Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CheckProvider(provider string) (string, error)
- func ClusterInstallationConfigFromReader(reader io.Reader) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func ClusterNewID() string
- func ContainsAnnotation(annotations []*Annotation, annotation *Annotation) bool
- func DNSNamesFromRecords(dnsRecords []*InstallationDNS) []string
- func DTOFromReader[T any](reader io.Reader) (*T, error)
- func DTOsFromReader[T any](reader io.Reader) ([]*T, error)
- func DateStringFromMillis(millis int64) string
- func DateTimeStringFromMillis(millis int64) string
- func DetermineAfterRestorationState(installation *Installation) (string, error)
- func ElapsedTimeInSeconds(millis int64) float64
- func EnsureBackupRestoreCompatible(installation *Installation) error
- func EnsureInstallationReadyForBackup(installation *Installation) error
- func EnsureInstallationReadyForDBRestoration(installation *Installation, backup *InstallationBackup) error
- func GetAnnotationsIDs(annotations []*Annotation) []string
- func GetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase() int64
- func GetGitlabToken() string
- func GetIDs(resources []Resource) []string
- func GetInstallationSize(size string) (v1alpha1.ClusterInstallationSize, error)
- func GetMillis() int64
- func GetMillisAtTime(t time.Time) int64
- func GetSupportedCniList() []string
- func InstallationsCountFromReader(reader io.Reader) (int64, error)
- func IsMultiTenantRDS(database string) bool
- func IsSingleTenantRDS(database string) bool
- func IsSupportedAffinity(affinity string) bool
- func IsSupportedDatabase(database string) bool
- func IsSupportedFilestore(filestore string) bool
- func IsValidExecCommand(command string) bool
- func NewID() string
- func NewNodeGroupSuffix() string
- func NewRandomPassword(length int) string
- func ParseProvisionerSize(size string) (v1alpha1.ClusterInstallationSize, error)
- func SetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase(val int64) error
- func SetDeployOperators(mysql, minio bool)
- func SetGitlabToken(val string)
- func SetRequireAnnotatedInstallations(val bool)
- func SetUtilityDefaults(url string)
- func TimeFromMillis(millis int64) time.Time
- func UtilityIsUnmanaged(desired *HelmUtilityVersion, actual *HelmUtilityVersion) bool
- func ValidClusterVersion(name string) bool
- type AWSMetadata
- type AddAnnotationsRequest
- type AddDNSRecordRequest
- type Annotation
- type AnnotationsFilter
- type AssignInstallationGroupRequest
- type CIMigrationDatabase
- type Certificate
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddClusterAnnotations(clusterID string, annotationsRequest *AddAnnotationsRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) AddGroupAnnotations(groupID string, annotationsRequest *AddAnnotationsRequest) (*GroupDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) AddInstallationAnnotations(installationID string, annotationsRequest *AddAnnotationsRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) AddInstallationDNS(installationID string, request *AddDNSRecordRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) AssignGroup(installationID string, assignRequest AssignInstallationGroupRequest) error
- func (c *Client) CancelInstallationDeletion(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) CommitInstallationDBMigration(id string) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateCluster(request *CreateClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateGroup(request *CreateGroupRequest) (*GroupDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateInstallation(request *CreateInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateInstallationBackup(installationID string) (*InstallationBackup, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateNodegroups(clusterID string, request *CreateNodegroupsRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateSubscription(request *CreateSubscriptionRequest) (*Subscription, error)
- func (c *Client) CreateWebhook(request *CreateWebhookRequest) (*Webhook, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteCluster(clusterID string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteClusterAnnotation(clusterID string, annotationName string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteGroup(groupID string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteGroupAnnotation(groupID string, annotationName string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationByID(clusterInstallationID string) (*ClusterInstallation, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationsByCluster(clusterID string) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteInstallation(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteInstallationAnnotation(installationID string, annotationName string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteInstallationBackup(backupID string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteLogicalDatabase(logicalDatabaseID string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabaseID string, force bool) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteNodegroup(clusterID string, nodegroup string) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) DeleteSubscription(subID string) error
- func (c *Client) DeleteWebhook(webhookID string) error
- func (c *Client) ExecClusterInstallationCLI(clusterInstallationID, command string, subcommand []string) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCluster(clusterID string) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallation(clusterInstallationID string) (*ClusterInstallation, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallationConfig(clusterInstallationID string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallationStatus(clusterInstallationID string) (*ClusterInstallationStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallations(request *GetClusterInstallationsRequest) ([]*ClusterInstallation, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusterUtilities(clusterID string) (*UtilityMetadata, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClusters(request *GetClustersRequest) ([]*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetDatabaseSchema(databaseSchemaID string) (*DatabaseSchema, error)
- func (c *Client) GetDatabaseSchemas(request *GetDatabaseSchemaRequest) ([]*DatabaseSchema, error)
- func (c *Client) GetGroup(groupID string) (*GroupDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetGroupStatus(groupID string) (*GroupStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) GetGroups(request *GetGroupsRequest) ([]*GroupDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetGroupsStatus() ([]*GroupsStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallation(installationID string, request *GetInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationBackup(backupID string) (*InstallationBackup, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationBackups(request *GetInstallationBackupsRequest) ([]*InstallationBackup, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationByDNS(DNS string, request *GetInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBMigrationOperation(id string) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBMigrationOperations(request *GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest) ([]*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBRestoration(id string) (*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBRestorationOperations(request *GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest) ([]*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallations(request *GetInstallationsRequest) ([]*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationsCount(includeDeleted bool) (int64, error)
- func (c *Client) GetInstallationsStatus() (*InstallationsStatus, error)
- func (c *Client) GetLogicalDatabase(logicalDatabaseID string) (*LogicalDatabase, error)
- func (c *Client) GetLogicalDatabases(request *GetLogicalDatabasesRequest) ([]*LogicalDatabase, error)
- func (c *Client) GetMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabaseID string) (*MultitenantDatabase, error)
- func (c *Client) GetMultitenantDatabases(request *GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest) ([]*MultitenantDatabase, error)
- func (c *Client) GetSubscription(subID string) (*Subscription, error)
- func (c *Client) GetWebhook(webhookID string) (*Webhook, error)
- func (c *Client) GetWebhooks(request *GetWebhooksRequest) ([]*Webhook, error)
- func (c *Client) HibernateInstallation(installationID string) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) JoinGroup(groupID, installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) LeaveGroup(installationID string, request *LeaveGroupRequest) error
- func (c *Client) ListStateChangeEvents(request *ListStateChangeEventsRequest) ([]*StateChangeEventData, error)
- func (c *Client) ListSubscriptions(request *ListSubscriptionsRequest) ([]*Subscription, error)
- func (c *Client) LockAPIForBackup(backupID string) error
- func (c *Client) LockAPIForCluster(clusterID string) error
- func (c *Client) LockAPIForClusterInstallation(clusterID string) error
- func (c *Client) LockAPIForGroup(groupID string) error
- func (c *Client) LockAPIForInstallation(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) LockDeletionLockForInstallation(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) MigrateClusterInstallation(request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateDNS(request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) MigrateInstallationDatabase(request *InstallationDBMigrationRequest) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) ProvisionCluster(clusterID string, request *ProvisionClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) ResizeCluster(clusterID string, request *PatchClusterSizeRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) RestoreInstallationDatabase(installationID, backupID string) (*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) RetryCreateCluster(clusterID string) error
- func (c *Client) RetryCreateInstallation(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) RollbackInstallationDBMigration(id string) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
- func (c *Client) RunMattermostCLICommandOnClusterInstallation(clusterInstallationID string, subcommand []string) ([]byte, error)
- func (c *Client) SetClusterInstallationConfig(clusterInstallationID string, config map[string]interface{}) error
- func (c *Client) SetInstallationDomainPrimary(installationID, installationDNSID string) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) SwitchClusterRoles(request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
- func (c *Client) UnlockAPIForBackup(backupID string) error
- func (c *Client) UnlockAPIForCluster(clusterID string) error
- func (c *Client) UnlockAPIForClusterInstallation(clusterID string) error
- func (c *Client) UnlockAPIForGroup(groupID string) error
- func (c *Client) UnlockAPIForInstallation(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) UnlockDeletionLockForInstallation(installationID string) error
- func (c *Client) UpdateCluster(clusterID string, request *UpdateClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateGroup(request *PatchGroupRequest) (*GroupDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateInstallation(installationID string, request *PatchInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateInstallationDeletion(installationID string, request *PatchInstallationDeletionRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) UpdateMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabaseID string, request *PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest) (*MultitenantDatabase, error)
- func (c *Client) UpgradeCluster(clusterID string, request *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
- func (c *Client) WakeupInstallation(installationID string, request *PatchInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
- type Cluster
- func (c *Cluster) ActualUtilityVersion(utility string) *HelmUtilityVersion
- func (c *Cluster) Clone() *Cluster
- func (c *Cluster) DesiredUtilityVersion(utility string) *HelmUtilityVersion
- func (c *Cluster) GetID() string
- func (c *Cluster) GetState() string
- func (c *Cluster) IsDeleted() bool
- func (c *Cluster) SetUtilityActualVersion(utility string, version *HelmUtilityVersion) error
- func (c *Cluster) SetUtilityDesiredVersions(desiredVersions map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion)
- func (c *Cluster) ToDTO(annotations []*Annotation) *ClusterDTO
- func (c *Cluster) ValidTransitionState(newState string) bool
- type ClusterDTO
- type ClusterFilter
- type ClusterInstallation
- type ClusterInstallationConfigRequest
- type ClusterInstallationExecSubcommand
- type ClusterInstallationFilter
- type ClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommand
- type ClusterInstallationStatus
- type ClusterStateReport
- type ClusterUtilityDatabaseStoreInterface
- type CreateClusterRequest
- type CreateGroupRequest
- type CreateInstallationRequest
- type CreateNodegroupsRequest
- type CreateSubscriptionRequest
- type CreateWebhookRequest
- type Database
- type DatabaseResourceGrouping
- type DatabaseSchema
- type DatabaseSchemaFilter
- type DeletionPendingReport
- type DeletionPendingTimeCutoff
- type EKSMetadata
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyChangeRequest()
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyClusterCreateRequest(createRequest *CreateClusterRequest) bool
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) bool
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyNodegroupDeleteRequest(nodegroup string)
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyNodegroupsCreateRequest(request *CreateNodegroupsRequest)
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyUpgradePatch(patchRequest *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) bool
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ClearChangeRequest()
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ClearWarnings()
- func (em *EKSMetadata) GetCommonMetadata() ProvisionerMetadata
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateChangeRequest() error
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) error
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateNodegroupDeleteRequest(nodegroup string) error
- func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateNodegroupsCreateRequest(nodegroups map[string]NodeGroupMetadata) error
- type EKSMetadataRequestedState
- type EnvVar
- type EnvVarMap
- type Event
- type EventDelivery
- type EventDeliveryStatus
- type EventExtraData
- type EventType
- type ExternalDatabaseConfig
- type ExternalDatabaseRequest
- type Filestore
- type FilestoreConfig
- type GetClusterInstallationsRequest
- type GetClustersRequest
- type GetDatabaseSchemaRequest
- type GetGroupsRequest
- type GetInstallationBackupsRequest
- type GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest
- type GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest
- type GetInstallationRequest
- type GetInstallationsRequest
- type GetLogicalDatabasesRequest
- type GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest
- type GetWebhooksRequest
- type Group
- type GroupDTO
- type GroupFilter
- type GroupStatus
- type GroupsStatus
- type Headers
- type HelmUtilityVersion
- type Installation
- func (i *Installation) Clone() *Installation
- func (i *Installation) ConfigMergedWithGroup() bool
- func (i *Installation) CreationDateString() string
- func (i *Installation) DeletionDateString() string
- func (i *Installation) DeletionPendingExpiryCompleteTimeString() string
- func (i *Installation) GetDatabaseWeight() float64
- func (i Installation) GetEnvVars() EnvVarMap
- func (i *Installation) GetID() string
- func (i *Installation) GetState() string
- func (i *Installation) InstallationSequenceMatchesMergedGroupSequence() bool
- func (i *Installation) InternalDatabase() bool
- func (i *Installation) InternalFilestore() bool
- func (i *Installation) IsDeleted() bool
- func (i *Installation) IsInGroup() bool
- func (i *Installation) MergeWithGroup(group *Group, includeOverrides bool)
- func (i *Installation) SyncGroupAndInstallationSequence()
- func (i *Installation) ToDTO(annotations []*Annotation, dnsRecords []*InstallationDNS) *InstallationDTO
- func (i *Installation) ValidTransitionState(newState string) bool
- type InstallationBackup
- type InstallationBackupFilter
- type InstallationBackupRequest
- type InstallationBackupState
- type InstallationDBMigrationFilter
- type InstallationDBMigrationOperation
- type InstallationDBMigrationOperationState
- type InstallationDBMigrationRequest
- type InstallationDBRestorationFilter
- type InstallationDBRestorationOperation
- type InstallationDBRestorationRequest
- type InstallationDBRestorationState
- type InstallationDNS
- type InstallationDTO
- type InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface
- type InstallationFilter
- type InstallationStateReport
- type InstallationsCount
- type InstallationsStatus
- type KopsInstanceGroupMetadata
- type KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata
- type KopsMetadata
- func (km *KopsMetadata) AddWarning(warning string)
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyChangeRequest()
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyClusterCreateRequest(createRequest *CreateClusterRequest) bool
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) bool
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyUpgradePatch(patchRequest *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) bool
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ClearChangeRequest()
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ClearRotatorRequest()
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ClearWarnings()
- func (km *KopsMetadata) GetCommonMetadata() ProvisionerMetadata
- func (km *KopsMetadata) GetKopsResizeSetActionsFromChanges(changes KopsInstanceGroupMetadata, igName string) []string
- func (km *KopsMetadata) GetWorkerNodesResizeChanges() KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata
- func (km *KopsMetadata) ValidateChangeRequest() error
- func (em *KopsMetadata) ValidateClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) error
- type KopsMetadataRequestedState
- type LaunchTemplateData
- type LeaveGroupRequest
- type ListStateChangeEventsRequest
- type ListSubscriptionsRequest
- type LogicalDatabase
- type LogicalDatabaseFilter
- type MigrateClusterInstallationRequest
- type MigrateClusterInstallationResponse
- type MinioOperatorFilestore
- func (f *MinioOperatorFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
- func (f *MinioOperatorFilestore) Provision(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (f *MinioOperatorFilestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type MultiTenantDBMigrationData
- type MultitenantDatabase
- type MultitenantDatabaseFilter
- type MultitenantDatabaseInstallations
- type MysqlOperatorDatabase
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) MigrateOut(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) MigrateTo(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) Provision(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) RollbackMigration(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) Snapshot(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) Teardown(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, ...) error
- func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type NodeGroupMetadata
- type PGBouncerConfig
- type Paging
- type PatchClusterSizeRequest
- type PatchGroupRequest
- type PatchInstallationDeletionRequest
- type PatchInstallationRequest
- type PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest
- type PatchUpgradeClusterRequest
- type ProvisionClusterRequest
- type ProvisionerMetadata
- type Resource
- type ResourceType
- type Resources
- type RotatorConfig
- type RotatorMetadata
- type S3DataResidence
- type SingleTenantDatabaseConfig
- type SingleTenantDatabaseRequest
- type StateChangeEvent
- type StateChangeEventData
- type StateChangeEventDeliveryData
- type StateChangeEventFilter
- type StateChangeEventPayload
- type StateList
- type StateReportEntry
- type Subscription
- type SubscriptionDeliveryStatus
- type SubscriptionsFilter
- type SupervisedResource
- type UpdateClusterRequest
- type UtilityGroupVersions
- type UtilityMetadata
- type Webhook
- type WebhookFilter
- type WebhookHeader
- type WebhookPayload
Constants ¶
const ( // InstallationAffinityIsolated means that no peer installations are allowed in the same cluster. InstallationAffinityIsolated = "isolated" // InstallationAffinityMultiTenant means peer installations are allowed in the same cluster. InstallationAffinityMultiTenant = "multitenant" )
const ( // OperationTypeMigration is used for CIs migration from source to target cluster. OperationTypeMigration = "MigratingClusterInstallation" // OperationTypeDNS is used for DNS Switch from source to target cluster. OperationTypeDNS = "DNSSwitch" // OperationTypeSwitchClusterRoles is used for Switching the tags between source & target clusters. OperationTypeSwitchClusterRoles = "SwitchClusterRoles" // OperationTypeDeletingInActiveCIs is used for Deleting InActive ClusterInstallations from source clusters. OperationTypeDeletingInActiveCIs = "DeletingInActiveClusterInstallations" )
