Mattermost Antivirus Plugin

Maintainer: @iomodo
Co-Maintainer: @hanzei
This plugin allows the forwarding of uploaded files to an antivirus scanning application and prevents the upload from completing if there is a virus detected in the file. Use it to prevent users from inadvertently spreading malware or viruses via your Mattermost instance.
Currently the plugin supports ClamAV anti-virus software across browser, Desktop Apps and the Mobile Apps. ClamAV is an open source (GPL) anti-virus engine used in a variety of situations including email scanning, web scanning, and end point security. It provides a number of utilities including a tool for automatic database updates. A ClamAV server can be easily provisioned as a Docker container that runs alongside Mattermost.
- Mattermost Server Version: 5.2+
- ClamAV Server access
Go to the releases page of this Github repository and download the latest release for your Mattermost server.
In the Mattermost System Console under System Console > Plugins > Plugin Management upload the file to install the plugin. To learn more about how to upload a plugin, see the documentation.
Install ClamAV (clamd) for virus scanning. One easy option is to provision a ClamAV container with Docker by running the following command. Assuming you have already installed Docker, this will download and install the latest version of ClamAV and set up a server with an open port at 3310: and MaxFileSize of 50 MB. Mattermost's MaxFileSize default value is subject to change. To ensure that the correct value is set, verify your value at the following link: Maximum File Size.
docker run -e CLAMD_CONF_MaxFileSize=50M -d -p 3310:3310 mkodockx/docker-clamav
Once clamd server is running, configure the plugin to make requests to your clamd instance. Go to System Console > Plugins > Antivirus and configure Clamav Host and Port to point at your clamd instance.
Activate the plugin at System Console > Plugins > Management and ensure it starts with no errors.
To test your configuration is correct, create an EICAR test file (copy the text from that webpage into a text file editor and save it) and upload it. The file should be rejected as below:

Upload a regular file to ensure it is processed successfully and posted to the channel.
If there is an error with your setup - check your ClamAV server setup and communication: