Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func BundleProtocol(i BundleInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CommonProtocol(i CommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func CreateNonNativeAssetType(code string) (string, error)
- func FromTimeMs(t TimeMs) time.Time
- func GregorProtocol(i GregorInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func LocalProtocol(i LocalInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func NotifyProtocol(i NotifyInterface) rpc.Protocol
- func RemoteProtocol(i RemoteInterface) rpc.Protocol
- type AcceptDisclaimerLocalArg
- type AccountAssetLocal
- type AccountDetails
- type AccountID
- type AccountMode
- type AccountReserve
- type AccountSeqnoArg
- type AcquireAutoClaimLockArg
- type Asset
- type AutoClaim
- type Balance
- type BalanceDelta
- type BalancesArg
- type BalancesLocalArg
- type BuildPaymentLocalArg
- type BuildPaymentResLocal
- type BuildRequestLocalArg
- type BuildRequestResLocal
- type Bundle
- type BundleClient
- type BundleEntry
- type BundleInterface
- type BundleRevision
- type BundleSecretEntry
- type BundleSecretV1
- type BundleSecretVersioned
- type BundleVersion
- type BundleVisibleEntry
- type BundleVisibleV1
- type CancelPaymentLocalArg
- type CancelRequestArg
- type CancelRequestLocalArg
- type ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocalArg
- type ChangeWalletAccountNameLocalArg
- type ClaimCLILocalArg
- type ClaimSummary
- type CommonClient
- type CommonInterface
- type CreateWalletAccountLocalArg
- type CurrencyLocal
- type CurrencySymbol
- type DeleteWalletAccountLocalArg
- type DetailsArg
- type EncryptedBundle
- type EncryptedNote
- type EncryptedRelaySecret
- type ExchangeRateLocalArg
- type ExportSecretKeyLocalArg
- type FormatLocalCurrencyStringArg
- type GetAccountAssetsLocalArg
- type GetAvailableLocalCurrenciesArg
- type GetDisplayCurrenciesLocalArg
- type GetDisplayCurrencyLocalArg
- type GetPaymentDetailsLocalArg
- type GetPaymentsLocalArg
- type GetPendingPaymentsLocalArg
- type GetRequestDetailsLocalArg
- type GetSendAssetChoicesLocalArg
- type GetWalletAccountLocalArg
- type GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocalArg
- type GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocalArg
- type GetWalletAccountsLocalArg
- type GregorClient
- type GregorInterface
- type HasAcceptedDisclaimerLocalArg
- type Hash
- type ImportSecretKeyLocalArg
- type IsAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg
- type IsMasterKeyActiveArg
- type KeybaseRequestID
- type KeybaseTransactionID
- type LinkNewWalletAccountLocalArg
- type LocalClient
- func (c LocalClient) AcceptDisclaimerLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) BalancesLocal(ctx context.Context, accountID AccountID) (res []Balance, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) BuildPaymentLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg BuildPaymentLocalArg) (res BuildPaymentResLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) BuildRequestLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg BuildRequestLocalArg) (res BuildRequestResLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) CancelPaymentLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg CancelPaymentLocalArg) (res RelayClaimResult, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) CancelRequestLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg CancelRequestLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ChangeWalletAccountNameLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ChangeWalletAccountNameLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ClaimCLILocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ClaimCLILocalArg) (res RelayClaimResult, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) CreateWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg CreateWalletAccountLocalArg) (res AccountID, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) DeleteWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteWalletAccountLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ExchangeRateLocal(ctx context.Context, currency OutsideCurrencyCode) (res OutsideExchangeRate, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ExportSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, accountID AccountID) (res SecretKey, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) FormatLocalCurrencyString(ctx context.Context, __arg FormatLocalCurrencyStringArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetAccountAssetsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetAccountAssetsLocalArg) (res []AccountAssetLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetAvailableLocalCurrencies(ctx context.Context) (res map[OutsideCurrencyCode]OutsideCurrencyDefinition, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetDisplayCurrenciesLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []CurrencyLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetDisplayCurrencyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetDisplayCurrencyLocalArg) (res CurrencyLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetPaymentDetailsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPaymentDetailsLocalArg) (res PaymentDetailsLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetPaymentsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPaymentsLocalArg) (res PaymentsPageLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetPendingPaymentsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPendingPaymentsLocalArg) (res []PaymentOrErrorLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetRequestDetailsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetRequestDetailsLocalArg) (res RequestDetailsLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetSendAssetChoicesLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetSendAssetChoicesLocalArg) (res []SendAssetChoiceLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWalletAccountLocalArg) (res WalletAccountLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocalArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocalArg) (res SecretKey, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountsLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []WalletAccountLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) HasAcceptedDisclaimerLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res bool, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ImportSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ImportSecretKeyLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) IsAccountMobileOnlyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg IsAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) LinkNewWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg LinkNewWalletAccountLocalArg) (res AccountID, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) LookupCLILocal(ctx context.Context, name string) (res LookupResultCLILocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) MakeRequestCLILocal(ctx context.Context, __arg MakeRequestCLILocalArg) (res KeybaseRequestID, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) MakeRequestLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg MakeRequestLocalArg) (res KeybaseRequestID, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) MarkAsReadLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg MarkAsReadLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) OwnAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, accountID AccountID) (res bool, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) PaymentDetailCLILocal(ctx context.Context, txID string) (res PaymentCLILocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) RecentPaymentsCLILocal(ctx context.Context, accountID *AccountID) (res []PaymentOrErrorCLILocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) SendCLILocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SendCLILocalArg) (res SendResultCLILocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) SendPaymentLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SendPaymentLocalArg) (res SendPaymentResLocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) SetAccountMobileOnlyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SetAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) SetDisplayCurrency(ctx context.Context, __arg SetDisplayCurrencyArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ValidateAccountIDLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ValidateAccountIDLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ValidateAccountNameLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ValidateAccountNameLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) ValidateSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ValidateSecretKeyLocalArg) (err error)
- func (c LocalClient) WalletDumpLocal(ctx context.Context) (res Bundle, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) WalletGetAccountsCLILocal(ctx context.Context) (res []OwnAccountCLILocal, err error)
- func (c LocalClient) WalletInitLocal(ctx context.Context) (err error)
- type LocalInterface
- type LookupCLILocalArg
- type LookupResultCLILocal
- type MakeRequestCLILocalArg
- type MakeRequestLocalArg
- type MarkAsReadArg
- type MarkAsReadLocalArg
- type NextAutoClaimArg
- type NoteContents
- type NoteRecipient
- type NotifyClient
- func (c NotifyClient) PaymentNotification(ctx context.Context, __arg PaymentNotificationArg) (err error)
- func (c NotifyClient) PaymentStatusNotification(ctx context.Context, __arg PaymentStatusNotificationArg) (err error)
- func (c NotifyClient) RequestStatusNotification(ctx context.Context, reqID KeybaseRequestID) (err error)
- type NotifyInterface
- type OutsideCurrencyCode
- type OutsideCurrencyDefinition
- type OutsideExchangeRate
- type OwnAccountCLILocal
- type OwnAccountLocalArg
- type PageCursor
- type ParticipantType
- type PaymentCLILocal
- type PaymentDetailCLILocalArg
- type PaymentDetails
