Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func FormatString(str string) string
- func GetDisplayWith(val int32) int32
- func IsContainAnalyze(options []OptionElem) bool
- func IsValue(node Expr) bool
- func String(node NodeFormatter, dialectType dialect.DialectType) string
- type AccessModeType
- type AccountAuthOption
- type AccountComment
- type AccountCommentOrAttribute
- type AccountIdentified
- type AccountIdentifiedOption
- type AccountStatus
- type AccountStatusOption
- type AccountsSetOption
- type AggType
- type AlgorithmCopy
- type AlgorithmDefault
- type AlgorithmInplace
- type AliasClause
- type AliasedTableExpr
- type AlterAccount
- type AlterAccountAuthOption
- type AlterAddCol
- type AlterColPos
- type AlterColumnOptionType
- type AlterColumnOrder
- type AlterDataBaseConfig
- type AlterOptionAdd
- type AlterOptionAlterCheck
- type AlterOptionAlterIndex
- type AlterOptionDrop
- type AlterPublication
- type AlterSequence
- type AlterStage
- type AlterTable
- type AlterTableAddColumnClause
- type AlterTableAlterColumnClause
- type AlterTableChangeColumnClause
- type AlterTableDropType
- type AlterTableModifyColumnClause
- type AlterTableName
- type AlterTableOption
- type AlterTableOptionType
- type AlterTableOptions
- type AlterTableOrderByColumnClause
- type AlterTableRenameColumnClause
- type AlterUser
- type AlterView
- type AnalyzeStmt
- type AndExpr
- type Assignment
- type AttributeAutoIncrement
- type AttributeAutoRandom
- type AttributeCheckConstraint
- type AttributeCollate
- type AttributeColumnFormat
- type AttributeComment
- type AttributeDefault
- type AttributeGeneratedAlways
- type AttributeHeader
- type AttributeHeaders
- type AttributeKey
- type AttributeLowCardinality
- type AttributeNull
- type AttributeOnUpdate
- type AttributePrimaryKey
- type AttributeReference
- type AttributeStorage
- type AttributeUnique
- type AttributeUniqueKey
- type AttributeVisable
- type AuthRecord
- type BackupStart
- type BeginCompound
- type BeginTransaction
- type BinaryExpr
- type BinaryOp
- type BitCastExpr
- type BoundType
- type CStr
- type CTE
- type CallStmt
- type CaseExpr
- type CaseStmt
- type CastExpr
- type CheckIndex
- type ClusterByOption
- type ColumnAttribute
- type ColumnItem
- type ColumnPosition
- type ColumnPositionType
- type ColumnTableDef
- type CommitTransaction
- type ComparisonExpr
- func NewComparisonExpr(op ComparisonOp, l, r Expr) *ComparisonExpr
- func NewComparisonExprWithEscape(op ComparisonOp, l, r, e Expr) *ComparisonExpr
- func NewComparisonExprWithSubop(op, subop ComparisonOp, l, r Expr) *ComparisonExpr
- func NewSubqueryComparisonExpr(op ComparisonOp, subOp ComparisonOp, l, r Expr) *ComparisonExpr
- type ComparisonOp
- type CompletionType
- type CompoundStmt
- type Constant
- type CreateAccount
- type CreateDatabase
- type CreateExtension
- type CreateFunction
- type CreateIndex
- type CreateOption
- type CreateOptionCharset
- type CreateOptionCollate
- type CreateOptionDefault
- type CreateOptionEncryption
- type CreateProcedure
- type CreatePublication
- type CreateRole
- type CreateSequence
- type CreateStage
- type CreateStream
- type CreateStreamWithOption
- type CreateTable
- type CreateUser
- type CreateView
- type CycleOption
- type DBool
- type Datum
- type Deallocate
- type Declare
- type DefaultVal
- type Delete
- type Direction
- type Do
- type DropAccount
- type DropDatabase
- type DropFunction
- type DropIndex
- type DropProcedure
- type DropPublication
- type DropRole
- type DropSequence
- type DropStage
- type DropTable
- type DropUser
- type DropView
- type DuplicateKey
- type DuplicateKeyError
- type DuplicateKeyIgnore
- type DuplicateKeyReplace
- type ElseIfStmt
- type EmptyStmt
- type EndCompound
- type ExParam
- type ExParamConst
- type Execute
- type Explain
- type ExplainAnalyze
- type ExplainFor
- type ExplainStmt
- type ExportParam
- type Expr
- type ExprList
- type Exprs
- type ExternParam
- type Family
- type Fields
- type FmtCtx
- type FmtCtxOption
- type ForeignKey
- type FrameBound
- type FrameClause
- type FrameType
- type From
- type FullTextIndex
- type FuncExpr
- type FuncType
- type FunctionArg
- type FunctionArgDecl
- type FunctionArgImpl
- type FunctionArgs
- type FunctionName
- type FunctionReference
- type GeoMetadata
- type Grant
- type GrantPrivilege
- type GrantProxy
- type GrantRole
- type GrantType
- type GroupBy
- type HashType
- type Identifier
- type IdentifierList
- type IdentifierName
- type IfStmt
- type InOutArgType
- type IncrementByOption
- type Index
- type IndexCategory
- type IndexHint
- type IndexHintScope
- type IndexHintType
- type IndexOption
- type IndexType
- type Insert
- type InternalType
- type IntervalDurationField
- type IntervalExpr
- type IntervalType
- type IsFalseExpr
- type IsNotFalseExpr
- type IsNotNullExpr
- type IsNotTrueExpr
- type IsNotUnknownExpr
- type IsNullExpr
- type IsTrueExpr
- type IsUnknownExpr
- type IsolationLevelType
- type IterateStmt
- type JoinCond
- type JoinTableExpr
- type KeyPart
- type KeyType
- type Kill
- type KillOption
- type KillType
- type LeaveStmt
- type LengthScaleOpt
- type Limit
- type Lines
- type ListType
- type Load
- type LoadColumn
- type LoadExtension
- type LockDefault
- type LockExclusive
- type LockNone
- type LockShared
- type LockTableStmt
- type LoopStmt
- type MatchType
- type MaxValue
- type MaxValueOption
- type MinValueOption
- type MiscOption
- type MoDump
- type NameParts
- type NaturalJoinCond
- type NodeChecker
- type NodeFormatter
- type NotExpr
- type NullsPosition
- type NumVal
- func NewNumVal(value constant.Value, origString string, negative bool) *NumVal
- func NewNumValWithResFoalt(value constant.Value, origString string, negative bool, resFloat float64) *NumVal
- func NewNumValWithResInt(value constant.Value, origString string, negative bool, resInt int64) *NumVal
- func NewNumValWithType(value constant.Value, origString string, negative bool, typ P_TYPE) *NumVal
- type ObjectName
- type ObjectNamePrefix
- type ObjectType
- type OnJoinCond
- type OptionElem
- type OrExpr
- type Order
- type OrderBy
- type P_TYPE
- type ParamExpr
- type ParenExpr
- type ParenSelect
- type ParenTableExpr
- type Partition
- type PartitionBy
- type PartitionOption
- type PartitionType
- type PersistentUserDefinedTypeMetadata
- type Precedence
- type Prepare
- type PrepareStmt
- type PrepareString
- type PrimaryKeyIndex
- type Privilege
- type PrivilegeLevel
- type PrivilegeLevelType
- type PrivilegeType
- type ProcedureArg
- type ProcedureArgDecl
- type ProcedureArgForMarshal
- type ProcedureArgImpl
- type ProcedureArgType
- type ProcedureArgs
- type ProcedureName
- type Property
- type RangeCond
- type RangeType
- type ReadWriteMode
- type ReferenceOnRecord
- type ReferenceOptionType
- type RepeatStmt
- type Replace
- type Reset
- type ResolvableFunctionReference
- type ResolvableTypeReference
- type ResourceOption
- type ResourceOptionMaxConnectionPerHour
- type ResourceOptionMaxQueriesPerHour
- type ResourceOptionMaxUpdatesPerHour
- type ResourceOptionMaxUserConnections
- type ReturnType
- type Revoke
- type RevokePrivilege
- type RevokeRole
- type RevokeType
- type Role
- type RollbackTransaction
- type RowFormatType
- type S3Parameter
- type SecondaryRoleType
- type Select
- type SelectClause
- type SelectExpr
- type SelectExprs
- type SelectLockInfo
- type SelectLockType
- type SelectStatement
- type SetDefaultRole
- type SetDefaultRoleType
- type SetPassword
- type SetRole
- type SetRoleType
- type SetTransaction
- type SetVar
- type Show
- type ShowAccounts
- type ShowBackendServers
- type ShowCollation
- type ShowColumnNumber
- type ShowColumns
- type ShowCreateDatabase
- type ShowCreatePublications
- type ShowCreateTable
- type ShowCreateView
- type ShowDatabases
- type ShowErrors
- type ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus
- type ShowGrantType
- type ShowGrants
- type ShowIndex
- type ShowLocks
- type ShowNodeList
- type ShowProcessList
- type ShowPublications
- type ShowRolesStmt
- type ShowSequences
- type ShowStages
- type ShowStatus
- type ShowSubscriptions
- type ShowTableNumber
- type ShowTableSize
- type ShowTableStatus
- type ShowTableValues
- type ShowTables
- type ShowTarget
- type ShowType
- type ShowVariables
- type ShowWarnings
- type StageComment
- type StageCredentials
- type StageStatus
- type StageStatusOption
- type StageUrl
- type StartWithOption
- type Statement
- type StatementOption
- type StatementSource
- type StatementType
- type StrVal
- type SubPartition
- type Subquery
- type SubqueryExpr
- type SubscriptionOption
- type T
- type TableDef
- type TableDefs
- type TableExpr
- type TableExprs
- type TableFunction
- type TableLock
- type TableLockType
- type TableName
- type TableNames
- type TableOption
- type TableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE
- type TableOptionAutoIncrement
- type TableOptionAvgRowLength
- type TableOptionCharset
- type TableOptionChecksum
- type TableOptionCollate
- type TableOptionComment
- type TableOptionCompression
- type TableOptionConnection
- type TableOptionDataDirectory
- type TableOptionDelayKeyWrite
- type TableOptionEncryption
- type TableOptionEngine
- type TableOptionEngineAttr
- type TableOptionIndexDirectory
- type TableOptionInsertMethod
- type TableOptionKeyBlockSize
- type TableOptionMaxRows
- type TableOptionMinRows
- type TableOptionPackKeys
- type TableOptionPassword
- type TableOptionProperties
- type TableOptionRowFormat
- type TableOptionSecondaryEngine
- type TableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr
- type TableOptionSecondaryEngineNull
- type TableOptionStartTrans
- type TableOptionStatsAutoRecalc
- type TableOptionStatsPersistent
- type TableOptionStatsSamplePages
- type TableOptionStorageMedia
- type TableOptionTablespace
- type TableOptionUnion
- type TailParameter
- type TlsOption
- type TlsOptionCipher
- type TlsOptionIssuer
- type TlsOptionNone
- type TlsOptionSSL
- type TlsOptionSan
- type TlsOptionSubject
- type TlsOptionX509
- type TransactionCharacteristic
- type TransactionModes
- type TruncateTable
- type Tuple
- type TypeExpr
- type TypeOption
- type UnLockTableStmt
- type UnaryExpr
- type UnaryOp
- type UnionClause
- type UnionType
- type UnionTypeRecord
- type UniqueIndex
- type UnqualifiedStar
- type UnresolvedName
- type UnresolvedObjectName
- type UnrestrictedIdentifier
- type Update
- type UpdateExpr
- type UpdateExprs
- type UpdateVal
- type Use
- type User
- type UserMiscOption
- type UserMiscOptionAccountLock
- type UserMiscOptionAccountUnlock
- type UserMiscOptionFailedLoginAttempts
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireDefault
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireInterval
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNever
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNone
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryCount
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryDefault
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeCount
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeUnbounded
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentDefault
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentNone
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentOptional
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalCount
- type UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalDefault
- type UsernameRecord
- type UsingJoinCond
- type Values
- type ValuesClause
- type ValuesIn
- type ValuesLessThan
- type ValuesStatement
- type VarAssignmentExpr
- type VarExpr
- type VarName
- type VisibleType
- type Visitor
- type When
- type WhenStmt
- type Where
- type WhileStmt
- type WindowSpec
- type With
- type XorExpr
Constants ¶
const ( AstWhere = "where" AstHaving = "having" )
const ( ShowEngines = iota ShowCharset ShowCreateUser ShowTriggers ShowConfig ShowEvents ShowPlugins ShowProfile ShowProfiles ShowPrivileges )
const ( GrantForUser = iota GrantForRole )
const ( // QueryTypeDQL (Data Query Language) Select, MoDump, ValuesStatement, With QueryTypeDQL = "DQL" // QueryTypeDDL (Data Definition Language): CreateDatabase, DropDatabase, DropTable, // Create/Drop/Alter/Rename Database/Table/View/Index/Function, TruncateTable, QueryTypeDDL = "DDL" // QueryTypeDML (Data Manipulation Language): Insert, Update, Delete, Load QueryTypeDML = "DML" // QueryTypeDCL (Data Control Language) // statement: Grant, Revoke // CreateAccount, CreateUser, CreateRole, AlterAccount, AlterUser, DropAccount, DropUser, DropRole QueryTypeDCL = "DCL" // QueryTypeTCL (Transaction Control Language): BeginTransaction, RollbackTransaction, CommitTransaction, Savepoint(Not Support) QueryTypeTCL = "TCL" // QueryTypeOth (Other.) // statement: AnalyzeStmt(Not Support), ExplainStmt, ExplainAnalyze, ExplainFor, // SetVar, SetDefaultRole, SetRole, SetPassword, Declare, Do, TableFunction, Use, PrepareStmt, Execute, Deallocate, Kill // Show ..., ShowCreateTable, ShowColumns(Desc) QueryTypeOth = "Other" )
const ( DefaultDisplayWidth = -1 NotDefineDisplayWidth = 0 NotDefineDec = -1 )
const ( AUTO = "auto" NOCOMPRESS = "none" GZIP = "gzip" GZ = "gz" // alias of gzip BZIP2 = "bzip2" BZ2 = "bz2" // alias for bzip2 FLATE = "flate" LZW = "lzw" ZLIB = "zlib" LZ4 = "lz4" )
const ( CSV = "csv" JSONLINE = "jsonline" )
load data fotmat
const ( OBJECT = "object" ARRAY = "array" )
if $format is jsonline
const ( S3 = 1 INLINE = 2 )
Variables ¶
var ( DBoolTrue = &constDBoolTrue DBoolFalse = &constDBoolFalse DNull Datum = &dNull{} )
var ( TYPE_TINY = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntFamily, Width: 8, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY), }} TYPE_SHORT = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntFamily, Width: 16, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT), }} TYPE_LONG = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntFamily, Width: 32, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG), }} TYPE_FLOAT = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: FloatFamily, Width: 32, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT), }} TYPE_DOUBLE = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: FloatFamily, Width: 64, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE), }} TYPE_NULL = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: UnknownFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_NULL), }} TYPE_TIMESTAMP = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: TimestampFamily, Scale: 0, TimePrecisionIsSet: false, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP), }} TYPE_LONGLONG = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntFamily, Width: 64, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG), }} TYPE_INT24 = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntFamily, Width: 24, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_INT24), }} TYPE_DATE = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: DateFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_DATE), }} TYPE_DURATION = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntervalFamily, Scale: 0, TimePrecisionIsSet: false, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME), IntervalDurationField: &IntervalDurationField{}, }} TYPE_TIME = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: TimeFamily, Scale: 0, TimePrecisionIsSet: false, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_TIME), }} TYPE_DATETIME = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: TimestampFamily, Scale: 0, TimePrecisionIsSet: false, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME), }} TYPE_YEAR = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: IntFamily, Width: 16, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR), }} TYPE_NEWDATE = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: DateFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE), }} TYPE_VARCHAR = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: StringFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR), }} TYPE_BINARY = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: StringFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR), }} TYPE_VARBINARY = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: StringFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR), }} TYPE_BIT = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BitFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_BIT), }} TYPE_BOOL = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BoolFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_BOOL), }} TYPE_JSON = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: JsonFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_JSON)}} TYPE_UUID = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: UuidFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_UUID)}} TYPE_ENUM = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: EnumFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM), }} TYPE_SET = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: SetFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_SET), }} TYPE_TINY_BLOB = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BlobFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB)}} TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BlobFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB), }} TYPE_LONG_BLOB = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BlobFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB), }} TYPE_BLOB = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BlobFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB), }} TYPE_TEXT = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: BlobFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_TEXT), }} TYPE_VARSTRING = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: StringFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING), }} TYPE_STRING = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: StringFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_STRING), }} TYPE_GEOMETRY = &T{InternalType: InternalType{ Family: GeometryFamily, Locale: &emptyLocale, Oid: uint32(defines.MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY), }} )
Functions ¶
func FormatString ¶ added in v0.5.0
func GetDisplayWith ¶
func IsContainAnalyze ¶ added in v0.6.0
func IsContainAnalyze(options []OptionElem) bool
func IsValue ¶
IsValue returns true if the Expr is a string, integral or value arg. NULL is not considered to be a value.