const ( // DatabaseMigrationStatusSetupIP indicates that database migration setup is still running. DatabaseMigrationStatusSetupIP = "setup-in-progress" // DatabaseMigrationStatusSetupComplete indicates that database migration setup is completed. DatabaseMigrationStatusSetupComplete = "setup-complete" // DatabaseMigrationStatusTeardownIP indicates that database migration teardown is still running. DatabaseMigrationStatusTeardownIP = "teardown-in-progress" // DatabaseMigrationStatusTeardownComplete indicates that database migration teardown is completed. DatabaseMigrationStatusTeardownComplete = "teardown-complete" // DatabaseMigrationStatusReplicationIP indicates that database migration replication process is still running. DatabaseMigrationStatusReplicationIP = "replication-in-progress" // DatabaseMigrationStatusReplicationComplete indicates that database migration process is completed. DatabaseMigrationStatusReplicationComplete = "replication-complete" )
const ( // ClusterInstallationStateCreationRequested is a cluster installation in the process of being created. ClusterInstallationStateCreationRequested = "creation-requested" // ClusterInstallationStateCreationFailed is a cluster installation that failed creation. ClusterInstallationStateCreationFailed = "creation-failed" // ClusterInstallationStateDeletionRequested is a cluster installation in the process of being deleted. ClusterInstallationStateDeletionRequested = "deletion-requested" // ClusterInstallationStateDeletionFailed is a cluster installation that failed deletion. ClusterInstallationStateDeletionFailed = "deletion-failed" // ClusterInstallationStateDeleted is a cluster installation that has been deleted ClusterInstallationStateDeleted = "deleted" // ClusterInstallationStateReconciling is a cluster installation that in undergoing changes and is not yet stable. ClusterInstallationStateReconciling = "reconciling" // ClusterInstallationStateReady is a cluster installation in a ready state where it is nearly stable. ClusterInstallationStateReady = "ready" // ClusterInstallationStateStable is a cluster installation in a stable state and undergoing no changes. ClusterInstallationStateStable = "stable" )
const ( // NetworkingCalico is Calico networking plugin. NetworkingCalico = "calico" // NetworkingAmazon is Amazon networking plugin. NetworkingAmazon = "amazon-vpc-routed-eni" // NetworkingVpcCni is Amazon VPC CNI networking plugin. NetworkingVpcCni = "amazon-vpc-cni" )
const ( // ClusterStateStable is a cluster in a stable state and undergoing no changes. ClusterStateStable = "stable" // ClusterStateCreationRequested is a cluster in the process of being created. ClusterStateCreationRequested = "creation-requested" // ClusterStateCreationInProgress is a cluster that is being actively created. ClusterStateCreationInProgress = "creation-in-progress" // ClusterStateWaitingForNodes is a cluster that is waiting for nodes to be ready ClusterStateWaitingForNodes = "waiting-for-nodes" // ClusterStateProvisionInProgress is a cluster in the process of being provisioned. ClusterStateProvisionInProgress = "provision-in-progress" // ClusterStateCreationFailed is a cluster that failed creation. ClusterStateCreationFailed = "creation-failed" // ClusterStateProvisioningRequested is a cluster in the process of being // provisioned with operators. ClusterStateProvisioningRequested = "provisioning-requested" // ClusterStateRefreshMetadata is a cluster that will have metadata refreshed. ClusterStateRefreshMetadata = "refresh-metadata" // ClusterStateProvisioningFailed is a cluster that failed provisioning. ClusterStateProvisioningFailed = "provisioning-failed" // ClusterStateUpgradeRequested is a cluster in the process of upgrading. ClusterStateUpgradeRequested = "upgrade-requested" // ClusterStateUpgradeFailed is a cluster that failed to upgrade. ClusterStateUpgradeFailed = "upgrade-failed" // ClusterStateResizeRequested is a cluster in the process of resizing. ClusterStateResizeRequested = "resize-requested" // ClusterStateResizeFailed is a cluster that failed to resize. ClusterStateResizeFailed = "resize-failed" // ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationRequested is a cluster in the process of creating nodegroups. ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationRequested = "nodegroups-creation-requested" // ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationFailed is a cluster that failed to create nodegroups. ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationFailed = "nodegroups-creation-failed" // ClusterStateNodegroupsDeletionRequested is a cluster in the process of deleting nodegroups. ClusterStateNodegroupsDeletionRequested = "nodegroups-deletion-requested" // ClusterStateNodegroupsDeletionFailed is a cluster that failed to delete nodegroups. ClusterStateNodegroupsDeletionFailed = "nodegroups-deletion-failed" // ClusterStateDeletionRequested is a cluster in the process of being deleted. ClusterStateDeletionRequested = "deletion-requested" // ClusterStateDeletionFailed is a cluster that failed deletion. ClusterStateDeletionFailed = "deletion-failed" // ClusterStateDeleted is a cluster that has been deleted ClusterStateDeleted = "deleted" )
const ( // PrometheusOperatorCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of prometheus operator PrometheusOperatorCanonicalName = "prometheus-operator" // ThanosCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of thanos ThanosCanonicalName = "thanos" // NginxCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of nginx NginxCanonicalName = "nginx" // NginxInternalCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of nginx internal NginxInternalCanonicalName = "nginx-internal" // FluentbitCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of fluentbit FluentbitCanonicalName = "fluentbit" // TeleportCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of teleport TeleportCanonicalName = "teleport-kube-agent" // PgbouncerCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of pgbouncer PgbouncerCanonicalName = "pgbouncer" // PromtailCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of promtail PromtailCanonicalName = "promtail" // RtcdCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of RTCD RtcdCanonicalName = "rtcd" // NodeProblemDetectorCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of node problem detector NodeProblemDetectorCanonicalName = "node-problem-detector" // MetricsServerCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of metrics server MetricsServerCanonicalName = "metrics-server" // VeleroCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of velero VeleroCanonicalName = "velero" // CloudproberCanonicalName is the canonical string representation of Cloudprber CloudproberCanonicalName = "cloudprober" // UnmanagedUtilityVersion is the value of utility versions where the // provisioner will no longer manage the helm chart. UnmanagedUtilityVersion = "unmanaged" // GitlabOAuthTokenKey is the name of the Environment Variable which // may contain an OAuth token for accessing GitLab repositories over // HTTPS, used for fetching values files GitlabOAuthTokenKey = "GITLAB_OAUTH_TOKEN" )
const ( ProvisionerEKS = "eks" NodeGroupWorker = "worker" )
const ( // AllPerPage signals the store to return all results, avoid pagination of any kind. AllPerPage = -1 // NoInstallationsLimit signals the store to return all multitenant database instances independently // of the number of installations using each instance. NoInstallationsLimit = -1 // NonApplicableState represents constant use for StateChangeEvents when resource did not have a previous state. NonApplicableState = "n/a" )
const ( // V1betaCRVersion is a Mattermost CR beta version. V1betaCRVersion = "" // DefaultCRVersion is a default CR version used for new installations. DefaultCRVersion = V1betaCRVersion // DefaultDatabaseWeight is the default weight of a small or average-sized // installation that isn't hibernating. DefaultDatabaseWeight float64 = 1 // HibernatingDatabaseWeight is the weight of a hibernating installation. HibernatingDatabaseWeight float64 = .75 )
const ( // InstallationDatabaseMysqlOperator is a database hosted in kubernetes via the operator. InstallationDatabaseMysqlOperator = "mysql-operator" // InstallationDatabaseSingleTenantRDSMySQL is a MySQL database hosted via // Amazon RDS. // TODO: update name value to aws-rds-mysql InstallationDatabaseSingleTenantRDSMySQL = "aws-rds" // InstallationDatabaseSingleTenantRDSPostgres is a PostgreSQL database hosted // via Amazon RDS. InstallationDatabaseSingleTenantRDSPostgres = "aws-rds-postgres" // InstallationDatabaseMultiTenantRDSMySQL is a MySQL multitenant database // hosted via Amazon RDS. // TODO: update name value to aws-multitenant-rds-mysql InstallationDatabaseMultiTenantRDSMySQL = "aws-multitenant-rds" // InstallationDatabaseMultiTenantRDSPostgres is a PostgreSQL multitenant // database hosted via Amazon RDS. InstallationDatabaseMultiTenantRDSPostgres = "aws-multitenant-rds-postgres" // InstallationDatabaseMultiTenantRDSPostgresPGBouncer is a PostgreSQL // multitenant database hosted via Amazon RDS that has pooled connections // through PGBouncer. InstallationDatabaseMultiTenantRDSPostgresPGBouncer = "aws-multitenant-rds-postgres-pgbouncer" // InstallationDatabasePerseus is a PostgreSQL multitenant database hosted // via Amazon RDS that has pooled connections through Perseus. InstallationDatabasePerseus = "perseus" // InstallationDatabaseExternal is a database that is created and managed // outside of the cloud provisioner. No provisioning or teardown is performed // on this database type. An AWS secret with connection strings and // credentials must be specified on installation creation when using this // database type. InstallationDatabaseExternal = "external" // DatabaseEngineTypeMySQL is a MySQL database. DatabaseEngineTypeMySQL = "mysql" // DatabaseEngineTypePostgres is a PostgreSQL database. DatabaseEngineTypePostgres = "postgres" // DatabaseEngineTypePostgresProxy is a PostgreSQL database that is // configured for proxied connections. DatabaseEngineTypePostgresProxy = "postgres-proxy" // DatabaseEngineTypePostgresProxyPerseus is a PostgreSQL database that is // configured for proxied connections from Perseus. DatabaseEngineTypePostgresProxyPerseus = "postgres-proxy-perseus" )
const ( // InstallationFilestoreMinioOperator is a filestore hosted in kubernetes // via the operator. InstallationFilestoreMinioOperator = "minio-operator" // InstallationFilestoreAwsS3 is a filestore hosted via Amazon S3. InstallationFilestoreAwsS3 = "aws-s3" // InstallationFilestoreMultiTenantAwsS3 is a filestore hosted via a shared // Amazon S3 bucket. InstallationFilestoreMultiTenantAwsS3 = "aws-multitenant-s3" // InstallationFilestoreBifrost is a filestore hosted via a shared Amazon S3 // bucket using the bifrost gateway. InstallationFilestoreBifrost = "bifrost" )
const ( // InstallationStateStable is an installation in a stable state and undergoing no changes. InstallationStateStable = "stable" // InstallationStateCreationRequested is an installation waiting to be created. InstallationStateCreationRequested = "creation-requested" // InstallationStateCreationPreProvisioning in an installation in the process // of having managed services created along with any other preparation. InstallationStateCreationPreProvisioning = "creation-pre-provisioning" // InstallationStateCreationInProgress is an installation in the process of // being created. InstallationStateCreationInProgress = "creation-in-progress" // InstallationStateCreationDNS is an installation in the process having configuring DNS. InstallationStateCreationDNS = "creation-configuring-dns" // InstallationStateCreationFailed is an installation that failed creation. InstallationStateCreationFailed = "creation-failed" // InstallationStateCreationNoCompatibleClusters is an installation that // can't be fully created because there are no compatible clusters. InstallationStateCreationNoCompatibleClusters = "creation-no-compatible-clusters" // InstallationStateCreationFinalTasks is the final step of the installation creation. InstallationStateCreationFinalTasks = "creation-final-tasks" // InstallationStateHibernationRequested is an installation that is about // to be put into hibernation. InstallationStateHibernationRequested = "hibernation-requested" // InstallationStateHibernationInProgress is an installation that is // transitioning to hibernation. InstallationStateHibernationInProgress = "hibernation-in-progress" // InstallationStateHibernating is an installation that is hibernating. InstallationStateHibernating = "hibernating" // InstallationStateWakeUpRequested is an installation that is about to be // woken up from hibernation. InstallationStateWakeUpRequested = "wake-up-requested" // InstallationStateUpdateRequested is an installation that is about to undergo an update. InstallationStateUpdateRequested = "update-requested" // InstallationStateUpdateInProgress is an installation that is being updated. InstallationStateUpdateInProgress = "update-in-progress" // InstallationStateUpdateFailed is an installation that failed to update. InstallationStateUpdateFailed = "update-failed" // InstallationStateImportInProgress is an installation into which a // Workspace archive is being imported from another service or // on-premise InstallationStateImportInProgress = "import-in-progress" // InstallationStateImportComplete is an installation whose import // is complete but whose completion has not yet been noted by the // AWAT. It is otherwise the same as a stable state. InstallationStateImportComplete = "import-complete" // InstallationStateDeletionPendingRequested is an installation that is marked // to be moved to the deletion-pending state. InstallationStateDeletionPendingRequested = "deletion-pending-requested" // InstallationStateDeletionPendingInProgress is an installation that is being // placed into a deletion-pending state. InstallationStateDeletionPendingInProgress = "deletion-pending-in-progress" // InstallationStateDeletionPending is an installation that is pending // deletion. InstallationStateDeletionPending = "deletion-pending" // InstallationStateDeletionCancellationRequested is an installation that is // requested to have its pending deletion cancelled. InstallationStateDeletionCancellationRequested = "deletion-cancellation-requested" // InstallationStateDeletionRequested is an installation that deletion has // been requested on. InstallationStateDeletionRequested = "deletion-requested" // InstallationStateDeletionInProgress is an installation being deleted. InstallationStateDeletionInProgress = "deletion-in-progress" // InstallationStateDeletionFinalCleanup is the final step of installation deletion. InstallationStateDeletionFinalCleanup = "deletion-final-cleanup" // InstallationStateDeletionFailed is an installation that failed deletion. InstallationStateDeletionFailed = "deletion-failed" // InstallationStateDeleted is an installation that has been deleted InstallationStateDeleted = "deleted" // InstallationStateDBRestorationInProgress is an installation that is being restored from backup. InstallationStateDBRestorationInProgress = "db-restoration-in-progress" // InstallationStateDBMigrationInProgress is an installation that is being migrated to different database. InstallationStateDBMigrationInProgress = "db-migration-in-progress" // InstallationStateDBMigrationRollbackInProgress is an installation that is being migrated back to original database. InstallationStateDBMigrationRollbackInProgress = "db-migration-rollback-in-progress" // InstallationStateDBRestorationFailed is an installation for which database restoration failed. InstallationStateDBRestorationFailed = "db-restoration-failed" // InstallationStateDBMigrationFailed is an installation for which database migration failed. InstallationStateDBMigrationFailed = "db-migration-failed" // InstallationStateDNSMigrationHibernating is an hibernated installation that is being migrated to different cluster. InstallationStateDNSMigrationHibernating = "dns-migration-hibernated" )
const ( // DatabaseStateStable is an database in a stable state. DatabaseStateStable = "stable" // DatabaseStateProvisioningRequested is an database that requires provisioning. DatabaseStateProvisioningRequested = "provisioning-requested" )
const DefaultMattermostDatabaseUsername = "mmcloud"
DefaultMattermostDatabaseUsername the default database username for an installation
const ( // DefaultPasswordLength the default password length used when calling the below function, // mainly used on database creation. DefaultPasswordLength = 40 )
const ( // InstallationDefaultSize is the default size for an installation. InstallationDefaultSize = mmv1alpha1.Size100String )
const (
// ProviderAWS is the cloud provider AWS.
ProviderAWS = "aws"
const (
ProvisionerKops = "kops"
const ProvisionerSizePrefix = "provisioner"
ProvisionerSizePrefix is a provisioner specific Installation size prefix.
const ( // ShowInstallationCountQueryParameter the query parameter name for GET /groups in order to enable // or disable the installation count on the output. ShowInstallationCountQueryParameter = "show_installation_count" )
const SizeProvisionerXL = "provisionerXL"
SizeProvisionerXL specifies custom Installation size.
Variables ¶
var AllClusterInstallationStates = []string{ ClusterInstallationStateCreationRequested, ClusterInstallationStateCreationFailed, ClusterInstallationStateDeletionRequested, ClusterInstallationStateDeletionFailed, ClusterInstallationStateDeleted, ClusterInstallationStateReconciling, ClusterInstallationStateReady, ClusterInstallationStateStable, }
AllClusterInstallationStates is a list of all states a cluster installation can be in. Warning: When creating a new cluster installation state, it must be added to this list.
var AllClusterInstallationStatesPendingWork = []string{ ClusterInstallationStateCreationRequested, ClusterInstallationStateReconciling, ClusterInstallationStateReady, ClusterInstallationStateDeletionRequested, }
AllClusterInstallationStatesPendingWork is a list of all cluster installation states that the supervisor will attempt to transition towards stable on the next "tick". Warning: When creating a new cluster installation state, it must be added to this list if the cloud installation supervisor should perform some action on its next work cycle.
var AllClusterRequestStates = []string{ ClusterStateCreationRequested, ClusterStateProvisioningRequested, ClusterStateUpgradeRequested, ClusterStateResizeRequested, ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationRequested, ClusterStateDeletionRequested, }
AllClusterRequestStates is a list of all states that a cluster can be put in via the API. Warning: When creating a new cluster state, it must be added to this list if an API endpoint should put the cluster in this state.
var AllClusterStates = []string{ ClusterStateStable, ClusterStateRefreshMetadata, ClusterStateCreationRequested, ClusterStateCreationInProgress, ClusterStateWaitingForNodes, ClusterStateProvisionInProgress, ClusterStateCreationFailed, ClusterStateProvisioningRequested, ClusterStateProvisioningFailed, ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationRequested, ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationFailed, ClusterStateUpgradeRequested, ClusterStateUpgradeFailed, ClusterStateResizeRequested, ClusterStateResizeFailed, ClusterStateDeletionRequested, ClusterStateDeletionFailed, ClusterStateDeleted, }
AllClusterStates is a list of all states a cluster can be in. Warning: When creating a new cluster state, it must be added to this list.
var AllClusterStatesPendingWork = []string{ ClusterStateCreationRequested, ClusterStateCreationInProgress, ClusterStateWaitingForNodes, ClusterStateProvisionInProgress, ClusterStateProvisioningRequested, ClusterStateRefreshMetadata, ClusterStateUpgradeRequested, ClusterStateResizeRequested, ClusterStateNodegroupsCreationRequested, ClusterStateNodegroupsDeletionRequested, ClusterStateDeletionRequested, }
AllClusterStatesPendingWork is a list of all cluster states that the supervisor will attempt to transition towards stable on the next "tick". Warning: When creating a new cluster state, it must be added to this list if the cloud cluster supervisor should perform some action on its next work cycle.
var AllInstallationBackupStatesPendingWork = []InstallationBackupState{ InstallationBackupStateBackupRequested, InstallationBackupStateBackupInProgress, InstallationBackupStateDeletionRequested, }
AllInstallationBackupStatesPendingWork is a list of all backup states that the supervisor will attempt to transition towards stable on the next "tick".
var AllInstallationBackupsStatesRunning = []InstallationBackupState{ InstallationBackupStateBackupRequested, InstallationBackupStateBackupInProgress, }
AllInstallationBackupsStatesRunning is a list of all backup states that are currently running.
var AllInstallationDBMigrationOperationsStatesPendingWork = []InstallationDBMigrationOperationState{ InstallationDBMigrationStateRequested, InstallationDBMigrationStateBackupInProgress, InstallationDBMigrationStateDatabaseSwitch, InstallationDBMigrationStateRefreshSecrets, InstallationDBMigrationStateTriggerRestoration, InstallationDBMigrationStateRestorationInProgress, InstallationDBMigrationStateUpdatingInstallationConfig, InstallationDBMigrationStateFinalizing, InstallationDBMigrationStateFailing, InstallationDBMigrationStateRollbackRequested, InstallationDBMigrationStateDeletionRequested, }
AllInstallationDBMigrationOperationsStatesPendingWork is a list of all db migration operations states that the supervisor will attempt to transition towards stable on the next "tick".
