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Published: Apr 30, 2023 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 1 Imported by: 0


Pawsitively Purrfect

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Architecture
    1. System Components
    2. System Design
    3. Data Flow
  3. Data Model
    1. Entities and Relationships
    2. Schema and Sample Data
  4. API Documentation
    1. Endpoints
    2. Rest APIs
    3. GraphQL API
  5. Codebase
  6. Deployment / Installation
    1. Local Development
    2. Production Environment
  7. Conclusion
    1. Summary
    2. Future Plans and Enhancements


Pawsitively Purrfect is a project aimed at providing an online platform for pet adoption. This platform is designed to help pet lovers find their perfect furry companions while also providing a way for animal shelters and rescue organizations to showcase their available pets.

The "Pawsitively Purrfect" platform provides a user-friendly interface for browsing pets based on different search criteria such as pet type, breed, location, and more. Users can view detailed information about each pet and contact the pet's owner or the organization responsible for its care.

In addition to helping pets find their forever homes, "Pawsitively Purrfect" also provides a way for animal shelters to manage their available pets and adoption applications. With this platform, they can easily add new pets, update pet information, and track adoption applications.


System Components

The System consists of three major Components mainly.

  1. Backend Server: The backend server is built using Golang and GraphQL, with the Flamego web framework. It consists of multiple layers, including:
    • Resolver: Handles incoming GraphQL queries and mutations, and maps them to specific service functions.
    • Service: Implements business logic and interacts with repositories.
    • Repository:: Provides an abstraction layer between the service layer and the database layer.
  2. Databases: The system uses both NoSQL and SQL databases. ArangoDB is used as a NoSQL database, and Postgres is used as a SQL database, implemented using gRPC.
  3. Frontend: The frontend is built using Tailwind CSS and includes basic pages such as login, register, and profile pages.
System Design

The system uses a layered architecture that separates concerns and ensures loose coupling between the different components. It includes the following layers:

  • Frontend: The frontend layer provides the user interface for the system and the main interface is yet to be built.
  • GraphQL API: The GraphQL API layer handles incoming requests from the frontend and translates them into queries and mutations that can be executed by the backend.
  • Resolver: The resolver layer maps the incoming GraphQL requests to their corresponding service methods.
  • Service: The service layer contains the business logic of the system and performs the necessary operations on the data.
  • Repository: The repository layer provides an abstraction layer over the database and handles the storage and retrieval of data.
  • Database: The database layer stores the data used by the system and is responsible for ensuring its consistency and integrity.

This layered architecture enables the system to be easily extensible and maintainable, as changes to one layer do not affect the others.

Data Flow

Data flows through our system as follows:

  1. The frontend client sends a request to the backend server using GraphQL.
  2. The request is received by the GraphQL API layer, which validates and parses the request.
  3. The request is then passed to the resolver layer, which maps the request to the corresponding service methods.
  4. The service layer contains the business logic of the system and performs the necessary operations on the data.
  5. The repository layer provides an abstraction layer over the database and handles the storage and retrieval of data.
  6. The database layer stores the data used by the system and is responsible for ensuring its consistency and integrity.
  7. The requested data is retrieved from the database and returned to the service layer.
  8. The service layer processes the data and returns the response to the resolver layer.
  9. The resolver layer maps the response to the GraphQL schema and returns it to the GraphQL API layer.
  10. The GraphQL API layer sends the response back to the frontend client.

Data Model

The "Pawsitively Purrfect" project uses a relational data model to store information about users, pets, shelters, and pet adoptions. There's also option to use NoSQL type database instead of SQL type database.

Entities and Relationships

There are four main entities in the data model: User, Pet, Shelter, and Pet Adoption. The entities have various attributes that define them, and have different relationships between them.

Here's a breakdown of the different entities and their relationships:

  • User Entity:
    The User entity represents the users of the platform. User has various attributes such as their full name, email, username, location etc. Each User can adopt multiple Pets from a Shelter which is also owned by a User.

  • Shelter Entity:
    The Shelter entity represents the shelters on the platform. Shelter has various attributes such as its name, description, contact information etc. Each shelter can have only one owner, represented by the OwnerID attribute. Each shelter can own multiple pets.

  • Pet Entity:
    The Pet entity represents the pets on the platform. Pet has various attributes such as its name, type, breed, adoption status etc. The AdoptionStatus attribute represents whether the pet is available for adoption or has already been adopted. Each pet belongs to one shelter, represented by the ShelterID attribute. However, a pet can be adopted by a user, which is represented by a PetAdoption record.

  • PetAdoption Entity:
    The PetAdoption entity represents the adoption of pets by users. Each PetAdoption record has a unique ID and is associated with a specific pet and a specific user.

Schema and Sample Data

JSON Schemas for the entities used in the "Pawsitively Purrfect" project:


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "firstName": {"type": "string"},
    "lastName": {"type": "string"},
    "bio": {"type": "string"},
    "location": {"type": "string"},
    "avatar": {"type": "string"},
    "username": {"type": "string"},
    "email": {"type": "string"},
    "passwordHash": {"type": "string"},
    "isActive": {"type": "boolean"},
    "isAdmin": {"type": "boolean"},
    "createdUnix": {"type": "integer"},
    "updatedUnix": {"type": "integer"},
    "lastLoginUnix": {"type": "integer"}


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "description": {"type": "string"},
    "website": {"type": "string"},
    "location": {"type": "string"},
    "contactInformation": {"type": "string"},
    "logo": {"type": "string"},
    "numberOfPets": {"type": "integer"},
    "ownerID": {"type": "string"}


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "name": {"type": "string"},
    "type": {"type": "string"},
    "breed": {"type": "string"},
    "gender": {"type": "string"},
    "photo": {"type": "string"},
    "adoptionStatus": {"type": "string"},
    "shelterID": {"type": "string"}


  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "id": {"type": "string"},
    "petID": {"type": "string"},
    "userID": {"type": "string"}

And here's an example of some sample data that could be inserted into these tables:


ID FirstName LastName Bio Location Avatar Username Email PasswordHash IsActive IsAdmin CreatedUnix UpdatedUnix LastLoginUnix
1 John Doe I love dogs! New York, NY john.jpg johnd 1234567890 true false 1620187800 1620187800 1620187800
2 Jane Smith I am a cat lover! Los Angeles, CA jane.jpg janes 0987654321 true false 1620187800 1620187800 1620187800
3 Bob Johnson I love all animals! Seattle, WA bob.jpg bobj 1357908642 true true 1620187800 1620187800 1620187800


ID Name Description Website Location ContactInformation Logo NumberOfPets OwnerID
1 PAWS Animal rescue organization New York, NY pawsshelterlogo.jpg 100 1
2 Furry Friends Purrfect home for your furry friends Los Angeles, CA furryfriendslogo.jpg 75 2
3 Happy Tails Helping pets find their forever homes Seattle, WA happytailslogo.jpg 50 3


ID Name Type Breed Gender Photo AdoptionStatus ShelterID
1 Max Dog Labrador Retriever Male maxphoto.jpg Available 1
2 Bella Cat Siamese Female bellaphoto.jpg Adopted 1
3 Lucy Dog Bulldog Female lucyphoto.jpg Available 2
4 Simba Cat Maine Coon Male simbaphoto.jpg Available 2
5 Charlie Dog Golden Retriever Male charliephoto.jpg Adopted 3


1 2 1
2 5 2
3 3 1

Data Model

API Documentation

The Pawsitively Purrfect is a GraphQL server that provides a set of endpoints for managing users, pets, shelters, and pet adoptions. The API allows clients to query and mutate data using a single GraphQL endpoint.


The Pawsitively Purrfect API has the following endpoints:

Rest APIs

The server some Rest APIs to view the website documentation, login, register and view profile page from UI.

