Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func AcademicCap(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Adjustments(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Annotation(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Archive(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowCircleDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowCircleLeft(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowCircleRight(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowCircleUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowLeft(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowNarrowDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowNarrowLeft(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowNarrowRight(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowNarrowUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowRight(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowSmDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowSmLeft(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowSmRight(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowSmUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ArrowsExpand(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func AtSymbol(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Backspace(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func BadgeCheck(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Ban(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Beaker(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Bell(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func BookOpen(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Bookmark(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func BookmarkAlt(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Briefcase(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Cake(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Calculator(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Calendar(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Camera(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Cash(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChartBar(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChartPie(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChartSquareBar(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Chat(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChatAlt(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChatAlt2(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Check(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CheckCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronDoubleDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronDoubleLeft(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronDoubleRight(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronDoubleUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronLeft(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronRight(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ChevronUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Chip(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Clipboard(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ClipboardCheck(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ClipboardCopy(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ClipboardList(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Clock(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Cloud(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CloudDownload(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CloudUpload(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Code(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Cog(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Collection(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ColorSwatch(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CreditCard(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Cube(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CubeTransparent(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CurrencyBangladeshi(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CurrencyDollar(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CurrencyEuro(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CurrencyPound(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CurrencyRupee(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CurrencyYen(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func CursorClick(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Database(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DesktopComputer(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DeviceMobile(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DeviceTablet(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Document(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentAdd(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentDownload(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentDuplicate(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentRemove(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentReport(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentSearch(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DocumentText(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DotsCircleHorizontal(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DotsHorizontal(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func DotsVertical(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Download(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Duplicate(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func EmojiHappy(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func EmojiSad(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Exclamation(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ExclamationCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ExternalLink(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Eye(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func EyeOff(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func FastForward(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Film(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Filter(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func FingerPrint(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Fire(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Flag(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Folder(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func FolderAdd(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func FolderDownload(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func FolderOpen(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func FolderRemove(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Gift(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Globe(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func GlobeAlt(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Hand(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Hashtag(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Heart(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Home(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Identification(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Inbox(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func InboxIn(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func InformationCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Key(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Library(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func LightBulb(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func LightningBolt(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Link(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func LocationMarker(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func LockClosed(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func LockOpen(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Login(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Logout(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Mail(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MailOpen(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Map(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Menu(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MenuAlt1(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MenuAlt2(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MenuAlt3(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MenuAlt4(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Microphone(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Minus(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MinusCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MinusSm(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Moon(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func MusicNote(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Newspaper(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func OfficeBuilding(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PaperAirplane(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PaperClip(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Pause(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Pencil(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PencilAlt(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Phone(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PhoneIncoming(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PhoneMissedCall(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PhoneOutgoing(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Photograph(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Play(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Plus(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PlusCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PlusSm(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PresentationChartBar(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func PresentationChartLine(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Printer(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Puzzle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Qrcode(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func QuestionMarkCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ReceiptRefund(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ReceiptTax(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Refresh(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Reply(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Rewind(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Rss(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Save(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func SaveAs(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Scale(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Scissors(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Search(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func SearchCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Selector(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Server(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Share(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ShieldCheck(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ShieldExclamation(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ShoppingBag(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ShoppingCart(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func SortAscending(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func SortDescending(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Sparkles(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Speakerphone(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Star(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func StatusOffline(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func StatusOnline(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Stop(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Sun(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Support(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func SwitchHorizontal(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func SwitchVertical(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Table(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Tag(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Template(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Terminal(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ThumbDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ThumbUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Ticket(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Translate(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Trash(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func TrendingDown(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func TrendingUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Truck(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Upload(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func User(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func UserAdd(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func UserCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func UserGroup(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func UserRemove(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Users(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Variable(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func VideoCamera(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ViewBoards(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ViewGrid(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ViewGridAdd(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ViewList(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func VolumeOff(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func VolumeUp(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func Wifi(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func X(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func XCircle(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ZoomIn(children ...g.Node) g.Node
- func ZoomOut(children ...g.Node) g.Node
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
Types ¶
This section is empty.
