
v1.1.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Feb 2, 2024 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 14 Imported by: 0




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var (
	// mo_table_partitions;
	MoTablePartitionsTable = &table.Table{
		Account:  table.AccountAll,
		Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
		Table:    catalog.MO_TABLE_PARTITIONS,
		CreateTableSql: fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE TABLE %s.%s (
			  table_id bigint unsigned NOT NULL,
			  database_id bigint unsigned not null,
			  number smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
			  name varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    		  partition_type varchar(50) NOT NULL,
              partition_expression varchar(2048) NULL,
			  description_utf8 text,
			  comment varchar(2048) NOT NULL,
			  options text,
			  partition_table_name varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
    		  PRIMARY KEY table_id (table_id, name)
			);`, catalog.MO_CATALOG, catalog.MO_TABLE_PARTITIONS),

	SysDaemonTaskTable = &table.Table{
		Account:  table.AccountSys,
		Database: catalog.MOTaskDB,
		Table:    catalog.MOSysDaemonTask,
		CreateTableSql: fmt.Sprintf(`create table %s.%s(
			task_id                     int primary key auto_increment,
			task_metadata_id            varchar(50),
			task_metadata_executor      int,
			task_metadata_context       blob,
			task_metadata_option        varchar(1000),
			account_id                  int unsigned not null,
			account                     varchar(128) not null,
			task_type                   varchar(64) not null,
			task_runner                 varchar(64),
			task_status                 int not null,
			last_heartbeat              timestamp,
			create_at                   timestamp not null,
			update_at                   timestamp not null,
			end_at                      timestamp,
			last_run                    timestamp,
			details                     blob)`,
			catalog.MOTaskDB, catalog.MOSysDaemonTask),