- type PaymentDetailsArg
- type PaymentDetailsLocal
- type PaymentDirectPost
- type PaymentID
- type PaymentLocal
- type PaymentNotificationArg
- type PaymentNotificationMsg
- type PaymentOrErrorCLILocal
- type PaymentOrErrorLocal
- type PaymentRelayPost
- type PaymentResult
- type PaymentStatus
- type PaymentStatusMsg
- type PaymentStatusNotificationArg
- type PaymentStrategy
- type PaymentSummary
- func (o PaymentSummary) DeepCopy() PaymentSummary
- func (o PaymentSummary) Direct() (res PaymentSummaryDirect)
- func (o PaymentSummary) Relay() (res PaymentSummaryRelay)
- func (o PaymentSummary) Stellar() (res PaymentSummaryStellar)
- func (p *PaymentSummary) ToDetails() *PaymentDetails
- func (p *PaymentSummary) TransactionID() (TransactionID, error)
- func (o *PaymentSummary) Typ() (ret PaymentSummaryType, err error)
- type PaymentSummaryDirect
- type PaymentSummaryRelay
- type PaymentSummaryStellar
- type PaymentSummaryType
- type PaymentsPage
- type PaymentsPageLocal
- type PendingPaymentsArg
- type PingArg
- type RecentPaymentsArg
- type RecentPaymentsCLILocalArg
- type RelayClaimPost
- type RelayClaimResult
- type RelayContents
- type RelayDirection
- type ReleaseAutoClaimLockArg
- type RemoteClient
- func (c RemoteClient) AccountSeqno(ctx context.Context, __arg AccountSeqnoArg) (res string, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) AcquireAutoClaimLock(ctx context.Context, caller keybase1.UserVersion) (res string, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) Balances(ctx context.Context, __arg BalancesArg) (res []Balance, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) CancelRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg CancelRequestArg) (err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) Details(ctx context.Context, __arg DetailsArg) (res AccountDetails, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) IsMasterKeyActive(ctx context.Context, __arg IsMasterKeyActiveArg) (res bool, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) MarkAsRead(ctx context.Context, __arg MarkAsReadArg) (err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) NextAutoClaim(ctx context.Context, caller keybase1.UserVersion) (res *AutoClaim, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) PaymentDetails(ctx context.Context, __arg PaymentDetailsArg) (res PaymentDetails, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) PendingPayments(ctx context.Context, __arg PendingPaymentsArg) (res []PaymentSummary, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (res string, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) RecentPayments(ctx context.Context, __arg RecentPaymentsArg) (res PaymentsPage, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) ReleaseAutoClaimLock(ctx context.Context, __arg ReleaseAutoClaimLockArg) (err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) RequestDetails(ctx context.Context, __arg RequestDetailsArg) (res RequestDetails, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) SubmitPayment(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitPaymentArg) (res PaymentResult, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) SubmitRelayClaim(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitRelayClaimArg) (res RelayClaimResult, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) SubmitRelayPayment(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitRelayPaymentArg) (res PaymentResult, err error)
- func (c RemoteClient) SubmitRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitRequestArg) (res KeybaseRequestID, err error)
- type RemoteInterface
- type RequestDetails
- type RequestDetailsArg
- type RequestDetailsLocal
- type RequestPost
- type RequestStatus
- type RequestStatusMsg
- type RequestStatusNotificationArg
- type SecretKey
- type SendAssetChoiceLocal
- type SendBannerLocal
- type SendCLILocalArg
- type SendPaymentLocalArg
- type SendPaymentResLocal
- type SendResultCLILocal
- type SetAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg
- type SetDisplayCurrencyArg
- type SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocalArg
- type StellarServerDefinitions
- type SubmitPaymentArg
- type SubmitRelayClaimArg
- type SubmitRelayPaymentArg
- type SubmitRequestArg
- type TimeMs
- type TransactionID
- type TransactionStatus
- type ValidateAccountIDLocalArg
- type ValidateAccountNameLocalArg
- type ValidateSecretKeyLocalArg
- type WalletAccountLocal
- type WalletDumpLocalArg
- type WalletGetAccountsCLILocalArg
- type WalletInitLocalArg
Constants ¶
View Source
const ( KeybaseTransactionIDLen = 16 KeybaseTransactionIDSuffix = 0x30 KeybaseTransactionIDSuffixHex = "30" KeybaseRequestIDLen = 16 KeybaseRequestIDSuffix = 0x31 KeybaseRequestIDSuffixHex = "31" )
Variables ¶
View Source
var AccountModeMap = map[string]AccountMode{
"NONE": 0,
"USER": 1,
View Source
var AccountModeRevMap = map[AccountMode]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "USER",
View Source
var BalanceDeltaMap = map[string]BalanceDelta{
"NONE": 0,
View Source
var BalanceDeltaRevMap = map[BalanceDelta]string{
0: "NONE",
View Source
var BundleVersionMap = map[string]BundleVersion{
"V1": 1,
View Source
var BundleVersionRevMap = map[BundleVersion]string{
1: "V1",
View Source
var ParticipantTypeMap = map[string]ParticipantType{
"NONE": 0,
"SBS": 3,
View Source
var ParticipantTypeRevMap = map[ParticipantType]string{
0: "NONE",
3: "SBS",
View Source
var PaymentStatusMap = map[string]PaymentStatus{
"NONE": 0,
"ERROR": 4,
View Source
var PaymentStatusRevMap = map[PaymentStatus]string{
0: "NONE",
4: "ERROR",
View Source
var PaymentStrategyMap = map[string]PaymentStrategy{
"NONE": 0,
"DIRECT": 1,
"RELAY": 2,
View Source
var PaymentStrategyRevMap = map[PaymentStrategy]string{
0: "NONE",
1: "DIRECT",
2: "RELAY",
View Source
var PaymentSummaryTypeMap = map[string]PaymentSummaryType{
"NONE": 0,
"DIRECT": 2,
"RELAY": 3,
View Source
var PaymentSummaryTypeRevMap = map[PaymentSummaryType]string{
0: "NONE",
2: "DIRECT",
3: "RELAY",
View Source
var RelayDirectionMap = map[string]RelayDirection{
"CLAIM": 0,
"YANK": 1,
View Source
var RelayDirectionRevMap = map[RelayDirection]string{
0: "CLAIM",
1: "YANK",
View Source
var RequestStatusMap = map[string]RequestStatus{
"OK": 0,
View Source
var RequestStatusRevMap = map[RequestStatus]string{
0: "OK",
View Source
var TransactionStatusMap = map[string]TransactionStatus{
"NONE": 0,
View Source
var TransactionStatusRevMap = map[TransactionStatus]string{
0: "NONE",
Functions ¶
func BundleProtocol ¶ added in v1.0.47
func BundleProtocol(i BundleInterface) rpc.Protocol
func CommonProtocol ¶
func CommonProtocol(i CommonInterface) rpc.Protocol
func FromTimeMs ¶ added in v1.0.48
func GregorProtocol ¶
func GregorProtocol(i GregorInterface) rpc.Protocol
func LocalProtocol ¶
func LocalProtocol(i LocalInterface) rpc.Protocol
func NotifyProtocol ¶
func NotifyProtocol(i NotifyInterface) rpc.Protocol
func RemoteProtocol ¶
func RemoteProtocol(i RemoteInterface) rpc.Protocol
Types ¶
type AcceptDisclaimerLocalArg ¶
type AcceptDisclaimerLocalArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type AccountAssetLocal ¶
type AccountAssetLocal struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` AssetCode string `codec:"assetCode" json:"assetCode"` IssuerName string `codec:"issuerName" json:"issuerName"` IssuerAccountID string `codec:"issuerAccountID" json:"issuerAccountID"` IssuerVerifiedDomain string `codec:"issuerVerifiedDomain" json:"issuerVerifiedDomain"` BalanceTotal string `codec:"balanceTotal" json:"balanceTotal"` BalanceAvailableToSend string `codec:"balanceAvailableToSend" json:"balanceAvailableToSend"` WorthCurrency string `codec:"worthCurrency" json:"worthCurrency"` Worth string `codec:"worth" json:"worth"` AvailableToSendWorth string `codec:"availableToSendWorth" json:"availableToSendWorth"` Reserves []AccountReserve `codec:"reserves" json:"reserves"` }
func (AccountAssetLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o AccountAssetLocal) DeepCopy() AccountAssetLocal
type AccountDetails ¶
type AccountDetails struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Seqno string `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` Balances []Balance `codec:"balances" json:"balances"` SubentryCount int `codec:"subentryCount" json:"subentryCount"` Available string `codec:"available" json:"available"` Reserves []AccountReserve `codec:"reserves" json:"reserves"` ReadTransactionID *TransactionID `codec:"readTransactionID,omitempty" json:"readTransactionID,omitempty"` UnreadPayments int `codec:"unreadPayments" json:"unreadPayments"` }
func (AccountDetails) DeepCopy ¶
func (o AccountDetails) DeepCopy() AccountDetails
type AccountMode ¶ added in v1.0.47
type AccountMode int
const ( AccountMode_NONE AccountMode = 0 AccountMode_USER AccountMode = 1 )
func (AccountMode) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o AccountMode) DeepCopy() AccountMode
func (AccountMode) String ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (e AccountMode) String() string
type AccountReserve ¶
type AccountReserve struct { Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Description string `codec:"description" json:"description"` }
func (AccountReserve) DeepCopy ¶
func (o AccountReserve) DeepCopy() AccountReserve
type AccountSeqnoArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type AccountSeqnoArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` }
type AcquireAutoClaimLockArg ¶
type AcquireAutoClaimLockArg struct {
Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"`
type Asset ¶
type Asset struct { Type string `codec:"type" json:"type"` Code string `codec:"code" json:"code"` Issuer string `codec:"issuer" json:"issuer"` VerifiedDomain string `codec:"verifiedDomain" json:"verifiedDomain"` IssuerName string `codec:"issuerName" json:"issuerName"` }
func AssetNative ¶ added in v1.0.48
func AssetNative() Asset
func (Asset) Eq ¶
Eq compares assets strictly. Assets are not Eq if their type is different
even if they have the same code and issuer.
