromBot = "from_bot" PostPropsFromOAuthApp = "from_oauth_app" PostPropsWebhookDisplayName = "webhook_display_name" PostPropsMentionHighlightDisabled = "mentionHighlightDisabled" PostPropsGroupHighlightDisabled = "disable_group_highlight" PostPropsPreviewedPost = "previewed_post" PostPropsForceNotification = "force_notification" PostPriorityUrgent = "urgent" PostPropsRequestedAck = "requested_ack" PostPropsPersistentNotifications = "persistent_notifications" )
const ( // PreferenceCategoryDirectChannelShow and PreferenceCategoryGroupChannelShow // are used to store the user's preferences for which channels to show in the sidebar. // The Name field is the channel ID. PreferenceCategoryDirectChannelShow = "direct_channel_show" PreferenceCategoryGroupChannelShow = "group_channel_show" // PreferenceCategoryTutorialStep is used to store the user's progress in the tutorial. // The Name field is the user ID again (for whatever reason). PreferenceCategoryTutorialSteps = "tutorial_step" // PreferenceCategoryAdvancedSettings has settings for the user's advanced settings. // The Name field is the setting name. Possible values are: // - "formatting" // - "send_on_ctrl_enter" // - "join_leave" // - "unread_scroll_position" // - "sync_drafts" // - "feature_enabled_markdown_preview" <- deprecated in favor of "formatting" PreferenceCategoryAdvancedSettings = "advanced_settings" // PreferenceCategoryFlaggedPost is used to store the user's saved posts. // The Name field is the post ID. PreferenceCategoryFlaggedPost = "flagged_post" // PreferenceCategoryFavoriteChannel is used to store the user's favorite channels to be // shown in the sidebar. The Name field is the channel ID. PreferenceCategoryFavoriteChannel = "favorite_channel" // PreferenceCategorySidebarSettings is used to store the user's sidebar settings. // The Name field is the setting name. (ie. PreferenceNameShowUnreadSection or PreferenceLimitVisibleDmsGms) PreferenceCategorySidebarSettings = "sidebar_settings" // PreferenceCategoryDisplaySettings is used to store the user's various display settings. // The possible Name fields are: // - PreferenceNameUseMilitaryTime // - PreferenceNameCollapseSetting // - PreferenceNameMessageDisplay // - PreferenceNameCollapseConsecutive // - PreferenceNameColorizeUsernames // - PreferenceNameChannelDisplayMode // - PreferenceNameNameFormat PreferenceCategoryDisplaySettings = "display_settings" // PreferenceCategorySystemNotice is used store system admin notices. // Possible Name values are not defined here. It can be anything with the notice name. PreferenceCategorySystemNotice = "system_notice" // Deprecated: PreferenceCategoryLast is not used anymore. PreferenceCategoryLast = "last" // PreferenceCategoryCustomStatus is used to store the user's custom status preferences. // Possible Name values are: // - PreferenceNameRecentCustomStatuses // - PreferenceNameCustomStatusTutorialState // - PreferenceCustomStatusModalViewed PreferenceCategoryCustomStatus = "custom_status" // PreferenceCategoryNotifications is used to store the user's notification settings. // Possible Name values are: // - PreferenceNameEmailInterval PreferenceCategoryNotifications = "notifications" // Deprecated: PreferenceRecommendedNextSteps is not used anymore. // Use PreferenceCategoryRecommendedNextSteps instead. // PreferenceRecommendedNextSteps is actually a Category. The only possible // Name vaule is PreferenceRecommendedNextStepsHide for now. PreferenceRecommendedNextSteps = PreferenceCategoryRecommendedNextSteps PreferenceCategoryRecommendedNextSteps = "recommended_next_steps" // PreferenceCategoryTheme has the name for the team id where theme is set. PreferenceCategoryTheme = "theme" PreferenceNameCollapsedThreadsEnabled = "collapsed_reply_threads" PreferenceNameChannelDisplayMode = "channel_display_mode" PreferenceNameCollapseSetting = "collapse_previews" PreferenceNameMessageDisplay = "message_display" PreferenceNameCollapseConsecutive = "collapse_consecutive_messages" PreferenceNameColorizeUsernames = "colorize_usernames" PreferenceNameNameFormat = "name_format" PreferenceNameUseMilitaryTime = "use_military_time" PreferenceNameShowUnreadSection = "show_unread_section" PreferenceLimitVisibleDmsGms = "limit_visible_dms_gms" PreferenceMaxLimitVisibleDmsGmsValue = 40 MaxPreferenceValueLength = 20000 PreferenceCategoryAuthorizedOAuthApp = "oauth_app" // Deprecated: PreferenceCategoryLastChannel is not used anymore. PreferenceNameLastChannel = "channel" // Deprecated: PreferenceCategoryLastTeam is not used anymore. PreferenceNameLastTeam = "team" PreferenceNameRecentCustomStatuses = "recent_custom_statuses" PreferenceNameCustomStatusTutorialState = "custom_status_tutorial_state" PreferenceCustomStatusModalViewed = "custom_status_modal_viewed" PreferenceNameEmailInterval = "email_interval" PreferenceEmailIntervalNoBatchingSeconds = "30" // the "immediate" setting is actually 30s PreferenceEmailIntervalBatchingSeconds = "900" // fifteen minutes is 900 seconds PreferenceEmailIntervalImmediately = "immediately" PreferenceEmailIntervalFifteen = "fifteen" PreferenceEmailIntervalFifteenAsSeconds = "900" PreferenceEmailIntervalHour = "hour" PreferenceEmailIntervalHourAsSeconds = "3600" PreferenceCloudUserEphemeralInfo = "cloud_user_ephemeral_info" PreferenceNameRecommendedNextStepsHide = "hide" )
const ( PushNotifyApple = "apple" PushNotifyAndroid = "android" PushNotifyAppleReactNative = "apple_rn" PushNotifyAndroidReactNative = "android_rn" PushTypeMessage = "message" PushTypeClear = "clear" PushTypeUpdateBadge = "update_badge" PushTypeSession = "session" PushTypeTest = "test" PushMessageV2 = "v2" PushSoundNone = "none" // The category is set to handle a set of interactive Actions // with the push notifications CategoryCanReply = "CAN_REPLY" MHPNS = "" PushSendPrepare = "Prepared to send" PushSendSuccess = "Successful" PushNotSent = "Not Sent due to preferences" PushReceived = "Received by device" )
const ( PushStatus = "status" PushStatusOk = "OK" PushStatusFail = "FAIL" PushStatusRemove = "REMOVE" PushStatusErrorMsg = "error" )
const ( RemoteOfflineAfterMillis = 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes RemoteNameMinLength = 1 RemoteNameMaxLength = 64 SiteURLPending = "pending_" SiteURLPlugin = "plugin_" BitflagOptionAutoInvited // Remote is automatically invited to all shared channels )
const ( ReportDurationAllTime = "all_time" ReportDurationLast30Days = "last_30_days" ReportDurationPreviousMonth = "previous_month" ReportDurationLast6Months = "last_6_months" ReportingMaxPageSize = 100 )