	MoStagesTable = &table.Table{
		Account:  table.AccountAll,
		Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
		Table:    catalog.MO_STAGES,
		CreateTableSql: fmt.Sprintf(`CREATE TABLE %s.%s (
			stage_id int unsigned auto_increment,
			stage_name varchar(64),
			url text,
			stage_credentials text,
			stage_status varchar(64),
			created_time timestamp,
			comment text,
			primary key(stage_id)
		  );`, catalog.MO_CATALOG, catalog.MO_STAGES),
View Source
var InformationSchemaCOLUMNS = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: sysview.InformationDBConst,
	Table:    "COLUMNS",
	CreateViewSql: fmt.Sprintf("CREATE VIEW information_schema.COLUMNS AS select "+
		"'def' as TABLE_CATALOG,"+
		"att_database as TABLE_SCHEMA,"+
		"att_relname AS TABLE_NAME,"+
		"attname AS COLUMN_NAME,"+
		"mo_show_visible_bin(att_default,1) as COLUMN_DEFAULT,"+
		"(case when attnotnull != 0 then 'NO' else 'YES' end) as IS_NULLABLE,"+
		"mo_show_visible_bin(atttyp,2) as DATA_TYPE,"+
		"internal_char_length(atttyp) AS CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH,"+
		"internal_char_size(atttyp) AS CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH,"+
		"internal_numeric_precision(atttyp) AS NUMERIC_PRECISION,"+
		"internal_numeric_scale(atttyp) AS NUMERIC_SCALE,"+
		"internal_datetime_scale(atttyp) AS DATETIME_PRECISION,"+
		"(case internal_column_character_set(atttyp) WHEN 0 then 'utf8' WHEN 1 then 'utf8' else NULL end) AS CHARACTER_SET_NAME,"+
		"(case internal_column_character_set(atttyp) WHEN 0 then 'utf8_bin' WHEN 1 then 'utf8_bin' else NULL end) AS COLLATION_NAME,"+
		"mo_show_visible_bin(atttyp,3) as COLUMN_TYPE,"+
		"case when att_constraint_type = 'p' then 'PRI' else '' end as COLUMN_KEY,"+
		"case when att_is_auto_increment = 1 then 'auto_increment' else '' end as EXTRA,"+
		"'select,insert,update,references' as `PRIVILEGES`,"+
		"att_comment as COLUMN_COMMENT,"+
		"cast('' as varchar(500)) as GENERATION_EXPRESSION,"+
		"if(true, NULL, 0) as SRS_ID "+
		"from mo_catalog.mo_columns where att_relname!='%s' and att_relname not like '%s' and attname != '%s'", catalog.MOAutoIncrTable, catalog.PrefixPriColName+"%", catalog.Row_ID),
View Source
var InformationSchemaPARTITIONS = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: sysview.InformationDBConst,
	Table:    "PARTITIONS",
	CreateViewSql: fmt.Sprintf("CREATE VIEW information_schema.PARTITIONS AS " +
		"SELECT " +
		"'def' AS `TABLE_CATALOG`," +
		"`tbl`.`reldatabase` AS `TABLE_SCHEMA`," +
		"`tbl`.`relname` AS `TABLE_NAME`," +
		"`part`.`name` AS `PARTITION_NAME`," +
		"`part`.`number` AS `PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION`," +
		"(case `part`.`partition_type` when 'HASH' then 'HASH' " +
		"when 'RANGE' then 'RANGE' " +
		"when 'LIST' then 'LIST' " +
		"when 'AUTO' then 'AUTO' " +
		"when 'KEY_51' then 'KEY' " +
		"when 'KEY_55' then 'KEY' " +
		"when 'LINEAR_KEY_51' then 'LINEAR KEY' " +
		"when 'LINEAR_KEY_55' then 'LINEAR KEY' " +
		"when 'LINEAR_HASH' then 'LINEAR HASH' " +
		"when 'RANGE_COLUMNS' then 'RANGE COLUMNS' " +
		"`part`.`partition_expression` AS `PARTITION_EXPRESSION`," +
		"`part`.`description_utf8` AS `PARTITION_DESCRIPTION`," +
		"mo_table_rows(`tbl`.`reldatabase`, `part`.`partition_table_name`) AS `TABLE_ROWS`," +
		"0 AS `AVG_ROW_LENGTH`," +
		"mo_table_size(`tbl`.`reldatabase`, `part`.`partition_table_name`) AS `DATA_LENGTH`," +
		"0 AS `INDEX_LENGTH`," +
		"0 AS `DATA_FREE`," +
		"`tbl`.`created_time` AS `CREATE_TIME`," +
		"ifnull(`part`.`comment`,'')  AS `PARTITION_COMMENT`," +
		"'default' AS `NODEGROUP`," +
		"FROM `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` LEFT JOIN `mo_catalog`.`mo_table_partitions` `part` " +
		"ON `part`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id` " +
		"WHERE `tbl`.`partitioned` = 1;"),
View Source
var InformationSchemaSCHEMATA = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: sysview.InformationDBConst,
	Table:    "SCHEMATA",
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW information_schema.SCHEMATA AS SELECT " +
		"dat_catalog_name AS CATALOG_NAME," +
		"datname AS SCHEMA_NAME," +
		"'utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci' AS DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME," +
		"if(true, NULL, '') AS SQL_PATH," +
		"cast('NO' as varchar(3)) AS DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION " +
		"FROM mo_catalog.mo_database where account_id = current_account_id() or (account_id = 0 and datname in ('mo_catalog'))",
View Source
var MoCacheView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
	Table:    "mo_cache",
	Columns: []table.Column{
		table.StringColumn("node_type", "the type of the node. cn,tn"),
		table.StringColumn("node_id", "the id of node"),
		table.StringColumn("type", "the type of fileservice cache. memory, disk_cache"),
		table.StringColumn("used", "used bytes of the cache"),
		table.StringColumn("free", "free bytes of the cache"),
		table.StringColumn("hit_ratio", "the hit ratio of the cache"),
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `mo_catalog`.`mo_cache` AS SELECT * FROM mo_cache() AS mo_cache_tmp;",

