Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func AggregateFitness(individual Individual) (float64, error)
- func AntagonistFitnessResolver(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, antagonist *Individual, ...)
- func CalculateAverage(items []float64) (float64, error)
- func CalculateAverageFitnessAverage(individuals []*Individual) (float64, error)
- func CalculateCumulative(individuals []*Individual) (float64, error)
- func CalculateGenerationSize(params EvolutionParams) int
- func CoalesceFitnessStatistics(individual *Individual) (fitnessToBeAppendedToGenerationAvgFitness float64)
- func ConvertStrategiesToString(strategies []Strategy) (stringStrategies []string)
- func CreateEpochID(count int, generationId, antagonistId, protagonistId string) string
- func DominantStrategy(individual Individual) string
- func DominantStrategyStr(str string) string
- func EvaluateMathematicalExpression(expressionString string, independentVariables IndependentVariableMap) (float64, error)
- func FitnessResolver(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, antagonist, protagonist *Individual, ...)
- func FixedPointCrossover(individual Individual, individual2 Individual, params EvolutionParams) (Individual, Individual, error)
- func FormatStrategiesList(strategies []Strategy) strings.Builder
- func FormatStrategiesTotal(strategies []Strategy) strings.Builder
- func GenerateGenerationID(count int, topology string) string
- func GenerateIndividualID(identifier string, individualKind int) string
- func GenerateProgramID(count int) string
- func GetMaxFitnessAndDelta(individual *Individual) (maxFit float64, maxDelta float64)
- func GetTopIndividualInRun(sortedGenerations []*Generation, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) (topAntagonist *Individual, topProtagonist *Individual, err error)
- func KPointCrossover(parentA, parentB *Individual, kPoint int) (childA Individual, childB Individual, err error)
- func KindToString(kind int) string
- func MathPreorder(node *DualTreeNode, sb *strings.Builder)
- func Mutate(outgoingParents []*Individual, children []*Individual, kind int, ...) (parents []*Individual, childs []*Individual, err error)
- func ProtagonistFitnessResolver(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, protagonist *Individual, ...)
- func RMSE(forecast, observed []float64) float64
- func RandString(n int) string
- func SinglePointCrossover(parentA, parentB *Individual) (childA Individual, childB Individual, err error)
- func StrategiesToString(individual Individual) string
- func StrategiesToStringArr(strategies []string) string
- func StrategySwapper(a []Strategy, b []Strategy, swapLength int, startIndex int) ([]Strategy, []Strategy)
- func StrategySwapperIgnorant(a []Strategy, b []Strategy, swapLength int, startIndex int) ([]Strategy, []Strategy)
- func ThresholdedRatioFitness(spec SpecMulti, antagonist, protagonist *Program, divByZeroStrategy string) (antagonistFitness float64, ...)
- func TruncShort(s []Strategy) string
- func UniformCrossover(parentA, parentB *Individual) (childA Individual, childB Individual, err error)
- func WriteGenerationToLog(e *EvolutionEngine, i int, elapsed time.Duration)
- func WriteToDataFolder(dataFolderPath string, fileName string, fileValue string, ...)
- func WriteToDataFolders(folderPercentages []float64, currentGeneration, generationTotalSize int, ...)
- type Antagonist
- type AvailableSymbolicExpressions
- type AvailableVariablesAndOperators
- type AwareTree
- type Bug
- type DualTree
- func (bst *DualTree) AddEmptyToTreeRoot(subTree *DualTree) error
- func (bst *DualTree) AddSubTree(subTree *DualTree) error
- func (bst *DualTree) AddToLeaf(tree DualTree) error
- func (bst *DualTree) AttachSubTree(subTree *DualTree) error
- func (bst DualTree) Clone() (DualTree, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) ContainsNode(treeNode *DualTreeNode) (bool, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) ContainsSubTree(subTree *DualTree) (bool, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) DeleteMalicious() error
- func (bst *DualTree) DeleteNonTerminal() error
- func (bst *DualTree) DeleteSubTree(deletionStrategy int) error
- func (bst *DualTree) DeleteTerminal() error
- func (d *DualTree) Depth() (int, error)
- func (d *DualTree) DepthAt(depth int) ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
- func (d *DualTree) DepthTo(depth int) ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) FellTree() error
- func (bst *DualTree) FromSymbolicExpressionSet2(terminalSet []SymbolicExpression) error
- func (bst *DualTree) GetNode(value string) (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
- func (bst *DualTree) GetNonTerminalsAware() ([]AwareTree, error)
- func (d *DualTree) GetRandomSubTreeAtDepth(depth int) (DualTree, error)
- func (d *DualTree) GetRandomSubTreeAtDepthAware(depth int) (DualTree, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) GetShortestBranch(minAcceptableDepth int) (shortestNode *DualTreeNode, shortestNodeParent *DualTreeNode, ...)
- func (bst *DualTree) GetTerminalsAware() ([]AwareTree, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) InOrderTraverse(f func(node *DualTreeNode))
- func (bst *DualTree) InOrderTraverseAware(f func(node *DualTreeNode, parentNode *DualTreeNode))
- func (bst *DualTree) InOrderTraverseDepthAware(...)
- func (bst *DualTree) MutateNonTerminal(nonTerminalSet []SymbolicExpression) error
- func (bst *DualTree) MutateTerminal(terminalSet []SymbolicExpression) error
- func (d *DualTree) NonTerminals() ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) Print()
- func (bst *DualTree) Random(terminalSet []SymbolicExpression, maxDepth int) error
- func (bst *DualTree) RandomNonTerminal() (*DualTreeNode, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) RandomNonTerminalAware() (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
- func (bst *DualTree) RandomTerminal() (*DualTreeNode, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) RandomTerminalAware() (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
- func (bst *DualTree) Replace(node *DualTreeNode, replacer DualTreeNode) (hobo DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
- func (bst *DualTree) ReplaceBranch(tree DualTree) error
- func (bst *DualTree) ReplaceStrict(node *DualTreeNode, replacer DualTreeNode) (hobo DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
- func (bst *DualTree) Search(key string) (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
- func (bst *DualTree) Size() int
- func (bst *DualTree) SoftDeleteSubTree() error
- func (d *DualTree) Terminals() ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
- func (d *DualTree) ToMathematicalString() (string, error)
- func (bst *DualTree) ToString() strings.Builder
- func (bst *DualTree) ToSymbolicExpressionSet() ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
- func (d *DualTree) Validate() error
- type DualTreeNode
- func (d *DualTreeNode) ArityRemainder() int
- func (d DualTreeNode) Clone() DualTreeNode
- func (b *DualTreeNode) IsEqual(t DualTreeNode) bool
- func (d *DualTreeNode) IsLeaf() bool
- func (d *DualTreeNode) IsValEqual(t DualTreeNode) bool
- func (d *DualTreeNode) ToDualTree() (DualTree, error)
- func (d *DualTreeNode) ToSymbolicExpression() (SymbolicExpression, error)
- type Epoch
- type EquationPairing
- type EvolutionEngine
- func (engine *EvolutionEngine) EvaluateTerminationCriteria(generation *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (shouldTerminateEvolution bool)
- func (engine *EvolutionEngine) Evolve(params EvolutionParams) (*EvolutionResult, error)
- func (engine *EvolutionEngine) InitializeGenerations(params EvolutionParams) (antagonists []*Individual, protagonists []*Individual, err error)
- func (engine *EvolutionEngine) RunGenerationStatistics(currentGeneration *Generation)
- func (engine *EvolutionEngine) ValidateGenerationTerminationMinimums() (minimumTopProtagonistThreshold int, ...)
