Index ¶
- func QAbstractNetworkCache_Tr(s string) string
- func QAbstractNetworkCache_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAbstractNetworkCache_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAbstractNetworkCache_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QAbstractNetworkCache_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QAbstractNetworkCache_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAbstractSocket_Tr(s string) string
- func QAbstractSocket_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAbstractSocket_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QAbstractSocket_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QAbstractSocket_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QAbstractSocket_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QDnsLookup_Tr(s string) string
- func QDnsLookup_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QDnsLookup_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QDnsLookup_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QDnsLookup_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QDnsLookup_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QDtlsClientVerifier_Tr(s string) string
- func QDtlsClientVerifier_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QDtlsClientVerifier_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QDtlsClientVerifier_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QDtlsClientVerifier_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QDtlsClientVerifier_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QDtls_Tr(s string) string
- func QDtls_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QDtls_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QDtls_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QDtls_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QDtls_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QHostAddress_ParseSubnet(subnet string) struct{ ... }
- func QHostInfo_AbortHostLookup(lookupId int)
- func QHostInfo_LocalDomainName() string
- func QHostInfo_LocalHostName() string
- func QHttpMultiPart_Tr(s string) string
- func QHttpMultiPart_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QHttpMultiPart_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QHttpMultiPart_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QHttpMultiPart_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QHttpMultiPart_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QLocalServer_RemoveServer(name string) bool
- func QLocalServer_Tr(s string) string
- func QLocalServer_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QLocalServer_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QLocalServer_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QLocalServer_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QLocalServer_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QLocalSocket_Tr(s string) string
- func QLocalSocket_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QLocalSocket_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QLocalSocket_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QLocalSocket_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QLocalSocket_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkAccessManager_Tr(s string) string
- func QNetworkAccessManager_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkAccessManager_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkAccessManager_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QNetworkAccessManager_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkAccessManager_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkConfigurationManager_Tr(s string) string
- func QNetworkConfigurationManager_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkConfigurationManager_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkConfigurationManager_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QNetworkConfigurationManager_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkConfigurationManager_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkCookieJar_Tr(s string) string
- func QNetworkCookieJar_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkCookieJar_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkCookieJar_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QNetworkCookieJar_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkCookieJar_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkDiskCache_Tr(s string) string
- func QNetworkDiskCache_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkDiskCache_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkDiskCache_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QNetworkDiskCache_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkDiskCache_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceIndexFromName(name string) int
- func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceNameFromIndex(index int) string
- func QNetworkProxyFactory_SetApplicationProxyFactory(factory *QNetworkProxyFactory)
- func QNetworkProxyFactory_SetUseSystemConfiguration(enable bool)
- func QNetworkProxyFactory_UsesSystemConfiguration() bool
- func QNetworkProxy_SetApplicationProxy(proxy *QNetworkProxy)
- func QNetworkReply_Tr(s string) string
- func QNetworkReply_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkReply_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkReply_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QNetworkReply_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkReply_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkSession_Tr(s string) string
- func QNetworkSession_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkSession_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QNetworkSession_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QNetworkSession_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QNetworkSession_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs12(device *qt.QIODevice, key *QSslKey, cert *QSslCertificate) bool
- func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs124(device *qt.QIODevice, key *QSslKey, cert *QSslCertificate, ...) bool
- func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs125(device *qt.QIODevice, key *QSslKey, cert *QSslCertificate, ...) bool
- func QSslConfiguration_SetDefaultConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
- func QSslConfiguration_SetDefaultDtlsConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
- func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
- func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates(path string) bool
- func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) bool
- func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax qt.QRegExp__PatternSyntax) bool
- func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificatesWithCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
- func QSslSocket_SetDefaultCaCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
- func QSslSocket_SetDefaultCiphers(ciphers []QSslCipher)
- func QSslSocket_SslLibraryBuildVersionNumber() int64
- func QSslSocket_SslLibraryBuildVersionString() string
- func QSslSocket_SslLibraryVersionNumber() int64
- func QSslSocket_SslLibraryVersionString() string
- func QSslSocket_SupportsSsl() bool
- func QSslSocket_Tr(s string) string
- func QSslSocket_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QSslSocket_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSslSocket_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QSslSocket_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QSslSocket_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QTcpServer_Tr(s string) string
- func QTcpServer_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QTcpServer_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QTcpServer_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QTcpServer_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QTcpServer_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QTcpSocket_Tr(s string) string
- func QTcpSocket_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QTcpSocket_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QTcpSocket_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QTcpSocket_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QTcpSocket_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QUdpSocket_Tr(s string) string
- func QUdpSocket_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QUdpSocket_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QUdpSocket_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QUdpSocket_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QUdpSocket_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- type QAbstractNetworkCache
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) CacheSize() int64
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Clear()
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Data(url *qt.QUrl) *qt.QIODevice
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Delete()
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) GoGC()
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Insert(device *qt.QIODevice)
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) MetaData(url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Prepare(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *qt.QIODevice
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Remove(url *qt.QUrl) bool
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) UpdateMetaData(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
- type QAbstractSocket
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Abort()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) AtEnd() bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind(address *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind1(port uint16) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind2() bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind22(address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind23(port uint16, mode QAbstractSocket__BindFlag) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind3(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, mode QAbstractSocket__BindFlag) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) BytesAvailable() int64
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) BytesToWrite() int64
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) CanReadLine() bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Close()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ConnectToHost(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, ...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ConnectToHost2(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Connected()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Delete()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) DisconnectFromHost()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Disconnected()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Error() QAbstractSocket__SocketError
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ErrorOccurred(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ErrorWithQAbstractSocketSocketError(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Flush() bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) GoGC()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) HostFound()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) IsSequential() bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) LocalAddress() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) LocalPort() uint16
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnectToHost(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnectToHost2(slot func(...))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnected(slot func())
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnected(slot func())
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnErrorWithQAbstractSocketSocketError(slot func(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnHostFound(slot func())
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnProxyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnReadData(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnReadLineData(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(...) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSetSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnStateChanged(slot func(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketState))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWriteData(...)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) PauseMode() QAbstractSocket__PauseMode
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) PeerAddress() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) PeerName() string
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) PeerPort() uint16
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ProtocolTag() string
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Proxy() *QNetworkProxy
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ProxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) ReadBufferSize() int64
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Resume()
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPauseMode(pauseMode QAbstractSocket__PauseMode)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetProtocolTag(tag string)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetProxy(networkProxy *QNetworkProxy)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, ...) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) SocketType() QAbstractSocket__SocketType
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) State() QAbstractSocket__SocketState
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) StateChanged(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForBytesWritten(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForConnected(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForDisconnected(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForReadyRead(msecs int) bool
- type QAbstractSocket__BindFlag
- type QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol
- type QAbstractSocket__PauseMode
- type QAbstractSocket__SocketError
- type QAbstractSocket__SocketOption
- type QAbstractSocket__SocketState
- type QAbstractSocket__SocketType
- type QAuthenticator
- func (this *QAuthenticator) Delete()
- func (this *QAuthenticator) Detach()
- func (this *QAuthenticator) GoGC()
- func (this *QAuthenticator) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QAuthenticator) OperatorAssign(other *QAuthenticator)
- func (this *QAuthenticator) OperatorEqual(other *QAuthenticator) bool
- func (this *QAuthenticator) OperatorNotEqual(other *QAuthenticator) bool
- func (this *QAuthenticator) Option(opt string) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QAuthenticator) Options() map[string]qt.QVariant
- func (this *QAuthenticator) Password() string
- func (this *QAuthenticator) Realm() string
- func (this *QAuthenticator) SetOption(opt string, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QAuthenticator) SetPassword(password string)
- func (this *QAuthenticator) SetRealm(realm string)
- func (this *QAuthenticator) SetUser(user string)
- func (this *QAuthenticator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAuthenticator) User() string
- type QDnsDomainNameRecord
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Delete()
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) GoGC()
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Name() string
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsDomainNameRecord)
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Swap(other *QDnsDomainNameRecord)
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) TimeToLive() uint
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Value() string
- type QDnsHostAddressRecord
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Delete()
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) GoGC()
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Name() string
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsHostAddressRecord)
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Swap(other *QDnsHostAddressRecord)
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) TimeToLive() uint
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Value() *QHostAddress
- type QDnsLookup
- func NewQDnsLookup() *QDnsLookup
- func NewQDnsLookup2(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string) *QDnsLookup
- func NewQDnsLookup3(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string, nameserver *QHostAddress) *QDnsLookup
- func NewQDnsLookup4(parent *qt.QObject) *QDnsLookup
- func NewQDnsLookup5(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string, parent *qt.QObject) *QDnsLookup
- func NewQDnsLookup6(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string, nameserver *QHostAddress, ...) *QDnsLookup
- func UnsafeNewQDnsLookup(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsLookup
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Abort()
- func (this *QDnsLookup) CanonicalNameRecords() []QDnsDomainNameRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Delete()
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Error() QDnsLookup__Error
- func (this *QDnsLookup) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Finished()
- func (this *QDnsLookup) GoGC()
- func (this *QDnsLookup) HostAddressRecords() []QDnsHostAddressRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) IsFinished() bool
- func (this *QDnsLookup) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Lookup()
- func (this *QDnsLookup) MailExchangeRecords() []QDnsMailExchangeRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Name() string
- func (this *QDnsLookup) NameChanged(name string)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) NameServerRecords() []QDnsDomainNameRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Nameserver() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QDnsLookup) NameserverChanged(nameserver *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnFinished(slot func())
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnNameChanged(slot func(name string))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnNameserverChanged(slot func(nameserver *QHostAddress))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) OnTypeChanged(slot func(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type))
- func (this *QDnsLookup) PointerRecords() []QDnsDomainNameRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QDnsLookup) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QDnsLookup) ServiceRecords() []QDnsServiceRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) SetName(name string)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) SetNameserver(nameserver *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) SetType(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) TextRecords() []QDnsTextRecord
- func (this *QDnsLookup) Type() QDnsLookup__Type
- func (this *QDnsLookup) TypeChanged(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type)
- func (this *QDnsLookup) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QDnsLookup__Error
- type QDnsLookup__Type
- type QDnsMailExchangeRecord
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Delete()
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Exchange() string
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) GoGC()
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Name() string
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsMailExchangeRecord)
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Preference() uint16
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Swap(other *QDnsMailExchangeRecord)
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) TimeToLive() uint
- func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QDnsServiceRecord
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Delete()
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) GoGC()
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Name() string
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsServiceRecord)
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Port() uint16
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Priority() uint16
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Swap(other *QDnsServiceRecord)
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Target() string
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) TimeToLive() uint
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Weight() uint16
- type QDnsTextRecord
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Delete()
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) GoGC()
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Name() string
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsTextRecord)
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Swap(other *QDnsTextRecord)
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) TimeToLive() uint
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Values() [][]byte
- type QDtls
- func (this *QDtls) AbortHandshake(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
- func (this *QDtls) CookieGeneratorParameters() *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func (this *QDtls) DecryptDatagram(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte) []byte
- func (this *QDtls) Delete()
- func (this *QDtls) DoHandshake(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
- func (this *QDtls) DoHandshake2(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte) bool
- func (this *QDtls) DtlsConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func (this *QDtls) DtlsError() QDtlsError
- func (this *QDtls) DtlsErrorString() string
- func (this *QDtls) GoGC()
- func (this *QDtls) HandleTimeout(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
- func (this *QDtls) HandshakeState() QDtls__HandshakeState
- func (this *QDtls) HandshakeTimeout()
- func (this *QDtls) IgnoreVerificationErrors(errorsToIgnore []QSslError)
- func (this *QDtls) IsConnectionEncrypted() bool
- func (this *QDtls) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QDtls) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QDtls) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDtls) MtuHint() uint16