	CreateTableSql: "drop view if exists `mo_catalog`.`mo_cache`;",
View Source
var MoConfigurationsView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
	Table:    "mo_configurations",
	Columns: []table.Column{
		table.StringColumn("node_type", "the type of the node. cn,tn,log,proxy."),
		table.StringColumn("node_id", "the id of the node"),
		table.StringColumn("name", "the name of the configuration item"),
		table.UInt64Column("current_value", "the current value of the configuration item"),
		table.StringColumn("default_value", "the default value of the configuration item"),
		table.StringColumn("internal", "the configuration item is internal or external"),
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `mo_catalog`.`mo_configurations` AS SELECT * FROM mo_configurations() AS mo_configurations_tmp;",

	CreateTableSql: "drop view if exists `mo_catalog`.`mo_configurations`;",
View Source
var MoLocksView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
	Table:    "mo_locks",
	Columns: []table.Column{
		table.StringColumn("cn_id", "the cn id which cn lock stays on"),
		table.StringColumn("txn_id", "the txn id which txn holds the lock"),
		table.StringColumn("table_id", "the table that the lock is on"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_key", "point or range"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_content", "the content the clock is on"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_mode", "shared or exclusive"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_status", "acquired or wait"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_wait", "the txn that waits on the lock"),
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `mo_catalog`.`mo_locks` AS SELECT * FROM mo_locks() AS mo_locks_tmp;",

	CreateTableSql: "drop view if exists `mo_catalog`.`mo_locks`;",
View Source
var MoSessionsView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
	Table:    "mo_sessions",
	Columns: []table.Column{
		table.StringColumn("account", "the account name"),
		table.StringColumn("client_host", "the ip:port of the client"),
		table.StringColumn("command", "the COMMAND send by client"),
		table.UInt64Column("conn_id", "the connection id of the tcp between client"),
		table.StringColumn("db", "the database be used"),
		table.StringColumn("host", "the ip:port of the mo-server"),
		table.StringColumn("info", "the sql"),
		table.StringColumn("node_id", "the id of the cn"),
		table.StringColumn("query_start", "the start time of the statement"),
		table.StringColumn("query_type", "the kind of the statement. DQL,TCL,etc"),
		table.StringColumn("role", "the role of the user"),
		table.StringColumn("session_id", "the id of the session"),
		table.StringColumn("session_start", "the start time of the session"),
		table.StringColumn("sql_source_type", "where does the sql come from. internal,external, etc"),
		table.StringColumn("statement_id", "the id of the statement"),
		table.StringColumn("statement_type", "the type of the statement.Select,Delete,Insert,etc"),
		table.StringColumn("txn_id", "the id of the transaction"),
		table.StringColumn("user", "the user name"),
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `mo_catalog`.`mo_sessions` AS SELECT * FROM mo_sessions() AS mo_sessions_tmp;",

	CreateTableSql: "drop view if exists `mo_catalog`.`mo_sessions`;",
View Source
var MoTransactionsView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
	Table:    "mo_transactions",
	Columns: []table.Column{
		table.StringColumn("cn_id", "the cn id which cn lock stays on"),
		table.StringColumn("txn_id", "the txn id which txn holds the lock"),
		table.StringColumn("create_ts", "the timestamp of the creation of the txn"),
		table.StringColumn("snapshot_ts", "the snapshot timestamp"),
		table.StringColumn("prepared_ts", "the prepared timestamp"),
		table.StringColumn("commit_ts", "the commit timestamp"),
		table.StringColumn("txn_mode", "pessimistic or optimistic"),
		table.StringColumn("isolation", "the txn isolation"),
		table.StringColumn("user_txn", "the user txn or not"),
		table.StringColumn("txn_status", "the txn status(active, committed, aborting, aborted). (distributed txn, prepared, committing"),
		table.StringColumn("table_id", "the table id"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_key", "point or range"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_content", "the content the clock is on"),
		table.StringColumn("lock_mode", "shared or exclusive"),
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `mo_catalog`.`mo_transactions` AS SELECT * FROM mo_transactions() AS mo_transactions_tmp;",