- type EvolutionParams
- type EvolutionProcess
- type EvolutionResult
- type FitnessStrategy
- type Generation
- func (g *Generation) ApplyParentSelection(currentPopulation []*Individual) ([]*Individual, error)
- func (g *Generation) ApplyReproduction(incomingParents []*Individual, kind int) (outgoingParents []*Individual, children []*Individual, err error)
- func (g *Generation) ApplySelection(antagonists, protagonists []*Individual, errorChan chan error) (antagonistSurvivors []*Individual, protagonistSurvivors []*Individual)
- func (g *Generation) ApplySurvivorSelection(outgoingParents []*Individual, children []*Individual) ([]*Individual, error)
- func (g *Generation) CleansePopulations(params EvolutionParams)
- func (g *Generation) GenerateRandomIndividuals(kind int, params EvolutionParams) ([]*Individual, error)
- func (g *Generation) InitializePopulation(params EvolutionParams) (antagonists []*Individual, protagonists []*Individual, err error)
- func (g *Generation) ToString() string
- type Generational
- type Generations
- type HallOfFame
- type IDualTree
- type IDualTreeDeletable
- type IDualTreeGetFirstable
- type IDualTreeGettable
- type IDualTreeInsertable
- type IDualTreePoppable
- type IDualTreeTraversable
- type IEvolve
- type ITopology
- type IndependentVariableMap
- type Individual
- func CleansePopulation(individuals []*Individual, treeReplacer DualTree) ([]*Individual, error)
- func CloneIndividualsLinkParent(individuals []*Individual) (outgoing []*Individual, err error)
- func Elitism(population []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
- func FitnessBasedSurvivorSelection(selectedParents, selectedChildren []*Individual, params EvolutionParams) ([]*Individual, error)
- func FitnessProportionateSelection(population []*Individual) ([]*Individual, error)
- func GenerationalSurvivorSelection(population *Generation) ([]*Individual, error)
- func GetNthPlaceIndividual(sortedIndividuals []*Individual, n int) (*Individual, error)
- func RandomSurvivorSelection(selectedParents, selectedChildren []*Individual, params EvolutionParams) ([]*Individual, error)
- func SortIndividuals(individuals []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
- func SortIndividualsByAvgDelta(individuals []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
- func SortIndividualsByDelta(individuals []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
- func SteadyStateSurvivorSelection(population *Generation) ([]*Individual, error)
- func TournamentSelection(population []*Individual, tournamentSize int) ([]*Individual, error)
- func (individual *Individual) ApplyAntagonistStrategy(params EvolutionParams) error
- func (individual *Individual) ApplyProtagonistStrategy(antagonistTree DualTree, params EvolutionParams) error
- func (individual *Individual) CalculateAntagonistThresholdedFitness(params EvolutionParams) (antagonistFitness float64, delta float64, err error)
- func (individual *Individual) CalculateProtagonistThresholdedFitness(params EvolutionParams) (protagonistFitness float64, delta float64, err error)
- func (individual Individual) Clone() (Individual, error)
- func (individual Individual) CloneCleanse() (Individual, error)
- func (individual Individual) CloneWithTree(tree DualTree) Individual
- func (individual *Individual) Mutate(availableStrategies []Strategy) error
- func (individual *Individual) ToString() strings.Builder
- type KRandom
- type ParentSelection
- type PerfectTree
- type Program
- func (p *Program) ApplyStrategy(strategy Strategy, terminals []SymbolicExpression, ...) (err error)
- func (p Program) Clone() (Program, error)
- func (p Program) CloneWithTree(tree DualTree) Program
- func (p *Program) EvalMulti(independentVariables IndependentVariableMap, expressionString string) (float64, error)
- type Protagonist
- type Reproduction
- type RoundRobin
- type Selection
- type SingleEliminationTournamentTopology
- type SpecMulti
- type SpecParam
- type Statistics
- type StatisticsOutput
- type Strategable
- type Strategies
- type Strategy
- type SurvivorSelection
- type SymbolicExpression
- func CreateBinaryNonTerminal(value string) SymbolicExpression
- func CreateNonTerminal(arity int, value string) SymbolicExpression
- func CreateTerminal(value string) SymbolicExpression
- func GenerateExpression(expression string) ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
- func GenerateNonTerminals(count int, symbolList []string) ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
- func GenerateRandomSymbolicExpressionSet(size int) []SymbolicExpression
- func GenerateTerminals(count int, symbolList []string) ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
- func ParseString(expression string, validNonTerminals []string, validVariables []string) (terminals, nonTerminals, mathematicalExpression []SymbolicExpression, ...)
- func ParseStringLiberal(expression string) (terminals, nonTerminals, mathematicalExpression []SymbolicExpression, ...)
- type SymbolicExpressionSet
- type Test
- type Topology
Constants ¶
const ( MinAllowableGenerationsToTerminate = 9 TopologyRoundRobin = "TopologyRoundRobin" TopologyKRandom = "TopologyKRandom" TopologyHallOfFame = "TopologyHallOfFame" TopologySingleEliminationTournament = "TopologySET" )
const ( FitnessAbsolute = "FitnessAbsolute" FitnessThresholdedAntagonistRatio = "FitnessThresholdedAntagonistRatio" FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally = "FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally" FitnessRatio = "FitnessRatio" FitnessMonoThresholdedRatio = "FitnessMonoThresholdedRatio" FitnessDualThresholdedRatio = "FitnessDualThresholdedRatio" DivByZeroIgnore = "Ignore" DivByZeroSteadyPenalize = "SteadyPenalization" DivByZeroPenalize = "Penalize" DivByZeroSetSpecValueZero = "SetSpecValueZero" )
const ( IndividualAntagonist = 0 IndividualProtagonist = 1 )
const ( ParentSelectionTournament = "ParentSelectionTournament" // ID for Tournament Selection ParentSelectionElitism = "ParentSelectionElitism" //ID for elitism ParentSelectionFitnessProportionate = 2 )
const ( MathErrorGeneral = 0 MathErrorInvalid = 1 )
const ( CrossoverSinglePoint = "CrossoverSinglePoint" CrossoverFixedPoint = "CrossoverFixedPoint" CrossoverKPoint = "CrossoverKPoint" CrossoverUniform = "CrossoverUniform" )
const ( // StrategyDeleteNonTerminal will select a non-root non-terminal element from a given tree and delete it by // setting it to 0 StrategyDeleteNonTerminal = "DeleteNonTerminalR" // StrategyDeleteMalicious randomly selects any element of a tree ( // including the root) and convert it to a value of 0 potentially deleting all // genetic material if the root is selected StrategyDeleteMalicious = "DeleteMaliciousR" // StrategyDeleteTerminal will convert a terminal node to 0. StrategyDeleteTerminal = "DeleteTerminalR" // StrategyMutateNode randomly selects a non-terminal in a tree and changes its value to one of the available // nonterminals in the parameter list. // If the tree only contains a root that is a terminal it will ignore it. StrategyMutateNonTerminal = "MutateNonTerminalR" // StrategyMutateTerminal randomly selects a terminal in a tree and changes its value to one of the available // terminals in the parameter list. // If the tree only contains a root that is a terminal it will ignore it. StrategyMutateTerminal = "MutateTerminalR" // StrategyReplaceBranch takes a given tree and randomly selects a branch i. // e non-terminal and will swap it with a randomly generated tree of variable depth StrategyReplaceBranch = "ReplaceBranchR" StrategyReplaceBranchX = "ReplaceBranchXR" //StrategyAddRandomSubTree is a generic strategy that adds a randomly generated subtree anywhere on a given tree // If an add strategy encounters a 0 at the root, it will replace the 0. StrategyAddRandomSubTree = "AddRandomSubTreeR" // StrategyAddToLeaf is similar to AddSubTree, // however the SubTree will only be placed on a randomly selected leaf. It will not replace a non-terminal. // It can replace a root StrategyAddToLeaf = "AddToLeafR" StrategyAddToLeafX = "AddToLeafX" // StrategyAddTreeWithMult will add a subTree with a root of multiplication to a given leaf node StrategyAddTreeWithMult = "AddTreeWithMult" // StrategyAddTreeWithMult will add a subTree with a root of subtract to a given leaf node StrategyAddTreeWithSub = "AddTreeWithSub" // StrategyAddTreeWithMult will add a subTree with a root of add to a given leaf node StrategyAddTreeWithAdd = "AddTreeWithAdd" StrategyAddTreeWithDiv = "AddTreeWithDiv" // ####################################################### DETERMINISTIC STRATEGIES ############################# // StrategySkip performs no operations on the given subtree. StrategySkip = "SkipD" // StrategyFellTree destroys the tree and sets its root to 0 and kills it all. StrategyFellTree = "FellTreeD" StrategyMultXD = "MultXD" StrategyAddXD = "AddXD" StrategySubXD = "SubXD" StrategyDivXD = "DivXD" )
const ( SurvivorSelectionFitnessBased = "SurvivorSelectionFitnessBased" SurvivorSelectionRandom = "SurvivorSelectionRandom" )
const DeletionTypeMalicious = 1
const DeletionTypeSafe = 0
const (
ProgressCountersEvolutionResult = 7
Variables ¶
var Add = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const0 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const1 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const10 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const100 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const1000 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const10000 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const100000 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const2 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const3 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const4 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const5 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const6 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const7 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const8 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Const9 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Epoch0 = Epoch{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var Epoch1 = Epoch{ // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var EpochNil = Epoch{}
var EvolutionEngineTest0 = EvolutionEngine{ Parameters: EvolutionParams{}, }
var EvolutionEngineTest1 = EvolutionEngine{ Parameters: EvolutionParams{}, }
var EvolutionEngineTestNil = EvolutionEngine{}
var (
EvolutionaryStrategy = evolutionaryStrategy{}
var GenerationNil = Generation{}
var GenerationTest0 = Generation{ GenerationID: "gen0", // contains filtered or unexported fields }
var GenerationTest1 = Generation{ GenerationID: "gen0", // contains filtered or unexported fields }
GenerationTest1 1 less protagonist
var IndividualNilProgNil = Individual{ Program: &ProgNil, Kind: 0, Id: "ANTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, }
var IndividualProg0Kind0 = Individual{ Program: &ProgX, Kind: 0, Id: "ANTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProg0Kind1 = Individual{ Program: &ProgX, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProg1Kind1 = Individual{ Program: &Prog1, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_0 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_0, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_1 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_1, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_4 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_4, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_1 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeXXXX4, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0Kind0 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0, Kind: 0, Id: "ANTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var IndividualProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0Kind1 = Individual{ Program: &ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0, Kind: 1, Id: "PROTAGONIST-", Age: 0, HasCalculatedFitness: false, Strategy: []Strategy{StrategyMutateTerminal, StrategyDeleteNonTerminal, StrategyAddRandomSubTree}, Fitness: []float64{}, FitnessCalculationMethod: FitnessProtagonistThresholdTally, HasAppliedStrategy: false, }
var Mult = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Prog1 = Program{ T: TreeT_1(), ID: "Prog1", }
var ProgBadTree = Program{ T: TreeBad(), ID: "BadTree", }
var ProgNil = Program{ T: TreeNil(), ID: "ProgNil", }
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_0 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_0(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_0", }
ProgTreeT_NT_T_0 | x*4
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_1 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_1(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_0", }
ProgTreeT_NT_T_0 + x+8
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_4 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_4(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_4", }
ProgTreeT_NT_T_4 = x * x
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0", }
ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0 | x - x * 4
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0", }
ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 | 4 - 0 + 4 + 8
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0", }
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0", }
var ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0", }
var ProgTreeXXXX4 = Program{ T: TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_1(), ID: "ProgTreeXXXX4", }
ProgTreeXXXX4 = x * x * x * x + 4
var ProgTreeXby5 = Program{ T: TreeXby5(), ID: "TreeXby5", }
ProgTreeT_NT_T_0 | x*5
var ProgX = Program{ T: TreeT_X(), ID: "ProgX", }
