Local Persistent Storage User Guide
Local persistent volumes allows users to access local storage through the standard PVC interface in a simple and portable way. The PV contains node affinity information that the system uses to schedule pods to the correct nodes.
An external static provisioner is available to help simplify local storage management once the local volumes are configured. Note that the local storage provisioner is different from most provisioners and does not support dynamic provisioning yet. Instead, it requires that administrators preconfigure the local volumes on each node and mount them under discovery directories. The provisioner will manage the volumes under the discovery directories by creating and cleaning up PersistentVolumes for each volume.
Configuration Requirements
- The local-volume plugin expects paths to be stable, including across reboots and when disks are added or removed.
- The static provisioner only discovers mount points. For directory-based local volumes, they must be bind-mounted into the discovery directories.
K8s Feature Status
Also see known issues and provisioner CHANGELOG.
1.9: Alpha
- New StorageClass
parameter that will delay PVC binding until a pod is scheduled.
1.7: Alpha
- New
PersistentVolume source that allows specifying a directory or mount point with node affinity. - Pod using the PVC that is bound to this PV will always get scheduled to that node.
Future features
- Pod accessing local raw block device
- Local block devices as a volume source, with partitioning and fs formatting
- Dynamic provisioning for shared local persistent storage
- Local PV health monitoring, taints and tolerations
- Inline PV (use dedicated local disk as ephemeral storage)
User Guide
These instructions reflect the latest version of the codebase. For instructions on older versions, please see version links in the CHANGELOG.
Step 1: Bringing up a cluster with local disks
Enabling the alpha feature gates
$ export KUBE_FEATURE_GATES="PersistentLocalVolumes=true"
$ export KUBE_FEATURE_GATES="PersistentLocalVolumes=true,MountPropagation=true"
$ export KUBE_FEATURE_GATES="PersistentLocalVolumes=true,VolumeScheduling=true,MountPropagation=true"
Option 1: GCE
GCE clusters brought up with will automatically format and mount the requested Local SSDs, so you can deploy the provisioner with the pre-generated deployment spec and skip to step 4, unless you want to customize the provisioner spec or storage classes.
$ NODE_LOCAL_SSDS=<n> cluster/
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/admin_account.yaml
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/provisioner_generated_gce_ssd_count.yaml
$ NODE_LOCAL_SSDS_EXT=<n>,<scsi|nvme>,fs cluster/
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/admin_account.yaml
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/class-local-ssds.yaml
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/provisioner_generated_gce_ssd_volumes.yaml
Option 2: GKE
GKE clusters will automatically format and mount the requested Local SSDs, so you can deploy the provisioner with the pre-generated deployment spec and skip to step 4, unless you want to customize the provisioner spec or storage classes.
$ gcloud container cluster create ... --local-ssd-count=<n> --enable-kubernetes-alpha
$ gcloud container node-pools create ... --local-ssd-count=<n>
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/admin_account.yaml
# If running K8s 1.9+, also create the StorageClasses
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/class-local-ssds.yaml
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/provisioner_generated_gce_ssd_count.yaml
$ gcloud alpha container cluster create ... --local-ssd-volumes="count=<n>,type=<scsi|nvme>,format=fs" --enable-kubernetes-alpha
$ gcloud alpha container node-pools create ... --local-ssd-volumes="count=<n>,type=<scsi|nvme>,format=fs"
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/admin_account.yaml
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/class-local-ssds.yaml
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/gce/provisioner_generated_gce_ssd_volumes.yaml
Option 3: Baremetal environments
- Partition and format the disks on each node according to your application's requirements.
- Mount all the filesystems under one directory per StorageClass. The directories are specified in a configmap, see below.
- Configure the Kubernetes API Server, controller-manager, scheduler, and all kubelets
as described above. - If not using the default Kubernetes scheduler policy, the following
predicates must be enabled:
- Pre-1.9:
- 1.9+:
- Pre-1.9:
Option 4: Local test cluster
- Create
directory and mount several volumes into its subdirectories. The example below uses three ram disks to simulate real local volumes:
$ mkdir /mnt/disks
$ for vol in vol1 vol2 vol3; do
mkdir /mnt/disks/$vol
mount -t tmpfs $vol /mnt/disks/$vol
- Run the local cluster.
