Index ¶
- Constants
- func CloudID(id string) string
- func DBSubnetGroupName(vpcID string) string
- func ExternalDatabaseName(installationID string) string
- func GetAWSRegion() string
- func IAMSecretName(cloudID string) string
- func IsErrorCode(err error, code string) bool
- func IsErrorPermissionDuplicate(err error) bool
- func IsErrorPermissionNotFound(err error) bool
- func IsErrorResourceInUseException(err error) bool
- func IsErrorResourceNotFound(err error) bool
- func KMSAliasNameRDS(awsID string) string
- func KMSKeyDescriptionRDS(awsID string) string
- func MattermostMultitenantDatabaseUsername(installationID string) string
- func MattermostMultitenantS3Name(environmentName, vpcID string) string
- func MattermostMySQLConnStrings(schema, username, password string, dbCluster *rdsTypes.DBCluster) (string, string)
- func MattermostPGBouncerDatabaseUsername(installationID string) string
- func MattermostPerseusConnStrings(username, password, database string) (string, string, string)
- func MattermostPerseusDatabaseUsername(installationID string) string
- func MattermostPostgresConnStrings(schema, username, password string, dbCluster *rdsTypes.DBCluster) (string, string)
- func MattermostPostgresPGBouncerConnStrings(username, password, database string) (string, string, string)
- func MattermostRDSDatabaseName(installationID string) string
- func NewAWSConfig(ctx context.Context) (aws.Config, error)
- func PGBouncerAuthUserSecretName(vpcID string) string
- func PerseusAuthUserSecretName(vpcID string) string
- func PerseusDatabaseUserSecretName(rdsID string) string
- func PerseusIAMUserSecretName(vpcID string) string
- func PerseusInstallationSecretName(id string) string
- func PerseusKMSAliasName(vpcID string) string
- func RDSMasterInstanceID(installationID string) string
- func RDSMigrationInstanceID(installationID string) string
- func RDSMultitenantClusterSecretDescription(installationID, rdsClusterID string) string
- func RDSMultitenantPGBouncerClusterSecretDescription(vpcID string) string
- func RDSMultitenantPGBouncerSecretName(id string) string
- func RDSMultitenantPerseusAuthSecretDescription(vpcID string) string
- func RDSMultitenantPerseusClusterSecretDescription(rdsID string) string
- func RDSMultitenantSecretName(id string) string
- func RDSMySQLConnString(schema, endpoint, username, password string) string
- func RDSPostgresConnString(schema, endpoint, username, password string) string
- func RDSReplicaInstanceID(installationID string, id int) string
- func RDSSecretName(cloudID string) string
- func RDSSnapshotTagValue(cloudID string) string
- type ACMAPI
- type AWS
- type BifrostFilestore
- func (f *BifrostFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
- func (f *BifrostFilestore) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (f *BifrostFilestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type Client
- func (c *Client) AddSQLStore(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface)
- func (a *Client) AttachPolicyToRole(roleName, policyName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) ClaimSecurityGroups(cluster *model.Cluster, nodeGroup string, vpcID string, logger log.FieldLogger) ([]string, error)
- func (a *Client) ClaimVPC(vpcID string, cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
- func (a *Client) CreateLaunchTemplate(data *model.LaunchTemplateData) error
- func (a *Client) CreatePrivateCNAME(dnsName string, dnsEndpoints []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) CreatePublicCNAME(dnsName string, dnsEndpoints []string, dnsIdentifier string, ...) error
- func (a *Client) DeleteLaunchTemplate(launchTemplateName string) error
- func (a *Client) DeletePrivateCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) DeletePublicCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) DeletePublicCNAMEs(dnsNames []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) DetachPolicyFromRole(roleName, policyName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) DynamoDBEnsureTableDeleted(tableName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (c *Client) EnsureEKSCluster(cluster *model.Cluster, resources ClusterResources) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error)
- func (a *Client) EnsureEKSClusterDeleted(clusterName string) error
- func (c *Client) EnsureEKSClusterUpdated(cluster *model.Cluster) (*eksTypes.Update, error)
- func (c *Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroup(cluster *model.Cluster, ngPrefix string) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error)
- func (a *Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroupDeleted(clusterName, workerName string) error
- func (c *Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroupMigrated(cluster *model.Cluster, ngPrefix string) error
- func (a *Client) FixSubnetTagsForVPC(vpcID string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) GenerateBifrostUtilitySecret(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (a *Client) GeneratePerseusUtilitySecret(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (a *Client) GetAccountAliases() (*iam.ListAccountAliasesOutput, error)
- func (a *Client) GetAccountID() (string, error)
- func (c *Client) GetActiveEKSCluster(clusterName string) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error)
- func (c *Client) GetActiveEKSNodeGroup(clusterName, workerName string) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error)
- func (a *Client) GetAndClaimVpcResources(cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
- func (a *Client) GetCIDRByVPCTag(vpcTagName string, logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
- func (a *Client) GetCertificateSummaryByTag(key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.Certificate, error)
- func (c *Client) GetClaimedVPC(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
- func (c *Client) GetCloudEnvironmentName() string
- func (a *Client) GetHostedZonesWithTag(tag Tag) ([]types.HostedZone, error)
- func (c *Client) GetLoadBalancerAPIByType(elbType string) ELB
- func (client *Client) GetMultitenantBucketNameForInstallation(installationID string, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface) (string, error)
- func (a *Client) GetPrivateHostedZoneID() string
- func (a *Client) GetPrivateZoneDomainName(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
- func (a *Client) GetPublicHostedZoneNames() []string
- func (c *Client) GetRegion() string
- func (a *Client) GetS3RegionURL() string
- func (a *Client) GetSecurityGroupsWithFilters(filters []ec2Types.Filter) ([]ec2Types.SecurityGroup, error)
- func (a *Client) GetSubnetsWithFilters(filters []ec2Types.Filter) ([]ec2Types.Subnet, error)
- func (a *Client) GetTagByKeyAndZoneID(key string, id string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*Tag, error)
- func (a *Client) GetVpcResources(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
- func (a *Client) GetVpcResourcesByVpcID(vpcID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
- func (a *Client) GetVpcsWithFilters(filters []ec2Types.Filter) ([]ec2Types.Vpc, error)
- func (c *Client) HasSQLStore() bool
- func (a *Client) InstallEKSAddons(cluster *model.Cluster) error
- func (a *Client) IsLaunchTemplateAvailable(launchTemplateName string) (bool, error)
- func (a *Client) IsProvisionedPrivateCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) bool
- func (a *Client) IsValidAMI(AMIImage string, logger log.FieldLogger) (bool, error)
- func (a *Client) RDSDBCLusterExists(awsID string) (bool, error)
- func (a *Client) ReleaseVpc(cluster *model.Cluster, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) S3BatchDelete(bucketName string, prefix *string) error
- func (a *Client) S3BatchDeleteVersions(bucketName string, prefix *string) error
- func (a *Client) S3DisableVersioning(bucketName string) error
- func (a *Client) S3EnableVersioning(bucketName string) error
- func (a *Client) S3EnsureBucketDeleted(bucketName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) S3EnsureBucketDirectoryDeleted(bucketName, directory string, _ log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) S3EnsureObjectDeleted(bucketName, path string) error
- func (a *Client) S3IsVersioningEnabled(bucketName string) (bool, error)
- func (a *Client) S3LargeCopy(srcBucketName, srcBucketKey, destBucketName, destBucketKey *string) error
- func (a *Client) SecretsManagerGetPGBouncerAuthUserPassword(vpcID string) (string, error)
- func (a *Client) SecretsManagerRestoreSecret(secretName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) SecretsManagerValidateExternalDatabaseSecret(name string) error
- func (c *Client) Service() *Service
- func (a *Client) SwitchClusterTags(clusterID string, targetClusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) TagResource(resourceID, key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) TagResourcesByCluster(clusterResources ClusterResources, cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, ...) error
- func (a *Client) UntagResource(resourceID, key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) UpdateLaunchTemplate(data *model.LaunchTemplateData) error
- func (a *Client) UpdatePublicRecordIDForCNAME(dnsName, newID string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (a *Client) UpsertPublicCNAMEs(dnsNames []string, endpoints []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (c *Client) WaitForActiveEKSCluster(clusterName string, timeout int) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error)
- func (c *Client) WaitForActiveEKSNodeGroup(clusterName, nodeGroupName string, timeout int) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error)
- func (c *Client) WaitForEKSClusterToBeDeleted(clusterName string, timeout int) error
- func (c *Client) WaitForEKSClusterUpdateToBeCompleted(clusterName, updateID string, timeout int) error
- func (c *Client) WaitForEKSNodeGroupToBeDeleted(clusterName, workerName string, timeout int) error
- type ClusterResources
- type DynamoDBAPI
- type EC2API
- type EKSAPI
- type ELB
- type ELBV1
- type ELBV2
- type ExternalDatabase