var ProgXXXX = Program{ T: TreeXXXX(), ID: "ProgTreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_2", }
ProgXXXX = x * x * x * x
var Sin = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Spec0 = SpecMulti{ EquationPairing{Independents: IndependentVariableMap{"x": 0}, Dependent: 0}, EquationPairing{Independents: IndependentVariableMap{"x": 1}, Dependent: 0}, EquationPairing{Independents: IndependentVariableMap{"x": 2}, Dependent: 0}, EquationPairing{Independents: IndependentVariableMap{"x": 3}, Dependent: 0}, EquationPairing{Independents: IndependentVariableMap{"x": 4}, Dependent: 0}, }
Spec0 x * 0 = y
var Sub = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
var Tree3 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
Tree3 = Sin(4 - x)
var Tree4 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
Tree4 = Sin(x)
var Tree5 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
Tree5 = Sin
var Tree6 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
Tree6 = x +
var Tree7 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
Tree7 = +
var Tree8 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
Tree8 = x * x
var TreeBad = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var TreeNil = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} return &t }
TreeNil = 0
var TreeT_1 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Const0.ToDualTreeNode("0") return &t }
TreeT_1 = 0
var TreeT_10 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Const10.ToDualTreeNode("0") return &t }
var TreeT_100 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Const100.ToDualTreeNode("0") return &t }
var TreeT_1000 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Const1000.ToDualTreeNode("0") return &t }
var TreeT_10000 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Const10000.ToDualTreeNode("0") return &t }
var TreeT_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode("1") t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("2") t.root.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode("3") return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_0 = x * 4
var TreeT_NT_T_1 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode("1234") t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("12345") t.root.right = Const8.ToDualTreeNode("456") return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_1 = x + 8
var TreeT_NT_T_2 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sub.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const8.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_2 = 4 - 8
var TreeT_NT_T_3 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Const8.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const8.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_3 = 8 * 8
var TreeT_NT_T_4 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_4 = x * x
var TreeT_NT_T_5 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sub.ToDualTreeNode("2") t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("3") t.root.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode("4") return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_5 = x - x
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode("0") t.root.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode("1") t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode("2") t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("3") t.root.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode("4") return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0 = x - x * 4
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_1 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Const8.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_1 = x + 8 * 4
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_2 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_2 = x - 0 * 4
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_3 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode("0") t.root.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode("2") t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode("1") t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("ll") t.root.left.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode("32") return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_3 = x - 0 * 0
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_4 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_4 = 4 - 0 + 0
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Const8.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = 4 - 0 + 4 + 8
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_1 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Const8.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_1 = x * x + 4 + 8
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = x * x * x * x * x
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_1 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_1 = x * x * x * x + 4
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.right = Const1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right.left = Const2.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right.right = Const3.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Const5.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.right = Const1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right.left = Const2.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right.right = Const3.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Const6.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left.right = Const5.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
var TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = Const0.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.right = Const1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right.left = Const2.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right.right = Const3.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right.left = Const6.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right.right = Const7.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left.left = Const4.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left.right = Const5.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_NT_T_0 = 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7
var TreeT_X = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = X1.ToDualTreeNode("0") return &t }
TreeT_X = x
var TreeVine_D3 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeVine_D3 = sin(sin(sin(x)))
var TreeVine_D4 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeVine_D4 = sin(sin(sin(sin(x)))))
var TreeVine_D5_R = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right.right.right.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeVine_D5_R = It looks like triangle with depth 5 on the right side.
var TreeVine_D6_R = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Add.ToDualTreeNode("0") t.root.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("1") t.root.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("2") t.root.left.left.left = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("3") t.root.left.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("4") t.root.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("5") t.root.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("6") t.root.right.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("7") t.root.right.right.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("8") t.root.right.right.right.right.right = Sin.ToDualTreeNode("9") t.root.right.right.right.right.right.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("10") return &t }
TreeVine_D5_R = It looks like triangle with depth 6 on the right side.
var TreeXAddXMult4Sub9Mult0 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode("0") t.root.right = Const0.ToDualTreeNode("1") t.root.left = Sub.ToDualTreeNode("2") t.root.left.right = Const9.ToDualTreeNode("4") t.root.left.left = Add.ToDualTreeNode("43") t.root.left.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("3f3") t.root.left.left.right = Mult.ToDualTreeNode("4sd3") t.root.left.left.right.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("4fd3") t.root.left.left.right.right = Const4.ToDualTreeNode("4x3") return &t }
TreeT_NT_T_NT_T_0 = (((x + (x * 4)) - 9) * 0)
var TreeXXXX = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
TreeXXXX = x * x * x * x
var TreeXby5 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode("1fas") t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode("2ds") t.root.right = Const5.ToDualTreeNode("3dd") return &t }
TreeXby5 = x * 5
var Tree_100000XXX = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.left = Const100000.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right.right = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var Tree_X10 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const10.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var Tree_X100 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const100.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var Tree_X1000 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const1000.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var Tree_X10000 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const10000.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var Tree_X100000 = func() *DualTree { t := DualTree{} t.root = Mult.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.left = X1.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) t.root.right = Const100000.ToDualTreeNode(RandString(5)) return &t }
var X1 = SymbolicExpression{/* contains filtered or unexported fields */}
Functions ¶
func AggregateFitness ¶
func AggregateFitness(individual Individual) (float64, error)
AggregateFitness simply adds all the Fitness values of a given individual to come up with a total number. If the Fitness array is nil or empty return MaxInt8 as values such as -1 or 0 have a differnt meaning
func AntagonistFitnessResolver ¶
func AntagonistFitnessResolver(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, antagonist *Individual, antagonistFitness float64, antagonistFitnessDelta float64)
func CalculateAverage ¶
CalculateAverage averages the fitness values for each individual
func CalculateAverageFitnessAverage ¶
func CalculateAverageFitnessAverage(individuals []*Individual) (float64, error)
CalculateAverageFitnessAverage averages the fitness values for each individual
func CalculateCumulative ¶
func CalculateCumulative(individuals []*Individual) (float64, error)
CalculateCumulative accumulates all the averaged fitness values each individual has.
func CalculateGenerationSize ¶
func CalculateGenerationSize(params EvolutionParams) int
func CoalesceFitnessStatistics ¶
func CoalesceFitnessStatistics(individual *Individual) (fitnessToBeAppendedToGenerationAvgFitness float64)
func CreateEpochID ¶
CreateEpochID generates a given epoch Id with some useful information
func DominantStrategy ¶
func DominantStrategy(individual Individual) string
func DominantStrategyStr ¶
func EvaluateMathematicalExpression ¶
func EvaluateMathematicalExpression(expressionString string, independentVariables IndependentVariableMap) (float64, error)
EvaluateMathematicalExpression evaluates a valid expression using the given independentVar
func FitnessResolver ¶
func FitnessResolver(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, antagonist, protagonist *Individual, antagonistFitness float64, antagonistFitnessDelta float64, protagonistFitness float64, protagonistFitnessDelta float64)
func FixedPointCrossover ¶
func FixedPointCrossover(individual Individual, individual2 Individual, params EvolutionParams) (Individual, Individual, error)
FixedPointCrossover will perform crossover on the strategies of a given set of individuals
func FormatStrategiesList ¶
func FormatStrategiesTotal ¶
func GenerateGenerationID ¶
func GenerateIndividualID ¶
func GenerateProgramID ¶
func GetMaxFitnessAndDelta ¶
func GetMaxFitnessAndDelta(individual *Individual) (maxFit float64, maxDelta float64)
func GetTopIndividualInRun ¶
func GetTopIndividualInRun(sortedGenerations []*Generation, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) (topAntagonist *Individual, topProtagonist *Individual, err error)
GetTopIndividualInRun returns the best protagonist and antagonist in the entire evolutionary process
func KPointCrossover ¶
func KPointCrossover(parentA, parentB *Individual, kPoint int) (childA Individual, childB Individual, err error)
CrossoverSinglePoint performs a single-point crossover that is dictated by the crossover percentage float. Both parent chromosomes are split at the percentage section specified by crossoverPercentage
func KindToString ¶
KindToString checks the Kind and returns the appropriate string representation
func MathPreorder ¶
func MathPreorder(node *DualTreeNode, sb *strings.Builder)
func Mutate ¶
func Mutate(outgoingParents []*Individual, children []*Individual, kind int, opts EvolutionParams) (parents []*Individual, childs []*Individual, err error)
func ProtagonistFitnessResolver ¶
func ProtagonistFitnessResolver(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, protagonist *Individual, protagonistFitness float64, protagonistFitnessDelta float64)
func RMSE ¶
RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) is the standard deviation of the residuals (prediction errors). Residuals are a measure of how far from the regression line data points are; RMSE is a measure of how spread out these residuals are. In other words, it tells you how concentrated the data is around the line of best fit. Root mean square error is commonly used in climatology, forecasting, and regression analysis to verify experimental results.
