About this plugin
The ext-build-info plugin collects issues from git comment messages and branch names and validates that they are known by the tracker.
Installation with JFrog CLI
Installing the latest version:
$ jf plugin install ext-build-info
Installing a specific version:
$ jf plugin install ext-build-info@version
Uninstalling a plugin
$ jf plugin uninstall ext-build-info
- build name - The name of the build.
- build number - The number of the build.
- path to .git - Path to a directory containing the .git directory. If not specified, the .git directory is assumed to be in the
current directory or in one of the parent directories.
- --server-id - [Optional] Server ID configured using the config command.
- --project - [Optional] Project where the pipeline belongs to.
- --tracker - [Optional] Tracker to use to collect related issue from.
- --tracker-url - [Optional] Tracker base url to use to collect related issue from.
- --tracker-username - [Optional] Tracker username to use to collect related issue from.
- --tracker-token - [Optional] Tracker token to use to collect related issue from.
- --regexp - [Optional] A regular expression used for matching the git commit messages.
- --key-group-index - [Default: 1] The capturing group index in the regular expression used for retrieving the issue key.
- --git-log-limit - [Default: 100] The maximum number of git commit messages to process.
- --aggregate - [Default: false] Set to true, if you wish all builds to include issues from previous builds.
- --aggregation-status - [Optional] If aggregate is set to true, this property indicates how far in time should the issues be
aggregated. In the above example, issues will be aggregated from previous builds, until a build with a RELEASE status is found.
Build statuses are set when a build is promoted using the jf rt build-promote command.
$ jf ext-build-info collect-issues --tracker=Jira MyBuild 1
[Info] Reading the git branch, revision and remote URL and adding them to the build-info.
[Info] Collecting build issues from VCS...
[Info] Searching Jira using request: {"jql": "issue IN (EX-1, EX2)", "fields": ["key", "summary"], "startAt": 0, maxResult: 100, "validateQuery": "warn"}
[Info] Found Jira issue: EX-1
[Info] Collected 1 issue details for MyBuild/1.
- Arguments
- build name - The name of the build.
- build number - The number of the build.
- Flags
- --server-id - [Optional] Server ID configured using the config command, this needs to an Artifactory integration that uses an
Access Token.
- --project - [Optional] Project where the pipeline belongs to.
- --slack - The Slack integration name to send the message to.
- --include-pre-post-runs - [Optional] Enable to include pipeline preRun and postRun steps.
Environment variables
The plugin can lookup integration variables like url, username and token using the JFrog Pipelines integration environment variables.
Additional info
Release Notes
The release notes are available here.