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) IsValid() error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, ...) error
- func (d *ExternalDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type IAMAPI
- type IAMAccessKey
- type InstallationDBSecret
- type KMSAPI
- type LoadBalancerAPI
- type PerseusDatabase
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue() string
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases() int
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, ...) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *PerseusDatabase) Validate() error
- type RDSAPI
- type RDSDatabase
- func (d *RDSDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (d *RDSDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, ...) error
- func (d *RDSDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type RDSDatabaseMigration
- type RDSMultitenantDatabase
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue() string
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) IsValid() error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases() int
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue() string
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) IsValid() error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases() int
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, ...) error
- func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type RDSSecret
- type ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIAPI
- type Route53API
- type S3API
- type S3Filestore
- func (f *S3Filestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
- func (f *S3Filestore) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (f *S3Filestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type S3MultitenantFilestore
- func (f *S3MultitenantFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
- func (f *S3MultitenantFilestore) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
- func (f *S3MultitenantFilestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, ...) error
- type SQLDatabaseManager
- type STSAPI
- type SecretsManagerAPI
- type Service
- type Tag
- type Tags
Constants ¶
const ( // S3URL is the S3 URL for making bucket API calls. S3URL = "" // DefaultAWSRegion is the default AWS region for AWS resources. DefaultAWSRegion = "us-east-1" // ClusterIDTagKey is the tag key used to tag resources with the cluster ID that // it belongs to ClusterIDTagKey = "CloudClusterID" // VpcAvailableTagKey is the tag key to determine if a VPC is currently in // use by a cluster or not. VpcAvailableTagKey = "tag:Available" // VpcAvailableTagValueTrue is the tag value for VpcAvailableTagKey when the // VPC is currently not in use by a cluster and can be claimed. VpcAvailableTagValueTrue = "true" // VpcAvailableTagValueFalse is the tag value for VpcAvailableTagKey when the // VPC is currently in use by a cluster and cannot be claimed. VpcAvailableTagValueFalse = "false" // VpcClusterIDTagKey is the tag key used to store the cluster ID of the // cluster running in that VPC. VpcClusterIDTagKey = "tag:" + ClusterIDTagKey // VpcClusterOwnerKey is the tag key used to store the owner of the // cluster's human name so that the VPC's owner can be identified VpcClusterOwnerKey = "tag:CloudClusterOwner" // VpcNameTagKey is the tag key used to store name of the VPC. VpcNameTagKey = "tag:Name" // VpcClusterOwnerValueNone is the tag value for VpcClusterOwnerKey when // there is no cluster running in the VPC. VpcClusterOwnerValueNone = "none" // VpcClusterIDTagValueNone is the tag value for VpcClusterIDTagKey when // there is no cluster running in the VPC. VpcClusterIDTagValueNone = "none" // DefaultDatabaseMySQLVersion is the default version of MySQL used when // creating databases. DefaultDatabaseMySQLVersion = "5.7" // DefaultDatabasePostgresVersion is the default version of PostgreSQL used // when creating databases. DefaultDatabasePostgresVersion = "13.10" // DefaultDBSubnetGroupName is the default DB subnet group name used when // creating DB clusters. This group name is defined by the owner of the AWS // accounts and can be the same across all accounts. // Note: This needs to be manually created before RDS databases can be used. DefaultDBSubnetGroupName = "mattermost-databases" // DatabaseTypeMySQLAurora is a MySQL database running on AWS RDS Aurora. DatabaseTypeMySQLAurora = "MySQL/Aurora" // DatabaseTypePostgresSQLAurora is a PostgreSQL database running on AWS // RDS Aurora. DatabaseTypePostgresSQLAurora = "PostgreSQL/Aurora" // CloudInstallationDatabaseTagKey is the common tag key for determing // database type. CloudInstallationDatabaseTagKey = "tag:MattermostCloudInstallationDatabase" // DefaultDBSecurityGroupTagKey is the default DB security group tag key // that is used to find security groups to use in configuration of the RDS // database. // Note: This needs to be manually created before RDS databases can be used. DefaultDBSecurityGroupTagKey = "tag:MattermostCloudInstallationDatabase" // DefaultDBSecurityGroupTagMySQLValue is the default DB security group tag // value that is used to find MySQL security groups to use in configuration // of the RDS database. // Note: This needs to be manually created before MySQL RDS databases can be // used. DefaultDBSecurityGroupTagMySQLValue = DatabaseTypeMySQLAurora // DefaultDBSecurityGroupTagPostgresValue is the default DB security group // tag value that is used to find Postgres security groups to use in // configuration of the RDS database. // Note: This needs to be manually created before MySQL RDS databases can be // used. DefaultDBSecurityGroupTagPostgresValue = DatabaseTypePostgresSQLAurora // DefaultDBSubnetGroupTagKey is the default DB subnet group tag key that is // used to find subnet groups to use in configuration of the RDS database. // Note: This needs to be manually created before RDS databases can be used. DefaultDBSubnetGroupTagKey = "tag:MattermostCloudInstallationDatabase" // DefaultDBSubnetGroupTagValue is the default DB subnet group tag value // that is used to find subnet groups to use in configuration of the RDS // database. // Note: This needs to be manually created before RDS databases can be used. DefaultDBSubnetGroupTagValue = DatabaseTypeMySQLAurora // DefaultInstallPrivateCertificatesTagKey is the default key used to find the private // TLS certificate ARN. DefaultInstallPrivateCertificatesTagKey = "tag:MattermostCloudPrivateCertificates" // DefaultInstallPrivateCertificatesTagValue is the default value used to find the private // TLS certificate ARN. DefaultInstallPrivateCertificatesTagValue = "true" // DefaultInstallCertificatesTagKey is the default key used to find the server // TLS certificate ARN. DefaultInstallCertificatesTagKey = "tag:MattermostCloudInstallationCertificates" // DefaultInstallCertificatesTagValue is the default value used to find the server // TLS certificate ARN. DefaultInstallCertificatesTagValue = "true" // DefaultCloudDNSTagKey is the default key used to find private and public hosted // zone IDs in AWS Route53. DefaultCloudDNSTagKey = "tag:MattermostCloudDNS" // DefaultAuditLogsCoreSecurityTagKey is the default key used to find its value which // has the format URL:port in which we send audit logs for each environment. // This URL is in Core Account and port is different for each environment //This tag exists in the Route53 Private hosted zones DefaultAuditLogsCoreSecurityTagKey = "tag:AuditLogsCoreSecurity" // DefaultPrivateCloudDNSTagValue is the default value used to find private hosted // zone ID in AWS Route53. DefaultPrivateCloudDNSTagValue = "private" // DefaultPublicCloudDNSTagValue is the default value used to find public hosted // zone ID in AWS Route53. DefaultPublicCloudDNSTagValue = "public" // HibernatingInstallationResourceRecordIDPrefix is a prefix given to AWS // route53 resource records when the installation it points to is hibernating. HibernatingInstallationResourceRecordIDPrefix = "[hibernating] " // CustomNodePolicyName is the name of the custom IAM policy that will be // attached in Kops Instance Profile. CustomNodePolicyName = "cloud-provisioning-node-policy" // VeleroNodePolicyName is the name of the velero IAM policy that will be // attached in Kops Instance Profile. VeleroNodePolicyName = "cloud-provisioning-node-policy-velero" // DefaultMultitenantDatabaseCounterTagKey is the default key used to // identify the counter tag used in RDS multitenant database clusters. DefaultMultitenantDatabaseCounterTagKey = "tag:Counter" // DefaultClusterInstallationSnapshotTagKey is used for tagging snapshots // of a cluster installation. DefaultClusterInstallationSnapshotTagKey = "tag:ClusterInstallationSnapshot" // DefaultAWSClientRetries supplies how many time the AWS client will // retry a failed call. DefaultAWSClientRetries = 3 // KMSMaxTimeEncryptionKeyDeletion is the maximum number of days that // AWS will take to delete an encryption key. KMSMaxTimeEncryptionKeyDeletion = 30 // DefaultMySQLContextTimeSeconds is the number of seconds that a SQL // client will take before cancel a call to the database. DefaultMySQLContextTimeSeconds = 30 // DefaultPostgresContextTimeSeconds is the number of seconds that a SQL // client will take before cancel a call to a postgres database. DefaultPostgresContextTimeSeconds = 30 // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseMySQLCountLimit is the maximum number of // schemas allowed in a MySQL multitenant RDS database cluster. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseMySQLCountLimit = 10 // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabasePostgresCountLimit is the maximum number of // schemas allowed in a Postgres multitenant RDS database cluster. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabasePostgresCountLimit = 300 // DefaultRDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabasePostgresCountLimit is the maximum // number of schemas allowed in a Postgres multitenant RDS database cluster // with a PGBouncer proxy. DefaultRDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabasePostgresCountLimit = 2500 // DefaultRDSMultitenantPerseusDatabasePostgresCountLimit is the maximum // number of schemas allowed in a Postgres multitenant RDS database cluster // with a Perseus proxy. DefaultRDSMultitenantPerseusDatabasePostgresCountLimit = 2500 // RDSMultitenantDBClusterResourceNamePrefix identifies the prefix // used for naming multitenant RDS DB cluster resources. // For example: "rds-cluster-multitenant-00000000000000000-a0000000" // Warning: // changing this value may cause the provisioner to not find some AWS resources. RDSMultitenantDBClusterResourceNamePrefix = "rds-cluster-multitenant" // DefaultMattermostInstallationIDTagKey is the default name used for // tagging resources with an installation ID. DefaultMattermostInstallationIDTagKey = "tag:InstallationId" // DefaultMattermostDatabaseUsername is the default username used for // connecting to a Mattermost database. // Warning: // changing this value may break the connection to existing installations. DefaultMattermostDatabaseUsername = "mmcloud" // DefaultPGBouncerAuthUsername is the default username used for authorizing // pgbouncer connections to a shared database. // Warning: // changing this value may break the connection to existing databases. DefaultPGBouncerAuthUsername = "pgbouncer" // DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseName is the default database name used for // authorizing perseus connections to a database. // Warning: // changing this value may break the connection to existing databases. DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseName = "perseus" // DefaultPerseusAuthUsername is the default username used for authorizing // perseus connections to a database. // Warning: // changing this value may break the connection to existing databases. DefaultPerseusAuthUsername = "perseus_auth" // DefaultPerseusDatabaseUsername is the default perseus username used for // connecting to shared multitenant databases. // Warning: // changing this value may break the connection to existing databases. DefaultPerseusDatabaseUsername = "perseus" // DefaultResourceTypeClusterRDS is the default resource type used by // AWS to identify an RDS cluster. DefaultResourceTypeClusterRDS = "rds:cluster" // DefaultRDSStatusAvailable identify that a RDS cluster is in available // state. DefaultRDSStatusAvailable = "available" // DefaultRDSEncryptionTagKey in the default tag key used for tagging // RDS encryption keys // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultRDSEncryptionTagKey = "rds-encryption-key" // VpcIDTagKey is the key used to identify resources belonging to a given // VPC. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. VpcIDTagKey = "tag:VpcID" // FilestoreMultitenantS3TagKey is the key used to identify S3 buckets that // provide multitenant filestores. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. FilestoreMultitenantS3TagKey = "tag:Filestore" // FilestoreMultitenantS3TagValue is FilestoreMultitenantS3TagKey value for // S3 multitenant databases. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. FilestoreMultitenantS3TagValue = "Multitenant" // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseIDTagKey is the key used to identify a // multitenant RDS database clusters. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseIDTagKey = "tag:MultitenantDatabaseID" // DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseIDTagKey is the key used to identify the RDS // cluster ID for Perseus authentication data. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseIDTagKey = "tag:PerseusAuthDatabaseID" // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseTypeTagKey is the key used to identify a // multitenant RDS database clusters. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseTypeTagKey = "tag:DatabaseType" // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseTypeTagValue key used to identify a // multitenant database cluster of type multitenant-rds. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseTypeTagValue = "multitenant-rds" // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseDBProxyTypeTagValue key used to identify a // multitenant database cluster with pooled connections of type // multitenant-rds-dbproxy. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabaseDBProxyTypeTagValue = "multitenant-rds-dbproxy" // DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabasePerseusTypeTagValue key used to identify a // multitenant database cluster with pooled connections of type // multitenant-rds-multitenant-rds-perseus. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultRDSMultitenantDatabasePerseusTypeTagValue = "multitenant-rds-perseus" // DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseTagKey is the key used to identify a database // that should be used for storing authentication data for shared Perseus // databases. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseTagKey = "tag:PerseusAuthDatabase" // DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseTagValue is the value used to identify a database // that should be used for storing authentication data for shared Perseus // databases. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultPerseusAuthDatabaseTagValue = "true" // RDSMultitenantPurposeTagKey is the key used to identify the purpose // of an RDS cluster. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. RDSMultitenantPurposeTagKey = "tag:Purpose" // RDSMultitenantPurposeTagValueProvisioning is one of the purposes of // an RDS cluster. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. RDSMultitenantPurposeTagValueProvisioning = "provisioning" // RDSMultitenantOwnerTagKey identifies who owns the RDS cluster. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. RDSMultitenantOwnerTagKey = "tag:Owner" // RDSMultitenantInstallationCounterTagKey identifies the number of // installations in the RDS cluster. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. RDSMultitenantInstallationCounterTagKey = "tag:Counter" // RDSMultitenantOwnerTagValueCloudTeam identifies that cloud team // owns the RDS cluster. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. RDSMultitenantOwnerTagValueCloudTeam = "cloud-team" // DefaultAWSTerraformProvisionedKey identifies wether or not a AWS // resource has been provisioned via Terraform. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultAWSTerraformProvisionedKey = "Terraform" // DefaultAWSTerraformProvisionedValueTrue indicates that the AWS // resource has been provisioned via Terraform. // Warning: // changing this value will break the connection to AWS resources for existing installations. DefaultAWSTerraformProvisionedValueTrue = "true" // VpcSecondaryClusterIDTagKey is the tag key used to store the secondary cluster ID of the // cluster running in that VPC. VpcSecondaryClusterIDTagKey = "tag:CloudSecondaryClusterID" )
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func CloudID ¶ added in v0.7.0
CloudID returns the standard ID used for AWS resource names. This ID is used to correlate installations to AWS resources.
func DBSubnetGroupName ¶ added in v0.17.0
DBSubnetGroupName formats the subnet group name used for RDS databases.
func ExternalDatabaseName ¶ added in v0.63.0
ExternalDatabaseName formats the name of an externally managed database.
func GetAWSRegion ¶ added in v0.70.0
func GetAWSRegion() string
GetAWSRegion returns the currently setup AWS region with sensible defaults for components that only require the region and not a full AWSConfig object
func IAMSecretName ¶ added in v0.8.0
IAMSecretName returns the IAM Access Key secret name for a given Cloud ID.
func IsErrorCode ¶ added in v0.18.0
IsErrorCode asserts that an AWS error has a certain code.
func IsErrorPermissionDuplicate ¶ added in v0.64.0
IsErrorPermissionDuplicate asserts that an AWS error is InvalidPermission.Duplicate.
func IsErrorPermissionNotFound ¶ added in v0.64.0
IsErrorPermissionNotFound asserts that an AWS error is InvalidPermission.NotFound.
func IsErrorResourceInUseException ¶ added in v0.63.0
IsErrorResourceInUseException asserts that an AWS error is ResourceInUseException.
func IsErrorResourceNotFound ¶ added in v0.63.0
IsErrorResourceNotFound asserts that an AWS error is ResourceNotFoundException.
func KMSAliasNameRDS ¶ added in v0.19.0
KMSAliasNameRDS formats the alias name associated with a KMS encryption key used specifically for RDS databases.
func KMSKeyDescriptionRDS ¶ added in v0.19.0
KMSKeyDescriptionRDS formats the description of an KMS key used for encrypting a RDS cluster.
func MattermostMultitenantDatabaseUsername ¶ added in v0.47.0
MattermostMultitenantDatabaseUsername formats the name of a Mattermost user for use in a multitenant database.
func MattermostMultitenantS3Name ¶ added in v0.29.0
MattermostMultitenantS3Name formats the name of a Mattermost S3 multitenant filestore bucket name.
func MattermostMySQLConnStrings ¶ added in v0.30.0
func MattermostMySQLConnStrings(schema, username, password string, dbCluster *rdsTypes.DBCluster) (string, string)
MattermostMySQLConnStrings formats the connection string used for accessing a Mattermost database.
func MattermostPGBouncerDatabaseUsername ¶ added in v0.46.1
MattermostPGBouncerDatabaseUsername formats the name of a Mattermost user for use in a PGBouncer database.
func MattermostPerseusConnStrings ¶ added in v0.70.0
MattermostPerseusConnStrings formats the connection strings used by Mattermost servers to access a PostgreSQL database with a Perseus proxy.
Regarding binary_parameters:
func MattermostPerseusDatabaseUsername ¶ added in v0.70.0
MattermostPerseusDatabaseUsername formats the name of a Mattermost user for use in a Perseus database.
func MattermostPostgresConnStrings ¶ added in v0.30.0
func MattermostPostgresConnStrings(schema, username, password string, dbCluster *rdsTypes.DBCluster) (string, string)
MattermostPostgresConnStrings formats the connection strings used by Mattermost servers to access a PostgreSQL database.
func MattermostPostgresPGBouncerConnStrings ¶ added in v0.46.1
func MattermostPostgresPGBouncerConnStrings(username, password, database string) (string, string, string)
MattermostPostgresPGBouncerConnStrings formats the connection strings used by Mattermost servers to access a PostgreSQL database with a PGBouncer proxy.