- func (this *QDtls) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QDtls) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QDtls) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QDtls) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QDtls) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QDtls) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QDtls) OnHandshakeTimeout(slot func())
- func (this *QDtls) OnPskRequired(slot func(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
- func (this *QDtls) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QDtls) PeerAddress() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QDtls) PeerPort() uint16
- func (this *QDtls) PeerVerificationErrors() []QSslError
- func (this *QDtls) PeerVerificationName() string
- func (this *QDtls) PskRequired(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
- func (this *QDtls) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QDtls) ResumeHandshake(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
- func (this *QDtls) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QDtls) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QDtls) SessionCipher() *QSslCipher
- func (this *QDtls) SessionProtocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
- func (this *QDtls) SetCookieGeneratorParameters(params *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) bool
- func (this *QDtls) SetDtlsConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration) bool
- func (this *QDtls) SetMtuHint(mtuHint uint16)
- func (this *QDtls) SetPeer(address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
- func (this *QDtls) SetPeer3(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, verificationName string) bool
- func (this *QDtls) SetPeerVerificationName(name string) bool
- func (this *QDtls) Shutdown(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
- func (this *QDtls) SslMode() QSslSocket__SslMode
- func (this *QDtls) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDtls) WriteDatagramEncrypted(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte) int64
- type QDtlsClientVerifier
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) CookieGeneratorParameters() *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Delete()
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) DtlsError() QDtlsError
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) DtlsErrorString() string
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) GoGC()
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) SetCookieGeneratorParameters(params *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) bool
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) VerifiedHello() []byte
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) VerifyClient(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte, address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
- type QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters() *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters2(a qt.QCryptographicHash__Algorithm, s []byte) *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters3(param1 *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) Delete()
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) GoGC()
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) OperatorAssign(param1 *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters)
- func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QDtlsError
- type QDtls__HandshakeState
- type QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress() *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress2(ip4Addr uint) *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress3(ip6Addr *byte) *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress4(ip6Addr *byte) *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress5(ip6Addr *QIPv6Address) *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress6(address string) *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress7(copyVal *QHostAddress) *QHostAddress
- func NewQHostAddress8(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress) *QHostAddress
- func QNetworkInterface_AllAddresses() []QHostAddress
- func UnsafeNewQHostAddress(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHostAddress
- func (this *QHostAddress) Clear()
- func (this *QHostAddress) Delete()
- func (this *QHostAddress) GoGC()
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsBroadcast() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsEqual(address *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsEqual2(address *QHostAddress, mode QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsGlobal() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsInSubnet(subnet *QHostAddress, netmask int) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsInSubnetWithSubnet(subnet struct{ ... }) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsLinkLocal() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsLoopback() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsMulticast() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsSiteLocal() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) IsUniqueLocalUnicast() bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorAssign(other *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorAssign2(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress)
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorAssignWithAddress(address string)
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorEqual(address *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorEqualWithAddress(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorNotEqual(address *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorNotEqualWithAddress(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) Protocol() QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol
- func (this *QHostAddress) ScopeId() string
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress(ip4Addr uint)
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress2(ip6Addr *byte)
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress3(ip6Addr *QIPv6Address)
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress4(address string) bool
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress5(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress)
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddressWithIp6Addr(ip6Addr *byte)
- func (this *QHostAddress) SetScopeId(id string)
- func (this *QHostAddress) Swap(other *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QHostAddress) ToIPv4Address() uint
- func (this *QHostAddress) ToIPv4AddressWithOk(ok *bool) uint
- func (this *QHostAddress) ToIPv6Address() *QIPv6Address
- func (this *QHostAddress) ToString() string
- func (this *QHostAddress) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag
- type QHostAddress__SpecialAddress
- type QHostInfo
- func (this *QHostInfo) Addresses() []QHostAddress
- func (this *QHostInfo) Delete()
- func (this *QHostInfo) Error() QHostInfo__HostInfoError
- func (this *QHostInfo) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QHostInfo) GoGC()
- func (this *QHostInfo) HostName() string
- func (this *QHostInfo) LookupId() int
- func (this *QHostInfo) OperatorAssign(d *QHostInfo)
- func (this *QHostInfo) SetAddresses(addresses []QHostAddress)
- func (this *QHostInfo) SetError(error QHostInfo__HostInfoError)
- func (this *QHostInfo) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QHostInfo) SetHostName(name string)
- func (this *QHostInfo) SetLookupId(id int)
- func (this *QHostInfo) Swap(other *QHostInfo)
- func (this *QHostInfo) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QHostInfo__HostInfoError
- type QHstsPolicy
- func NewQHstsPolicy() *QHstsPolicy
- func NewQHstsPolicy2(expiry *qt.QDateTime, flags QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag, host string) *QHstsPolicy
- func NewQHstsPolicy3(rhs *QHstsPolicy) *QHstsPolicy
- func NewQHstsPolicy4(expiry *qt.QDateTime, flags QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag, host string, ...) *QHstsPolicy
- func UnsafeNewQHstsPolicy(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHstsPolicy
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) Delete()
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) Expiry() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) GoGC()
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) Host() string
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) Host1(options qt.QUrl__ComponentFormattingOption) string
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) IncludesSubDomains() bool
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) IsExpired() bool
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) OperatorAssign(rhs *QHstsPolicy)
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetExpiry(expiry *qt.QDateTime)
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetHost(host string)
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetHost2(host string, mode qt.QUrl__ParsingMode)
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetIncludesSubDomains(include bool)
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) Swap(other *QHstsPolicy)
- func (this *QHstsPolicy) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag
- type QHttp2Configuration
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) Delete()
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) GoGC()
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) HuffmanCompressionEnabled() bool
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) MaxFrameSize() uint
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) OperatorAssign(other *QHttp2Configuration)
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) ServerPushEnabled() bool
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SessionReceiveWindowSize() uint
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetHuffmanCompressionEnabled(enable bool)
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetMaxFrameSize(size uint) bool
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetServerPushEnabled(enable bool)
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetSessionReceiveWindowSize(size uint) bool
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetStreamReceiveWindowSize(size uint) bool
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) StreamReceiveWindowSize() uint
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) Swap(other *QHttp2Configuration)
- func (this *QHttp2Configuration) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QHttpMultiPart
- func NewQHttpMultiPart() *QHttpMultiPart
- func NewQHttpMultiPart2(contentType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType) *QHttpMultiPart
- func NewQHttpMultiPart3(parent *qt.QObject) *QHttpMultiPart
- func NewQHttpMultiPart4(contentType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType, parent *qt.QObject) *QHttpMultiPart
- func UnsafeNewQHttpMultiPart(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHttpMultiPart
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Append(httpPart *QHttpPart)
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Boundary() []byte
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Delete()
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) GoGC()
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) SetBoundary(boundary []byte)
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) SetContentType(contentType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType)
- func (this *QHttpMultiPart) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QHttpMultiPart__ContentType
- type QHttpPart
- func (this *QHttpPart) Delete()
- func (this *QHttpPart) GoGC()
- func (this *QHttpPart) OperatorAssign(other *QHttpPart)
- func (this *QHttpPart) OperatorEqual(other *QHttpPart) bool
- func (this *QHttpPart) OperatorNotEqual(other *QHttpPart) bool
- func (this *QHttpPart) SetBody(body []byte)
- func (this *QHttpPart) SetBodyDevice(device *qt.QIODevice)
- func (this *QHttpPart) SetHeader(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QHttpPart) SetRawHeader(headerName []byte, headerValue []byte)
- func (this *QHttpPart) Swap(other *QHttpPart)
- func (this *QHttpPart) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QIPv6Address
- type QLocalServer
- func (this *QLocalServer) Close()
- func (this *QLocalServer) Delete()
- func (this *QLocalServer) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QLocalServer) FullServerName() string
- func (this *QLocalServer) GoGC()
- func (this *QLocalServer) HasPendingConnections() bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) IsListening() bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) Listen(name string) bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) ListenWithSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr) bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) MaxPendingConnections() int
- func (this *QLocalServer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QLocalServer) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QLocalServer) NewConnection()
- func (this *QLocalServer) NextPendingConnection() *QLocalSocket
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnHasPendingConnections(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnIncomingConnection(slot func(super func(socketDescriptor uintptr), socketDescriptor uintptr))
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnNewConnection(slot func())
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnNextPendingConnection(slot func(super func() *QLocalSocket) *QLocalSocket)
- func (this *QLocalServer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QLocalServer) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QLocalServer) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QLocalServer) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QLocalServer) ServerError() QAbstractSocket__SocketError
- func (this *QLocalServer) ServerName() string
- func (this *QLocalServer) SetMaxPendingConnections(numConnections int)
- func (this *QLocalServer) SetSocketOptions(options QLocalServer__SocketOption)
- func (this *QLocalServer) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
- func (this *QLocalServer) SocketOptions() QLocalServer__SocketOption
- func (this *QLocalServer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection() bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection1(msec int) bool
- func (this *QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection2(msec int, timedOut *bool) bool
- type QLocalServer__SocketOption
- type QLocalSocket
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Abort()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) BytesAvailable() int64
- func (this *QLocalSocket) BytesToWrite() int64
- func (this *QLocalSocket) CanReadLine() bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Close()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer1(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer2(name string, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServerWithName(name string)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Connected()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Delete()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) DisconnectFromServer()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Disconnected()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Error() QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ErrorOccurred(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ErrorWithSocketError(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Flush() bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) FullServerName() string
- func (this *QLocalSocket) GoGC()
- func (this *QLocalSocket) IsSequential() bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnConnected(slot func())
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnDisconnected(slot func())
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnErrorWithSocketError(slot func(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnReadData(...)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnReadLineData(...)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnStateChanged(slot func(socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) OnWriteData(...)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Open(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ReadBufferSize() int64
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QLocalSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QLocalSocket) ServerName() string
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetServerName(name string)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor2(socketDescriptor uintptr, socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor3(socketDescriptor uintptr, socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState, ...) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
- func (this *QLocalSocket) State() QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState
- func (this *QLocalSocket) StateChanged(socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState)
- func (this *QLocalSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForBytesWritten(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForConnected() bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForConnected1(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForDisconnected() bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForDisconnected1(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForReadyRead(msecs int) bool
- type QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError
- type QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState
- type QNetworkAccessManager
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ActiveConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) AddStrictTransportSecurityHosts(knownHosts []QHstsPolicy)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) AuthenticationRequired(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QAuthenticator)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) AutoDeleteReplies() bool
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Cache() *QAbstractNetworkCache
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ClearAccessCache()
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ClearConnectionCache()
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Configuration() *QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHost(hostName string)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHost2(hostName string, port uint16)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted(hostName string)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted2(hostName string, port uint16, sslConfiguration *QSslConfiguration, ...)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted22(hostName string, port uint16)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted3(hostName string, port uint16, sslConfiguration *QSslConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) CookieJar() *QNetworkCookieJar
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) DeleteResource(request *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) EnableStrictTransportSecurityStore(enabled bool)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) EnableStrictTransportSecurityStore2(enabled bool, storeDir string)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Encrypted(reply *QNetworkReply)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Finished(reply *QNetworkReply)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Get(request *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Head(request *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) IsStrictTransportSecurityEnabled() bool
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) IsStrictTransportSecurityStoreEnabled() bool
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkAccessible() QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkAccessibleChanged(accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkSessionConnected()
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnAuthenticationRequired(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QAuthenticator))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnCreateRequest(slot func(...) *QNetworkReply)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnEncrypted(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnFinished(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnNetworkAccessibleChanged(slot func(accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnNetworkSessionConnected(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnProxyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnSslErrors(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply, errors []QSslError))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Post(request *QNetworkRequest, data *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Post2(request *QNetworkRequest, data []byte) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Post3(request *QNetworkRequest, multiPart *QHttpMultiPart) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Proxy() *QNetworkProxy
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ProxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ProxyFactory() *QNetworkProxyFactory
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Put(request *QNetworkRequest, data *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Put2(request *QNetworkRequest, data []byte) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Put3(request *QNetworkRequest, multiPart *QHttpMultiPart) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) RedirectPolicy() QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest2(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte, data []byte) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest3(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte, multiPart *QHttpMultiPart) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest32(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte, data *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetAutoDeleteReplies(autoDelete bool)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetCache(cache *QAbstractNetworkCache)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetConfiguration(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetCookieJar(cookieJar *QNetworkCookieJar)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetNetworkAccessible(accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetProxy(proxy *QNetworkProxy)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetProxyFactory(factory *QNetworkProxyFactory)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetRedirectPolicy(policy QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetStrictTransportSecurityEnabled(enabled bool)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetTransferTimeout()
