for Strava activities. Makes finding old things easier.
$ sls
# Date ID Type Dist Elev Gear Name
2010-06-04 2063782 Ride 85.5 1478 Focus 06/04/2010 Megève, Rhône-Alpes, France
2010-06-05 2065048 Ride 166.5 3555 Focus Megeve sportive warm-up
2010-06-06 2065038 Ride 114.0 2821 Focus Time Megeve sportive
2010-06-07 2065018 Ride 58.8 1507 Focus 06/07/2010 Megève, Rhône-Alpes, France
If you're an fzf fan this shortcut will allow you to select multiple activities and open them in your browser:
$ type -f strava
strava () {
sls \
| fzf --multi --no-sort --tac --header-lines=1 \
| awk '{ print "" $2 }' \
| xargs open
Demo of sls
+ fzf
(click for video):
Another use: tracking how many kilometers a chain has:
$ type -f chain-dist
chain-dist () {
id=$(cat ~/.chain-id)
sls -j \
| jq -r '.[] | "\(\t\(.activity.type)\t\(.activity.external_id)\t\(\t\(.activity.distance)"' \
| awk -v id=$id '
$1 == id {
go = 1
if (go && $4 == "R3") {
if ($2 == "VirtualRide" || $3 ~ /^(trainerroad|zwift)/) {
vkm += $5
km += $5
printf("%d rides, %d km (%d km indoors)\n", n, km / 1000, vkm / 1000)
$ echo 3179772474 > ~/.chain-id # first activity on new chain
$ chain-dist
64 rides, 2587 km (1797 km indoors)
$ git clone
$ cd sls/cmd/sls
$ go build
Follow the Strava API setup guide. Make sure you request the read
and activity:read_all
scopes to see all of your activities. Grab the resulting client ID, client secret, and JSON token blob. Then:
$ mkdir ~/.sls
$ cat <<EOF > ~/.sls/config.toml
athlete_id = <your athlete ID>
client_id = <client ID>
client_secret = "<client secret>"
Paste the JSON token blob into ~/.sls/token
. The config file and token probably shouldn't be world readable.
Without an existing cache sls
will fetch activities in parallel. Once a cache is present it will only fetch activities that have occurred since the latest cached activity. The cache is never automatically dropped so any changes made to cached activities won't be locally reflected. Use sls -r
to force a cache refresh.
The Strava API doesn't return geocoded start locations (for sls -s
). sls
can use the Google Maps API for this purpose by setting a valid google_maps_api_key
in config.toml
. To reduce the number of calls to the geocoding API start lat/lng values are rounded to 2km boundaries and the geocoded locations are cached in ~/.sls