Regarding binary_parameters:
func MattermostRDSDatabaseName ¶ added in v0.19.0
MattermostRDSDatabaseName formats the name of a Mattermost RDS database schema.
func NewAWSConfig ¶ added in v0.67.0
NewAWSConfig retrieves the default AWS configuration from a central place for the SDK v2, using a default region if it cannot be loaded. To get the order in which the configuration is loaded read the docstring for LoadDefaultConfig
func PGBouncerAuthUserSecretName ¶ added in v0.46.1
PGBouncerAuthUserSecretName formats the name of a secret used for the pgbouncer auth user.
func PerseusAuthUserSecretName ¶ added in v0.70.0
PerseusAuthUserSecretName formats the name of a secret used for the perseus authentication database user.
func PerseusDatabaseUserSecretName ¶ added in v0.70.0
PerseusDatabaseUserSecretName formats the name of a secret used for the perseus database user.
func PerseusIAMUserSecretName ¶ added in v0.70.0
PerseusIAMUserSecretName formats the name of a secret used for the perseus IAM user.
func PerseusInstallationSecretName ¶ added in v0.70.0
PerseusInstallationSecretName formats the name of an installation secret used in a Perseus database.
func PerseusKMSAliasName ¶ added in v0.70.0
PerseusKMSAliasName formats the name of a KMS alias used for the perseus encrytption and decryption.
func RDSMasterInstanceID ¶ added in v0.17.0
RDSMasterInstanceID formats the name used for RDS database master instances.
func RDSMigrationInstanceID ¶ added in v0.18.0
RDSMigrationInstanceID formats the name used for migrated RDS database instances.
func RDSMultitenantClusterSecretDescription ¶ added in v0.19.0
RDSMultitenantClusterSecretDescription formats the text used for describing a multitenant database's secret key.
func RDSMultitenantPGBouncerClusterSecretDescription ¶ added in v0.46.1
RDSMultitenantPGBouncerClusterSecretDescription formats the text used for describing a PGBouncer auth user secret key.
func RDSMultitenantPGBouncerSecretName ¶ added in v0.46.1
RDSMultitenantPGBouncerSecretName formats the name of a secret used in a multitenant PGBouncer RDS database.
func RDSMultitenantPerseusAuthSecretDescription ¶ added in v0.70.0
RDSMultitenantPerseusAuthSecretDescription formats the text used for describing a Perseus auth database user secret key.
func RDSMultitenantPerseusClusterSecretDescription ¶ added in v0.70.0
RDSMultitenantPerseusClusterSecretDescription formats the text used for describing a Perseus multitenant database user secret key.
func RDSMultitenantSecretName ¶ added in v0.19.0
RDSMultitenantSecretName formats the name of a secret used in a multitenant RDS database.
func RDSMySQLConnString ¶ added in v0.19.0
RDSMySQLConnString formats the connection string used by the provisioner for accessing a MySQL RDS cluster.
func RDSPostgresConnString ¶ added in v0.25.0
RDSPostgresConnString formats the connection string used by the provisioner for accessing a Postgres RDS cluster.
func RDSReplicaInstanceID ¶ added in v0.35.0
RDSReplicaInstanceID formats the name used for RDS database replica instances.
func RDSSecretName ¶ added in v0.8.0
RDSSecretName returns the RDS secret name for a given Cloud ID.
func RDSSnapshotTagValue ¶ added in v0.17.0
RDSSnapshotTagValue returns the value for tagging a RDS snapshot.
Types ¶
type ACMAPI ¶ added in v0.67.0
type ACMAPI interface { ListCertificates(ctx context.Context, params *acm.ListCertificatesInput, optFns ...func(*acm.Options)) (*acm.ListCertificatesOutput, error) ListTagsForCertificate(ctx context.Context, params *acm.ListTagsForCertificateInput, optFns ...func(*acm.Options)) (*acm.ListTagsForCertificateOutput, error) }
ACMAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 ACM Client
type AWS ¶
type AWS interface { GetCertificateSummaryByTag(key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.Certificate, error) GetCloudEnvironmentName() string GetAndClaimVpcResources(cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error) ClaimVPC(vpcID string, cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error) ReleaseVpc(cluster *model.Cluster, logger log.FieldLogger) error GetClaimedVPC(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error) AttachPolicyToRole(roleName, policyName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error DetachPolicyFromRole(roleName, policyName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error ClaimSecurityGroups(cluster *model.Cluster, ngNames string, vpcID string, logger log.FieldLogger) ([]string, error) GetPrivateZoneDomainName(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error) CreatePrivateCNAME(dnsName string, dnsEndpoints []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error IsProvisionedPrivateCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) bool DeletePrivateCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error DeletePublicCNAMEs(dnsName []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error UpsertPublicCNAMEs(dnsNames []string, endpoints []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error IsValidAMI(AMIImage string, logger log.FieldLogger) (bool, error) S3EnsureBucketDeleted(bucketName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error S3EnsureObjectDeleted(bucketName, path string) error S3LargeCopy(srcBucketName, srcKey, destBucketName, destKey *string) error GetMultitenantBucketNameForInstallation(installationID string, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface) (string, error) GetS3RegionURL() string GeneratePerseusUtilitySecret(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error) GenerateBifrostUtilitySecret(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error) GetCIDRByVPCTag(vpcTagName string, logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error) FixSubnetTagsForVPC(vpc string, logger log.FieldLogger) error SecretsManagerGetPGBouncerAuthUserPassword(vpcID string) (string, error) EnsureEKSCluster(cluster *model.Cluster, resources ClusterResources) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error) EnsureEKSClusterUpdated(cluster *model.Cluster) (*eksTypes.Update, error) EnsureEKSNodeGroup(cluster *model.Cluster, nodeGroupPrefix string) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error) EnsureEKSNodeGroupMigrated(cluster *model.Cluster, nodeGroupPrefix string) error GetActiveEKSCluster(clusterName string) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error) GetActiveEKSNodeGroup(clusterName, nodeGroupName string) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error) EnsureEKSNodeGroupDeleted(clusterName, nodeGroupName string) error EnsureEKSClusterDeleted(clusterName string) error InstallEKSAddons(cluster *model.Cluster) error WaitForActiveEKSCluster(clusterName string, timeout int) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error) WaitForActiveEKSNodeGroup(clusterName, nodeGroupName string, timeout int) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error) WaitForEKSNodeGroupToBeDeleted(clusterName, nodeGroupName string, timeout int) error WaitForEKSClusterToBeDeleted(clusterName string, timeout int) error WaitForEKSClusterUpdateToBeCompleted(clusterName, updateID string, timeout int) error CreateLaunchTemplate(data *model.LaunchTemplateData) error IsLaunchTemplateAvailable(launchTemplateName string) (bool, error) UpdateLaunchTemplate(data *model.LaunchTemplateData) error DeleteLaunchTemplate(launchTemplateName string) error GetRegion() string GetAccountID() (string, error) GetLoadBalancerAPIByType(string) ELB }
AWS interface for use by other packages.
type BifrostFilestore ¶ added in v0.33.0
type BifrostFilestore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
BifrostFilestore is a filestore backed by a shared AWS S3 bucket with access controlled by bifrost.
func NewBifrostFilestore ¶ added in v0.33.0
func NewBifrostFilestore(installationID string, awsClient *Client) *BifrostFilestore
NewBifrostFilestore returns a new NewBifrostFilestore interface.
func (*BifrostFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (f *BifrostFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret creates the k8s filestore spec and secret for accessing the shared S3 bucket.
func (*BifrostFilestore) Provision ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (f *BifrostFilestore) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision completes all the steps necessary to provision an S3 multitenant filestore.
func (*BifrostFilestore) Teardown ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (f *BifrostFilestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to a shared S3 filestore.
type Client ¶
type Client struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Client is a client for interacting with AWS resources in a single AWS account.
func NewAWSClientWithConfig ¶ added in v0.17.0
NewAWSClientWithConfig returns a new instance of Client with a custom configuration.
func (*Client) AddSQLStore ¶ added in v0.10.0
func (c *Client) AddSQLStore(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface)
AddSQLStore adds SQLStore functionality to the AWS client.
func (*Client) AttachPolicyToRole ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (a *Client) AttachPolicyToRole(roleName, policyName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
AttachPolicyToRole attaches a pre-created IAM policy to an IAM role.
func (*Client) ClaimSecurityGroups ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) ClaimVPC ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (a *Client) ClaimVPC(vpcID string, cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
ClaimVPC claims specified VPC for specified cluster.
func (*Client) CreateLaunchTemplate ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (a *Client) CreateLaunchTemplate(data *model.LaunchTemplateData) error
func (*Client) CreatePrivateCNAME ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (a *Client) CreatePrivateCNAME(dnsName string, dnsEndpoints []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
CreatePrivateCNAME creates a record in Route53 for a private domain name.
func (*Client) CreatePublicCNAME ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (a *Client) CreatePublicCNAME(dnsName string, dnsEndpoints []string, dnsIdentifier string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
CreatePublicCNAME creates a record in Route53 for a public domain name.
func (*Client) DeleteLaunchTemplate ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) DeletePrivateCNAME ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (a *Client) DeletePrivateCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
DeletePrivateCNAME deletes an AWS route53 record for a private domain name.
func (*Client) DeletePublicCNAME ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (a *Client) DeletePublicCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
DeletePublicCNAME deletes a AWS route53 record for a public domain name.
func (*Client) DeletePublicCNAMEs ¶ added in v0.59.0
func (a *Client) DeletePublicCNAMEs(dnsNames []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
DeletePublicCNAMEs deletes AWS route53 records for a public domain name.
func (*Client) DetachPolicyFromRole ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (a *Client) DetachPolicyFromRole(roleName, policyName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
DetachPolicyFromRole detaches an IAM policy from an IAM role.
func (*Client) DynamoDBEnsureTableDeleted ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (a *Client) DynamoDBEnsureTableDeleted(tableName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
DynamoDBEnsureTableDeleted is used to check if DynamoDB table exists and delete it.
func (*Client) EnsureEKSCluster ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (c *Client) EnsureEKSCluster(cluster *model.Cluster, resources ClusterResources) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error)
EnsureEKSCluster ensures EKS cluster is created.
func (*Client) EnsureEKSClusterDeleted ¶ added in v0.63.0
EnsureEKSClusterDeleted ensures EKS cluster is deleted.
