
v0.19.0 Latest Latest

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Published: May 15, 2020 License: Apache-2.0


Mattermost Private Cloud CircleCI branch

Mattermost Private Cloud is a SaaS offering meant to smooth and accelerate the customer journey from trial to full adoption. There is a significant amount of friction for a customer to set up a trial of Mattermost, and even more friction to run an extended length proof of concept. Both require hardware and technical personnel resources that create a significant barrier to potential customers. Mattermost Cloud aims to remove this barrier by providing a service to provision and host Mattermost instances that can be used by customers who have no technical experience. This will accelerate the customer journey to a full adoption of Mattermost either in the form of moving to a self-hosted instance or by continuing to use the cloud service.

Read more about the Mattermost Private Cloud Architecture.

Other Resources

This repository houses the open-source components of Mattermost Private Cloud. Other resources are linked below:

Get Involved


Environment Setup
  1. Install Go
  2. Install Terraform version v0.11.14
    1. Try using tfswitch for switching easily between versions
  3. Install kops version 1.15.X
  4. Install Helm version 2.14.X
  5. Install kubectl
  6. Install mockgen version 1.4.x
  7. Specify the region in your AWS config, e.g. ~/.aws/config:
[profile mm-cloud]
region = us-east-1
  1. Generate an AWS Access and Secret key pair, then export them in your bash profile:
export AWS_PROFILE=mm-cloud
  1. Create an S3 bucket to store the kops state
  2. Clone this repository into your GOPATH (or anywhere if you have Go Modules enabled)



Simply run the following:

go install ./cmd/cloud
alias cloud='$HOME/go/bin/cloud'

Before running the server the first time you must set up the DB with:

$ cloud schema migrate

Run the server with:

cloud server --state-store=<your-s3-bucket>

tip: if you want to debug, enable --dev flag

In a different terminal/window, to create a cluster:

cloud cluster create --zones <availabiity-zone> --size SizeAlef500
cloud cluster create --zones us-east-1c --size SizeAlef500

You will get a response like this one:

        "ID": "tetw1yt3yinjdbhctsstcrybch",
        "Provider": "aws",
        "Provisioner": "kops",
        "ProviderMetadata": "eyJab25lcyI6WyJ1cy1lYXN0LTFjIl19",
        "ProvisionerMetadata": "eyJOYW1lIjoidGV0dzF5dDN5aW5qZGJoY3Rzc3RjcnliY2gta29wcy5rOHMubG9jYWwiLCJWZXJzaW9uIjoibGF0ZXN0IiwiQU1JIjoiIn0=",
        "AllowInstallations": true,
        "Version": "1.16.9",
        "Size": "SizeAlef500",
        "State": "creation-requested",
        "CreateAt": 1589188584607,
        "DeleteAt": 0,
        "LockAcquiredBy": "4z4f3xf6sfgnbrxfze94zrbb5y",
        "LockAcquiredAt": 1589211779835,
        "UtilityMetadata": "eyJkZXNpcmVkVmVyc2lvbnMiOnsiUHJvbWV0aGV1cyI6IjEwLjQuMCIsIk5naW54IjoiMS4zMC4wIiwiRmx1ZW50Yml0IjoiMi44LjciLCJDZXJ0TWFuYWdlciI6InYwLjEzLjEiLCJQdWJsaWNOZ2lueCI6IjEuMzAuMCJ9LCJhY3R1YWxWZXJzaW9ucyI6eyJQcm9tZXRoZXVzIjoiMTAuNC4wIiwiTmdpbngiOiIxLjMwLjAiLCJGbHVlbnRiaXQiOiIyLjguNyIsIkNlcnRNYW5hZ2VyIjoidjAuMTMuMSIsIlB1YmxpY05naW54IjoiMS4zMC4wIn19"

Check its creation progress on the first window where the API runs or run cloud cluster list to check cluster status

If something breaks and reprovisioning is needed, run

cloud cluster provision --cluster <cluster-ID>
cloud clusterprovision --cluster tetw1yt3yinjdbhctsstcrybch

Then, when the state will be stable, export the kubeconfig:

kops export kubecfg <cluster-ID>-kops.k8s.local --state s3://<your-s3-bucket>
kops export kubecfg tetw1yt3yinjdbhctsstcrybch-kops.k8s.local --state s3://angelos-kops-state

Now check if you can get the pods from the cluster with: kubectl get pods -A


To create an installation, run:

cloud installation create --owner <your-name> --dns <your-dns-record> --size 100users --affinity multitenant
i.e. in test account
cloud installation create --owner stelios --dns --size 100users --affinity multitenant

Check its creation progress on the first window where the API runs or run cloud installation list to check installation status

After the installation has finished(stable) you will be able to access your installation on your


Run the go tests to test:

$ go test ./...
Deleting a cluster and installations

Before deleting a cluster you will have to delete the installations first on it.

First, check how many installations are running:

cloud installation list
        "ID": "8npnfpbiitygxbsrpg1p5i1sse",
        "OwnerID": "stelios",
        "GroupID": "",
        "Version": "stable",
        "Image": "mattermost/mattermost-enterprise-edition",
        "DNS": "",
        "Database": "mysql-operator",
        "Filestore": "minio-operator",
        "License": "",
        "MattermostEnv": null,
        "Size": "100users",
        "Affinity": "multitenant",
        "State": "creation-final-tasks",
        "CreateAt": 1589359071894,
        "DeleteAt": 0,
        "LockAcquiredBy": "m6sj6oc7fg93jkfgh3tjqw",
        "LockAcquiredAt": 1589359923924

Get their IDs, and delete them

cloud installation delete --installation <installation-ID>
cloud installation delete --installation 8npnfpbiitygxbsrpg1p5i1sse

Then procced to cluster deletion:

cloud cluster delete --cluster <cluster-ID>

If a cluster cannot be deleted due to absense of ssh key, need to run:

kops create secret --name <cluster-ID>-kops.k8s.local sshpublickey admin -i ~/.ssh/ --state s3://<your-s3-bucket>
Deprecation Instructions
Terraform remote state and the ./clusters directory

The cloud server used to store all terraform generated by kops locally in the ./clusters directory.

This has been updated and the server now uses remote state in S3 for storing terraform state. The ./clusters directory is now completely ignored. To manually update your terraform to use remote state, do the following:

cd clusters/CLUSTER_ID
terraform init -backend-config=bucket=NAME_OF_KOPS_STATE_BUCKET -backend-config=region=us-east-1 -backend-config=key=terraform/KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME -force-copy

Repeat for every cluster in ./clusters dir. Note that KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME is not just the cluster ID. Run kops get clusters to get the full kops cluster names.


Path Synopsis
Package main is the entry point to the Mattermost Cloud provisioning server and CLI.
Package main is the entry point to the Mattermost Cloud provisioning server and CLI.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package mocks is a generated GoMock package.
Package exechelper streamlines the running of external commands while both capturing and logging their output.
Package exechelper streamlines the running of external commands while both capturing and logging their output.

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