func String ¶
func String(node NodeFormatter, dialectType dialect.DialectType) string
Types ¶
type AccessModeType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AccessModeType int
func (AccessModeType) String ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (amt AccessModeType) String() string
type AccountAuthOption ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AccountAuthOption struct { Equal string AdminName string IdentifiedType AccountIdentified }
func (*AccountAuthOption) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AccountAuthOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AccountComment ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (*AccountComment) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AccountComment) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AccountCommentOrAttribute ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (*AccountCommentOrAttribute) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AccountCommentOrAttribute) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AccountIdentified ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AccountIdentified struct { Typ AccountIdentifiedOption Str string }
func (*AccountIdentified) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AccountIdentified) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AccountIdentifiedOption ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AccountIdentifiedOption int
const ( AccountIdentifiedByPassword AccountIdentifiedOption = iota AccountIdentifiedByRandomPassword AccountIdentifiedWithSSL )
type AccountStatus ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AccountStatus struct { Exist bool Option AccountStatusOption }
func (*AccountStatus) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AccountStatus) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AccountStatusOption ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AccountStatusOption int
const ( AccountStatusOpen AccountStatusOption = iota AccountStatusSuspend AccountStatusRestricted )
func (AccountStatusOption) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (aso AccountStatusOption) String() string
type AccountsSetOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AccountsSetOption struct { All bool SetAccounts IdentifierList AddAccounts IdentifierList DropAccounts IdentifierList }
type AggType ¶
type AggType int
AggType specifies the type of aggregation.
const (
type AlgorithmCopy ¶
type AlgorithmCopy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type AlgorithmDefault ¶
type AlgorithmDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type AlgorithmInplace ¶
type AlgorithmInplace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type AliasClause ¶
type AliasClause struct { NodeFormatter Alias Identifier Cols IdentifierList }
The alias, optionally with a column list: "AS name" or "AS name(col1, col2)".
func (*AliasClause) Format ¶
func (node *AliasClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AliasedTableExpr ¶
type AliasedTableExpr struct { TableExpr Expr TableExpr As AliasClause IndexHints []*IndexHint }
the table expression coupled with an optional alias.
func NewAliasedTableExpr ¶
func NewAliasedTableExpr(e TableExpr, a AliasClause) *AliasedTableExpr
func (*AliasedTableExpr) Format ¶
func (node *AliasedTableExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterAccount ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AlterAccount struct { IfExists bool Name string AuthOption AlterAccountAuthOption //status_option or not StatusOption AccountStatus //comment or not Comment AccountComment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterAccount) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ca *AlterAccount) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AlterAccount) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (ca *AlterAccount) GetQueryType() string
func (*AlterAccount) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (ca *AlterAccount) GetStatementType() string
type AlterAccountAuthOption ¶ added in v0.7.0
type AlterAccountAuthOption struct { Exist bool Equal string AdminName string IdentifiedType AccountIdentified }
func (*AlterAccountAuthOption) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *AlterAccountAuthOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterAddCol ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterAddCol struct { Column *ColumnTableDef Position *ColumnPosition }
suggest rename: AlterAddColumnPosition
func (*AlterAddCol) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterAddCol) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterColPos ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterColPos struct { PreColName *UnresolvedName Pos int32 }
type AlterColumnOptionType ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterColumnOptionType int
AlterColumnOptionType is the type for AlterTableAlterColumn
const ( AlterColumnOptionSetDefault AlterColumnOptionType = iota AlterColumnOptionSetVisibility AlterColumnOptionDropDefault )
AlterColumnOptionType types.
type AlterColumnOrder ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterColumnOrder struct { Column *UnresolvedName Direction Direction }
func (*AlterColumnOrder) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterColumnOrder) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterDataBaseConfig ¶ added in v0.7.0
type AlterDataBaseConfig struct { AccountName string DbName string IsAccountLevel bool UpdateConfig string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
alter configuration for mo_mysql_compatibility_mode
func (*AlterDataBaseConfig) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *AlterDataBaseConfig) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AlterDataBaseConfig) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *AlterDataBaseConfig) GetQueryType() string
func (*AlterDataBaseConfig) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *AlterDataBaseConfig) GetStatementType() string
type AlterOptionAdd ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterOptionAdd struct { Def TableDef // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterOptionAdd) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterOptionAdd) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterOptionAlterCheck ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterOptionAlterCheck struct { Type string Enforce bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterOptionAlterCheck) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterOptionAlterCheck) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterOptionAlterIndex ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterOptionAlterIndex struct { Name Identifier Visibility VisibleType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterOptionAlterIndex) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterOptionAlterIndex) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterOptionDrop ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterOptionDrop struct { Typ AlterTableDropType Name Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterOptionDrop) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterOptionDrop) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterPublication ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterPublication struct { IfExists bool Name Identifier AccountsSet *AccountsSetOption Comment string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterPublication) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterPublication) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AlterPublication) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterPublication) GetQueryType() string
func (*AlterPublication) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterPublication) GetStatementType() string
type AlterSequence ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterSequence struct { Name *TableName Type *TypeOption IfExists bool IncrementBy *IncrementByOption MinValue *MinValueOption MaxValue *MaxValueOption StartWith *StartWithOption Cycle *CycleOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterSequence) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterSequence) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AlterSequence) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterSequence) GetQueryType() string
func (*AlterSequence) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterSequence) GetStatementType() string
type AlterStage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterStage struct { IfNotExists bool Name Identifier UrlOption StageUrl CredentialsOption StageCredentials StatusOption StageStatus Comment StageComment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterStage) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterStage) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AlterStage) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterStage) GetQueryType() string
func (*AlterStage) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterStage) GetStatementType() string
type AlterTable ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterTable struct { Table *TableName Options AlterTableOptions // contains filtered or unexported fields }
AlterTable see
func (*AlterTable) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterTable) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AlterTable) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetQueryType() string
func (*AlterTable) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterTable) GetStatementType() string
type AlterTableAddColumnClause ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableAddColumnClause struct { Typ AlterTableOptionType NewColumns []*ColumnTableDef Position *ColumnPosition // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterTableAddColumnClause) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterTableAddColumnClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterTableAlterColumnClause ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableAlterColumnClause struct { Typ AlterTableOptionType ColumnName *UnresolvedName DefalutExpr *AttributeDefault Visibility VisibleType OptionType AlterColumnOptionType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterTableAlterColumnClause) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterTableAlterColumnClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterTableChangeColumnClause ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableChangeColumnClause struct { Typ AlterTableOptionType OldColumnName *UnresolvedName NewColumn *ColumnTableDef Position *ColumnPosition // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterTableChangeColumnClause) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterTableChangeColumnClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterTableDropType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterTableDropType int
const ( AlterTableDropColumn AlterTableDropType = iota AlterTableDropIndex AlterTableDropKey AlterTableDropPrimaryKey AlterTableDropForeignKey )
type AlterTableModifyColumnClause ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableModifyColumnClause struct { Typ AlterTableOptionType NewColumn *ColumnTableDef Position *ColumnPosition // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterTableModifyColumnClause) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterTableModifyColumnClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterTableName ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterTableName struct {
Name *UnresolvedObjectName
func (*AlterTableName) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *AlterTableName) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterTableOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterTableOption interface { NodeFormatter }
type AlterTableOptionType ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableOptionType int
AlterTableType is the type for AlterTableOptionType.
const ( AlterTableModifyColumn AlterTableOptionType = iota AlterTableChangeColumn AlterTableRenameColumn AlterTableAlterColumn AlterTableOrderByColumn AlterTableAddConstraint AlterTableAddColumn )
AlterTable types.
type AlterTableOptions ¶ added in v0.8.0
type AlterTableOptions = []AlterTableOption
type AlterTableOrderByColumnClause ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableOrderByColumnClause struct { Typ AlterTableOptionType AlterOrderByList []*AlterColumnOrder // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterTableOrderByColumnClause) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterTableOrderByColumnClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterTableRenameColumnClause ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AlterTableRenameColumnClause struct { Typ AlterTableOptionType OldColumnName *UnresolvedName NewColumnName *UnresolvedName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterTableRenameColumnClause) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AlterTableRenameColumnClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AlterUser ¶
type AlterUser struct { IfExists bool Users []*User Role *Role MiscOpt UserMiscOption // comment or attribute CommentOrAttribute AccountCommentOrAttribute // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAlterUser ¶
func NewAlterUser(ife bool, u []*User, r *Role, m UserMiscOption) *AlterUser
func (*AlterUser) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*AlterUser) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type AlterView ¶ added in v0.7.0
type AlterView struct { IfExists bool Name *TableName ColNames IdentifierList AsSource *Select // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AlterView) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*AlterView) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type AnalyzeStmt ¶
type AnalyzeStmt struct { Table *TableName Cols IdentifierList // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Use statement
func NewAnalyzeStmt ¶
func NewAnalyzeStmt(tbl *TableName, cols IdentifierList) *AnalyzeStmt
func (*AnalyzeStmt) Format ¶
func (node *AnalyzeStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*AnalyzeStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *AnalyzeStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*AnalyzeStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *AnalyzeStmt) GetStatementType() string
type AndExpr ¶
type AndExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
// contains filtered or unexported fields
and expression
func NewAndExpr ¶
type Assignment ¶
type Assignment struct { Column Identifier Expr Expr }
type AttributeAutoIncrement ¶
type AttributeAutoIncrement struct { IsAutoIncrement bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeAutoIncrement ¶
func NewAttributeAutoIncrement() *AttributeAutoIncrement
func (*AttributeAutoIncrement) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeAutoIncrement) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeAutoRandom ¶
type AttributeAutoRandom struct { BitLength int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeAutoRandom ¶
func NewAttributeAutoRandom(b int) *AttributeAutoRandom
type AttributeCheckConstraint ¶
type AttributeCheckConstraint struct { Name string Expr Expr Enforced bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeCheck ¶
func NewAttributeCheck(e Expr, f bool, n string) *AttributeCheckConstraint
func (*AttributeCheckConstraint) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeCheckConstraint) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeCollate ¶
type AttributeCollate struct { Collate string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeCollate ¶
func NewAttributeCollate(c string) *AttributeCollate
func (*AttributeCollate) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeCollate) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeColumnFormat ¶
type AttributeColumnFormat struct { ColumnFormat string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeColumnFormat ¶
func NewAttributeColumnFormat(f string) *AttributeColumnFormat
func (*AttributeColumnFormat) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeColumnFormat) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeComment ¶
type AttributeComment struct { CMT Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeComment ¶
func NewAttributeComment(c Expr) *AttributeComment
func (*AttributeComment) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeComment) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeDefault ¶
type AttributeDefault struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeDefault ¶
func NewAttributeDefault(e Expr) *AttributeDefault
func (*AttributeDefault) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeDefault) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeGeneratedAlways ¶
type AttributeGeneratedAlways struct { Expr Expr Stored bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeGeneratedAlways ¶
func NewAttributeGeneratedAlways(e Expr, s bool) *AttributeGeneratedAlways
func (*AttributeGeneratedAlways) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeGeneratedAlways) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeHeader ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AttributeHeader struct { Key string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeHeader ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewAttributeHeader(key string) *AttributeHeader
func (*AttributeHeader) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AttributeHeader) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeHeaders ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AttributeHeaders struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAttributeHeaders ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewAttributeHeaders() *AttributeHeaders
func (*AttributeHeaders) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AttributeHeaders) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeKey ¶
type AttributeKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAttributeKey ¶
func NewAttributeKey() *AttributeKey
func (*AttributeKey) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeKey) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeLowCardinality ¶ added in v0.6.0
type AttributeLowCardinality struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAttributeLowCardinality ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewAttributeLowCardinality() *AttributeLowCardinality
func (*AttributeLowCardinality) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AttributeLowCardinality) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeNull ¶
type AttributeNull struct { Is bool //true NULL (default); false NOT NULL // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeNull ¶
func NewAttributeNull(b bool) *AttributeNull
func (*AttributeNull) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeNull) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeOnUpdate ¶
type AttributeOnUpdate struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeOnUpdate ¶
func NewAttributeOnUpdate(e Expr) *AttributeOnUpdate
func (*AttributeOnUpdate) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *AttributeOnUpdate) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributePrimaryKey ¶
type AttributePrimaryKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAttributePrimaryKey ¶
func NewAttributePrimaryKey() *AttributePrimaryKey
func (*AttributePrimaryKey) Format ¶
func (node *AttributePrimaryKey) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeReference ¶
type AttributeReference struct { TableName *TableName KeyParts []*KeyPart Match MatchType OnDelete ReferenceOptionType OnUpdate ReferenceOptionType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeReference ¶
func NewAttributeReference(t *TableName, kps []*KeyPart, m MatchType, od ReferenceOptionType, ou ReferenceOptionType) *AttributeReference
func (*AttributeReference) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeReference) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeStorage ¶
type AttributeStorage struct { Storage string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeStorage ¶
func NewAttributeStorage(s string) *AttributeStorage
func (*AttributeStorage) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeStorage) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeUnique ¶
type AttributeUnique struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAttributeUnique ¶
func NewAttributeUnique() *AttributeUnique
func (*AttributeUnique) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeUnique) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeUniqueKey ¶
type AttributeUniqueKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewAttributeUniqueKey ¶
func NewAttributeUniqueKey() *AttributeUniqueKey
func (*AttributeUniqueKey) Format ¶
func (node *AttributeUniqueKey) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AttributeVisable ¶ added in v1.0.0
type AttributeVisable struct { Is bool //true NULL (default); false NOT NULL // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewAttributeVisable ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewAttributeVisable(b bool) *AttributeVisable
func (*AttributeVisable) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *AttributeVisable) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type AuthRecord ¶
type BackupStart ¶ added in v1.0.0
type BackupStart struct { Timestamp string IsS3 bool Dir string //s3 option Option []string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*BackupStart) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *BackupStart) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*BackupStart) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *BackupStart) GetQueryType() string
func (*BackupStart) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *BackupStart) GetStatementType() string
type BeginCompound ¶ added in v0.8.0
type BeginCompound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Begin statement
func (*BeginCompound) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *BeginCompound) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*BeginCompound) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *BeginCompound) GetQueryType() string
func (*BeginCompound) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *BeginCompound) GetStatementType() string
type BeginTransaction ¶
type BeginTransaction struct { Modes TransactionModes // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Begin statement
func NewBeginTransaction ¶
func NewBeginTransaction(m TransactionModes) *BeginTransaction
func (*BeginTransaction) Format ¶
func (node *BeginTransaction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*BeginTransaction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *BeginTransaction) GetQueryType() string
func (*BeginTransaction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *BeginTransaction) GetStatementType() string
type BinaryExpr ¶
type BinaryExpr struct { //operator Op BinaryOp //left expression Left Expr //right expression Right Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
binary expression
func NewBinaryExpr ¶
func NewBinaryExpr(op BinaryOp, left Expr, right Expr) *BinaryExpr
func (*BinaryExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *BinaryExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*BinaryExpr) Format ¶
func (node *BinaryExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type BitCastExpr ¶ added in v1.0.0
type BitCastExpr struct { Expr Expr Type ResolvableTypeReference // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewBitCastExpr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewBitCastExpr(e Expr, t ResolvableTypeReference) *BitCastExpr
func (*BitCastExpr) Accept ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *BitCastExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*BitCastExpr) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *BitCastExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CTE ¶
type CTE struct { Name *AliasClause Stmt Statement }
type CallStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CallStmt struct { Name *ProcedureName Args Exprs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CallStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*CallStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CaseExpr ¶
type CaseExpr struct { Expr Expr Whens []*When Else Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Case-When expression.
type CaseStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CaseStmt struct { Expr Expr Whens []*WhenStmt Else []Statement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CaseStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*CaseStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CastExpr ¶
type CastExpr struct { Expr Expr Type ResolvableTypeReference // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the Cast expression
func NewCastExpr ¶
func NewCastExpr(e Expr, t ResolvableTypeReference) *CastExpr
type CheckIndex ¶
func NewCheckIndex ¶
func NewCheckIndex(e Expr, en bool) *CheckIndex
func (*CheckIndex) Format ¶
func (node *CheckIndex) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ClusterByOption ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ClusterByOption struct {
ColumnList []*UnresolvedName
type ColumnItem ¶
type ColumnItem struct { IdentifierName //the name of the column ColumnName Identifier }
type ColumnPosition ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ColumnPosition struct { NodeFormatter // Tp is either ColumnPositionNone, ColumnPositionFirst or ColumnPositionAfter. Typ ColumnPositionType // RelativeColumn is the column the newly added column after if type is ColumnPositionAfter RelativeColumn *UnresolvedName }
ColumnPosition represent the position of the newly added column
func (*ColumnPosition) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *ColumnPosition) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ColumnPositionType ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ColumnPositionType int
ColumnPositionType is the type for ColumnPosition.
const ( ColumnPositionNone ColumnPositionType = -1 ColumnPositionFirst ColumnPositionType = 0 ColumnPositionAfter ColumnPositionType = 1 )
ColumnPosition Types Do not change the value of a constant, as there are external dependencies
type ColumnTableDef ¶
type ColumnTableDef struct { Name *UnresolvedName Type ResolvableTypeReference Attributes []ColumnAttribute // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewColumnTableDef ¶
func NewColumnTableDef(n *UnresolvedName, t ResolvableTypeReference, a []ColumnAttribute) *ColumnTableDef
func (*ColumnTableDef) Format ¶
func (node *ColumnTableDef) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CommitTransaction ¶
type CommitTransaction struct { Type CompletionType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Commit statement
func NewCommitTransaction ¶
func NewCommitTransaction(t CompletionType) *CommitTransaction
func (*CommitTransaction) Format ¶
func (node *CommitTransaction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CommitTransaction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CommitTransaction) GetQueryType() string
func (*CommitTransaction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CommitTransaction) GetStatementType() string
type ComparisonExpr ¶
type ComparisonExpr struct { Op ComparisonOp //ANY SOME ALL with subquery SubOp ComparisonOp Left Expr Right Expr Escape Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewComparisonExpr ¶
func NewComparisonExpr(op ComparisonOp, l, r Expr) *ComparisonExpr
func NewComparisonExprWithEscape ¶
func NewComparisonExprWithEscape(op ComparisonOp, l, r, e Expr) *ComparisonExpr
func NewComparisonExprWithSubop ¶
func NewComparisonExprWithSubop(op, subop ComparisonOp, l, r Expr) *ComparisonExpr
func NewSubqueryComparisonExpr ¶ added in v0.5.0
func NewSubqueryComparisonExpr(op ComparisonOp, subOp ComparisonOp, l, r Expr) *ComparisonExpr
func (*ComparisonExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ComparisonExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*ComparisonExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ComparisonExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ComparisonOp ¶
type ComparisonOp int
comparion operation
const ( EQUAL ComparisonOp = iota // = LESS_THAN // < LESS_THAN_EQUAL // <= GREAT_THAN // > GREAT_THAN_EQUAL // >= NOT_EQUAL // <>, != IN // IN NOT_IN // NOT IN LIKE // LIKE NOT_LIKE // NOT LIKE ILIKE NOT_ILIKE REG_MATCH // REG_MATCH NOT_REG_MATCH // NOT REG_MATCH IS_DISTINCT_FROM IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM NULL_SAFE_EQUAL // <=> //reference: //subquery with ANY,SOME,ALL //operand comparison_operator [ANY | SOME | ALL] (subquery) ANY SOME ALL )
func (ComparisonOp) ToString ¶
func (op ComparisonOp) ToString() string
type CompletionType ¶
type CompletionType int
type CompoundStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CompoundStmt struct { Stmts []Statement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCompoundStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewCompoundStmt(s []Statement) *CompoundStmt
func (*CompoundStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CompoundStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CompoundStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CompoundStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*CompoundStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CompoundStmt) GetStatementType() string
type Constant ¶
type Constant interface { Expr }
the AST for literals like string,numeric,bool and etc.
type CreateAccount ¶ added in v0.6.0
type CreateAccount struct { IfNotExists bool Name string AuthOption AccountAuthOption //status_option or not StatusOption AccountStatus //comment or not Comment AccountComment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateAccount) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (ca *CreateAccount) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateAccount) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (ca *CreateAccount) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateAccount) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (ca *CreateAccount) GetStatementType() string
type CreateDatabase ¶
type CreateDatabase struct { IfNotExists bool Name Identifier CreateOptions []CreateOption SubscriptionOption *SubscriptionOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateDatabase ¶
func NewCreateDatabase(ine bool, name Identifier, opts []CreateOption) *CreateDatabase
func (*CreateDatabase) Format ¶
func (node *CreateDatabase) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateDatabase) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateDatabase) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateDatabase) GetStatementType() string
type CreateExtension ¶ added in v0.7.0
type CreateExtension struct { Language string Name Identifier Filename Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateExtension) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateExtension) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CreateFunction ¶ added in v0.7.0
type CreateFunction struct { Name *FunctionName Args FunctionArgs ReturnType *ReturnType Body string Language string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateFunction) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateFunction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateFunction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateFunction) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateFunction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateFunction) GetStatementType() string
type CreateIndex ¶
type CreateIndex struct { Name Identifier Table TableName IndexCat IndexCategory IfNotExists bool KeyParts []*KeyPart IndexOption *IndexOption MiscOption []MiscOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateIndex ¶
func NewCreateIndex(n Identifier, t TableName, ife bool, it IndexCategory, k []*KeyPart, i *IndexOption, m []MiscOption) *CreateIndex
func (*CreateIndex) Format ¶
func (node *CreateIndex) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateIndex) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateIndex) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateIndex) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateIndex) GetStatementType() string
type CreateOption ¶
type CreateOption interface { NodeFormatter }
type CreateOptionCharset ¶
type CreateOptionCharset struct { IsDefault bool Charset string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateOptionCharset ¶
func NewCreateOptionCharset(c string) *CreateOptionCharset
func (*CreateOptionCharset) Format ¶
func (node *CreateOptionCharset) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CreateOptionCollate ¶
type CreateOptionCollate struct { IsDefault bool Collate string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateOptionCollate ¶
func NewCreateOptionCollate(c string) *CreateOptionCollate
func (*CreateOptionCollate) Format ¶
func (node *CreateOptionCollate) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CreateOptionDefault ¶
type CreateOptionDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type CreateOptionEncryption ¶
type CreateOptionEncryption struct { Encrypt string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateOptionEncryption ¶
func NewCreateOptionEncryption(e string) *CreateOptionEncryption
func (*CreateOptionEncryption) Format ¶
func (node *CreateOptionEncryption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CreateProcedure ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateProcedure struct { Name *ProcedureName Args ProcedureArgs Body string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateProcedure) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreateProcedure) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateProcedure) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreateProcedure) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateProcedure) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreateProcedure) GetStatementType() string
type CreatePublication ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreatePublication struct { IfNotExists bool Name Identifier Database Identifier AccountsSet *AccountsSetOption Comment string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreatePublication) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreatePublication) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreatePublication) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreatePublication) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreatePublication) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreatePublication) GetStatementType() string
type CreateRole ¶
func NewCreateRole ¶
func NewCreateRole(ife bool, r []*Role) *CreateRole
func (*CreateRole) Format ¶
func (node *CreateRole) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateRole) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateRole) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateRole) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateRole) GetStatementType() string
type CreateSequence ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateSequence struct { Name *TableName Type ResolvableTypeReference IfNotExists bool IncrementBy *IncrementByOption MinValue *MinValueOption MaxValue *MaxValueOption StartWith *StartWithOption Cycle bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateSequence) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreateSequence) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateSequence) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreateSequence) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateSequence) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *CreateSequence) GetStatementType() string
type CreateStage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateStage struct { IfNotExists bool Name Identifier Url string Credentials StageCredentials Status StageStatus Comment StageComment // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateStage) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStage) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateStage) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStage) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateStage) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStage) GetStatementType() string
type CreateStream ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateStream struct { Replace bool Source bool IfNotExists bool StreamName *TableName Defs TableDefs ColNames IdentifierList AsSource *Select Options []TableOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateStream) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStream) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateStream) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStream) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateStream) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStream) GetStatementType() string
type CreateStreamWithOption ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CreateStreamWithOption struct { Key Identifier Val Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateStreamWithOption) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CreateStreamWithOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type CreateTable ¶
type CreateTable struct { /* it is impossible to be the temporary table, the cluster table, the normal table and the external table at the same time. */ Temporary bool IsClusterTable bool IfNotExists bool Table TableName Defs TableDefs Options []TableOption PartitionOption *PartitionOption ClusterByOption *ClusterByOption Param *ExternParam // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateTable) Format ¶
func (node *CreateTable) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateTable) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateTable) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateTable) GetStatementType() string
type CreateUser ¶
type CreateUser struct { IfNotExists bool Users []*User Role *Role MiscOpt UserMiscOption // comment or attribute CommentOrAttribute AccountCommentOrAttribute // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCreateUser ¶
func NewCreateUser(ife bool, u []*User, r *Role, misc UserMiscOption) *CreateUser
func (*CreateUser) Format ¶
func (node *CreateUser) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateUser) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateUser) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateUser) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateUser) GetStatementType() string
type CreateView ¶ added in v0.5.0
type CreateView struct { Replace bool Name *TableName ColNames IdentifierList AsSource *Select IfNotExists bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CreateView) Format ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (node *CreateView) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*CreateView) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateView) GetQueryType() string
func (*CreateView) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *CreateView) GetStatementType() string
type CycleOption ¶ added in v1.0.0
type CycleOption struct {
Cycle bool
func (*CycleOption) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *CycleOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Deallocate ¶ added in v0.5.1
type Deallocate struct { Statement IsDrop bool Name Identifier }
func NewDeallocate ¶ added in v0.5.1
func NewDeallocate(name Identifier, isDrop bool) *Deallocate
func (*Deallocate) Format ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (node *Deallocate) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*Deallocate) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *Deallocate) GetQueryType() string
func (*Deallocate) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *Deallocate) GetStatementType() string
type Declare ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Declare struct { Variables []string ColumnType *T DefaultVal Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Declare statement
func (*Declare) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Declare) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DefaultVal ¶
type DefaultVal struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the DEFAULT expression.