func (*Asset) IsNativeXLM ¶ added in v1.0.48
type AutoClaim ¶
type AutoClaim struct {
KbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"kbTxID" json:"kbTxID"`
type Balance ¶
type BalanceDelta ¶
type BalanceDelta int
const ( BalanceDelta_NONE BalanceDelta = 0 BalanceDelta_INCREASE BalanceDelta = 1 BalanceDelta_DECREASE BalanceDelta = 2 )
func (BalanceDelta) DeepCopy ¶
func (o BalanceDelta) DeepCopy() BalanceDelta
func (BalanceDelta) String ¶
func (e BalanceDelta) String() string
type BalancesArg ¶
type BalancesArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` }
type BalancesLocalArg ¶
type BalancesLocalArg struct {
AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"`
type BuildPaymentLocalArg ¶
type BuildPaymentLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` From AccountID `codec:"from" json:"from"` FromPrimaryAccount bool `codec:"fromPrimaryAccount" json:"fromPrimaryAccount"` FromSeqno string `codec:"fromSeqno" json:"fromSeqno"` To string `codec:"to" json:"to"` ToIsAccountID bool `codec:"toIsAccountID" json:"toIsAccountID"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` SecretNote string `codec:"secretNote" json:"secretNote"` PublicMemo string `codec:"publicMemo" json:"publicMemo"` }
type BuildPaymentResLocal ¶
type BuildPaymentResLocal struct { ReadyToSend bool `codec:"readyToSend" json:"readyToSend"` From AccountID `codec:"from" json:"from"` ToErrMsg string `codec:"toErrMsg" json:"toErrMsg"` AmountErrMsg string `codec:"amountErrMsg" json:"amountErrMsg"` SecretNoteErrMsg string `codec:"secretNoteErrMsg" json:"secretNoteErrMsg"` PublicMemoErrMsg string `codec:"publicMemoErrMsg" json:"publicMemoErrMsg"` WorthDescription string `codec:"worthDescription" json:"worthDescription"` WorthInfo string `codec:"worthInfo" json:"worthInfo"` WorthAmount string `codec:"worthAmount" json:"worthAmount"` WorthCurrency string `codec:"worthCurrency" json:"worthCurrency"` DisplayAmountXLM string `codec:"displayAmountXLM" json:"displayAmountXLM"` DisplayAmountFiat string `codec:"displayAmountFiat" json:"displayAmountFiat"` SendingIntentionXLM bool `codec:"sendingIntentionXLM" json:"sendingIntentionXLM"` Banners []SendBannerLocal `codec:"banners" json:"banners"` }
func (BuildPaymentResLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o BuildPaymentResLocal) DeepCopy() BuildPaymentResLocal
type BuildRequestLocalArg ¶
type BuildRequestLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` To string `codec:"to" json:"to"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` SecretNote string `codec:"secretNote" json:"secretNote"` }
type BuildRequestResLocal ¶
type BuildRequestResLocal struct { ReadyToRequest bool `codec:"readyToRequest" json:"readyToRequest"` ToErrMsg string `codec:"toErrMsg" json:"toErrMsg"` AmountErrMsg string `codec:"amountErrMsg" json:"amountErrMsg"` SecretNoteErrMsg string `codec:"secretNoteErrMsg" json:"secretNoteErrMsg"` WorthDescription string `codec:"worthDescription" json:"worthDescription"` WorthInfo string `codec:"worthInfo" json:"worthInfo"` DisplayAmountXLM string `codec:"displayAmountXLM" json:"displayAmountXLM"` DisplayAmountFiat string `codec:"displayAmountFiat" json:"displayAmountFiat"` SendingIntentionXLM bool `codec:"sendingIntentionXLM" json:"sendingIntentionXLM"` Banners []SendBannerLocal `codec:"banners" json:"banners"` }
func (BuildRequestResLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o BuildRequestResLocal) DeepCopy() BuildRequestResLocal
type Bundle ¶ added in v1.0.47
type Bundle struct { Revision BundleRevision `codec:"revision" json:"revision"` Prev Hash `codec:"prev" json:"prev"` OwnHash Hash `codec:"ownHash" json:"ownHash"` Accounts []BundleEntry `codec:"accounts" json:"accounts"` }
func (Bundle) CheckInvariants ¶ added in v1.0.47
CheckInvariants checks that the bundle satisfies 1. No duplicate account IDs 2. At most one primary account
func (Bundle) PrimaryAccount ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (s Bundle) PrimaryAccount() (BundleEntry, error)
type BundleClient ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type BundleEntry ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleEntry struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Mode AccountMode `codec:"mode" json:"mode"` IsPrimary bool `codec:"isPrimary" json:"isPrimary"` Signers []SecretKey `codec:"signers" json:"signers"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
func (BundleEntry) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleEntry) DeepCopy() BundleEntry
type BundleInterface ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleInterface interface { }
type BundleRevision ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleRevision uint64
func (BundleRevision) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleRevision) DeepCopy() BundleRevision
type BundleSecretEntry ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleSecretEntry struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Signers []SecretKey `codec:"signers" json:"signers"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
func (BundleSecretEntry) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleSecretEntry) DeepCopy() BundleSecretEntry
type BundleSecretV1 ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleSecretV1 struct { VisibleHash Hash `codec:"visibleHash" json:"visibleHash"` Accounts []BundleSecretEntry `codec:"accounts" json:"accounts"` }
func (BundleSecretV1) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleSecretV1) DeepCopy() BundleSecretV1
type BundleSecretVersioned ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleSecretVersioned struct { Version__ BundleVersion `codec:"version" json:"version"` V1__ *BundleSecretV1 `codec:"v1,omitempty" json:"v1,omitempty"` }
func NewBundleSecretVersionedWithV1 ¶ added in v1.0.47
func NewBundleSecretVersionedWithV1(v BundleSecretV1) BundleSecretVersioned
func (BundleSecretVersioned) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleSecretVersioned) DeepCopy() BundleSecretVersioned
func (BundleSecretVersioned) V1 ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleSecretVersioned) V1() (res BundleSecretV1)
func (*BundleSecretVersioned) Version ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o *BundleSecretVersioned) Version() (ret BundleVersion, err error)
type BundleVersion ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleVersion int
const (
BundleVersion_V1 BundleVersion = 1
func (BundleVersion) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleVersion) DeepCopy() BundleVersion
func (BundleVersion) String ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (e BundleVersion) String() string
type BundleVisibleEntry ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleVisibleEntry struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Mode AccountMode `codec:"mode" json:"mode"` IsPrimary bool `codec:"isPrimary" json:"isPrimary"` }
func (BundleVisibleEntry) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleVisibleEntry) DeepCopy() BundleVisibleEntry
type BundleVisibleV1 ¶ added in v1.0.47
type BundleVisibleV1 struct { Revision BundleRevision `codec:"revision" json:"revision"` Prev Hash `codec:"prev" json:"prev"` Accounts []BundleVisibleEntry `codec:"accounts" json:"accounts"` }
func (BundleVisibleV1) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o BundleVisibleV1) DeepCopy() BundleVisibleV1
type CancelPaymentLocalArg ¶
type CancelRequestArg ¶
type CancelRequestArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` ReqID KeybaseRequestID `codec:"reqID" json:"reqID"` }
type CancelRequestLocalArg ¶
type CancelRequestLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` ReqID KeybaseRequestID `codec:"reqID" json:"reqID"` }
type ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocalArg ¶
type ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Currency OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency" json:"currency"` }
type ClaimCLILocalArg ¶
type ClaimSummary ¶
type ClaimSummary struct { TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` TxStatus TransactionStatus `codec:"txStatus" json:"txStatus"` TxErrMsg string `codec:"txErrMsg" json:"txErrMsg"` Dir RelayDirection `codec:"dir" json:"dir"` ToStellar AccountID `codec:"toStellar" json:"toStellar"` To keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"to" json:"to"` }
func (ClaimSummary) DeepCopy ¶
func (o ClaimSummary) DeepCopy() ClaimSummary
func (*ClaimSummary) ToPaymentStatus ¶
func (c *ClaimSummary) ToPaymentStatus() PaymentStatus
type CommonClient ¶
type CommonClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type CommonInterface ¶
type CommonInterface interface { }
type CurrencyLocal ¶
type CurrencyLocal struct { Description string `codec:"description" json:"description"` Code OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"code" json:"code"` Symbol string `codec:"symbol" json:"symbol"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` }
func (CurrencyLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o CurrencyLocal) DeepCopy() CurrencyLocal
type CurrencySymbol ¶
type CurrencySymbol struct { Symbol string `codec:"symbol" json:"str"` Ambigious bool `codec:"ambigious" json:"ambigious"` Postfix bool `codec:"postfix" json:"postfix"` }
func (CurrencySymbol) DeepCopy ¶
func (o CurrencySymbol) DeepCopy() CurrencySymbol
type DetailsArg ¶
type DetailsArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` }
type EncryptedBundle ¶ added in v1.0.47
type EncryptedBundle struct { V int `codec:"v" json:"v"` E []byte `codec:"e" json:"e"` N keybase1.BoxNonce `codec:"n" json:"n"` Gen keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration `codec:"gen" json:"gen"` }
func (EncryptedBundle) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (o EncryptedBundle) DeepCopy() EncryptedBundle
type EncryptedNote ¶
type EncryptedNote struct { V int `codec:"v" json:"v"` E []byte `codec:"e" json:"e"` N keybase1.BoxNonce `codec:"n" json:"n"` Sender NoteRecipient `codec:"sender" json:"sender"` Recipient *NoteRecipient `codec:"recipient,omitempty" json:"recipient,omitempty"` }
func (EncryptedNote) DeepCopy ¶
func (o EncryptedNote) DeepCopy() EncryptedNote
type EncryptedRelaySecret ¶ added in v1.0.48
type EncryptedRelaySecret struct { V int `codec:"v" json:"v"` E []byte `codec:"e" json:"e"` N keybase1.BoxNonce `codec:"n" json:"n"` Gen keybase1.PerTeamKeyGeneration `codec:"gen" json:"gen"` }