  • /docs - Serves the GraphQL documentation

  • /user/login - Serves Login Page

  • /user/register - Serves Registration Page

  • /logout - Logout page

  • /{name} - User profile page



Project Structures:
- .github/
    - workflows/
        - ci.yml
        - release.yml
- api/
    - graphql/
        - resolvers/
            - resolver.go
            - pet.go
            - shelter.go
            - user.go
        - schema/
            - params.go
            - schema.go
    - http/
        - handlers/
            - graphql.go
            - user.go
        - middlewares/
            - auth.go
            - context.go
            - rate_limit.go
            - session_csrf.go
        - routes.go
- cmd/
    - config.go
    - root.go
    - serve.go
    - grpc.go
- configs/
    - .pawsitively-purrfect.yaml
    - config.go
- infra/
    - database/
        - nosql/
            - arangodb/
                - arangodb.go
            - mongodb/
            - mock/
                - mock.go
            - database.go
        - sql/
            - postgres/
                - pb/
                    - postgres_grpc.pb.go
                    - posgres.pb.go
                - server/
                    - postgres.go
                    - health.go
                    - table_sync.go
            - database.go
    - logr/
        - logger.go
- models/
    - gqtypes/
        - pet.go
        - shelter.go
        - types.go
        - user.go
        - pet_adoption.go
    - errors.go
    - pet.go
    - shelter.go
    - user.go
    - pet_adoption.go
- pkg/
    - decode.go
    - hash.go
    - path.go
- proto/
    - database/
        - postgres.proto
- repos/
    - pet/
        - pet.go
        - pet_mock.go
    - shelter/
        - shelter.go
        - shelter_mock.go
    - user/
        - user.go
        - user_mock.go
    - pet_adoption/
        - pet_adoption.go
        - pet_adoption_mock.go
    - pet.go
    - shelter.go
    - user.go
    - pet_adoption.go
- services/
    - all/
        - all.go
    - pet/
        - pet.go
    - shelter/
        - shelter.go
    - user/
        - user.go
    - pet.go
    - shelter.go
    - user.go
- templates/
    - images/
    - logo/

    - docs.tmpl
    - login.tmpl
    - register.tmpl
    - profile.tmpl
    - templates.go
- main.go

- docker-compose.yml
- Dockerfile
- Makefile

Deployment / Installation

We can use either ArangoDB (NoSQL) or Postgres (SQL) as database backend for the Pawsitively Purrfect Application.

The postgres database layer is served with gRPC server. So, if we wish to use Postgres as our database, we will have to run an extra gRPC server to serve the Postgres db.

Local Development

For local development mode, we first have to clone the repository from Github.

  • Clone the repository
    $ mkdir -p $HOME/go/src/
    $ git clone
    $ cd pawsitively-purrfect
  • To get the best experience with the login consistency, Run the following command
    $ sudo echo ' pawsitively.purrfect' >> /etc/hosts
  • Run the Pawsitively Purrfect Application
    We can start the server following either of the following processes.
    • Running without gRPC server
      $ make run
      $ # It actually runs `docker compose up` command
      $ # ArangoDB is used as the database
    • Running with gRPC server
      $ make run-with-grpc
      $ # It actually runs `docker compose up --file docker-compose-grpc.yml
      $ # Postgres is used as thye database but the postgres is served through a gRPC server
    The Pawsitively Purrfect application should be up and running. To access it head out to http://pawsitively.purrfect:62783
Production Environment

To deploy Pawsitively Purrfect applicaiton in production environment, the preferred way is through Helm Chart.

First you need to add the repo for the helm chart.

$ helm repo add masud
$ helm repo update

$ helm search repo masud/pawsitively-purrfect

Just like running application in local environment, we have two installation procedures here too.

  • Installing without gRPC server

    $ helm upgrade --install pawsitively-purrfect masud/pawsitively-purrfect -n purrfect --create-namespace
  • Installing with gRPC server

    $ helm upgrade --install pawsitively-purrfect masud/pawsitively-purrfect -n purrfect \
        --create-namespace  --set grpc.enabled=true
  • Verify Installation To check if Pawsitively Purrfect is installed, run the following command:

    $ kubectl get pods -n purrfect -l ""
    NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pawsitively-purrfect-698f968b44-d5mt6            1/1     Running   0          15s
    pawsitively-purrfect-arangodb-78db5b45bf-2wklw   1/1     Running   0          10s

To see the detailed configuration options, visit here.



The Pawsitively Purrfect is a GraphQL API written in Go that provides pet adoption functionalities such as creating and updating pet profiles, managing pet adoption applications, and enabling communication between adopters and shelter staff.

The API uses either ArangoDB or Postgres as its database backend and can be run with or without a gRPC server.

Future Plans and Enhancements:

In the future, the application can be further improved by adding support for must columns in SQL database implementations, which will allow updating columns with zero values. Additionally, more queries and mutations can be added to the API to enhance its functionalities further. Finally, a frontend can be developed to provide a user-friendly interface for interacting with the API.


The Go Gopher

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Path Synopsis
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package mock is a generated GoMock package.
Package pet is a generated GoMock package.
Package pet is a generated GoMock package.
Package pet_adoption is a generated GoMock package.
Package pet_adoption is a generated GoMock package.
Package shelter is a generated GoMock package.
Package shelter is a generated GoMock package.
Package user is a generated GoMock package.
Package user is a generated GoMock package.

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? : This menu
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