func NewDefaultVal ¶
func NewDefaultVal(e Expr) *DefaultVal
func (*DefaultVal) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DefaultVal) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*DefaultVal) Format ¶
func (node *DefaultVal) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Delete ¶
type Delete struct { Tables TableExprs TableRefs TableExprs PartitionNames IdentifierList Where *Where OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit With *With // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Delete statement
func (*Delete) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Delete) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Do ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Do struct { Exprs []Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Do statement
func (*Do) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Do) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DropAccount ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (*DropAccount) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *DropAccount) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*DropAccount) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropAccount) GetQueryType() string
func (*DropAccount) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropAccount) GetStatementType() string
type DropDatabase ¶
type DropDatabase struct { Name Identifier IfExists bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DROP Database statement
func NewDropDatabase ¶
func NewDropDatabase(n Identifier, i bool) *DropDatabase
func (*DropDatabase) Format ¶
func (node *DropDatabase) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*DropDatabase) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropDatabase) GetQueryType() string
func (*DropDatabase) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropDatabase) GetStatementType() string
type DropFunction ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DropFunction struct { Name *FunctionName Args FunctionArgs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropFunction) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropFunction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*DropFunction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropFunction) GetQueryType() string
func (*DropFunction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *DropFunction) GetStatementType() string
type DropIndex ¶
type DropIndex struct { Name Identifier TableName TableName IfExists bool MiscOption []MiscOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDropIndex ¶
func NewDropIndex(i Identifier, t TableName, ife bool, m []MiscOption) *DropIndex
func (*DropIndex) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*DropIndex) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DropProcedure ¶ added in v0.8.0
type DropProcedure struct { Name *ProcedureName IfExists bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropProcedure) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropProcedure) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*DropProcedure) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropProcedure) GetQueryType() string
func (*DropProcedure) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropProcedure) GetStatementType() string
type DropPublication ¶ added in v0.8.0
type DropPublication struct { Name Identifier IfExists bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropPublication) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropPublication) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*DropPublication) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropPublication) GetQueryType() string
func (*DropPublication) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropPublication) GetStatementType() string
type DropRole ¶
func NewDropRole ¶
func (*DropRole) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*DropRole) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DropSequence ¶ added in v0.8.0
type DropSequence struct { IfExists bool Names TableNames // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropSequence) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropSequence) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*DropSequence) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropSequence) GetQueryType() string
func (*DropSequence) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *DropSequence) GetStatementType() string
type DropStage ¶ added in v1.0.0
type DropStage struct { IfNotExists bool Name Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DropStage) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*DropStage) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
type DropTable ¶
type DropTable struct { IfExists bool Names TableNames // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DROP Table statement
func NewDropTable ¶
func NewDropTable(i bool, n TableNames) *DropTable
func (*DropTable) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*DropTable) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DropUser ¶
func NewDropUser ¶
func (*DropUser) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*DropUser) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DropView ¶ added in v0.6.0
type DropView struct { IfExists bool Names TableNames // contains filtered or unexported fields }
DropView DROP View statement
func NewDropView ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewDropView(i bool, n TableNames) *DropView
func (*DropView) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*DropView) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type DuplicateKey ¶
type DuplicateKey interface{}
type DuplicateKeyError ¶
type DuplicateKeyError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDuplicateKeyError ¶
func NewDuplicateKeyError() *DuplicateKeyError
type DuplicateKeyIgnore ¶
type DuplicateKeyIgnore struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDuplicateKeyIgnore ¶
func NewDuplicateKeyIgnore() *DuplicateKeyIgnore
type DuplicateKeyReplace ¶
type DuplicateKeyReplace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewDuplicateKeyReplace ¶
func NewDuplicateKeyReplace() *DuplicateKeyReplace
type ElseIfStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*ElseIfStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ElseIfStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ElseIfStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ElseIfStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*ElseIfStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ElseIfStmt) GetStatementType() string
type EmptyStmt ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EmptyStmt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (EmptyStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (EmptyStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
type EndCompound ¶ added in v0.8.0
type EndCompound struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*EndCompound) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *EndCompound) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*EndCompound) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *EndCompound) GetQueryType() string
func (*EndCompound) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *EndCompound) GetStatementType() string
type ExParam ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ExParam struct { JsonData string FileService fileservice.FileService NullMap map[string]([]string) S3Param *S3Parameter Ctx context.Context LoadFile bool Local bool QueryResult bool SysTable bool Parallel bool }
type ExParamConst ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Execute ¶ added in v0.5.1
type Execute struct { Statement Name Identifier Variables []*VarExpr }
func NewExecute ¶ added in v0.5.1
func NewExecute(name Identifier) *Execute
func NewExecuteWithVariables ¶ added in v0.5.1
func NewExecuteWithVariables(name Identifier, variables []*VarExpr) *Execute
func (*Execute) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Execute) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ExplainAnalyze ¶
type ExplainAnalyze struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewExplainAnalyze ¶
func NewExplainAnalyze(stmt Statement, f string) *ExplainAnalyze
func (*ExplainAnalyze) Format ¶
func (node *ExplainAnalyze) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ExplainAnalyze) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ExplainAnalyze) GetQueryType() string
func (*ExplainAnalyze) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ExplainAnalyze) GetStatementType() string
type ExplainFor ¶
type ExplainFor struct { ID uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewExplainFor ¶
func NewExplainFor(f string, id uint64) *ExplainFor
func (*ExplainFor) Format ¶
func (node *ExplainFor) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ExplainFor) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ExplainFor) GetQueryType() string
func (*ExplainFor) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ExplainFor) GetStatementType() string
type ExplainStmt ¶
type ExplainStmt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
EXPLAIN stmt statement
func NewExplainStmt ¶
func NewExplainStmt(stmt Statement, f string) *ExplainStmt
func (*ExplainStmt) Format ¶
func (node *ExplainStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ExplainStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ExplainStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*ExplainStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ExplainStmt) GetStatementType() string
type ExportParam ¶
type ExportParam struct { // outfile flag Outfile bool // query id QueryId string // filename path FilePath string // Fields Fields *Fields // Lines Lines *Lines // fileSize MaxFileSize uint64 // header flag Header bool ForceQuote []string // stage filename path StageFilePath string }
func (*ExportParam) Format ¶
func (ep *ExportParam) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ExprList ¶
type ExprList struct { Exprs Exprs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ast fir the list of expression
type ExternParam ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ExternParam struct { // params which come from parser ExParamConst // params which come from internal construct ExParam }
type FmtCtx ¶
FmtCtx contains formatted text of the node.
func NewFmtCtx ¶
func NewFmtCtx(dialectType dialect.DialectType, opts ...FmtCtxOption) *FmtCtx
func (*FmtCtx) WriteStringQuote ¶ added in v0.7.0
type FmtCtxOption ¶ added in v0.6.0
type FmtCtxOption func(*FmtCtx)
func WithQuoteString ¶ added in v0.6.0
func WithQuoteString(quote bool) FmtCtxOption
func WithSingleQuoteString ¶ added in v0.6.0
func WithSingleQuoteString() FmtCtxOption
func (FmtCtxOption) Apply ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (f FmtCtxOption) Apply(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ForeignKey ¶
type ForeignKey struct { IfNotExists bool KeyParts []*KeyPart Name string ConstraintSymbol string Refer *AttributeReference Empty bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewForeignKey ¶
func NewForeignKey(ine bool, k []*KeyPart, n string, r *AttributeReference, e bool) *ForeignKey
func (*ForeignKey) Format ¶
func (node *ForeignKey) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type FrameBound ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*FrameBound) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *FrameBound) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type FrameClause ¶ added in v0.8.0
type FrameClause struct { Type FrameType HasEnd bool Start *FrameBound End *FrameBound }
func (*FrameClause) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *FrameClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type From ¶
type From struct {
Tables TableExprs
the FROM clause.
func NewFrom ¶
func NewFrom(t TableExprs) *From
type FullTextIndex ¶
type FullTextIndex struct { KeyParts []*KeyPart Name string Empty bool IndexOption *IndexOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewFullTextIndex ¶
func NewFullTextIndex(k []*KeyPart, n string, e bool, io *IndexOption) *FullTextIndex
func (*FullTextIndex) Format ¶
func (node *FullTextIndex) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type FuncExpr ¶
type FuncExpr struct { Func ResolvableFunctionReference Type FuncType Exprs Exprs //specify the type of aggregation. AggType AggType WindowSpec *WindowSpec OrderBy OrderBy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
function call expression
type FunctionArg ¶ added in v0.7.0
type FunctionArgDecl ¶ added in v0.7.0
type FunctionArgDecl struct { FunctionArgImpl Name *UnresolvedName Type ResolvableTypeReference DefaultVal Expr }
func NewFunctionArgDecl ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewFunctionArgDecl(n *UnresolvedName, t ResolvableTypeReference, d Expr) *FunctionArgDecl
func (*FunctionArgDecl) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *FunctionArgDecl) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*FunctionArgDecl) GetName ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *FunctionArgDecl) GetName(ctx *FmtCtx) string
func (*FunctionArgDecl) GetType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *FunctionArgDecl) GetType(ctx *FmtCtx) string
type FunctionArgImpl ¶ added in v0.7.0
type FunctionArgImpl struct {
type FunctionArgs ¶ added in v0.7.0
type FunctionArgs []FunctionArg
container holding list of arguments in udf
type FunctionName ¶ added in v0.7.0
type FunctionName struct {
Name objName
func NewFuncName ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewFuncName(name Identifier, prefix ObjectNamePrefix) *FunctionName
func (*FunctionName) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *FunctionName) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*FunctionName) HasNoNameQualifier ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *FunctionName) HasNoNameQualifier() bool
type FunctionReference ¶
type FunctionReference interface { fmt.Stringer NodeFormatter }
the common interface to UnresolvedName and QualifiedFunctionName.
type GeoMetadata ¶
type GeoMetadata struct { }
type Grant ¶
type Grant struct { Typ GrantType GrantPrivilege GrantPrivilege GrantRole GrantRole GrantProxy GrantProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Grant) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Grant) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type GrantPrivilege ¶ added in v0.6.0
type GrantPrivilege struct { Privileges []*Privilege //grant privileges ObjType ObjectType //grant privileges Level *PrivilegeLevel Roles []*Role GrantOption bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GrantPrivilege) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *GrantPrivilege) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*GrantPrivilege) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *GrantPrivilege) GetQueryType() string
func (*GrantPrivilege) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *GrantPrivilege) GetStatementType() string
type GrantProxy ¶ added in v0.6.0
type GrantProxy struct { ProxyUser *User Users []*User GrantOption bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GrantProxy) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *GrantProxy) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*GrantProxy) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *GrantProxy) GetQueryType() string
func (*GrantProxy) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *GrantProxy) GetStatementType() string
type GrantRole ¶ added in v0.6.0
type GrantRole struct { Roles []*Role Users []*User GrantOption bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*GrantRole) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*GrantRole) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type HashType ¶
func NewHashType ¶
type Identifier ¶
type Identifier string
sql indentifier
func (*Identifier) Format ¶
func (node *Identifier) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IdentifierList ¶
type IdentifierList []Identifier
the list of identifiers.
func (*IdentifierList) Format ¶
func (node *IdentifierList) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IdentifierName ¶
type IdentifierName interface { Expr }
IdentifierName is referenced in the expression
type IfStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type IfStmt struct { Cond Expr Body []Statement Elifs []*ElseIfStmt Else []Statement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IfStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*IfStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type InOutArgType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type InOutArgType int
const ( TYPE_IN InOutArgType = iota TYPE_OUT TYPE_INOUT )
type IncrementByOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*IncrementByOption) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IncrementByOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Index ¶
type Index struct { IfNotExists bool KeyParts []*KeyPart Name string KeyType IndexType IndexOption *IndexOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type IndexCategory ¶
type IndexCategory int
func (IndexCategory) ToString ¶
func (ic IndexCategory) ToString() string
type IndexHint ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IndexHint struct { IndexNames []string HintType IndexHintType HintScope IndexHintScope }
type IndexHintScope ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IndexHintScope int
const ( HintForScan IndexHintScope = iota + 1 HintForJoin HintForOrderBy HintForGroupBy )
Index hint scopes.
type IndexHintType ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IndexHintType int
const ( HintUse IndexHintType = iota + 1 HintIgnore HintForce )
type IndexOption ¶
type IndexOption struct { NodeFormatter KeyBlockSize uint64 IType IndexType ParserName string Comment string Visible VisibleType EngineAttribute string SecondaryEngineAttribute string }
func NewIndexOption ¶
func NewIndexOption(k uint64, i IndexType, p string, c string, v VisibleType, e string, se string) *IndexOption
func (*IndexOption) Format ¶
func (node *IndexOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
Must follow the following sequence when test
type Insert ¶
type Insert struct { Table TableExpr Accounts IdentifierList PartitionNames IdentifierList Columns IdentifierList Rows *Select OnDuplicateUpdate UpdateExprs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the INSERT statement.
func NewInsert ¶
func NewInsert(t TableExpr, c IdentifierList, r *Select, p IdentifierList) *Insert
func (*Insert) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Insert) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type InternalType ¶
type InternalType struct { //the group of types that are compatible with each other Family Family FamilyString string /* From: For integer data types, M indicates the maximum display width. The maximum display width is 255. Display width is unrelated to the range of values a type can store. For floating-point and fixed-point data types, M is the total number of digits that can be stored. M is the total number of digits (the width) and D is the number of digits after the decimal point (the scale). */ //the size or scale of the data type, such as number of bits or characters. Width int32 /* From: display width */ DisplayWith int32 //the accuracy of the data type. Scale int32 //Unsigned or not Unsigned bool //binary or not Binary bool Zerofill bool Locale *string //The slice containing the type of each tuple field. TupleContents []*T //the slice containing the labels of each tuple field. TupleLabels []string //type id Oid uint32 EnumValues []string //the type of array elements. ArrayContents *T //indicates whether the precision was explicitly set. //From //In mysql 8.0. Precision must be in the range 0 to 6. //A value of 0 signifies that there is no fractional part. //If omitted, the default precision is 0. (This differs from the standard SQL default of 6, for compatibility with previous MySQL versions.) // if Precision > 0, the precision // if TimePrecisionIsSet = true and precision = 0, then the precision = 0 // if TimePrecisionIsSet = false and precision = 0, then the precision has not been indicated, // so the default value is 0. TimePrecisionIsSet bool //interval type IntervalDurationField *IntervalDurationField //geospatial types. GeoMetadata *GeoMetadata //user defined types that are not arrays. UDTMetadata *PersistentUserDefinedTypeMetadata }
for sql type
func (*InternalType) Format ¶
func (node *InternalType) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IntervalDurationField ¶
type IntervalDurationField struct { }
type IntervalExpr ¶
type IntervalExpr struct { Expr Expr Type IntervalType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
INTERVAL / time unit
func NewIntervalExpr ¶
func NewIntervalExpr(t IntervalType) *IntervalExpr
func (*IntervalExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IntervalExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker Accept interface.
func (*IntervalExpr) Format ¶
func (node *IntervalExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IntervalType ¶
type IntervalType int
IntervalType is the type for time and timestamp units.
