
v0.5.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Aug 17, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 12 Imported by: 0




View Source
const ACCOUNT = 57610
View Source
const ACTION = 57579
View Source
const ADD = 57518
View Source
const ADDDATE = 57746
View Source
const AGAINST = 57740
View Source
const ALGORITHM = 57586
View Source
const ALL = 57365
View Source
const ALTER = 57514
View Source
const ANALYZE = 57517
View Source
const AND = 57421
View Source
const ANY = 57592
View Source
const APPROXNUM = 57648
View Source
View Source
View Source
const AS = 57368
View Source
const ASC = 57370
View Source
const ASCII = 57615
View Source
const ASSIGNMENT = 57437
View Source
const AT_AT_ID = 57400
View Source
const AT_ID = 57399
View Source
const AUTO_INCREMENT = 57647
View Source
const AUTO_RANDOM = 57576
View Source
const AVG = 57781
View Source
const AVG_ROW_LENGTH = 57552
View Source
const BEGIN = 57447
View Source
const BETWEEN = 57423
View Source
const BIGINT = 57466
View Source
const BINARY = 57444
View Source
const BIT = 57460
View Source
const BIT_AND = 57747
View Source
const BIT_LITERAL = 57408
View Source
const BIT_OR = 57748
View Source
const BIT_XOR = 57749
View Source
const BLOB = 57488
View Source
const BOOL = 57480
View Source
const BOOLEAN = 57741
View Source
const BOTH = 57606
View Source
const BSI = 57603
View Source
const BTREE = 57600
View Source
const BY = 57359
View Source
const CASCADE = 57578
View Source
const CASE = 57424
View Source
const CAST = 57750
View Source
const CHAIN = 57455
View Source
const CHAR = 57478
View Source
const CHARACTER = 57481
View Source
const CHARSET = 57415
View Source
const CHECK = 57582
View Source
const CHECKSUM = 57556
View Source
const CIPHER = 57654
View Source
const CLIENT = 57638
View Source
const COALESCE = 57616
View Source
const COLLATE = 57443
View Source
const COLLATION = 57617
View Source
const COLUMN = 57527
View Source
const COLUMNS = 57684
View Source
const COLUMN_FORMAT = 57575
View Source
const COMMENT = 57404
View Source
const COMMENT_KEYWORD = 57405
View Source
const COMMIT = 57450
View Source
const COMMITTED = 57699
View Source
const COMPACT = 57573
View Source
const COMPRESSED = 57571
View Source
const COMPRESSION = 57557
View Source
const CONFIG = 57738
View Source
const CONNECTION = 57669
View Source
const CONSISTENT = 57453
View Source
const CONSTRAINT = 57528
View Source
const CONVERT = 57713
View Source
const COUNT = 57751
View Source
const CREATE = 57513
View Source
const CROSS = 57390
View Source
const CURDATE = 57754
View Source
const CURRENT_DATE = 57715
View Source
const CURRENT_ROLE = 57717
View Source
const CURRENT_TIME = 57706
View Source
View Source
const CURRENT_USER = 57716
View Source
const CURTIME = 57755
View Source
const DATA = 57558
View Source
const DATABASE = 57705
View Source
const DATABASES = 57678
View Source
const DATE = 57536
View Source
const DATETIME = 57476
View Source
const DATE_ADD = 57756
View Source
const DATE_SUB = 57757
View Source
const DAY = 57612
View Source
const DAY_HOUR = 57727
View Source
const DAY_MICROSECOND = 57724
View Source
const DAY_MINUTE = 57726
View Source
const DAY_SECOND = 57725
View Source
const DEALLOCATE = 57595
View Source
const DECIMAL = 57471
View Source
const DECIMAL_VALUE = 57473
View Source
const DEFAULT = 57374
View Source
const DELAYED = 57512
View Source
const DELAY_KEY_WRITE = 57560
View Source
const DELETE = 57353
View Source
const DESC = 57371
View Source
const DESCRIBE = 57534
View Source
const DIRECTORY = 57559
View Source
const DISK = 57554
View Source
const DISTINCT = 57366
View Source
const DISTINCTROW = 57367
View Source
const DIV = 57440
View Source
const DOUBLE = 57469
View Source
const DROP = 57515
View Source
const DUPLICATE = 57373
View Source
const DYNAMIC = 57570
View Source
const ELSE = 57427
View Source
const EMPTY = 57347
View Source
const ENCLOSED = 57674
View Source
const ENCRYPTION = 57561