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetTransferTimeout1(timeout int)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SslErrors(reply *QNetworkReply, errors []QSslError)
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) StrictTransportSecurityHosts() []QHstsPolicy
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SupportedSchemes() []string
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SupportedSchemesImplementation() []string
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) TransferTimeout() int
- func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility
- type QNetworkAccessManager__Operation
- type QNetworkAddressEntry
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Broadcast() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) ClearAddressLifetime()
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) DnsEligibility() QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Ip() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) IsLifetimeKnown() bool
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) IsPermanent() bool
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) IsTemporary() bool
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Netmask() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkAddressEntry)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkAddressEntry) bool
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkAddressEntry) bool
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) PreferredLifetime() *qt.QDeadlineTimer
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) PrefixLength() int
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetAddressLifetime(preferred qt.QDeadlineTimer, validity qt.QDeadlineTimer)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetBroadcast(newBroadcast *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetDnsEligibility(status QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetIp(newIp *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetNetmask(newNetmask *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetPrefixLength(length int)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Swap(other *QNetworkAddressEntry)
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) ValidityLifetime() *qt.QDeadlineTimer
- type QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus
- type QNetworkCacheMetaData
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Attributes() map[QNetworkRequest__Attribute]qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) ExpirationDate() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) LastModified() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) RawHeaders() []struct{ ... }
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SaveToDisk() bool
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetAttributes(attributes map[QNetworkRequest__Attribute]qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetExpirationDate(dateTime *qt.QDateTime)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetLastModified(dateTime *qt.QDateTime)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetRawHeaders(headers []struct{ ... })
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetSaveToDisk(allow bool)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Swap(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Url() *qt.QUrl
- type QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) BearerType() QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) BearerTypeFamily() QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) BearerTypeName() string
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Children() []QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) ConnectTimeout() int
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Identifier() string
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) IsRoamingAvailable() bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Name() string
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkConfiguration) bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkConfiguration) bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Purpose() QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) SetConnectTimeout(timeout int) bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) State() QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Swap(other *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Type() QNetworkConfiguration__Type
- func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QNetworkConfigurationManager
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) AllConfigurations() []QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) AllConfigurations1(flags QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag) []QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Capabilities() QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationAdded(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationChanged(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationFromIdentifier(identifier string) *QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationRemoved(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) DefaultConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) IsOnline() bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationAdded(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationChanged(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationRemoved(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnOnlineStateChanged(slot func(isOnline bool))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnUpdateCompleted(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnlineStateChanged(isOnline bool)
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) UpdateCompleted()
- func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) UpdateConfigurations()
- type QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability
- type QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType
- type QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose
- type QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag
- type QNetworkConfiguration__Type
- type QNetworkCookie
- func NewQNetworkCookie() *QNetworkCookie
- func NewQNetworkCookie2(other *QNetworkCookie) *QNetworkCookie
- func NewQNetworkCookie3(name []byte) *QNetworkCookie
- func NewQNetworkCookie4(name []byte, value []byte) *QNetworkCookie
- func QNetworkCookie_ParseCookies(cookieString []byte) []QNetworkCookie
- func UnsafeNewQNetworkCookie(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkCookie
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Domain() string
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) ExpirationDate() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) HasSameIdentifier(other *QNetworkCookie) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) IsHttpOnly() bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) IsSecure() bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) IsSessionCookie() bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Name() []byte
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Normalize(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkCookie)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkCookie) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkCookie) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Path() string
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetDomain(domain string)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetExpirationDate(date *qt.QDateTime)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetHttpOnly(enable bool)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetName(cookieName []byte)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetPath(path string)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetSecure(enable bool)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetValue(value []byte)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Swap(other *QNetworkCookie)
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) ToRawForm() []byte
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) ToRawForm1(form QNetworkCookie__RawForm) []byte
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkCookie) Value() []byte
- type QNetworkCookieJar
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) AllCookies() []QNetworkCookie
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) CookiesForUrl(url *qt.QUrl) []QNetworkCookie
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) DeleteCookie(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) InsertCookie(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnCookiesForUrl(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnDeleteCookie(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnInsertCookie(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnSetCookiesFromUrl(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnUpdateCookie(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnValidateCookie(...)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) SetAllCookies(cookieList []QNetworkCookie)
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) SetCookiesFromUrl(cookieList []QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) bool
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) UpdateCookie(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool
- type QNetworkCookie__RawForm
- type QNetworkDatagram
- func NewQNetworkDatagram() *QNetworkDatagram
- func NewQNetworkDatagram2(data []byte) *QNetworkDatagram
- func NewQNetworkDatagram3(other *QNetworkDatagram) *QNetworkDatagram
- func NewQNetworkDatagram4(data []byte, destinationAddress *QHostAddress) *QNetworkDatagram
- func NewQNetworkDatagram5(data []byte, destinationAddress *QHostAddress, port uint16) *QNetworkDatagram
- func UnsafeNewQNetworkDatagram(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkDatagram
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Clear()
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Data() []byte
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) DestinationAddress() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) DestinationPort() int
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) HopLimit() int
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) InterfaceIndex() uint
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) MakeReply(payload []byte) *QNetworkDatagram
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkDatagram)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SenderAddress() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SenderPort() int
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetData(data []byte)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetDestination(address *QHostAddress, port uint16)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetHopLimit(count int)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetInterfaceIndex(index uint)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetSender(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetSender2(address *QHostAddress, port uint16)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Swap(other *QNetworkDatagram)
- func (this *QNetworkDatagram) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QNetworkDiskCache
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) CacheDirectory() string
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) CacheSize() int64
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Clear()
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Data(url *qt.QUrl) *qt.QIODevice
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) FileMetaData(fileName string) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Insert(device *qt.QIODevice)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) MaximumCacheSize() int64
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) MetaData(url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnCacheSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnClear(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnData(slot func(super func(url *qt.QUrl) *qt.QIODevice, url *qt.QUrl) *qt.QIODevice)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnExpire(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnInsert(slot func(super func(device *qt.QIODevice), device *qt.QIODevice))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnMetaData(...)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnPrepare(...)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnRemove(slot func(super func(url *qt.QUrl) bool, url *qt.QUrl) bool)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnUpdateMetaData(...)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Prepare(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *qt.QIODevice
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Remove(url *qt.QUrl) bool
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) SetCacheDirectory(cacheDir string)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) SetMaximumCacheSize(size int64)
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) UpdateMetaData(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
- type QNetworkInterface
- func NewQNetworkInterface() *QNetworkInterface
- func NewQNetworkInterface2(other *QNetworkInterface) *QNetworkInterface
- func QNetworkInterface_AllInterfaces() []QNetworkInterface
- func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceFromIndex(index int) *QNetworkInterface
- func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceFromName(name string) *QNetworkInterface
- func UnsafeNewQNetworkInterface(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkInterface
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) AddressEntries() []QNetworkAddressEntry
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) Flags() QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) HardwareAddress() string
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) HumanReadableName() string
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) Index() int
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) MaximumTransmissionUnit() int
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) Name() string
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkInterface)
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) Swap(other *QNetworkInterface)
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) Type() QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType
- func (this *QNetworkInterface) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag
- type QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType
- type QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy() *QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy2(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType) *QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy3(other *QNetworkProxy) *QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy4(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string) *QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy5(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string, port uint16) *QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy6(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string, port uint16, user string) *QNetworkProxy
- func NewQNetworkProxy7(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string, port uint16, user string, ...) *QNetworkProxy
- func QNetworkProxyFactory_ProxyForQuery(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy
- func QNetworkProxyFactory_SystemProxyForQuery() []QNetworkProxy
- func QNetworkProxyFactory_SystemProxyForQuery1(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy
- func QNetworkProxy_ApplicationProxy() *QNetworkProxy
- func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxy(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkProxy
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Capabilities() QNetworkProxy__Capability
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) HasRawHeader(headerName []byte) bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Header(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) HostName() string
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) IsCachingProxy() bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) IsTransparentProxy() bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkProxy)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkProxy) bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkProxy) bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Password() string
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Port() uint16
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) RawHeader(headerName []byte) []byte
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) RawHeaderList() [][]byte
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetCapabilities(capab QNetworkProxy__Capability)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetHeader(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetHostName(hostName string)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetPassword(password string)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetRawHeader(headerName []byte, value []byte)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetType(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetUser(userName string)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Swap(other *QNetworkProxy)
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) Type() QNetworkProxy__ProxyType
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkProxy) User() string
- type QNetworkProxyFactory
- func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) OnQueryProxy(slot func(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) OperatorAssign(param1 *QNetworkProxyFactory)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) QueryProxy(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy
- func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery() *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery10(hostname string, port int, protocolTag string) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery11(hostname string, port int, protocolTag string, ...) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery12(bindPort uint16, protocolTag string) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery13(bindPort uint16, protocolTag string, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery14(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, requestUrl *qt.QUrl, ...) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery15(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, hostname string, port int, ...) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery16(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, hostname string, port int, ...) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery17(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, bindPort uint16, ...) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery18(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, bindPort uint16, ...) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery2(requestUrl *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery3(hostname string, port int) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery4(bindPort uint16) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery5(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, requestUrl *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery6(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, hostname string, port int) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery7(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, bindPort uint16) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery8(other *QNetworkProxyQuery) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func NewQNetworkProxyQuery9(requestUrl *qt.QUrl, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyQuery(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkProxyQuery
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) LocalPort() int
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) NetworkConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkProxyQuery)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkProxyQuery) bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkProxyQuery) bool
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) PeerHostName() string
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) PeerPort() int
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) ProtocolTag() string
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) QueryType() QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetLocalPort(port int)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetNetworkConfiguration(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetPeerHostName(hostname string)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetPeerPort(port int)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetProtocolTag(protocolTag string)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetQueryType(typeVal QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) Swap(other *QNetworkProxyQuery)
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) Url() *qt.QUrl
- type QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType
- type QNetworkProxy__Capability
- type QNetworkProxy__ProxyType
- type QNetworkReply
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Abort()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Attribute(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Close()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) DownloadProgress(bytesReceived int64, bytesTotal int64)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Encrypted()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Error() QNetworkReply__NetworkError