const ( //an invalid time or timestamp unit INTERVAL_TYPE_INVALID IntervalType = iota //the time or timestamp unit MICROSECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_MICROSECOND //the time or timestamp unit SECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_SECOND //the time or timestamp unit MINUTE. INTERVAL_TYPE_MINUTE //the time or timestamp unit HOUR. INTERVAL_TYPE_HOUR //the time or timestamp unit DAY. INTERVAL_TYPE_DAY //the time or timestamp unit WEEK. INTERVAL_TYPE_WEEK //the time or timestamp unit MONTH. INTERVAL_TYPE_MONTH //the time or timestamp unit QUARTER. INTERVAL_TYPE_QUARTER //the time or timestamp unit YEAR. INTERVAL_TYPE_YEAR //the time unit SECOND_MICROSECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_SECOND_MICROSECOND //the time unit MINUTE_MICROSECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_MINUTE_MICROSECOND //the time unit MINUTE_SECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_MINUTE_SECOND //the time unit HOUR_MICROSECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_HOUR_MICROSECOND //the time unit HOUR_SECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_HOUR_SECOND //the time unit HOUR_MINUTE. INTERVAL_TYPE_HOUR_MINUTE //the time unit DAY_MICROSECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_DAY_MICROSECOND //the time unit DAY_SECOND. INTERVAL_TYPE_DAY_SECOND //the time unit DAY_MINUTE. INTERVAL_TYPE_DAYMINUTE //the time unit DAY_HOUR. INTERVAL_TYPE_DAYHOUR //the time unit YEAR_MONTH. INTERVAL_TYPE_YEARMONTH )
func (*IntervalType) ToString ¶
func (node *IntervalType) ToString() string
type IsFalseExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IsFalseExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is false expression
func NewIsFalseExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewIsFalseExpr(e Expr) *IsFalseExpr
func (*IsFalseExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsFalseExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsFalseExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *IsFalseExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsNotFalseExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IsNotFalseExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is not false expression
func NewIsNotFalseExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewIsNotFalseExpr(e Expr) *IsNotFalseExpr
func (*IsNotFalseExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsNotFalseExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsNotFalseExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *IsNotFalseExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsNotNullExpr ¶
type IsNotNullExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is not null expression
func NewIsNotNullExpr ¶
func NewIsNotNullExpr(e Expr) *IsNotNullExpr
func (*IsNotNullExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsNotNullExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsNotNullExpr) Format ¶
func (node *IsNotNullExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsNotTrueExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IsNotTrueExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is not true expression
func NewIsNotTrueExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewIsNotTrueExpr(e Expr) *IsNotTrueExpr
func (*IsNotTrueExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsNotTrueExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsNotTrueExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *IsNotTrueExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsNotUnknownExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IsNotUnknownExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is not unknown expression
func NewIsNotUnknownExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewIsNotUnknownExpr(e Expr) *IsNotUnknownExpr
func (*IsNotUnknownExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsNotUnknownExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsNotUnknownExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *IsNotUnknownExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsNullExpr ¶
type IsNullExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is null expression
func NewIsNullExpr ¶
func NewIsNullExpr(e Expr) *IsNullExpr
func (*IsNullExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsNullExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsNullExpr) Format ¶
func (node *IsNullExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsTrueExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IsTrueExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is true expression
func NewIsTrueExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewIsTrueExpr(e Expr) *IsTrueExpr
func (*IsTrueExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsTrueExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsTrueExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *IsTrueExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsUnknownExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
type IsUnknownExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
is unknown expression
func NewIsUnknownExpr ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewIsUnknownExpr(e Expr) *IsUnknownExpr
func (*IsUnknownExpr) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IsUnknownExpr) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker interface
func (*IsUnknownExpr) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *IsUnknownExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type IsolationLevelType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type IsolationLevelType int
func (IsolationLevelType) String ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (ilt IsolationLevelType) String() string
type IterateStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type IterateStmt struct { Name Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IterateStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IterateStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*IterateStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IterateStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*IterateStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *IterateStmt) GetStatementType() string
type JoinTableExpr ¶
type JoinTableExpr struct { TableExpr JoinType string Left TableExpr Right TableExpr Cond JoinCond }
func NewJoinTableExpr ¶
func NewJoinTableExpr(jt string, l, r TableExpr, jc JoinCond) *JoinTableExpr
func (*JoinTableExpr) Format ¶
func (node *JoinTableExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type KeyPart ¶
type KeyPart struct { ColName *UnresolvedName Length int Direction Direction // asc or desc Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewKeyPart ¶
func NewKeyPart(c *UnresolvedName, l int, e Expr) *KeyPart
type KeyType ¶
type KeyType struct { Linear bool ColumnList []*UnresolvedName Algorithm int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewKeyType ¶
func NewKeyType(l bool, c []*UnresolvedName) *KeyType
type Kill ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Kill struct { Option KillOption ConnectionId uint64 StmtOption StatementOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Kill) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Kill) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type KillOption ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (KillOption) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (ko KillOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type LeaveStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type LeaveStmt struct { Name Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LeaveStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*LeaveStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type LengthScaleOpt ¶
type ListType ¶
type ListType struct { Expr Expr ColumnList []*UnresolvedName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewListType ¶
func NewListType(e Expr, c []*UnresolvedName) *ListType
type Load ¶
type Load struct { Local bool DuplicateHandling DuplicateKey Table *TableName Accounts IdentifierList //Partition Param *ExternParam // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Load data statement
func (*Load) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Load) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type LoadColumn ¶
type LoadColumn interface { NodeFormatter }
column element in load data column list
type LoadExtension ¶ added in v0.7.0
type LoadExtension struct { Name Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LoadExtension) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *LoadExtension) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type LockDefault ¶
type LockDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LockExclusive ¶
type LockExclusive struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LockShared ¶
type LockShared struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type LockTableStmt ¶ added in v0.7.0
type LockTableStmt struct { TableLocks []TableLock // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LockTableStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *LockTableStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*LockTableStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *LockTableStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*LockTableStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *LockTableStmt) GetStatementType() string
type LoopStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type LoopStmt struct { Name Identifier Body []Statement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LoopStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*LoopStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type MaxValue ¶
type MaxValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewMaxValue ¶
func NewMaxValue() *MaxValue
type MaxValueOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*MaxValueOption) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *MaxValueOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type MinValueOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*MinValueOption) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *MinValueOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type MiscOption ¶
type MiscOption interface { NodeFormatter }
type MoDump ¶ added in v0.6.0
type MoDump struct { ExportParams *ExportParam // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MoDump) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*MoDump) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type NaturalJoinCond ¶
type NaturalJoinCond struct {
the NATURAL join condition
func NewNaturalJoinCond ¶
func NewNaturalJoinCond() *NaturalJoinCond
func (*NaturalJoinCond) Format ¶
func (node *NaturalJoinCond) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type NodeChecker ¶ added in v0.8.0
type NodeChecker interface { // The general implementation logic of the `Accept` method is: // First, call the Visitor.`Enter` method, and assign the returned `node` to the receiver of the `Accept` method, // If the returnd `skipChildren` value is true, then it is necessary to stop accessing the receiver's child node // Otherwise, recursively call the` Accept` of its children nodes, // Finally, don't forget to call the Visitor's `Exit` method Accept(v Visitor) (node Expr, ok bool) }
Visitor Design Pattern NodeChecker is abstract tree Node
type NodeFormatter ¶
type NodeFormatter interface {
Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
NodeFormatter for formatted output of the node.
type NotExpr ¶
type NotExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
not expression
func NewNotExpr ¶
type NullsPosition ¶ added in v0.6.0
type NullsPosition int8
const ( DefaultNullsPosition NullsPosition = iota NullsFirst NullsLast )
func (NullsPosition) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (np NullsPosition) String() string
type NumVal ¶
type NumVal struct { Constant Value constant.Value ValType P_TYPE // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the AST for the constant numeric value.
func NewNumValWithResFoalt ¶
func NewNumValWithResInt ¶
func NewNumValWithType ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (*NumVal) OrigString ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ObjectName ¶
type ObjectName interface { NodeFormatter }
the common interface for qualified object names
type ObjectNamePrefix ¶
type ObjectNamePrefix struct { CatalogName Identifier SchemaName Identifier //true iff the catalog was explicitly specified ExplicitCatalog bool //true iff the schema was explicitly specified ExplicitSchema bool }
the path prefix of an object name.
type ObjectType ¶
type ObjectType int
func (*ObjectType) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *ObjectType) String() string
type OnJoinCond ¶
the ON condition for join
func NewOnJoinCond ¶
func NewOnJoinCond(e Expr) *OnJoinCond
func (*OnJoinCond) Format ¶
func (node *OnJoinCond) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type OptionElem ¶ added in v0.5.0
func MakeOptionElem ¶ added in v0.5.0
func MakeOptionElem(name string, value string) OptionElem
func MakeOptions ¶ added in v0.5.0
func MakeOptions(elem OptionElem) []OptionElem
type OrExpr ¶
type OrExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
// contains filtered or unexported fields
or expression
type Order ¶
type Order struct { Expr Expr Direction Direction NullsPosition NullsPosition //without order NullOrder bool }
the ordering expression.
type ParamExpr ¶ added in v0.5.1
type ParamExpr struct { Offset int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
select a from t1 where a > ?
func NewParamExpr ¶ added in v0.5.1
type ParenExpr ¶
type ParenExpr struct { Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the parenthesized expression.
func NewParenExpr ¶
type ParenSelect ¶
type ParenSelect struct { SelectStatement Select *Select }
the parenthesized SELECT/UNION/VALUES statement.
func (*ParenSelect) Format ¶
func (node *ParenSelect) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ParenTableExpr ¶
the parenthesized TableExpr.
func NewParenTableExpr ¶
func NewParenTableExpr(e TableExpr) *ParenTableExpr
func (*ParenTableExpr) Format ¶
func (node *ParenTableExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Partition ¶
type Partition struct { Name Identifier Values Values Options []TableOption Subs []*SubPartition }
func NewPartition ¶
func NewPartition(n Identifier, v Values, o []TableOption, s []*SubPartition) *Partition
type PartitionBy ¶
type PartitionBy struct { IsSubPartition bool // for format PType PartitionType Num uint64 }
func NewPartitionBy ¶
func NewPartitionBy(pt PartitionType, n uint64) *PartitionBy
func (*PartitionBy) Format ¶
func (node *PartitionBy) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type PartitionOption ¶
type PartitionOption struct { PartBy PartitionBy SubPartBy *PartitionBy Partitions []*Partition }
func NewPartitionOption ¶
func NewPartitionOption(pb *PartitionBy, spb *PartitionBy, parts []*Partition) *PartitionOption
func (*PartitionOption) Format ¶
func (node *PartitionOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type PartitionType ¶
type PartitionType interface { NodeFormatter }
type PersistentUserDefinedTypeMetadata ¶
type PersistentUserDefinedTypeMetadata struct { }
type Precedence ¶ added in v0.5.0
type Precedence int
const ( Syntactic Precedence = iota P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 )
type PrepareStmt ¶ added in v0.5.1
type PrepareStmt struct { Name Identifier Stmt Statement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPrepareStmt ¶ added in v0.5.1
func NewPrepareStmt(name Identifier, statement Statement) *PrepareStmt
func (*PrepareStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (node *PrepareStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*PrepareStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *PrepareStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*PrepareStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *PrepareStmt) GetStatementType() string
type PrepareString ¶ added in v0.5.1
type PrepareString struct { Name Identifier Sql string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPrepareString ¶ added in v0.5.1
func NewPrepareString(name Identifier, sql string) *PrepareString
func (*PrepareString) Format ¶ added in v0.5.1
func (node *PrepareString) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*PrepareString) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *PrepareString) GetQueryType() string
func (*PrepareString) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *PrepareString) GetStatementType() string
type PrimaryKeyIndex ¶
type PrimaryKeyIndex struct { KeyParts []*KeyPart Name string ConstraintSymbol string Empty bool IndexOption *IndexOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPrimaryKeyIndex ¶
func NewPrimaryKeyIndex(k []*KeyPart, n string, e bool, io *IndexOption) *PrimaryKeyIndex
func (*PrimaryKeyIndex) Format ¶
func (node *PrimaryKeyIndex) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Privilege ¶
type Privilege struct { NodeFormatter Type PrivilegeType ColumnList []*UnresolvedName }
func NewPrivilege ¶
func NewPrivilege(t PrivilegeType, c []*UnresolvedName) *Privilege
type PrivilegeLevel ¶
type PrivilegeLevel struct { NodeFormatter Level PrivilegeLevelType DbName string TabName string RoutineName string }
func NewPrivilegeLevel ¶
func NewPrivilegeLevel(l PrivilegeLevelType, d, t, r string) *PrivilegeLevel
func (*PrivilegeLevel) Format ¶
func (node *PrivilegeLevel) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*PrivilegeLevel) String ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *PrivilegeLevel) String() string
type PrivilegeLevelType ¶
type PrivilegeLevelType int
type PrivilegeType ¶
type PrivilegeType int
const ( PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALL PrivilegeType = iota //Grant all privileges at specified access level except GRANT OPTION and PROXY. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_ACCOUNT PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP_ACCOUNT PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER_ACCOUNT PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_USER //Enable use of CREATE USER, DROP USER, RENAME USER, and REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP_USER PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER_USER PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_ROLE //Enable role creation. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP_ROLE //Enable roles to be dropped. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER_ROLE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_DATABASE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP_DATABASE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_SHOW_DATABASES //Enable SHOW DATABASES to show all databases. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CONNECT PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_MANAGE_GRANTS PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_OWNERSHIP PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_SHOW_TABLES PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_TABLE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP_TABLE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP_VIEW PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER_TABLE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER_VIEW PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_SELECT //Enable use of SELECT. Levels: Global, database, table, column. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_INSERT //Enable use of INSERT. Levels: Global, database, table, column. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_TRUNCATE //Enable use of REPLACE. Levels: Global, database, table, column. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_UPDATE //Enable use of UPDATE. Levels: Global, database, table, column. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DELETE //Enable use of DELETE. Level: Global, database, table. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_REFERENCES //Enable foreign key creation. Levels: Global, database, table, column. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_REFERENCE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_INDEX //Enable indexes to be created or dropped. Levels: Global, database, table. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_EXECUTE //Enable the user to execute stored routines. Levels: Global, database, routine. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_VALUES //Enable use of VALUES. Levels: Global, database, table. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_DROP PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_ALTER_ROUTINE //Enable stored routines to be altered or dropped. Levels: Global, database, routine. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_ROUTINE //Enable stored routine creation. Levels: Global, database. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_TABLESPACE //Enable tablespaces and log file groups to be created, altered, or dropped. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_TEMPORARY_TABLES //Enable use of CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE. Levels: Global, database. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_CREATE_VIEW //Enable views to be created or altered. Levels: Global, database, table. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_EVENT //Enable use of events for the Event Scheduler. Levels: Global, database. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_FILE //Enable the user to cause the server to read or write files. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_GRANT_OPTION //Enable privileges to be granted to or removed from other accounts. Levels: Global, database, table, routine, proxy. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_LOCK_TABLES //Enable use of LOCK TABLES on tables for which you have the SELECT privilege. Levels: Global, database. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_PROCESS //Enable the user to see all processes with SHOW PROCESSLIST. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_PROXY //Enable user proxying. Level: From user to user. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_RELOAD //Enable use of FLUSH operations. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_REPLICATION_CLIENT //Enable the user to ask where source or replica servers are. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_REPLICATION_SLAVE //Enable replicas to read binary log events from the source. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_SHOW_VIEW //Enable use of SHOW CREATE VIEW. Levels: Global, database, table. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_SHUTDOWN //Enable use of mysqladmin shutdown. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_SUPER //Enable use of other administrative operations such as CHANGE REPLICATION SOURCE TO, CHANGE MASTER TO, KILL, PURGE BINARY LOGS, SET GLOBAL, and mysqladmin debug command. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_TRIGGER //Enable trigger operations. Levels: Global, database, table. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_STATIC_USAGE //Synonym for “no privileges” PRIVILEGE_TYPE_ PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_APPLICATION_PASSWORD_ADMIN //Enable dual password administration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_AUDIT_ADMIN //Enable audit log configuration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_BACKUP_ADMIN //Enable backup administration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_BINLOG_ADMIN //Enable binary log control. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_BINLOG_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN //Enable activation and deactivation of binary log encryption. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CLONE_ADMIN //Enable clone administration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONNECTION_ADMIN //Enable connection limit/restriction control. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_ENCRYPTION_KEY_ADMIN //Enable InnoDB key rotation. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FIREWALL_ADMIN //Enable firewall rule administration, any user. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FIREWALL_EXEMPT //Exempt user from firewall restrictions. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FIREWALL_USER //Enable firewall rule administration, self. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FLUSH_OPTIMIZER_COSTS //Enable optimizer cost reloading. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FLUSH_STATUS //Enable status indicator flushing. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FLUSH_TABLES //Enable table flushing. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_FLUSH_USER_RESOURCES //Enable user-resource flushing. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_GROUP_REPLICATION_ADMIN //Enable Group Replication control. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_INNODB_REDO_LOG_Enable //Enable or disable redo logging. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_INNODB_REDO_LOG_ARCHIVE //Enable redo log archiving administration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_NDB_STORED_USER //Enable sharing of user or role between SQL nodes (NDB Cluster). Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_PERSIST_RO_VARIABLES_ADMIN //Enable persisting read-only system variables. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_REPLICATION_APPLIER //Act as the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER for a replication channel. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_REPLICATION_SLAVE_ADMIN //Enable regular replication control. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_RESOURCE_GROUP_ADMIN //Enable resource group administration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_RESOURCE_GROUP_USER //Enable resource group administration. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_ROLE_ADMIN //Enable roles to be granted or revoked, use of WITH ADMIN OPTION. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SESSION_VARIABLES_ADMIN //Enable setting restricted session system variables. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SET_USER_ID //Enable setting non-self DEFINER values. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SHOW_ROUTINE //Enable access to stored routine definitions. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SYSTEM_USER //Designate account as system account. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_SYSTEM_VARIABLES_ADMIN //Enable modifying or persisting global system variables. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_TABLE_ENCRYPTION_ADMIN //Enable overriding default encryption settings. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_VERSION_TOKEN_ADMIN //Enable use of Version Tokens functions. Level: Global. PRIVILEGE_TYPE_DYNAMIC_XA_RECOVER_ADMIN //Enable XA RECOVER execution. Level: Global. )
func (*PrivilegeType) ToString ¶
func (node *PrivilegeType) ToString() string
type ProcedureArg ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureArg interface { NodeFormatter GetName(ctx *FmtCtx) string GetType() int }
type ProcedureArgDecl ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureArgDecl struct { ProcedureArgImpl Name *UnresolvedName Type ResolvableTypeReference InOutType InOutArgType }
func NewProcedureArgDecl ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewProcedureArgDecl(f InOutArgType, n *UnresolvedName, t ResolvableTypeReference) *ProcedureArgDecl
func (*ProcedureArgDecl) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ProcedureArgDecl) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ProcedureArgDecl) GetName ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ProcedureArgDecl) GetName(ctx *FmtCtx) string
func (*ProcedureArgDecl) GetType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ProcedureArgDecl) GetType() int
type ProcedureArgForMarshal ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureArgForMarshal struct { Name *UnresolvedName Type ResolvableTypeReference InOutType InOutArgType }
type ProcedureArgImpl ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureArgImpl struct {
type ProcedureArgType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureArgType struct {
Type InOutArgType
type ProcedureArgs ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureArgs []ProcedureArg
container holding list of arguments in udf
type ProcedureName ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ProcedureName struct {
Name objName
func NewProcedureName ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewProcedureName(name Identifier, prefix ObjectNamePrefix) *ProcedureName
func (*ProcedureName) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ProcedureName) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ProcedureName) HasNoNameQualifier ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ProcedureName) HasNoNameQualifier() bool
type RangeCond ¶
type RangeCond struct { Not bool Left Expr From, To Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the BETWEEN or a NOT BETWEEN expression
func NewRangeCond ¶
type RangeType ¶
type RangeType struct { Expr Expr ColumnList []*UnresolvedName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRangeType ¶
func NewRangeType(e Expr, c []*UnresolvedName) *RangeType
type ReadWriteMode ¶
type ReadWriteMode int
the read and write mode for a transaction.
type ReferenceOnRecord ¶
type ReferenceOnRecord struct { OnDelete ReferenceOptionType OnUpdate ReferenceOptionType }
type ReferenceOptionType ¶
type ReferenceOptionType int
Reference option
func (*ReferenceOptionType) ToString ¶
func (node *ReferenceOptionType) ToString() string
type RepeatStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type RepeatStmt struct { Name Identifier Body []Statement Cond Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RepeatStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *RepeatStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*RepeatStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *RepeatStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*RepeatStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *RepeatStmt) GetStatementType() string
type Replace ¶ added in v0.6.0
type Replace struct { Table TableExpr PartitionNames IdentifierList Columns IdentifierList Rows *Select // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the REPLACE statement.
func NewReplace ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewReplace(t TableExpr, c IdentifierList, r *Select, p IdentifierList) *Replace
func (*Replace) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Replace) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Reset ¶ added in v0.7.0
type Reset struct { Statement Name Identifier }
func NewReset ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewReset(name Identifier) *Reset
func (*Reset) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Reset) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ResolvableFunctionReference ¶
type ResolvableFunctionReference struct {
function reference
func FuncName2ResolvableFunctionReference ¶
func FuncName2ResolvableFunctionReference(funcName *UnresolvedName) ResolvableFunctionReference
func (*ResolvableFunctionReference) Format ¶
func (node *ResolvableFunctionReference) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ResourceOption ¶
type ResourceOption interface { NodeFormatter }
type ResourceOptionMaxConnectionPerHour ¶
type ResourceOptionMaxConnectionPerHour struct { Count int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ResourceOptionMaxConnectionPerHour) Format ¶
func (node *ResourceOptionMaxConnectionPerHour) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ResourceOptionMaxQueriesPerHour ¶
type ResourceOptionMaxQueriesPerHour struct { Count int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ResourceOptionMaxQueriesPerHour) Format ¶
func (node *ResourceOptionMaxQueriesPerHour) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ResourceOptionMaxUpdatesPerHour ¶
type ResourceOptionMaxUpdatesPerHour struct { Count int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ResourceOptionMaxUpdatesPerHour) Format ¶
func (node *ResourceOptionMaxUpdatesPerHour) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ResourceOptionMaxUserConnections ¶
type ResourceOptionMaxUserConnections struct { Count int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ResourceOptionMaxUserConnections) Format ¶
func (node *ResourceOptionMaxUserConnections) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ReturnType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ReturnType struct {
Type ResolvableTypeReference
func NewReturnType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewReturnType(t ResolvableTypeReference) *ReturnType
func (*ReturnType) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ReturnType) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Revoke ¶
type Revoke struct { Typ RevokeType RevokePrivilege RevokePrivilege RevokeRole RevokeRole // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Revoke) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Revoke) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type RevokePrivilege ¶ added in v0.6.0
type RevokePrivilege struct { IfExists bool Privileges []*Privilege ObjType ObjectType Level *PrivilegeLevel Roles []*Role // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RevokePrivilege) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *RevokePrivilege) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*RevokePrivilege) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *RevokePrivilege) GetQueryType() string
func (*RevokePrivilege) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *RevokePrivilege) GetStatementType() string
type RevokeRole ¶ added in v0.6.0
type RevokeRole struct { IfExists bool Roles []*Role Users []*User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RevokeRole) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *RevokeRole) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*RevokeRole) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *RevokeRole) GetQueryType() string
func (*RevokeRole) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *RevokeRole) GetStatementType() string
type RevokeType ¶ added in v0.6.0
type RevokeType int
const ( RevokeTypePrivilege RevokeType = iota RevokeTypeRole )
type Role ¶
type Role struct { NodeFormatter UserName string }
type RollbackTransaction ¶
type RollbackTransaction struct { Type CompletionType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Rollback statement
func NewRollbackTransaction ¶
func NewRollbackTransaction(t CompletionType) *RollbackTransaction
func (*RollbackTransaction) Format ¶
func (node *RollbackTransaction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*RollbackTransaction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *RollbackTransaction) GetQueryType() string
func (*RollbackTransaction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *RollbackTransaction) GetStatementType() string
type RowFormatType ¶
type RowFormatType uint64
func (*RowFormatType) ToString ¶
func (node *RowFormatType) ToString() string
type S3Parameter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type S3Parameter struct { Endpoint string `json:"s3-test-endpoint"` Region string `json:"s3-test-region"` APIKey string `json:"s3-test-key"` APISecret string `json:"s3-test-secret"` Bucket string `json:"s3-test-bucket"` Provider string `json:"s3-test-rovider"` RoleArn string `json:"s3-test-rolearn"` ExternalId string `json:"s3-test-externalid"` }
type SecondaryRoleType ¶ added in v0.6.0
type SecondaryRoleType int
const ( SecondaryRoleTypeAll SecondaryRoleType = iota SecondaryRoleTypeNone )
type Select ¶
type Select struct { Select SelectStatement OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit With *With Ep *ExportParam SelectLockInfo *SelectLockInfo // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Select represents a SelectStatement with an ORDER and/or LIMIT.
func (*Select) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Select) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type SelectClause ¶
type SelectClause struct { SelectStatement Distinct bool Exprs SelectExprs From *From Where *Where GroupBy GroupBy Having *Where Option string }
SelectClause represents a SELECT statement.
func (*SelectClause) Format ¶
func (node *SelectClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*SelectClause) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *SelectClause) GetQueryType() string
func (*SelectClause) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *SelectClause) GetStatementType() string
type SelectExpr ¶
a SELECT expression.
func (*SelectExpr) Format ¶
func (node *SelectExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type SelectExprs ¶
type SelectExprs []SelectExpr
SELECT expressions.
func (*SelectExprs) Format ¶
func (node *SelectExprs) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type SelectLockInfo ¶ added in v0.8.0
type SelectLockInfo struct { LockType SelectLockType WaitSec uint64 Tables []*TableName }
func (*SelectLockInfo) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *SelectLockInfo) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type SelectLockType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type SelectLockType int
SelectLockType is the lock type for SelectStmt.
const ( SelectLockNone SelectLockType = iota SelectLockForUpdate SelectLockForUpdateNoWait SelectLockForUpdateWaitN SelectLockForUpdateSkipLocked )
Select lock types.
func (SelectLockType) String ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (n SelectLockType) String() string
String implements fmt.Stringer.
type SelectStatement ¶
type SelectStatement interface { Statement }
type SetDefaultRole ¶
type SetDefaultRole struct { Type SetDefaultRoleType Roles []*Role Users []*User // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSetDefaultRole ¶
func NewSetDefaultRole(t SetDefaultRoleType, r []*Role, u []*User) *SetDefaultRole
func (*SetDefaultRole) Format ¶
func (node *SetDefaultRole) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*SetDefaultRole) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *SetDefaultRole) GetQueryType() string
func (*SetDefaultRole) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *SetDefaultRole) GetStatementType() string
type SetDefaultRoleType ¶
type SetDefaultRoleType int
type SetPassword ¶
func NewSetPassword ¶
func NewSetPassword(u *User, p string) *SetPassword
func (*SetPassword) Format ¶
func (node *SetPassword) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*SetPassword) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *SetPassword) GetQueryType() string
func (*SetPassword) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *SetPassword) GetStatementType() string
type SetRole ¶
type SetRole struct { SecondaryRole bool SecondaryRoleType SecondaryRoleType Role *Role // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SetRole) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*SetRole) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type SetRoleType ¶
type SetRoleType int
type SetTransaction ¶ added in v0.8.0
type SetTransaction struct { Global bool CharacterList []*TransactionCharacteristic // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SetTransaction) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *SetTransaction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*SetTransaction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *SetTransaction) GetQueryType() string
func (*SetTransaction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *SetTransaction) GetStatementType() string
type SetVar ¶
type SetVar struct { Assignments []*VarAssignmentExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSetVar ¶
func NewSetVar(a []*VarAssignmentExpr) *SetVar
func (*SetVar) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*SetVar) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowAccounts ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowAccounts struct { Like *ComparisonExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowAccounts) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowAccounts) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowAccounts) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowAccounts) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowAccounts) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowAccounts) GetStatementType() string
type ShowBackendServers ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowBackendServers struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
ShowBackendServers indicates SHOW BACKEND SERVERS statement.
func (*ShowBackendServers) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowBackendServers) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowBackendServers) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowBackendServers) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowBackendServers) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowBackendServers) GetStatementType() string
type ShowCollation ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ShowCollation struct { Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SHOW collation statement
func (*ShowCollation) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *ShowCollation) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowCollation) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCollation) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowCollation) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCollation) GetStatementType() string
type ShowColumnNumber ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowColumnNumber struct { Table *UnresolvedObjectName DbName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
show column number
func NewShowColumnNumber ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewShowColumnNumber(table *UnresolvedObjectName, dbname string) *ShowColumnNumber
func (*ShowColumnNumber) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowColumnNumber) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowColumnNumber) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowColumnNumber) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowColumnNumber) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowColumnNumber) GetStatementType() string
type ShowColumns ¶
type ShowColumns struct { Ext bool Full bool Table *UnresolvedObjectName ColName *UnresolvedName DBName string Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SHOW COLUMNS statement.
func NewShowColumns ¶
func NewShowColumns(e bool, f bool, t *UnresolvedObjectName, d string, l *ComparisonExpr, w *Where, cn *UnresolvedName) *ShowColumns
func (*ShowColumns) Format ¶
func (node *ShowColumns) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowColumns) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowColumns) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowColumns) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowColumns) GetStatementType() string
type ShowCreateDatabase ¶
type ShowCreateDatabase struct { IfNotExists bool Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShowCreateDatabase ¶
func NewShowCreateDatabase(i bool, n string) *ShowCreateDatabase
func (*ShowCreateDatabase) Format ¶
func (node *ShowCreateDatabase) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowCreateDatabase) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCreateDatabase) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowCreateDatabase) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCreateDatabase) GetStatementType() string
type ShowCreatePublications ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowCreatePublications struct { Name string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowCreatePublications) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowCreatePublications) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowCreatePublications) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowCreatePublications) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowCreatePublications) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowCreatePublications) GetStatementType() string
type ShowCreateTable ¶
type ShowCreateTable struct { Name *UnresolvedObjectName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShowCreate ¶
func NewShowCreate(n *UnresolvedObjectName) *ShowCreateTable
func (*ShowCreateTable) Format ¶
func (node *ShowCreateTable) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowCreateTable) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCreateTable) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowCreateTable) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCreateTable) GetStatementType() string
type ShowCreateView ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ShowCreateView struct { Name *UnresolvedObjectName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShowCreateView ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewShowCreateView(n *UnresolvedObjectName) *ShowCreateView
func (*ShowCreateView) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *ShowCreateView) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowCreateView) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCreateView) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowCreateView) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowCreateView) GetStatementType() string
type ShowDatabases ¶
type ShowDatabases struct { Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the SHOW DATABASES statement.