View Source
const END = 57428
View Source
const ENFORCED = 57583
View Source
const ENGINE = 57562
View Source
const ENUM = 57493
View Source
const ERRORS = 57686
View Source
const ESCAPE = 57537
View Source
const ESCAPED = 57675
View Source
const EVENT = 57644
View Source
const EXCEPT = 57703
View Source
const EXECUTE = 57631
View Source
const EXISTS = 57369
View Source
const EXPANSION = 57745
View Source
const EXPIRE = 57609
View Source
const EXPLAIN = 57535
View Source
const EXTENDED = 57680
View Source
const EXTRACT = 57758
View Source
const FALSE = 57413
View Source
const FIELDS = 57683
View Source
const FILE = 57641
View Source
const FIXED = 57574
View Source
const FLOAT = 57409
View Source
const FLOAT_TYPE = 57470
View Source
const FOR = 57362
View Source
const FORCE = 57393
View Source
const FORCE_QUOTE = 57786
View Source
const FOREIGN = 57531
View Source
const FORMAT = 57667
View Source
const FROM = 57354
View Source
const FULL = 57681
View Source
const FULLTEXT = 57530
View Source
const FUNCTION = 57628
View Source
const GE = 57430
View Source
const GEOMETRY = 57494
View Source
View Source
const GLOBAL = 57691
View Source
const GRANT = 57633
View Source
const GROUP = 57356
View Source
const GROUP_CONCAT = 57759
View Source
const HASH = 57601
View Source
const HAVING = 57357
View Source
const HEADER = 57784
View Source
const HEX = 57407
View Source
const HEXNUM = 57410
View Source
const HIGH_PRIORITY = 57511
View Source
const HOUR = 57618
View Source
const HOUR_MICROSECOND = 57721
View Source
const HOUR_MINUTE = 57723
View Source
const HOUR_SECOND = 57722
View Source
const ID = 57398
View Source
const IDENTIFIED = 57653
View Source
const IF = 57525
View Source
const IGNORE = 57524
View Source
const IN = 57436
View Source
const INDEX = 57521
View Source
const INDEXES = 57688
View Source
const INFILE = 57671
View Source
const INNER = 57388
View Source
const INSERT = 57351
View Source
const INT = 57464
View Source
const INT1 = 57502
View Source
const INT2 = 57503
View Source
const INT3 = 57504
View Source
const INT4 = 57505
View Source
const INT8 = 57506
View Source
const INTEGER = 57465
View Source
const INTEGRAL = 57406
View Source
const INTERVAL = 57446
View Source
const INTNUM = 57467
View Source
const INTO = 57372
View Source
const INVISIBLE = 57599
View Source
const IS = 57433
View Source
const ISOLATION = 57693
View Source
const ISSUER = 57655
View Source
const JOIN = 57384
View Source
const JSON = 57492
View Source
const KEY = 57417
View Source
const KEYS = 57376
View Source
const KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = 57532
View Source
const LANGUAGE = 57742
View Source
const LE = 57429
View Source
const LEADING = 57605
View Source
const LEFT = 57386
View Source
const LESS = 57544
View Source
const LEVEL = 57694
View Source
const LEX_ERROR = 57346
View Source
const LIKE = 57434
View Source
const LIMIT = 57360
View Source
const LINEAR = 57587
View Source
const LINES = 57677
View Source
const LINESTRING = 57496
View Source
const LIST = 57585
View Source
const LIST_ARG = 57403
View Source
const LOAD = 57670
View Source
const LOCAL = 57702
View Source
const LOCALTIME = 57707
View Source
const LOCALTIMESTAMP = 57708
View Source
const LOCK = 57375
View Source
const LONGBLOB = 57491
View Source
const LONGTEXT = 57487
View Source
const LOWER_THAN_CHARSET = 57414
View Source
const LOWER_THAN_SET = 57363
View Source
const LOWER_THAN_STRING = 57397
View Source
const LOW_PRIORITY = 57510
View Source
const MATCH = 57739
View Source
const MAX = 57760
View Source
const MAXVALUE = 57541
View Source
View Source
const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 57785
View Source
const MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR = 57663
View Source
const MAX_ROWS = 57563
View Source
const MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR = 57664
View Source
View Source
const MEDIUMBLOB = 57490
View Source
const MEDIUMINT = 57463