func (*Client) EnsureEKSClusterUpdated ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroup ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (c *Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroup(cluster *model.Cluster, ngPrefix string) (*eksTypes.Nodegroup, error)
EnsureEKSNodeGroup ensures EKS cluster node groups are created.
func (*Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroupDeleted ¶ added in v0.71.0
EnsureEKSNodeGroupDeleted ensures EKS node groups are deleted.
func (*Client) EnsureEKSNodeGroupMigrated ¶ added in v0.71.0
EnsureEKSNodeGroupMigrated updates EKS cluster node group.
func (*Client) FixSubnetTagsForVPC ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (a *Client) FixSubnetTagsForVPC(vpcID string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
FixSubnetTagsForVPC finds and corrects subnet tagging for the ones that contain an incorrect SubnetType tag which happens after some kops commands.
func (*Client) GenerateBifrostUtilitySecret ¶ added in v0.33.0
func (a *Client) GenerateBifrostUtilitySecret(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateBifrostUtilitySecret creates the secret needed by the bifrost service to access the shared S3 bucket for a given cluster.
func (*Client) GeneratePerseusUtilitySecret ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (a *Client) GeneratePerseusUtilitySecret(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GeneratePerseusUtilitySecret provisions Perseus resources and returns the k8s secret needed by the perseus service to perform secure authentication tasks.
func (*Client) GetAccountAliases ¶ added in v0.20.0
func (a *Client) GetAccountAliases() (*iam.ListAccountAliasesOutput, error)
GetAccountAliases returns the AWS account name aliases.
func (*Client) GetAccountID ¶ added in v0.24.0
GetAccountID gets the current AWS Account ID
func (*Client) GetActiveEKSCluster ¶ added in v0.71.0
GetActiveEKSCluster returns the EKS cluster if ready.
func (*Client) GetActiveEKSNodeGroup ¶ added in v0.71.0
GetActiveEKSNodeGroup returns the EKS node group if active.
func (*Client) GetAndClaimVpcResources ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (a *Client) GetAndClaimVpcResources(cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
GetAndClaimVpcResources creates ClusterResources from an available VPC and tags them appropriately.
func (*Client) GetCIDRByVPCTag ¶ added in v0.36.0
GetCIDRByVPCTag fetches VPC CIDR block by 'Name' tag.
func (*Client) GetCertificateSummaryByTag ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (a *Client) GetCertificateSummaryByTag(key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.Certificate, error)
GetCertificateSummaryByTag returns the certificate summary associated with a valid tag key and value in AWS.
func (*Client) GetClaimedVPC ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) GetCloudEnvironmentName ¶ added in v0.29.0
GetCloudEnvironmentName looks for a standard cloud account environment name and returns it.
func (*Client) GetHostedZonesWithTag ¶ added in v0.53.0
func (a *Client) GetHostedZonesWithTag(tag Tag) ([]types.HostedZone, error)
GetHostedZonesWithTag returns R53 hosted zone for a given tag
func (*Client) GetLoadBalancerAPIByType ¶ added in v0.70.0
GetLoadBalancerAPIByType returns the correct ELB API based on elb type
func (*Client) GetMultitenantBucketNameForInstallation ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (client *Client) GetMultitenantBucketNameForInstallation(installationID string, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface) (string, error)
GetMultitenantBucketNameForInstallation is a convenience function for determining the name of the S3 bucket used by an Installation which is configured to use the multitenant-s3-filestore or bifrost filestore types
func (*Client) GetPrivateHostedZoneID ¶ added in v0.41.0
GetPrivateHostedZoneID returns the private R53 hosted zone ID for the AWS account.
func (*Client) GetPrivateZoneDomainName ¶ added in v0.13.0
func (a *Client) GetPrivateZoneDomainName(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
GetPrivateZoneDomainName gets the private Route53 domain name.
func (*Client) GetPublicHostedZoneNames ¶ added in v0.54.1
GetPublicHostedZoneNames returns the public R53 hosted zone Name list for the AWS account.
func (*Client) GetS3RegionURL ¶ added in v0.70.0
GetS3RegionURL returns the s3 urls with the region from the client configuration
func (*Client) GetSecurityGroupsWithFilters ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (a *Client) GetSecurityGroupsWithFilters(filters []ec2Types.Filter) ([]ec2Types.SecurityGroup, error)
GetSecurityGroupsWithFilters returns SGs matching a given filter.
func (*Client) GetSubnetsWithFilters ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetSubnetsWithFilters returns subnets matching a given filter.
func (*Client) GetTagByKeyAndZoneID ¶ added in v0.22.0
GetTagByKeyAndZoneID returns a Tag of a given tag:key and of a given route53 id
func (*Client) GetVpcResources ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (a *Client) GetVpcResources(clusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
GetVpcResources retrieves the VPC information for a particulary cluster.
func (*Client) GetVpcResourcesByVpcID ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (a *Client) GetVpcResourcesByVpcID(vpcID string, logger log.FieldLogger) (ClusterResources, error)
GetVpcResourcesByVpcID retrieve the VPC information for a particulary cluster.
func (*Client) GetVpcsWithFilters ¶ added in v0.17.0
GetVpcsWithFilters returns VPCs matching a given filter.
func (*Client) HasSQLStore ¶ added in v0.10.0
HasSQLStore returns whether the AWS client has a SQL store or not.
func (*Client) InstallEKSAddons ¶ added in v0.71.0
InstallEKSAddons installs EKS EBS addon to the existing cluster.
func (*Client) IsLaunchTemplateAvailable ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) IsProvisionedPrivateCNAME ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (a *Client) IsProvisionedPrivateCNAME(dnsName string, logger log.FieldLogger) bool
IsProvisionedPrivateCNAME returns true if a record has been registered in the private hosted zone for the given CNAME (full FQDN required as input)
func (*Client) IsValidAMI ¶ added in v0.11.0
IsValidAMI check if the provided AMI exists
func (*Client) RDSDBCLusterExists ¶ added in v0.54.0
RDSDBCLusterExists check whether RDS cluster with specified ID exists.
func (*Client) ReleaseVpc ¶ added in v0.9.0
ReleaseVpc changes the tags on a VPC to mark it as "available" again.
func (*Client) S3BatchDelete ¶ added in v0.69.0
S3BatchDelete delete objects from a bucket in batches
func (*Client) S3BatchDeleteVersions ¶ added in v0.74.0
func (*Client) S3DisableVersioning ¶ added in v0.74.0
func (*Client) S3EnableVersioning ¶ added in v0.74.0
func (*Client) S3EnsureBucketDeleted ¶ added in v0.24.0
func (a *Client) S3EnsureBucketDeleted(bucketName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
S3EnsureBucketDeleted is used to check if S3 bucket exists, clean it and delete it.
func (*Client) S3EnsureBucketDirectoryDeleted ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (a *Client) S3EnsureBucketDirectoryDeleted(bucketName, directory string, _ log.FieldLogger) error
S3EnsureBucketDirectoryDeleted is used to ensure that a bucket directory is deleted.
func (*Client) S3EnsureObjectDeleted ¶ added in v0.44.0
S3EnsureObjectDeleted is used to ensure that the file is deleted.
func (*Client) S3IsVersioningEnabled ¶ added in v0.74.0
func (*Client) S3LargeCopy ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (a *Client) S3LargeCopy(srcBucketName, srcBucketKey, destBucketName, destBucketKey *string) error
S3LargeCopy uses the "Upload Part - Copy API" from AWS to copy srcBucketName/srcBucketKey to destBucketName/destBucketKey in the case that the file being copied may be greater than 5GB in size
func (*Client) SecretsManagerGetPGBouncerAuthUserPassword ¶ added in v0.46.1
SecretsManagerGetPGBouncerAuthUserPassword returns the pgbouncer auth user password.
func (*Client) SecretsManagerRestoreSecret ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (a *Client) SecretsManagerRestoreSecret(secretName string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
SecretsManagerRestoreSecret restores a deleted secret.
func (*Client) SecretsManagerValidateExternalDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.63.0
SecretsManagerValidateExternalDatabaseSecret pulls down the secret with the provided name and validates it as an external database secret.
func (*Client) Service ¶ added in v0.17.0
Service constructs an AWS session and configuration if not yet successfully done and returns AWS clients set up.
func (*Client) SwitchClusterTags ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (a *Client) SwitchClusterTags(clusterID string, targetClusterID string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
SwitchClusterTags after migration.
func (*Client) TagResource ¶
func (a *Client) TagResource(resourceID, key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TagResource tags an AWS EC2 resource.
func (*Client) TagResourcesByCluster ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (a *Client) TagResourcesByCluster(clusterResources ClusterResources, cluster *model.Cluster, owner string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TagResourcesByCluster for secondary cluster.
func (*Client) UntagResource ¶
func (a *Client) UntagResource(resourceID, key, value string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
UntagResource deletes tags from an AWS EC2 resource.
func (*Client) UpdateLaunchTemplate ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (a *Client) UpdateLaunchTemplate(data *model.LaunchTemplateData) error
func (*Client) UpdatePublicRecordIDForCNAME ¶ added in v0.40.0
func (a *Client) UpdatePublicRecordIDForCNAME(dnsName, newID string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
UpdatePublicRecordIDForCNAME updates the record ID for the record corresponding to a DNS value in the public hosted zone.