- func (this *QNetworkReply) ErrorOccurred(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) ErrorWithQNetworkReplyNetworkError(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Finished()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) HasRawHeader(headerName []byte) bool
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Header(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkReply) IgnoreSslErrors(errors []QSslError)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) IgnoreSslErrors2()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) IsFinished() bool
- func (this *QNetworkReply) IsRunning() bool
- func (this *QNetworkReply) IsSequential() bool
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Manager() *QNetworkAccessManager
- func (this *QNetworkReply) MetaDataChanged()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnDownloadProgress(slot func(bytesReceived int64, bytesTotal int64))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnEncrypted(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnErrorWithQNetworkReplyNetworkError(slot func(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnFinished(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnRedirectAllowed(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnRedirected(slot func(url *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnSslErrors(slot func(errors []QSslError))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) OnUploadProgress(slot func(bytesSent int64, bytesTotal int64))
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Operation() QNetworkAccessManager__Operation
- func (this *QNetworkReply) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) RawHeader(headerName []byte) []byte
- func (this *QNetworkReply) RawHeaderList() [][]byte
- func (this *QNetworkReply) RawHeaderPairs() []struct{ ... }
- func (this *QNetworkReply) ReadBufferSize() int64
- func (this *QNetworkReply) RedirectAllowed()
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Redirected(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Request() *QNetworkRequest
- func (this *QNetworkReply) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) SetSslConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) SslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkReply) SslErrors(errors []QSslError)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkReply) UploadProgress(bytesSent int64, bytesTotal int64)
- func (this *QNetworkReply) Url() *qt.QUrl
- type QNetworkReply__NetworkError
- type QNetworkRequest
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Attribute(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Attribute2(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute, defaultValue *qt.QVariant) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) HasRawHeader(headerName []byte) bool
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Header(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Http2Configuration() *QHttp2Configuration
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) MaximumRedirectsAllowed() int
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkRequest)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkRequest) bool
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkRequest) bool
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) OriginatingObject() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) PeerVerifyName() string
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Priority() QNetworkRequest__Priority
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) RawHeader(headerName []byte) []byte
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) RawHeaderList() [][]byte
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetAttribute(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetHeader(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetHttp2Configuration(configuration *QHttp2Configuration)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetMaximumRedirectsAllowed(maximumRedirectsAllowed int)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetOriginatingObject(object *qt.QObject)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetPeerVerifyName(peerName string)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetPriority(priority QNetworkRequest__Priority)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetRawHeader(headerName []byte, value []byte)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetSslConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetTransferTimeout()
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetTransferTimeout1(timeout int)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) SslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Swap(other *QNetworkRequest)
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) TransferTimeout() int
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkRequest) Url() *qt.QUrl
- type QNetworkRequest__Attribute
- type QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl
- type QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders
- type QNetworkRequest__LoadControl
- type QNetworkRequest__Priority
- type QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy
- type QNetworkRequest__TransferTimeoutConstant
- type QNetworkSession
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Accept()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) ActiveTime() uint64
- func (this *QNetworkSession) BytesReceived() uint64
- func (this *QNetworkSession) BytesWritten() uint64
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Close()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Closed()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Configuration() *QNetworkConfiguration
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Delete()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Error() QNetworkSession__SessionError
- func (this *QNetworkSession) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QNetworkSession) ErrorWithQNetworkSessionSessionError(param1 QNetworkSession__SessionError)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) GoGC()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Ignore()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Interface() *QNetworkInterface
- func (this *QNetworkSession) IsOpen() bool
- func (this *QNetworkSession) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QNetworkSession) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Migrate()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) NewConfigurationActivated()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnClosed(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnErrorWithQNetworkSessionSessionError(slot func(param1 QNetworkSession__SessionError))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnNewConfigurationActivated(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnOpened(slot func())
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnPreferredConfigurationChanged(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration, isSeamless bool))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnStateChanged(slot func(param1 QNetworkSession__State))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) OnUsagePoliciesChanged(slot func(usagePolicies QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy))
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Open()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Opened()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) PreferredConfigurationChanged(config *QNetworkConfiguration, isSeamless bool)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Reject()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QNetworkSession) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QNetworkSession) SessionProperty(key string) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QNetworkSession) SetSessionProperty(key string, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) State() QNetworkSession__State
- func (this *QNetworkSession) StateChanged(param1 QNetworkSession__State)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) Stop()
- func (this *QNetworkSession) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QNetworkSession) UsagePolicies() QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy
- func (this *QNetworkSession) UsagePoliciesChanged(usagePolicies QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy)
- func (this *QNetworkSession) WaitForOpened() bool
- func (this *QNetworkSession) WaitForOpened1(msecs int) bool
- type QNetworkSession__SessionError
- type QNetworkSession__State
- type QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy
- type QOcspCertificateStatus
- type QOcspResponse
- func (this *QOcspResponse) CertificateStatus() QOcspCertificateStatus
- func (this *QOcspResponse) Delete()
- func (this *QOcspResponse) GoGC()
- func (this *QOcspResponse) OperatorAssign(other *QOcspResponse)
- func (this *QOcspResponse) Responder() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QOcspResponse) RevocationReason() QOcspRevocationReason
- func (this *QOcspResponse) Subject() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QOcspResponse) Swap(other *QOcspResponse)
- func (this *QOcspResponse) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QOcspRevocationReason
- type QSslCertificate
- func NewQSslCertificate(device *qt.QIODevice) *QSslCertificate
- func NewQSslCertificate2() *QSslCertificate
- func NewQSslCertificate3(other *QSslCertificate) *QSslCertificate
- func NewQSslCertificate4(device *qt.QIODevice, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslCertificate
- func NewQSslCertificate5(data []byte) *QSslCertificate
- func NewQSslCertificate6(data []byte, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromData(data []byte) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromData2(data []byte, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromDevice(device *qt.QIODevice) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromDevice2(device *qt.QIODevice, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromPath(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax qt.QRegExp__PatternSyntax) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromPath2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromPath3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, ...) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslCertificate_FromPathWithPath(path string) []QSslCertificate
- func QSslConfiguration_SystemCaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
- func QSslSocket_DefaultCaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
- func QSslSocket_SystemCaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
- func UnsafeNewQSslCertificate(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Clear()
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Delete()
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Digest() []byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Digest1(algorithm qt.QCryptographicHash__Algorithm) []byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) EffectiveDate() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QSslCertificate) ExpiryDate() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Extensions() []QSslCertificateExtension
- func (this *QSslCertificate) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Handle() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IsBlacklisted() bool
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IsSelfSigned() bool
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerDisplayName() string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerInfo(info QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo) []string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerInfoAttributes() [][]byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerInfoWithAttribute(attribute []byte) []string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) OperatorAssign(other *QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslCertificate) OperatorEqual(other *QSslCertificate) bool
- func (this *QSslCertificate) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslCertificate) bool
- func (this *QSslCertificate) PublicKey() *QSslKey
- func (this *QSslCertificate) SerialNumber() []byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectDisplayName() string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectInfo(info QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo) []string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectInfoAttributes() [][]byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectInfoWithAttribute(attribute []byte) []string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Swap(other *QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslCertificate) ToDer() []byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) ToPem() []byte
- func (this *QSslCertificate) ToText() string
- func (this *QSslCertificate) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslCertificate) Version() []byte
- type QSslCertificateExtension
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Delete()
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) IsCritical() bool
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) IsSupported() bool
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Name() string
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Oid() string
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) OperatorAssign(other *QSslCertificateExtension)
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Swap(other *QSslCertificateExtension)
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Value() *qt.QVariant
- type QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax
- type QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo
- type QSslCipher
- func NewQSslCipher() *QSslCipher
- func NewQSslCipher2(name string) *QSslCipher
- func NewQSslCipher3(name string, protocol QSsl__SslProtocol) *QSslCipher
- func NewQSslCipher4(other *QSslCipher) *QSslCipher
- func QSslConfiguration_SupportedCiphers() []QSslCipher
- func QSslSocket_DefaultCiphers() []QSslCipher
- func QSslSocket_SupportedCiphers() []QSslCipher
- func UnsafeNewQSslCipher(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslCipher
- func (this *QSslCipher) AuthenticationMethod() string
- func (this *QSslCipher) Delete()
- func (this *QSslCipher) EncryptionMethod() string
- func (this *QSslCipher) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslCipher) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QSslCipher) KeyExchangeMethod() string
- func (this *QSslCipher) Name() string
- func (this *QSslCipher) OperatorAssign(other *QSslCipher)
- func (this *QSslCipher) OperatorEqual(other *QSslCipher) bool
- func (this *QSslCipher) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslCipher) bool
- func (this *QSslCipher) Protocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
- func (this *QSslCipher) ProtocolString() string
- func (this *QSslCipher) SupportedBits() int
- func (this *QSslCipher) Swap(other *QSslCipher)
- func (this *QSslCipher) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslCipher) UsedBits() int
- type QSslConfiguration
- func NewQSslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func NewQSslConfiguration2(other *QSslConfiguration) *QSslConfiguration
- func QSslConfiguration_DefaultConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func QSslConfiguration_DefaultDtlsConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func UnsafeNewQSslConfiguration(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslConfiguration
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates(path string) bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, ...) bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificatesWithCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) AllowedNextProtocols() [][]byte
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) CaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) Ciphers() []QSslCipher
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) Delete()
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) DiffieHellmanParameters() *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) DtlsCookieVerificationEnabled() bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) EllipticCurves() []QSslEllipticCurve
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) EphemeralServerKey() *QSslKey
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) LocalCertificate() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) LocalCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) NextNegotiatedProtocol() []byte
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) NextProtocolNegotiationStatus() QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) OcspStaplingEnabled() bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) OperatorAssign(other *QSslConfiguration)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) OperatorEqual(other *QSslConfiguration) bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslConfiguration) bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerCertificate() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerVerifyDepth() int
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerVerifyMode() QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) PreSharedKeyIdentityHint() []byte
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) PrivateKey() *QSslKey
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) Protocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionCipher() *QSslCipher
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionProtocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionTicket() []byte
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionTicketLifeTimeHint() int
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetAllowedNextProtocols(protocols [][]byte)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetBackendConfiguration()
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetBackendConfigurationOption(name []byte, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetCaCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetCiphers(ciphers []QSslCipher)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetDiffieHellmanParameters(dhparams *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetDtlsCookieVerificationEnabled(enable bool)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetEllipticCurves(curves []QSslEllipticCurve)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetLocalCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetLocalCertificateChain(localChain []QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetOcspStaplingEnabled(enable bool)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPeerVerifyDepth(depth int)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPeerVerifyMode(mode QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPreSharedKeyIdentityHint(hint []byte)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPrivateKey(key *QSslKey)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetProtocol(protocol QSsl__SslProtocol)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetSessionTicket(sessionTicket []byte)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetSslOption(option QSsl__SslOption, on bool)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) Swap(other *QSslConfiguration)
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) TestSslOption(option QSsl__SslOption) bool
- func (this *QSslConfiguration) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus
- type QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters() *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters2(other *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_DefaultParameters() *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded(encoded []byte) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded2(encoded []byte, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded22(device *qt.QIODevice, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncodedWithDevice(device *qt.QIODevice) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func UnsafeNewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Delete()
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Error() QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) IsEmpty() bool
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) OperatorAssign(other *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters)
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Swap(other *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters)
- func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error
- type QSslEllipticCurve
- func NewQSslEllipticCurve() *QSslEllipticCurve
- func NewQSslEllipticCurve2(param1 *QSslEllipticCurve) *QSslEllipticCurve
- func QSslConfiguration_SupportedEllipticCurves() []QSslEllipticCurve
- func QSslEllipticCurve_FromLongName(name string) *QSslEllipticCurve
- func QSslEllipticCurve_FromShortName(name string) *QSslEllipticCurve
- func UnsafeNewQSslEllipticCurve(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslEllipticCurve
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) Delete()
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) IsTlsNamedCurve() bool
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) LongName() string
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) ShortName() string
- func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSslError
- func NewQSslError() *QSslError
- func NewQSslError2(error QSslError__SslError) *QSslError
- func NewQSslError3(error QSslError__SslError, certificate *QSslCertificate) *QSslError
- func NewQSslError4(other *QSslError) *QSslError
- func QSslCertificate_Verify(certificateChain []QSslCertificate) []QSslError
- func QSslCertificate_Verify2(certificateChain []QSslCertificate, hostName string) []QSslError
- func UnsafeNewQSslError(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslError
- func (this *QSslError) Certificate() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslError) Delete()
