This tool uses the LE CA and the ACME protocol to generate a certificate, CSR, and sign it. If you already have a CSR that can be used as well.
Installation can be done with go get
go get -u github.com/mastercactapus/letsencrypt-getcert
Note that should you need to include the full certificate chain, the --chain
option will include ALL LetsEncrypt certificates in the output.
Generating a new certificate
You will need to temporarily make port 80 available and have sudo/root access to the server your domain(s) point to.
letsencrypt-getcert generate --chain example.com
# example.com.crt.pem and example.com.key.pem should be in the current directory
You can now move and/or reference example.com.crt.pem
and example.com.key.pem
from your TLS services.
Using an existing CSR
When using an existing CSR, the tool will automatically use the CommonName, so the domain name doesn't need to be specified.
letsencrypt-getcert sign ./example.csr
# example.com.crt.pem should be in the current directory
The full set of options can be printed by running letsencrypt-getcert help
Simple utility for generating signed TLS certificates.
letsencrypt-getcert [command]
Available Commands:
generate Generate and sign new certificate(s).
sign Fulfill existing CSR(s).
help Help about any command
-k, --account-key="acme.key": ACME account key (PEM format). The account key to use with this CA. If it doesn't exist, one will be generated.
-u, --acme-url="https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory": ACME URL. URL to the ACME directory to use.
-b, --bind=":80": Bind address. The binding address:port for the server. Note, port 80 on the domain(s) must be mapped to this address.
--bits=4096: Bits for RSA key generation.
--chain=false: Include full chain. If set, download and include all LE certificates in the chain.
-h, --help=false: help for letsencrypt-getcert
-d, --output-dir=".": Output directory. Certificates and keys will be stored here.
-v, --verbose=false: Verbose mode. Logs extra messages for debugging.
Use "letsencrypt-getcert [command] --help" for more information about a command.