	CreateTableSql: "drop view if exists `mo_catalog`.`mo_transactions`;",
View Source
var MoVariablesView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_CATALOG,
	Table:    "mo_variables",
	Columns: []table.Column{
		table.StringColumn("configuration_id", "the id of configuration"),
		table.StringColumn("account_id", ""),
		table.StringColumn("account_name", ""),
		table.StringColumn("dat_name", "database name"),
		table.StringColumn("variable_name", "the name of variable"),
		table.StringColumn("variable_value", "the value of variable"),
		table.StringColumn("system_variables", "is system variable or not"),
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `mo_catalog`.`mo_variables` AS SELECT * FROM mo_catalog.mo_mysql_compatibility_mode;",

	CreateTableSql: "drop view if exists `mo_catalog`.`mo_variables`;",
View Source
var PARTITIONSView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: sysview.InformationDBConst,
	Table:    "PARTITIONS",
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `information_schema`.`PARTITIONS` AS " +
		"SELECT " +
		"'def' AS `TABLE_CATALOG`," +
		"`tbl`.`reldatabase` AS `TABLE_SCHEMA`," +
		"`tbl`.`relname` AS `TABLE_NAME`," +
		"`part`.`name` AS `PARTITION_NAME`," +
		"`part`.`number` AS `PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION`," +
		"(case `part`.`partition_type` when 'HASH' then 'HASH' " +
		"when 'RANGE' then 'RANGE' " +
		"when 'LIST' then 'LIST' " +
		"when 'AUTO' then 'AUTO' " +
		"when 'KEY_51' then 'KEY' " +
		"when 'KEY_55' then 'KEY' " +
		"when 'LINEAR_KEY_51' then 'LINEAR KEY' " +
		"when 'LINEAR_KEY_55' then 'LINEAR KEY' " +
		"when 'LINEAR_HASH' then 'LINEAR HASH' " +
		"when 'RANGE_COLUMNS' then 'RANGE COLUMNS' " +
		"`part`.`partition_expression` AS `PARTITION_EXPRESSION`," +
		"`part`.`description_utf8` AS `PARTITION_DESCRIPTION`," +
		"mo_table_rows(`tbl`.`reldatabase`, `part`.`partition_table_name`) AS `TABLE_ROWS`," +
		"0 AS `AVG_ROW_LENGTH`," +
		"mo_table_size(`tbl`.`reldatabase`, `part`.`partition_table_name`) AS `DATA_LENGTH`," +
		"0 AS `INDEX_LENGTH`," +
		"0 AS `DATA_FREE`," +
		"`tbl`.`created_time` AS `CREATE_TIME`," +
		"ifnull(`part`.`comment`,'')  AS `PARTITION_COMMENT`," +
		"'default' AS `NODEGROUP`," +
		"FROM `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` LEFT JOIN `mo_catalog`.`mo_table_partitions` `part` " +
		"ON `part`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id` " +
		"WHERE `tbl`.`partitioned` = 1;",
View Source
var STATISTICSView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: sysview.InformationDBConst,
	Table:    "STATISTICS",
	CreateViewSql: "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS `information_schema`.`STATISTICS` AS " +
		"select 'def' AS `TABLE_CATALOG`," +
		"`tbl`.`reldatabase` AS `TABLE_SCHEMA`," +
		"`tbl`.`relname` AS `TABLE_NAME`," +
		"if(((`idx`.`type` = 'PRIMARY') or (`idx`.`type` = 'UNIQUE')),0,1) AS `NON_UNIQUE`," +
		"`tbl`.`reldatabase` AS `INDEX_SCHEMA`," +
		"`idx`.`name` AS `INDEX_NAME`," +
		"`idx`.`ordinal_position` AS `SEQ_IN_INDEX`," +
		"`idx`.`column_name` AS `COLUMN_NAME`," +
		"'A' AS `COLLATION`," +
		"if((`tcl`.`attnotnull` = 0),'YES','') AS `NULLABLE`," +
		"if(((`idx`.`type` = 'PRIMARY') or (`idx`.`type` = 'UNIQUE')),'','') AS `COMMENT`," +
		"`idx`.`comment` AS `INDEX_COMMENT`," +
		"if(`idx`.`is_visible`,'YES','NO') AS `IS_VISIBLE`," +
		"from (`mo_catalog`.`mo_indexes` `idx` " +
		"join `mo_catalog`.`mo_tables` `tbl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tbl`.`rel_id`))" +
		"join `mo_catalog`.`mo_columns` `tcl` on (`idx`.`table_id` = `tcl`.`att_relname_id` and `idx`.`column_name` = `tcl`.`attname`)",
View Source
var SqlStatementHotspotView = &table.Table{
	Account:  table.AccountAll,
	Database: catalog.MO_SYSTEM,
	Table:    motrace.SqlStatementHotspotTbl,
	Columns:  []table.Column{},