- func (this *QSslError) Error() QSslError__SslError
- func (this *QSslError) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QSslError) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslError) OperatorAssign(other *QSslError)
- func (this *QSslError) OperatorEqual(other *QSslError) bool
- func (this *QSslError) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslError) bool
- func (this *QSslError) Swap(other *QSslError)
- func (this *QSslError) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSslError__SslError
- type QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey() *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey10(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, ...) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey11(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, ...) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey12(handle unsafe.Pointer, typeVal QSsl__KeyType) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey2(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey3(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey4(handle unsafe.Pointer) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey5(other *QSslKey) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey6(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey7(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, ...) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey8(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, ...) *QSslKey
- func NewQSslKey9(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, ...) *QSslKey
- func UnsafeNewQSslKey(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslKey
- func (this *QSslKey) Algorithm() QSsl__KeyAlgorithm
- func (this *QSslKey) Clear()
- func (this *QSslKey) Delete()
- func (this *QSslKey) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslKey) Handle() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslKey) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QSslKey) Length() int
- func (this *QSslKey) OperatorAssign(other *QSslKey)
- func (this *QSslKey) OperatorEqual(key *QSslKey) bool
- func (this *QSslKey) OperatorNotEqual(key *QSslKey) bool
- func (this *QSslKey) Swap(other *QSslKey)
- func (this *QSslKey) ToDer() []byte
- func (this *QSslKey) ToDer1(passPhrase []byte) []byte
- func (this *QSslKey) ToPem() []byte
- func (this *QSslKey) ToPem1(passPhrase []byte) []byte
- func (this *QSslKey) Type() QSsl__KeyType
- func (this *QSslKey) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Delete()
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Identity() []byte
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) IdentityHint() []byte
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) MaximumIdentityLength() int
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) MaximumPreSharedKeyLength() int
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) OperatorAssign(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) PreSharedKey() []byte
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) SetIdentity(identity []byte)
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) SetPreSharedKey(preSharedKey []byte)
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Swap(other *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
- func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QSslSocket
- func (this *QSslSocket) Abort()
- func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates(path string) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax qt.QRegExp__PatternSyntax) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificatesWithCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslSocket) AtEnd() bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) BytesAvailable() int64
- func (this *QSslSocket) BytesToWrite() int64
- func (this *QSslSocket) CaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslSocket) CanReadLine() bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) Ciphers() []QSslCipher
- func (this *QSslSocket) Close()
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHost(hostName string, port uint16, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, ...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted(hostName string, port uint16)
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted2(hostName string, port uint16, sslPeerName string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted3(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted4(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, ...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted42(hostName string, port uint16, sslPeerName string, ...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted5(hostName string, port uint16, sslPeerName string, ...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) Delete()
- func (this *QSslSocket) DisconnectFromHost()
- func (this *QSslSocket) Encrypted()
- func (this *QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesAvailable() int64
- func (this *QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesToWrite() int64
- func (this *QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesWritten(totalBytes int64)
- func (this *QSslSocket) Flush() bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) GoGC()
- func (this *QSslSocket) IgnoreSslErrors(errors []QSslError)
- func (this *QSslSocket) IgnoreSslErrors2()
- func (this *QSslSocket) IsEncrypted() bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) LocalCertificate() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslSocket) LocalCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QSslSocket) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslSocket) Mode() QSslSocket__SslMode
- func (this *QSslSocket) ModeChanged(newMode QSslSocket__SslMode)
- func (this *QSslSocket) NewSessionTicketReceived()
- func (this *QSslSocket) OcspResponses() []QOcspResponse
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnConnectToHost(slot func(...))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnEncrypted(slot func())
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnEncryptedBytesWritten(slot func(totalBytes int64))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnModeChanged(slot func(newMode QSslSocket__SslMode))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnNewSessionTicketReceived(slot func())
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnPeerVerifyError(slot func(error *QSslError))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnReadData(...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnReadLineData(...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(...) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSetSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnSslErrorsWithErrors(slot func(errors []QSslError))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QSslSocket) OnWriteData(...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) PeerCertificate() *QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslSocket) PeerCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
- func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyDepth() int
- func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyError(error *QSslError)
- func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyMode() QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode
- func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyName() string
- func (this *QSslSocket) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
- func (this *QSslSocket) PrivateKey() *QSslKey
- func (this *QSslSocket) Protocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
- func (this *QSslSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QSslSocket) Resume()
- func (this *QSslSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QSslSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QSslSocket) SessionCipher() *QSslCipher
- func (this *QSslSocket) SessionProtocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetCaCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetCiphers(ciphers []QSslCipher)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetCiphersWithCiphers(ciphers string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificate2(fileName string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificateChain(localChain []QSslCertificate)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificateWithFileName(fileName string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyDepth(depth int)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyMode(mode QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyName(hostName string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey(key *QSslKey)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey2(fileName string, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey3(fileName string, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey4(fileName string, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, ...)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKeyWithFileName(fileName string)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetProtocol(protocol QSsl__SslProtocol)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, ...) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SetSslConfiguration(config *QSslConfiguration)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QSslSocket) SslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
- func (this *QSslSocket) SslErrors() []QSslError
- func (this *QSslSocket) SslErrorsWithErrors(errors []QSslError)
- func (this *QSslSocket) SslHandshakeErrors() []QSslError
- func (this *QSslSocket) StartClientEncryption()
- func (this *QSslSocket) StartServerEncryption()
- func (this *QSslSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForBytesWritten(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForConnected(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForDisconnected(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForEncrypted() bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForEncrypted1(msecs int) bool
- func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForReadyRead(msecs int) bool
- type QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode
- type QSslSocket__SslMode
- type QSsl__AlternativeNameEntryType
- type QSsl__EncodingFormat
- type QSsl__KeyAlgorithm
- type QSsl__KeyType
- type QSsl__SslOption
- type QSsl__SslProtocol
- type QTcpServer
- func (this *QTcpServer) AcceptError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QTcpServer) AddPendingConnection(socket *QTcpSocket)
- func (this *QTcpServer) Close()
- func (this *QTcpServer) Delete()
- func (this *QTcpServer) ErrorString() string
- func (this *QTcpServer) GoGC()
- func (this *QTcpServer) HasPendingConnections() bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) IsListening() bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) Listen() bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) Listen1(address *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) Listen2(address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) MaxPendingConnections() int
- func (this *QTcpServer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QTcpServer) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QTcpServer) NewConnection()
- func (this *QTcpServer) NextPendingConnection() *QTcpSocket
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnAcceptError(slot func(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError))
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnHasPendingConnections(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnIncomingConnection(slot func(super func(handle uintptr), handle uintptr))
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnNewConnection(slot func())
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnNextPendingConnection(slot func(super func() *QTcpSocket) *QTcpSocket)
- func (this *QTcpServer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QTcpServer) PauseAccepting()
- func (this *QTcpServer) Proxy() *QNetworkProxy
- func (this *QTcpServer) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QTcpServer) ResumeAccepting()
- func (this *QTcpServer) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QTcpServer) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QTcpServer) ServerAddress() *QHostAddress
- func (this *QTcpServer) ServerError() QAbstractSocket__SocketError
- func (this *QTcpServer) ServerPort() uint16
- func (this *QTcpServer) SetMaxPendingConnections(numConnections int)
- func (this *QTcpServer) SetProxy(networkProxy *QNetworkProxy)
- func (this *QTcpServer) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr) bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
- func (this *QTcpServer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection() bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection1(msec int) bool
- func (this *QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection2(msec int, timedOut *bool) bool
- type QTcpSocket
- func (this *QTcpSocket) Delete()
- func (this *QTcpSocket) GoGC()
- func (this *QTcpSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QTcpSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QTcpSocket) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnConnectToHost(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnReadData(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnReadLineData(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(...) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSetSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWriteData(...)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QTcpSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
- func (this *QTcpSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QUdpSocket
- func (this *QUdpSocket) Delete()
- func (this *QUdpSocket) GoGC()
- func (this *QUdpSocket) HasPendingDatagrams() bool
- func (this *QUdpSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QUdpSocket) JoinMulticastGroup(groupAddress *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QUdpSocket) JoinMulticastGroup2(groupAddress *QHostAddress, iface *QNetworkInterface) bool
- func (this *QUdpSocket) LeaveMulticastGroup(groupAddress *QHostAddress) bool
- func (this *QUdpSocket) LeaveMulticastGroup2(groupAddress *QHostAddress, iface *QNetworkInterface) bool
- func (this *QUdpSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QUdpSocket) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QUdpSocket) MulticastInterface() *QNetworkInterface
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnConnectToHost(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnReadData(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnReadLineData(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(...) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSetSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSocketOption(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWriteData(...)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) PendingDatagramSize() int64
- func (this *QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram(data string, maxlen int64) int64
- func (this *QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram3(data string, maxlen int64, host *QHostAddress) int64
- func (this *QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram4(data string, maxlen int64, host *QHostAddress, port *uint16) int64
- func (this *QUdpSocket) ReceiveDatagram() *QNetworkDatagram
- func (this *QUdpSocket) ReceiveDatagram1(maxSize int64) *QNetworkDatagram
- func (this *QUdpSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QUdpSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetMulticastInterface(iface *QNetworkInterface)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
- func (this *QUdpSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram(datagram *QNetworkDatagram) int64
- func (this *QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram2(data string, lenVal int64, host *QHostAddress, port uint16) int64
- func (this *QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram3(datagram []byte, host *QHostAddress, port uint16) int64
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func QAbstractSocket_Tr ¶
func QAbstractSocket_Tr2 ¶
func QAbstractSocket_TrUtf8 ¶
func QAbstractSocket_TrUtf82 ¶
func QDnsLookup_Tr ¶
func QDnsLookup_Tr2 ¶
func QDnsLookup_TrUtf8 ¶
func QDnsLookup_TrUtf82 ¶
func QDtlsClientVerifier_Tr ¶
func QDtlsClientVerifier_Tr2 ¶
func QDtls_TrUtf8 ¶
func QDtls_TrUtf82 ¶
func QHostAddress_ParseSubnet ¶
func QHostAddress_ParseSubnet(subnet string) struct { First QHostAddress Second int }
func QHostInfo_AbortHostLookup ¶
func QHostInfo_AbortHostLookup(lookupId int)
func QHostInfo_LocalDomainName ¶
func QHostInfo_LocalDomainName() string
func QHostInfo_LocalHostName ¶
func QHostInfo_LocalHostName() string
func QHttpMultiPart_Tr ¶
func QHttpMultiPart_Tr2 ¶
func QHttpMultiPart_TrUtf8 ¶
func QHttpMultiPart_TrUtf82 ¶
func QLocalServer_Tr ¶
func QLocalServer_Tr2 ¶
func QLocalServer_TrUtf8 ¶
func QLocalServer_TrUtf82 ¶
func QLocalSocket_Tr ¶
func QLocalSocket_Tr2 ¶
func QLocalSocket_TrUtf8 ¶
func QLocalSocket_TrUtf82 ¶
func QNetworkCookieJar_Tr ¶
func QNetworkCookieJar_Tr2 ¶
func QNetworkDiskCache_Tr ¶
func QNetworkDiskCache_Tr2 ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SetApplicationProxyFactory ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SetApplicationProxyFactory(factory *QNetworkProxyFactory)
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SetUseSystemConfiguration ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SetUseSystemConfiguration(enable bool)
func QNetworkProxyFactory_UsesSystemConfiguration ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_UsesSystemConfiguration() bool
func QNetworkProxy_SetApplicationProxy ¶
func QNetworkProxy_SetApplicationProxy(proxy *QNetworkProxy)
func QNetworkReply_Tr ¶
func QNetworkReply_Tr2 ¶
func QNetworkReply_TrUtf8 ¶
func QNetworkReply_TrUtf82 ¶
func QNetworkSession_Tr ¶
func QNetworkSession_Tr2 ¶
func QNetworkSession_TrUtf8 ¶
func QNetworkSession_TrUtf82 ¶
func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs12 ¶
func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs12(device *qt.QIODevice, key *QSslKey, cert *QSslCertificate) bool
func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs124 ¶
func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs124(device *qt.QIODevice, key *QSslKey, cert *QSslCertificate, caCertificates []QSslCertificate) bool
func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs125 ¶
func QSslCertificate_ImportPkcs125(device *qt.QIODevice, key *QSslKey, cert *QSslCertificate, caCertificates []QSslCertificate, passPhrase []byte) bool
func QSslConfiguration_SetDefaultConfiguration ¶
func QSslConfiguration_SetDefaultConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
func QSslConfiguration_SetDefaultDtlsConfiguration ¶
func QSslConfiguration_SetDefaultDtlsConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificate ¶
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates2 ¶
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) bool
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates3 ¶
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificates3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax qt.QRegExp__PatternSyntax) bool
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificatesWithCertificates ¶
func QSslSocket_AddDefaultCaCertificatesWithCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
func QSslSocket_SetDefaultCaCertificates ¶
func QSslSocket_SetDefaultCaCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
func QSslSocket_SetDefaultCiphers ¶
func QSslSocket_SetDefaultCiphers(ciphers []QSslCipher)
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryBuildVersionNumber ¶
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryBuildVersionNumber() int64
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryBuildVersionString ¶
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryBuildVersionString() string
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryVersionNumber ¶
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryVersionNumber() int64
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryVersionString ¶
func QSslSocket_SslLibraryVersionString() string
func QSslSocket_SupportsSsl ¶
func QSslSocket_SupportsSsl() bool
func QSslSocket_Tr ¶
func QSslSocket_Tr2 ¶
func QSslSocket_TrUtf8 ¶
func QSslSocket_TrUtf82 ¶
func QTcpServer_Tr ¶
func QTcpServer_Tr2 ¶
func QTcpServer_TrUtf8 ¶
func QTcpServer_TrUtf82 ¶
func QTcpSocket_Tr ¶
func QTcpSocket_Tr2 ¶
func QTcpSocket_TrUtf8 ¶
func QTcpSocket_TrUtf82 ¶
func QUdpSocket_Tr ¶
func QUdpSocket_Tr2 ¶
func QUdpSocket_TrUtf8 ¶
func QUdpSocket_TrUtf82 ¶
Types ¶
type QAbstractNetworkCache ¶
func UnsafeNewQAbstractNetworkCache ¶
func UnsafeNewQAbstractNetworkCache(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAbstractNetworkCache
UnsafeNewQAbstractNetworkCache constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) CacheSize ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) CacheSize() int64
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) Clear ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Clear()
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) Data ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Data(url *qt.QUrl) *qt.QIODevice
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) Delete ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) Insert ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Insert(device *qt.QIODevice)
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) MetaData ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) MetaData(url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) Metacast ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) Prepare ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) Prepare(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *qt.QIODevice
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAbstractNetworkCache) UpdateMetaData ¶
func (this *QAbstractNetworkCache) UpdateMetaData(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
type QAbstractSocket ¶
func NewQAbstractSocket ¶
func NewQAbstractSocket(socketType QAbstractSocket__SocketType, parent *qt.QObject) *QAbstractSocket
NewQAbstractSocket constructs a new QAbstractSocket object.