func (EncryptedRelaySecret) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o EncryptedRelaySecret) DeepCopy() EncryptedRelaySecret
type ExchangeRateLocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type ExchangeRateLocalArg struct {
Currency OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency" json:"currency"`
type ExportSecretKeyLocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type ExportSecretKeyLocalArg struct {
AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"`
type FormatLocalCurrencyStringArg ¶
type FormatLocalCurrencyStringArg struct { Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Code OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"code" json:"code"` }
type GetAvailableLocalCurrenciesArg ¶
type GetAvailableLocalCurrenciesArg struct { }
type GetDisplayCurrenciesLocalArg ¶
type GetDisplayCurrenciesLocalArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GetPaymentsLocalArg ¶
type GetPaymentsLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Cursor *PageCursor `codec:"cursor,omitempty" json:"cursor,omitempty"` }
type GetRequestDetailsLocalArg ¶
type GetRequestDetailsLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` ReqID KeybaseRequestID `codec:"reqID" json:"reqID"` }
type GetWalletAccountsLocalArg ¶
type GetWalletAccountsLocalArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type GregorClient ¶
type GregorClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
type GregorInterface ¶
type GregorInterface interface { }
type HasAcceptedDisclaimerLocalArg ¶
type HasAcceptedDisclaimerLocalArg struct {
SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"`
type ImportSecretKeyLocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.47
type IsMasterKeyActiveArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type IsMasterKeyActiveArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` }
type KeybaseRequestID ¶
type KeybaseRequestID string
func KeybaseRequestIDFromString ¶
func KeybaseRequestIDFromString(s string) (KeybaseRequestID, error)
func (KeybaseRequestID) DeepCopy ¶
func (o KeybaseRequestID) DeepCopy() KeybaseRequestID
func (KeybaseRequestID) Eq ¶
func (k KeybaseRequestID) Eq(b KeybaseRequestID) bool
func (KeybaseRequestID) String ¶
func (k KeybaseRequestID) String() string
type KeybaseTransactionID ¶
type KeybaseTransactionID string
func KeybaseTransactionIDFromString ¶
func KeybaseTransactionIDFromString(s string) (KeybaseTransactionID, error)
func (KeybaseTransactionID) DeepCopy ¶
func (o KeybaseTransactionID) DeepCopy() KeybaseTransactionID
func (KeybaseTransactionID) Eq ¶
func (k KeybaseTransactionID) Eq(b KeybaseTransactionID) bool
func (KeybaseTransactionID) IsNil ¶
func (k KeybaseTransactionID) IsNil() bool
func (KeybaseTransactionID) String ¶
func (k KeybaseTransactionID) String() string
type LocalClient ¶
type LocalClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (LocalClient) AcceptDisclaimerLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) AcceptDisclaimerLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (err error)
func (LocalClient) BalancesLocal ¶
func (LocalClient) BuildPaymentLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) BuildPaymentLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg BuildPaymentLocalArg) (res BuildPaymentResLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) BuildRequestLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) BuildRequestLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg BuildRequestLocalArg) (res BuildRequestResLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) CancelPaymentLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) CancelPaymentLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg CancelPaymentLocalArg) (res RelayClaimResult, err error)
func (LocalClient) CancelRequestLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) CancelRequestLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg CancelRequestLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ChangeWalletAccountNameLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) ChangeWalletAccountNameLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ChangeWalletAccountNameLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ClaimCLILocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) ClaimCLILocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ClaimCLILocalArg) (res RelayClaimResult, err error)
func (LocalClient) CreateWalletAccountLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) CreateWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg CreateWalletAccountLocalArg) (res AccountID, err error)
func (LocalClient) DeleteWalletAccountLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) DeleteWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg DeleteWalletAccountLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ExchangeRateLocal ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c LocalClient) ExchangeRateLocal(ctx context.Context, currency OutsideCurrencyCode) (res OutsideExchangeRate, err error)
func (LocalClient) ExportSecretKeyLocal ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (LocalClient) FormatLocalCurrencyString ¶
func (c LocalClient) FormatLocalCurrencyString(ctx context.Context, __arg FormatLocalCurrencyStringArg) (res string, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetAccountAssetsLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetAccountAssetsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetAccountAssetsLocalArg) (res []AccountAssetLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetAvailableLocalCurrencies ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetAvailableLocalCurrencies(ctx context.Context) (res map[OutsideCurrencyCode]OutsideCurrencyDefinition, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetDisplayCurrenciesLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetDisplayCurrenciesLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []CurrencyLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetDisplayCurrencyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetDisplayCurrencyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetDisplayCurrencyLocalArg) (res CurrencyLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetPaymentDetailsLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetPaymentDetailsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPaymentDetailsLocalArg) (res PaymentDetailsLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetPaymentsLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetPaymentsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPaymentsLocalArg) (res PaymentsPageLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetPendingPaymentsLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetPendingPaymentsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetPendingPaymentsLocalArg) (res []PaymentOrErrorLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetRequestDetailsLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetRequestDetailsLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetRequestDetailsLocalArg) (res RequestDetailsLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetSendAssetChoicesLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetSendAssetChoicesLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetSendAssetChoicesLocalArg) (res []SendAssetChoiceLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetWalletAccountLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWalletAccountLocalArg) (res WalletAccountLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocalArg) (res string, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocalArg) (res SecretKey, err error)
func (LocalClient) GetWalletAccountsLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) GetWalletAccountsLocal(ctx context.Context, sessionID int) (res []WalletAccountLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) HasAcceptedDisclaimerLocal ¶
func (LocalClient) ImportSecretKeyLocal ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (c LocalClient) ImportSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ImportSecretKeyLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) IsAccountMobileOnlyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) IsAccountMobileOnlyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg IsAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg) (res bool, err error)
func (LocalClient) LinkNewWalletAccountLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) LinkNewWalletAccountLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg LinkNewWalletAccountLocalArg) (res AccountID, err error)
func (LocalClient) LookupCLILocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) LookupCLILocal(ctx context.Context, name string) (res LookupResultCLILocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) MakeRequestCLILocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) MakeRequestCLILocal(ctx context.Context, __arg MakeRequestCLILocalArg) (res KeybaseRequestID, err error)
func (LocalClient) MakeRequestLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) MakeRequestLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg MakeRequestLocalArg) (res KeybaseRequestID, err error)
func (LocalClient) MarkAsReadLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) MarkAsReadLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg MarkAsReadLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) OwnAccountLocal ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (LocalClient) PaymentDetailCLILocal ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c LocalClient) PaymentDetailCLILocal(ctx context.Context, txID string) (res PaymentCLILocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) RecentPaymentsCLILocal ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c LocalClient) RecentPaymentsCLILocal(ctx context.Context, accountID *AccountID) (res []PaymentOrErrorCLILocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) SendCLILocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) SendCLILocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SendCLILocalArg) (res SendResultCLILocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) SendPaymentLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) SendPaymentLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SendPaymentLocalArg) (res SendPaymentResLocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) SetAccountMobileOnlyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) SetAccountMobileOnlyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SetAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) SetDisplayCurrency ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c LocalClient) SetDisplayCurrency(ctx context.Context, __arg SetDisplayCurrencyArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ValidateAccountIDLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) ValidateAccountIDLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ValidateAccountIDLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ValidateAccountNameLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) ValidateAccountNameLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ValidateAccountNameLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) ValidateSecretKeyLocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) ValidateSecretKeyLocal(ctx context.Context, __arg ValidateSecretKeyLocalArg) (err error)
