
ethereum-watcher is an event listener for the Ethereum Blockchain written in Golang. With ethereum-watcher you can monitor and track current or historic events that occur on the Ethereum Blockchain.
Many applications that interact with the Ethereum Blockchain need to know when specific actions occur on the chain, but cannot directly access the on-chain data. ethereum-watcher acts as an interface between application and chain: gathering specified data from the blockchain so that applications can more seamlessly interact with on-chain events.
- Plug-in friendly. You can easily add a plugin to ethereum-watcher to listen to any type of on-chain event.
- Fork Tolerance. If a fork occurs, a revert message is sent to the subscriber.
Example Use Cases
- DefiWatch monitors the state of Ethereum addresses on several DeFi platforms including DDEX, Compound, DyDx, and Maker. It tracks things like loan ROI, current borrows, liquidations, etc. To track all of this on multiple platforms, DefiWatch has to continuously receive updates from their associated smart contracts. This is done using ethereum-watcher instead of spending time dealing with serialization/deserialization messages from the Ethereum Node, so they can focus on their core logic.
- Profit & Loss calculations on DDEX. DDEX provides their margin trading users with estimated Profit and Loss (P&L) calculations for their margin positions. To update the P&L as timely and accurately as possible, DDEX uses ethereum-watcher to listen to updates from the Ethereum Blockchain. These updates include: onchain price updates, trading actions from users, and more.
- DDEX also uses an "Eth-Transaction-Watcher" to monitor the on-chain status of trading transactions. DDEX needs to know the latest states of these transactions once they are included in newly mined blocks, so that the platform properly updates trading balances and histories. This is done using the
of ethereum-watcher.
Run go get
Sample Commands
This project is primarily designed as a library to build upon. However, to help others easily understand how ethereum-watcher works and what it is capable of, we prepared some sample commands for you to try out.
display basic help info
docker run matiasnuio/ethereum-watcher:master /bin/ethereum-watcher help
ethereum-watcher makes getting updates from Ethereum easier
ethereum-watcher [command]
Available Commands:
contract-event-listener listen and print events from contract
help Help about any command
new-block-number Print number of new block
usdt-transfer Show Transfer Event of USDT
-h, --help help for ethereum-watcher
Use "ethereum-watcher [command] --help" for more information about a command.
print new block numbers
docker run matiasnuio/ethereum-watcher:master /bin/ethereum-watcher new-block-number
time="2020-01-07T07:33:17Z" level=info msg="waiting for new block..."
time="2020-01-07T07:33:19Z" level=info msg=">> found new block: 9232152, is removed: false"
time="2020-01-07T07:33:44Z" level=info msg=">> found new block: 9232153, is removed: false"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:03Z" level=info msg=">> found new block: 9232154, is removed: false"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:04Z" level=info msg=">> found new block: 9232155, is removed: false"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:05Z" level=info msg=">> found new block: 9232156, is removed: false"
see USDT transfer events
docker run matiasnuio/ethereum-watcher:master /bin/ethereum-watcher usdt-transfer
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg="See new USDT Transfer at block: 9232158, count: 9"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:32Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:50Z" level=info msg="See new USDT Transfer at block: 9232159, count: 18"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:50Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:50Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:50Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
time="2020-01-07T07:34:50Z" level=info msg=" >> tx:"
see specific events that occur within a smart contract. The example shows Transfer & Approve events from Multi-Collateral-DAI
docker run matiasnuio/ethereum-watcher:master /bin/ethereum-watcher contract-event-listener \
--block-backoff 100 \
--contract 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f \
--events 0x8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e5b200ac8c7c3b925 0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:26+08:00] --block-backoff activated, we start from block: 9232741 (= 9232841 - 100)
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:27+08:00] # of interested events at block(9232741->9232745): 1
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:27+08:00] >> tx:
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:28+08:00] # of interested events at block(9232746->9232750): 3
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:28+08:00] >> tx:
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:28+08:00] >> tx:
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:28+08:00] >> tx:
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:29+08:00] # of interested events at block(9232751->9232755): 2
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:29+08:00] >> tx:
INFO[2020-01-07T18:05:29+08:00] >> tx:
Here the flag --block-backoff
signals for ethereum-watcher to use historic tracking from 100 blocks ago.
To effectively use ethereum-watcher, you will be interacting with two primary structs:
- Watcher
- ReceiptLogWatcher
is an HTTP client which continuously polls newly mined blocks on the Ethereum Blockchain. We can incorporate various kinds of "plugins" into Watcher
, which will poll for specific types of events and data, such as:
- BlockPlugin
- TransactionPlugin
- TransactionReceiptPlugin
- ReceiptLogPlugin
Once the Watcher
sees a new block, it will parse the info and feed the data into the registered plugins. You can see some of the code examples below.
The plugins are designed to be easily modifiable so that you can create your own plugin based on the provided ones. For example, the code shown below registers an ERC20TransferPlugin
to show new ERC20 Transfer Events. This plugin simply parses some receipt info from a different TransactionReceiptPlugin
. So if you want to show more info than what the ERC20TransferPlugin
shows, like the gas used in the transaction, you can easily create a BetterERC20TransferPlugin
showing that.
Watcher Examples
Print number of newly mined blocks
package main
import (
func main() {
api := ""
w := NewHttpBasedEthWatcher(context.Background(), api)
// we use BlockPlugin here
w.RegisterBlockPlugin(plugin.NewBlockNumPlugin(func(i uint64, b bool) {
fmt.Println(">>", i, b)
Listen for new ERC20 Transfer Events
package main
import (
func main() {
api := ""
w := NewHttpBasedEthWatcher(context.Background(), api)
// we use TxReceiptPlugin here
func(token, from, to string, amount decimal.Decimal, isRemove bool) {
logrus.Infof("New ERC20 Transfer >> token(%s), %s -> %s, amount: %s, isRemoved: %t",
token, from, to, amount, isRemove)
is polling for blocks one by one, so what if we want to query certain events from the latest 10000 blocks? Watcher
can do that but fetching blocks one by one can be slow. ReceiptLogWatcher
to the rescue!
makes use of the eth_getLogs
to query for logs in a batch. Check out the code below to see how to use it.
Example of ReceiptLogWatcher
package main
import (
func main() {
api := ""
usdtContractAdx := "0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7"
// ERC20 Transfer Event
topicsInterestedIn := []string{"0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef"}
handler := func(from, to int, receiptLogs []blockchain.IReceiptLog, isUpToHighestBlock bool) error {
logrus.Infof("USDT Transfer count: %d, %d -> %d", len(receiptLogs), from, to)
return nil
// query for USDT Transfer Events
receiptLogWatcher := NewReceiptLogWatcher(
StepSizeForBigLag: 5,
IntervalForPollingNewBlockInSec: 5,
RPCMaxRetry: 3,
ReturnForBlockWithNoReceiptLog: true,
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