The Marconi CLI Client (mCLI) is the main entry point to interacting with the Marconi software components. It is a user friendly command line tool that provides the functionality of a wallet as well as interaction with the Marconi Net contracts.
Quick Links
Marconi CLI (mCLI) client can be started with the console, used to help to start background processes or to download packages.
To start mCLI in console mode, it needs to be run with the console runtime flag.
$ ./mcli -console
To start any meaningful interaction with the functionality of the different installed modes the client must first be switched to a mode. This can be done with the jump
> j credential
At anytime, tab
can be pressed to display a suggestions list.
A more extensive example of using mCLI to create an account, create a Marconi subnet and more can be found in our wiki
Execution Mode
mCLI can also be run with the execution flag. This allows you to run any commands without entering into console mode.
Commands can be run in the form:
Current Modes Supported:
(process related commands are handled by daemon mode)
$ ./mcli --mode=exec --command="<mode><command>"
$ ./mcli --mode=exec --command="credential account list"
$ ./mcli --mode=exec --command="net create"
Multiple commands can be run at once, separate each command with a ;
$ ./mcli --mode=exec --command="credential account create --password test; credential account list"
At this moment mCLI is released with the following modes:
This mode helps users create and manage the different aspects of a Marconi Account.
account Account related commands
key Key related commands
home Return to home menu
exit Exit mcli
Account is a credential
submode, with the following commands
credential> account
create Create account
unlock Unlock account
list List accounts
send Send a transaction
balance Get balance for an account
receipt Get receipt for a transaction
export Export GO Marconi Keystore associate with an account
account create
Creates a new Marconi account.
credential> account create [Optional: --password <PASSWORD> | --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>]
--password <PASSWORD>
Password can optionally be provided on the command line (if not, the user will be prompted)
--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
Path to a file containing the password that can be optionally provided. (if not, the user will be prompted)
account unlock
Unlocks a given Marconi account.
credential> account unlock <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS> [Optional: --password <PASSWORD> | --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>]
The Marconi address of the account to unlock.
--password <PASSWORD>
Password can optionally be provided on the command line (if not, the user will be prompted)
--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
Path to a file containing the password that can be optionally provided. (if not, the user will be prompted)
account list
Lists all available accounts to use from mCLI.
credential> account list
account send
Sends Marcos from your account to a target account.
credential> account send <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <0xTARGET_ADDRESS> <AMOUNT_IN_MARCOS> <GAS_LIMIT> <GAS_PRICE> [Optional: --password <PASSWORD> | --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE> | --skip-prompts]
Your Marconi address to send Marcos from.
The target Marconi address to send Marcos to.
The amount of Marcos to send.
The upper limit in gas to spend on this value transfer tx.
The price per unit of gas in Gauss you are willing to pay.
--password <PASSWORD>
Password can optionally be provided on the command line (if not, the user will be prompted)
--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
Path to a file containing the password that can be optionally provided. (if not, the user will be prompted)
Indicates that prompts should be skipped (ie. Confirmations) and defaults used instead
account balance
Checks the Marcos balance of a given account.
credential> account balance <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS>
The Marconi address whose balance will be returned.
account receipt
Returns the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
credential> account receipt <0xTRANSACTION_HASH>
The transaction hash of the transaction whose receipt will be returned.
account export
Exports the Marconi keystore file stored in the account file
credential> account export <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS> <GO-MARCONI_DATA_DIR_PATH>
The Marconi address of the account to be exported.
The directory where the Marconi account file is stored.
credential> key
Key is a credential
submode, with the following commands
credential> key
generate Generate nodekey
use Set nodekey to use with other commands
export Export nodekey
list List nodekeys
key generate
Generates a new Marconi node key.
credential> key generate <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS> [Optional: --password <PASSWORD> | --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>]
The Marconi address to generate a new node key for.
--password <PASSWORD>
Password can optionally be provided on the command line (if not, the user will be prompted)
--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
Path to a file containing the password that can be optionally provided. (if not, the user will be prompted)
key use
Set the Marconi node key to use with other commands.
credential> key use <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS> [Optional: --password <PASSWORD> | --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE> | --node-key <NODE_KEY> (Default 0) | --skip-prompts]
The Marconi address to acquire node key from
--password <PASSWORD>
Password can optionally be provided on the command line (if not, the user will be prompted)
--node-key <NODE_KEY>
Set the node key to be used (other wise user will be prompted for it)
Optional flag to indicate if prompts should be skipped and defaults used instead (if --node-key is not present 0 will be set for this value)
key export
Exports a node key from the account file to public/private key files.
credential> key export <0xACCOUNT_ADDRESS> [Optional: --password <PASSWORD> | --password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>]
The Marconi address whose node keys to export.
--password <PASSWORD>
Password can optionally be provided on the command line (if not, the user will be prompted)
--password-file <PASSWORD_FILE>
Path to a file containing the password that can be optionally provided. (if not, the user will be prompted)
This mode helps users manage a Marconi subnet.