func UnsafeNewQAbstractSocket ¶
func UnsafeNewQAbstractSocket(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAbstractSocket
UnsafeNewQAbstractSocket constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAbstractSocket) Abort ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Abort()
func (*QAbstractSocket) AtEnd ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) AtEnd() bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Bind ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind(address *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Bind1 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind1(port uint16) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Bind2 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind2() bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Bind22 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind22(address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Bind23 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind23(port uint16, mode QAbstractSocket__BindFlag) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Bind3 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Bind3(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, mode QAbstractSocket__BindFlag) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) BytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) BytesAvailable() int64
func (*QAbstractSocket) BytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) BytesToWrite() int64
func (*QAbstractSocket) CanReadLine ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) CanReadLine() bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) Close ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Close()
func (*QAbstractSocket) ConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ConnectToHost(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol)
func (*QAbstractSocket) ConnectToHost2 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ConnectToHost2(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
func (*QAbstractSocket) Connected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Connected()
func (*QAbstractSocket) Delete ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAbstractSocket) DisconnectFromHost ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) DisconnectFromHost()
func (*QAbstractSocket) Disconnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Disconnected()
func (*QAbstractSocket) Error ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Error() QAbstractSocket__SocketError
func (*QAbstractSocket) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ErrorOccurred(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
func (*QAbstractSocket) ErrorWithQAbstractSocketSocketError ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ErrorWithQAbstractSocketSocketError(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
func (*QAbstractSocket) Flush ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Flush() bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAbstractSocket) HostFound ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) HostFound()
func (*QAbstractSocket) IsSequential ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) IsSequential() bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) IsValid ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) IsValid() bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) LocalAddress ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) LocalAddress() *QHostAddress
func (*QAbstractSocket) LocalPort ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) LocalPort() uint16
func (*QAbstractSocket) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QAbstractSocket) Metacast ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnAtEnd ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnCanReadLine ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnClose ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnectToHost(slot func(super func(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol), hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnConnectToHost2 ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnectToHost2(slot func(super func(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag), address *QHostAddress, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnConnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnConnected(slot func())
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnDisconnected(slot func())
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnErrorWithQAbstractSocketSocketError ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnErrorWithQAbstractSocketSocketError(slot func(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketError))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnHostFound ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnHostFound(slot func())
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnIsSequential ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnOpen ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnPos ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnProxyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnProxyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnReadData ¶
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnReadLineData ¶
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnReset ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnResume ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSeek ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSetSocketOption ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSetSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant), option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSize ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnSocketOption ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant, option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnStateChanged ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnStateChanged(slot func(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketState))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QAbstractSocket) OnWriteData ¶
func (*QAbstractSocket) PauseMode ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) PauseMode() QAbstractSocket__PauseMode
func (*QAbstractSocket) PeerAddress ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) PeerAddress() *QHostAddress
func (*QAbstractSocket) PeerName ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) PeerName() string
func (*QAbstractSocket) PeerPort ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) PeerPort() uint16
func (*QAbstractSocket) ProtocolTag ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ProtocolTag() string
func (*QAbstractSocket) Proxy ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Proxy() *QNetworkProxy
func (*QAbstractSocket) ProxyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ProxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator)
func (*QAbstractSocket) ReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) ReadBufferSize() int64
func (*QAbstractSocket) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) Resume ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Resume()
func (*QAbstractSocket) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetErrorString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
SetErrorString can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetLocalAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetLocalAddress can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetLocalPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
SetLocalPort can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetOpenMode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
SetOpenMode can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetPauseMode ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPauseMode(pauseMode QAbstractSocket__PauseMode)
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetPeerAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetPeerAddress can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetPeerName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
SetPeerName can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetPeerPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
SetPeerPort can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetProtocolTag ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetProtocolTag(tag string)
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetProxy ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetProxy(networkProxy *QNetworkProxy)
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetSocketError ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
SetSocketError can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetSocketOption ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QAbstractSocket) SetSocketState ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
SetSocketState can only be called from a QAbstractSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractSocket) SocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
func (*QAbstractSocket) SocketOption ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant
func (*QAbstractSocket) SocketType ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) SocketType() QAbstractSocket__SocketType
func (*QAbstractSocket) State ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) State() QAbstractSocket__SocketState
func (*QAbstractSocket) StateChanged ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) StateChanged(param1 QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
func (*QAbstractSocket) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAbstractSocket) WaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForBytesWritten(msecs int) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) WaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForConnected(msecs int) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) WaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForDisconnected(msecs int) bool
func (*QAbstractSocket) WaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QAbstractSocket) WaitForReadyRead(msecs int) bool
type QAbstractSocket__BindFlag ¶
type QAbstractSocket__BindFlag int
const ( QAbstractSocket__DefaultForPlatform QAbstractSocket__BindFlag = 0 QAbstractSocket__ReuseAddressHint QAbstractSocket__BindFlag = 4 )
type QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol ¶
type QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol int
const ( QAbstractSocket__IPv4Protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol = 0 QAbstractSocket__IPv6Protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol = 1 QAbstractSocket__AnyIPProtocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol = 2 QAbstractSocket__UnknownNetworkLayerProtocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol = -1 )
type QAbstractSocket__PauseMode ¶
type QAbstractSocket__PauseMode int
const ( QAbstractSocket__PauseNever QAbstractSocket__PauseMode = 0 QAbstractSocket__PauseOnSslErrors QAbstractSocket__PauseMode = 1 )
type QAbstractSocket__SocketError ¶
type QAbstractSocket__SocketError int
const ( QAbstractSocket__ConnectionRefusedError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 0 QAbstractSocket__RemoteHostClosedError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 1 QAbstractSocket__HostNotFoundError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 2 QAbstractSocket__SocketAccessError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 3 QAbstractSocket__SocketResourceError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 4 QAbstractSocket__SocketTimeoutError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 5 QAbstractSocket__DatagramTooLargeError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 6 QAbstractSocket__NetworkError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 7 QAbstractSocket__AddressInUseError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 8 QAbstractSocket__SocketAddressNotAvailableError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 9 QAbstractSocket__UnsupportedSocketOperationError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 10 QAbstractSocket__UnfinishedSocketOperationError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 11 QAbstractSocket__ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 12 QAbstractSocket__SslHandshakeFailedError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 13 QAbstractSocket__ProxyConnectionRefusedError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 14 QAbstractSocket__ProxyConnectionClosedError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 15 QAbstractSocket__ProxyConnectionTimeoutError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 16 QAbstractSocket__ProxyNotFoundError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 17 QAbstractSocket__ProxyProtocolError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 18 QAbstractSocket__OperationError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 19 QAbstractSocket__SslInternalError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 20 QAbstractSocket__SslInvalidUserDataError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 21 QAbstractSocket__TemporaryError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = 22 QAbstractSocket__UnknownSocketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError = -1 )
type QAbstractSocket__SocketOption ¶
type QAbstractSocket__SocketOption int
const ( QAbstractSocket__LowDelayOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 0 QAbstractSocket__KeepAliveOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 1 QAbstractSocket__MulticastTtlOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 2 QAbstractSocket__MulticastLoopbackOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 3 QAbstractSocket__TypeOfServiceOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 4 QAbstractSocket__SendBufferSizeSocketOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 5 QAbstractSocket__ReceiveBufferSizeSocketOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 6 QAbstractSocket__PathMtuSocketOption QAbstractSocket__SocketOption = 7 )
type QAbstractSocket__SocketState ¶
type QAbstractSocket__SocketState int
const ( QAbstractSocket__UnconnectedState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 0 QAbstractSocket__HostLookupState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 1 QAbstractSocket__ConnectingState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 2 QAbstractSocket__ConnectedState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 3 QAbstractSocket__BoundState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 4 QAbstractSocket__ListeningState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 5 QAbstractSocket__ClosingState QAbstractSocket__SocketState = 6 )
type QAbstractSocket__SocketType ¶
type QAbstractSocket__SocketType int
const ( QAbstractSocket__TcpSocket QAbstractSocket__SocketType = 0 QAbstractSocket__UdpSocket QAbstractSocket__SocketType = 1 QAbstractSocket__SctpSocket QAbstractSocket__SocketType = 2 QAbstractSocket__UnknownSocketType QAbstractSocket__SocketType = -1 )
type QAuthenticator ¶
type QAuthenticator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQAuthenticator ¶
func NewQAuthenticator() *QAuthenticator
NewQAuthenticator constructs a new QAuthenticator object.
func NewQAuthenticator2 ¶
func NewQAuthenticator2(other *QAuthenticator) *QAuthenticator
NewQAuthenticator2 constructs a new QAuthenticator object.
func UnsafeNewQAuthenticator ¶
func UnsafeNewQAuthenticator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAuthenticator
UnsafeNewQAuthenticator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAuthenticator) Delete ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAuthenticator) Detach ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) Detach()
func (*QAuthenticator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAuthenticator) IsNull ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) IsNull() bool
func (*QAuthenticator) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) OperatorAssign(other *QAuthenticator)
func (*QAuthenticator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) OperatorEqual(other *QAuthenticator) bool
func (*QAuthenticator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) OperatorNotEqual(other *QAuthenticator) bool
func (*QAuthenticator) Password ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) Password() string
func (*QAuthenticator) Realm ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) Realm() string
func (*QAuthenticator) SetOption ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) SetOption(opt string, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QAuthenticator) SetPassword ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) SetPassword(password string)
func (*QAuthenticator) SetRealm ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) SetRealm(realm string)
func (*QAuthenticator) SetUser ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) SetUser(user string)
func (*QAuthenticator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAuthenticator) User ¶
func (this *QAuthenticator) User() string
type QDnsDomainNameRecord ¶
type QDnsDomainNameRecord struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQDnsDomainNameRecord ¶
func NewQDnsDomainNameRecord() *QDnsDomainNameRecord
NewQDnsDomainNameRecord constructs a new QDnsDomainNameRecord object.
func NewQDnsDomainNameRecord2 ¶
func NewQDnsDomainNameRecord2(other *QDnsDomainNameRecord) *QDnsDomainNameRecord
NewQDnsDomainNameRecord2 constructs a new QDnsDomainNameRecord object.
func UnsafeNewQDnsDomainNameRecord ¶
func UnsafeNewQDnsDomainNameRecord(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsDomainNameRecord
UnsafeNewQDnsDomainNameRecord constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) Delete ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) Name ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Name() string
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsDomainNameRecord)
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) Swap ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Swap(other *QDnsDomainNameRecord)
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) TimeToLive ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) TimeToLive() uint
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDnsDomainNameRecord) Value ¶
func (this *QDnsDomainNameRecord) Value() string
type QDnsHostAddressRecord ¶
type QDnsHostAddressRecord struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQDnsHostAddressRecord ¶
func NewQDnsHostAddressRecord() *QDnsHostAddressRecord
NewQDnsHostAddressRecord constructs a new QDnsHostAddressRecord object.
func NewQDnsHostAddressRecord2 ¶
func NewQDnsHostAddressRecord2(other *QDnsHostAddressRecord) *QDnsHostAddressRecord
NewQDnsHostAddressRecord2 constructs a new QDnsHostAddressRecord object.
func UnsafeNewQDnsHostAddressRecord ¶
func UnsafeNewQDnsHostAddressRecord(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsHostAddressRecord
UnsafeNewQDnsHostAddressRecord constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) Delete ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) Name ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Name() string
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsHostAddressRecord)
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) Swap ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Swap(other *QDnsHostAddressRecord)
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) TimeToLive ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) TimeToLive() uint
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDnsHostAddressRecord) Value ¶
func (this *QDnsHostAddressRecord) Value() *QHostAddress
type QDnsLookup ¶
func NewQDnsLookup ¶
func NewQDnsLookup() *QDnsLookup
NewQDnsLookup constructs a new QDnsLookup object.
func NewQDnsLookup2 ¶
func NewQDnsLookup2(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string) *QDnsLookup
NewQDnsLookup2 constructs a new QDnsLookup object.
func NewQDnsLookup3 ¶
func NewQDnsLookup3(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string, nameserver *QHostAddress) *QDnsLookup
NewQDnsLookup3 constructs a new QDnsLookup object.
func NewQDnsLookup4 ¶
func NewQDnsLookup4(parent *qt.QObject) *QDnsLookup
NewQDnsLookup4 constructs a new QDnsLookup object.
func NewQDnsLookup5 ¶
func NewQDnsLookup5(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string, parent *qt.QObject) *QDnsLookup
NewQDnsLookup5 constructs a new QDnsLookup object.
func NewQDnsLookup6 ¶
func NewQDnsLookup6(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type, name string, nameserver *QHostAddress, parent *qt.QObject) *QDnsLookup
NewQDnsLookup6 constructs a new QDnsLookup object.
func UnsafeNewQDnsLookup ¶
func UnsafeNewQDnsLookup(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsLookup
UnsafeNewQDnsLookup constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDnsLookup) Abort ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Abort()
func (*QDnsLookup) CanonicalNameRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) CanonicalNameRecords() []QDnsDomainNameRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) Error ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Error() QDnsLookup__Error
func (*QDnsLookup) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) ErrorString() string
func (*QDnsLookup) Finished ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Finished()
func (*QDnsLookup) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDnsLookup) HostAddressRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) HostAddressRecords() []QDnsHostAddressRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) IsFinished ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) IsFinished() bool
func (*QDnsLookup) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDnsLookup) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QDnsLookup that was directly constructed.
func (*QDnsLookup) Lookup ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Lookup()
func (*QDnsLookup) MailExchangeRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) MailExchangeRecords() []QDnsMailExchangeRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QDnsLookup) Name ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Name() string
func (*QDnsLookup) NameChanged ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) NameChanged(name string)
func (*QDnsLookup) NameServerRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) NameServerRecords() []QDnsDomainNameRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) Nameserver ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Nameserver() *QHostAddress
func (*QDnsLookup) NameserverChanged ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) NameserverChanged(nameserver *QHostAddress)
func (*QDnsLookup) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QDnsLookup) OnFinished ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnFinished(slot func())
func (*QDnsLookup) OnNameChanged ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnNameChanged(slot func(name string))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnNameserverChanged ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnNameserverChanged(slot func(nameserver *QHostAddress))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QDnsLookup) OnTypeChanged ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) OnTypeChanged(slot func(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type))
func (*QDnsLookup) PointerRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) PointerRecords() []QDnsDomainNameRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDnsLookup) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QDnsLookup that was directly constructed.
func (*QDnsLookup) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDnsLookup) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QDnsLookup that was directly constructed.
func (*QDnsLookup) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDnsLookup) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QDnsLookup that was directly constructed.
func (*QDnsLookup) ServiceRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) ServiceRecords() []QDnsServiceRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) SetName ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) SetName(name string)
func (*QDnsLookup) SetNameserver ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) SetNameserver(nameserver *QHostAddress)
func (*QDnsLookup) SetType ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) SetType(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type)
func (*QDnsLookup) TextRecords ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) TextRecords() []QDnsTextRecord
func (*QDnsLookup) Type ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) Type() QDnsLookup__Type
func (*QDnsLookup) TypeChanged ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) TypeChanged(typeVal QDnsLookup__Type)
func (*QDnsLookup) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDnsLookup) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QDnsLookup__Error ¶
type QDnsLookup__Error int
const ( QDnsLookup__NoError QDnsLookup__Error = 0 QDnsLookup__ResolverError QDnsLookup__Error = 1 QDnsLookup__OperationCancelledError QDnsLookup__Error = 2 QDnsLookup__InvalidRequestError QDnsLookup__Error = 3 QDnsLookup__InvalidReplyError QDnsLookup__Error = 4 QDnsLookup__ServerFailureError QDnsLookup__Error = 5 QDnsLookup__ServerRefusedError QDnsLookup__Error = 6 QDnsLookup__NotFoundError QDnsLookup__Error = 7 )
type QDnsLookup__Type ¶
type QDnsLookup__Type int
const ( QDnsLookup__A QDnsLookup__Type = 1 QDnsLookup__AAAA QDnsLookup__Type = 28 QDnsLookup__ANY QDnsLookup__Type = 255 QDnsLookup__CNAME QDnsLookup__Type = 5 QDnsLookup__MX QDnsLookup__Type = 15 QDnsLookup__NS QDnsLookup__Type = 2 QDnsLookup__PTR QDnsLookup__Type = 12 QDnsLookup__SRV QDnsLookup__Type = 33 QDnsLookup__TXT QDnsLookup__Type = 16 )
type QDnsMailExchangeRecord ¶
type QDnsMailExchangeRecord struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQDnsMailExchangeRecord ¶
func NewQDnsMailExchangeRecord() *QDnsMailExchangeRecord
NewQDnsMailExchangeRecord constructs a new QDnsMailExchangeRecord object.
func NewQDnsMailExchangeRecord2 ¶
func NewQDnsMailExchangeRecord2(other *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) *QDnsMailExchangeRecord
NewQDnsMailExchangeRecord2 constructs a new QDnsMailExchangeRecord object.