func (LocalClient) WalletDumpLocal ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (c LocalClient) WalletDumpLocal(ctx context.Context) (res Bundle, err error)
func (LocalClient) WalletGetAccountsCLILocal ¶
func (c LocalClient) WalletGetAccountsCLILocal(ctx context.Context) (res []OwnAccountCLILocal, err error)
func (LocalClient) WalletInitLocal ¶ added in v1.0.47
func (c LocalClient) WalletInitLocal(ctx context.Context) (err error)
type LocalInterface ¶
type LocalInterface interface { GetWalletAccountsLocal(context.Context, int) ([]WalletAccountLocal, error) GetWalletAccountLocal(context.Context, GetWalletAccountLocalArg) (WalletAccountLocal, error) GetAccountAssetsLocal(context.Context, GetAccountAssetsLocalArg) ([]AccountAssetLocal, error) GetPaymentsLocal(context.Context, GetPaymentsLocalArg) (PaymentsPageLocal, error) GetPendingPaymentsLocal(context.Context, GetPendingPaymentsLocalArg) ([]PaymentOrErrorLocal, error) MarkAsReadLocal(context.Context, MarkAsReadLocalArg) error GetPaymentDetailsLocal(context.Context, GetPaymentDetailsLocalArg) (PaymentDetailsLocal, error) GetDisplayCurrenciesLocal(context.Context, int) ([]CurrencyLocal, error) ValidateAccountIDLocal(context.Context, ValidateAccountIDLocalArg) error ValidateSecretKeyLocal(context.Context, ValidateSecretKeyLocalArg) error ValidateAccountNameLocal(context.Context, ValidateAccountNameLocalArg) error ChangeWalletAccountNameLocal(context.Context, ChangeWalletAccountNameLocalArg) error SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocal(context.Context, SetWalletAccountAsDefaultLocalArg) error DeleteWalletAccountLocal(context.Context, DeleteWalletAccountLocalArg) error LinkNewWalletAccountLocal(context.Context, LinkNewWalletAccountLocalArg) (AccountID, error) CreateWalletAccountLocal(context.Context, CreateWalletAccountLocalArg) (AccountID, error) ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocal(context.Context, ChangeDisplayCurrencyLocalArg) error GetDisplayCurrencyLocal(context.Context, GetDisplayCurrencyLocalArg) (CurrencyLocal, error) HasAcceptedDisclaimerLocal(context.Context, int) (bool, error) AcceptDisclaimerLocal(context.Context, int) error GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocal(context.Context, GetWalletAccountPublicKeyLocalArg) (string, error) GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocal(context.Context, GetWalletAccountSecretKeyLocalArg) (SecretKey, error) GetSendAssetChoicesLocal(context.Context, GetSendAssetChoicesLocalArg) ([]SendAssetChoiceLocal, error) BuildPaymentLocal(context.Context, BuildPaymentLocalArg) (BuildPaymentResLocal, error) SendPaymentLocal(context.Context, SendPaymentLocalArg) (SendPaymentResLocal, error) BuildRequestLocal(context.Context, BuildRequestLocalArg) (BuildRequestResLocal, error) GetRequestDetailsLocal(context.Context, GetRequestDetailsLocalArg) (RequestDetailsLocal, error) CancelRequestLocal(context.Context, CancelRequestLocalArg) error MakeRequestLocal(context.Context, MakeRequestLocalArg) (KeybaseRequestID, error) SetAccountMobileOnlyLocal(context.Context, SetAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg) error IsAccountMobileOnlyLocal(context.Context, IsAccountMobileOnlyLocalArg) (bool, error) CancelPaymentLocal(context.Context, CancelPaymentLocalArg) (RelayClaimResult, error) BalancesLocal(context.Context, AccountID) ([]Balance, error) SendCLILocal(context.Context, SendCLILocalArg) (SendResultCLILocal, error) ClaimCLILocal(context.Context, ClaimCLILocalArg) (RelayClaimResult, error) RecentPaymentsCLILocal(context.Context, *AccountID) ([]PaymentOrErrorCLILocal, error) PaymentDetailCLILocal(context.Context, string) (PaymentCLILocal, error) WalletInitLocal(context.Context) error WalletDumpLocal(context.Context) (Bundle, error) WalletGetAccountsCLILocal(context.Context) ([]OwnAccountCLILocal, error) OwnAccountLocal(context.Context, AccountID) (bool, error) ImportSecretKeyLocal(context.Context, ImportSecretKeyLocalArg) error ExportSecretKeyLocal(context.Context, AccountID) (SecretKey, error) SetDisplayCurrency(context.Context, SetDisplayCurrencyArg) error ExchangeRateLocal(context.Context, OutsideCurrencyCode) (OutsideExchangeRate, error) GetAvailableLocalCurrencies(context.Context) (map[OutsideCurrencyCode]OutsideCurrencyDefinition, error) FormatLocalCurrencyString(context.Context, FormatLocalCurrencyStringArg) (string, error) MakeRequestCLILocal(context.Context, MakeRequestCLILocalArg) (KeybaseRequestID, error) LookupCLILocal(context.Context, string) (LookupResultCLILocal, error) }
type LookupCLILocalArg ¶
type LookupCLILocalArg struct {
Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"`
type LookupResultCLILocal ¶
type LookupResultCLILocal struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Username *string `codec:"username,omitempty" json:"username,omitempty"` }
func (LookupResultCLILocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o LookupResultCLILocal) DeepCopy() LookupResultCLILocal
type MakeRequestCLILocalArg ¶
type MakeRequestCLILocalArg struct { Recipient string `codec:"recipient" json:"recipient"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` }
type MakeRequestLocalArg ¶
type MakeRequestLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` Recipient string `codec:"recipient" json:"recipient"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` }
type MarkAsReadArg ¶
type MarkAsReadArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` MostRecentID TransactionID `codec:"mostRecentID" json:"mostRecentID"` }
type MarkAsReadLocalArg ¶
type NextAutoClaimArg ¶
type NextAutoClaimArg struct {
Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"`
type NoteContents ¶ added in v1.0.48
type NoteContents struct { Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` StellarID TransactionID `codec:"stellarID" json:"stellarID"` }
func (NoteContents) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o NoteContents) DeepCopy() NoteContents
type NoteRecipient ¶ added in v1.0.48
type NoteRecipient struct { User keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"user" json:"user"` PukGen keybase1.PerUserKeyGeneration `codec:"pukGen" json:"pukGen"` }
func (NoteRecipient) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o NoteRecipient) DeepCopy() NoteRecipient
type NotifyClient ¶
type NotifyClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (NotifyClient) PaymentNotification ¶
func (c NotifyClient) PaymentNotification(ctx context.Context, __arg PaymentNotificationArg) (err error)
func (NotifyClient) PaymentStatusNotification ¶
func (c NotifyClient) PaymentStatusNotification(ctx context.Context, __arg PaymentStatusNotificationArg) (err error)
func (NotifyClient) RequestStatusNotification ¶
func (c NotifyClient) RequestStatusNotification(ctx context.Context, reqID KeybaseRequestID) (err error)
type NotifyInterface ¶
type NotifyInterface interface { PaymentNotification(context.Context, PaymentNotificationArg) error PaymentStatusNotification(context.Context, PaymentStatusNotificationArg) error RequestStatusNotification(context.Context, KeybaseRequestID) error }
type OutsideCurrencyCode ¶ added in v1.0.48
type OutsideCurrencyCode string
func (OutsideCurrencyCode) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o OutsideCurrencyCode) DeepCopy() OutsideCurrencyCode
func (OutsideCurrencyCode) String ¶
func (c OutsideCurrencyCode) String() string
type OutsideCurrencyDefinition ¶
type OutsideCurrencyDefinition struct { Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Symbol CurrencySymbol `codec:"symbol" json:"symbol"` }
func (OutsideCurrencyDefinition) DeepCopy ¶
func (o OutsideCurrencyDefinition) DeepCopy() OutsideCurrencyDefinition
type OutsideExchangeRate ¶ added in v1.0.48
type OutsideExchangeRate struct { Currency OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency" json:"currency"` Rate string `codec:"rate" json:"rate"` }
func (OutsideExchangeRate) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o OutsideExchangeRate) DeepCopy() OutsideExchangeRate
type OwnAccountCLILocal ¶
type OwnAccountCLILocal struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` IsPrimary bool `codec:"isPrimary" json:"isPrimary"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` Balance []Balance `codec:"balance" json:"balance"` ExchangeRate *OutsideExchangeRate `codec:"exchangeRate,omitempty" json:"exchangeRate,omitempty"` }
func (OwnAccountCLILocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o OwnAccountCLILocal) DeepCopy() OwnAccountCLILocal
type OwnAccountLocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.47
type OwnAccountLocalArg struct {
AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"`
type PageCursor ¶
type PageCursor struct { HorizonCursor string `codec:"horizonCursor" json:"horizonCursor"` DirectCursor string `codec:"directCursor" json:"directCursor"` RelayCursor string `codec:"relayCursor" json:"relayCursor"` }
func (PageCursor) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PageCursor) DeepCopy() PageCursor
type ParticipantType ¶
type ParticipantType int
const ( ParticipantType_NONE ParticipantType = 0 ParticipantType_KEYBASE ParticipantType = 1 ParticipantType_STELLAR ParticipantType = 2 ParticipantType_SBS ParticipantType = 3 ParticipantType_OWNACCOUNT ParticipantType = 4 )
func (ParticipantType) DeepCopy ¶
func (o ParticipantType) DeepCopy() ParticipantType
func (ParticipantType) String ¶