func NewShowDatabases ¶
func NewShowDatabases(l *ComparisonExpr, w *Where) *ShowDatabases
func (*ShowDatabases) Format ¶
func (node *ShowDatabases) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowDatabases) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowDatabases) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowDatabases) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowDatabases) GetStatementType() string
type ShowErrors ¶
type ShowErrors struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewShowErrors ¶
func NewShowErrors() *ShowErrors
func (*ShowErrors) Format ¶
func (node *ShowErrors) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowErrors) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowErrors) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowErrors) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowErrors) GetStatementType() string
type ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus struct { Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where IsFunction bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus(l *ComparisonExpr, w *Where, i bool) *ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus
func (*ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowFunctionOrProcedureStatus) GetStatementType() string
type ShowGrantType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowGrantType int
type ShowGrants ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ShowGrants struct { Username string Hostname string Roles []*Role ShowGrantType ShowGrantType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowGrants) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *ShowGrants) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowGrants) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowGrants) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowGrants) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowGrants) GetStatementType() string
type ShowIndex ¶
type ShowIndex struct { TableName TableName Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
show index statement
func NewShowIndex ¶
func (*ShowIndex) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*ShowIndex) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowLocks ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowLocks struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
show locks
func NewShowLocks ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewShowLocks() *ShowLocks
func (*ShowLocks) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*ShowLocks) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowNodeList ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowNodeList struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
show node list
func NewShowNodeList ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewShowNodeList() *ShowNodeList
func (*ShowNodeList) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowNodeList) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowNodeList) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowNodeList) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowNodeList) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowNodeList) GetStatementType() string
type ShowProcessList ¶
type ShowProcessList struct { Full bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShowProcessList ¶
func NewShowProcessList(f bool) *ShowProcessList
func (*ShowProcessList) Format ¶
func (node *ShowProcessList) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowProcessList) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowProcessList) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowProcessList) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowProcessList) GetStatementType() string
type ShowPublications ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowPublications struct { Like *ComparisonExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowPublications) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowPublications) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowPublications) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowPublications) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowPublications) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowPublications) GetStatementType() string
type ShowRolesStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowRolesStmt struct { Like *ComparisonExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowRolesStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowRolesStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowRolesStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowRolesStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowRolesStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowRolesStmt) GetStatementType() string
type ShowSequences ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*ShowSequences) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowSequences) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowSequences) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowSequences) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowSequences) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowSequences) GetStatementType() string
type ShowStages ¶ added in v1.0.0
type ShowStages struct { Like *ComparisonExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowStages) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *ShowStages) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowStages) GetQueryType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *ShowStages) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowStages) GetStatementType ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *ShowStages) GetStatementType() string
type ShowStatus ¶
type ShowStatus struct { Global bool Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SHOW STATUS statement
func NewShowStatus ¶
func NewShowStatus(g bool, l *ComparisonExpr, w *Where) *ShowStatus
func (*ShowStatus) Format ¶
func (node *ShowStatus) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowStatus) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowStatus) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowStatus) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowStatus) GetStatementType() string
type ShowSubscriptions ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowSubscriptions struct { Like *ComparisonExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowSubscriptions) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowSubscriptions) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowSubscriptions) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowSubscriptions) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowSubscriptions) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowSubscriptions) GetStatementType() string
type ShowTableNumber ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowTableNumber struct { DbName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
show table number
func NewShowTableNumber ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewShowTableNumber(dbname string) *ShowTableNumber
func (*ShowTableNumber) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableNumber) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowTableNumber) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableNumber) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowTableNumber) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableNumber) GetStatementType() string
type ShowTableSize ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ShowTableSize struct { Table *UnresolvedObjectName DbName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShowTableSize ¶ added in v0.8.0
func NewShowTableSize(table *UnresolvedObjectName, dbname string) *ShowTableSize
func (*ShowTableSize) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowTableSize) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowTableSize) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowTableSize) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowTableSize) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *ShowTableSize) GetStatementType() string
type ShowTableStatus ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ShowTableStatus struct { DbName string Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowTableStatus) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *ShowTableStatus) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowTableStatus) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableStatus) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowTableStatus) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableStatus) GetStatementType() string
type ShowTableValues ¶ added in v0.7.0
type ShowTableValues struct { Table *UnresolvedObjectName DbName string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
show table values
func NewShowTableValues ¶ added in v0.7.0
func NewShowTableValues(table *UnresolvedObjectName, dbname string) *ShowTableValues
func (*ShowTableValues) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableValues) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowTableValues) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableValues) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowTableValues) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTableValues) GetStatementType() string
type ShowTables ¶
type ShowTables struct { Ext bool Open bool Full bool DBName string Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SHOW TABLES statement.
func NewShowTables ¶
func NewShowTables(e bool, f bool, n string, l *ComparisonExpr, w *Where) *ShowTables
func (*ShowTables) Format ¶
func (node *ShowTables) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowTables) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTables) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowTables) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTables) GetStatementType() string
type ShowTarget ¶ added in v0.5.0
type ShowTarget struct { Global bool Type ShowType DbName string Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ShowTarget) Format ¶ added in v0.5.0
func (node *ShowTarget) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowTarget) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTarget) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowTarget) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowTarget) GetStatementType() string
type ShowVariables ¶
type ShowVariables struct { Global bool Like *ComparisonExpr Where *Where // contains filtered or unexported fields }
SHOW VARIABLES statement System Variables
func NewShowVariables ¶
func NewShowVariables(g bool, l *ComparisonExpr, w *Where) *ShowVariables
func (*ShowVariables) Format ¶
func (node *ShowVariables) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowVariables) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowVariables) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowVariables) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowVariables) GetStatementType() string
type ShowWarnings ¶
type ShowWarnings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewShowWarnings ¶
func NewShowWarnings() *ShowWarnings
func (*ShowWarnings) Format ¶
func (node *ShowWarnings) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ShowWarnings) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowWarnings) GetQueryType() string
func (*ShowWarnings) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ShowWarnings) GetStatementType() string
type StageComment ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*StageComment) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *StageComment) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type StageCredentials ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (*StageCredentials) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *StageCredentials) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type StageStatus ¶ added in v1.0.0
type StageStatus struct { Exist bool Option StageStatusOption }
func (*StageStatus) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *StageStatus) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type StageStatusOption ¶ added in v1.0.0
type StageStatusOption int
const ( StageStatusEnabled StageStatusOption = iota StageStatusDisabled )
func (StageStatusOption) String ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (sso StageStatusOption) String() string
type StartWithOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*StartWithOption) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *StartWithOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Statement ¶
type Statement interface { fmt.Stringer NodeFormatter StatementType }
type StatementOption ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (StatementOption) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (so StatementOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type StatementSource ¶
the statements as a data source includes the select statement.
func NewStatementSource ¶
func NewStatementSource(s Statement) *StatementSource
type StatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type StrVal ¶
type StrVal struct { Constant // contains filtered or unexported fields }
StrVal represents a constant string value.
type SubPartition ¶
type SubPartition struct { Name Identifier Options []TableOption }
func NewSubPartition ¶
func NewSubPartition(n Identifier, o []TableOption) *SubPartition
func (*SubPartition) Format ¶
func (node *SubPartition) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Subquery ¶
type Subquery struct { SubqueryExpr Select SelectStatement Exists bool }
func NewSubquery ¶
func NewSubquery(s SelectStatement, e bool) *Subquery
type SubscriptionOption ¶ added in v0.8.0
type SubscriptionOption struct { From Identifier Publication Identifier // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SubscriptionOption) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *SubscriptionOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableDef ¶
type TableDef interface { NodeFormatter }
type TableExprs ¶
type TableExprs []TableExpr
the list of table expressions.
func (*TableExprs) Format ¶
func (node *TableExprs) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableFunction ¶ added in v0.6.0
type TableFunction struct { Func *FuncExpr SelectStmt *Select // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TableFunction) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (t *TableFunction) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*TableFunction) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *TableFunction) GetQueryType() string
func (*TableFunction) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t *TableFunction) GetStatementType() string
func (TableFunction) Id ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (t TableFunction) Id() string
type TableLock ¶ added in v0.7.0
type TableLock struct { Table TableName LockType TableLockType }
type TableLockType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type TableLockType int32
TableLockType is the type of the table lock.
const ( // TableLockNone means this table lock is absent. TableLockNone TableLockType = iota // TableLockRead means the session with this lock can read the table (but not write it). // Multiple sessions can acquire a READ lock for the table at the same time. // Other sessions can read the table without explicitly acquiring a READ lock. TableLockRead // The locks are the same as READ except that they allow INSERT commands to be executed TableLockReadLocal // TableLockWrite means only the session with this lock has write/read permission. // Only the session that holds the lock can access the table. No other session can access it until the lock is released. TableLockWrite // Low priority write locks TableLockLowPriorityWrite )
func (TableLockType) String ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (t TableLockType) String() string
type TableName ¶
type TableName struct { TableExpr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableName ¶
func NewTableName(name Identifier, prefix ObjectNamePrefix) *TableName
func (*TableName) Catalog ¶
func (tn *TableName) Catalog() Identifier
func (*TableName) Name ¶
func (tn *TableName) Name() Identifier
func (*TableName) Schema ¶
func (tn *TableName) Schema() Identifier
type TableNames ¶
type TableNames []*TableName
table name array
func (*TableNames) Format ¶
func (node *TableNames) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOption ¶
type TableOption interface { AlterTableOption }
type TableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE(v uint64) *TableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE
func (*TableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *TableOptionAUTOEXTEND_SIZE) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionAutoIncrement ¶
type TableOptionAutoIncrement struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionAutoIncrement ¶
func NewTableOptionAutoIncrement(v uint64) *TableOptionAutoIncrement
func (*TableOptionAutoIncrement) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionAutoIncrement) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionAvgRowLength ¶
type TableOptionAvgRowLength struct { Length uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionAvgRowLength ¶
func NewTableOptionAvgRowLength(l uint64) *TableOptionAvgRowLength
func (*TableOptionAvgRowLength) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionAvgRowLength) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionCharset ¶
type TableOptionCharset struct { Charset string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionCharset ¶
func NewTableOptionCharset(s string) *TableOptionCharset
func (*TableOptionCharset) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionCharset) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionChecksum ¶
type TableOptionChecksum struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionChecksum ¶
func NewTableOptionChecksum(v uint64) *TableOptionChecksum
func (*TableOptionChecksum) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionChecksum) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionCollate ¶
type TableOptionCollate struct { Collate string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionCollate ¶
func NewTableOptionCollate(s string) *TableOptionCollate
func (*TableOptionCollate) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionCollate) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionComment ¶
type TableOptionComment struct { Comment string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionComment ¶
func NewTableOptionComment(c string) *TableOptionComment
func (*TableOptionComment) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionComment) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionCompression ¶
type TableOptionCompression struct { Compression string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionCompression ¶
func NewTableOptionCompression(c string) *TableOptionCompression
func (*TableOptionCompression) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionCompression) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionConnection ¶
type TableOptionConnection struct { Connection string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionConnection ¶
func NewTableOptionConnection(c string) *TableOptionConnection
func (*TableOptionConnection) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionConnection) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionDataDirectory ¶
type TableOptionDataDirectory struct { Dir string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionDataDirectory ¶
func NewTableOptionDataDirectory(d string) *TableOptionDataDirectory
func (*TableOptionDataDirectory) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionDataDirectory) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionDelayKeyWrite ¶
type TableOptionDelayKeyWrite struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionDelayKeyWrite ¶
func NewTableOptionDelayKeyWrite(v uint64) *TableOptionDelayKeyWrite
func (*TableOptionDelayKeyWrite) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionDelayKeyWrite) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionEncryption ¶
type TableOptionEncryption struct { Encryption string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionEncryption ¶
func NewTableOptionEncryption(e string) *TableOptionEncryption
func (*TableOptionEncryption) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionEncryption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionEngine ¶
type TableOptionEngine struct { Engine string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionEngine ¶
func NewTableOptionEngine(s string) *TableOptionEngine
func (*TableOptionEngine) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionEngine) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionEngineAttr ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TableOptionEngineAttr struct { Engine string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionEngineAttr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTableOptionEngineAttr(s string) *TableOptionEngineAttr
func (*TableOptionEngineAttr) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *TableOptionEngineAttr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionIndexDirectory ¶
type TableOptionIndexDirectory struct { Dir string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionIndexDirectory ¶
func NewTableOptionIndexDirectory(d string) *TableOptionIndexDirectory
func (*TableOptionIndexDirectory) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionIndexDirectory) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionInsertMethod ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TableOptionInsertMethod struct { Method string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionInsertMethod ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTableOptionInsertMethod(s string) *TableOptionInsertMethod
func (*TableOptionInsertMethod) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *TableOptionInsertMethod) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionKeyBlockSize ¶
type TableOptionKeyBlockSize struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionKeyBlockSize ¶
func NewTableOptionKeyBlockSize(v uint64) *TableOptionKeyBlockSize
func (*TableOptionKeyBlockSize) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionKeyBlockSize) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionMaxRows ¶
type TableOptionMaxRows struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionMaxRows ¶