var AllInstallationDBRestorationStatesPendingWork = []InstallationDBRestorationState{ InstallationDBRestorationStateRequested, InstallationDBRestorationStateInProgress, InstallationDBRestorationStateFinalizing, InstallationDBRestorationStateFailing, InstallationDBRestorationStateDeletionRequested, }
AllInstallationDBRestorationStatesPendingWork is a list of all installation restoration operation states that the supervisor will attempt to transition towards succeeded on the next "tick".
var AllInstallationRequestStates = []string{ InstallationStateCreationRequested, InstallationStateHibernationRequested, InstallationStateWakeUpRequested, InstallationStateUpdateRequested, InstallationStateDNSMigrationHibernating, InstallationStateDeletionPendingRequested, InstallationStateDeletionCancellationRequested, InstallationStateDeletionRequested, }
AllInstallationRequestStates is a list of all states that an installation can be put in via the API. Warning: When creating a new installation state, it must be added to this list if an API endpoint should put the installation in this state.
var AllInstallationStates = []string{ InstallationStateStable, InstallationStateCreationRequested, InstallationStateCreationPreProvisioning, InstallationStateCreationInProgress, InstallationStateCreationDNS, InstallationStateCreationFailed, InstallationStateCreationNoCompatibleClusters, InstallationStateCreationFinalTasks, InstallationStateHibernationRequested, InstallationStateHibernationInProgress, InstallationStateHibernating, InstallationStateWakeUpRequested, InstallationStateUpdateRequested, InstallationStateUpdateInProgress, InstallationStateUpdateFailed, InstallationStateImportInProgress, InstallationStateImportComplete, InstallationStateDeletionPendingRequested, InstallationStateDeletionPendingInProgress, InstallationStateDeletionPending, InstallationStateDeletionCancellationRequested, InstallationStateDeletionRequested, InstallationStateDeletionInProgress, InstallationStateDeletionFinalCleanup, InstallationStateDeletionFailed, InstallationStateDeleted, InstallationStateDBRestorationInProgress, InstallationStateDBMigrationInProgress, InstallationStateDBMigrationRollbackInProgress, InstallationStateDBRestorationFailed, InstallationStateDBMigrationFailed, InstallationStateDNSMigrationHibernating, }
AllInstallationStates is a list of all states an installation can be in. Warning: When creating a new installation state, it must be added to this list.
var AllInstallationStatesPendingWork = []string{ InstallationStateCreationRequested, InstallationStateCreationPreProvisioning, InstallationStateCreationInProgress, InstallationStateCreationNoCompatibleClusters, InstallationStateCreationFinalTasks, InstallationStateCreationDNS, InstallationStateHibernationRequested, InstallationStateHibernationInProgress, InstallationStateWakeUpRequested, InstallationStateUpdateRequested, InstallationStateUpdateInProgress, InstallationStateDNSMigrationHibernating, InstallationStateDeletionPendingRequested, InstallationStateDeletionPendingInProgress, InstallationStateDeletionCancellationRequested, InstallationStateDeletionRequested, InstallationStateDeletionInProgress, InstallationStateDeletionFinalCleanup, }
AllInstallationStatesPendingWork is a list of all installation states that the supervisor will attempt to transition towards stable on the next "tick". Warning: When creating a new installation state, it must be added to this list if the cloud installation supervisor should perform some action on its next work cycle.
var BuildHash string
BuildHash holds the git commit hash when we build the server
var ClusterInstallationStateWorkPriority = map[string]int{ ClusterInstallationStateCreationRequested: 3, ClusterInstallationStateReconciling: 2, ClusterInstallationStateReady: 1, }
ClusterInstallationStateWorkPriority is a map of states to their priority. Default priority is 0. States with higher priority will be processed first.
var ClusterStateWorkPriority = map[string]int{ ClusterStateCreationRequested: 4, ClusterStateCreationInProgress: 3, ClusterStateWaitingForNodes: 2, ClusterStateProvisionInProgress: 1, }
ClusterStateWorkPriority is a map of states to their priority. Default priority is 0. States with higher priority will be processed first.
var DefaultUtilityVersions map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion = map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion{ PrometheusOperatorCanonicalName: {Chart: "48.1.2", ValuesPath: ""}, ThanosCanonicalName: {Chart: "12.10.1", ValuesPath: ""}, NginxCanonicalName: {Chart: "4.7.1", ValuesPath: ""}, NginxInternalCanonicalName: {Chart: "4.7.1", ValuesPath: ""}, FluentbitCanonicalName: {Chart: "0.31.0", ValuesPath: ""}, TeleportCanonicalName: {Chart: "7.3.26", ValuesPath: ""}, PgbouncerCanonicalName: {Chart: "1.2.1", ValuesPath: ""}, PromtailCanonicalName: {Chart: "6.2.2", ValuesPath: ""}, RtcdCanonicalName: {Chart: "1.3.0", ValuesPath: ""}, NodeProblemDetectorCanonicalName: {Chart: "2.3.5", ValuesPath: ""}, MetricsServerCanonicalName: {Chart: "3.10.0", ValuesPath: ""}, VeleroCanonicalName: {Chart: "3.1.2", ValuesPath: ""}, CloudproberCanonicalName: {Chart: "0.1.3", ValuesPath: ""}, }
DefaultUtilityVersions holds the default values for all the HelmUtilityVersions
var InstallationStateWorkPriority = map[string]int{ InstallationStateCreationRequested: 5, InstallationStateCreationNoCompatibleClusters: 4, InstallationStateCreationPreProvisioning: 3, InstallationStateCreationInProgress: 2, InstallationStateCreationDNS: 1, }
InstallationStateWorkPriority is a map of states to their priority. Default priority is 0. States with higher priority will be processed first.
var SizeProvisionerXLResources = v1alpha1.ClusterInstallationSize{ App: v1alpha1.ComponentSize{ Replicas: 4, Resources: corev1.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: corev1.ResourceList{ corev1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("1000m"), corev1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("4Gi"), }, Limits: corev1.ResourceList{ corev1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("4000m"), corev1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("16Gi"), }, }, }, Minio: v1alpha1.ComponentSize{ Replicas: 4, Resources: corev1.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: corev1.ResourceList{ corev1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("300m"), corev1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("500Mi"), }, }, }, Database: v1alpha1.ComponentSize{ Replicas: 3, Resources: corev1.ResourceRequirements{ Requests: corev1.ResourceList{ corev1.ResourceCPU: resource.MustParse("500m"), corev1.ResourceMemory: resource.MustParse("1Gi"), }, }, }, }
SizeProvisionerXLResources specifies resources for Installation size. Size value = 25000users with 4 Replicas
Functions ¶
func CheckProvider ¶
CheckProvider normalizes the given provider, returning an error if invalid.
func ClusterInstallationConfigFromReader ¶
ClusterInstallationConfigFromReader decodes a json-encoded config from the config io.Reader.
func ClusterNewID ¶ added in v0.46.1
func ClusterNewID() string
ClusterNewID is a globally unique identifier for cluster ID which start with a letter. It is a [a-z0-9] string 26
func ContainsAnnotation ¶ added in v0.31.0
func ContainsAnnotation(annotations []*Annotation, annotation *Annotation) bool
ContainsAnnotation determines whether slice of Annotations contains a specific annotation.
func DNSNamesFromRecords ¶ added in v0.54.1
func DNSNamesFromRecords(dnsRecords []*InstallationDNS) []string
DNSNamesFromRecords extract slice of domain names from slice of DNSRecords.
func DateStringFromMillis ¶ added in v0.70.0
DateStringFromMillis returns a standard date string from millis.
func DateTimeStringFromMillis ¶ added in v0.70.0
DateTimeStringFromMillis returns a standard complete time string from millis.
func DetermineAfterRestorationState ¶ added in v0.45.0
func DetermineAfterRestorationState(installation *Installation) (string, error)
DetermineAfterRestorationState returns installation state that should be set after successful restoration.
func ElapsedTimeInSeconds ¶ added in v0.53.0
ElapsedTimeInSeconds returns time in seconds since the provided millis.
func EnsureBackupRestoreCompatible ¶ added in v0.45.0
func EnsureBackupRestoreCompatible(installation *Installation) error
EnsureBackupRestoreCompatible check if installation is compatible with backup-restore functionality.
func EnsureInstallationReadyForBackup ¶ added in v0.45.0
func EnsureInstallationReadyForBackup(installation *Installation) error
EnsureInstallationReadyForBackup ensures that installation can be backed up.
func EnsureInstallationReadyForDBRestoration ¶ added in v0.45.0
func EnsureInstallationReadyForDBRestoration(installation *Installation, backup *InstallationBackup) error
EnsureInstallationReadyForDBRestoration ensures that installation can be restored.
func GetAnnotationsIDs ¶ added in v0.55.0
func GetAnnotationsIDs(annotations []*Annotation) []string
GetAnnotationsIDs gets IDs of annotations.
func GetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase ¶ added in v0.47.0
func GetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase() int64
GetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase returns the value of defaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase.
func GetGitlabToken ¶ added in v0.47.0
func GetGitlabToken() string
GetGitlabToken returns the value of gitlabToken.
func GetInstallationSize ¶ added in v0.59.0
func GetInstallationSize(size string) (v1alpha1.ClusterInstallationSize, error)
GetInstallationSize returns Installation size based on its name.
func GetMillis ¶ added in v0.46.1
func GetMillis() int64
GetMillis is a convenience method to get milliseconds since epoch.
func GetMillisAtTime ¶ added in v0.70.0
GetMillisAtTime returns millis for a given time.
func GetSupportedCniList ¶ added in v0.44.0
func GetSupportedCniList() []string
GetSupportedCniList starting with three supported CNI networking options, we can add more as required
func InstallationsCountFromReader ¶ added in v0.26.0
InstallationsCountFromReader decodes a json-encoded installations count data from the given io.Reader
func IsMultiTenantRDS ¶ added in v0.46.1
IsMultiTenantRDS returns true if the given database is multitenant RDS db.
func IsSingleTenantRDS ¶ added in v0.35.0
IsSingleTenantRDS returns true if the given database is single tenant RDS db.
func IsSupportedAffinity ¶
IsSupportedAffinity returns true if the given affinity string is supported.
func IsSupportedDatabase ¶ added in v0.7.0
IsSupportedDatabase returns true if the given database string is supported.
func IsSupportedFilestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
IsSupportedFilestore returns true if the given filestore string is supported.
func IsValidExecCommand ¶ added in v0.27.0
IsValidExecCommand returns wheather the provided command is valid or not.
func NewID ¶
func NewID() string
NewID is a globally unique identifier. It is a [A-Z0-9] string 26 characters long. It is a UUID version 4 Guid that is zbased32 encoded with the padding stripped off.
func NewNodeGroupSuffix ¶ added in v0.71.0
func NewNodeGroupSuffix() string
NewNodeGroupSuffix is a globally unique identifier for nodegroup ID which start with a letter. It is a [a-z0-9] string 6
func NewRandomPassword ¶ added in v0.67.0
NewRandomPassword generates a random password of the provided length
func ParseProvisionerSize ¶ added in v0.59.0
func ParseProvisionerSize(size string) (v1alpha1.ClusterInstallationSize, error)
ParseProvisionerSize parses Provisioner specific Installation size with configurable replicas count. The size should be specified in form: [SIZE_NAME]-[NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS] If number of replicas is not specified the default value for the size will be used.
func SetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase ¶ added in v0.47.0
SetDefaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase is used to define a new value for defaultProxyDatabaseMaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase.
func SetDeployOperators ¶ added in v0.46.1
func SetDeployOperators(mysql, minio bool)
SetDeployOperators is called with a value based on a CLI flag.
func SetGitlabToken ¶ added in v0.47.0
func SetGitlabToken(val string)
SetGitlabToken is used to define the gitlab token that will be used for remote helm charts.
func SetRequireAnnotatedInstallations ¶ added in v0.33.0
func SetRequireAnnotatedInstallations(val bool)
SetRequireAnnotatedInstallations is called with a value based on a CLI flag.
func SetUtilityDefaults ¶ added in v0.46.1
func SetUtilityDefaults(url string)
SetUtilityDefaults is used to set Utility default version and values.
func TimeFromMillis ¶ added in v0.46.1
TimeFromMillis converts time in milliseconds to time.Time.
func UtilityIsUnmanaged ¶ added in v0.72.0
func UtilityIsUnmanaged(desired *HelmUtilityVersion, actual *HelmUtilityVersion) bool
UtilityIsUnmanaged returns true if the desired version of a utility is set to "unmanaged" or if the actual version is "unmanaged" and there is no new desired version.
func ValidClusterVersion ¶ added in v0.9.0
ValidClusterVersion returns true if the provided version is either "latest" or a valid k8s version number.
Types ¶
type AWSMetadata ¶
type AWSMetadata struct {
Zones []string
AWSMetadata is the provider metadata stored in a model.Cluster.
func NewAWSMetadata ¶
func NewAWSMetadata(metadataBytes []byte) (*AWSMetadata, error)
NewAWSMetadata creates an instance of AWSMetadata given the raw provider metadata.
type AddAnnotationsRequest ¶ added in v0.31.0
type AddAnnotationsRequest struct {
Annotations []string `json:"annotations"`
AddAnnotationsRequest represent parameters passed to add set of annotations to the Cluster or Installation.
func NewAddAnnotationsRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.31.0
func NewAddAnnotationsRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*AddAnnotationsRequest, error)
NewAddAnnotationsRequestFromReader will create a AddAnnotationsRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type AddDNSRecordRequest ¶ added in v0.54.1
type AddDNSRecordRequest struct {
DNS string
AddDNSRecordRequest represents request body for adding domain name to Installation.
func NewAddDNSRecordRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.54.1
func NewAddDNSRecordRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*AddDNSRecordRequest, error)
NewAddDNSRecordRequestFromReader will create a AddDNSRecordRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*AddDNSRecordRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.54.1
func (request *AddDNSRecordRequest) Validate(installationName string) error
Validate validates AddDNSRecordRequest.
type Annotation ¶ added in v0.31.0
Annotation represents an annotation.
func AnnotationsFromStringSlice ¶ added in v0.31.0
func AnnotationsFromStringSlice(names []string) ([]*Annotation, error)
AnnotationsFromStringSlice converts list of strings to list of annotations.
func SortAnnotations ¶ added in v0.31.0
func SortAnnotations(annotations []*Annotation) []*Annotation
SortAnnotations sorts annotations by name alphabetically.
type AnnotationsFilter ¶ added in v0.31.0
type AnnotationsFilter struct { // MatchAllIDs contains all Annotation IDs which need to be set on a Cluster for it to be included in the result. MatchAllIDs []string }
AnnotationsFilter describes filter based on Annotations.
type AssignInstallationGroupRequest ¶ added in v0.57.0
type AssignInstallationGroupRequest struct {
GroupSelectionAnnotations []string
AssignInstallationGroupRequest specifies request body for installation group assignment.
func NewAssignInstallationGroupRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.57.0
func NewAssignInstallationGroupRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*AssignInstallationGroupRequest, error)
NewAssignInstallationGroupRequestFromReader will create a AssignInstallationGroupRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type CIMigrationDatabase ¶ added in v0.18.0
type CIMigrationDatabase interface { Setup(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error) Teardown(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error) Replicate(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error) }
CIMigrationDatabase is the interface for managing Mattermost databases migration process.
type Certificate ¶ added in v0.67.0
type Certificate struct {
ARN *string
Certificate represents an AWS ACM certificate
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client is the programmatic interface to the provisioning server API.
func NewClientWithHeaders ¶ added in v0.7.0
NewClientWithHeaders creates a client to the provisioning server at the given address and uses the provided headers.
func (*Client) AddClusterAnnotations ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *Client) AddClusterAnnotations(clusterID string, annotationsRequest *AddAnnotationsRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
AddClusterAnnotations adds annotations to the given cluster.
func (*Client) AddGroupAnnotations ¶ added in v0.55.0
func (c *Client) AddGroupAnnotations(groupID string, annotationsRequest *AddAnnotationsRequest) (*GroupDTO, error)
AddGroupAnnotations adds annotations to the given group.
func (*Client) AddInstallationAnnotations ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *Client) AddInstallationAnnotations(installationID string, annotationsRequest *AddAnnotationsRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
AddInstallationAnnotations adds annotations to the given installation.
func (*Client) AddInstallationDNS ¶ added in v0.57.0
func (c *Client) AddInstallationDNS(installationID string, request *AddDNSRecordRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
AddInstallationDNS creates new DNS record for installation.
func (*Client) AssignGroup ¶ added in v0.57.0
func (c *Client) AssignGroup(installationID string, assignRequest AssignInstallationGroupRequest) error
AssignGroup joins an installation to the group selected by annotations, leaving any existing group.
func (*Client) CancelInstallationDeletion ¶ added in v0.60.0
CancelInstallationDeletion cancels the deletion of an installation that is still pending deletion.
func (*Client) CommitInstallationDBMigration ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) CommitInstallationDBMigration(id string) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
CommitInstallationDBMigration commits installation db migration from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) CreateCluster ¶
func (c *Client) CreateCluster(request *CreateClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
CreateCluster requests the creation of a cluster from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) CreateGroup ¶
func (c *Client) CreateGroup(request *CreateGroupRequest) (*GroupDTO, error)
CreateGroup requests the creation of a group from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) CreateInstallation ¶
func (c *Client) CreateInstallation(request *CreateInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
CreateInstallation requests the creation of a installation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) CreateInstallationBackup ¶ added in v0.44.0
func (c *Client) CreateInstallationBackup(installationID string) (*InstallationBackup, error)
CreateInstallationBackup triggers backup for the given installation.