func (e ParticipantType) String() string
type PaymentCLILocal ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentCLILocal struct { TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` Time TimeMs `codec:"time" json:"time"` Status string `codec:"status" json:"status"` StatusDetail string `codec:"statusDetail" json:"statusDetail"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset Asset `codec:"asset" json:"asset"` DisplayAmount *string `codec:"displayAmount,omitempty" json:"displayAmount,omitempty"` DisplayCurrency *string `codec:"displayCurrency,omitempty" json:"displayCurrency,omitempty"` FromStellar AccountID `codec:"fromStellar" json:"fromStellar"` ToStellar *AccountID `codec:"toStellar,omitempty" json:"toStellar,omitempty"` FromUsername *string `codec:"fromUsername,omitempty" json:"fromUsername,omitempty"` ToUsername *string `codec:"toUsername,omitempty" json:"toUsername,omitempty"` ToAssertion *string `codec:"toAssertion,omitempty" json:"toAssertion,omitempty"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` NoteErr string `codec:"noteErr" json:"noteErr"` Unread bool `codec:"unread" json:"unread"` }
func (PaymentCLILocal) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentCLILocal) DeepCopy() PaymentCLILocal
type PaymentDetailCLILocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentDetailCLILocalArg struct {
TxID string `codec:"txID" json:"txID"`
type PaymentDetails ¶
type PaymentDetails struct { Summary PaymentSummary `codec:"summary" json:"summary"` Memo string `codec:"memo" json:"memo"` MemoType string `codec:"memoType" json:"memoType"` ExternalTxURL string `codec:"externalTxURL" json:"externalTxURL"` }
func (PaymentDetails) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentDetails) DeepCopy() PaymentDetails
type PaymentDetailsArg ¶
type PaymentDetailsArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` TxID string `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` }
type PaymentDetailsLocal ¶
type PaymentDetailsLocal struct { Id PaymentID `codec:"id" json:"id"` TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` Time TimeMs `codec:"time" json:"time"` StatusSimplified PaymentStatus `codec:"statusSimplified" json:"statusSimplified"` StatusDescription string `codec:"statusDescription" json:"statusDescription"` StatusDetail string `codec:"statusDetail" json:"statusDetail"` ShowCancel bool `codec:"showCancel" json:"showCancel"` AmountDescription string `codec:"amountDescription" json:"amountDescription"` Delta BalanceDelta `codec:"delta" json:"delta"` Worth string `codec:"worth" json:"worth"` WorthCurrency string `codec:"worthCurrency" json:"worthCurrency"` CurrentWorth string `codec:"currentWorth" json:"currentWorth"` CurrentWorthCurrency string `codec:"currentWorthCurrency" json:"currentWorthCurrency"` FromType ParticipantType `codec:"fromType" json:"fromType"` ToType ParticipantType `codec:"toType" json:"toType"` FromAccountID AccountID `codec:"fromAccountID" json:"fromAccountID"` FromAccountName string `codec:"fromAccountName" json:"fromAccountName"` FromUsername string `codec:"fromUsername" json:"fromUsername"` ToAccountID *AccountID `codec:"toAccountID,omitempty" json:"toAccountID,omitempty"` ToAccountName string `codec:"toAccountName" json:"toAccountName"` ToUsername string `codec:"toUsername" json:"toUsername"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` OriginalToAssertion string `codec:"originalToAssertion" json:"originalToAssertion"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` NoteErr string `codec:"noteErr" json:"noteErr"` PublicNote string `codec:"publicNote" json:"publicNote"` PublicNoteType string `codec:"publicNoteType" json:"publicNoteType"` ExternalTxURL string `codec:"externalTxURL" json:"externalTxURL"` }
func (PaymentDetailsLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentDetailsLocal) DeepCopy() PaymentDetailsLocal
type PaymentDirectPost ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentDirectPost struct { FromDeviceID keybase1.DeviceID `codec:"fromDeviceID" json:"fromDeviceID"` To *keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"to,omitempty" json:"to,omitempty"` DisplayAmount string `codec:"displayAmount" json:"displayAmount"` DisplayCurrency string `codec:"displayCurrency" json:"displayCurrency"` NoteB64 string `codec:"noteB64" json:"noteB64"` SignedTransaction string `codec:"signedTransaction" json:"signedTransaction"` QuickReturn bool `codec:"quickReturn" json:"quickReturn"` }
func (PaymentDirectPost) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentDirectPost) DeepCopy() PaymentDirectPost
type PaymentID ¶
type PaymentID string
func NewPaymentID ¶
func NewPaymentID(txid TransactionID) PaymentID
type PaymentLocal ¶
type PaymentLocal struct { Id PaymentID `codec:"id" json:"id"` Time TimeMs `codec:"time" json:"time"` StatusSimplified PaymentStatus `codec:"statusSimplified" json:"statusSimplified"` StatusDescription string `codec:"statusDescription" json:"statusDescription"` StatusDetail string `codec:"statusDetail" json:"statusDetail"` ShowCancel bool `codec:"showCancel" json:"showCancel"` AmountDescription string `codec:"amountDescription" json:"amountDescription"` Delta BalanceDelta `codec:"delta" json:"delta"` Worth string `codec:"worth" json:"worth"` WorthCurrency string `codec:"worthCurrency" json:"worthCurrency"` CurrentWorth string `codec:"currentWorth" json:"currentWorth"` CurrentWorthCurrency string `codec:"currentWorthCurrency" json:"currentWorthCurrency"` FromType ParticipantType `codec:"fromType" json:"fromType"` ToType ParticipantType `codec:"toType" json:"toType"` FromAccountID AccountID `codec:"fromAccountID" json:"fromAccountID"` FromAccountName string `codec:"fromAccountName" json:"fromAccountName"` FromUsername string `codec:"fromUsername" json:"fromUsername"` ToAccountID *AccountID `codec:"toAccountID,omitempty" json:"toAccountID,omitempty"` ToAccountName string `codec:"toAccountName" json:"toAccountName"` ToUsername string `codec:"toUsername" json:"toUsername"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` OriginalToAssertion string `codec:"originalToAssertion" json:"originalToAssertion"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` NoteErr string `codec:"noteErr" json:"noteErr"` Unread bool `codec:"unread" json:"unread"` }
func NewPaymentLocal ¶
func NewPaymentLocal(txid TransactionID, ctime TimeMs) *PaymentLocal
func (PaymentLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentLocal) DeepCopy() PaymentLocal
type PaymentNotificationArg ¶
type PaymentNotificationMsg ¶
type PaymentNotificationMsg struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` PaymentID PaymentID `codec:"paymentID" json:"paymentID"` }
func (PaymentNotificationMsg) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentNotificationMsg) DeepCopy() PaymentNotificationMsg
type PaymentOrErrorCLILocal ¶
type PaymentOrErrorCLILocal struct { Payment *PaymentCLILocal `codec:"payment,omitempty" json:"payment,omitempty"` Err *string `codec:"err,omitempty" json:"err,omitempty"` }
func (PaymentOrErrorCLILocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentOrErrorCLILocal) DeepCopy() PaymentOrErrorCLILocal
type PaymentOrErrorLocal ¶
type PaymentOrErrorLocal struct { Payment *PaymentLocal `codec:"payment,omitempty" json:"payment,omitempty"` Err *string `codec:"err,omitempty" json:"err,omitempty"` }
func (PaymentOrErrorLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentOrErrorLocal) DeepCopy() PaymentOrErrorLocal
type PaymentRelayPost ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentRelayPost struct { FromDeviceID keybase1.DeviceID `codec:"fromDeviceID" json:"fromDeviceID"` To *keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"to,omitempty" json:"to,omitempty"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` RelayAccount AccountID `codec:"relayAccount" json:"relayAccount"` TeamID keybase1.TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` DisplayAmount string `codec:"displayAmount" json:"displayAmount"` DisplayCurrency string `codec:"displayCurrency" json:"displayCurrency"` BoxB64 string `codec:"boxB64" json:"boxB64"` SignedTransaction string `codec:"signedTransaction" json:"signedTransaction"` QuickReturn bool `codec:"quickReturn" json:"quickReturn"` }
func (PaymentRelayPost) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentRelayPost) DeepCopy() PaymentRelayPost
type PaymentResult ¶
type PaymentResult struct { KeybaseID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"keybaseID" json:"keybaseID"` StellarID TransactionID `codec:"stellarID" json:"stellarID"` Pending bool `codec:"pending" json:"pending"` }
func (PaymentResult) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentResult) DeepCopy() PaymentResult
type PaymentStatus ¶
type PaymentStatus int
const ( PaymentStatus_NONE PaymentStatus = 0 PaymentStatus_PENDING PaymentStatus = 1 PaymentStatus_CLAIMABLE PaymentStatus = 2 PaymentStatus_COMPLETED PaymentStatus = 3 PaymentStatus_ERROR PaymentStatus = 4 PaymentStatus_UNKNOWN PaymentStatus = 5 PaymentStatus_CANCELED PaymentStatus = 6 )
func (PaymentStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentStatus) DeepCopy() PaymentStatus
func (PaymentStatus) String ¶
func (e PaymentStatus) String() string
type PaymentStatusMsg ¶
type PaymentStatusMsg struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` KbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"kbTxID" json:"kbTxID"` TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` }
func (PaymentStatusMsg) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentStatusMsg) DeepCopy() PaymentStatusMsg
type PaymentStrategy ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentStrategy int
const ( PaymentStrategy_NONE PaymentStrategy = 0 PaymentStrategy_DIRECT PaymentStrategy = 1 PaymentStrategy_RELAY PaymentStrategy = 2 )
func (PaymentStrategy) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentStrategy) DeepCopy() PaymentStrategy
func (PaymentStrategy) String ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (e PaymentStrategy) String() string
type PaymentSummary ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentSummary struct { Typ__ PaymentSummaryType `codec:"typ" json:"typ"` Stellar__ *PaymentSummaryStellar `codec:"stellar,omitempty" json:"stellar,omitempty"` Direct__ *PaymentSummaryDirect `codec:"direct,omitempty" json:"direct,omitempty"` Relay__ *PaymentSummaryRelay `codec:"relay,omitempty" json:"relay,omitempty"` }