func (*Client) UpsertPublicCNAMEs ¶ added in v0.54.1
func (a *Client) UpsertPublicCNAMEs(dnsNames []string, endpoints []string, logger log.FieldLogger) error
UpsertPublicCNAMEs updates or creates specified dnsNames. The record ID will be set to DNS name with idSuffix appended after '-'.
func (*Client) WaitForActiveEKSCluster ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (c *Client) WaitForActiveEKSCluster(clusterName string, timeout int) (*eksTypes.Cluster, error)
WaitForActiveEKSCluster waits for EKS cluster to be ready.
func (*Client) WaitForActiveEKSNodeGroup ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) WaitForEKSClusterToBeDeleted ¶ added in v0.71.0
func (*Client) WaitForEKSClusterUpdateToBeCompleted ¶ added in v0.71.0
type ClusterResources ¶ added in v0.9.0
type ClusterResources struct { VpcID string VpcCIDR string PrivateSubnetIDs []string PublicSubnetsIDs []string MasterSecurityGroupIDs []string WorkerSecurityGroupIDs []string CallsSecurityGroupIDs []string }
ClusterResources is a collection of AWS resources that will be used to create a kops cluster.
func (*ClusterResources) IsValid ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (cr *ClusterResources) IsValid() error
IsValid returns whether or not ClusterResources is valid or not.
type DynamoDBAPI ¶ added in v0.68.1
type DynamoDBAPI interface { DescribeTable(ctx context.Context, params *dynamodb.DescribeTableInput, optFns ...func(*dynamodb.Options)) (*dynamodb.DescribeTableOutput, error) DeleteTable(ctx context.Context, params *dynamodb.DeleteTableInput, optFns ...func(*dynamodb.Options)) (*dynamodb.DeleteTableOutput, error) }
DynamoDBAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 DynamoDB Client
type EC2API ¶ added in v0.68.0
type EC2API interface { CreateTags(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.CreateTagsInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.CreateTagsOutput, error) DeleteTags(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DeleteTagsInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DeleteTagsOutput, error) DescribeImages(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeImagesInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DescribeImagesOutput, error) DescribeVpcs(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeVpcsInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DescribeVpcsOutput, error) DescribeSubnets(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeSubnetsInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DescribeSubnetsOutput, error) DescribeSecurityGroups(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DescribeSecurityGroupsOutput, error) AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error) RevokeSecurityGroupIngress(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.RevokeSecurityGroupIngressOutput, error) DescribeAvailabilityZones(ctx context.Context, input *ec2.DescribeAvailabilityZonesInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DescribeAvailabilityZonesOutput, error) CreateLaunchTemplate(context.Context, *ec2.CreateLaunchTemplateInput, ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.CreateLaunchTemplateOutput, error) CreateLaunchTemplateVersion(ctx context.Context, params *ec2.CreateLaunchTemplateVersionInput, optFns ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.CreateLaunchTemplateVersionOutput, error) DescribeLaunchTemplates(context.Context, *ec2.DescribeLaunchTemplatesInput, ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DescribeLaunchTemplatesOutput, error) DeleteLaunchTemplate(context.Context, *ec2.DeleteLaunchTemplateInput, ...func(*ec2.Options)) (*ec2.DeleteLaunchTemplateOutput, error) }
EC2API represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 EC2 Client
type EKSAPI ¶ added in v0.70.0
type EKSAPI interface { CreateAddon(ctx context.Context, params *eks.CreateAddonInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.CreateAddonOutput, error) DeleteAddon(ctx context.Context, params *eks.DeleteAddonInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.DeleteAddonOutput, error) CreateCluster(ctx context.Context, params *eks.CreateClusterInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.CreateClusterOutput, error) UpdateClusterVersion(ctx context.Context, params *eks.UpdateClusterVersionInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.UpdateClusterVersionOutput, error) DeleteCluster(ctx context.Context, params *eks.DeleteClusterInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.DeleteClusterOutput, error) DescribeCluster(ctx context.Context, params *eks.DescribeClusterInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.DescribeClusterOutput, error) CreateNodegroup(ctx context.Context, params *eks.CreateNodegroupInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.CreateNodegroupOutput, error) UpdateNodegroupVersion(ctx context.Context, params *eks.UpdateNodegroupVersionInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.UpdateNodegroupVersionOutput, error) DeleteNodegroup(ctx context.Context, params *eks.DeleteNodegroupInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.DeleteNodegroupOutput, error) DescribeNodegroup(ctx context.Context, params *eks.DescribeNodegroupInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.DescribeNodegroupOutput, error) DescribeUpdate(ctx context.Context, params *eks.DescribeUpdateInput, optFns ...func(*eks.Options)) (*eks.DescribeUpdateOutput, error) }
EKSAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 EKS Client
type ELB ¶ added in v0.70.0
type ELB interface { GetLoadBalancerResource(name string) (string, error) TagLoadBalancer(arn string, tags map[string]string) error }
ELB is an interface to access AWS resources
type ELBV1 ¶ added in v0.70.0
type ELBV1 interface {
AddTags(ctx context.Context, params *elbv1.AddTagsInput, optFns ...func(*elbv1.Options)) (*elbv1.AddTagsOutput, error)
ELBV1 represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 ELB Client v1
type ELBV2 ¶ added in v0.70.0
type ELBV2 interface { DescribeLoadBalancers(ctx context.Context, params *elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersInput, optFns ...func(*elbv2.Options)) (*elbv2.DescribeLoadBalancersOutput, error) AddTags(ctx context.Context, params *elbv2.AddTagsInput, optFns ...func(*elbv2.Options)) (*elbv2.AddTagsOutput, error) }
ELBV2 represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 ELB Client v2
type ExternalDatabase ¶ added in v0.63.0
type ExternalDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ExternalDatabase is a database that is created and managed outside of the cloud provisioner.
func NewExternalDatabase ¶ added in v0.63.0
func NewExternalDatabase(installationID string, client *Client) *ExternalDatabase
NewExternalDatabase returns a new instance of ExternalDatabase that implements database interface.
func (*ExternalDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateDatabaseSecret creates the k8s database spec and secret for accessing the external database.
func (*ExternalDatabase) IsValid ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) IsValid() error
IsValid returns if the given external database configuration is valid.
func (*ExternalDatabase) MigrateOut ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateOut is not supported for external databases.
func (*ExternalDatabase) MigrateTo ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateTo is not supported for external databases.
func (*ExternalDatabase) Provision ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision logs that no further setup is needed for the precreated external database.
func (*ExternalDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RefreshResourceMetadata ensures various database resource's metadata are correct.
func (*ExternalDatabase) RollbackMigration ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RollbackMigration is not supported for external databases.
func (*ExternalDatabase) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Snapshot is not supported for external databases.
func (*ExternalDatabase) Teardown ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown logs that no further actions are required for external database teardown.
func (*ExternalDatabase) TeardownMigrated ¶ added in v0.63.0
func (d *ExternalDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TeardownMigrated is not supported for external databases.
type IAMAPI ¶ added in v0.69.0
type IAMAPI interface { CreateUser(ctx context.Context, params *iam.CreateUserInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.CreateUserOutput, error) DeleteUser(ctx context.Context, params *iam.DeleteUserInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.DeleteUserOutput, error) GetUser(ctx context.Context, params *iam.GetUserInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.GetUserOutput, error) AttachUserPolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.AttachUserPolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.AttachUserPolicyOutput, error) ListAttachedUserPolicies(ctx context.Context, params *iam.ListAttachedUserPoliciesInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.ListAttachedUserPoliciesOutput, error) DetachUserPolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.DetachUserPolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.DetachUserPolicyOutput, error) ListAccountAliases(ctx context.Context, params *iam.ListAccountAliasesInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.ListAccountAliasesOutput, error) CreateAccessKey(ctx context.Context, params *iam.CreateAccessKeyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.CreateAccessKeyOutput, error) DeleteAccessKey(ctx context.Context, params *iam.DeleteAccessKeyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.DeleteAccessKeyOutput, error) ListAccessKeys(ctx context.Context, params *iam.ListAccessKeysInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.ListAccessKeysOutput, error) AttachRolePolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.AttachRolePolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.AttachRolePolicyOutput, error) DetachRolePolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.DetachRolePolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.DetachRolePolicyOutput, error) CreatePolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.CreatePolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.CreatePolicyOutput, error) DeletePolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.DeletePolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.DeletePolicyOutput, error) GetPolicy(ctx context.Context, params *iam.GetPolicyInput, optFns ...func(*iam.Options)) (*iam.GetPolicyOutput, error) }
IAMAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 IAM Client
type IAMAccessKey ¶ added in v0.7.0
IAMAccessKey is the ID and Secret of an AWS IAM user's access key.
func (*IAMAccessKey) Validate ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (s *IAMAccessKey) Validate() error
Validate performs a basic sanity check on the IAM Access Key secret.
type InstallationDBSecret ¶ added in v0.59.0
type InstallationDBSecret struct { InstallationSecretName string ConnectionString string DBCheckURL string ReadReplicasURL string }
InstallationDBSecret represents data required for creating database secret for an Installation.
func (InstallationDBSecret) ToK8sSecret ¶ added in v0.59.0
func (s InstallationDBSecret) ToK8sSecret(disableDBCheck bool) *corev1.Secret
ToK8sSecret creates Kubernetes secret from InstallationDBSecret.