func (*Client) CreateNodegroups ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (c *Client) CreateNodegroups(clusterID string, request *CreateNodegroupsRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
CreateNodegroups requests the creation of new nodegroups in the given cluster.
func (*Client) CreateSubscription ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (c *Client) CreateSubscription(request *CreateSubscriptionRequest) (*Subscription, error)
CreateSubscription requests the creation of a subscription from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) CreateWebhook ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *Client) CreateWebhook(request *CreateWebhookRequest) (*Webhook, error)
CreateWebhook requests the creation of a webhook from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) DeleteCluster ¶
DeleteCluster deletes the given cluster and all resources contained therein.
func (*Client) DeleteClusterAnnotation ¶ added in v0.31.0
DeleteClusterAnnotation deletes annotation from the given cluster.
func (*Client) DeleteGroup ¶
DeleteGroup deletes the given group and all resources contained therein.
func (*Client) DeleteGroupAnnotation ¶ added in v0.55.0
DeleteGroupAnnotation deletes annotation from the given group.
func (*Client) DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationByID ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationByID(clusterInstallationID string) (*ClusterInstallation, error)
DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationByID requests the deletion of specific inactive cluster installation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationsByCluster ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationsByCluster(clusterID string) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
DeleteInActiveClusterInstallationsByCluster requests the deletion of inactive cluster installation(s) from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) DeleteInstallation ¶
DeleteInstallation deletes the given installation and all resources contained therein.
func (*Client) DeleteInstallationAnnotation ¶ added in v0.31.0
DeleteInstallationAnnotation deletes annotation from the given installation.
func (*Client) DeleteInstallationBackup ¶ added in v0.44.0
DeleteInstallationBackup deletes given installation backup.
func (*Client) DeleteLogicalDatabase ¶ added in v0.76.0
DeleteLogicalDatabase deletes an empty logical database.
func (*Client) DeleteMultitenantDatabase ¶ added in v0.54.0
DeleteMultitenantDatabase marks multitenant database as deleted.
func (*Client) DeleteNodegroup ¶ added in v0.72.0
func (c *Client) DeleteNodegroup(clusterID string, nodegroup string) (*ClusterDTO, error)
func (*Client) DeleteSubscription ¶ added in v0.50.0
DeleteSubscription deletes the given subscription.
func (*Client) DeleteWebhook ¶ added in v0.3.0
DeleteWebhook deletes the given webhook.
func (*Client) ExecClusterInstallationCLI ¶ added in v0.27.0
func (c *Client) ExecClusterInstallationCLI(clusterInstallationID, command string, subcommand []string) ([]byte, error)
ExecClusterInstallationCLI runs a valid exec command against a cluster installation.
func (*Client) GetCluster ¶
func (c *Client) GetCluster(clusterID string) (*ClusterDTO, error)
GetCluster fetches the specified cluster from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetClusterInstallation ¶
func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallation(clusterInstallationID string) (*ClusterInstallation, error)
GetClusterInstallation fetches the specified cluster installation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetClusterInstallationConfig ¶
func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallationConfig(clusterInstallationID string) (map[string]interface{}, error)
GetClusterInstallationConfig fetches the specified cluster installation's Mattermost config.
func (*Client) GetClusterInstallationStatus ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallationStatus(clusterInstallationID string) (*ClusterInstallationStatus, error)
func (*Client) GetClusterInstallations ¶
func (c *Client) GetClusterInstallations(request *GetClusterInstallationsRequest) ([]*ClusterInstallation, error)
GetClusterInstallations fetches the list of cluster installations from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetClusterUtilities ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *Client) GetClusterUtilities(clusterID string) (*UtilityMetadata, error)
GetClusterUtilities returns the metadata for all utilities running in the given cluster.
func (*Client) GetClusters ¶
func (c *Client) GetClusters(request *GetClustersRequest) ([]*ClusterDTO, error)
GetClusters fetches the list of clusters from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetDatabaseSchema ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (c *Client) GetDatabaseSchema(databaseSchemaID string) (*DatabaseSchema, error)
GetDatabaseSchema fetches the database schema from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetDatabaseSchemas ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (c *Client) GetDatabaseSchemas(request *GetDatabaseSchemaRequest) ([]*DatabaseSchema, error)
GetDatabaseSchemas fetches the list of database schemas from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetGroup ¶
GetGroup fetches the specified group from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetGroupStatus ¶ added in v0.30.0
func (c *Client) GetGroupStatus(groupID string) (*GroupStatus, error)
GetGroupStatus fetches the status for specified group from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetGroups ¶
func (c *Client) GetGroups(request *GetGroupsRequest) ([]*GroupDTO, error)
GetGroups fetches the list of groups from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetGroupsStatus ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (c *Client) GetGroupsStatus() ([]*GroupsStatus, error)
GetGroupsStatus fetches the status for all groups.
func (*Client) GetInstallation ¶
func (c *Client) GetInstallation(installationID string, request *GetInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
GetInstallation fetches the specified installation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetInstallationBackup ¶ added in v0.44.0
func (c *Client) GetInstallationBackup(backupID string) (*InstallationBackup, error)
GetInstallationBackup returns given installation backup.
func (*Client) GetInstallationBackups ¶ added in v0.44.0
func (c *Client) GetInstallationBackups(request *GetInstallationBackupsRequest) ([]*InstallationBackup, error)
GetInstallationBackups returns list of installation backups.
func (*Client) GetInstallationByDNS ¶ added in v0.23.0
func (c *Client) GetInstallationByDNS(DNS string, request *GetInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
GetInstallationByDNS finds an installation with the given FQDN.
func (*Client) GetInstallationDBMigrationOperation ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBMigrationOperation(id string) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
GetInstallationDBMigrationOperation fetches the specified installation db migration operation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetInstallationDBMigrationOperations ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBMigrationOperations(request *GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest) ([]*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
GetInstallationDBMigrationOperations fetches the list of installation db migration operations from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetInstallationDBRestoration ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBRestoration(id string) (*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
GetInstallationDBRestoration fetches the specified installation db restoration operation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetInstallationDBRestorationOperations ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (c *Client) GetInstallationDBRestorationOperations(request *GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest) ([]*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
GetInstallationDBRestorationOperations fetches the list of installation db restoration operations from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetInstallations ¶
func (c *Client) GetInstallations(request *GetInstallationsRequest) ([]*InstallationDTO, error)
GetInstallations fetches the list of installations from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetInstallationsCount ¶ added in v0.26.0
GetInstallationsCount returns then number of installations filtered by deleted field
func (*Client) GetInstallationsStatus ¶ added in v0.42.0
func (c *Client) GetInstallationsStatus() (*InstallationsStatus, error)
GetInstallationsStatus fetches the status for all installations.
func (*Client) GetLogicalDatabase ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (c *Client) GetLogicalDatabase(logicalDatabaseID string) (*LogicalDatabase, error)
GetLogicalDatabase fetches the logical database from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetLogicalDatabases ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (c *Client) GetLogicalDatabases(request *GetLogicalDatabasesRequest) ([]*LogicalDatabase, error)
GetLogicalDatabases fetches the list of logical databases from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetMultitenantDatabase ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (c *Client) GetMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabaseID string) (*MultitenantDatabase, error)
GetMultitenantDatabase fetches the multitenant database from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetMultitenantDatabases ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (c *Client) GetMultitenantDatabases(request *GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest) ([]*MultitenantDatabase, error)
GetMultitenantDatabases fetches the list of multitenant databases from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetSubscription ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (c *Client) GetSubscription(subID string) (*Subscription, error)
GetSubscription fetches the subscription from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetWebhook ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetWebhook fetches the webhook from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) GetWebhooks ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *Client) GetWebhooks(request *GetWebhooksRequest) ([]*Webhook, error)
GetWebhooks fetches the list of webhooks from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) HibernateInstallation ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (c *Client) HibernateInstallation(installationID string) (*InstallationDTO, error)
HibernateInstallation puts an installation into hibernation.
func (*Client) JoinGroup ¶
JoinGroup joins an installation to the given group, leaving any existing group.
func (*Client) LeaveGroup ¶
func (c *Client) LeaveGroup(installationID string, request *LeaveGroupRequest) error
LeaveGroup removes an installation from its group, if any.
func (*Client) ListStateChangeEvents ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (c *Client) ListStateChangeEvents(request *ListStateChangeEventsRequest) ([]*StateChangeEventData, error)
ListStateChangeEvents request events lists from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) ListSubscriptions ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (c *Client) ListSubscriptions(request *ListSubscriptionsRequest) ([]*Subscription, error)
ListSubscriptions requests list of subscriptions from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) LockAPIForBackup ¶ added in v0.44.0
LockAPIForBackup locks API changes for a given backup.
func (*Client) LockAPIForCluster ¶ added in v0.25.0
LockAPIForCluster locks API changes for a given cluster.
func (*Client) LockAPIForClusterInstallation ¶ added in v0.25.0
LockAPIForClusterInstallation locks API changes for a given cluster installation.
func (*Client) LockAPIForGroup ¶ added in v0.25.0
LockAPIForGroup locks API changes for a given group.
func (*Client) LockAPIForInstallation ¶ added in v0.25.0
LockAPIForInstallation locks API changes for a given installation.
func (*Client) LockDeletionLockForInstallation ¶ added in v0.75.0
func (*Client) MigrateClusterInstallation ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) MigrateClusterInstallation(request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
MigrateClusterInstallation requests the migration of cluster installation(s) from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) MigrateDNS ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) MigrateDNS(request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
MigrateDNS requests the migration of cluster installation(s) from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) MigrateInstallationDatabase ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) MigrateInstallationDatabase(request *InstallationDBMigrationRequest) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
MigrateInstallationDatabase requests installation db migration from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) ProvisionCluster ¶
func (c *Client) ProvisionCluster(clusterID string, request *ProvisionClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
ProvisionCluster provisions k8s operators and Helm charts on a cluster from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) ResizeCluster ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c *Client) ResizeCluster(clusterID string, request *PatchClusterSizeRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
ResizeCluster resizes a cluster with a new size value.
func (*Client) RestoreInstallationDatabase ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (c *Client) RestoreInstallationDatabase(installationID, backupID string) (*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
RestoreInstallationDatabase requests installation db restoration from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) RetryCreateCluster ¶
RetryCreateCluster retries the creation of a cluster from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) RetryCreateInstallation ¶
RetryCreateInstallation retries the creation of a installation from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) RollbackInstallationDBMigration ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) RollbackInstallationDBMigration(id string) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
RollbackInstallationDBMigration triggers installation db migration rollback from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) RunMattermostCLICommandOnClusterInstallation ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *Client) RunMattermostCLICommandOnClusterInstallation(clusterInstallationID string, subcommand []string) ([]byte, error)
RunMattermostCLICommandOnClusterInstallation runs a Mattermost CLI command against a cluster installation.
func (*Client) SetClusterInstallationConfig ¶
func (c *Client) SetClusterInstallationConfig(clusterInstallationID string, config map[string]interface{}) error
SetClusterInstallationConfig modifies an cluster installation's Mattermost configuration.
The operation is applied as a patch, preserving existing values if they are not specified.
func (*Client) SetInstallationDomainPrimary ¶ added in v0.57.0
func (c *Client) SetInstallationDomainPrimary(installationID, installationDNSID string) (*InstallationDTO, error)
SetInstallationDomainPrimary sets Installation domain as primary.
func (*Client) SwitchClusterRoles ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) SwitchClusterRoles(request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
SwitchClusterRoles requests the migration of cluster installation(s) from the configured provisioning server.
func (*Client) UnlockAPIForBackup ¶ added in v0.44.0
UnlockAPIForBackup unlocks API changes for a given backup.
func (*Client) UnlockAPIForCluster ¶ added in v0.25.0
UnlockAPIForCluster unlocks API changes for a given cluster.
func (*Client) UnlockAPIForClusterInstallation ¶ added in v0.25.0
UnlockAPIForClusterInstallation unlocks API changes for a given cluster installation.
func (*Client) UnlockAPIForGroup ¶ added in v0.25.0
UnlockAPIForGroup unlocks API changes for a given group.
func (*Client) UnlockAPIForInstallation ¶ added in v0.25.0
UnlockAPIForInstallation unlocks API changes for a given installation.
func (*Client) UnlockDeletionLockForInstallation ¶ added in v0.75.0
func (*Client) UpdateCluster ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (c *Client) UpdateCluster(clusterID string, request *UpdateClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
UpdateCluster updates a cluster's configuration.
func (*Client) UpdateGroup ¶
func (c *Client) UpdateGroup(request *PatchGroupRequest) (*GroupDTO, error)
UpdateGroup updates the installation group.
func (*Client) UpdateInstallation ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (c *Client) UpdateInstallation(installationID string, request *PatchInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
UpdateInstallation updates an installation.
func (*Client) UpdateInstallationDeletion ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (c *Client) UpdateInstallationDeletion(installationID string, request *PatchInstallationDeletionRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
UpdateInstallationDeletion updates the deletion parameters of an installation that is still pending deletion.
func (*Client) UpdateMultitenantDatabase ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (c *Client) UpdateMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabaseID string, request *PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest) (*MultitenantDatabase, error)
UpdateMultitenantDatabase updates a multitenant database.
func (*Client) UpgradeCluster ¶
func (c *Client) UpgradeCluster(clusterID string, request *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) (*ClusterDTO, error)
UpgradeCluster upgrades a cluster to the latest recommended production ready k8s version.
func (*Client) WakeupInstallation ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (c *Client) WakeupInstallation(installationID string, request *PatchInstallationRequest) (*InstallationDTO, error)
WakeupInstallation wakes an installation from hibernation.
type Cluster ¶
type Cluster struct { ID string State string Provider string ProviderMetadataAWS *AWSMetadata Provisioner string ProvisionerMetadataKops *KopsMetadata ProvisionerMetadataEKS *EKSMetadata UtilityMetadata *UtilityMetadata AllowInstallations bool CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 APISecurityLock bool LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 Networking string }
Cluster represents a Kubernetes cluster.
func ClusterFromReader ¶
ClusterFromReader decodes a json-encoded cluster from the given io.Reader.
func ClustersFromReader ¶
ClustersFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of clusters from the given io.Reader.
func (*Cluster) ActualUtilityVersion ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *Cluster) ActualUtilityVersion(utility string) *HelmUtilityVersion
ActualUtilityVersion fetches the desired version of a utility from the Cluster object
func (*Cluster) DesiredUtilityVersion ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *Cluster) DesiredUtilityVersion(utility string) *HelmUtilityVersion
DesiredUtilityVersion fetches the desired version of a utility from the Cluster object
func (*Cluster) SetUtilityActualVersion ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *Cluster) SetUtilityActualVersion(utility string, version *HelmUtilityVersion) error
SetUtilityActualVersion stores the provided version for the provided utility in the UtilityMetadata JSON []byte in this Cluster
func (*Cluster) SetUtilityDesiredVersions ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *Cluster) SetUtilityDesiredVersions(desiredVersions map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion)
SetUtilityDesiredVersions takes a map of string to string representing any metadata related to the utility group and stores it as a []byte in Cluster so that it can be inserted into the database
func (*Cluster) ToDTO ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (c *Cluster) ToDTO(annotations []*Annotation) *ClusterDTO
ToDTO expands cluster to ClusterDTO.
func (*Cluster) ValidTransitionState ¶ added in v0.8.0
ValidTransitionState returns whether a cluster can be transitioned into the new state or not based on its current state.
type ClusterDTO ¶ added in v0.31.0
type ClusterDTO struct { *Cluster Annotations []*Annotation `json:"Annotations,omitempty"` }
ClusterDTO represents cluster entity with connected data. DTO stands for Data Transfer Object.
type ClusterFilter ¶
type ClusterFilter struct { Paging Annotations *AnnotationsFilter }
ClusterFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of clusters.
type ClusterInstallation ¶
type ClusterInstallation struct { ID string ClusterID string InstallationID string Namespace string State string CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 APISecurityLock bool LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 IsActive bool }
ClusterInstallation is a single namespace within a cluster composing a potentially larger installation.
func ClusterInstallationFromReader ¶
func ClusterInstallationFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*ClusterInstallation, error)
ClusterInstallationFromReader decodes a json-encoded cluster installation from the given io.Reader.
func ClusterInstallationsFromReader ¶
func ClusterInstallationsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*ClusterInstallation, error)
ClusterInstallationsFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of cluster installations from the given io.Reader.
func (*ClusterInstallation) Clone ¶
func (c *ClusterInstallation) Clone() *ClusterInstallation
Clone returns a deep copy the cluster installation.
func (*ClusterInstallation) IsDeleted ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (c *ClusterInstallation) IsDeleted() bool
IsDeleted returns whether the cluster installation was marked as deleted or not.
type ClusterInstallationConfigRequest ¶
type ClusterInstallationConfigRequest map[string]interface{}
ClusterInstallationConfigRequest describes the payload for updating an cluster installation's configuration.
func NewClusterInstallationConfigRequestFromReader ¶
func NewClusterInstallationConfigRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (ClusterInstallationConfigRequest, error)
NewClusterInstallationConfigRequestFromReader will create a ClusterInstallationConfigRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type ClusterInstallationExecSubcommand ¶ added in v0.27.0
type ClusterInstallationExecSubcommand []string
ClusterInstallationExecSubcommand describes the payload necessary to run container exec commands on a cluster installation.
func NewClusterInstallationExecSubcommandFromReader ¶ added in v0.27.0
func NewClusterInstallationExecSubcommandFromReader(reader io.Reader) (ClusterInstallationExecSubcommand, error)
NewClusterInstallationExecSubcommandFromReader will create a ClusterInstallationExecSubcommand from an io.Reader.
type ClusterInstallationFilter ¶
type ClusterInstallationFilter struct { Paging IDs []string InstallationID string ClusterID string IsActive *bool }
ClusterInstallationFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of cluster installations.
type ClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommand ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommand []string
ClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommand describes the payload necessary to run Mattermost CLI on a cluster installation.
func NewClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommandFromReader ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommandFromReader(reader io.Reader) (ClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommand, error)
NewClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommandFromReader will create a ClusterInstallationMattermostCLISubcommand from an io.Reader.