const ( SystemGuestRoleId = "system_guest" SystemUserRoleId = "system_user" SystemAdminRoleId = "system_admin" SystemPostAllRoleId = "system_post_all" SystemPostAllPublicRoleId = "system_post_all_public" SystemUserAccessTokenRoleId = "system_user_access_token" SystemUserManagerRoleId = "system_user_manager" SystemReadOnlyAdminRoleId = "system_read_only_admin" SystemManagerRoleId = "system_manager" SystemCustomGroupAdminRoleId = "system_custom_group_admin" TeamGuestRoleId = "team_guest" TeamUserRoleId = "team_user" TeamAdminRoleId = "team_admin" TeamPostAllRoleId = "team_post_all" TeamPostAllPublicRoleId = "team_post_all_public" ChannelGuestRoleId = "channel_guest" ChannelUserRoleId = "channel_user" ChannelAdminRoleId = "channel_admin" CustomGroupUserRoleId = "custom_group_user" PlaybookAdminRoleId = "playbook_admin" PlaybookMemberRoleId = "playbook_member" RunAdminRoleId = "run_admin" RunMemberRoleId = "run_member" RoleNameMaxLength = 64 RoleDisplayNameMaxLength = 128 RoleDescriptionMaxLength = 1024 RoleScopeSystem RoleScope = "System" RoleScopeTeam RoleScope = "Team" RoleScopeChannel RoleScope = "Channel" RoleScopeGroup RoleScope = "Group" RoleTypeGuest RoleType = "Guest" RoleTypeUser RoleType = "User" RoleTypeAdmin RoleType = "Admin" )
const ( UserAuthServiceSaml = "saml" UserAuthServiceSamlText = "SAML" UserAuthServiceIsSaml = "isSaml" UserAuthServiceIsMobile = "isMobile" UserAuthServiceIsOAuth = "isOAuthUser" )
const ( ScheduledPostErrorUnknownError = "unknown" ScheduledPostErrorCodeChannelArchived = "channel_archived" ScheduledPostErrorCodeChannelNotFound = "channel_not_found" ScheduledPostErrorCodeUserDoesNotExist = "user_missing" ScheduledPostErrorCodeUserDeleted = "user_deleted" ScheduledPostErrorCodeNoChannelPermission = "no_channel_permission" ScheduledPostErrorNoChannelMember = "no_channel_member" ScheduledPostErrorThreadDeleted = "thread_deleted" ScheduledPostErrorUnableToSend = "unable_to_send" ScheduledPostErrorInvalidPost = "invalid_post" )
const ( SchemeDisplayNameMaxLength = 128 SchemeNameMaxLength = 64 SchemeDescriptionMaxLength = 1024 SchemeScopeTeam = "team" SchemeScopeChannel = "channel" SchemeScopePlaybook = "playbook" SchemeScopeRun = "run" )
const ( // ServiceEnvironmentProduction represents the production self-managed or cloud // environments. This can be configured explicitly with MM_SERVICEENVIRONMENT explicitly // set to "production", but is also the default for any production builds. ServiceEnvironmentProduction = "production" // ServiceEnvironmentTest represents testing environments in which MM_SERVICEENVIRONMENT // is set explicitly to "test". ServiceEnvironmentTest = "test" // ServiceEnvironmentDev represents development environments. This can be configured // explicitly with MM_SERVICEENVIRONMENT set to "dev", but is also the default for any // non-production builds. ServiceEnvironmentDev = "dev" )
const ( SessionCookieToken = "MMAUTHTOKEN" SessionCookieUser = "MMUSERID" SessionCookieCsrf = "MMCSRF" SessionCookieCloudUrl = "MMCLOUDURL" SessionCacheSize = 35000 SessionPropPlatform = "platform" SessionPropOs = "os" SessionPropBrowser = "browser" SessionPropType = "type" SessionPropUserAccessTokenId = "user_access_token_id" SessionPropIsBot = "is_bot" SessionPropIsBotValue = "true" SessionPropOAuthAppID = "oauth_app_id" SessionPropMattermostAppID = "mattermost_app_id" SessionPropLastRemovedDeviceId = "last_removed_device_id" SessionPropDeviceNotificationDisabled = "device_notification_disabled" SessionPropMobileVersion = "mobile_version" SessionTypeUserAccessToken = "UserAccessToken" SessionTypeCloudKey = "CloudKey" SessionTypeRemoteclusterToken = "RemoteClusterToken" SessionPropIsGuest = "is_guest" SessionActivityTimeout = 1000 * 60 * 5 // 5 minutes SessionUserAccessTokenExpiryHours = 100 * 365 * 24 // 100 years )
const ( UserPropsKeyRemoteUsername = "RemoteUsername" UserPropsKeyRemoteEmail = "RemoteEmail" )