Step 2: Creating a StorageClass (1.9+)
To delay volume binding until pod scheduling and to handle multiple local PVs in
a single pod, a StorageClass must to be created with volumeBindingMode
set to
$ kubectl create -f provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/example-storageclass.yaml
Step 3: Creating local persistent volumes
Option 1: Using the local volume static provisioner
- Create an admin account with cluster admin privilege:
$ kubectl create -f ./provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/admin_account.yaml
- Generate Provisioner's DaemonSet and ConfigMap spec, and customize it. This step uses helm templates to generate the specs. See the helm README for setup instructions. To generate the provisioner's specs using the default values, run:
helm template ./helm/provisioner > ./provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/provisioner_generated.yaml
You can also provide a custom values file instead:
helm template ./helm/provisioner --values custom-values.yaml > ./provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/provisioner_generated.yaml
In order to generate the environment specific provisioner's spec, --set engine={gcepre19,gcepost19,gke,baremetal} parameter can be used in helm template command. Example for GKE environment, the command line will look like:
helm template ./helm/provisioner --set engine=gke > ./provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/provisioner_generated.yaml
Parameter --set engine= canbe used in conjunction with custom vlues.yaml file in the same command line.
- Deploy Provisioner Once a user is satisfied with the content of Provisioner's yaml file, kubectl can be used to create Provisioner's DaemonSet and ConfigMap.
$ kubectl create -f ./provisioner/deployment/kubernetes/provisioner_generated.yaml
- Check discovered local volumes Once launched, the external static provisioner will discover and create local-volume PVs.
For example, if the directory /mnt/disks/
contained one directory /mnt/disks/vol1
then the following
local-volume PV would be created by the static provisioner:
$ kubectl get pv
local-pv-ce05be60 1024220Ki RWO Delete Available local-storage 26s
$ kubectl describe pv local-pv-ce05be60
Name: local-pv-ce05be60
Labels: <none>
StorageClass: local-fast
Status: Available
Reclaim Policy: Delete
Access Modes: RWO
Capacity: 1024220Ki
Type: LocalVolume (a persistent volume backed by local storage on a node)
Path: /mnt/disks/vol1
Events: <none>
The PV described above can be claimed and bound to a PVC by referencing the local-fast
Option 2: Manually create local persistent volume
If you don't use the external provisioner, then you have to create the local PVs manually. Note that with manual PV creation, the volume has to be manually reclaimed when deleted. Example PV:
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolume
name: example-local-pv
"": '{
"requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution": {
"nodeSelectorTerms": [
{ "matchExpressions": [
{ "key": "",
"operator": "In",
"values": ["my-node"]
storage: 5Gi
- ReadWriteOnce
persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy: Retain
storageClassName: local-storage
path: /mnt/disks/vol1
Please replace the following elements to reflect your configuration:
- "my-node" with the name of kubernetes node that is hosting this local storage disk
- "5Gi" with the required size of storage volume, same as specified in PVC
- "local-storage" with the name of storage class to associate with this local volume
- "/mnt/disks/vol1" with the path to the mount point of local volumes
Step 4: Create local persistent volume claim
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
name: example-local-claim
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 5Gi
storageClassName: local-storage
Please replace the following elements to reflect your configuration:
- "5Gi" with required size of storage volume
- "local-storage" with the name of storage class associated with the local PVs that should be used for satisfying this PVC
E2E Tests
go run hack/e2e.go -- -v --test --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=\[Feature:LocalPersistentVolumes\]"
View CI Results
Best Practices
- For IO isolation, a whole disk per volume is recommended
- For capacity isolation, separate partitions per volume is recommended
- Avoid recreating nodes with the same node name while there are still old PVs with that node's affinity specified. Otherwise, the system could think that the new node contains the old PVs.
- For volumes with a filesystem, it's recommended to utilize their UUID (e.g.
the output from
ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid
) both in fstab entries and in the directory name of that mount point. This practice ensures that the wrong local volume is not mistakenly mounted, even if its device path changes (e.g. if /dev/sda1 becomes /dev/sdb1 when a new disk is added). Additionally, this practice will ensure that if another node with the same name is created, that any volumes on that node are unique and not mistaken for a volume on another node with the same name. - For raw block volumes without a filesystem, use a unique ID as the symlink
name. Depending on your environment, the volume's ID in
may contain a unique hardware serial number. Otherwise, a unique ID should be generated. The uniqueness of the symlink name will ensure that if another node with the same name is created, that any volumes on that node are unique and not mistaken for a volume on another node with the same name.
Deleting/removing the underlying volume
When you want to decommission the local volume, here is a possible workflow.
- Stop the pods that are using the volume
- Remove the local volume from the node (ie unmounting, pulling out the disk, etc)
- Delete the PVC
- The provisioner will try to cleanup the volume, but will fail since the volume no longer exists
- Manually delete the PV object