func RandString ¶
func SinglePointCrossover ¶
func SinglePointCrossover(parentA, parentB *Individual) (childA Individual, childB Individual, err error)
CrossoverSinglePoint performs a single-point crossover that is dictated by the crossover percentage float. Both parent chromosomes are split at the percentage section specified by crossoverPercentage
func StrategiesToString ¶
func StrategiesToString(individual Individual) string
func StrategiesToStringArr ¶
func StrategySwapper ¶
func StrategySwapper(a []Strategy, b []Strategy, swapLength int, startIndex int) ([]Strategy, []Strategy)
StrategySwapper takes two slices containing variable length strategies. The swapLength must be smaller than the length of the largest, but less than the length of the smallest. A swap length of 0 will return the same arrays a and b untouched.
func StrategySwapperIgnorant ¶
func StrategySwapperIgnorant(a []Strategy, b []Strategy, swapLength int, startIndex int) ([]Strategy, []Strategy)
StrategySwapperIgnorant will perform crossover regardless of size
func ThresholdedRatioFitness ¶
func ThresholdedRatioFitness(spec SpecMulti, antagonist, protagonist *Program, divByZeroStrategy string) (antagonistFitness float64, protagonistFitness, antagonistFitnessDelta, protagonistFitnessDelta float64, err error)
ThresholdedRatioFitness is a means to calculate fitness that spurs the protagonists and antagonists to do their best. It works by applying a threshold criteria that is based on the incoming spec. A mono threshold is applied by setting the protagonist and antagonist threshold values to the same value, this is done automatically when you select the fitness strategy at the start of the evolutionary process. Both individuals have to fall on their respective side and either edge closer to delta-0 for the protagonist or delta-infitinite for the antagonist. If they happen to fall on opposite sides they attain at most -1 A dual threshold is used to punish both antagonist of protagonist for not performing as expected. // This fitness strategy works by comparing the average delta values of both protagonist and antagonist with a // specified threshold. Their deltas are not compared against each other as with other fitness strategies, // the thresholds act as markers of performance for each. // The porotagonist and antagonist each have their own threshold values that are embeded in the SpecMulti data // structure. Note this only compares the average and not the total deltas
func TruncShort ¶
func UniformCrossover ¶
func UniformCrossover(parentA, parentB *Individual) (childA Individual, childB Individual, err error)
CrossoverSinglePoint performs a single-point crossover that is dictated by the crossover percentage float. Both parent chromosomes are split at the percentage section specified by crossoverPercentage
func WriteGenerationToLog ¶
func WriteGenerationToLog(e *EvolutionEngine, i int, elapsed time.Duration)
func WriteToDataFolder ¶
func WriteToDataFolders ¶
func WriteToDataFolders(folderPercentages []float64, currentGeneration, generationTotalSize int, params EvolutionParams)
Types ¶
type Antagonist ¶
type Antagonist Individual
type AvailableSymbolicExpressions ¶
type AvailableSymbolicExpressions struct { //Constants []SymbolicExpression NonTerminals []SymbolicExpression Terminals []SymbolicExpression }
type DualTree ¶
type DualTree struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DualTree the binary search treeNode of Items
func GenerateRandomTree ¶
func GenerateRandomTree(depth int, terminals []SymbolicExpression, nonTerminals []SymbolicExpression) (*DualTree, error)
GenerateRandomTree generates a given treeNode of a depth between 0 (i.e) root and (inclusive of) the depth specified. Assuming a binary structured treeNode. The number of terminals (T) is equal to 2^D where D is the depth. The number of NonTerminals (NT) is equal to 2^D - 1
func GenerateRandomTreeEnforceIndependentVariable ¶
func GenerateRandomTreeEnforceIndependentVariable(depth int, independentVar SymbolicExpression, terminals []SymbolicExpression, nonTerminals []SymbolicExpression) (*DualTree, error)
GenerateRandomTreeEnforceIndependentVariable generates a given treeNode of a depth between 0 (i.e) root and (inclusive of) the depth specified. Assuming a binary structured treeNode. The number of terminals (T) is equal to 2^D where D is the depth. The number of NonTerminals (NT) is equal to 2^D - 1
func (*DualTree) AddEmptyToTreeRoot ¶
AddEmptyToTree is a conservative means of performing add and delete operations on trees that end up as single nodes. This function will add a 0 or subtract a 0 whenever an add operation encounters a single node
func (*DualTree) AddSubTree ¶
StrategyAddRandomSubTree adds a given subtree to a treeNode.
func (*DualTree) AddToLeaf ¶
AddToLeaf is similar to AddSubTree, however the SubTree will only be placed on a randomly selected leaf. It will not replace a non-terminal
func (*DualTree) AttachSubTree ¶
AttachSubTree will take the current dual tree, make the incoming subTree's root the actual root, and attach the incoming leftmost node to the former root. So 3 + x where + is the root, if the incoming tree is x - 1, we set - to the new root and replace x with 3 + x in the previous tree, The result is ((3 + x) - 1) where - is not the new root.
func (DualTree) Clone ¶
Clone will perform an O(N) deep clone of a treeNode and its items and return its copy.
func (*DualTree) ContainsNode ¶
func (bst *DualTree) ContainsNode(treeNode *DualTreeNode) (bool, error)
ContainsNode checks to see if a treeNode contains a given node
func (*DualTree) ContainsSubTree ¶
ContainsSubTree checks to see if a treeNode contains part of a subTree
func (*DualTree) DeleteMalicious ¶
DeleteMalicious selects any element of a tree ( including the root) and convert it to a value of 0 potentially deleting all genetic material. It only affects terminals
func (*DualTree) DeleteNonTerminal ¶
DeleteNonTerminal will select a non-root non-terminal element from a given tree and delete it by setting it to 0. If the tree only contains a root it will ignore it.
func (*DualTree) DeleteSubTree ¶
DeleteSubTree will delete a random branch or node of a subTree. Depending on the deletion Strategy 0 - DeleteSafe 1 - DeleteMalicious the Tree will be deleted in either conservative or aggressive ways If the Tree is a lone terminal - DeleteSafe will append a subtraction as well as copy of the value itself e.g. if the lone node is 3, the new Tree will become 3 - 3. Similarly if the node is x the new Tree will become x - x. This only occurs for lone nodes. If the Tree is not a lone terminal, but is of size 1 delete safe will turn the value of a terminal to zero. E.g. If a Tree represents 3 * 4, one of the terminals will be set to 0. The resulting may be 0 * 3 or 0 * 4. Trees that have a greater size than 1 can have actual branches deleted. A Tree like 3 + 4 * x may become 4 * x but never be converted to 0. This may have little impact on + or - operators. DeleteMalicious will follow the same semantics as deleteSafe except If the Tree is already a terminal it will convert the lone-terminal to a zero. DeleteMalicious can also reduce an entire Tree to zero if it chooses the root as a target to delete. This function will never return a nil Tree or a Tree with a nil root.
func (*DualTree) DeleteTerminal ¶
DeleteTerminal will select a non-root non-terminal element from a given tree and delete it by setting it to 0. If the tree only contains a root it will ignore it.
func (*DualTree) Depth ¶
Depth calculates the height of the treeNode. A treeNode with a nil root returns -1.
func (*DualTree) DepthAt ¶
func (d *DualTree) DepthAt(depth int) ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
DepthAt returns a group of nodes AT the specified depth. No more no less.
func (*DualTree) DepthTo ¶
func (d *DualTree) DepthTo(depth int) ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
DepthTo calculates the depth of the treeNode until the given set of nodes. All nodes traversed will be returned until that point (Not including). A depth value greater than the size of the treeNode will return the entire treeNode's nodes.
func (*DualTree) FromSymbolicExpressionSet2 ¶
func (bst *DualTree) FromSymbolicExpressionSet2(terminalSet []SymbolicExpression) error
* FromNodeTypes Creates a Tree from a list of NodeTypes
func (*DualTree) GetNode ¶
func (bst *DualTree) GetNode(value string) (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
GetNode returns the first node it encounters with the given value. It uses Inorder DFS to iterate through the treeNode, if it cannot locate an object it returns an error, if the treeNode is of size 1 i.e only containing the root, both parent and node will point to the root, in all other cases where size > 1, node and parent will be different granted the value can be found.
func (*DualTree) GetNonTerminalsAware ¶
GetNonTerminalsAware is a utility function that returns a set of non-terminal nodes. In the event that the tree contains a lone terminal as its root. It will return an empty awareTree array. It is for the caller to understand that an empty awareTree array means there are no non-terminals within the tree and act appropriately
func (*DualTree) GetRandomSubTreeAtDepth ¶
GetRandomSubTreeAtDepth will obtain a random subTree from a given treeNode. It assumes the depth you provide is the appropriate range as it WILL NOT check the depth and panic in case of a depth out of bounds. (This is done to prevent an extra redundant call to the depth method of treeNode if the user has already called it.
func (*DualTree) GetRandomSubTreeAtDepthAware ¶
GetRandomSubTreeAtDepth will obtain a random subTree from a given treeNode. It assumes the depth you provide is the appropriate range as it WILL NOT check the depth and panic in case of a depth out of bounds. (This is done to prevent an extra redundant call to the depth method of treeNode if the user has already called it.