const ( StatusOutOfOffice = "ooo" StatusOffline = "offline" StatusAway = "away" StatusDnd = "dnd" StatusOnline = "online" StatusCacheSize = SessionCacheSize StatusChannelTimeout = 20000 // 20 seconds StatusMinUpdateTime = 120000 // 2 minutes )
const ( SystemTelemetryId = "DiagnosticId" SystemRanUnitTests = "RanUnitTests" SystemLastSecurityTime = "LastSecurityTime" SystemActiveLicenseId = "ActiveLicenseId" SystemLastComplianceTime = "LastComplianceTime" SystemAsymmetricSigningKeyKey = "AsymmetricSigningKey" SystemPostActionCookieSecretKey = "PostActionCookieSecret" SystemInstallationDateKey = "InstallationDate" SystemOrganizationName = "OrganizationName" SystemFirstAdminRole = "FirstAdminRole" SystemFirstServerRunTimestampKey = "FirstServerRunTimestamp" SystemClusterEncryptionKey = "ClusterEncryptionKey" SystemUpgradedFromTeId = "UpgradedFromTE" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfTeams5 = "warn_metric_number_of_teams_5" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfChannels50 = "warn_metric_number_of_channels_50" SystemWarnMetricMfa = "warn_metric_mfa" SystemWarnMetricEmailDomain = "warn_metric_email_domain" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfActiveUsers100 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_100" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfActiveUsers200 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_200" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfActiveUsers300 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_300" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfActiveUsers500 = "warn_metric_number_of_active_users_500" SystemWarnMetricNumberOfPosts2m = "warn_metric_number_of_posts_2M" SystemWarnMetricLastRunTimestampKey = "LastWarnMetricRunTimestamp" SystemFirstAdminVisitMarketplace = "FirstAdminVisitMarketplace" SystemFirstAdminSetupComplete = "FirstAdminSetupComplete" SystemLastAccessiblePostTime = "LastAccessiblePostTime" SystemLastAccessibleFileTime = "LastAccessibleFileTime" SystemHostedPurchaseNeedsScreening = "HostedPurchaseNeedsScreening" AwsMeteringReportInterval = 1 AwsMeteringDimensionUsageHrs = "UsageHrs" CloudRenewalEmail = "CloudRenewalEmail" )
const ( WarnMetricStatusLimitReached = "true" WarnMetricStatusRunonce = "runonce" WarnMetricStatusAck = "ack" WarnMetricStatusStorePrefix = "warn_metric_" WarnMetricJobInterval = 24 * 7 WarnMetricNumberOfActiveUsers25 = 25 WarnMetricJobWaitTime = 1000 * 3600 * 24 * 7 // 7 days )
const ( TeamOpen = "O" TeamInvite = "I" TeamAllowedDomainsMaxLength = 500 TeamCompanyNameMaxLength = 64 TeamDescriptionMaxLength = 255 TeamDisplayNameMaxRunes = 64 TeamEmailMaxLength = 128 TeamNameMaxLength = 64 TeamNameMinLength = 2 )
const ( TokenSize = 64 MaxTokenExipryTime = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 48 // 48 hour TokenTypeOAuth = "oauth" TokenTypeSaml = "saml" )
const ( Me = "me" UserNotifyAll = "all" UserNotifyHere = "here" UserNotifyMention = "mention" UserNotifyNone = "none" DesktopNotifyProp = "desktop" DesktopSoundNotifyProp = "desktop_sound" MarkUnreadNotifyProp = "mark_unread" PushNotifyProp = "push" PushStatusNotifyProp = "push_status" EmailNotifyProp = "email" ChannelMentionsNotifyProp = "channel" CommentsNotifyProp = "comments" MentionKeysNotifyProp = "mention_keys" HighlightsNotifyProp = "highlight_keys" CommentsNotifyNever = "never" CommentsNotifyRoot = "root" CommentsNotifyAny = "any" CommentsNotifyCRT = "crt" FirstNameNotifyProp = "first_name" AutoResponderActiveNotifyProp = "auto_responder_active" AutoResponderMessageNotifyProp = "auto_responder_message" DesktopThreadsNotifyProp = "desktop_threads" PushThreadsNotifyProp = "push_threads" EmailThreadsNotifyProp = "email_threads" DefaultLocale = "en" UserAuthServiceEmail = "email" UserEmailMaxLength = 128 UserNicknameMaxRunes = 64 UserPositionMaxRunes = 128 UserFirstNameMaxRunes = 64 UserLastNameMaxRunes = 64 UserAuthDataMaxLength = 128 UserNameMaxLength = 64 UserNameMinLength = 1 UserPasswordMaxLength = 72 UserLocaleMaxLength = 5 UserTimezoneMaxRunes = 256 UserRolesMaxLength = 256 DesktopTokenTTL = time.Minute * 3 )
const ( LowercaseLetters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" UppercaseLetters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" NUMBERS = "0123456789" SYMBOLS = " !\"\\#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`|~" BinaryParamKey = "MM_BINARY_PARAMETERS" NoTranslation = "<untranslated>" PayloadParseError = "api.payload.parse.error" )
const ( SocketMaxMessageSizeKb = 8 * 1024 // 8KB PingTimeoutBufferSeconds = 5 )
const ( WebSocketRemoteAddr = "remote_addr" WebSocketXForwardedFor = "x_forwarded_for" )
const ChannelSearchDefaultLimit = 50
const (
CommandWebhookLifetime = 1000 * 60 * 30
const ConfigAccessTagAnySysConsoleRead = "*_read"
Allows read access if any PermissionSysconsoleRead* is allowed
const ConfigAccessTagCloudRestrictable = "cloud_restrictable"
const ConfigAccessTagType = "access"
const ConfigAccessTagWriteRestrictable = "write_restrictable"
const (
DefaultWebhookUsername = "webhook"
const ExportDataDir = "data"
ExportDataDir is the name of the directory were to store additional data included with the export (e.g. file attachments).
const (
LicenseUpForRenewalEmailSent = "LicenseUpForRenewalEmailSent"
const (
MaxImageSize = int64(6048 * 4032) // 24 megapixels, roughly 36MB as a raw image
const OutgoingHookResponseTypeComment = "comment"
const (
SupportPacketErrorFile = "warning.txt"
const (
USERNAME = "Username"
const UpcomingInvoice = "upcoming"
const UploadNoUserID = "nouser"
UploadNoUserID is a "fake" user id used by the API layer when in local mode.
const (
UserAuthServiceGitlab = "gitlab"
const UserSearchDefaultLimit = 100
const UserSearchMaxLimit = 1000
Variables ¶
var ( AcceptedInteractions = sliceToMapKey("keyboard", "pointer", "other") AcceptedLCPRegions = sliceToMapKey( "post", "post_textbox", "channel_sidebar", "team_sidebar", "channel_header", "global_header", "announcement_bar", "center_channel", "modal_content", "other", ) AcceptedTrueFalseLabels = sliceToMapKey("true", "false") )
var ( ReportExportFormats = []string{"csv"} UserReportSortColumns = []string{"CreateAt", "Username", "FirstName", "LastName", "Nickname", "Email", "Roles"} )
var ( ErrChannelHomedOnRemote = errors.New("channel is homed on a remote cluster") ErrChannelAlreadyExists = errors.New("channel already exists") )
var AllJobTypes = [...]string{ JobTypeDataRetention, JobTypeMessageExport, JobTypeElasticsearchPostIndexing, JobTypeElasticsearchPostAggregation, JobTypeBlevePostIndexing, JobTypeLdapSync, JobTypeMigrations, JobTypePlugins, JobTypeExpiryNotify, JobTypeProductNotices, JobTypeActiveUsers, JobTypeImportProcess, JobTypeImportDelete, JobTypeExportProcess, JobTypeExportDelete, JobTypeCloud, JobTypeExtractContent, JobTypeLastAccessiblePost, JobTypeLastAccessibleFile, JobTypeCleanupDesktopTokens, JobTypeRefreshPostStats, JobTypeMobileSessionMetadata, }