type ClusterInstallationStatus ¶ added in v0.71.0
type ClusterInstallationStatus struct { InstallationFound bool `json:"InstallationFound,omitempty"` Replicas *int32 `json:"Replicas,omitempty"` TotalPod *int32 `json:"TotalPod,omitempty"` RunningPod *int32 `json:"RunningPod,omitempty"` ReadyPod *int32 `json:"ReadyPod,omitempty"` StartedPod *int32 `json:"StartedPod,omitempty"` ReadyLocalServer *int32 `json:"ReadyLocalServer,omitempty"` }
func NewClusterInstallationStatusFromReader ¶ added in v0.71.0
func NewClusterInstallationStatusFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*ClusterInstallationStatus, error)
type ClusterStateReport ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ClusterStateReport []StateReportEntry
ClusterStateReport is a report of all cluster requests states.
func GetClusterRequestStateReport ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetClusterRequestStateReport() ClusterStateReport
GetClusterRequestStateReport returns a ClusterStateReport based on the current model of cluster states.
type ClusterUtilityDatabaseStoreInterface ¶ added in v0.46.1
type ClusterUtilityDatabaseStoreInterface interface { GetMultitenantDatabases(filter *MultitenantDatabaseFilter) ([]*MultitenantDatabase, error) GetLogicalDatabases(filter *LogicalDatabaseFilter) ([]*LogicalDatabase, error) }
ClusterUtilityDatabaseStoreInterface is the interface necessary for SQLStore functionality to update cluster utilities as needed.
type CreateClusterRequest ¶
type CreateClusterRequest struct { Provider string `json:"provider,omitempty"` Zones []string `json:"zones,omitempty"` Version string `json:"version,omitempty"` AMI string `json:"ami,omitempty"` MasterInstanceType string `json:"master-instance-type,omitempty"` MasterCount int64 `json:"master-count,omitempty"` NodeInstanceType string `json:"node-instance-type,omitempty"` NodeMinCount int64 `json:"node-min-count,omitempty"` NodeMaxCount int64 `json:"node-max-count,omitempty"` AllowInstallations bool `json:"allow-installations,omitempty"` APISecurityLock bool `json:"api-security-lock,omitempty"` DesiredUtilityVersions map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion `json:"utility-versions,omitempty"` Annotations []string `json:"annotations,omitempty"` Networking string `json:"networking,omitempty"` VPC string `json:"vpc,omitempty"` MaxPodsPerNode int64 `json:"max-pods-per-node,omitempty"` ClusterRoleARN string `json:"cluster-role-arn,omitempty"` NodeRoleARN string `json:"node-role-arn,omitempty"` Provisioner string `json:"provisioner,omitempty"` AdditionalNodeGroups map[string]NodeGroupMetadata `json:"additional-node-groups,omitempty"` NodeGroupWithPublicSubnet []string `json:"nodegroup-with-public-subnet,omitempty"` NodeGroupWithSecurityGroup []string `json:"nodegroup-with-sg,omitempty"` }
CreateClusterRequest specifies the parameters for a new cluster.
func NewCreateClusterRequestFromReader ¶
func NewCreateClusterRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*CreateClusterRequest, error)
NewCreateClusterRequestFromReader will create a CreateClusterRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*CreateClusterRequest) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (request *CreateClusterRequest) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets the default values for a cluster create request.
func (*CreateClusterRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (request *CreateClusterRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a cluster create request.
type CreateGroupRequest ¶
type CreateGroupRequest struct { Name string Description string Version string Image string MaxRolling int64 APISecurityLock bool MattermostEnv EnvVarMap Annotations []string }
CreateGroupRequest specifies the parameters for a new group.
func NewCreateGroupRequestFromReader ¶
func NewCreateGroupRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*CreateGroupRequest, error)
NewCreateGroupRequestFromReader will create a CreateGroupRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*CreateGroupRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (request *CreateGroupRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a group create request.
type CreateInstallationRequest ¶
type CreateInstallationRequest struct { Name string OwnerID string GroupID string Version string Image string // Deprecated: Use DNSNames instead. DNS string DNSNames []string License string Size string Affinity string Database string Filestore string APISecurityLock bool DeletionLocked bool MattermostEnv EnvVarMap PriorityEnv EnvVarMap Annotations []string GroupSelectionAnnotations []string // SingleTenantDatabaseConfig is ignored if Database is not single tenant mysql or postgres. SingleTenantDatabaseConfig SingleTenantDatabaseRequest // ExternalDatabaseConfig is ignored if Database is not single external. ExternalDatabaseConfig ExternalDatabaseRequest }
CreateInstallationRequest specifies the parameters for a new installation.
func NewCreateInstallationRequestFromReader ¶
func NewCreateInstallationRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*CreateInstallationRequest, error)
NewCreateInstallationRequestFromReader will create a CreateInstallationRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*CreateInstallationRequest) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (request *CreateInstallationRequest) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets the default values for an installation create request.
func (*CreateInstallationRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (request *CreateInstallationRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of an installation create request.
type CreateNodegroupsRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
type CreateNodegroupsRequest struct { Nodegroups map[string]NodeGroupMetadata `json:"nodegroups"` NodeGroupWithPublicSubnet []string `json:"nodegroup-with-public-subnet,omitempty"` NodeGroupWithSecurityGroup []string `json:"nodegroup-with-sg,omitempty"` }
func NewCreateNodegroupsRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.71.0
func NewCreateNodegroupsRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*CreateNodegroupsRequest, error)
NewCreateNodegroupsRequestFromReader will create an CreateNodegroupsRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*CreateNodegroupsRequest) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (request *CreateNodegroupsRequest) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets default values for nodegroups.
func (*CreateNodegroupsRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (request *CreateNodegroupsRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a nodegroup creation request.
type CreateSubscriptionRequest ¶ added in v0.50.0
type CreateSubscriptionRequest struct { Name string URL string OwnerID string EventType EventType FailureThreshold time.Duration Headers Headers }
CreateSubscriptionRequest represents a request to create Subscription.
func NewCreateSubscriptionRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.50.0
func NewCreateSubscriptionRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*CreateSubscriptionRequest, error)
NewCreateSubscriptionRequestFromReader will create a CreateSubscriptionRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (CreateSubscriptionRequest) ToSubscription ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (r CreateSubscriptionRequest) ToSubscription() (Subscription, error)
ToSubscription validates request and converts it to subscription
type CreateWebhookRequest ¶ added in v0.3.0
CreateWebhookRequest specifies the parameters for a new webhook.
func NewCreateWebhookRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.3.0
func NewCreateWebhookRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*CreateWebhookRequest, error)
NewCreateWebhookRequestFromReader will create a CreateWebhookRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type Database ¶ added in v0.8.0
type Database interface { Provision(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error Teardown(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error Snapshot(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error GenerateDatabaseSecret(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error) RefreshResourceMetadata(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error MigrateOut(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error MigrateTo(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error TeardownMigrated(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error RollbackMigration(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error }
Database is the interface for managing Mattermost databases.
type DatabaseResourceGrouping ¶ added in v0.47.0
type DatabaseResourceGrouping struct { MultitenantDatabase *MultitenantDatabase LogicalDatabase *LogicalDatabase DatabaseSchema *DatabaseSchema }
DatabaseResourceGrouping represents the complete set of database resources that comprise proxy database information.
type DatabaseSchema ¶ added in v0.47.0
type DatabaseSchema struct { ID string LogicalDatabaseID string InstallationID string Name string CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
DatabaseSchema represents a database schema inside a LogicalDatabase.
func DatababseSchemaFromReader ¶ added in v0.47.0
func DatababseSchemaFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*DatabaseSchema, error)
DatababseSchemaFromReader decodes a json-encoded database schema from the given io.Reader.
func DatababseSchemasFromReader ¶ added in v0.47.0
func DatababseSchemasFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*DatabaseSchema, error)
DatababseSchemasFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of database schemas from the given io.Reader.
type DatabaseSchemaFilter ¶ added in v0.47.0
DatabaseSchemaFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of DatabaseSchema.
type DeletionPendingReport ¶ added in v0.73.0
type DeletionPendingReport struct { Cutoffs []*DeletionPendingTimeCutoff Overflow int }
DeletionPendingReport is a collection of configurable time cutoffs that are used to summarize installation deletion times. There is also an Overflow value that counts installations that fall outside all provided time cutoffs. Examples of DeletionPendingReport cutoffs: 1. Every day for a week 2, Every hour for a day 3. Within 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year
func (*DeletionPendingReport) Count ¶ added in v0.73.0
func (dpr *DeletionPendingReport) Count(millis int64)
Count increases the Count value of the first Cutoff that is greater than the provided Millis.
type DeletionPendingTimeCutoff ¶ added in v0.73.0
DeletionPendingTimeCutoff is a single deletion time cutoff.
type EKSMetadata ¶ added in v0.63.0
type EKSMetadata struct { Name string Version string AMI string VPC string Networking string ClusterRoleARN string NodeRoleARN string MaxPodsPerNode int64 NodeGroups map[string]NodeGroupMetadata ChangeRequest *EKSMetadataRequestedState `json:"ChangeRequest,omitempty"` Warnings []string `json:"Warnings,omitempty"` }
EKSMetadata is metadata for EKS cluster and node groups.
func NewEKSMetadata ¶ added in v0.63.0
func NewEKSMetadata(metadataBytes []byte) (*EKSMetadata, error)
NewEKSMetadata creates an instance of EKSMetadata given the raw provisioner metadata.
func (*EKSMetadata) ApplyChangeRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyChangeRequest()
ApplyChangeRequest applies change request values to the KopsMetadata that are not reflected by calling refreshKopsMetadata().
func (*EKSMetadata) ApplyClusterCreateRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyClusterCreateRequest(createRequest *CreateClusterRequest) bool
func (*EKSMetadata) ApplyClusterSizePatch ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) bool
func (*EKSMetadata) ApplyNodegroupDeleteRequest ¶ added in v0.72.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyNodegroupDeleteRequest(nodegroup string)
ApplyNodegroupDeleteRequest applies the nodegroup to delete to the KopsMetadata.
func (*EKSMetadata) ApplyNodegroupsCreateRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyNodegroupsCreateRequest(request *CreateNodegroupsRequest)
ApplyNodegroupsCreateRequest applies the nodegroups to create to the KopsMetadata.
func (*EKSMetadata) ApplyUpgradePatch ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ApplyUpgradePatch(patchRequest *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) bool
ApplyUpgradePatch applies the patch to the given cluster's metadata.
func (*EKSMetadata) ClearChangeRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ClearChangeRequest()
ClearChangeRequest clears the kops metadata change request.
func (*EKSMetadata) ClearWarnings ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ClearWarnings()
ClearWarnings clears the kops metadata warnings.
func (*EKSMetadata) GetCommonMetadata ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) GetCommonMetadata() ProvisionerMetadata
func (*EKSMetadata) ValidateChangeRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateChangeRequest() error
ValidateChangeRequest ensures that the ChangeRequest has at least one actionable value.
func (*EKSMetadata) ValidateClusterSizePatch ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) error
func (*EKSMetadata) ValidateNodegroupDeleteRequest ¶ added in v0.72.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateNodegroupDeleteRequest(nodegroup string) error
ValidateNodegroupDeleteRequest ensures that the nodegroup to delete exists.
func (*EKSMetadata) ValidateNodegroupsCreateRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *EKSMetadata) ValidateNodegroupsCreateRequest(nodegroups map[string]NodeGroupMetadata) error
ValidateNodegroupsCreateRequest ensures that the nodegroups to create do not already exist.
type EKSMetadataRequestedState ¶ added in v0.71.0
type EKSMetadataRequestedState struct { Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` AMI string `json:"AMI,omitempty"` MaxPodsPerNode int64 `json:"MaxPodsPerNode,omitempty"` Networking string `json:"Networking,omitempty"` VPC string `json:"VPC,omitempty"` ClusterRoleARN string `json:"ClusterRoleARN,omitempty"` NodeRoleARN string `json:"NodeRoleARN,omitempty"` NodeGroups map[string]NodeGroupMetadata `json:"NodeGroups,omitempty"` }
EKSMetadataRequestedState is the requested state for eks metadata.
type EnvVar ¶ added in v0.16.0
type EnvVar struct { Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` ValueFrom *corev1.EnvVarSource `json:"valueFrom,omitempty"` }
EnvVar contains the value source for a given environment variable.
type EnvVarMap ¶ added in v0.16.0
EnvVarMap is a map of multiple env var names to their values.
func EnvVarFromJSON ¶ added in v0.17.0
EnvVarFromJSON creates a EnvVarMap from the JSON represented as a []byte.
func (*EnvVarMap) ClearOrPatch ¶ added in v0.20.0
ClearOrPatch takes a new EnvVarMap and patches changes into the existing EnvVarMap with the following logic:
- If the new EnvVarMap is empty, clear the existing EnvVarMap completely.
- If the new EnvVarMap is not empty, apply normal patch logic.
func (EnvVarMap) Patch ¶ added in v0.20.0
Patch takes a new EnvVarMap and patches changes into the existing EnvVarMap with the following logic:
- If the new EnvVar has the same key as an old EnvVar, update the value.
- If the new EnvVar is a new key, add the EnvVar.
- If the new EnvVar has no value(is blank), clear the old EnvVar if there was one.
type Event ¶ added in v0.50.0
type Event struct { ID string EventType EventType Timestamp int64 ExtraData EventExtraData }
Event represent event produced by Provisioner.
type EventDelivery ¶ added in v0.50.0
type EventDelivery struct { ID string Status EventDeliveryStatus LastAttempt int64 Attempts int EventID string SubscriptionID string }
EventDelivery represents delivery status of particular Event to particular Subscription.
func EventDeliveryForEvent ¶ added in v0.50.0
func EventDeliveryForEvent(eventID string, deliveries []*EventDelivery) (*EventDelivery, bool)
EventDeliveryForEvent finds first EventDelivery for a particular eventID in collection.
type EventDeliveryStatus ¶ added in v0.50.0
type EventDeliveryStatus string
EventDeliveryStatus represents status of EventDelivery
const ( // EventDeliveryNotAttempted indicates that delivery was not yet tried. EventDeliveryNotAttempted EventDeliveryStatus = "not-attempted" // EventDeliveryDelivered indicates that delivery was successful. EventDeliveryDelivered EventDeliveryStatus = "delivered" // EventDeliveryRetrying indicates that delivery failed but will be retired. EventDeliveryRetrying EventDeliveryStatus = "retrying" // EventDeliveryFailed indicates that delivery failed and will not be retried. EventDeliveryFailed EventDeliveryStatus = "failed" )
type EventExtraData ¶ added in v0.50.0
EventExtraData represents extra data of an Event.
type EventType ¶ added in v0.50.0
type EventType string
EventType represents the Provisioners' event type.
const ( // ResourceStateChangeEventType is event type representing resource state change. ResourceStateChangeEventType EventType = "resourceStateChange" )
type ExternalDatabaseConfig ¶ added in v0.63.0
type ExternalDatabaseConfig struct {
SecretName string
ExternalDatabaseConfig represents configuration for an externally managed database.
func (*ExternalDatabaseConfig) ToJSON ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (cfg *ExternalDatabaseConfig) ToJSON() ([]byte, error)
ToJSON marshals database configuration to JSON if it is not nil.
type ExternalDatabaseRequest ¶ added in v0.63.0
type ExternalDatabaseRequest struct {
SecretName string
ExternalDatabaseRequest represents requested configuration of an external database.
func (*ExternalDatabaseRequest) ToDBConfig ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (request *ExternalDatabaseRequest) ToDBConfig(database string) *ExternalDatabaseConfig
ToDBConfig converts ExternalDatabaseRequest to ExternalDatabaseConfig if the database type is external.
func (*ExternalDatabaseRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (request *ExternalDatabaseRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates an ExternalDatabaseRequest.
type Filestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Filestore interface { Provision(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error Teardown(keepData bool, store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error) }
Filestore is the interface for managing Mattermost filestores.
type FilestoreConfig ¶ added in v0.38.0
FilestoreConfig represent universal configuration of the File store.
type GetClusterInstallationsRequest ¶
GetClusterInstallationsRequest describes the parameters to request a list of cluster installations.
func (*GetClusterInstallationsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶
func (request *GetClusterInstallationsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetClustersRequest ¶
type GetClustersRequest struct {
GetClustersRequest describes the parameters to request a list of clusters.
func (*GetClustersRequest) ApplyToURL ¶
func (request *GetClustersRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetDatabaseSchemaRequest ¶ added in v0.47.0
GetDatabaseSchemaRequest describes the parameters to request a list of database schemas.
func (*GetDatabaseSchemaRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (request *GetDatabaseSchemaRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetGroupsRequest ¶
GetGroupsRequest describes the parameters to request a list of groups.
func (*GetGroupsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶
func (request *GetGroupsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetInstallationBackupsRequest ¶ added in v0.43.0
type GetInstallationBackupsRequest struct { Paging InstallationID string ClusterInstallationID string State string }
GetInstallationBackupsRequest describes the parameters to request a list of installation backups.
func (*GetInstallationBackupsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.43.0
func (request *GetInstallationBackupsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest ¶ added in v0.45.0
type GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest struct { Paging InstallationID string ClusterInstallationID string State string }
GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest describes the parameters to request a list of installation db migration operations.
func (*GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (request *GetInstallationDBMigrationOperationsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest ¶ added in v0.45.0
type GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest struct { Paging InstallationID string ClusterInstallationID string State string }
GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest describes the parameters to request a list of installation restoration operations.
func (*GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (request *GetInstallationDBRestorationOperationsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetInstallationRequest ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetInstallationRequest describes the parameters to request an installation.
func (*GetInstallationRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (request *GetInstallationRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetInstallationsRequest ¶
type GetInstallationsRequest struct { Paging OwnerID string GroupID string State string DNS string Name string AllowedIPRanges string OverrideIPRanges bool IncludeGroupConfig bool IncludeGroupConfigOverrides bool }
GetInstallationsRequest describes the parameters to request a list of installations.