func (*DualTree) GetShortestBranch ¶
func (bst *DualTree) GetShortestBranch(minAcceptableDepth int) (shortestNode *DualTreeNode, shortestNodeParent *DualTreeNode, shortestDepth int, err error)
GetShortestBranch returns the shortest branch in a given Tree. The minAcceptableDepth is used to accept a node on a Tree with a small enough acceptable depth that it can be used. This will prevent having to check each node. As with any Inorder DFS traversal, nodes placed furthest right are checked last. If the parent is nil and there is a nil error, assume the Tree itself only contains the root. You have to explicitly check this. This heavily skews to nodes on the left
func (*DualTree) GetTerminalsAware ¶
GetTerminalsAware returns a slice of AwareTrees. The AwareTree will always have at least one value if no error is returned.
func (*DualTree) InOrderTraverse ¶
func (bst *DualTree) InOrderTraverse(f func(node *DualTreeNode))
InOrderTraverse visits all nodes with in-order traversing
func (*DualTree) InOrderTraverseAware ¶
func (bst *DualTree) InOrderTraverseAware(f func(node *DualTreeNode, parentNode *DualTreeNode))
InOrderTraverse visits all nodes with in-order traversing but remembers its parent. (A good child :D)
func (*DualTree) InOrderTraverseDepthAware ¶
func (bst *DualTree) InOrderTraverseDepthAware(f func(node *DualTreeNode, parentNode *DualTreeNode, depth *int, shouldReturn *bool))
InOrderTraverse visits all nodes with in-order traversing but remembers its parent. (A good child :D)
func (*DualTree) MutateNonTerminal ¶
func (bst *DualTree) MutateNonTerminal(nonTerminalSet []SymbolicExpression) error
MutateNonTerminal will mutate a terminal to another valid nonTerminal. Ensure set is nonTerminal set only otherwise arities will break. If the tree is a lone terminal at the root, it will be ignored and the program will exit NOTE ensure nonTerminalSet contains no duplicates
func (*DualTree) MutateTerminal ¶
func (bst *DualTree) MutateTerminal(terminalSet []SymbolicExpression) error
MutateTerminal will mutate a terminal to another valid terminal if the terminalSet only contains a single item that is already in the treeNode and that treeNode element is of size 1 (root only). If both these elements are identical no change will occur
func (*DualTree) NonTerminals ¶
func (d *DualTree) NonTerminals() ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
NonTerminals returns a list of non-terminal nodes
func (*DualTree) Print ¶
func (bst *DualTree) Print()
Print prints a visual representation of the treeNode
func (*DualTree) Random ¶
func (bst *DualTree) Random(terminalSet []SymbolicExpression, maxDepth int) error
func (*DualTree) RandomNonTerminal ¶
func (bst *DualTree) RandomNonTerminal() (*DualTreeNode, error)
RandomNonTerminal locates a random non-terminal within a tree and returns the ref to the node.
func (*DualTree) RandomNonTerminalAware ¶
func (bst *DualTree) RandomNonTerminalAware() (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
RandomNonTerminalAware returns a random leaf along with their parent. If the Tree is of depth 0 -> Parent is always nil. It is the RandomNonTerminalAware responsibility to check for this.
func (*DualTree) RandomTerminal ¶
func (bst *DualTree) RandomTerminal() (*DualTreeNode, error)
RandomTerminal locates a random leaf within a treeNode and returns the ref to the node.
func (*DualTree) RandomTerminalAware ¶
func (bst *DualTree) RandomTerminalAware() (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
RandomTerminalAware returns a random leaf along with their parent. If the Tree is of depth 0 -> Parent is always nil. It is the clients responsibility to check for this. The node value can never be nil on a valid tree if the error is nil
func (*DualTree) Replace ¶
func (bst *DualTree) Replace(node *DualTreeNode, replacer DualTreeNode) (hobo DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
Replace replaces a node with replacer node. It DOES NOT Check to see if they are the same type. For simplicity a parent will never be nil if there is no error.
func (*DualTree) ReplaceBranch ¶
ReplaceBranch takes a given tree and randomly selects a branch i. e non-terminal and will swap it with a randomly generated tree of variable depth. This includes the root
func (*DualTree) ReplaceStrict ¶
func (bst *DualTree) ReplaceStrict(node *DualTreeNode, replacer DualTreeNode) (hobo DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
Replace replaces a node with replacer node. It DOES NOT Check to see if they are the same type,
func (*DualTree) Search ¶
func (bst *DualTree) Search(key string) (node *DualTreeNode, parent *DualTreeNode, err error)
Search will use a node Id and linearly traverse the Tree using Inorder Depth First Search until it comes across the correct node. It will also return the parent of the given node. If the Tree only contains a root and the search key matches, then the node is set to the root and the parent is set to nil. In the event the given key is not found, no error will be returned, therefore the onus is on the user to verify that the returned node is not nil over and above typical error handling.
func (*DualTree) SoftDeleteSubTree ¶
func (*DualTree) Terminals ¶
func (d *DualTree) Terminals() ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
Terminals returns all the leaves in a given tree
func (*DualTree) ToMathematicalString ¶
ToMathematicalString returns a mathematical representation of the treeNode after reading it using Inorder DFS
func (*DualTree) ToSymbolicExpressionSet ¶
func (bst *DualTree) ToSymbolicExpressionSet() ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
InOrderTraverse visits all nodes with in-order traversing
type DualTreeNode ¶
type DualTreeNode struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
DualTreeNode represents a a treeNode with a maximum of two children. It is not technically a binary treeNode as it DOES not place any ordering on left and right children as binary trees prototypically do.
func Splitter ¶
func Splitter(expressionSet []SymbolicExpression) ([]*DualTreeNode, error)
Splitter takes a set of symbolic expressions and breaks them out to a set of other symbolic expressions with the
remainder being passed back as the symbolicExpression. This will not check for empty expressionSets or expressionSets of len less than 3.
func (*DualTreeNode) ArityRemainder ¶
func (d *DualTreeNode) ArityRemainder() int
ArityRemainder calculates the remaining available node connections based on arity for a given root node. This is used to balance the NonTerminals and the Terminals depending on their requirements.
func (DualTreeNode) Clone ¶
func (d DualTreeNode) Clone() DualTreeNode
Clone performs an O(N) deep clone of a given DualTreeNode and returns a new DualTreeNode, granted no errors are present.
func (*DualTreeNode) IsEqual ¶
func (b *DualTreeNode) IsEqual(t DualTreeNode) bool
IsEqual checks to see if all aspects of a DualTreeNode are equivalent. This includes value as well as pointers
func (*DualTreeNode) IsLeaf ¶
func (d *DualTreeNode) IsLeaf() bool
IsLeaf checks to see if a given node is a leaf
func (*DualTreeNode) IsValEqual ¶
func (d *DualTreeNode) IsValEqual(t DualTreeNode) bool
IsValEqual is a simple check to see if values of strings in the nodes are equal
func (*DualTreeNode) ToDualTree ¶
func (d *DualTreeNode) ToDualTree() (DualTree, error)
ToDualTree takes a given node and returns a treeNode from it by following the path.
func (*DualTreeNode) ToSymbolicExpression ¶
func (d *DualTreeNode) ToSymbolicExpression() (SymbolicExpression, error)
IsLeaf checks to see if a given node is a leaf
type Epoch ¶
type Epoch struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Epoch is defined as a coevolutionary step where protagonist and antagonist compete. For example an epoch could represent a distinct interaction between two parties. For instance a bug mutated program (antagonist) can be challenged a variety of times ( specified by {iterations}) by the tests (protagonist). The test will use up the strategies it contains and attempt to chew away at the antagonists Fitness, to maximize its own
func (*Epoch) Start ¶
func (e *Epoch) Start(perfectTreeMap map[string]PerfectTree, params EvolutionParams) error
TopologyRoundRobin creates the Epoch process. This process applies the antagonist Strategy first, and then the protagonist Strategy second. It then appends the Fitness values to each individual in the epoch.
