moxy is a HTTP Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer that automatically configures itself for microservices deployed on Apache Mesos and Marathon. It is inspired by Vulcand and moxy does in fact use the same proxy library written by the nice people at Mailgun.
- Reverse proxy and load balancer for your microservices running inside Mesos and Marathon
- Single binary with no other dependencies for easy deployment
- Supports TLS termination
- Statistics of req/s per application via statsd
- Event callback listener to automatically be up-to-date with Marathon
- Local file backups of Marathon states, so moxy will keep serving your apps even if Marathon goes down or across restarts.
Tested againts Marathon 0.8.1<->0.13.0 and Mesos 0.22<->0.26
Getting started
Easiest is to install moxy from pre-compiled packages. Check releases
Edit config (default on ubuntu is /etc/moxy.toml):
# moxy listening port
port = "7000"
# optional X-Proxy header name
xproxy = "hostname"
# marathon api
marathon = "http://localhost:8080"
# statsd settings
statsd = "localhost:8125" # optional if you want to graph req/s per app
prefix = "moxy."
# tls settings
tls = false # optional if you want moxy to terminate tls
cert = "cert.pem"
key = "key.pem"
Add the moxy url + /moxy_callback
to your callbacks in Marathon.
Run moxy!
Using Moxy
Routing is based on the HTTP Host header matching app.*
Example: and both route to the same tasks running that app.
Example to access your apps app1,app2,app3 running in Mesos and Marathon:
curl -i localhost:7000/ -H 'Host:'
curl -i localhost:7000/ -H 'Host:'
curl -i localhost:7000/ -H 'Host:'
To set custom subdomain for an application
Deploy your app to Marathon setting a custom label called moxy_subdomain
"labels": {
"moxy_subdomain": "foobar"
This will override the application name and replace it with foobar
as the new subdomain/host-header.
Check state of Moxy