func (*GetInstallationsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶
func (request *GetInstallationsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetLogicalDatabasesRequest ¶ added in v0.47.0
GetLogicalDatabasesRequest describes the parameters to request a list of logical databases.
func (*GetLogicalDatabasesRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (request *GetLogicalDatabasesRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest ¶ added in v0.47.0
GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest describes the parameters to request a list of multitenant databases.
func (*GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (request *GetMultitenantDatabasesRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type GetWebhooksRequest ¶ added in v0.3.0
GetWebhooksRequest describes the parameters to request a list of webhooks.
func (*GetWebhooksRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (request *GetWebhooksRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type Group ¶
type Group struct { ID string Sequence int64 Name string Description string Version string Image string MaxRolling int64 MattermostEnv EnvVarMap CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 APISecurityLock bool LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
Group represents a group of Mattermost installations.
func GroupFromReader ¶
GroupFromReader decodes a json-encoded group from the given io.Reader.
func GroupsFromReader ¶
GroupsFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of groups from the given io.Reader.
func (*Group) ToDTO ¶ added in v0.55.0
func (g *Group) ToDTO(annotations []*Annotation) *GroupDTO
ToDTO returns Group joined with Annotations.
type GroupDTO ¶ added in v0.55.0
type GroupDTO struct { *Group Annotations []*Annotation `json:"annotations"` InstallationCount *int64 `json:"installation_count,omitempty"` }
GroupDTO is a group with Annotations.
func (GroupDTO) GetInstallationCount ¶ added in v0.66.0
GetInstallationCount retrieves the installation count dereferenced value
type GroupFilter ¶
type GroupFilter struct { Paging Annotations *AnnotationsFilter // WithInstallationCount if the store should retrieve the count of non-deleted installations // for this group WithInstallationCount bool }
GroupFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of groups.
type GroupStatus ¶ added in v0.30.0
type GroupStatus struct { InstallationsTotal int64 InstallationsUpdated int64 InstallationsUpdating int64 InstallationsHibernating int64 InstallationsPendingDeletion int64 InstallationsAwaitingUpdate int64 }
GroupStatus represents the status of a group.
func GroupStatusFromReader ¶ added in v0.30.0
func GroupStatusFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*GroupStatus, error)
GroupStatusFromReader decodes a json-encoded group status from the given io.Reader.
type GroupsStatus ¶ added in v0.35.0
type GroupsStatus struct { ID string Status GroupStatus }
GroupsStatus represents the status of a groups.
func GroupsStatusFromReader ¶ added in v0.35.0
func GroupsStatusFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*GroupsStatus, error)
GroupsStatusFromReader decodes a json-encoded groups status from the given io.Reader.
type Headers ¶ added in v0.71.0
type Headers []WebhookHeader
func (Headers) GetHeaders ¶ added in v0.71.0
type HelmUtilityVersion ¶ added in v0.36.0
HelmUtilityVersion holds the chart version and the values path.
func (*HelmUtilityVersion) IsEmpty ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (u *HelmUtilityVersion) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if the HelmUtilityVersion is nil or if either of the values inside are undefined. If HelmUtilityVersion is "unmanaged" then false is returned instead.
func (*HelmUtilityVersion) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (u *HelmUtilityVersion) UnmarshalJSON(bytes []byte) error
UnmarshalJSON tries to unmarshal the HelmUtilityVersion from JSON If it fails, it assumes that bytes is just the chart version in string
func (*HelmUtilityVersion) Values ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (u *HelmUtilityVersion) Values() string
Values returns the name of the branch on which to find the correct values file
func (*HelmUtilityVersion) Version ¶ added in v0.36.0
func (u *HelmUtilityVersion) Version() string
Version returns the Helm chart version
type Installation ¶
type Installation struct { ID string OwnerID string GroupID *string GroupSequence *int64 `json:"GroupSequence,omitempty"` Version string Image string Name string Database string SingleTenantDatabaseConfig *SingleTenantDatabaseConfig `json:"SingleTenantDatabaseConfig,omitempty"` ExternalDatabaseConfig *ExternalDatabaseConfig `json:"ExternalDatabaseConfig,omitempty"` Filestore string License string AllowedIPRanges string MattermostEnv EnvVarMap PriorityEnv EnvVarMap Size string Affinity string State string CRVersion string CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 DeletionPendingExpiry int64 `json:"DeletionPendingExpiry,omitempty"` APISecurityLock bool DeletionLocked bool LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 GroupOverrides map[string]string `json:"GroupOverrides,omitempty"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Installation represents a Mattermost installation.
func InstallationFromReader ¶
func InstallationFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*Installation, error)
InstallationFromReader decodes a json-encoded installation from the given io.Reader.
func InstallationsFromReader ¶
func InstallationsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*Installation, error)
InstallationsFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of installations from the given io.Reader.
func (*Installation) Clone ¶
func (i *Installation) Clone() *Installation
Clone returns a deep copy the installation.
func (*Installation) ConfigMergedWithGroup ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (i *Installation) ConfigMergedWithGroup() bool
ConfigMergedWithGroup returns if the installation currently has inherited group configuration values.
func (*Installation) CreationDateString ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (i *Installation) CreationDateString() string
CreationDateString returns a standardized date string for an installation's creation.
func (*Installation) DeletionDateString ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (i *Installation) DeletionDateString() string
DeletionDateString returns a standardized date string for an installation's deletion or 'n/a' if not deleted.
func (*Installation) DeletionPendingExpiryCompleteTimeString ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (i *Installation) DeletionPendingExpiryCompleteTimeString() string
DeletionPendingExpiryCompleteTimeString returns a standardized time string for an installation's deletion or 'n/a' if not pending deletion.
func (*Installation) GetDatabaseWeight ¶ added in v0.43.0
func (i *Installation) GetDatabaseWeight() float64
GetDatabaseWeight returns a value corresponding to the TODO: maybe consider installation size in the future as well?
func (Installation) GetEnvVars ¶ added in v0.54.0
func (i Installation) GetEnvVars() EnvVarMap
GetEnvVars returns Mattermost environment variables that will be applied to the installation. If the installation was not merged with group, group env vars may impact the actual result.
func (*Installation) GetID ¶ added in v0.47.1
func (i *Installation) GetID() string
GetID returns ID of the resource.
func (*Installation) GetState ¶ added in v0.47.1
func (i *Installation) GetState() string
GetState returns State of the resource.
func (*Installation) InstallationSequenceMatchesMergedGroupSequence ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (i *Installation) InstallationSequenceMatchesMergedGroupSequence() bool
InstallationSequenceMatchesMergedGroupSequence returns if the installation's group sequence number matches the sequence number of the merged group config or not.
func (*Installation) InternalDatabase ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (i *Installation) InternalDatabase() bool
InternalDatabase returns true if the installation's database is internal to the kubernetes cluster it is running on.
func (*Installation) InternalFilestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (i *Installation) InternalFilestore() bool
InternalFilestore returns true if the installation's filestore is internal to the kubernetes cluster it is running on.
func (*Installation) IsDeleted ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (i *Installation) IsDeleted() bool
IsDeleted determines whether the resource is deleted.
func (*Installation) IsInGroup ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (i *Installation) IsInGroup() bool
IsInGroup returns if the installation is in a group or not.
func (*Installation) MergeWithGroup ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (i *Installation) MergeWithGroup(group *Group, includeOverrides bool)
MergeWithGroup merges an installation's configuration with that of a group. An option can be provided to include a group override summary to the installation.
func (*Installation) SyncGroupAndInstallationSequence ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (i *Installation) SyncGroupAndInstallationSequence()
SyncGroupAndInstallationSequence updates the installation GroupSequence value to reflect the hidden group Sequence value from the time the configuration was origianlly merged.
func (*Installation) ToDTO ¶ added in v0.31.0
func (i *Installation) ToDTO(annotations []*Annotation, dnsRecords []*InstallationDNS) *InstallationDTO
ToDTO expands installation to InstallationDTO.
func (*Installation) ValidTransitionState ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (i *Installation) ValidTransitionState(newState string) bool
ValidTransitionState returns whether an installation can be transitioned into the new state or not based on its current state.
type InstallationBackup ¶ added in v0.43.0
type InstallationBackup struct { ID string InstallationID string // ClusterInstallationID is set when backup is scheduled. ClusterInstallationID string BackedUpDatabaseType string DataResidence *S3DataResidence State InstallationBackupState RequestAt int64 // StartAt is a start time of job that successfully completed backup. StartAt int64 DeleteAt int64 APISecurityLock bool LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
InstallationBackup contains information about installation's backup.
func NewInstallationBackupFromReader ¶ added in v0.43.0
func NewInstallationBackupFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationBackup, error)
NewInstallationBackupFromReader will create a InstallationBackup from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func NewInstallationBackupsFromReader ¶ added in v0.43.0
func NewInstallationBackupsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*InstallationBackup, error)
NewInstallationBackupsFromReader will create a slice of InstallationBackup from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*InstallationBackup) ValidTransitionState ¶ added in v0.44.0
func (b *InstallationBackup) ValidTransitionState(newState InstallationBackupState) bool
ValidTransitionState returns whether an installation backup can be transitioned into the new state or not based on its current state.
type InstallationBackupFilter ¶ added in v0.43.0
type InstallationBackupFilter struct { Paging IDs []string InstallationID string ClusterInstallationID string States []InstallationBackupState }
InstallationBackupFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of backup.
type InstallationBackupRequest ¶ added in v0.43.0
type InstallationBackupRequest struct {
InstallationID string
InstallationBackupRequest represents request for installation backup.
func NewInstallationBackupRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.43.0
func NewInstallationBackupRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationBackupRequest, error)
NewInstallationBackupRequestFromReader will create a InstallationBackup from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type InstallationBackupState ¶ added in v0.43.0
type InstallationBackupState string
InstallationBackupState represents the state of backup.
const ( // InstallationBackupStateBackupRequested is a requested backup that was not yet triggered. InstallationBackupStateBackupRequested InstallationBackupState = "backup-requested" // InstallationBackupStateBackupInProgress is a backup that is currently running. InstallationBackupStateBackupInProgress InstallationBackupState = "backup-in-progress" // InstallationBackupStateBackupSucceeded is a backup that have finished with success. InstallationBackupStateBackupSucceeded InstallationBackupState = "backup-succeeded" // InstallationBackupStateBackupFailed if a backup that have failed. InstallationBackupStateBackupFailed InstallationBackupState = "backup-failed" // InstallationBackupStateDeletionRequested is a backup marked for deletion. InstallationBackupStateDeletionRequested InstallationBackupState = "deletion-requested" // InstallationBackupStateDeleted is a deleted backup. InstallationBackupStateDeleted InstallationBackupState = "deleted" // InstallationBackupStateDeletionFailed is a backup which deletion failed. InstallationBackupStateDeletionFailed InstallationBackupState = "deletion-failed" )
type InstallationDBMigrationFilter ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBMigrationFilter struct { Paging IDs []string InstallationID string States []InstallationDBMigrationOperationState }
InstallationDBMigrationFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of installation db migration operations.
type InstallationDBMigrationOperation ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBMigrationOperation struct { ID string InstallationID string RequestAt int64 State InstallationDBMigrationOperationState // SourceDatabase is current Installation database. SourceDatabase string // DestinationDatabase is database type to which migration will be performed. DestinationDatabase string // For now only supported migration is from multi-tenant DB to multi-tenant DB. SourceMultiTenant *MultiTenantDBMigrationData `json:"SourceMultiTenant,omitempty"` DestinationMultiTenant *MultiTenantDBMigrationData `json:"DestinationMultiTenant,omitempty"` BackupID string InstallationDBRestorationOperationID string CompleteAt int64 DeleteAt int64 LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
InstallationDBMigrationOperation contains information about installation's database migration operation.
func NewDBMigrationOperationFromReader ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewDBMigrationOperationFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
NewDBMigrationOperationFromReader will create a InstallationDBMigrationOperation from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func NewDBMigrationOperationsFromReader ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewDBMigrationOperationsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*InstallationDBMigrationOperation, error)
NewDBMigrationOperationsFromReader will create a slice of DBMigrationOperations from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (InstallationDBMigrationOperation) ValidTransitionState ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (b InstallationDBMigrationOperation) ValidTransitionState(newState InstallationDBMigrationOperationState) bool
ValidTransitionState returns whether an installation backup can be transitioned into the new state or not based on its current state.
type InstallationDBMigrationOperationState ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBMigrationOperationState string
InstallationDBMigrationOperationState represents the state of db migration operation.
const ( // InstallationDBMigrationStateRequested is requested DB migration operation. InstallationDBMigrationStateRequested InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-requested" // InstallationDBMigrationStateBackupInProgress is DB migration operation waiting for backup to complete. InstallationDBMigrationStateBackupInProgress InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-installation-backup-in-progress" // InstallationDBMigrationStateDatabaseSwitch is DB migration operation that is switching to new database. InstallationDBMigrationStateDatabaseSwitch InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-database switch" // InstallationDBMigrationStateRefreshSecrets is DB migration operation that is refreshing secrets. InstallationDBMigrationStateRefreshSecrets InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-refresh-secrets" // InstallationDBMigrationStateTriggerRestoration is DB migration operation that is triggering database restoration. InstallationDBMigrationStateTriggerRestoration InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-trigger-restoration" // InstallationDBMigrationStateRestorationInProgress is DB migration operation that is waiting for restoration to complete. InstallationDBMigrationStateRestorationInProgress InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-restoration-in-progress" // InstallationDBMigrationStateUpdatingInstallationConfig is DB migration operation that is updating Installation configuration. InstallationDBMigrationStateUpdatingInstallationConfig InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-updating-installation-config" // InstallationDBMigrationStateFinalizing is DB migration operation that is finalizing the migration. InstallationDBMigrationStateFinalizing InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-finalizing" // InstallationDBMigrationStateFailing is DB migration operation that is failing. InstallationDBMigrationStateFailing InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-failing" // InstallationDBMigrationStateSucceeded is DB migration operation that finished with success. InstallationDBMigrationStateSucceeded InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-succeeded" // InstallationDBMigrationStateFailed is DB migration operation that failed. InstallationDBMigrationStateFailed InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-failed" // InstallationDBMigrationStateCommitted is DB migration that has been committed and can no longer be rolled back. InstallationDBMigrationStateCommitted InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-committed" // InstallationDBMigrationStateRollbackRequested is DB migration scheduled for rollback. InstallationDBMigrationStateRollbackRequested InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-rollback-requested" // InstallationDBMigrationStateRollbackFinished is DB migration that was successfully rolled back. InstallationDBMigrationStateRollbackFinished InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-rollback-finished" // InstallationDBMigrationStateDeletionRequested is DB migration scheduled for deletion. InstallationDBMigrationStateDeletionRequested InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-deletion-requested" // InstallationDBMigrationStateDeleted is DB migration that has been deleted. InstallationDBMigrationStateDeleted InstallationDBMigrationOperationState = "installation-db-migration-deleted" )
type InstallationDBMigrationRequest ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBMigrationRequest struct { InstallationID string DestinationDatabase string DestinationMultiTenant *MultiTenantDBMigrationData `json:"DestinationMultiTenant,omitempty"` }
InstallationDBMigrationRequest represent request for installation database migration.
func NewInstallationDBMigrationRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewInstallationDBMigrationRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationDBMigrationRequest, error)
NewInstallationDBMigrationRequestFromReader will create a InstallationDBMigrationRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type InstallationDBRestorationFilter ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBRestorationFilter struct { Paging IDs []string InstallationID string ClusterInstallationID string States []InstallationDBRestorationState }
InstallationDBRestorationFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of installation-db-restoration.
type InstallationDBRestorationOperation ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBRestorationOperation struct { ID string InstallationID string BackupID string RequestAt int64 State InstallationDBRestorationState // TargetInstallationState is an installation State to which installation // will be transitioned when the restoration finishes successfully. TargetInstallationState string ClusterInstallationID string CompleteAt int64 DeleteAt int64 LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
InstallationDBRestorationOperation contains information about installation's database restoration operation.
func NewInstallationDBRestorationOperationFromReader ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewInstallationDBRestorationOperationFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
NewInstallationDBRestorationOperationFromReader will create a InstallationDBRestorationOperation from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func NewInstallationDBRestorationOperationsFromReader ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewInstallationDBRestorationOperationsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*InstallationDBRestorationOperation, error)
NewInstallationDBRestorationOperationsFromReader will create a slice of InstallationDBRestorationOperations from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type InstallationDBRestorationRequest ¶ added in v0.45.0
InstallationDBRestorationRequest represents request for installation restoration.
func NewInstallationDBRestorationRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.45.0
func NewInstallationDBRestorationRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationDBRestorationRequest, error)
NewInstallationDBRestorationRequestFromReader will create a InstallationDBRestorationRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type InstallationDBRestorationState ¶ added in v0.45.0
type InstallationDBRestorationState string
InstallationDBRestorationState represents the state of db restoration operation.
const ( // InstallationDBRestorationStateRequested is a requested installation db restoration that was not yet started. InstallationDBRestorationStateRequested InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-requested" // InstallationDBRestorationStateInProgress is an installation db restoration that is currently running. InstallationDBRestorationStateInProgress InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-in-progress" // InstallationDBRestorationStateFinalizing is an installation db restoration that is finalizing restoration. InstallationDBRestorationStateFinalizing InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-finishing" // InstallationDBRestorationStateSucceeded is an installation db restoration that have finished with success. InstallationDBRestorationStateSucceeded InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-succeeded" // InstallationDBRestorationStateFailing is an installation db restoration that is failing. InstallationDBRestorationStateFailing InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-failing" // InstallationDBRestorationStateFailed is an installation db restoration that have failed. InstallationDBRestorationStateFailed InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-failed" // InstallationDBRestorationStateInvalid is an installation db restoration that is invalid. InstallationDBRestorationStateInvalid InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-invalid" // InstallationDBRestorationStateDeletionRequested is an installation db restoration scheduled for deletion. InstallationDBRestorationStateDeletionRequested InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-deletion-requested" // InstallationDBRestorationStateDeleted is an installation db restoration that is deleted. InstallationDBRestorationStateDeleted InstallationDBRestorationState = "installation-db-restoration-deleted" )
type InstallationDNS ¶ added in v0.54.1
type InstallationDNS struct { ID string DomainName string InstallationID string IsPrimary bool CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 }
InstallationDNS represents single domain name for given Installation.