type KMSAPI ¶ added in v0.69.0
type KMSAPI interface { CreateAlias(ctx context.Context, params *kms.CreateAliasInput, optFns ...func(*kms.Options)) (*kms.CreateAliasOutput, error) CreateKey(ctx context.Context, params *kms.CreateKeyInput, optFns ...func(*kms.Options)) (*kms.CreateKeyOutput, error) DisableKey(ctx context.Context, params *kms.DisableKeyInput, optFns ...func(*kms.Options)) (*kms.DisableKeyOutput, error) DescribeKey(ctx context.Context, params *kms.DescribeKeyInput, optFns ...func(*kms.Options)) (*kms.DescribeKeyOutput, error) ScheduleKeyDeletion(ctx context.Context, params *kms.ScheduleKeyDeletionInput, optFns ...func(*kms.Options)) (*kms.ScheduleKeyDeletionOutput, error) Encrypt(ctx context.Context, params *kms.EncryptInput, optFns ...func(*kms.Options)) (*kms.EncryptOutput, error) }
KMSAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 KMS Client
type LoadBalancerAPI ¶ added in v0.70.0
LoadBalancerAPI holds a method to return right ELB API
type PerseusDatabase ¶ added in v0.70.0
type PerseusDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
PerseusDatabase is a database backed by RDS that supports multi-tenancy and pooled connections via Perseus.
func NewPerseusDatabase ¶ added in v0.70.0
func NewPerseusDatabase(databaseType, instanceID, installationID string, client *Client, installationsLimit int, disableDBCheck bool) *PerseusDatabase
NewPerseusDatabase returns a new instance of PerseusDatabase that implements the database interface.
func (*PerseusDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue() string
DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue returns the tag value used for filtering RDS cluster resources based on database engine type.
func (*PerseusDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateDatabaseSecret creates the k8s database spec and secret for accessing a single schema inside a RDS multitenant cluster with a Perseus proxy.
func (*PerseusDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases() int
MaxSupportedDatabases returns the maximum number of databases supported on one RDS cluster for this database type.
func (*PerseusDatabase) MigrateOut ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateOut migrating out of MySQL Operator managed database is not supported.
func (*PerseusDatabase) MigrateTo ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateTo migration to MySQL Operator managed database is not supported.
func (*PerseusDatabase) Provision ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision claims a multitenant RDS cluster and creates a database schema for the installation.
func (*PerseusDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RefreshResourceMetadata ensures various operator database resource's metadata are correct.
func (*PerseusDatabase) RollbackMigration ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RollbackMigration rolling back migration is not supported for MySQL Operator managed database.
func (*PerseusDatabase) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Snapshot creates a snapshot of single RDS multitenant database.
func (*PerseusDatabase) Teardown ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to a Perseus database.
func (*PerseusDatabase) TeardownMigrated ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TeardownMigrated tearing down migrated databases is not supported for MySQL Operator managed database.
func (*PerseusDatabase) Validate ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *PerseusDatabase) Validate() error
Validate validates the configuration of a PerseusDatabase.
type RDSAPI ¶ added in v0.69.0
type RDSAPI interface { AddTagsToResource(ctx context.Context, params *rds.AddTagsToResourceInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.AddTagsToResourceOutput, error) CreateDBCluster(ctx context.Context, params *rds.CreateDBClusterInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.CreateDBClusterOutput, error) DescribeDBClusters(ctx context.Context, params *rds.DescribeDBClustersInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.DescribeDBClustersOutput, error) DeleteDBCluster(ctx context.Context, params *rds.DeleteDBClusterInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.DeleteDBClusterOutput, error) DescribeDBClusterEndpoints(ctx context.Context, params *rds.DescribeDBClusterEndpointsInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.DescribeDBClusterEndpointsOutput, error) DescribeDBSubnetGroups(ctx context.Context, params *rds.DescribeDBSubnetGroupsInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.DescribeDBSubnetGroupsOutput, error) CreateDBClusterSnapshot(ctx context.Context, params *rds.CreateDBClusterSnapshotInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.CreateDBClusterSnapshotOutput, error) CreateDBInstance(ctx context.Context, params *rds.CreateDBInstanceInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.CreateDBInstanceOutput, error) DeleteDBInstance(ctx context.Context, params *rds.DeleteDBInstanceInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.DeleteDBInstanceOutput, error) DescribeDBInstances(ctx context.Context, params *rds.DescribeDBInstancesInput, optFns ...func(*rds.Options)) (*rds.DescribeDBInstancesOutput, error) }
RDSAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 RDS Client
type RDSDatabase ¶ added in v0.8.0
type RDSDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RDSDatabase is a database backed by AWS RDS.
func NewRDSDatabase ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewRDSDatabase(databaseType, installationID string, client *Client, disableDBCheck bool) *RDSDatabase
NewRDSDatabase returns a new RDSDatabase interface.
func (*RDSDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateDatabaseSecret creates the k8s database spec and secret for accessing the RDS database.
func (*RDSDatabase) MigrateOut ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateOut migration is not supported for single tenant RDS.
func (*RDSDatabase) MigrateTo ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateTo migration is not supported for single tenant RDS.
func (*RDSDatabase) Provision ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision completes all the steps necessary to provision a RDS database.
func (*RDSDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata ¶ added in v0.43.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RefreshResourceMetadata ensures various database resource's metadata are correct.
func (*RDSDatabase) RollbackMigration ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RollbackMigration rolling back migration is not supported for single tenant RDS.
func (*RDSDatabase) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.17.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Snapshot creates a snapshot of the RDS database.
func (*RDSDatabase) Teardown ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to a RDS database.
func (*RDSDatabase) TeardownMigrated ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TeardownMigrated tearing down migrated databases is not supported for single tenant RDS.
type RDSDatabaseMigration ¶ added in v0.18.0
type RDSDatabaseMigration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RDSDatabaseMigration is a migrated database backed by AWS RDS.
func NewRDSDatabaseMigration ¶ added in v0.18.0
func NewRDSDatabaseMigration(masterInstallationID, slaveInstallationID string, awsClient *Client) *RDSDatabaseMigration
NewRDSDatabaseMigration returns a new RDSDatabaseMigration.
func (*RDSDatabaseMigration) Replicate ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (d *RDSDatabaseMigration) Replicate(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
Replicate starts the process for replicating an master RDS database. This method must return an resplication status or an error.
func (*RDSDatabaseMigration) Setup ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (d *RDSDatabaseMigration) Setup(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
Setup sets access from one RDS database to another and sets any configuration needed for replication.
func (*RDSDatabaseMigration) Teardown ¶ added in v0.18.0
func (d *RDSDatabaseMigration) Teardown(logger log.FieldLogger) (string, error)
Teardown removes access from one RDS database to another and rollback any previous database configuration.
type RDSMultitenantDatabase ¶ added in v0.19.0
type RDSMultitenantDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RDSMultitenantDatabase is a database backed by RDS that supports multi-tenancy.
func NewRDSMultitenantDatabase ¶ added in v0.19.0
func NewRDSMultitenantDatabase(databaseType, instanceID, installationID string, client *Client, installationsLimit int, diableDBCheck bool) *RDSMultitenantDatabase
NewRDSMultitenantDatabase returns a new instance of RDSMultitenantDatabase that implements database interface.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue() string
DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue returns the tag value used for filtering RDS cluster resources based on database engine type.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.38.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateDatabaseSecret creates the k8s database spec and secret for accessing a single database inside a RDS multitenant cluster.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) IsValid ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) IsValid() error
IsValid returns if the given RDSMultitenantDatabase configuration is valid.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases ¶ added in v0.25.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases() int
MaxSupportedDatabases returns the maximum number of databases supported on one RDS cluster for this database type.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) MigrateOut ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateOut marks Installation as migrated from the database but does not remove the actual data.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) MigrateTo ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateTo creates new logical database in the database cluster for already existing Installation.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) Provision ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision claims a multitenant RDS cluster and creates a database schema for the installation.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata ¶ added in v0.43.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RefreshResourceMetadata ensures various multitenant database resource's metadata are correct.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) RollbackMigration ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RollbackMigration rollbacks Installation to the source database.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Snapshot creates a snapshot of single RDS multitenant database.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) Teardown ¶ added in v0.19.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to a RDS multitenant database.
func (*RDSMultitenantDatabase) TeardownMigrated ¶ added in v0.45.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TeardownMigrated removes database from which Installation was migrated out.
type RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase ¶ added in v0.46.1
type RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase is a database backed by RDS that supports multi-tenancy and pooled connections.
func NewRDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase ¶ added in v0.46.1
func NewRDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase(databaseType, instanceID, installationID string, client *Client, installationsLimit int, disableDBCheck bool) *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase
NewRDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase returns a new instance of RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase that implements database interface.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue ¶ added in v0.70.0
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue() string
DatabaseEngineTypeTagValue returns the tag value used for filtering RDS cluster resources based on database engine type.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) GenerateDatabaseSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateDatabaseSecret creates the k8s database spec and secret for accessing a single schema inside a RDS multitenant cluster with a PGBouncer proxy.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) IsValid ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) IsValid() error
IsValid returns if the given RDSMultitenantDatabase configuration is valid.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MaxSupportedDatabases() int
MaxSupportedDatabases returns the maximum number of databases supported on one RDS cluster for this database type.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MigrateOut ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MigrateOut(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateOut migrating out of MySQL Operator managed database is not supported.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MigrateTo ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) MigrateTo(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
MigrateTo migration to MySQL Operator managed database is not supported.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Provision ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision claims a multitenant RDS cluster and creates a database schema for the installation.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) RefreshResourceMetadata(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RefreshResourceMetadata ensures various operator database resource's metadata are correct.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) RollbackMigration ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) RollbackMigration(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, dbMigration *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
RollbackMigration rolling back migration is not supported for MySQL Operator managed database.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Snapshot(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Snapshot creates a snapshot of single RDS multitenant database.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Teardown ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) Teardown(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, keepData bool, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to a RDS multitenant database.
func (*RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) TeardownMigrated ¶ added in v0.46.1
func (d *RDSMultitenantPGBouncerDatabase) TeardownMigrated(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, migrationOp *model.InstallationDBMigrationOperation, logger log.FieldLogger) error
TeardownMigrated tearing down migrated databases is not supported for MySQL Operator managed database.
type ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIAPI ¶ added in v0.69.0
type ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIAPI interface {
GetResources(ctx context.Context, params *gt.GetResourcesInput, optFns ...func(*gt.Options)) (*gt.GetResourcesOutput, error)
ResourceGroupsTaggingAPIAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 ResourceGroupsTaggingAPI Client
type Route53API ¶ added in v0.69.0
type Route53API interface { ChangeResourceRecordSets(ctx context.Context, input *route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsInput, optFns ...func(*route53.Options)) (*route53.ChangeResourceRecordSetsOutput, error) ListResourceRecordSets(ctx context.Context, input *route53.ListResourceRecordSetsInput, optFns ...func(*route53.Options)) (*route53.ListResourceRecordSetsOutput, error) GetHostedZone(ctx context.Context, input *route53.GetHostedZoneInput, optFns ...func(*route53.Options)) (*route53.GetHostedZoneOutput, error) ListHostedZones(ctx context.Context, input *route53.ListHostedZonesInput, optFns ...func(*route53.Options)) (*route53.ListHostedZonesOutput, error) ListTagsForResource(ctx context.Context, input *route53.ListTagsForResourceInput, optFns ...func(*route53.Options)) (*route53.ListTagsForResourceOutput, error) }
Route53API represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 Route53 Client
type S3API ¶ added in v0.69.0
type S3API interface { HeadBucket(ctx context.Context, params *s3.HeadBucketInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.HeadBucketOutput, error) CreateBucket(ctx context.Context, params *s3.CreateBucketInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.CreateBucketOutput, error) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, params *s3.DeleteBucketInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.DeleteBucketOutput, error) HeadObject(ctx context.Context, params *s3.HeadObjectInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.HeadObjectOutput, error) DeleteObject(ctx context.Context, params *s3.DeleteObjectInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.DeleteObjectOutput, error) DeleteObjects(ctx context.Context, params *s3.DeleteObjectsInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.DeleteObjectsOutput, error) ListObjectsV2(ctx context.Context, params *s3.ListObjectsV2Input, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.ListObjectsV2Output, error) UploadPartCopy(ctx context.Context, params *s3.UploadPartCopyInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.UploadPartCopyOutput, error) CreateMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, params *s3.CreateMultipartUploadInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.CreateMultipartUploadOutput, error) CompleteMultipartUpload(ctx context.Context, params *s3.CompleteMultipartUploadInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.CompleteMultipartUploadOutput, error) PutPublicAccessBlock(ctx context.Context, params *s3.PutPublicAccessBlockInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.PutPublicAccessBlockOutput, error) PutBucketEncryption(ctx context.Context, params *s3.PutBucketEncryptionInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.PutBucketEncryptionOutput, error) GetBucketTagging(ctx context.Context, params *s3.GetBucketTaggingInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.GetBucketTaggingOutput, error) GetBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, params *s3.GetBucketVersioningInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.GetBucketVersioningOutput, error) PutBucketVersioning(ctx context.Context, params *s3.PutBucketVersioningInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.PutBucketVersioningOutput, error) ListObjectVersions(ctx context.Context, params *s3.ListObjectVersionsInput, optFns ...func(*s3.Options)) (*s3.ListObjectVersionsOutput, error) }
S3API represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 S3 Client
type S3Filestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
type S3Filestore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
S3Filestore is a filestore backed by AWS S3.
func NewS3Filestore ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewS3Filestore(installationID string, awsClient *Client, enableVersioning bool) *S3Filestore
NewS3Filestore returns a new S3Filestore interface.
func (*S3Filestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (f *S3Filestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret creates the k8s filestore spec and secret for accessing the S3 bucket.
func (*S3Filestore) Provision ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (f *S3Filestore) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision completes all the steps necessary to provision an S3 filestore.
func (*S3Filestore) Teardown ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (f *S3Filestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to an S3 filestore.
type S3MultitenantFilestore ¶ added in v0.29.0
type S3MultitenantFilestore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
S3MultitenantFilestore is a filestore backed by a shared AWS S3 bucket.
func NewS3MultitenantFilestore ¶ added in v0.29.0
func NewS3MultitenantFilestore(installationID string, awsClient *Client) *S3MultitenantFilestore
NewS3MultitenantFilestore returns a new NewS3MultitenantFilestore interface.
func (*S3MultitenantFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (f *S3MultitenantFilestore) GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) (*model.FilestoreConfig, *corev1.Secret, error)
GenerateFilestoreSpecAndSecret creates the k8s filestore spec and secret for accessing the shared S3 bucket.
func (*S3MultitenantFilestore) Provision ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (f *S3MultitenantFilestore) Provision(store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Provision completes all the steps necessary to provision an S3 multitenant filestore.
func (*S3MultitenantFilestore) Teardown ¶ added in v0.29.0
func (f *S3MultitenantFilestore) Teardown(keepData bool, store model.InstallationDatabaseStoreInterface, logger log.FieldLogger) error
Teardown removes all AWS resources related to a shared S3 filestore.
type SQLDatabaseManager ¶ added in v0.19.0
type SQLDatabaseManager interface { QueryContext(ctx context.Context, query string, args ...interface{}) (*sql.Rows, error) Close() error }
SQLDatabaseManager is an interface that describes operations to query and to close connection with a database. It's used mainly to implement a client that needs to perform non-complex queries in a SQL database instance.
type STSAPI ¶ added in v0.70.0
type STSAPI interface {
GetCallerIdentity(ctx context.Context, params *sts.GetCallerIdentityInput, optFns ...func(*sts.Options)) (*sts.GetCallerIdentityOutput, error)
STSAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 STS Client
type SecretsManagerAPI ¶ added in v0.70.0
type SecretsManagerAPI interface { CreateSecret(ctx context.Context, params *secretsmanager.CreateSecretInput, optFns ...func(*secretsmanager.Options)) (*secretsmanager.CreateSecretOutput, error) DeleteSecret(ctx context.Context, params *secretsmanager.DeleteSecretInput, optFns ...func(*secretsmanager.Options)) (*secretsmanager.DeleteSecretOutput, error) RestoreSecret(ctx context.Context, params *secretsmanager.RestoreSecretInput, optFns ...func(*secretsmanager.Options)) (*secretsmanager.RestoreSecretOutput, error) GetSecretValue(ctx context.Context, params *secretsmanager.GetSecretValueInput, optFns ...func(*secretsmanager.Options)) (*secretsmanager.GetSecretValueOutput, error) }
SecretsManagerAPI represents the series of calls we require from the AWS SDK v2 SecretsManager Client
type Service ¶ added in v0.17.0
type Service struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Service hold AWS clients for each service.
func NewService ¶ added in v0.17.0
NewService creates a new instance of Service.
type Tag ¶ added in v0.11.0
Tag is a package specific tag with convenient methods for interacting with AWS Route53 resource tags.
type Tags ¶ added in v0.66.0
type Tags struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Tags an abstract represtation of tags that can be converted to different AWS resource tags. Output order is not guaranteed.
func NewTags ¶ added in v0.66.0
NewTags create a new instance of AWSTags optionally adding some of them on creation
Source Files
- acm.go
- acm_types.go
- client.go
- cluster_management.go
- config.go
- constants.go
- database.go
- database_external.go
- database_migration.go
- database_multitenant.go
- database_multitenant_pgbouncer.go
- database_perseus.go
- dynamodb.go
- dynamodb_types.go
- ec2.go
- ec2_types.go
- eks.go
- eks_types.go
- elb.go
- elb_types.go
- errors.go
- filestore.go
- filestore_bifrost.go
- filestore_multitenant.go
- general.go
- helpers.go
- helpers_sql.go
- iam.go
- iam_types.go
- kms.go
- kms_types.go
- rds.go
- rds_types.go
- resource_tagging.go
- resource_tagging_types.go
- route53.go
- route53_types.go
- s3.go
- s3_types.go
- secret.go
- secrets_manager.go
- secrets_mangager_types.go
- session.go
- sts.go
- sts_types.go
- tags.go
- vpc.go