assert-aws-iam-permissions is a command-line utility for evaluation of AWS IAM policy documents against a set of asserted permissions (using the AWS Policy Simulation API).
It was created specifically for use as an External Data Source in Terraform--used to assure that the expected permissions were actually enforced by a given policy before creating that policy.
assert-aws-iam-permissions [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--policy-json value The full contents of the IAM policy document; if empty,
assertions are read from JSON on stdin (under the key "policy_json") [$AAIP_POLICY_JSON]
--max-length value The maximum expected character length of the policy document (excluding whitespace);
a document greater than this length will cause an assertion failure (default: 0) [$AAIP_MAX_LENGTH]
--assertions value A JSON array of assertion statement objects, with the following structure:
"comment": "This statement should be true",
"expected_result": "allowed|implicitDeny|explicitDeny|deny|denied" // 'deny' or 'denied' can be used to catch any deny type result
"action_names": ["service:Action"...],
"resource_arns": ["arn:aws:..."],
"resource_policy": "policy",
"resource_owner": "owner",
"caller_arn": "caller",
"context_entries"": {
"key": {"type": "the_type","values": ["some_values"...]},
"resource_handling_option": "option"
if empty, assertions are read from JSON on stdin (under the key "assertions") [$AAIP_ASSERTIONS]
--assume-role-arn value The ARN of the role to assume when making AWS API calls [$AAIP_ASSUME_ROLE_ARN]
--read-stdin, -i whether to read inputs from stdin [$AAIP_READ_STDIN]
--verbose, -V Log debugging information [$AAIP_VERBOSE]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
This policy document example is trivial to evaluate, but it demonstrates configuration in terraform
for use in more complex policy scenarios.
Note: this example assumes that assert-aws-iam-permissions
is available on the path
data "aws_iam_policy_document" "my_policy" {
statement {
actions = [
effect = "Allow"
resources = ["*"]
data "external" "validated_policy" {
program = [ "assert-aws-iam-permissions", "--read-stdin" ]
query = {
policy_json = "${data.aws_iam_policy_document.my_policy.json}"
max_length = 5120
assertions = <<EOF
"comment": "can read from a sub-path in 'my-bucket'",
"expected_result": "allowed",
"action_names": [
"resource_arns": [
# we create the actual policy via the validated policy document
# policy creation will fail if it doesn't grant the asserted permissions
resource "aws_iam_policy" "my_policy" {
name = "my_policy"
policy = "${data.external.validated_policy.result["policy_json"]}"