type InstallationDTO ¶ added in v0.31.0
type InstallationDTO struct { *Installation Annotations []*Annotation `json:"Annotations,omitempty"` // Deprecated: This is for backward compatibility until we switch all clients, as DNS was removed from Installation. DNS string DNSRecords []*InstallationDNS }
InstallationDTO represents a Mattermost installation. DTO stands for Data Transfer Object.
type InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface ¶ added in v0.10.0
type InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface interface { GetInstallation(id string, includeGroupConfig, includeGroupConfigOverrides bool) (*Installation, error) GetClusterInstallations(filter *ClusterInstallationFilter) ([]*ClusterInstallation, error) GetMultitenantDatabases(filter *MultitenantDatabaseFilter) ([]*MultitenantDatabase, error) GetMultitenantDatabase(multitenantdatabaseID string) (*MultitenantDatabase, error) GetMultitenantDatabaseForInstallationID(installationID string) (*MultitenantDatabase, error) GetInstallationsTotalDatabaseWeight(installationIDs []string) (float64, error) CreateMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabase *MultitenantDatabase) error UpdateMultitenantDatabase(multitenantDatabase *MultitenantDatabase) error LockMultitenantDatabase(multitenantdatabaseID, lockerID string) (bool, error) UnlockMultitenantDatabase(multitenantdatabaseID, lockerID string, force bool) (bool, error) LockMultitenantDatabases(ids []string, lockerID string) (bool, error) UnlockMultitenantDatabases(ids []string, lockerID string, force bool) (bool, error) GetLogicalDatabases(filter *LogicalDatabaseFilter) ([]*LogicalDatabase, error) GetLogicalDatabase(logicalDatabaseID string) (*LogicalDatabase, error) GetDatabaseSchemas(filter *DatabaseSchemaFilter) ([]*DatabaseSchema, error) GetDatabaseSchema(databaseSchemaID string) (*DatabaseSchema, error) GetSingleTenantDatabaseConfigForInstallation(installationID string) (*SingleTenantDatabaseConfig, error) GetProxyDatabaseResourcesForInstallation(installationID string) (*DatabaseResourceGrouping, error) GetOrCreateProxyDatabaseResourcesForInstallation(installationID, multitenantDatabaseID string) (*DatabaseResourceGrouping, error) DeleteInstallationProxyDatabaseResources(multitenantDatabase *MultitenantDatabase, databaseSchema *DatabaseSchema) error }
InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface is the interface necessary for SQLStore functionality to correlate an installation to a cluster for database creation. TODO(gsagula): Consider renaming this interface to InstallationDatabaseInterface. For reference,
type InstallationFilter ¶
type InstallationFilter struct { Paging InstallationIDs []string OwnerID string GroupID string State string DNS string Name string }
InstallationFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of installations.
type InstallationStateReport ¶ added in v0.8.0
type InstallationStateReport []StateReportEntry
InstallationStateReport is a report of all installation requests states.
func GetInstallationRequestStateReport ¶ added in v0.8.0
func GetInstallationRequestStateReport() InstallationStateReport
GetInstallationRequestStateReport returns a InstallationStateReport based on the current model of installation states.
type InstallationsCount ¶ added in v0.26.0
type InstallationsCount struct {
Count int64
InstallationsCount represents the number of installations
type InstallationsStatus ¶ added in v0.42.0
type InstallationsStatus struct { InstallationsTotal int64 InstallationsStable int64 InstallationsHibernating int64 InstallationsPendingDeletion int64 InstallationsUpdating int64 }
InstallationsStatus represents the status of all installations.
func InstallationsStatusFromReader ¶ added in v0.42.0
func InstallationsStatusFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*InstallationsStatus, error)
InstallationsStatusFromReader decodes a json-encoded InstallationsStatus from the given io.Reader.
type KopsInstanceGroupMetadata ¶ added in v0.44.0
type KopsInstanceGroupMetadata struct { NodeInstanceType string NodeMinCount int64 NodeMaxCount int64 }
KopsInstanceGroupMetadata is the metadata of an instance group.
type KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata ¶ added in v0.44.0
type KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata map[string]KopsInstanceGroupMetadata
KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata is a map of instance group names to their metadata.
type KopsMetadata ¶
type KopsMetadata struct { Name string Version string AMI string MasterInstanceType string MasterCount int64 NodeInstanceType string NodeMinCount int64 NodeMaxCount int64 MaxPodsPerNode int64 VPC string Networking string MasterInstanceGroups KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata NodeInstanceGroups KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata CustomInstanceGroups KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata `json:"CustomInstanceGroups,omitempty"` ChangeRequest *KopsMetadataRequestedState `json:"ChangeRequest,omitempty"` RotatorRequest *RotatorMetadata `json:"RotatorRequest,omitempty"` Warnings []string `json:"Warnings,omitempty"` }
KopsMetadata is the provisioner metadata stored in a model.Cluster.
func NewKopsMetadata ¶
func NewKopsMetadata(metadataBytes []byte) (*KopsMetadata, error)
NewKopsMetadata creates an instance of KopsMetadata given the raw provisioner metadata.
func (*KopsMetadata) AddWarning ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) AddWarning(warning string)
AddWarning adds a warning the kops metadata warning list.
func (*KopsMetadata) ApplyChangeRequest ¶ added in v0.60.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyChangeRequest()
ApplyChangeRequest applies change request values to the KopsMetadata that are not reflected by calling RefreshKopsMetadata().
func (*KopsMetadata) ApplyClusterCreateRequest ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyClusterCreateRequest(createRequest *CreateClusterRequest) bool
func (*KopsMetadata) ApplyClusterSizePatch ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) bool
func (*KopsMetadata) ApplyUpgradePatch ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ApplyUpgradePatch(patchRequest *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) bool
ApplyUpgradePatch applies the patch to the given cluster's metadata.
func (*KopsMetadata) ClearChangeRequest ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ClearChangeRequest()
ClearChangeRequest clears the kops metadata change request.
func (*KopsMetadata) ClearRotatorRequest ¶ added in v0.43.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ClearRotatorRequest()
ClearRotatorRequest clears the kops metadata rotator request.
func (*KopsMetadata) ClearWarnings ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ClearWarnings()
ClearWarnings clears the kops metadata warnings.
func (*KopsMetadata) GetCommonMetadata ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) GetCommonMetadata() ProvisionerMetadata
func (*KopsMetadata) GetKopsResizeSetActionsFromChanges ¶ added in v0.60.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) GetKopsResizeSetActionsFromChanges(changes KopsInstanceGroupMetadata, igName string) []string
GetKopsResizeSetActionsFromChanges produces a set of kops set actions that should be applied to the instance groups from the provided change data.
func (*KopsMetadata) GetWorkerNodesResizeChanges ¶ added in v0.44.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) GetWorkerNodesResizeChanges() KopsInstanceGroupsMetadata
GetWorkerNodesResizeChanges calculates instance group resizing based on the current ChangeRequest.
func (*KopsMetadata) ValidateChangeRequest ¶ added in v0.39.0
func (km *KopsMetadata) ValidateChangeRequest() error
ValidateChangeRequest ensures that the ChangeRequest has at least one actionable value.
func (*KopsMetadata) ValidateClusterSizePatch ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (em *KopsMetadata) ValidateClusterSizePatch(patchRequest *PatchClusterSizeRequest) error
type KopsMetadataRequestedState ¶ added in v0.21.0
type KopsMetadataRequestedState struct { Version string `json:"Version,omitempty"` AMI string `json:"AMI,omitempty"` MasterInstanceType string `json:"MasterInstanceType,omitempty"` MasterCount int64 `json:"MasterCount,omitempty"` NodeInstanceType string `json:"NodeInstanceType,omitempty"` NodeMinCount int64 `json:"NodeMinCount,omitempty"` NodeMaxCount int64 `json:"NodeMaxCount,omitempty"` MaxPodsPerNode int64 `json:"MaxPodsPerNode,omitempty"` Networking string `json:"Networking,omitempty"` VPC string `json:"VPC,omitempty"` }
KopsMetadataRequestedState is the requested state for kops metadata.
type LaunchTemplateData ¶ added in v0.71.0
type LeaveGroupRequest ¶ added in v0.18.0
type LeaveGroupRequest struct {
RetainConfig bool
LeaveGroupRequest describes the parameters to leave a group.
func (*LeaveGroupRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (request *LeaveGroupRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type ListStateChangeEventsRequest ¶ added in v0.50.0
type ListStateChangeEventsRequest struct { Paging ResourceType ResourceType ResourceID string }
ListStateChangeEventsRequest represents request for state change events query.
func (*ListStateChangeEventsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (request *ListStateChangeEventsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type ListSubscriptionsRequest ¶ added in v0.50.0
ListSubscriptionsRequest represents a request data for querying subscriptions.
func (*ListSubscriptionsRequest) ApplyToURL ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (request *ListSubscriptionsRequest) ApplyToURL(u *url.URL)
ApplyToURL modifies the given url to include query string parameters for the request.
type LogicalDatabase ¶ added in v0.47.0
type LogicalDatabase struct { ID string MultitenantDatabaseID string Name string CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
LogicalDatabase represents a logical database inside a MultitenantDatabase.
func LogicalDatabaseFromReader ¶ added in v0.47.0
func LogicalDatabaseFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*LogicalDatabase, error)
LogicalDatabaseFromReader decodes a json-encoded logical database from the given io.Reader.
func LogicalDatabasesFromReader ¶ added in v0.47.0
func LogicalDatabasesFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*LogicalDatabase, error)
LogicalDatabasesFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of logical databases from the given io.Reader.
type LogicalDatabaseFilter ¶ added in v0.47.0
LogicalDatabaseFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of LogicalDatabase.
type MigrateClusterInstallationRequest ¶ added in v0.46.1
type MigrateClusterInstallationRequest struct { InstallationID string SourceClusterID string TargetClusterID string DNSSwitch bool LockInstallation bool }
MigrateClusterInstallationRequest describes the parameters used to compose migration request between two clusters.
func NewMigrateClusterInstallationRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.46.1
func NewMigrateClusterInstallationRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (MigrateClusterInstallationRequest, error)
NewMigrateClusterInstallationRequestFromReader will create a MigrateClusterInstallationRequest from an io.Reader.
func (*MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (request *MigrateClusterInstallationRequest) Validate() error
Validate validate the migration request for cluster installations
type MigrateClusterInstallationResponse ¶ added in v0.48.0
type MigrateClusterInstallationResponse struct { SourceClusterID string TargetClusterID string Operation string TotalClusterInstallations int }
MigrateClusterInstallationResponse describes the summary of migration between two clusters.
func MigrateClusterInstallationResponseFromReader ¶ added in v0.48.0
func MigrateClusterInstallationResponseFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*MigrateClusterInstallationResponse, error)
MigrateClusterInstallationResponseFromReader decodes a json-encoded cluster migration from the given io.Reader.
type MinioOperatorFilestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
type MinioOperatorFilestore struct{}
MinioOperatorFilestore is a filestore backed by the MinIO operator.
func NewMinioOperatorFilestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewMinioOperatorFilestore() *MinioOperatorFilestore
NewMinioOperatorFilestore returns a new NewMinioOperatorFilestore interface.
func (*MinioOperatorFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (f *MinioOperatorFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret creates the k8s filestore spec and secret for accessing the MinIO operator filestore.
func (*MinioOperatorFilestore) Provision ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (f *MinioOperatorFilestore) Provision(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision completes all the steps necessary to provision a MinIO operator filestore.
func (*MinioOperatorFilestore) Teardown ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (f *MinioOperatorFilestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all MinIO operator resources related to a given installation.
type MultiTenantDBMigrationData ¶ added in v0.45.0
type MultiTenantDBMigrationData struct {
DatabaseID string
MultiTenantDBMigrationData represents migration data for Multi-tenant database.
type MultitenantDatabase ¶ added in v0.19.0
type MultitenantDatabase struct { ID string RdsClusterID string VpcID string DatabaseType string State string WriterEndpoint string ReaderEndpoint string Installations MultitenantDatabaseInstallations MigratedInstallations MultitenantDatabaseInstallations MaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase int64 `json:"MaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase,omitempty"` CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 }
MultitenantDatabase represents database infrastructure that contains multiple installation databases.
func MultitenantDatabaseFromReader ¶ added in v0.46.1
func MultitenantDatabaseFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*MultitenantDatabase, error)
MultitenantDatabaseFromReader decodes a json-encoded multitenant database from the given io.Reader.
func MultitenantDatabasesFromReader ¶ added in v0.25.0
func MultitenantDatabasesFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*MultitenantDatabase, error)
MultitenantDatabasesFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of multitenant databases from the given io.Reader.
func (*MultitenantDatabase) CreationDateString ¶ added in v0.62.0
func (d *MultitenantDatabase) CreationDateString() string
CreationDateString returns a standardized date string for a multitenant database string.
func (*MultitenantDatabase) GetReaderEndpoint ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *MultitenantDatabase) GetReaderEndpoint() string
GetReaderEndpoint returns the best available reader endpoint for a multitenant database.
type MultitenantDatabaseFilter ¶ added in v0.19.0
type MultitenantDatabaseFilter struct { Paging LockerID string InstallationID string MigratedInstallationID string VpcID string DatabaseType string MaxInstallationsLimit int }
MultitenantDatabaseFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of MultitenantDatabases.
type MultitenantDatabaseInstallations ¶ added in v0.25.0
type MultitenantDatabaseInstallations []string
MultitenantDatabaseInstallations is the list of installation IDs that belong to a given MultitenantDatabase.
func (*MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Add ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (i *MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Add(installationID string)
Add inserts a new installation in the container.
func (*MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Contains ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (i *MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Contains(installationID string) bool
Contains checks if the supplied installation ID exists in the container.
func (*MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Count ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (i *MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Count() int
Count returns the number of installations on the multitenant database.
func (*MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Remove ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (i *MultitenantDatabaseInstallations) Remove(installationID string)
Remove deletes the installation from the container.
type MysqlOperatorDatabase ¶ added in v0.8.0
type MysqlOperatorDatabase struct{}
MysqlOperatorDatabase is a database backed by the MySQL operator.
func NewMysqlOperatorDatabase ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewMysqlOperatorDatabase() *MysqlOperatorDatabase
NewMysqlOperatorDatabase returns a new MysqlOperatorDatabase interface.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateDatabaseSecret creates the k8s database spec and secret for accessing the MySQL operator database.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) MigrateOut ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) MigrateOut(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateOut migrating out of MySQL Operator managed database is not supported.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) MigrateTo ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) MigrateTo(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateTo migration to MySQL Operator managed database is not supported.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) Provision ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) Provision(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision completes all the steps necessary to provision a MySQL operator database.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata ¶ added in v0.43.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RefreshResourceMetadata ensures various operator database resource's metadata are correct.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) RollbackMigration ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) RollbackMigration(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RollbackMigration rolling back migration is not supported for MySQL Operator managed database.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) Snapshot(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Snapshot is not supported by the operator and it should return an error.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) Teardown ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) Teardown(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all MySQL operator resources for a given installation.
func (*MysqlOperatorDatabase) TeardownMigrated ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *MysqlOperatorDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TeardownMigrated tearing down migrated databases is not supported for MySQL Operator managed database.
type NodeGroupMetadata ¶ added in v0.71.0
type NodeGroupMetadata struct { Name string Type string `json:"Type,omitempty"` InstanceType string `json:"InstanceType,omitempty"` MinCount int64 `json:"MinCount,omitempty"` MaxCount int64 `json:"MaxCount,omitempty"` WithPublicSubnet bool `json:"WithPublicSubnet,omitempty"` WithSecurityGroup bool `json:"WithSecurityGroup,omitempty"` }
NodeGroupMetadata is the metadata of an instance group.
func (*NodeGroupMetadata) CopyMissingFieldsFrom ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (ng *NodeGroupMetadata) CopyMissingFieldsFrom(other NodeGroupMetadata)
CopyMissingFieldsFrom copy empty fields from the given NodeGroupMetadata to the current metadata.
type PGBouncerConfig ¶ added in v0.71.0
type PGBouncerConfig struct { MinPoolSize int DefaultPoolSize int ReservePoolSize int MaxClientConnections int MaxDatabaseConnectionsPerPool int ServerIdleTimeout int ServerLifetime int ServerResetQueryAlways int }
PGBouncerConfig contains the configuration for the PGBouncer utility. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- MaxDatabaseConnectionsPerPool is the maximum number of connections per logical database pool when using proxy databases.
- MinPoolSize is the minimum pool size.
- DefaultPoolSize is the default pool size per user.
- ReservePoolSize is the default pool size per user.
- MaxClientConnections is the maximum client connections.
- ServerIdleTimeout is the server idle timeout.
- ServerLifetime is the server lifetime.