var AllPermissions []*Permission
var BuildDate string
var BuildEnterpriseReady string
var BuildHash string
var BuildHashEnterprise string
var BuildNumber string
var BuiltInSchemeManagedRoleIDs []string
var ChannelModeratedPermissions []string
var ChannelModeratedPermissionsMap map[string]string
var CurrentVersion = versions[0]
var DeprecatedPermissions []*Permission
var EmojiPattern = regexp.MustCompile(`:[a-zA-Z0-9_+-]+:`)
var ErrMaxPropSizeExceeded = fmt.Errorf("max prop size of %d exceeded", maxPropSizeBytes)
var (
ErrOfflineRemote = errors.New("remote is offline")
var InstalledIntegrationsIgnoredPlugins = map[string]struct{}{
PluginIdPlaybooks: {},
PluginIdFocalboard: {},
PluginIdApps: {},
PluginIdCalls: {},
PluginIdNPS: {},
PluginIdChannelExport: {},
PluginIdAI: {},
var MattermostGiphySdkKey string
var MockCWS string
var ModeratedBookmarkPermissions []*Permission
var NewSystemRoleIDs []string
var PostActionRetainPropKeys = []string{"from_webhook", "override_username", "override_icon_url"}
var SysconsoleAncillaryPermissions map[string][]*Permission
SysconsoleAncillaryPermissions maps the non-sysconsole permissions required by each sysconsole view.
var SysconsoleReadPermissions []*Permission
var SysconsoleWritePermissions []*Permission
var SystemCustomGroupAdminDefaultPermissions []string
var SystemEmojis = map[string]string{}/* 4464 elements not displayed */
var SystemManagerDefaultPermissions []string
var SystemReadOnlyAdminDefaultPermissions []string
var SystemUserManagerDefaultPermissions []string
Functions ¶
func AddAncillaryPermissions ¶
func AppErrorFromJSON ¶
AppErrorFromJSON will try to decode the input into an AppError.
func AppErrorInit ¶
func AppErrorInit(t i18n.TranslateFunc)
func ArrayFromInterface ¶
func ArrayFromJSON
func ArrayToJSON ¶
func AuditModelTypeConv ¶
AuditModelTypeConv converts key model types to something better suited for audit output.
func ChannelMentions ¶
func CleanRoleNames ¶
func CleanTeamName ¶
func CleanUsername ¶
func CleanUsername(logger mlog.LoggerIFace, username string) string
func ClearMentionTags ¶
func CompliancePostHeader ¶
func CompliancePostHeader() []string
func ContainsIntegrationsReservedProps ¶ added in v0.1.8
func ContainsIntegrationsReservedProps(props StringInterface) []string
func DecryptPostActionCookie ¶
func EmailInviteWithErrorToEmails ¶
func EmailInviteWithErrorToEmails(o []*EmailInviteWithError) []string
func EmailInviteWithErrorToString ¶
func EmailInviteWithErrorToString(o *EmailInviteWithError) string
func FloorToNearestHour ¶
FloorToNearestHour takes a timestamp (in milliseconds) and returns it rounded to the previous hour in UTC.
func GenerateLinkMetadataHash ¶
GenerateLinkMetadataHash generates a unique hash for a given URL and timestamp for use as a database key.
func GetDMNameFromIds ¶
func GetDefaultAppCustomURLSchemes ¶
func GetDefaultAppCustomURLSchemes() []string
func GetEmojiNameFromUnicode ¶
func GetEndOfDayMillis ¶
GetEndOfDayMillis is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch for provided date's end of day
func GetEtagForFileInfos ¶
func GetGroupNameFromUserIds ¶
func GetMillis ¶
func GetMillis() int64
GetMillis is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch.
func GetMillisForTime ¶
GetMillisForTime is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch for provided Time.
func GetPreferredTimezone ¶
func GetPreviousVersion ¶
func GetReportDateRange ¶ added in v0.0.14
func GetServerIPAddress ¶
func GetServiceEnvironment ¶