NOTE: net use command must first be used to set the Marconi subnet on which the other commands will operate on
peer Peer related commands
util Utility commands
use Set network to use with other commands
create Create new network
delete Delete existing network
join Join an existing network
info Get network info
home Return to home menu
exit Exit mcli
Set the Marconi subnet to the one provided. All Marconi Net commands will be operated on the subnet set by this command.
The address of the network contract to be interacted with.
Peer is a net
submode, with the following commands
net> peer
add Add peer to a network
remove Remove peer from a network
add_relation Add peer relation
remove_relation Remove peer relationship
relations Get node relationships
info Get node info
peer add
Adds a peer to the Marconi subnet
net> peer add <PEER_NODE_ID>
The node id of the peer that will be added to the Marconi subnet.
peer remove
Removes a peer from the Marconi subnet
net> peer remove <PEER_NODE_ID>
The node id of the peer that will be removed from the Marconi subnet.
peer add_relation
Adds a relationship between two peers in the Marconi subnet. This relationship dictates that a mPipe will be created between the two nodes.
net> peer add_relation <PEER_NODE_ID> <OTHER_PEER_NODE_ID>
The node id of one peer in the relationship.
The node id of the the other peer in the relationship.
peer remove_relation
Removes an existing relationship between two peers in the Marconi subnet. This will cause the mPipe between the two nodes to be destroyed.
net> peer remove_relation <PEER_NODE_ID> <OTHER_PEER_NODE_ID>
The node id of one peer in the relationship.
The node id of the the other peer in the relationship.
peer relations
Prints all relationships the given peer is in.
net> peer relations <PEER_NODE_ID>
The node id of the peer whose relationships are to be printed.
peer info
Prints information about this peer. Ex: The peer's relationships, assigned IP address...
net> peer info <PEER_NODE_ID>
The node id of the peer whose details are to be printed.
Util is a net
submode, with the following commands
net> util
generate_32bitkey Generate a 32 bit key
register Register a nodeID
util generate_32bitkey
Generates a 32 bit key. Can be used as a subnet identifer
net> util generate_32bitkey [Optional: --path <PATH> | --skip-prompts]
--path <PATH>
The path to save the key to, if not present (and --skip-prompts not present) the user will be prompted
Indicates that all prompts should be skipped and defaults used if flags aren't set
Deploys a new network contract, effectively creating a new Marconi subnet. The address invoking this function call will become the admin of this new network.
net> create
Removes the reference of this network contract from the network manager contract.
The address of the network contract to be removed.
Join updates the configuration to join the specified network. This will not work if the node is not actually a part of the network.
The address of the network contract that this node is a part of.
Prints information about a specific network.
The address of the network contract to print information for.
Used to start processes as background daemons.
start Start a process and manage its lifetime
stop Stop a managed process
restart Restart a managed process
list List running processes
version Show version of each component
home Return to home menu
exit Exit mcli
Starts the process specified
process> start <process_name>
<process_name> is one of gmeth, middleware or marconid
Stops the process specified
process> stop <process_name>
<process_name> is one of gmeth, middleware or marconid
Restarts the process specified
process> restart <process_name>
<process_name> is one of gmeth, middleware or marconid
Shows the version of each component
process> version
Lists running processes and their status (ie. STOPPED/RUNNING)
process> list
The mCLI is comprised of the following components:
REPL Console
The capabilities of the REPL Console (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop) is largely dependent on the plugins the users choose to install with mCLI.
The goal is to have a multipurpose CLI client whose functionality can be expanded on easily.
Integration with plugins is not yet complete but will be released soon. However the current iteration of the codebase has been designed with this goal kept in mind.
Package Manager
The package manager helps to download extra dependencies or packages that mCLI can run. The downloaded packages are configured through packages_conf.json
Here is a sample snippet:
"Version": "0.1.878",
"Packages" : [
"Id": "marconid",
"Dir": "./",
"Source": "https://download.marconi.org/deployment/components/marconid/0.1.1063/marconid_linux.tar.gz",
"Version": "0.1.1063",
"VersionFile": "etc/marconid/version.txt"
In this snippet, the package manager is configured to download the marconid
package and will extract it to the directory ./
Process Manager
The process manager runs processes
Here is a sample snippet:
"Version": "0.0.1",
"Processes" : [
"Id": "marconid",
"Dependencies": ["meth", "middleware"],
"Dir": "./bin",
"Source": "",
"Version": "",
"Command": "./marconid",
"Arguments": ["/opt/marconi/etc/marconid/l2.key", "/opt/marconi/etc/marconid/block/basebeacon_cluster1"],
"LogFilename": "marconid.log",
"WaitForCompletion": false,
"PidFilename": "marconid.pid"
In this snippet, the process manager is configured to run ./marconid
in the ./bin
directory with the arguments /opt/marconi/etc/marconid/l2.key
, /opt/marconi/etc/marconid/block/basebeacon_cluster1
and it's output to stdout is logged to marconid.log
Middleware Client
The middleware client is used to interface with the Marconi middleware. The middleware client sends JSON RPC over http to the locally running middleware process.