- ServerResetQueryAlways is boolean 0 or 1 whether server_reset_query should be run in all pooling modes.
func (*PGBouncerConfig) Validate ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (c *PGBouncerConfig) Validate() error
Validate validates a PGBouncerConfig.
type Paging ¶ added in v0.44.0
Paging represent paging filter.
func AllPages ¶ added in v0.66.0
AllPages Paging filter returning all elements with a customizable deleted flag.
func AllPagesNotDeleted ¶ added in v0.44.0
func AllPagesNotDeleted() Paging
AllPagesNotDeleted if paging filter returning all not deleted elements.
func AllPagesWithDeleted ¶ added in v0.44.0
func AllPagesWithDeleted() Paging
AllPagesWithDeleted if paging filter returning all elements including deleted ones.
func (*Paging) AddToQuery ¶ added in v0.44.0
AddToQuery adds paging filter to query values.
type PatchClusterSizeRequest ¶ added in v0.21.0
type PatchClusterSizeRequest struct { NodeInstanceType *string `json:"node-instance-type,omitempty"` NodeMinCount *int64 `json:"node-min-count,omitempty"` NodeMaxCount *int64 `json:"node-max-count,omitempty"` RotatorConfig *RotatorConfig `json:"rotatorConfig,omitempty"` NodeGroups []string `json:"nodeGroups,omitempty"` }
PatchClusterSizeRequest specifies the parameters for resizing a cluster.
func NewResizeClusterRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.21.0
func NewResizeClusterRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PatchClusterSizeRequest, error)
NewResizeClusterRequestFromReader will create an PatchClusterSizeRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*PatchClusterSizeRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.21.0
func (p *PatchClusterSizeRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a PatchClusterSizeRequest.
type PatchGroupRequest ¶
type PatchGroupRequest struct { ID string MaxRolling *int64 Name *string Description *string Version *string Image *string MattermostEnv EnvVarMap ForceSequenceUpdate bool ForceInstallationsRestart bool }
PatchGroupRequest specifies the parameters for an updated group.
func NewPatchGroupRequestFromReader ¶
func NewPatchGroupRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PatchGroupRequest, error)
NewPatchGroupRequestFromReader will create a PatchGroupRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*PatchGroupRequest) Apply ¶
func (p *PatchGroupRequest) Apply(group *Group) bool
Apply applies the patch to the given group.
func (*PatchGroupRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (p *PatchGroupRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a group patch request
type PatchInstallationDeletionRequest ¶ added in v0.70.0
type PatchInstallationDeletionRequest struct {
DeletionPendingExpiry *int64
PatchInstallationDeletionRequest specifies the parameters for an updating installation deletion parameters.
func NewPatchInstallationDeletionRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.70.0
func NewPatchInstallationDeletionRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PatchInstallationDeletionRequest, error)
NewPatchInstallationDeletionRequestFromReader will create a PatchInstallationDeletionRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*PatchInstallationDeletionRequest) Apply ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (p *PatchInstallationDeletionRequest) Apply(installation *Installation) bool
Apply applies the deletion patch to the given installation.
func (*PatchInstallationDeletionRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (p *PatchInstallationDeletionRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a installation deletion patch request.
type PatchInstallationRequest ¶ added in v0.19.0
type PatchInstallationRequest struct { OwnerID *string Image *string Version *string Size *string License *string AllowedIPRanges *string OverrideIPRanges *bool PriorityEnv EnvVarMap MattermostEnv EnvVarMap }
PatchInstallationRequest specifies the parameters for an updated installation.
func NewPatchInstallationRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.19.0
func NewPatchInstallationRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PatchInstallationRequest, error)
NewPatchInstallationRequestFromReader will create a PatchInstallationRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*PatchInstallationRequest) Apply ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (p *PatchInstallationRequest) Apply(installation *Installation) bool
Apply applies the patch to the given installation.
func (*PatchInstallationRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (p *PatchInstallationRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a installation patch request.
type PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest ¶ added in v0.47.0
type PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest struct {
MaxInstallationsPerLogicalDatabase *int64
PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest specifies the parameters for an updated multitenant database.
func NewPatchMultitenantDatabaseRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.47.0
func NewPatchMultitenantDatabaseRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest, error)
NewPatchMultitenantDatabaseRequestFromReader will create a PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest) Apply ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (p *PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest) Apply(database *MultitenantDatabase) bool
Apply applies the patch to the given multitenant database.
func (*PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.47.0
func (p *PatchMultitenantDatabaseRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a multitenant database patch request.
type PatchUpgradeClusterRequest ¶ added in v0.20.0
type PatchUpgradeClusterRequest struct { Version *string `json:"version,omitempty"` AMI *string `json:"ami,omitempty"` RotatorConfig *RotatorConfig `json:"rotatorConfig,omitempty"` MaxPodsPerNode *int64 }
PatchUpgradeClusterRequest specifies the parameters for upgrading a cluster.
func NewUpgradeClusterRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewUpgradeClusterRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*PatchUpgradeClusterRequest, error)
NewUpgradeClusterRequestFromReader will create an UpgradeClusterRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (p *PatchUpgradeClusterRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of a cluster upgrade request.
type ProvisionClusterRequest ¶ added in v0.14.0
type ProvisionClusterRequest struct { DesiredUtilityVersions map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion `json:"utility-versions,omitempty"` Force bool `json:"force"` }
ProvisionClusterRequest contains metadata related to changing the installed cluster state.
func NewProvisionClusterRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.14.0
func NewProvisionClusterRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*ProvisionClusterRequest, error)
NewProvisionClusterRequestFromReader will create an UpdateClusterRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type ProvisionerMetadata ¶ added in v0.71.0
type Resource ¶ added in v0.47.1
Resource is a generic interface implemented by all resources supervised by Provisioner.
func ClustersAsResources ¶ added in v0.47.1
ClustersAsResources returns collection as Resource objects.
func InstallationsAsResources ¶ added in v0.47.1
func InstallationsAsResources(collection []*Installation) []Resource
InstallationsAsResources returns collection as Resource objects.
type ResourceType ¶ added in v0.50.0
type ResourceType string
ResourceType specifies a type of Provisioners' resource.
const ( // TypeCluster is the string value that represents a cluster. TypeCluster ResourceType = "cluster" // TypeInstallation is the string value that represents an installation. TypeInstallation ResourceType = "installation" // TypeClusterInstallation is the string value that represents a cluster // installation. TypeClusterInstallation ResourceType = "cluster_installation" // TypeInstallationBackup is the string value that represents an installation backup. TypeInstallationBackup ResourceType = "installation_backup" // TypeInstallationDBRestoration is the string value that represents an installation db restoration operation. TypeInstallationDBRestoration ResourceType = "installation_db_restoration_operation" // TypeInstallationDBMigration is the string value that represents an installation db migration operation. TypeInstallationDBMigration ResourceType = "installation_db_migration_operation" )
func (ResourceType) String ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (t ResourceType) String() string
String converts ResourceType to string.
type Resources ¶ added in v0.47.1
type Resources []Resource
Resources is a collection of Resource objects.
type RotatorConfig ¶ added in v0.43.0
type RotatorConfig struct { UseRotator *bool `json:"use-rotator,omitempty"` MaxScaling *int `json:"max-scaling,omitempty"` MaxDrainRetries *int `json:"max-drain-retries,omitempty"` EvictGracePeriod *int `json:"evict-grace-period,omitempty"` WaitBetweenRotations *int `json:"wait-between-rotations,omitempty"` WaitBetweenDrains *int `json:"wait-between-drains,omitempty"` WaitBetweenPodEvictions *int `json:"wait-between-pod-evictions,omitempty"` }
RotatorConfig is the config setup for the Rotator tool run
func (RotatorConfig) Validate ¶ added in v0.66.0
func (r RotatorConfig) Validate() error
Validate validates that the provided attributes for the rotator are set
type RotatorMetadata ¶ added in v0.43.0
type RotatorMetadata struct { Status *rotator.RotatorMetadata Config *RotatorConfig }
RotatorMetadata is the metadata for the Rotator tool
type S3DataResidence ¶ added in v0.43.0
type S3DataResidence struct { Region string URL string Bucket string PathPrefix string ObjectKey string }
S3DataResidence contains information about backup location.
func (S3DataResidence) FullPath ¶ added in v0.44.0
func (dr S3DataResidence) FullPath() string
FullPath returns joined path of object in the file store.
type SingleTenantDatabaseConfig ¶ added in v0.35.0
type SingleTenantDatabaseConfig struct { PrimaryInstanceType string ReplicaInstanceType string ReplicasCount int }
SingleTenantDatabaseConfig represents configuration for the database when used in single tenant mode.
func NewSingleTenantDatabaseConfigurationFromReader ¶ added in v0.35.0
func NewSingleTenantDatabaseConfigurationFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*SingleTenantDatabaseConfig, error)
NewSingleTenantDatabaseConfigurationFromReader will create a SingleTenantDatabaseConfig from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*SingleTenantDatabaseConfig) ToJSON ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (cfg *SingleTenantDatabaseConfig) ToJSON() ([]byte, error)
ToJSON marshals database configuration to JSON if it is not nil.
type SingleTenantDatabaseRequest ¶ added in v0.35.0
type SingleTenantDatabaseRequest struct { PrimaryInstanceType string ReplicaInstanceType string ReplicasCount int }
SingleTenantDatabaseRequest represents requested configuration of single tenant database.
func NewSingleTenantDatabaseRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.35.0
func NewSingleTenantDatabaseRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*SingleTenantDatabaseRequest, error)
NewSingleTenantDatabaseRequestFromReader will create a SingleTenantDatabaseRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*SingleTenantDatabaseRequest) SetDefaults ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (request *SingleTenantDatabaseRequest) SetDefaults()
SetDefaults sets the default values for a single tenant database configuration request.
func (*SingleTenantDatabaseRequest) ToDBConfig ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (request *SingleTenantDatabaseRequest) ToDBConfig(database string) *SingleTenantDatabaseConfig
ToDBConfig converts SingleTenantDatabaseRequest to SingleTenantDatabaseConfig if database type is single tenant.
func (*SingleTenantDatabaseRequest) Validate ¶ added in v0.35.0
func (request *SingleTenantDatabaseRequest) Validate() error
Validate validates the values of single tenant database configuration request.
type StateChangeEvent ¶ added in v0.50.0
type StateChangeEvent struct { ID string EventID string OldState string NewState string ResourceID string ResourceType ResourceType }
StateChangeEvent contains data specific to StateChangeEvent.
type StateChangeEventData ¶ added in v0.50.0
type StateChangeEventData struct { Event Event StateChange StateChangeEvent }
StateChangeEventData is a combination of StateChangeEvent and Event data.
func NewStateChangeEventsDataFromReader ¶ added in v0.50.0
func NewStateChangeEventsDataFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*StateChangeEventData, error)
NewStateChangeEventsDataFromReader will create an array of StateChangeEventData from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (*StateChangeEventData) ToEventPayload ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (e *StateChangeEventData) ToEventPayload() StateChangeEventPayload
ToEventPayload converts StateChangeEventData to StateChangeEventPayload.
func (*StateChangeEventData) ToWebhookPayload ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (e *StateChangeEventData) ToWebhookPayload() WebhookPayload
ToWebhookPayload converts StateChangeEventData to WebhookPayload.
type StateChangeEventDeliveryData ¶ added in v0.50.0
type StateChangeEventDeliveryData struct { EventDelivery EventDelivery EventData StateChangeEventData EventHeaders Headers }
StateChangeEventDeliveryData is a combination of StateChangeEventData and EventDelivery.
type StateChangeEventFilter ¶ added in v0.50.0
type StateChangeEventFilter struct { Paging ResourceType ResourceType ResourceID string OldStates []string NewStates []string }
StateChangeEventFilter is a filter for state change event queries.
type StateChangeEventPayload ¶ added in v0.50.0
type StateChangeEventPayload struct { EventID string `json:"eventId"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` ResourceID string `json:"resourceId"` ResourceType ResourceType `json:"resourceType"` NewState string `json:"newState"` OldState string `json:"oldState"` ExtraData map[string]string }
StateChangeEventPayload represents payload that is sent to consumers.
func NewStateChangeEventPayloadFromReader ¶ added in v0.50.0
func NewStateChangeEventPayloadFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*StateChangeEventPayload, error)
NewStateChangeEventPayloadFromReader will create a StateChangeEventPayload from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type StateReportEntry ¶ added in v0.8.0
type StateReportEntry struct { RequestedState string ValidStates StateList InvalidStates StateList }
StateReportEntry is a report entry of a given request state.
type Subscription ¶ added in v0.50.0
type Subscription struct { ID string Name string URL string OwnerID string EventType EventType LastDeliveryStatus SubscriptionDeliveryStatus LastDeliveryAttemptAt int64 // FailureThreshold specifies the time, after which undelivered event will be considered failed. FailureThreshold time.Duration CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 LockAcquiredBy *string LockAcquiredAt int64 Headers Headers }
Subscription is a subscription for Provisioner events.
func NewSubscriptionFromReader ¶ added in v0.50.0
func NewSubscriptionFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*Subscription, error)
NewSubscriptionFromReader will create a Subscription from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func NewSubscriptionsFromReader ¶ added in v0.50.0
func NewSubscriptionsFromReader(reader io.Reader) ([]*Subscription, error)
NewSubscriptionsFromReader will create a slice of Subscriptions from an io.Reader with JSON data.
func (Subscription) IsDeleted ¶ added in v0.50.0
func (s Subscription) IsDeleted() bool
IsDeleted returns true if subscription is deleted.
type SubscriptionDeliveryStatus ¶ added in v0.50.0
type SubscriptionDeliveryStatus string
SubscriptionDeliveryStatus represents delivery status for subscription.
const ( // SubscriptionDeliveryNone indicates no prior delivery for the subscription. SubscriptionDeliveryNone SubscriptionDeliveryStatus = "" // SubscriptionDeliverySucceeded indicates that last delivery for subscription succeeded. SubscriptionDeliverySucceeded SubscriptionDeliveryStatus = "succeeded" // SubscriptionDeliveryFailed indicates that last delivery for subscription failed. SubscriptionDeliveryFailed SubscriptionDeliveryStatus = "failed" )
type SubscriptionsFilter ¶ added in v0.50.0
SubscriptionsFilter is a filter for subscription queries.
type SupervisedResource ¶ added in v0.47.1
SupervisedResource is a resource with dedicated supervisor.
type UpdateClusterRequest ¶ added in v0.8.0
type UpdateClusterRequest struct {
AllowInstallations bool
UpdateClusterRequest specifies the parameters available for updating a cluster.
func NewUpdateClusterRequestFromReader ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewUpdateClusterRequestFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*UpdateClusterRequest, error)
NewUpdateClusterRequestFromReader will create an UpdateClusterRequest from an io.Reader with JSON data.
type UtilityGroupVersions ¶ added in v0.36.0
type UtilityGroupVersions struct { PrometheusOperator *HelmUtilityVersion Thanos *HelmUtilityVersion Nginx *HelmUtilityVersion NginxInternal *HelmUtilityVersion Fluentbit *HelmUtilityVersion Teleport *HelmUtilityVersion Pgbouncer *HelmUtilityVersion Promtail *HelmUtilityVersion Rtcd *HelmUtilityVersion NodeProblemDetector *HelmUtilityVersion MetricsServer *HelmUtilityVersion Velero *HelmUtilityVersion Cloudprober *HelmUtilityVersion }
UtilityGroupVersions holds the concrete metadata for any cluster utilities
func (*UtilityGroupVersions) AsMap ¶ added in v0.37.0
func (h *UtilityGroupVersions) AsMap() map[string]*HelmUtilityVersion
AsMap returns the UtilityGroupVersion represented as a map with the canonical names for each utility as the keys and the members of the struct making up the values
type UtilityMetadata ¶ added in v0.14.0
type UtilityMetadata struct { DesiredVersions UtilityGroupVersions ActualVersions UtilityGroupVersions }
UtilityMetadata is a container struct for any metadata related to cluster utilities that needs to be persisted in the database
func NewUtilityMetadata ¶ added in v0.20.0
func NewUtilityMetadata(metadataBytes []byte) (*UtilityMetadata, error)
NewUtilityMetadata creates an instance of UtilityMetadata given the raw utility metadata.
func UtilityMetadataFromReader ¶ added in v0.14.0
func UtilityMetadataFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*UtilityMetadata, error)
UtilityMetadataFromReader produces a UtilityMetadata object from the JSON representation embedded in a io.Reader
type Webhook ¶ added in v0.3.0
type Webhook struct { ID string OwnerID string URL string CreateAt int64 DeleteAt int64 Headers Headers }
Webhook is
func WebhookFromReader ¶ added in v0.3.0
WebhookFromReader decodes a json-encoded webhook from the given io.Reader.
func WebhooksFromReader ¶ added in v0.3.0
WebhooksFromReader decodes a json-encoded list of webhooks from the given io.Reader.
type WebhookFilter ¶ added in v0.3.0
WebhookFilter describes the parameters used to constrain a set of webhooks.
type WebhookHeader ¶ added in v0.71.0
type WebhookPayload ¶ added in v0.3.0
type WebhookPayload struct { EventID string `json:"event_id"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"` ID string `json:"id"` Type ResourceType `json:"type"` NewState string `json:"new_state"` OldState string `json:"old_state"` ExtraData map[string]string `json:"extra_data,omitempty"` }
WebhookPayload is the payload sent in every webhook.
func WebhookPayloadFromReader ¶ added in v0.3.0
func WebhookPayloadFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*WebhookPayload, error)
WebhookPayloadFromReader decodes a json-encoded webhook payload from the given io.Reader.
func (*WebhookPayload) ToJSON ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (p *WebhookPayload) ToJSON() (string, error)
ToJSON returns a JSON string representation of the webhook payload.
Source Files
- affinity.go
- annotation.go
- aws_metadata.go
- aws_types.go
- client.go
- cluster.go
- cluster_dto.go
- cluster_gen.go
- cluster_installation.go
- cluster_installation_migration_database.go
- cluster_installation_request.go
- cluster_installation_states.go
- cluster_request.go
- cluster_states.go
- cluster_utility.go
- dtos.go
- eks_metadata.go
- env.go
- events.go
- events_state_change.go
- events_subscription.go
- events_subscription_request.go
- exec.go
- external_database.go
- general.go
- group.go
- group_dto.go
- group_request.go
- group_status.go
- id.go
- installation.go
- installation_backup.go
- installation_backup_request.go
- installation_database.go
- installation_db_migration_operation.go
- installation_db_migration_request.go
- installation_db_restoration_operation.go
- installation_db_restoration_request.go
- installation_deletion_report.go
- installation_dns.go
- installation_dto.go
- installation_filestore.go
- installation_gen.go
- installation_request.go
- installation_states.go
- installation_status.go
- kops_metadata.go
- mattermost_size.go
- multitenant_database.go
- multitenant_database_request.go
- multitenant_database_states.go
- paging.go
- password.go
- pgbouncer.go
- provider.go
- provisioner_metadata.go
- provisioner_resource.go
- single_tenant_database.go
- time.go
- types.go
- version.go
- webhook.go
- webhook_request.go