gencp - Generate Brandmeister codeplug for MD380 DMR radios
Warning: This is experimental stuff, use responsibly.
This tool generates a codeplug for MD380 (and RT3 etc.) DMR radios.
The codeplug is created using repeater and talkgroup data from the Brandmeister API.
- All talkgroups from the given country (-mcc) plus all talkgroups with IDs up to 4 digits (-tglimit) length will be added to the contacts list.
- A zone will be created for every given repeater containing all subscribed talkgroups as channels.
- All additional talkgroups (-t) will be created as channel in every zone.
See Go's installation instructions, then use go get
go get
This example creates a codeplug for my MD-380 containing contacts for DL (262) and channels for some repeaters near my QTH.
Please use your own callsign and DMR id!
./gencp -c DO8ML -mcc 262 -d 2644025 -r 262440,262477,262421,262490,262411,262623 -t 26223 > codeplug.json
The JSON codeplug file can be imported and programmed using the excellent Editcp codeplug editor.