func UnsafeNewQDnsMailExchangeRecord ¶
func UnsafeNewQDnsMailExchangeRecord(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsMailExchangeRecord
UnsafeNewQDnsMailExchangeRecord constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Delete ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Exchange ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Exchange() string
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Name ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Name() string
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsMailExchangeRecord)
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Preference ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Preference() uint16
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Swap ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) Swap(other *QDnsMailExchangeRecord)
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) TimeToLive ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) TimeToLive() uint
func (*QDnsMailExchangeRecord) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDnsMailExchangeRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QDnsServiceRecord ¶
type QDnsServiceRecord struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQDnsServiceRecord ¶
func NewQDnsServiceRecord() *QDnsServiceRecord
NewQDnsServiceRecord constructs a new QDnsServiceRecord object.
func NewQDnsServiceRecord2 ¶
func NewQDnsServiceRecord2(other *QDnsServiceRecord) *QDnsServiceRecord
NewQDnsServiceRecord2 constructs a new QDnsServiceRecord object.
func UnsafeNewQDnsServiceRecord ¶
func UnsafeNewQDnsServiceRecord(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsServiceRecord
UnsafeNewQDnsServiceRecord constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Delete ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Name ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Name() string
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsServiceRecord)
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Port ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Port() uint16
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Priority ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Priority() uint16
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Swap ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Swap(other *QDnsServiceRecord)
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Target ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Target() string
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) TimeToLive ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) TimeToLive() uint
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDnsServiceRecord) Weight ¶
func (this *QDnsServiceRecord) Weight() uint16
type QDnsTextRecord ¶
type QDnsTextRecord struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQDnsTextRecord ¶
func NewQDnsTextRecord() *QDnsTextRecord
NewQDnsTextRecord constructs a new QDnsTextRecord object.
func NewQDnsTextRecord2 ¶
func NewQDnsTextRecord2(other *QDnsTextRecord) *QDnsTextRecord
NewQDnsTextRecord2 constructs a new QDnsTextRecord object.
func UnsafeNewQDnsTextRecord ¶
func UnsafeNewQDnsTextRecord(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDnsTextRecord
UnsafeNewQDnsTextRecord constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDnsTextRecord) Delete ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDnsTextRecord) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDnsTextRecord) Name ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Name() string
func (*QDnsTextRecord) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) OperatorAssign(other *QDnsTextRecord)
func (*QDnsTextRecord) Swap ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Swap(other *QDnsTextRecord)
func (*QDnsTextRecord) TimeToLive ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) TimeToLive() uint
func (*QDnsTextRecord) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDnsTextRecord) Values ¶
func (this *QDnsTextRecord) Values() [][]byte
type QDtls ¶
func NewQDtls ¶
func NewQDtls(mode QSslSocket__SslMode) *QDtls
NewQDtls constructs a new QDtls object.
func NewQDtls2 ¶
func NewQDtls2(mode QSslSocket__SslMode, parent *qt.QObject) *QDtls
NewQDtls2 constructs a new QDtls object.
func UnsafeNewQDtls ¶
UnsafeNewQDtls constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDtls) AbortHandshake ¶
func (this *QDtls) AbortHandshake(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
func (*QDtls) CookieGeneratorParameters ¶
func (this *QDtls) CookieGeneratorParameters() *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
func (*QDtls) DecryptDatagram ¶
func (this *QDtls) DecryptDatagram(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte) []byte
func (*QDtls) DoHandshake ¶
func (this *QDtls) DoHandshake(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
func (*QDtls) DoHandshake2 ¶
func (this *QDtls) DoHandshake2(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte) bool
func (*QDtls) DtlsConfiguration ¶
func (this *QDtls) DtlsConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
func (*QDtls) DtlsError ¶
func (this *QDtls) DtlsError() QDtlsError
func (*QDtls) DtlsErrorString ¶
func (*QDtls) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDtls) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDtls) HandleTimeout ¶
func (this *QDtls) HandleTimeout(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
func (*QDtls) HandshakeState ¶
func (this *QDtls) HandshakeState() QDtls__HandshakeState
func (*QDtls) HandshakeTimeout ¶
func (this *QDtls) HandshakeTimeout()
func (*QDtls) IgnoreVerificationErrors ¶
func (*QDtls) IsConnectionEncrypted ¶
func (*QDtls) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDtls) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QDtls that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtls) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QDtls) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QDtls) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QDtls) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QDtls) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QDtls) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QDtls) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (*QDtls) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QDtls) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QDtls) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QDtls) OnHandshakeTimeout ¶
func (this *QDtls) OnHandshakeTimeout(slot func())
func (*QDtls) OnPskRequired ¶
func (this *QDtls) OnPskRequired(slot func(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
func (*QDtls) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QDtls) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QDtls) PeerAddress ¶
func (this *QDtls) PeerAddress() *QHostAddress
func (*QDtls) PeerVerificationErrors ¶
func (*QDtls) PeerVerificationName ¶
func (*QDtls) PskRequired ¶
func (this *QDtls) PskRequired(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
func (*QDtls) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
Receivers can only be called from a QDtls that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtls) ResumeHandshake ¶
func (this *QDtls) ResumeHandshake(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
func (*QDtls) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
Sender can only be called from a QDtls that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtls) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QDtls that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtls) SessionCipher ¶
func (this *QDtls) SessionCipher() *QSslCipher
func (*QDtls) SessionProtocol ¶
func (this *QDtls) SessionProtocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
func (*QDtls) SetCookieGeneratorParameters ¶
func (this *QDtls) SetCookieGeneratorParameters(params *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) bool
func (*QDtls) SetDtlsConfiguration ¶
func (this *QDtls) SetDtlsConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration) bool
func (*QDtls) SetMtuHint ¶
func (*QDtls) SetPeer3 ¶
func (this *QDtls) SetPeer3(address *QHostAddress, port uint16, verificationName string) bool
func (*QDtls) SetPeerVerificationName ¶
func (*QDtls) Shutdown ¶
func (this *QDtls) Shutdown(socket *QUdpSocket) bool
func (*QDtls) SslMode ¶
func (this *QDtls) SslMode() QSslSocket__SslMode
func (*QDtls) UnsafePointer ¶
func (*QDtls) WriteDatagramEncrypted ¶
func (this *QDtls) WriteDatagramEncrypted(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte) int64
type QDtlsClientVerifier ¶
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier ¶
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier() *QDtlsClientVerifier
NewQDtlsClientVerifier constructs a new QDtlsClientVerifier object.
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier2 ¶
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier2(parent *qt.QObject) *QDtlsClientVerifier
NewQDtlsClientVerifier2 constructs a new QDtlsClientVerifier object.
func UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier ¶
func UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDtlsClientVerifier
UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) CookieGeneratorParameters ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) CookieGeneratorParameters() *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) Delete ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) DtlsError ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) DtlsError() QDtlsError
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) DtlsErrorString ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) DtlsErrorString() string
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QDtlsClientVerifier that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) Metacast ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QDtlsClientVerifier that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QDtlsClientVerifier that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QDtlsClientVerifier that was directly constructed.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) SetCookieGeneratorParameters ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) SetCookieGeneratorParameters(params *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) bool
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) VerifiedHello ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) VerifiedHello() []byte
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier) VerifyClient ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier) VerifyClient(socket *QUdpSocket, dgram []byte, address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
type QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters ¶
type QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters ¶
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters() *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters constructs a new QDtlsClientVerifier::GeneratorParameters object.
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters2 ¶
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters2(a qt.QCryptographicHash__Algorithm, s []byte) *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters2 constructs a new QDtlsClientVerifier::GeneratorParameters object.
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters3 ¶
func NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters3(param1 *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
NewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters3 constructs a new QDtlsClientVerifier::GeneratorParameters object.
func UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters ¶
func UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters(h unsafe.Pointer) *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters
UnsafeNewQDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) Delete ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) GoGC ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) OperatorAssign(param1 *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters)
func (*QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QDtlsClientVerifier__GeneratorParameters) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QDtlsError ¶
type QDtlsError byte
const ( QDtlsError__NoError QDtlsError = 0 QDtlsError__InvalidInputParameters QDtlsError = 1 QDtlsError__InvalidOperation QDtlsError = 2 QDtlsError__UnderlyingSocketError QDtlsError = 3 QDtlsError__RemoteClosedConnectionError QDtlsError = 4 QDtlsError__PeerVerificationError QDtlsError = 5 QDtlsError__TlsInitializationError QDtlsError = 6 QDtlsError__TlsFatalError QDtlsError = 7 QDtlsError__TlsNonFatalError QDtlsError = 8 )
type QDtls__HandshakeState ¶
type QDtls__HandshakeState int
const ( QDtls__HandshakeNotStarted QDtls__HandshakeState = 0 QDtls__HandshakeInProgress QDtls__HandshakeState = 1 QDtls__PeerVerificationFailed QDtls__HandshakeState = 2 QDtls__HandshakeComplete QDtls__HandshakeState = 3 )
type QHostAddress ¶
type QHostAddress struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQHostAddress ¶
func NewQHostAddress() *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress2 ¶
func NewQHostAddress2(ip4Addr uint) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress2 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress3 ¶
func NewQHostAddress3(ip6Addr *byte) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress3 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress4 ¶
func NewQHostAddress4(ip6Addr *byte) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress4 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress5 ¶
func NewQHostAddress5(ip6Addr *QIPv6Address) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress5 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress6 ¶
func NewQHostAddress6(address string) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress6 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress7 ¶
func NewQHostAddress7(copyVal *QHostAddress) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress7 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func NewQHostAddress8 ¶
func NewQHostAddress8(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress) *QHostAddress
NewQHostAddress8 constructs a new QHostAddress object.
func QNetworkInterface_AllAddresses ¶
func QNetworkInterface_AllAddresses() []QHostAddress
func UnsafeNewQHostAddress ¶
func UnsafeNewQHostAddress(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHostAddress
UnsafeNewQHostAddress constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QHostAddress) Clear ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) Clear()
func (*QHostAddress) Delete ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QHostAddress) GoGC ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QHostAddress) IsBroadcast ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsBroadcast() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsEqual ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsEqual(address *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsEqual2 ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsEqual2(address *QHostAddress, mode QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag) bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsGlobal ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsGlobal() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsInSubnet ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsInSubnet(subnet *QHostAddress, netmask int) bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsInSubnetWithSubnet ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsInSubnetWithSubnet(subnet struct { First QHostAddress Second int }) bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsLinkLocal ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsLinkLocal() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsLoopback ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsLoopback() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsMulticast ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsMulticast() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsNull ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsNull() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsSiteLocal ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsSiteLocal() bool
func (*QHostAddress) IsUniqueLocalUnicast ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) IsUniqueLocalUnicast() bool
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorAssign(other *QHostAddress)
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorAssign2 ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorAssign2(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress)
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorAssignWithAddress ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorAssignWithAddress(address string)
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorEqual(address *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorEqualWithAddress ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorEqualWithAddress(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress) bool
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorNotEqual(address *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QHostAddress) OperatorNotEqualWithAddress ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) OperatorNotEqualWithAddress(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress) bool
func (*QHostAddress) Protocol ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) Protocol() QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol
func (*QHostAddress) ScopeId ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) ScopeId() string
func (*QHostAddress) SetAddress ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress(ip4Addr uint)
func (*QHostAddress) SetAddress2 ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress2(ip6Addr *byte)
func (*QHostAddress) SetAddress3 ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress3(ip6Addr *QIPv6Address)
func (*QHostAddress) SetAddress4 ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress4(address string) bool
func (*QHostAddress) SetAddress5 ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddress5(address QHostAddress__SpecialAddress)
func (*QHostAddress) SetAddressWithIp6Addr ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetAddressWithIp6Addr(ip6Addr *byte)
func (*QHostAddress) SetScopeId ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) SetScopeId(id string)
func (*QHostAddress) Swap ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) Swap(other *QHostAddress)
func (*QHostAddress) ToIPv4Address ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) ToIPv4Address() uint
func (*QHostAddress) ToIPv4AddressWithOk ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) ToIPv4AddressWithOk(ok *bool) uint
func (*QHostAddress) ToIPv6Address ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) ToIPv6Address() *QIPv6Address
func (*QHostAddress) ToString ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) ToString() string
func (*QHostAddress) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QHostAddress) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag ¶
type QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag int
const ( QHostAddress__ConvertV4MappedToIPv4 QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag = 1 QHostAddress__ConvertV4CompatToIPv4 QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag = 2 QHostAddress__ConvertUnspecifiedAddress QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag = 4 QHostAddress__ConvertLocalHost QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag = 8 QHostAddress__TolerantConversion QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag = 255 QHostAddress__StrictConversion QHostAddress__ConversionModeFlag = 0 )
type QHostAddress__SpecialAddress ¶
type QHostAddress__SpecialAddress int
const ( QHostAddress__Null QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 0 QHostAddress__Broadcast QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 1 QHostAddress__LocalHost QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 2 QHostAddress__LocalHostIPv6 QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 3 QHostAddress__Any QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 4 QHostAddress__AnyIPv6 QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 5 QHostAddress__AnyIPv4 QHostAddress__SpecialAddress = 6 )
type QHostInfo ¶
type QHostInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQHostInfo2 ¶
NewQHostInfo2 constructs a new QHostInfo object.
