GNU Make v4.0 or later;
docker v20.10.7 or later;
docker-compose v1.25 or later.
Rename .env.example file to .env;
Define your environments like database user and password or api port;
Run application;
It accepts a POST request with this body:
"length": 32, # Password Length
"has_letter": true, # If it has letter
"has_number": true, # If it has number
"has_special_char": true # If it has special char
You must define an API-KEY in your header, this api-key you define in your .env file;
OBS.: It could be any value, but you must define it at the request's header with this name api-token;
After running the project, you could make a request at this URL: http://localhost:{YOUR_API_PORT}/password-gen/.
OBS.: If you didn't have defined your api port, the project will run at port 8095 by default.
OBS2.: If you're using OS Windows, you could run this command to start: docker-compose up --build.