SSM shell
Little experiment to mimic SSH by using SSM agent to send commands to
remote instances and fetching the output.
Grab a binary from the releases.
Have Go installed:
$ which go
$ echo $GOPATH
$ echo $PATH
# Make sure $GOPATH/bin is in your PATH.
Get the repository:
go get -u
If everything was successful, you should have a shiny new binary:
which ssm-sh
# Should point to $GOPATH/bin/ssm-sh
$ ssm-sh --help
ssm-sh [OPTIONS] <list | run | shell>
AWS Options:
-p, --profile= AWS Profile to use. (If you are not using Vaulted).
-r, --region= Region to target. (default: eu-west-1)
Help Options:
-h, --help Show this help message
Available commands:
list List managed instances. (aliases: ls)
run Run a command on the targeted instances.
shell Start an interactive shell. (aliases: sh)
List usage
$ ssm-sh list --help
[list command options]
-l, --limit= Limit the number of instances printed (default: 50)
-o, --output= Path to a file where the list of instances will be written as YAML.[list command options]
Run/shell usage
$ ssm-sh run --help
[run command options]
-i, --timeout= Seconds to wait for command result before timing out. (default: 30)
-t, --target= One or more instance ids to target
--target-file= Path to a JSON file containing a list of targets.
$ vaulted -n lab-admin -- ssm-sh list -o example.json
Instance ID | Name | State | Image ID | Platform | Version | IP | Status | Last pinged
i-03762678c45546813 | ssm-manager-manual-test-kristian | running | ami-db1688a2 | Amazon Linux | 2.0 | | Online | 2018-02-09 12:37
i-0d04464ff18b5db7d | ssm-manager-manual-test-kristian | running | ami-db1688a2 | Amazon Linux | 2.0 | | Online | 2018-02-09 12:39
$ vaulted -n lab-admin -- ssm-sh shell --target-file example.json
Initialized with targets: [i-03762678c45546813 i-0d04464ff18b5db7d]
Type 'exit' to exit. Use ctrl-c to abort running commands.
$ ps aux | grep agent
i-03762678c45546813 - Success:
root 3261 0.0 1.9 243560 19668 ? Ssl Jan27 4:29 /usr/bin/amazon-ssm-agent
root 9058 0.0 0.0 9152 936 ? S 15:02 0:00 grep agent
i-0d04464ff18b5db7d - Success:
root 3245 0.0 1.9 317292 19876 ? Ssl Feb05 0:27 /usr/bin/amazon-ssm-agent
root 4893 0.0 0.0 9152 924 ? S 15:02 0:00 grep agent
$ echo $HOSTNAME
i-03762678c45546813 - Success:
i-0d04464ff18b5db7d - Success: