Expense Tracker
A Telegram Bot to track your expenses.
Expense Tracker Bot
is a Telegram Bot to track your daily transactions.
The Expense Tracker Bot
is now available for public use.
To use this bot, go to Telegram and search for @XpenseTrackerBot
- Expense Tracking: Keep track of your daily expenses, income, and balance transfers between accounts.
- Flexible Input: Add transactions interactively by selecting options or simply send a text describing your transaction.
- Lending and Borrowing: Track lendings and borrowings with other individuals.
- Transaction Summary: Retrieve transaction summaries based on type, category, or subcategory for your preferred duration.
- Transaction Reports: Generate transaction reports in PDF format for your chosen duration.
Once you are inside the bot inbox, press Start
button to start using the Tracker Bot.
Before you start tracking your expenses
- Add accounts like
, brac
, ebl
- Command
=> Account => Type (Cash or Bank)
- Reply with account details (
cash "Cash in Hand"
, ebl EBL
- Add some debtors/creditors with whom you are financially involved
- Command
=> DebtorsCreditors
- Reply with the person details (
john "John Doe" john@doe.com
Track your Transactions
To track your transactions interactively, send /newtxn
command and follow the on-display suggestions.
Regular Text Message
You also can add new transaction by sending a regular text message.
You just need to mention
- what you did
- how much did it cost
- when you did it
- affected accounts
- affected persons in case of loan/borrow
- remarks
and the bot will take care of the rest
Obviously you need to follow some rules while adding transactions via text messages.
Message needs to be in key/value pairs, like:
- {action} {amount}
- for {txn subcategory} // the subcategory must match the allowed subcategory
- {from/to} {account} // default cash
- {from/to} {debtor/creditor} // in case of lending/borrowing
- on {date} // "DD-MM-YYY", "YYYY-MM-DD", "MMM DD, YYYY", today, tomorrow, yesterday [default today]
- at {time} // midnight, morning, noon, afternoon, evening, night and also different time formats [default now]
- note {remarks}
These key/value pairs can appear in any order
Some example text for adding a new transaction:
- transferred 2000 from brac to dbbl on 2020-01-01 note "Bill payment"
- spent 1000 for food-rest on "Jan 13, 2013" from dbbl note "Lunch"
- earn 5000 to brac on 20-01-2023 note "Salary"
- borrow 1000 from user to brac on 2020-01-01
- return 1000 to user from brac on 2020-01-01
- lend 1000 to user from brac on 2020-01-01
- recover 1000 from user to brac on 2020-01-01
Expand to see the Allowed Transaction Subcategory list
Food (food):
- Restaurants (food-rest)
- Groceries (food-groc)
- Takeout (food-take)
- Snacks (food-snack)
- Fruits (food-fruit)
- Beverages (food-bev)
Housing (house):
- Rent (house-rent)
- Utilities (house-util)
- Furniture (house-furn)
- Electronics (house-elec)
- Real State (house-real)
Entertainment (ent):
- Movies (ent-movie)
- Subscription (ent-sub)
- Recreation (ent-rec)
- Books (ent-books)
Personal Care (pc):
- Salon (pc-salon)
- Toiletries (pc-toilet)
- Gym (pc-gym)
- Clothing (pc-cloth)
- Health (pc-health)
- Medicine (pc-med)
Travel (trv):
- Accommodation (trv-accom)
- Dining (trv-dine)
- Sightseeing (trv-sight)
- Transportation (trv-trans)
- Gifts (trv-gift)
Financial (fin):
- Salary (fin-sal)
- Deposit (fin-deposit)
- Withdraw (fin-with)
- DPS (fin-dps)
- Credit Card Payment (fin-ccpay)
- Bank Transfer (fin-bank)
- Loan (fin-loan)
- Loan Recovery (fin-recover)
- Borrow (fin-borrow)
- Borrow Return (fin-return)
- Tax (fin-tax)
- Charges (fin-charge)
- Mobile Recharge (fin-flexi)
Miscellaneous (misc):
- Initial Amount (misc-init)
- Giveaway (misc-give)
- Miscellaneous (misc-misc)
You always can send /cat
command to list the subcategory
Available commands:
- Add new Transaction, Account or User
- Add new debtor or creditors
- Add new account (Cash, Bank)
- i.e:
brac "BRAC Bank"
- i.e:
cash "Cash in Hand"
- Add new transaction
- Add a new transaction through a series of callback queries.
- List users
- list all the persons involved in some loan/borrow with the system user
- List Account Balance
- list all the registered accounts and their balance
- Fetch Expense of Current month
- list transactions of current month
- Transaction summary of current month
- list transaction summary of current month
- Transaction summary based on Type, Category, Subcategory
- list transaction summary based on Type, Category, Subcategory
- with a duration query parameter
- Transaction Report
- list transaction report
- with a duration query parameter
- List Transaction categories
- list all the registered categories
- by selecting a category, list all the registered subcategories of that category
- Show Usage page
Live Demonstration
Future Work
A list of possible future work:
- Add support for undoing a transaction
- Add Database backup and restore support
- Add support for multiple users
Self Hosting
If you want to host your own Expense Tracker Bot
, refer to the self-hosting doc page.
Telegram - masudur-rahman.