Source Files ¶
- academic_cap.go
- adjustments.go
- annotation.go
- archive.go
- arrow_circle_down.go
- arrow_circle_left.go
- arrow_circle_right.go
- arrow_circle_up.go
- arrow_down.go
- arrow_left.go
- arrow_narrow_down.go
- arrow_narrow_left.go
- arrow_narrow_right.go
- arrow_narrow_up.go
- arrow_right.go
- arrow_sm_down.go
- arrow_sm_left.go
- arrow_sm_right.go
- arrow_sm_up.go
- arrow_up.go
- arrows_expand.go
- at_symbol.go
- backspace.go
- badge_check.go
- ban.go
- beaker.go
- bell.go
- book_open.go
- bookmark.go
- bookmark_alt.go
- briefcase.go
- cake.go
- calculator.go
- calendar.go
- camera.go
- cash.go
- chart_bar.go
- chart_pie.go
- chart_square_bar.go
- chat.go
- chat_alt.go
- chat_alt2.go
- check.go
- check_circle.go
- chevron_double_down.go
- chevron_double_left.go
- chevron_double_right.go
- chevron_double_up.go
- chevron_down.go
- chevron_left.go
- chevron_right.go
- chevron_up.go
- chip.go
- clipboard.go
- clipboard_check.go
- clipboard_copy.go
- clipboard_list.go
- clock.go
- cloud.go
- cloud_download.go
- cloud_upload.go
- code.go
- cog.go
- collection.go
- color_swatch.go
- credit_card.go
- cube.go
- cube_transparent.go
- currency_bangladeshi.go
- currency_dollar.go
- currency_euro.go
- currency_pound.go
- currency_rupee.go
- currency_yen.go
- cursor_click.go
- database.go
- desktop_computer.go
- device_mobile.go
- device_tablet.go
- document.go
- document_add.go
- document_download.go
- document_duplicate.go
- document_remove.go
- document_report.go
- document_search.go
- document_text.go
- dots_circle_horizontal.go
- dots_horizontal.go
- dots_vertical.go
- download.go
- duplicate.go
- emoji_happy.go
- emoji_sad.go
- exclamation.go
- exclamation_circle.go
- external_link.go
- eye.go
- eye_off.go
- fast_forward.go
- film.go
- filter.go
- finger_print.go
- fire.go
- flag.go
- folder.go
- folder_add.go
- folder_download.go
- folder_open.go
- folder_remove.go
- gift.go
- globe.go
- globe_alt.go
- hand.go
- hashtag.go
- heart.go
- home.go
- identification.go
- inbox.go
- inbox_in.go
- information_circle.go
- key.go
- library.go
- light_bulb.go
- lightning_bolt.go
- link.go
- location_marker.go
- lock_closed.go
- lock_open.go
- login.go
- logout.go
- mail.go
- mail_open.go
- map.go
- menu.go
- menu_alt1.go
- menu_alt2.go
- menu_alt3.go
- menu_alt4.go
- microphone.go
- minus.go
- minus_circle.go
- minus_sm.go
- moon.go
- music_note.go
- newspaper.go
- office_building.go
- paper_airplane.go
- paper_clip.go
- pause.go
- pencil.go
- pencil_alt.go
- phone.go
- phone_incoming.go
- phone_missed_call.go
- phone_outgoing.go
- photograph.go
- play.go
- plus.go
- plus_circle.go
- plus_sm.go
- presentation_chart_bar.go
- presentation_chart_line.go
- printer.go
- puzzle.go
- qrcode.go
- question_mark_circle.go
- receipt_refund.go
- receipt_tax.go
- refresh.go
- reply.go
- rewind.go
- rss.go
- save.go
- save_as.go
- scale.go
- scissors.go
- search.go
- search_circle.go
- selector.go
- server.go
- share.go
- shield_check.go
- shield_exclamation.go
- shopping_bag.go
- shopping_cart.go
- sort_ascending.go
- sort_descending.go
- sparkles.go
- speakerphone.go
- star.go
- status_offline.go
- status_online.go
- stop.go
- sun.go
- support.go
- switch_horizontal.go
- switch_vertical.go
- table.go
- tag.go
- template.go
- terminal.go
- thumb_down.go
- thumb_up.go
- ticket.go
- translate.go
- trash.go
- trending_down.go
- trending_up.go
- truck.go
- upload.go
- user.go
- user_add.go
- user_circle.go
- user_group.go
- user_remove.go
- users.go
- variable.go
- video_camera.go
- view_boards.go
- view_grid.go
- view_grid_add.go
- view_list.go
- volume_off.go
- volume_up.go
- wifi.go
- x.go
- x_circle.go
- zoom_in.go
- zoom_out.go
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.