type EquationPairing ¶
type EquationPairing struct { Independents IndependentVariableMap Dependent float64 ProtagonistThreshold float64 AntagonistThreshold float64 // AntagonistPenalization value to give the antagonist if it creates an invalid tree evaluation e.g. DivideByZero AntagonistPenalization float64 // ProtagonistPenalization value to give the protagonist if it creates an invalid tree evaluation e.g. DivideByZero ProtagonistPenalization float64 DivideByZeroPenalty float64 }
EquationPairing refers to a set dependent and independent values for a given equation. For example the equation x^2 + 1 has an equation pairing of {1, 0}, {2, 1}, {5, 2} for dependent and independent pairs respectively
func (*EquationPairing) ToString ¶
func (e *EquationPairing) ToString() string
type EvolutionEngine ¶
type EvolutionEngine struct { Generations []*Generation `json:"generations"` Parameters EvolutionParams `json:"parameters"` ProgressBar *uiprogress.Bar // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*EvolutionEngine) EvaluateTerminationCriteria ¶
func (engine *EvolutionEngine) EvaluateTerminationCriteria(generation *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (shouldTerminateEvolution bool)
EvaluateTerminationCriteria looks at the current state of the Generation and checks to see if the current termination criteria have been achieved. If so it returns true, if not the evolution can move on to the next step
func (*EvolutionEngine) Evolve ¶
func (engine *EvolutionEngine) Evolve(params EvolutionParams) (*EvolutionResult, error)
func (*EvolutionEngine) InitializeGenerations ¶
func (engine *EvolutionEngine) InitializeGenerations(params EvolutionParams) (antagonists []*Individual, protagonists []*Individual, err error)
InitializeGenerations starts the first generation as a building block for the evolutionary process. It will embedd the antagonists and protagonists created into its Generations slice at index [0]
func (*EvolutionEngine) RunGenerationStatistics ¶
func (engine *EvolutionEngine) RunGenerationStatistics(currentGeneration *Generation)
func (*EvolutionEngine) ValidateGenerationTerminationMinimums ¶
func (engine *EvolutionEngine) ValidateGenerationTerminationMinimums() (minimumTopProtagonistThreshold int, minimumMeanProtagonistInGenerationThreshold int)
type EvolutionParams ¶
type EvolutionParams struct { Name string Topology Topology `json:"topology"` // StartIndividual - Output Only - This is set by the SpecParam Expression. Do not set it manually StartIndividual Program // Spec - Output Only - This is set by the SpecParam Expression. Do not set it manually Spec SpecMulti `json:"spec"` SpecParam SpecParam `json:"specParam"` // MaxGenerations activates the ability for a variable number of generations before the simulation ends. // The value must be greater than 9 for the activation to begin, if not, // the simulation will default to GenerationsCount number of generations. Once this variable is set, // MinimumTopProtagonistMeanBeforeTerminate and ProtagonistMinGenAvgFit will come into effect. If no adequate solution is found, // MaxGenerations will terminate. This value should default to about 300. MaxGenerations int `json:"maxGenerationsCount",csv:"maxGenerationsCount"` // MinimumTopProtagonistMeanBeforeTerminate specifies the percentage of consecutive generations where the // ProtMinGenFitnessAvg has been hit by the best protaginist in the generation before the simulation can end. MinimumTopProtagonistMeanBeforeTerminate float64 `json:"minimumTopProtagonistMeanBeforeTerminate"` // MinimumGenerationMeanBeforeTerminate specifies the percentage of consecutive generations where the // ProtMinGenFitnessAvg has been hit by the average of all protagonists in the generation before the simulation can // end. MinimumGenerationMeanBeforeTerminate float64 `json:"minimumGenerationMeanBeforeTerminate"` // ProtagonistMinimumGenFitness specifies the average value of fitness of the best individual after a completed // generation. This individual must obtain this fitness value or greater e.g. an average of 0.75 // for MinimumTopProtagonistMeanBeforeTerminate number of consecutive generations before the simulation can end. ProtagonistMinGenAvgFit float64 `json:"protagonistMinGenAvgFit"` GenerationsCount int `json:"generationCount",csv:"generationCount"` // EachPopulationSize represents the size of each protagonist or antagonist population. // This value must be even otherwise pairwise operations such as crossover will fail EachPopulationSize int `json:"eachPopulationSize",csv:"eachPopulationSize"` EnableParallelism bool `json:"enableParallelism",csv:"enableParallelism"` Strategies Strategies `json:"strategies",csv:"strategies"` FitnessStrategy FitnessStrategy `json:"fitnessStrategy",csv:"fitnessStrategy"` Reproduction Reproduction `json:"reproduction",csv:"reproduction"` Selection Selection `json:"selection",csv:"selection"` // FitnessCalculatorType allows user to select the fitness calculator. // The more complex the function 1 is better but slower. 0 for simple polynomials with single digit constants e. // g. x*x*x or x*x+4 FitnessCalculatorType int `json:"fitnessCalculatorType"` // ShouldRunInteractiveTerminal ensures the interactive terminal is run at the end of the evolution that allows // users to query all individuals in all generations. ShouldRunInteractiveTerminal bool `json:"shouldRunInteractiveTerminal"` StatisticsOutput StatisticsOutput `json:"statisticsOutput"` // InternalCount - Output Only (Helps with file name assignments) InternalCount int EnableLogging bool `json:"-"` RunStats bool `json:"-"` // FinalGeneration records if the simulation ended early by fulfilling the maxGen requirements. FinalGeneration int `json:"finalGeneration",csv:"finalGeneration"` FinalGenerationReason string `json:"finalGenerationReason",csv:"finalGenerationReason"` //Channels LoggingChan chan evolog.Logger `json:"-"` ErrorChan chan error `json:"-"` DoneChan chan bool `json:"-"` ParamFile string `json:"-"` //FolderPercentages help track progress when a certain percentage is reached FolderPercentages []float64 }
func (EvolutionParams) ToString ¶
func (e EvolutionParams) ToString() string
type EvolutionProcess ¶
type EvolutionProcess struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
* EvolutionProcess represents the state of an evolutionary process once the evolution engine starts
type EvolutionResult ¶
type EvolutionResult struct { HasBeenAnalyzed bool TopAntagonistInRun Individual TopProtagonistInRun Individual FinalAntagonist Individual FinalProtagonist Individual Correlation float64 Covariance float64 CovarianceStd float64 CorrelationStd float64 Generational Generational ThoroughlySortedGenerations []*Generation OutputFile string Mutex sync.Mutex }
func (*EvolutionResult) Analyze ¶
func (e *EvolutionResult) Analyze(evolutionEngine *EvolutionEngine, generations []*Generation, isMoreFitnessBetter bool, params EvolutionParams) error
func (*EvolutionResult) Clean ¶
func (e *EvolutionResult) Clean()
type FitnessStrategy ¶
type FitnessStrategy struct { Type string `json:"type"` // AntagonistThresholdMultiplier is the multiplier applied to the antagonist delta when calculating fitness. // A large value means that antagonists have to attain a greater delta from the spec in order to gain adequate // fitness, conversely a smaller value gives the antagonists more slack to not manipulate the program excessively. // For good results set it to a value greater than that of the protagonist delta. // This value is only used when using DualThresholdedRatioFitness. AntagonistThresholdMultiplier float64 `json:"antagonistThresholdMultiplier"` // ProtagonistThresholdMultiplier is the multiplier applied to the protagonist delta when calculating fitness. // A large value means that protagonist can be less precise and gain adequate fitness, // conversely a smaller value gives the protagonist little room for mistake between its delta and that of the spec. // this value is used in both DualThresholdedRatioFitness and ThresholdedRatioFitness as a fitness value for // both antagonist and protagonists thresholds. ProtagonistThresholdMultiplier float64 `json:"protagonistThresholdMultiplier"` }
type Generation ¶
type Generation struct { Mutex sync.Mutex GenerationID string Protagonists []*Individual //Protagonists in a given Generation Antagonists []*Individual //Antagonists in a given Generation //Individuals BestAntagonist Individual BestProtagonist Individual // Averages of all Antagonists and Protagonists in Generation Correlation float64 Covariance float64 AntagonistAverage float64 AntagonistStdDev float64 AntagonistVariance float64 AntagonistAvgFitness []float64 AntagonistSkew float64 AntagonistExKurtosis float64 ProtagonistAverage float64 ProtagonistStdDev float64 ProtagonistVariance float64 ProtagonistSkew float64 ProtagonistExKurtosis float64 ProtagonistAvgFitness []float64 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
TODO AGE TODO Calculate fitness average for GENERATIONS (seems off!)
func SortGenerationsThoroughly ¶
func SortGenerationsThoroughly(generations []*Generation, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Generation, error)
SortGenerationsThoroughly sorts each kind of individual in each generation for every generation. This allows for easy querying in later phases.
func SortGenerationsThoroughlyByAvgDelta ¶
func SortGenerationsThoroughlyByAvgDelta(generations []*Generation, shouldAntagonistDeltaBig, shouldProtagonistDeltaBig bool) ([]*Generation, error)
SortGenerationsThoroughlyByAvgDelta sorts each kind of individual in each generation for every generation. This allows for easy querying in later phases.
func SortGenerationsThoroughlyByDelta ¶
func SortGenerationsThoroughlyByDelta(generations []*Generation, shouldAntagonistDeltaBig, shouldProtagonistDeltaBig bool) ([]*Generation, error)
SortGenerationsThoroughlyByDelta sorts each kind of individual in each generation for every generation. This allows for easy querying in later phases.
func (*Generation) ApplyParentSelection ¶
func (g *Generation) ApplyParentSelection(currentPopulation []*Individual) ([]*Individual, error)
ApplyParentSelection takes in a given Generation and returns a set of individuals once the preselected parent selection Strategy has been applied to the Generation. These individuals are ready to be taken to either a new Generation or preferably through survivor selection in the case you do not isEqual the population to grow in size.
func (*Generation) ApplyReproduction ¶
func (g *Generation) ApplyReproduction(incomingParents []*Individual, kind int) (outgoingParents []*Individual, children []*Individual, err error)
ApplySurvivorSelection applies the preselected survivor selection Strategy. It DOES NOT check to see if the parent selection has already been applied, as in some cases evolutionary programs may choose to run without the parent selection phase. The onus is on the evolutionary architect to keep this consideration in mind.
func (*Generation) ApplySelection ¶
func (g *Generation) ApplySelection(antagonists, protagonists []*Individual, errorChan chan error) ( antagonistSurvivors []*Individual, protagonistSurvivors []*Individual)
ApplySelection applies all 3 selection methods, parent, reproduction and survivor to return a set of survivor antagonist and protagonists
func (*Generation) ApplySurvivorSelection ¶
func (g *Generation) ApplySurvivorSelection(outgoingParents []*Individual, children []*Individual) ([]*Individual, error)
ApplySurvivorSelection applies the preselected survivor selection Strategy. It DOES NOT check to see if the parent selection has already been applied, as in some cases evolutionary programs may choose to run without the parent selection phase. The onus is on the evolutionary architect to keep this consideration in mind.