func NewTableOptionMaxRows(v uint64) *TableOptionMaxRows
func (*TableOptionMaxRows) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionMaxRows) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionMinRows ¶
type TableOptionMinRows struct { Value uint64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionMinRows ¶
func NewTableOptionMinRows(v uint64) *TableOptionMinRows
func (*TableOptionMinRows) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionMinRows) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionPackKeys ¶
type TableOptionPackKeys struct { Value int64 Default bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionPackKeys ¶
func NewTableOptionPackKeys(value int64) *TableOptionPackKeys
func (*TableOptionPackKeys) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionPackKeys) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionPassword ¶
type TableOptionPassword struct { Password string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionPassword ¶
func NewTableOptionPassword(p string) *TableOptionPassword
func (*TableOptionPassword) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionPassword) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionProperties ¶
type TableOptionProperties struct { Preperties []Property // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TableOptionProperties) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionProperties) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionRowFormat ¶
type TableOptionRowFormat struct { Value RowFormatType // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionRowFormat ¶
func NewTableOptionRowFormat(v RowFormatType) *TableOptionRowFormat
func (*TableOptionRowFormat) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionRowFormat) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionSecondaryEngine ¶
type TableOptionSecondaryEngine struct { Engine string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionSecondaryEngine ¶
func NewTableOptionSecondaryEngine(s string) *TableOptionSecondaryEngine
func (*TableOptionSecondaryEngine) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionSecondaryEngine) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr struct { Attr string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTTableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTTableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr(v string) *TableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr
func (*TableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *TableOptionSecondaryEngineAttr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionSecondaryEngineNull ¶
type TableOptionSecondaryEngineNull struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewTableOptionSecondaryEngineNull ¶
func NewTableOptionSecondaryEngineNull() *TableOptionSecondaryEngineNull
type TableOptionStartTrans ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TableOptionStartTrans struct { Value bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTTableOptionStartTrans ¶ added in v1.0.0
func NewTTableOptionStartTrans(v bool) *TableOptionStartTrans
func (*TableOptionStartTrans) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *TableOptionStartTrans) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionStatsAutoRecalc ¶
type TableOptionStatsAutoRecalc struct { Value uint64 Default bool //false -- see Value; true -- Value is useless // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionStatsAutoRecalc ¶
func NewTableOptionStatsAutoRecalc(v uint64, d bool) *TableOptionStatsAutoRecalc
func (*TableOptionStatsAutoRecalc) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionStatsAutoRecalc) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionStatsPersistent ¶
type TableOptionStatsPersistent struct { Value uint64 Default bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionStatsPersistent ¶
func NewTableOptionStatsPersistent() *TableOptionStatsPersistent
func (*TableOptionStatsPersistent) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionStatsPersistent) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionStatsSamplePages ¶
type TableOptionStatsSamplePages struct { Value uint64 Default bool //false -- see Value; true -- Value is useless // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionStatsSamplePages ¶
func NewTableOptionStatsSamplePages(v uint64, d bool) *TableOptionStatsSamplePages
func (*TableOptionStatsSamplePages) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionStatsSamplePages) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionStorageMedia ¶
type TableOptionStorageMedia struct { Media string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionStorageMedia ¶
func NewTableOptionStorageMedia(m string) *TableOptionStorageMedia
func (*TableOptionStorageMedia) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionStorageMedia) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionTablespace ¶
type TableOptionTablespace struct { Name string StorageOpt string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionTablespace ¶
func NewTableOptionTablespace(n string, s string) *TableOptionTablespace
func (*TableOptionTablespace) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionTablespace) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TableOptionUnion ¶
type TableOptionUnion struct { Names TableNames // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewTableOptionUnion ¶
func NewTableOptionUnion(n TableNames) *TableOptionUnion
func (*TableOptionUnion) Format ¶
func (node *TableOptionUnion) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TailParameter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type TailParameter struct { //Fields Fields *Fields //Lines Lines *Lines //Ignored lines IgnoredLines uint64 //col_name_or_user_var ColumnList []LoadColumn //set col_name Assignments UpdateExprs }
type TlsOption ¶
type TlsOption interface { NodeFormatter }
type TlsOptionCipher ¶
type TlsOptionCipher struct { Cipher string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TlsOptionCipher) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionCipher) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TlsOptionIssuer ¶
type TlsOptionIssuer struct { Issuer string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TlsOptionIssuer) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionIssuer) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TlsOptionNone ¶
type TlsOptionNone struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TlsOptionNone) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionNone) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TlsOptionSSL ¶
type TlsOptionSSL struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TlsOptionSSL) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionSSL) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TlsOptionSan ¶
type TlsOptionSan struct { San string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TlsOptionSan) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionSan) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TlsOptionSubject ¶
type TlsOptionSubject struct { Subject string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*TlsOptionSubject) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionSubject) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TlsOptionX509 ¶
type TlsOptionX509 struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TlsOptionX509) Format ¶
func (node *TlsOptionX509) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TransactionCharacteristic ¶ added in v0.8.0
type TransactionCharacteristic struct { IsLevel bool Isolation IsolationLevelType Access AccessModeType }
func (*TransactionCharacteristic) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (tc *TransactionCharacteristic) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TransactionModes ¶
type TransactionModes struct {
RwMode ReadWriteMode
modes for a transaction
func MakeTransactionModes ¶
func MakeTransactionModes(rwm ReadWriteMode) TransactionModes
func (*TransactionModes) Format ¶
func (node *TransactionModes) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type TruncateTable ¶ added in v0.6.0
type TruncateTable struct { Name *TableName // contains filtered or unexported fields }
truncate table statement
func NewTruncateTable ¶ added in v0.6.0
func NewTruncateTable(name *TableName) *TruncateTable
func (*TruncateTable) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *TruncateTable) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*TruncateTable) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetQueryType() string
func (*TruncateTable) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *TruncateTable) GetStatementType() string
type Tuple ¶
type Tuple struct { Exprs Exprs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the parenthesized list of expressions.
type TypeOption ¶ added in v1.0.0
type TypeOption struct {
Type ResolvableTypeReference
func (*TypeOption) Format ¶ added in v1.0.0
func (node *TypeOption) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UnLockTableStmt ¶ added in v0.7.0
type UnLockTableStmt struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UnLockTableStmt) Format ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *UnLockTableStmt) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*UnLockTableStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *UnLockTableStmt) GetQueryType() string
func (*UnLockTableStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *UnLockTableStmt) GetStatementType() string
type UnaryExpr ¶
type UnaryExpr struct { //operator Op UnaryOp //expression Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
unary expression
func NewUnaryExpr ¶
type UnionClause ¶
type UnionClause struct { SelectStatement Type UnionType //Left, Right *Select Left, Right SelectStatement All bool Distinct bool }
the UNION statement
func NewUnionClause ¶
func NewUnionClause(t UnionType, l, r SelectStatement, a bool) *UnionClause
func NewUnionClause(t UnionType,l,r *Select,a bool)*UnionClause{
func (*UnionClause) Format ¶
func (node *UnionClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UnionTypeRecord ¶
type UniqueIndex ¶
type UniqueIndex struct { KeyParts []*KeyPart Name string ConstraintSymbol string Empty bool IndexOption *IndexOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewUniqueIndex ¶
func NewUniqueIndex(k []*KeyPart, n string, e bool, io *IndexOption) *UniqueIndex
func (*UniqueIndex) Format ¶
func (node *UniqueIndex) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*UniqueIndex) GetIndexName ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *UniqueIndex) GetIndexName() string
type UnqualifiedStar ¶
type UnqualifiedStar struct {
'*' in the scalar expression
func (UnqualifiedStar) Format ¶
func (node UnqualifiedStar) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UnresolvedName ¶
type UnresolvedName struct { //the number of name parts specified, including the star. Always 1 or greater. NumParts int //the name ends with a star. then the first element is empty in the Parts Star bool // Parts are the name components (at most 4: column, table, db/schema, catalog.), in reverse order. Parts NameParts // contains filtered or unexported fields }
the unresolved qualified name like column name.
func NewUnresolvedName ¶
func NewUnresolvedName(ctx context.Context, parts ...string) (*UnresolvedName, error)
func NewUnresolvedNameWithStar ¶
func NewUnresolvedNameWithStar(ctx context.Context, parts ...string) (*UnresolvedName, error)
func SetUnresolvedName ¶
func SetUnresolvedName(parts ...string) *UnresolvedName
func SetUnresolvedNameWithStar ¶
func SetUnresolvedNameWithStar(parts ...string) *UnresolvedName
func (*UnresolvedName) Accept ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *UnresolvedName) Accept(v Visitor) (Expr, bool)
Accept implements NodeChecker Accept interface.
func (*UnresolvedName) Format ¶
func (node *UnresolvedName) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UnresolvedObjectName ¶
type UnresolvedObjectName struct { //the number of name parts; >= 1 NumParts int //At most three components, in reverse order. //object name, db/schema, catalog. Parts [3]string }
the unresolved qualified name for a database object (table, view, etc)
func NewUnresolvedObjectName ¶
func SetUnresolvedObjectName ¶
func SetUnresolvedObjectName(num int, parts [3]string) *UnresolvedObjectName
func (*UnresolvedObjectName) Format ¶
func (node *UnresolvedObjectName) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*UnresolvedObjectName) GetDBName ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UnresolvedObjectName) GetDBName() string
func (*UnresolvedObjectName) ToTableName ¶
func (node *UnresolvedObjectName) ToTableName() TableName
type UnrestrictedIdentifier ¶
type UnrestrictedIdentifier string
type Update ¶
type Update struct { Tables TableExprs Exprs UpdateExprs Where *Where OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit With *With // contains filtered or unexported fields }
update statement
func (*Update) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Update) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type UpdateExpr ¶
type UpdateExpr struct { NodeFormatter Tuple bool Names []*UnresolvedName Expr Expr }
the update expression.
func NewUpdateExpr ¶
func NewUpdateExpr(t bool, n []*UnresolvedName, e Expr) *UpdateExpr
func (*UpdateExpr) Format ¶
func (node *UpdateExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UpdateExprs ¶
type UpdateExprs []*UpdateExpr
func (*UpdateExprs) Format ¶
func (node *UpdateExprs) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UpdateVal ¶ added in v0.6.0
type UpdateVal struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type Use ¶
type Use struct { Name *CStr SecondaryRole bool SecondaryRoleType SecondaryRoleType Role *Role // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Use statement
func (*Use) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*Use) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type User ¶
type User struct { NodeFormatter Username string Hostname string AuthOption *AccountIdentified }
type UserMiscOption ¶
type UserMiscOption interface { NodeFormatter }
type UserMiscOptionAccountLock ¶
type UserMiscOptionAccountLock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionAccountLock) Format ¶
func (node *UserMiscOptionAccountLock) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionAccountUnlock ¶
type UserMiscOptionAccountUnlock struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionAccountUnlock) Format ¶
func (node *UserMiscOptionAccountUnlock) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionFailedLoginAttempts ¶
type UserMiscOptionFailedLoginAttempts struct { Value int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserMiscOptionFailedLoginAttempts) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionFailedLoginAttempts) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireDefault ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireDefault) Format ¶
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireDefault) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireInterval ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireInterval struct { Value int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireInterval) Format ¶
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireInterval) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNever ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNever struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNever) Format ¶
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNever) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNone ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNone struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNone) Format ¶
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordExpireNone) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryCount ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryCount struct { Value int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryCount) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryCount) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryDefault ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryDefault) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordHistoryDefault) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeCount ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeCount struct { Value int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeCount) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeCount) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeUnbounded ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeUnbounded struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeUnbounded) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordLockTimeUnbounded) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentDefault ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentDefault) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentDefault) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentNone ¶ added in v0.6.0
type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentNone struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentNone) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentNone) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentOptional ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentOptional struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentOptional) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordRequireCurrentOptional) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalCount ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalCount struct { Value int64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalCount) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalCount) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalDefault ¶
type UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalDefault struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalDefault) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *UserMiscOptionPasswordReuseIntervalDefault) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type UsernameRecord ¶
type UsingJoinCond ¶
type UsingJoinCond struct { JoinCond Cols IdentifierList }
the USING condition
func NewUsingJoinCond ¶
func NewUsingJoinCond(c IdentifierList) *UsingJoinCond
func (*UsingJoinCond) Format ¶
func (node *UsingJoinCond) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type Values ¶
type Values interface { NodeFormatter }
type ValuesClause ¶
type ValuesClause struct { SelectStatement RowWord bool Rows []Exprs }
the VALUES clause
func NewValuesClause ¶
func NewValuesClause(r []Exprs) *ValuesClause
func (*ValuesClause) Format ¶
func (node *ValuesClause) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ValuesIn ¶
type ValuesIn struct { ValueList Exprs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewValuesIn ¶
type ValuesLessThan ¶
type ValuesLessThan struct { ValueList Exprs // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewValuesLessThan ¶
func NewValuesLessThan(vl Exprs) *ValuesLessThan
func (*ValuesLessThan) Format ¶
func (node *ValuesLessThan) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type ValuesStatement ¶ added in v0.6.0
type ValuesStatement struct { NodeFormatter Rows []Exprs OrderBy OrderBy Limit *Limit // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ValuesStatement the VALUES Statement
func (*ValuesStatement) Format ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (node *ValuesStatement) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
func (*ValuesStatement) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ValuesStatement) GetQueryType() string
func (*ValuesStatement) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (node *ValuesStatement) GetStatementType() string
type VarAssignmentExpr ¶
type VarAssignmentExpr struct { NodeFormatter System bool Global bool Name string Value Expr Reserved Expr }
for variable = expr
func NewVarAssignmentExpr ¶
func (*VarAssignmentExpr) Format ¶
func (node *VarAssignmentExpr) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type VarExpr ¶
type VarExpr struct { Name string System bool Global bool Expr Expr // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type VisibleType ¶
type VisibleType int
func (VisibleType) ToString ¶
func (vt VisibleType) ToString() string
type Visitor ¶
type Visitor interface { // Call the 'Enter' method before visiting the children nodes. // The node type returned by the `Enter` method must be the same as the input node type // SkipChildren returning true means that access to child nodes should be skipped. Enter(n Expr) (node Expr, skipChildren bool) //`Exit` is called after all children nodes are visited. //The returned node of the `Exit` method is `Expr`, which is of the same type as the input node. //if `Exit` method returns OK as false ,means stop visiting. Exit(n Expr) (node Expr, ok bool) }
Visitor Design Pattern Visitor visits the ast node or sub ast nodes
type WhenStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*WhenStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*WhenStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type WhileStmt ¶ added in v0.8.0
type WhileStmt struct { Name Identifier Cond Expr Body []Statement // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WhileStmt) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (*WhileStmt) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.8.0
type WindowSpec ¶ added in v0.7.0
type WindowSpec struct { PartitionBy Exprs OrderBy OrderBy HasFrame bool Frame *FrameClause }
func (*WindowSpec) Format ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (node *WindowSpec) Format(ctx *FmtCtx)
type With ¶
func (*With) GetQueryType ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (*With) GetStatementType ¶ added in v0.7.0
type XorExpr ¶
type XorExpr struct {
Left, Right Expr
// contains filtered or unexported fields
xor expression
func NewXorExpr ¶
Source Files
- accept.go
- alter.go
- analyze.go
- backup.go
- branch.go
- compound.go
- constant.go
- create.go
- cstr.go
- datum.go
- deallocate.go
- declare.go
- delete.go
- do.go
- drop.go
- execute.go
- explain.go
- expr.go
- extension.go
- format.go
- function.go
- grant.go
- identifier.go
- insert.go
- iteration.go
- kill.go
- lock.go
- mo_dump.go
- object_name.go
- precedence.go
- prepare.go
- procedure.go
- replace.go
- reset.go
- revoke.go
- select.go
- select_lock.go
- sequence.go
- set.go
- show.go
- stages.go
- stmt.go
- stream.go
- table_function.go
- table_name.go
- truncate.go
- txn.go
- types.go
- union.go
- update.go
- use.go
- values.go
- view.go
- with.go