
A library of interfaces and implementations for common microservices patterns for different Cloud platforms.
is a toolkit designed to simplify the development of microservices in the cloud. This library provides a wide array of interfaces and implementations, making it easier to build, manage, and deploy microservices without the usual verbosity and boilerplate code. With go-micro-core
, you can focus on the business logic of your applications while leveraging proven patterns and practices for cloud-native development.
- Configuration Management: Simplifies loading and managing configurations from various sources.
- Database Integration: Provides a consistent interface for interacting with different databases.
- Error Handling: Centralized error management to handle and log errors effectively.
- Logging: Structured logging support to keep track of your application's behavior.
- Messaging: Interfaces for integrating with different messaging systems.
- Microservice Patterns: Common patterns and utilities for building resilient and scalable microservices.
- Platform Abstraction: Abstracts the underlying cloud platform specifics to provide a uniform development experience.
- Profiling and Monitoring: Tools for profiling and monitoring the performance of your services.
- Server Management: Utilities for managing the lifecycle of your servers.
- Graceful Shutdown: Ensures that your services can shutdown gracefully, preserving data integrity.
- Utilities and Validators: Handy utilities and validators to reduce boilerplate code and ensure data integrity.
To install go-micro-core
, use the following command:
go get github.com/marcodd23/go-micro-core
Here's a basic example to get you started or look inside the ./examples folder
package main
import (
// ShutdownTimeoutMilli - timeout for cleaning up resources before shutting down the server.
const ShutdownTimeoutMilli = 500
type ServiceConfig struct {
configx.BaseConfig `mapstructure:",squash"`
CustomProperty string `mapstructure:"custom-property"`
func main() {
rootCtx := context.Background()
config := loadConfiguration()
//setupDatabase(rootCtx, config, []database.PreparedStatement{})
serverManager := fibersrv.NewFiberServer(config)
// Setup Routes
serverManager.Setup(rootCtx, func(appServer *fiber.App) {
appServer.Get("/", func(c *fiber.Ctx) error {
return c.SendString("Hello, World!")
// Start server
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
appCtx, cancelAppCtx := context.WithCancel(rootCtx)
defer cancelAppCtx()
InfinitePolling(appCtx, &wg)
// ###################################
shutdown.WaitForShutdown(rootCtx, ShutdownTimeoutMilli, func(timeoutCtx context.Context) {
func InfinitePolling(appCtx context.Context, wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
go func(ctx context.Context) {
defer wg.Done()
// Implement a infinite loop that just log a string, and will terminate only if the context is cancelled
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 + time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
logx.GetLogger().LogInfo(ctx, "Context cancelled, exiting goroutine")
case <-ticker.C:
logx.GetLogger().LogInfo(ctx, "Logging from infinite loop...")
func loadConfiguration() *ServiceConfig {
var cfg ServiceConfig
err := configx.LoadConfigFromPathForEnv("./examples/", &cfg)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("error loading property files: %+v", err)
return &cfg
// setupDatabase - Setup Database
func setupDatabase(
ctx context.Context,
appConfig *ServiceConfig,
preparesStatements []dbx.PreparedStatement) dbx.InstanceManager {
aclDBConf := dbx.ConnConfig{
VpcDirectConnection: false,
IsLocalEnv: appConfig.IsLocalEnvironment(),
Host: "",
Port: 5432,
DBName: "",
User: "",
Password: "",
MaxConn: 10,
return pgxdb.SetupPostgresDbManager(ctx, aclDBConf, preparesStatements...)
Currently, this project is maintained and developed by a single contributor. If you have any suggestions, feedback, or ideas, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details