func (*Generation) CleansePopulations ¶
func (g *Generation) CleansePopulations(params EvolutionParams)
func (*Generation) GenerateRandomIndividuals ¶
func (g *Generation) GenerateRandomIndividuals(kind int, params EvolutionParams) ([]*Individual, error)
GenerateRandom creates a a random set of individuals based on the parameters passed into the evolution engine. To pass a tree to an individual pass it via the formal parameters and not through the evolution engine parameter section Antagonists are by default set with the StartIndividuals Program as their own program.
func (*Generation) InitializePopulation ¶
func (g *Generation) InitializePopulation(params EvolutionParams) (antagonists []*Individual, protagonists []*Individual, err error)
initializePopulation randomly creates a set of antagonists and protagonists
func (*Generation) ToString ¶
func (g *Generation) ToString() string
type Generational ¶
type Generational struct { BestAntagonistInEachGenerationByAvgFitness []Individual BestProtagonistInEachGenerationByAvgFitness []Individual CorrelationInEachGeneration []float64 CovarianceInEachGeneration []float64 AntagonistAverageInEachGeneration []float64 AntagonistStdDevInEachGeneration []float64 AntagonistVarianceInEachGeneration []float64 AntagonistAvgFitnessInEachGeneration []float64 AntagonistSkewInEachGeneration []float64 AntagonistExKurtosisInEachGeneration []float64 ProtagonistAverageInEachGeneration []float64 ProtagonistStdDevInEachGeneration []float64 ProtagonistVarianceInEachGeneration []float64 ProtagonistSkewInEachGeneration []float64 ProtagonistExKurtosisInEachGeneration []float64 ProtagonistAvgFitnessInEachGeneration []float64 }
Generational averages contain slices of length of the generations in a given run
type Generations ¶
type Generations struct { }
type HallOfFame ¶
type HallOfFame struct { Engine *EvolutionEngine AntagonistArchive []Individual ProtagonistArchive []Individual GenerationIntervals int }
func (*HallOfFame) Evolve ¶
func (s *HallOfFame) Evolve(params EvolutionParams, topology ITopology) (*EvolutionResult, error)
func (*HallOfFame) Topology ¶
func (s *HallOfFame) Topology(currentGeneration *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (*Generation, error)
type IDualTree ¶
type IDualTree interface { IDualTreeInsertable Get(index int) (*DualTreeNode, error) GetFirst(node DualTreeNode) (*DualTreeNode, error) Pop(index int) (*DualTreeNode, error) Delete(index int) error DeleteFirst(node DualTreeNode) error Swap(index int, node DualTreeNode, newNode DualTreeNode) error Traverse(traversalMethod string) []*DualTreeNode }
IDualTree represents a complete behavior for a treeNode
type IDualTreeDeletable ¶
IDualTreeDeletable manages deletion behaviour
type IDualTreeGetFirstable ¶
type IDualTreeGetFirstable interface {
GetFirst(node DualTreeNode) (*DualTreeNode, error)
type IDualTreeGettable ¶
type IDualTreeGettable interface {
Get(index int) (*DualTreeNode, error)
type IDualTreeInsertable ¶
type IDualTreeInsertable interface {
Insert(node DualTreeNode, index int) error
type IDualTreePoppable ¶
type IDualTreePoppable interface {
Pop(index int) (*DualTreeNode, error)
type IDualTreeTraversable ¶
type IDualTreeTraversable interface {
Traverse(traversalMethod string) []*DualTreeNode
IDualTreeTraversable manages traversal behaviours
type IEvolve ¶
type IEvolve interface {
Evolve(params EvolutionParams, topology ITopology) (*EvolutionResult, error)
type ITopology ¶
type ITopology interface {
Topology(currentGeneration *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (*Generation, error)
type IndependentVariableMap ¶
type Individual ¶
type Individual struct { Id string Parent *Individual Strategy []Strategy Fitness []float64 Deltas []float64 FitnessVariance float64 FitnessStdDev float64 HasAppliedStrategy bool HasCalculatedFitness bool FitnessCalculationMethod string Kind int BirthGen int Age int BestFitness float64 // Best fitness from all epochs AverageFitness float64 // Measures average fitness throughout epoch BestDelta float64 AverageDelta float64 NoOfCompetitions int Mutex sync.Mutex Program *Program // The best program generated }
func CleansePopulation ¶
func CleansePopulation(individuals []*Individual, treeReplacer DualTree) ([]*Individual, error)
CleansePopulation removes the trees from the population and refits them with the starter Tree.
func CloneIndividualsLinkParent ¶
func CloneIndividualsLinkParent(individuals []*Individual) (outgoing []*Individual, err error)
func Elitism ¶
func Elitism(population []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
Elitism is an evolutionary process where only the top ( n) individuals based on eliteCount are selected based on their Fitness. In essence it ranks the individuals based on Fitness, then returns the top (n)
func FitnessBasedSurvivorSelection ¶
func FitnessBasedSurvivorSelection(selectedParents, selectedChildren []*Individual, params EvolutionParams) ([]*Individual, error)
FitnessBasedSurvivorSelection returns a set of survivors proportionate to the survivor percentage. It orders some of the best parents and some of the best children based on the ratio
func FitnessProportionateSelection ¶
func FitnessProportionateSelection(population []*Individual) ([]*Individual, error)
Fitness Proportionate Selection is one of the most popular ways of parent selection. In this every individual can become a parent with a probability which is proportional to its Fitness. Therefore, fitter individuals have a higher chance of mating and propagating their features to the next Generation. Therefore, such a selection Strategy applies a selection pressure to the more fit individuals in the population, evolving better individuals over time.
func GenerationalSurvivorSelection ¶
func GenerationalSurvivorSelection(population *Generation) ([]*Individual, error)
GenerationalSurvivorSelection is a process where the entire input population gets replaced by their offspring. The returned individuals do not exist with their parents as they have been totally annihilated. These new individuals will go on into the next Generation
func GetNthPlaceIndividual ¶
func GetNthPlaceIndividual(sortedIndividuals []*Individual, n int) (*Individual, error)
GetNthPlaceIndividual returns an individual in the nth place. N must be an index and not an actual position e.g. 0 is the first individual
func RandomSurvivorSelection ¶
func RandomSurvivorSelection(selectedParents, selectedChildren []*Individual, params EvolutionParams) ([]*Individual, error)
RandomSurvivorSelection selects a random set of parents and a random set of children. The numbers are based on
func SortIndividuals ¶
func SortIndividuals(individuals []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
SortIndividuals returns the Top N-1 individuals. In this application less is more, so they are sorted in ascending order, with smaller indices representing better individuals. It is for the user to specify the Kind of individual to pass in be it antagonist or protagonist.
func SortIndividualsByAvgDelta ¶
func SortIndividualsByAvgDelta(individuals []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
SortIndividuals returns the Top N-1 individuals. In this application less is more, so they are sorted in ascending order, with smaller indices representing better individuals. It is for the user to specify the Kind of individual to pass in be it antagonist or protagonist.
func SortIndividualsByDelta ¶
func SortIndividualsByDelta(individuals []*Individual, isMoreFitnessBetter bool) ([]*Individual, error)
SortIndividuals returns the Top N-1 individuals. In this application less is more, so they are sorted in ascending order, with smaller indices representing better individuals. It is for the user to specify the Kind of individual to pass in be it antagonist or protagonist.
func SteadyStateSurvivorSelection ¶
func SteadyStateSurvivorSelection(population *Generation) ([]*Individual, error)
SteadyStateSurvivorSelection is a process where a select amount of individuals make it through. Some parents may make it through based on their Fitness or other compounding parameters. These new individuals will go on into the next Generation
func TournamentSelection ¶
func TournamentSelection(population []*Individual, tournamentSize int) ([]*Individual, error)
TournamentSelection is a process whereby a random set of individuals from the population are selected, and the best in that sample succeed onto the next Generation
func (*Individual) ApplyAntagonistStrategy ¶
func (individual *Individual) ApplyAntagonistStrategy(params EvolutionParams) error
ApplyAntagonistStrategy applies the AntagonistEquation strategies to program.
func (*Individual) ApplyProtagonistStrategy ¶
func (individual *Individual) ApplyProtagonistStrategy(antagonistTree DualTree, params EvolutionParams) error
ApplyProtagonistStrategy applies the AntagonistEquation strategies to program.
func (*Individual) CalculateAntagonistThresholdedFitness ¶
func (individual *Individual) CalculateAntagonistThresholdedFitness(params EvolutionParams) (antagonistFitness float64, delta float64, err error)
func (*Individual) CalculateProtagonistThresholdedFitness ¶
func (individual *Individual) CalculateProtagonistThresholdedFitness(params EvolutionParams) ( protagonistFitness float64, delta float64, err error)
func (Individual) Clone ¶
func (individual Individual) Clone() (Individual, error)
func (Individual) CloneCleanse ¶
func (individual Individual) CloneCleanse() (Individual, error)
CloneCleanse removes performance based information but keeps the strategy intact.