	CreateViewSql: motrace.SqlStatementHotspotView.ToCreateSql(context.Background(), true),

	CreateTableSql: "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `system`.`sql_statement_hotspot`;",


func ParseDataTypeToColType

func ParseDataTypeToColType(dataType string) (table.ColType, error)


type Upgrader

type Upgrader struct {
	IEFactory func() ie.InternalExecutor

func (*Upgrader) CheckSchemaIsExist

func (u *Upgrader) CheckSchemaIsExist(ctx context.Context, exec ie.InternalExecutor, opts *ie.OptsBuilder, database, tbl string) (bool, error)

CheckSchemaIsExist Check if the table exists

func (*Upgrader) CheckViewDefineIsValid

func (u *Upgrader) CheckViewDefineIsValid(ctx context.Context, exec ie.InternalExecutor, opts *ie.OptsBuilder, database, view, newViewDef string) (bool, error)

CheckViewDefineIsValid Check if the definition of the view is the latest version and valid

func (*Upgrader) GenerateDiff

func (u *Upgrader) GenerateDiff(currentSchema *table.Table, expectedSchema *table.Table) (table.SchemaDiff, error)

func (*Upgrader) GenerateUpgradeSQL

func (u *Upgrader) GenerateUpgradeSQL(diff table.SchemaDiff) (string, error)

func (*Upgrader) GetAllTenantInfo

func (u *Upgrader) GetAllTenantInfo(ctx context.Context) ([]*frontend.TenantInfo, error)

GetAllTenantInfo Obtain all tenant information in the system

func (*Upgrader) GetCurrentSchema

func (u *Upgrader) GetCurrentSchema(ctx context.Context, exec ie.InternalExecutor, database, tbl string) (*table.Table, error)

func (*Upgrader) Upgrade

func (u *Upgrader) Upgrade(ctx context.Context) error

func (*Upgrader) UpgradeExistingView

func (u *Upgrader) UpgradeExistingView(ctx context.Context, tenants []*frontend.TenantInfo) []error

UpgradeExistingView: Modify the definition of existing system views

func (*Upgrader) UpgradeMoIndexesSchema added in v1.1.0

func (u *Upgrader) UpgradeMoIndexesSchema(ctx context.Context, tenants []*frontend.TenantInfo) []error

UpgradeMoIndexesSchema system tables, add system views Order of Execution: 1. boostrap.go builds mo_catalog.mo_indexes table 2. sysview.InitSchema builds INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns table that will have columns in mo_indexes table 3. UpgradeMoIndexesSchema adds 3 new columns to mo_indexes table NOTE: mo_indexes is a multi-tenant table, so we need to upgrade (add column) for all tenants.

func (*Upgrader) UpgradeNewTable

func (u *Upgrader) UpgradeNewTable(ctx context.Context, tenants []*frontend.TenantInfo) []error

UpgradeNewTable system tables, add system tables

func (*Upgrader) UpgradeNewTableColumn

func (u *Upgrader) UpgradeNewTableColumn(ctx context.Context) []error

UpgradeNewTableColumn the newly added columns in the system table

func (*Upgrader) UpgradeNewView

func (u *Upgrader) UpgradeNewView(ctx context.Context, tenants []*frontend.TenantInfo) []error

UpgradeNewView system tables, add system views

func (*Upgrader) UpgradeNewViewColumn

func (u *Upgrader) UpgradeNewViewColumn(ctx context.Context) []error

UpgradeNewViewColumn the newly added columns in the system table

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