func NewPaymentSummaryWithDirect ¶
func NewPaymentSummaryWithDirect(v PaymentSummaryDirect) PaymentSummary
func NewPaymentSummaryWithRelay ¶
func NewPaymentSummaryWithRelay(v PaymentSummaryRelay) PaymentSummary
func NewPaymentSummaryWithStellar ¶
func NewPaymentSummaryWithStellar(v PaymentSummaryStellar) PaymentSummary
func (PaymentSummary) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentSummary) DeepCopy() PaymentSummary
func (PaymentSummary) Direct ¶
func (o PaymentSummary) Direct() (res PaymentSummaryDirect)
func (PaymentSummary) Relay ¶
func (o PaymentSummary) Relay() (res PaymentSummaryRelay)
func (PaymentSummary) Stellar ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentSummary) Stellar() (res PaymentSummaryStellar)
func (*PaymentSummary) ToDetails ¶
func (p *PaymentSummary) ToDetails() *PaymentDetails
func (*PaymentSummary) TransactionID ¶
func (p *PaymentSummary) TransactionID() (TransactionID, error)
func (*PaymentSummary) Typ ¶
func (o *PaymentSummary) Typ() (ret PaymentSummaryType, err error)
type PaymentSummaryDirect ¶
type PaymentSummaryDirect struct { KbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"kbTxID" json:"kbTxID"` TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` TxStatus TransactionStatus `codec:"txStatus" json:"txStatus"` TxErrMsg string `codec:"txErrMsg" json:"txErrMsg"` FromStellar AccountID `codec:"fromStellar" json:"fromStellar"` From keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"from" json:"from"` FromDeviceID keybase1.DeviceID `codec:"fromDeviceID" json:"fromDeviceID"` ToStellar AccountID `codec:"toStellar" json:"toStellar"` To *keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"to,omitempty" json:"to,omitempty"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset Asset `codec:"asset" json:"asset"` DisplayAmount *string `codec:"displayAmount,omitempty" json:"displayAmount,omitempty"` DisplayCurrency *string `codec:"displayCurrency,omitempty" json:"displayCurrency,omitempty"` NoteB64 string `codec:"noteB64" json:"noteB64"` FromDisplayAmount string `codec:"fromDisplayAmount" json:"fromDisplayAmount"` FromDisplayCurrency string `codec:"fromDisplayCurrency" json:"fromDisplayCurrency"` ToDisplayAmount string `codec:"toDisplayAmount" json:"toDisplayAmount"` ToDisplayCurrency string `codec:"toDisplayCurrency" json:"toDisplayCurrency"` Ctime TimeMs `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` Rtime TimeMs `codec:"rtime" json:"rtime"` CursorToken string `codec:"cursorToken" json:"cursorToken"` }
func (PaymentSummaryDirect) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentSummaryDirect) DeepCopy() PaymentSummaryDirect
type PaymentSummaryRelay ¶
type PaymentSummaryRelay struct { KbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"kbTxID" json:"kbTxID"` TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` TxStatus TransactionStatus `codec:"txStatus" json:"txStatus"` TxErrMsg string `codec:"txErrMsg" json:"txErrMsg"` FromStellar AccountID `codec:"fromStellar" json:"fromStellar"` From keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"from" json:"from"` FromDeviceID keybase1.DeviceID `codec:"fromDeviceID" json:"fromDeviceID"` To *keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"to,omitempty" json:"to,omitempty"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` RelayAccount AccountID `codec:"relayAccount" json:"relayAccount"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` DisplayAmount *string `codec:"displayAmount,omitempty" json:"displayAmount,omitempty"` DisplayCurrency *string `codec:"displayCurrency,omitempty" json:"displayCurrency,omitempty"` Ctime TimeMs `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` Rtime TimeMs `codec:"rtime" json:"rtime"` BoxB64 string `codec:"boxB64" json:"boxB64"` TeamID keybase1.TeamID `codec:"teamID" json:"teamID"` Claim *ClaimSummary `codec:"claim,omitempty" json:"claim,omitempty"` CursorToken string `codec:"cursorToken" json:"cursorToken"` }
func (PaymentSummaryRelay) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentSummaryRelay) DeepCopy() PaymentSummaryRelay
type PaymentSummaryStellar ¶ added in v1.0.48
type PaymentSummaryStellar struct { TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` From AccountID `codec:"from" json:"from"` To AccountID `codec:"to" json:"to"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset Asset `codec:"asset" json:"asset"` Ctime TimeMs `codec:"ctime" json:"ctime"` CursorToken string `codec:"cursorToken" json:"cursorToken"` Unread bool `codec:"unread" json:"unread"` }
func (PaymentSummaryStellar) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o PaymentSummaryStellar) DeepCopy() PaymentSummaryStellar
type PaymentSummaryType ¶
type PaymentSummaryType int
const ( PaymentSummaryType_NONE PaymentSummaryType = 0 PaymentSummaryType_STELLAR PaymentSummaryType = 1 PaymentSummaryType_DIRECT PaymentSummaryType = 2 PaymentSummaryType_RELAY PaymentSummaryType = 3 )
func (PaymentSummaryType) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentSummaryType) DeepCopy() PaymentSummaryType
func (PaymentSummaryType) String ¶
func (e PaymentSummaryType) String() string
type PaymentsPage ¶
type PaymentsPage struct { Payments []PaymentSummary `codec:"payments" json:"payments"` Cursor *PageCursor `codec:"cursor,omitempty" json:"cursor,omitempty"` OldestUnread *TransactionID `codec:"oldestUnread,omitempty" json:"oldestUnread,omitempty"` }
func (PaymentsPage) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentsPage) DeepCopy() PaymentsPage
type PaymentsPageLocal ¶
type PaymentsPageLocal struct { Payments []PaymentOrErrorLocal `codec:"payments" json:"payments"` Cursor *PageCursor `codec:"cursor,omitempty" json:"cursor,omitempty"` OldestUnread *PaymentID `codec:"oldestUnread,omitempty" json:"oldestUnread,omitempty"` }
func (PaymentsPageLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o PaymentsPageLocal) DeepCopy() PaymentsPageLocal
type PendingPaymentsArg ¶
type PendingPaymentsArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Limit int `codec:"limit" json:"limit"` }
type RecentPaymentsArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type RecentPaymentsArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` Cursor *PageCursor `codec:"cursor,omitempty" json:"cursor,omitempty"` Limit int `codec:"limit" json:"limit"` SkipPending bool `codec:"skipPending" json:"skipPending"` }
type RecentPaymentsCLILocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type RecentPaymentsCLILocalArg struct {
AccountID *AccountID `codec:"accountID,omitempty" json:"accountID,omitempty"`
type RelayClaimPost ¶
type RelayClaimPost struct { KeybaseID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"keybaseID" json:"keybaseID"` Dir RelayDirection `codec:"dir" json:"dir"` SignedTransaction string `codec:"signedTransaction" json:"signedTransaction"` AutoClaimToken *string `codec:"autoClaimToken,omitempty" json:"autoClaimToken,omitempty"` }
func (RelayClaimPost) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RelayClaimPost) DeepCopy() RelayClaimPost
type RelayClaimResult ¶
type RelayClaimResult struct {
ClaimStellarID TransactionID `codec:"claimStellarID" json:"claimStellarID"`
func (RelayClaimResult) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RelayClaimResult) DeepCopy() RelayClaimResult
type RelayContents ¶ added in v1.0.48
type RelayContents struct { StellarID TransactionID `codec:"stellarID" json:"stellarID"` Sk SecretKey `codec:"sk" json:"sk"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` }
func (RelayContents) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o RelayContents) DeepCopy() RelayContents
type RelayDirection ¶ added in v1.0.48
type RelayDirection int
const ( RelayDirection_CLAIM RelayDirection = 0 RelayDirection_YANK RelayDirection = 1 )
func (RelayDirection) DeepCopy ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (o RelayDirection) DeepCopy() RelayDirection
func (RelayDirection) String ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (e RelayDirection) String() string
type ReleaseAutoClaimLockArg ¶
type ReleaseAutoClaimLockArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` Token string `codec:"token" json:"token"` }
type RemoteClient ¶
type RemoteClient struct {
Cli rpc.GenericClient
func (RemoteClient) AccountSeqno ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c RemoteClient) AccountSeqno(ctx context.Context, __arg AccountSeqnoArg) (res string, err error)
func (RemoteClient) AcquireAutoClaimLock ¶
func (c RemoteClient) AcquireAutoClaimLock(ctx context.Context, caller keybase1.UserVersion) (res string, err error)
func (RemoteClient) Balances ¶
func (c RemoteClient) Balances(ctx context.Context, __arg BalancesArg) (res []Balance, err error)
func (RemoteClient) CancelRequest ¶
func (c RemoteClient) CancelRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg CancelRequestArg) (err error)
func (RemoteClient) Details ¶
func (c RemoteClient) Details(ctx context.Context, __arg DetailsArg) (res AccountDetails, err error)
func (RemoteClient) IsMasterKeyActive ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c RemoteClient) IsMasterKeyActive(ctx context.Context, __arg IsMasterKeyActiveArg) (res bool, err error)
func (RemoteClient) MarkAsRead ¶
func (c RemoteClient) MarkAsRead(ctx context.Context, __arg MarkAsReadArg) (err error)
func (RemoteClient) NextAutoClaim ¶
func (c RemoteClient) NextAutoClaim(ctx context.Context, caller keybase1.UserVersion) (res *AutoClaim, err error)
func (RemoteClient) PaymentDetails ¶
func (c RemoteClient) PaymentDetails(ctx context.Context, __arg PaymentDetailsArg) (res PaymentDetails, err error)
func (RemoteClient) PendingPayments ¶
func (c RemoteClient) PendingPayments(ctx context.Context, __arg PendingPaymentsArg) (res []PaymentSummary, err error)
func (RemoteClient) Ping ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c RemoteClient) Ping(ctx context.Context) (res string, err error)
func (RemoteClient) RecentPayments ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c RemoteClient) RecentPayments(ctx context.Context, __arg RecentPaymentsArg) (res PaymentsPage, err error)
func (RemoteClient) ReleaseAutoClaimLock ¶
func (c RemoteClient) ReleaseAutoClaimLock(ctx context.Context, __arg ReleaseAutoClaimLockArg) (err error)
func (RemoteClient) RequestDetails ¶
func (c RemoteClient) RequestDetails(ctx context.Context, __arg RequestDetailsArg) (res RequestDetails, err error)
func (RemoteClient) SubmitPayment ¶