func (Individual) CloneWithTree ¶
func (individual Individual) CloneWithTree(tree DualTree) Individual
func (*Individual) Mutate ¶
func (individual *Individual) Mutate(availableStrategies []Strategy) error
Mutate will mutate the Strategy in a given individual
func (*Individual) ToString ¶
func (individual *Individual) ToString() strings.Builder
type KRandom ¶
type KRandom struct {
Engine *EvolutionEngine
func (*KRandom) Evolve ¶
func (s *KRandom) Evolve(params EvolutionParams, topology ITopology) (*EvolutionResult, error)
func (*KRandom) Topology ¶
func (s *KRandom) Topology(currentGeneration *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (*Generation, error)
type ParentSelection ¶
type PerfectTree ¶
type Program ¶
TODO generate AST treeNode from polynomial expression
func (*Program) ApplyStrategy ¶
func (p *Program) ApplyStrategy(strategy Strategy, terminals []SymbolicExpression, nonTerminals []SymbolicExpression, depth int) (err error)
ApplyStrategy takes a given Strategy and applies a transformation to the given program. depth defines the exact depth the treeNode can evolve to given the transformation. Depth of a treeNode increases exponentially. So keep depths small e.g. 1,2,3 Ensure to place the independent variabel e.g X at the start of the SymbolicExpression terminals array. Otherwise there is less of a chance of having the independent variable propagate. The system is designed such that the first element of the terminals array will be the most prominent with regards to appearance.
func (Program) CloneWithTree ¶
type Protagonist ¶
type Protagonist Individual
type Reproduction ¶
type Reproduction struct { CrossoverStrategy string `json:"crossoverStrategy",csv:"crossoverStrategy"` // CrossoverPercentrage pertains to the amount of genetic material crossed-over. FOR SPX // This is a percentage represented as a float64. A value of 1 means all material is swapped. // A value of 0 means no material is swapped (which in effect are the same thing). // Avoid 0 or 1 use values in between CrossoverPercentage float64 `json:"crossoverPercentage",csv:"crossoverPercentage"` ProbabilityOfMutation float64 `json:"probabilityOfMutation",csv:"probabilityOfMutation"` KPointCrossover int `json:"kPointCrossover",csv:"kPointCrossover"` }
type RoundRobin ¶
type RoundRobin struct {
Engine *EvolutionEngine
func (*RoundRobin) Compete ¶
func (r *RoundRobin) Compete(g *Generation) error
Compete gives protagonist and anatagonists the chance to compete. A competition involves an epoch, that returns the Individuals of the epoch.
func (*RoundRobin) Evolve ¶
func (s *RoundRobin) Evolve(params EvolutionParams, topology ITopology) (*EvolutionResult, error)
func (RoundRobin) Topology ¶
func (r RoundRobin) Topology(currentGeneration *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (*Generation, error)
type Selection ¶
type Selection struct { Parent ParentSelection `json:"parentSelection",csv:"parentSelection"` Survivor SurvivorSelection `json:"survivorSelection",csv:"survivorSelection"` }
type SingleEliminationTournamentTopology ¶
type SingleEliminationTournamentTopology struct {
Engine *EvolutionEngine
func (*SingleEliminationTournamentTopology) Evolve ¶
func (s *SingleEliminationTournamentTopology) Evolve(params EvolutionParams, topology ITopology) (*EvolutionResult, error)
func (*SingleEliminationTournamentTopology) Topology ¶
func (s *SingleEliminationTournamentTopology) Topology(currentGeneration *Generation, params EvolutionParams) (*Generation, error)
type SpecMulti ¶
type SpecMulti []EquationPairing
SpecMulti is the underlying data structre that contains the spec as well as threshold information
func GenerateSpecSimple ¶
func GenerateSpecSimple(specParam SpecParam, fitnessStrategy FitnessStrategy) (SpecMulti, error)
GenerateSpecSimple assumes a single independent variable x with an unlimited count.
type SpecParam ¶
type SpecParam struct { // SpecRange defines a range of variables on either side of the X axis. A range of 4 will include -2, -1, // 0 and 1. Range int `json:"range"` //Expression is the actual expression being tested. // It is the initial function that is converted to the startIndividual Expression string `json:"expression"` //OUTPUT ExpressionParsed string `json:"expressionParsed"` Seed int `json:"seed"` AvailableVariablesAndOperators AvailableVariablesAndOperators // AvailableSymbolicExpressions - Output Only AvailableSymbolicExpressions AvailableSymbolicExpressions DivideByZeroStrategy string `json:"divideByZeroStrategy",csv:"divideByZeroStrategy"` DivideByZeroPenalty float64 `json:"divideByZeroPenalty",csv:"divideByZeroPenalty"` }
type Statistics ¶
type Statistics struct { }
type StatisticsOutput ¶
type Strategable ¶
type Strategable interface{ Apply(t *DualTree) }
type Strategies ¶
type Strategies struct { //AvailableStrategies []Strategy `json:"availableStrategies"` AntagonistAvailableStrategies []Strategy `json:"antagonistAvailableStrategies"` ProtagonistAvailableStrategies []Strategy `json:"protagonistAvailableStrategies"` AntagonistStrategyCount int `json:"antagonistStrategyCount"` ProtagonistStrategyCount int `json:"protagonistStrategyCount"` DepthOfRandomNewTrees int `json:"depthOfRandomNewTrees"` }
type Strategy ¶
type Strategy string
func GenerateRandomStrategy ¶
GenerateRandomStrategy creates a random Strategy list that contains some or all of the availableStrategies. They are randomly selected and populated.
type SurvivorSelection ¶
type SurvivorSelection struct { Type string `json:"type",csv:"type"` // SurvivorPercentage represents how many individulas in the parent vs child population should continue. // 1 means all parents move on. 0 means only children move on. Any number in betwee is a percentage value. // It cannot be greater than 1 or less than 0. SurvivorPercentage float64 `json:"survivorPercentage",csv:"survivorPercentage"` }
type SymbolicExpression ¶
type SymbolicExpression struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func CreateBinaryNonTerminal ¶
func CreateBinaryNonTerminal(value string) SymbolicExpression
func CreateNonTerminal ¶
func CreateNonTerminal(arity int, value string) SymbolicExpression
func CreateTerminal ¶
func CreateTerminal(value string) SymbolicExpression
func GenerateExpression ¶
func GenerateExpression(expression string) ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
func GenerateNonTerminals ¶
func GenerateNonTerminals(count int, symbolList []string) ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
func GenerateRandomSymbolicExpressionSet ¶
func GenerateRandomSymbolicExpressionSet(size int) []SymbolicExpression
GenerateN generates a random SymbolicExpressionSet representing a valid mathematical expression. If size is less than 0, it reverts it to 0
func GenerateTerminals ¶
func GenerateTerminals(count int, symbolList []string) ([]SymbolicExpression, error)
GenerateTerminals returns a set of count terminals from the symbol list. A count value less than 0 will return all symbols as terminals. Similarly a number greater than the length of the symbolList will return all the terminals.
func ParseString ¶
func ParseString(expression string, validNonTerminals []string, validVariables []string) (terminals, nonTerminals, mathematicalExpression []SymbolicExpression, err error)
ParseString parses a given mathematical expression into a set of terminals and nonTerminals within the string. It assumes mathematical expressions in particular non-terminals have an arity of two and take in two arguments e. g. * / - + are some examples Todo: NEEDS MORE WORK
func ParseStringLiberal ¶
func ParseStringLiberal(expression string) (terminals, nonTerminals, mathematicalExpression []SymbolicExpression, err error)
ParseStringLiberal parses a given mathematical expression into a set of terminals and nonTerminals within the string. It assumes mathematical expressions in particular non-terminals have an arity of two and take in two arguments e. g. * / - + are some examples
func (*SymbolicExpression) CreateBinaryNonTerminal ¶
func (n *SymbolicExpression) CreateBinaryNonTerminal(value string)
func (*SymbolicExpression) CreateNonTerminal ¶
func (n *SymbolicExpression) CreateNonTerminal(arity int, value string)
func (*SymbolicExpression) CreateTerminal ¶
func (n *SymbolicExpression) CreateTerminal(value string)
func (*SymbolicExpression) ToDualTreeNode ¶
func (n *SymbolicExpression) ToDualTreeNode(key string) *DualTreeNode
type SymbolicExpressionSet ¶
type SymbolicExpressionSet []SymbolicExpression
SymbolicExpressionSet represents a mathematical expression broken into symbolic expressions. For Example x+1 will be broken into a SymbolicExpressionSet of size 3, containing both terminal and non terminal information
type Topology ¶
type Topology struct { Type string `json:"type"` KRandomK int `json:"kRandomK"` SETNoOfTournaments float64 `json:"SETNoOfTournaments"` // HoFGenerationInterval showcases the percentage of an evolutionary cycle that old individuals should be // introduced. A negative number introduces the previous winner from the old generation in every subsequent // generation HoFGenerationInterval float64 `json:"generationInterval"` }
Source Files
- competion_singleeliminationtournament.go
- competition.go
- competition_halloffame.go
- competition_krandom.go
- competition_roundrobin.go
- competition_roundrobin_epoch.go
- dualtree.go
- dualtreenode.go
- epoch_testdata.go
- evolution.go
- evolution_testdata.go
- evolutionarystrategy.go
- evolutionparams.go
- evolutionresult.go
- evolutionresult_writer.go
- evolutionresultinteractive.go
- evolutionresultutility.go
- fitness.go
- fitness_testdata.go
- formatting.go
- generation.go
- generation_testdata.go
- individual.go
- individual_testdata.go
- interface.go
- judgementday.go
- mutation.go
- parentselection.go
- process.go
- program.go
- program_testdata.go
- reproduction.go
- spec.go
- spec_testdata.go
- statistics.go
- strategy.go
- survivorselection.go
- symbolicexpression.go
- testdata.go
- utils.go