View Source
const MEDIUMTEXT = 57486
View Source
const MEMORY = 57555
View Source
const MICROSECOND = 57619
View Source
const MID = 57761
View Source
const MIN = 57762
View Source
const MINUTE = 57620
View Source
View Source
const MINUTE_SECOND = 57720
View Source
const MIN_ROWS = 57564
View Source
const MOD = 57441
View Source
const MODE = 57381
View Source
const MONTH = 57621
View Source
View Source
const MULTIPOINT = 57499
View Source
const MULTIPOLYGON = 57501
View Source
const NAMES = 57690
View Source
const NATURAL = 57391
View Source
const NCHAR = 57483
View Source
const NE = 57431
View Source
const NEVER = 57613
View Source
const NEXT = 57378
View Source
const NO = 57456
View Source
const NONE = 57661
View Source
const NOT = 57422
View Source
const NOW = 57763
View Source
const NULL = 57411
View Source
const NULLX = 57646
View Source
const NULL_SAFE_EQUAL = 57432
View Source
const NUMERIC = 57472
View Source
const OFFSET = 57361
View Source
const ON = 57394
View Source
const ONLY = 57697
View Source
const OPEN = 57685
View Source
const OPTIMIZE = 57539
View Source
const OPTION = 57634
View Source
const OPTIONALLY = 57673
View Source
const OR = 57418
View Source
const ORDER = 57358
View Source
const OUTER = 57389
View Source
const OUTFILE = 57783
View Source
const PACK_KEYS = 57565
View Source
const PARSER = 57597
View Source
const PARTIAL = 57580
View Source
const PARTITION = 57542
View Source
const PARTITIONS = 57588
View Source
const PASSWORD = 57662
View Source
const PIPE_CONCAT = 57419
View Source
const POINT = 57495
View Source
const POLYGON = 57497
View Source
const POSITION = 57764
View Source
const PREPARE = 57594
View Source
const PRIMARY = 57526
View Source
const PRIORITY = 57458
View Source
const PRIVILEGES = 57629
View Source
const PROCEDURE = 57546
View Source
const PROCESSLIST = 57682
View Source
const PROPERTIES = 57596
View Source
const PROXY = 57551
View Source
const QUARTER = 57622
View Source
const QUERY = 57744
View Source
const QUICK = 57459
View Source
const RANGE = 57584
View Source
const READ = 57695
View Source
const REAL = 57468
View Source
const RECURSIVE = 57737
View Source
const REDUNDANT = 57572
View Source
const REFERENCES = 57635
View Source
const REGEXP = 57435
View Source
const RELEASE = 57457
View Source
const RELOAD = 57640
View Source
const RENAME = 57516
View Source
const REORGANIZE = 57543
View Source
const REPAIR = 57538
View Source
const REPEAT = 57623
View Source
const REPEATABLE = 57698
View Source
const REPLACE = 57712
View Source
const REPLICATION = 57636
View Source
const REQUIRE = 57659
View Source
const RESTRICT = 57577
View Source
const REVERSE = 57624
View Source
const REVOKE = 57627
View Source
const RIGHT = 57387
View Source
const ROLE = 57550
View Source
const ROLLBACK = 57451
View Source
const ROUTINE = 57643
View Source
const ROW = 57782
View Source
const ROW_COUNT = 57625
View Source
const ROW_FORMAT = 57566
View Source
const RTREE = 57602
View Source
const SAN = 57658
View Source
const SCHEMA = 57519
View Source
const SCHEMAS = 57689
View Source
const SECOND = 57614
View Source
View Source
const SELECT = 57349
View Source
const SEPARATOR = 57714
View Source
const SERIALIZABLE = 57701
View Source
const SESSION = 57692
View Source
const SESSION_USER = 57765
View Source
const SET = 57364
View Source
const SHARE = 57380
View Source
const SHIFT_LEFT = 57438
View Source
const SHIFT_RIGHT = 57439
View Source
const SHOW = 57533
View Source
const SHUTDOWN = 57645
View Source
const SIGNED = 57649
View Source
const SIMPLE = 57581
View Source
const SLAVE = 57637
View Source
const SMALLINT = 57462
View Source
const SNAPSHOT = 57454
View Source
const SOME = 57593
View Source
const SPATIAL = 57529
View Source
const SQL_BIG_RESULT = 57508
View Source
const SQL_BUFFER_RESULT = 57509
View Source
const SQL_CACHE = 57383
View Source
const SQL_NO_CACHE = 57382
View Source
const SQL_SMALL_RESULT = 57507
View Source