func (c RemoteClient) SubmitPayment(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitPaymentArg) (res PaymentResult, err error)
func (RemoteClient) SubmitRelayClaim ¶
func (c RemoteClient) SubmitRelayClaim(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitRelayClaimArg) (res RelayClaimResult, err error)
func (RemoteClient) SubmitRelayPayment ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (c RemoteClient) SubmitRelayPayment(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitRelayPaymentArg) (res PaymentResult, err error)
func (RemoteClient) SubmitRequest ¶
func (c RemoteClient) SubmitRequest(ctx context.Context, __arg SubmitRequestArg) (res KeybaseRequestID, err error)
type RemoteInterface ¶
type RemoteInterface interface { Balances(context.Context, BalancesArg) ([]Balance, error) Details(context.Context, DetailsArg) (AccountDetails, error) RecentPayments(context.Context, RecentPaymentsArg) (PaymentsPage, error) PendingPayments(context.Context, PendingPaymentsArg) ([]PaymentSummary, error) MarkAsRead(context.Context, MarkAsReadArg) error PaymentDetails(context.Context, PaymentDetailsArg) (PaymentDetails, error) AccountSeqno(context.Context, AccountSeqnoArg) (string, error) SubmitPayment(context.Context, SubmitPaymentArg) (PaymentResult, error) SubmitRelayPayment(context.Context, SubmitRelayPaymentArg) (PaymentResult, error) SubmitRelayClaim(context.Context, SubmitRelayClaimArg) (RelayClaimResult, error) AcquireAutoClaimLock(context.Context, keybase1.UserVersion) (string, error) ReleaseAutoClaimLock(context.Context, ReleaseAutoClaimLockArg) error NextAutoClaim(context.Context, keybase1.UserVersion) (*AutoClaim, error) IsMasterKeyActive(context.Context, IsMasterKeyActiveArg) (bool, error) SubmitRequest(context.Context, SubmitRequestArg) (KeybaseRequestID, error) RequestDetails(context.Context, RequestDetailsArg) (RequestDetails, error) CancelRequest(context.Context, CancelRequestArg) error Ping(context.Context) (string, error) }
type RequestDetails ¶
type RequestDetails struct { Id KeybaseRequestID `codec:"id" json:"id"` FromUser keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"fromUser" json:"fromUser"` ToUser *keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"toUser,omitempty" json:"toUser,omitempty"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` FundingKbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"fundingKbTxID" json:"fundingKbTxID"` Status RequestStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
func (RequestDetails) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RequestDetails) DeepCopy() RequestDetails
type RequestDetailsArg ¶
type RequestDetailsArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` ReqID KeybaseRequestID `codec:"reqID" json:"reqID"` }
type RequestDetailsLocal ¶
type RequestDetailsLocal struct { Id KeybaseRequestID `codec:"id" json:"id"` FromAssertion string `codec:"fromAssertion" json:"fromAssertion"` FromCurrentUser bool `codec:"fromCurrentUser" json:"fromCurrentUser"` ToUserType ParticipantType `codec:"toUserType" json:"toUserType"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` AmountDescription string `codec:"amountDescription" json:"amountDescription"` Status RequestStatus `codec:"status" json:"status"` }
func (RequestDetailsLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RequestDetailsLocal) DeepCopy() RequestDetailsLocal
type RequestPost ¶
type RequestPost struct { ToUser *keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"toUser,omitempty" json:"toUser,omitempty"` ToAssertion string `codec:"toAssertion" json:"toAssertion"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset *Asset `codec:"asset,omitempty" json:"asset,omitempty"` Currency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"currency,omitempty" json:"currency,omitempty"` }
func (RequestPost) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RequestPost) DeepCopy() RequestPost
type RequestStatus ¶
type RequestStatus int
const ( RequestStatus_OK RequestStatus = 0 RequestStatus_CANCELED RequestStatus = 1 )
func (RequestStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RequestStatus) DeepCopy() RequestStatus
func (RequestStatus) String ¶
func (e RequestStatus) String() string
type RequestStatusMsg ¶
type RequestStatusMsg struct {
ReqID KeybaseRequestID `codec:"reqID" json:"reqID"`
func (RequestStatusMsg) DeepCopy ¶
func (o RequestStatusMsg) DeepCopy() RequestStatusMsg
type RequestStatusNotificationArg ¶
type RequestStatusNotificationArg struct {
ReqID KeybaseRequestID `codec:"reqID" json:"reqID"`
type SecretKey ¶ added in v1.0.47
type SecretKey string
func (SecretKey) SecureNoLogString ¶ added in v1.0.47
type SendAssetChoiceLocal ¶
type SendAssetChoiceLocal struct { Asset Asset `codec:"asset" json:"asset"` Enabled bool `codec:"enabled" json:"enabled"` Left string `codec:"left" json:"left"` Right string `codec:"right" json:"right"` Subtext string `codec:"subtext" json:"subtext"` }
func (SendAssetChoiceLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o SendAssetChoiceLocal) DeepCopy() SendAssetChoiceLocal
type SendBannerLocal ¶
type SendBannerLocal struct { Level string `codec:"level" json:"level"` Message string `codec:"message" json:"message"` ProofsChanged bool `codec:"proofsChanged" json:"proofsChanged"` HideOnConfirm bool `codec:"hideOnConfirm" json:"hideOnConfirm"` }
func (SendBannerLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o SendBannerLocal) DeepCopy() SendBannerLocal
type SendCLILocalArg ¶
type SendCLILocalArg struct { Recipient string `codec:"recipient" json:"recipient"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset Asset `codec:"asset" json:"asset"` Note string `codec:"note" json:"note"` DisplayAmount string `codec:"displayAmount" json:"displayAmount"` DisplayCurrency string `codec:"displayCurrency" json:"displayCurrency"` ForceRelay bool `codec:"forceRelay" json:"forceRelay"` PublicNote string `codec:"publicNote" json:"publicNote"` FromAccountID AccountID `codec:"fromAccountID" json:"fromAccountID"` }
type SendPaymentLocalArg ¶
type SendPaymentLocalArg struct { SessionID int `codec:"sessionID" json:"sessionID"` From AccountID `codec:"from" json:"from"` FromSeqno string `codec:"fromSeqno" json:"fromSeqno"` To string `codec:"to" json:"to"` ToIsAccountID bool `codec:"toIsAccountID" json:"toIsAccountID"` Amount string `codec:"amount" json:"amount"` Asset Asset `codec:"asset" json:"asset"` WorthAmount string `codec:"worthAmount" json:"worthAmount"` WorthCurrency *OutsideCurrencyCode `codec:"worthCurrency,omitempty" json:"worthCurrency,omitempty"` SecretNote string `codec:"secretNote" json:"secretNote"` PublicMemo string `codec:"publicMemo" json:"publicMemo"` QuickReturn bool `codec:"quickReturn" json:"quickReturn"` }
type SendPaymentResLocal ¶
type SendPaymentResLocal struct { KbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"kbTxID" json:"kbTxID"` Pending bool `codec:"pending" json:"pending"` }
func (SendPaymentResLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o SendPaymentResLocal) DeepCopy() SendPaymentResLocal
type SendResultCLILocal ¶
type SendResultCLILocal struct { KbTxID KeybaseTransactionID `codec:"kbTxID" json:"kbTxID"` TxID TransactionID `codec:"txID" json:"txID"` }
func (SendResultCLILocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o SendResultCLILocal) DeepCopy() SendResultCLILocal
type SetDisplayCurrencyArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type StellarServerDefinitions ¶
type StellarServerDefinitions struct { Revision int `codec:"revision" json:"revision"` Currencies map[OutsideCurrencyCode]OutsideCurrencyDefinition `codec:"currencies" json:"currencies"` }
func (StellarServerDefinitions) DeepCopy ¶
func (o StellarServerDefinitions) DeepCopy() StellarServerDefinitions
func (*StellarServerDefinitions) GetCurrencyLocal ¶
func (d *StellarServerDefinitions) GetCurrencyLocal(code OutsideCurrencyCode) (res CurrencyLocal, ok bool)
type SubmitPaymentArg ¶
type SubmitPaymentArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` Payment PaymentDirectPost `codec:"payment" json:"payment"` }
type SubmitRelayClaimArg ¶
type SubmitRelayClaimArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` Claim RelayClaimPost `codec:"claim" json:"claim"` }
type SubmitRelayPaymentArg ¶ added in v1.0.48
type SubmitRelayPaymentArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` Payment PaymentRelayPost `codec:"payment" json:"payment"` }
type SubmitRequestArg ¶
type SubmitRequestArg struct { Caller keybase1.UserVersion `codec:"caller" json:"caller"` Request RequestPost `codec:"request" json:"request"` }
type TransactionID ¶
type TransactionID string
func TransactionIDFromPaymentID ¶
func TransactionIDFromPaymentID(p PaymentID) TransactionID
func (TransactionID) DeepCopy ¶
func (o TransactionID) DeepCopy() TransactionID
func (TransactionID) Eq ¶
func (t TransactionID) Eq(b TransactionID) bool
func (TransactionID) String ¶ added in v1.0.48
func (t TransactionID) String() string
type TransactionStatus ¶
type TransactionStatus int
const ( TransactionStatus_NONE TransactionStatus = 0 TransactionStatus_PENDING TransactionStatus = 1 TransactionStatus_SUCCESS TransactionStatus = 2 TransactionStatus_ERROR_TRANSIENT TransactionStatus = 3 TransactionStatus_ERROR_PERMANENT TransactionStatus = 4 )
func (TransactionStatus) DeepCopy ¶
func (o TransactionStatus) DeepCopy() TransactionStatus
func (TransactionStatus) Details ¶
func (t TransactionStatus) Details(errMsg string) (status, detail string)
func (TransactionStatus) String ¶
func (e TransactionStatus) String() string
func (TransactionStatus) ToPaymentStatus ¶
func (t TransactionStatus) ToPaymentStatus() PaymentStatus
type WalletAccountLocal ¶
type WalletAccountLocal struct { AccountID AccountID `codec:"accountID" json:"accountID"` IsDefault bool `codec:"isDefault" json:"isDefault"` Name string `codec:"name" json:"name"` BalanceDescription string `codec:"balanceDescription" json:"balanceDescription"` Seqno string `codec:"seqno" json:"seqno"` }
func (WalletAccountLocal) DeepCopy ¶
func (o WalletAccountLocal) DeepCopy() WalletAccountLocal
type WalletDumpLocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.47
type WalletDumpLocalArg struct { }
type WalletGetAccountsCLILocalArg ¶
type WalletGetAccountsCLILocalArg struct { }
type WalletInitLocalArg ¶ added in v1.0.47
type WalletInitLocalArg struct { }
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