const SQL_TSI_DAY = 57730
View Source
const SQL_TSI_HOUR = 57729
View Source
const SQL_TSI_MINUTE = 57736
View Source
const SQL_TSI_MONTH = 57732
View Source
const SQL_TSI_QUARTER = 57733
View Source
const SQL_TSI_SECOND = 57735
View Source
const SQL_TSI_WEEK = 57731
View Source
const SQL_TSI_YEAR = 57734
View Source
const SSL = 57660
View Source
const START = 57448
View Source
const STARTING = 57676
View Source
const STATS_AUTO_RECALC = 57567
View Source
const STATS_PERSISTENT = 57568
View Source
const STATS_SAMPLE_PAGES = 57569
View Source
const STATUS = 57548
View Source
const STD = 57766
View Source
const STDDEV = 57767
View Source
const STDDEV_POP = 57768
View Source
const STDDEV_SAMP = 57769
View Source
const STORAGE = 57553
View Source
const STRAIGHT_JOIN = 57385
View Source
const STREAM = 57350
View Source
const STRING = 57401
View Source
const SUBDATE = 57770
View Source
const SUBJECT = 57657
View Source
const SUBPARTITION = 57589
View Source
const SUBPARTITIONS = 57590
View Source
const SUBQUERY_AS_EXPR = 57396
View Source
const SUBSTR = 57771
View Source
const SUBSTRING = 57772
View Source
const SUM = 57773
View Source
const SUPER = 57632
View Source
const SYSDATE = 57774
View Source
const SYSTEM_USER = 57775
View Source
const TABLE = 57520
View Source
const TABLES = 57679
View Source
const TABLESPACE = 57630
View Source
const TEMPORARY = 57642
View Source
const TERMINATED = 57672
View Source
const TEXT = 57484
View Source
const THAN = 57545
View Source
const THEN = 57426
View Source
const TIME = 57474
View Source
const TIMESTAMP = 57475
View Source
const TINYBLOB = 57489
View Source
const TINYINT = 57461
View Source
const TINYTEXT = 57485
View Source
const TO = 57523
View Source
const TRAILING = 57607
View Source
const TRANSACTION = 57449
View Source
const TRANSLATE = 57776
View Source
const TRIGGER = 57547
View Source
const TRIM = 57777
View Source
const TRUE = 57412
View Source
const TRUNCATE = 57540
View Source
const TYPE = 57591
View Source
const UNARY = 57442
View Source
const UNCOMMITTED = 57700
View Source
View Source
const UNION = 57348
View Source
const UNIQUE = 57416
View Source
const UNKNOWN = 57608
View Source
const UNLOCK = 57611
View Source
const UNSIGNED = 57650
View Source
const UNUSED = 57787
View Source
const UPDATE = 57352
View Source
const USAGE = 57639
View Source
const USE = 57392
View Source
const USER = 57652
View Source
const USING = 57395
View Source
const UTC_DATE = 57709
View Source
const UTC_TIME = 57710
View Source
const UTC_TIMESTAMP = 57711
View Source
const VALUE = 57379
View Source
const VALUES = 57377
View Source
const VALUE_ARG = 57402
View Source
const VARBINARY = 57482
View Source
const VARCHAR = 57479
View Source
const VARIABLES = 57549
View Source
const VARIANCE = 57778
View Source
const VAR_POP = 57779
View Source
const VAR_SAMP = 57780
View Source
const VERBOSE = 57668
View Source
const VIEW = 57522
View Source
const VISIBLE = 57598
View Source
const WARNINGS = 57687
View Source
const WEEK = 57626
View Source
const WHEN = 57425
View Source
const WHERE = 57355
View Source
const WITH = 57743
View Source
const WORK = 57452
View Source
const WRITE = 57696
View Source
const X509 = 57656
View Source
const XOR = 57420
View Source
const YEAR = 57477
View Source
const YEAR_MONTH = 57728
View Source
const ZEROFILL = 57651
View Source
const ZONEMAP = 57604


This section is empty.


func Parse

func Parse(sql string) ([]tree.Statement, error)

func ParseOne

func ParseOne(sql string) (tree.Statement, error)


type Lexer

type Lexer struct {
	// contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewLexer

func NewLexer(dialectType dialect.DialectType, sql string) *Lexer

func (*Lexer) AppendStmt

func (l *Lexer) AppendStmt(stmt tree.Statement)

func (*Lexer) Error

func (l *Lexer) Error(err string)

func (*Lexer) Lex

func (l *Lexer) Lex(lval *yySymType) int

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