func NewQHostInfo3 ¶
NewQHostInfo3 constructs a new QHostInfo object.
func QHostInfo_FromName ¶
func UnsafeNewQHostInfo ¶
UnsafeNewQHostInfo constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QHostInfo) Addresses ¶
func (this *QHostInfo) Addresses() []QHostAddress
func (*QHostInfo) Error ¶
func (this *QHostInfo) Error() QHostInfo__HostInfoError
func (*QHostInfo) ErrorString ¶
func (*QHostInfo) GoGC ¶
func (this *QHostInfo) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QHostInfo) OperatorAssign ¶
func (*QHostInfo) SetAddresses ¶
func (this *QHostInfo) SetAddresses(addresses []QHostAddress)
func (*QHostInfo) SetError ¶
func (this *QHostInfo) SetError(error QHostInfo__HostInfoError)
func (*QHostInfo) SetErrorString ¶
func (*QHostInfo) SetHostName ¶
func (*QHostInfo) SetLookupId ¶
func (*QHostInfo) UnsafePointer ¶
type QHostInfo__HostInfoError ¶
type QHostInfo__HostInfoError int
const ( QHostInfo__NoError QHostInfo__HostInfoError = 0 QHostInfo__HostNotFound QHostInfo__HostInfoError = 1 QHostInfo__UnknownError QHostInfo__HostInfoError = 2 )
type QHstsPolicy ¶
type QHstsPolicy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQHstsPolicy ¶
func NewQHstsPolicy() *QHstsPolicy
NewQHstsPolicy constructs a new QHstsPolicy object.
func NewQHstsPolicy2 ¶
func NewQHstsPolicy2(expiry *qt.QDateTime, flags QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag, host string) *QHstsPolicy
NewQHstsPolicy2 constructs a new QHstsPolicy object.
func NewQHstsPolicy3 ¶
func NewQHstsPolicy3(rhs *QHstsPolicy) *QHstsPolicy
NewQHstsPolicy3 constructs a new QHstsPolicy object.
func NewQHstsPolicy4 ¶
func NewQHstsPolicy4(expiry *qt.QDateTime, flags QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag, host string, mode qt.QUrl__ParsingMode) *QHstsPolicy
NewQHstsPolicy4 constructs a new QHstsPolicy object.
func UnsafeNewQHstsPolicy ¶
func UnsafeNewQHstsPolicy(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHstsPolicy
UnsafeNewQHstsPolicy constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QHstsPolicy) Expiry ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) Expiry() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QHstsPolicy) GoGC ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QHstsPolicy) Host ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) Host() string
func (*QHstsPolicy) Host1 ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) Host1(options qt.QUrl__ComponentFormattingOption) string
func (*QHstsPolicy) IncludesSubDomains ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) IncludesSubDomains() bool
func (*QHstsPolicy) IsExpired ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) IsExpired() bool
func (*QHstsPolicy) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) OperatorAssign(rhs *QHstsPolicy)
func (*QHstsPolicy) SetExpiry ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetExpiry(expiry *qt.QDateTime)
func (*QHstsPolicy) SetHost ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetHost(host string)
func (*QHstsPolicy) SetHost2 ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetHost2(host string, mode qt.QUrl__ParsingMode)
func (*QHstsPolicy) SetIncludesSubDomains ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) SetIncludesSubDomains(include bool)
func (*QHstsPolicy) Swap ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) Swap(other *QHstsPolicy)
func (*QHstsPolicy) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QHstsPolicy) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag ¶
type QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag int
const (
QHstsPolicy__IncludeSubDomains QHstsPolicy__PolicyFlag = 1
type QHttp2Configuration ¶
type QHttp2Configuration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQHttp2Configuration ¶
func NewQHttp2Configuration() *QHttp2Configuration
NewQHttp2Configuration constructs a new QHttp2Configuration object.
func NewQHttp2Configuration2 ¶
func NewQHttp2Configuration2(other *QHttp2Configuration) *QHttp2Configuration
NewQHttp2Configuration2 constructs a new QHttp2Configuration object.
func UnsafeNewQHttp2Configuration ¶
func UnsafeNewQHttp2Configuration(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHttp2Configuration
UnsafeNewQHttp2Configuration constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QHttp2Configuration) Delete ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QHttp2Configuration) GoGC ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QHttp2Configuration) HuffmanCompressionEnabled ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) HuffmanCompressionEnabled() bool
func (*QHttp2Configuration) MaxFrameSize ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) MaxFrameSize() uint
func (*QHttp2Configuration) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) OperatorAssign(other *QHttp2Configuration)
func (*QHttp2Configuration) ServerPushEnabled ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) ServerPushEnabled() bool
func (*QHttp2Configuration) SessionReceiveWindowSize ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SessionReceiveWindowSize() uint
func (*QHttp2Configuration) SetHuffmanCompressionEnabled ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetHuffmanCompressionEnabled(enable bool)
func (*QHttp2Configuration) SetMaxFrameSize ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetMaxFrameSize(size uint) bool
func (*QHttp2Configuration) SetServerPushEnabled ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetServerPushEnabled(enable bool)
func (*QHttp2Configuration) SetSessionReceiveWindowSize ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetSessionReceiveWindowSize(size uint) bool
func (*QHttp2Configuration) SetStreamReceiveWindowSize ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) SetStreamReceiveWindowSize(size uint) bool
func (*QHttp2Configuration) StreamReceiveWindowSize ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) StreamReceiveWindowSize() uint
func (*QHttp2Configuration) Swap ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) Swap(other *QHttp2Configuration)
func (*QHttp2Configuration) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QHttp2Configuration) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QHttpMultiPart ¶
func NewQHttpMultiPart ¶
func NewQHttpMultiPart() *QHttpMultiPart
NewQHttpMultiPart constructs a new QHttpMultiPart object.
func NewQHttpMultiPart2 ¶
func NewQHttpMultiPart2(contentType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType) *QHttpMultiPart
NewQHttpMultiPart2 constructs a new QHttpMultiPart object.
func NewQHttpMultiPart3 ¶
func NewQHttpMultiPart3(parent *qt.QObject) *QHttpMultiPart
NewQHttpMultiPart3 constructs a new QHttpMultiPart object.
func NewQHttpMultiPart4 ¶
func NewQHttpMultiPart4(contentType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType, parent *qt.QObject) *QHttpMultiPart
NewQHttpMultiPart4 constructs a new QHttpMultiPart object.
func UnsafeNewQHttpMultiPart ¶
func UnsafeNewQHttpMultiPart(h unsafe.Pointer) *QHttpMultiPart
UnsafeNewQHttpMultiPart constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) Append ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Append(httpPart *QHttpPart)
func (*QHttpMultiPart) Boundary ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Boundary() []byte
func (*QHttpMultiPart) Delete ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) GoGC ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QHttpMultiPart that was directly constructed.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QHttpMultiPart) Metacast ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QHttpMultiPart) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QHttpMultiPart) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QHttpMultiPart) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QHttpMultiPart) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QHttpMultiPart) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QHttpMultiPart) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QHttpMultiPart) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QHttpMultiPart that was directly constructed.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QHttpMultiPart that was directly constructed.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QHttpMultiPart that was directly constructed.
func (*QHttpMultiPart) SetBoundary ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) SetBoundary(boundary []byte)
func (*QHttpMultiPart) SetContentType ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) SetContentType(contentType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType)
func (*QHttpMultiPart) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QHttpMultiPart) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QHttpMultiPart__ContentType ¶
type QHttpMultiPart__ContentType int
const ( QHttpMultiPart__MixedType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType = 0 QHttpMultiPart__RelatedType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType = 1 QHttpMultiPart__FormDataType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType = 2 QHttpMultiPart__AlternativeType QHttpMultiPart__ContentType = 3 )
type QHttpPart ¶
type QHttpPart struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQHttpPart2 ¶
NewQHttpPart2 constructs a new QHttpPart object.
func UnsafeNewQHttpPart ¶
UnsafeNewQHttpPart constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QHttpPart) GoGC ¶
func (this *QHttpPart) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QHttpPart) OperatorAssign ¶
func (*QHttpPart) OperatorEqual ¶
func (*QHttpPart) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (*QHttpPart) SetBodyDevice ¶
func (*QHttpPart) SetHeader ¶
func (this *QHttpPart) SetHeader(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QHttpPart) SetRawHeader ¶
func (*QHttpPart) UnsafePointer ¶
type QIPv6Address ¶
type QIPv6Address struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQIPv6Address ¶
func UnsafeNewQIPv6Address(h unsafe.Pointer) *QIPv6Address
UnsafeNewQIPv6Address constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QIPv6Address) Delete ¶
func (this *QIPv6Address) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QIPv6Address) GoGC ¶
func (this *QIPv6Address) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QIPv6Address) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QIPv6Address) OperatorSubscript(index int) byte
func (*QIPv6Address) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QIPv6Address) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QLocalServer ¶
func NewQLocalServer ¶
func NewQLocalServer() *QLocalServer
NewQLocalServer constructs a new QLocalServer object.
func NewQLocalServer2 ¶
func NewQLocalServer2(parent *qt.QObject) *QLocalServer
NewQLocalServer2 constructs a new QLocalServer object.
func UnsafeNewQLocalServer ¶
func UnsafeNewQLocalServer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QLocalServer
UnsafeNewQLocalServer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QLocalServer) Close ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) Close()
func (*QLocalServer) Delete ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QLocalServer) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) ErrorString() string
func (*QLocalServer) FullServerName ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) FullServerName() string
func (*QLocalServer) GoGC ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QLocalServer) HasPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) HasPendingConnections() bool
func (*QLocalServer) IsListening ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) IsListening() bool
func (*QLocalServer) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalServer) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QLocalServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalServer) Listen ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) Listen(name string) bool
func (*QLocalServer) ListenWithSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) ListenWithSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr) bool
func (*QLocalServer) MaxPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) MaxPendingConnections() int
func (*QLocalServer) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QLocalServer) NewConnection ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) NewConnection()
func (*QLocalServer) NextPendingConnection ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) NextPendingConnection() *QLocalSocket
func (*QLocalServer) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QLocalServer) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QLocalServer) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QLocalServer) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QLocalServer) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QLocalServer) OnHasPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnHasPendingConnections(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QLocalServer) OnIncomingConnection ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnIncomingConnection(slot func(super func(socketDescriptor uintptr), socketDescriptor uintptr))
func (*QLocalServer) OnNewConnection ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnNewConnection(slot func())
func (*QLocalServer) OnNextPendingConnection ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnNextPendingConnection(slot func(super func() *QLocalSocket) *QLocalSocket)
func (*QLocalServer) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QLocalServer) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalServer) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QLocalServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalServer) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalServer) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QLocalServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalServer) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalServer) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QLocalServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalServer) ServerError ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) ServerError() QAbstractSocket__SocketError
func (*QLocalServer) ServerName ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) ServerName() string
func (*QLocalServer) SetMaxPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) SetMaxPendingConnections(numConnections int)
func (*QLocalServer) SetSocketOptions ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) SetSocketOptions(options QLocalServer__SocketOption)
func (*QLocalServer) SocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
func (*QLocalServer) SocketOptions ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) SocketOptions() QLocalServer__SocketOption
func (*QLocalServer) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection() bool
func (*QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection1 ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection1(msec int) bool
func (*QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection2 ¶
func (this *QLocalServer) WaitForNewConnection2(msec int, timedOut *bool) bool
type QLocalServer__SocketOption ¶
type QLocalServer__SocketOption int
const ( QLocalServer__NoOptions QLocalServer__SocketOption = 0 QLocalServer__UserAccessOption QLocalServer__SocketOption = 1 QLocalServer__GroupAccessOption QLocalServer__SocketOption = 2 QLocalServer__OtherAccessOption QLocalServer__SocketOption = 4 QLocalServer__WorldAccessOption QLocalServer__SocketOption = 7 )
type QLocalSocket ¶
func NewQLocalSocket ¶
func NewQLocalSocket() *QLocalSocket
NewQLocalSocket constructs a new QLocalSocket object.
func NewQLocalSocket2 ¶
func NewQLocalSocket2(parent *qt.QObject) *QLocalSocket
NewQLocalSocket2 constructs a new QLocalSocket object.
func UnsafeNewQLocalSocket ¶
func UnsafeNewQLocalSocket(h unsafe.Pointer) *QLocalSocket
UnsafeNewQLocalSocket constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QLocalSocket) Abort ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Abort()
func (*QLocalSocket) BytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) BytesAvailable() int64
func (*QLocalSocket) BytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) BytesToWrite() int64
func (*QLocalSocket) CanReadLine ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) CanReadLine() bool
func (*QLocalSocket) Close ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Close()
func (*QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer()
func (*QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer1 ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer1(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
func (*QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer2 ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServer2(name string, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
func (*QLocalSocket) ConnectToServerWithName ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ConnectToServerWithName(name string)
func (*QLocalSocket) Connected ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Connected()
func (*QLocalSocket) Delete ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QLocalSocket) DisconnectFromServer ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) DisconnectFromServer()
func (*QLocalSocket) Disconnected ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Disconnected()
func (*QLocalSocket) Error ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Error() QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError
func (*QLocalSocket) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ErrorOccurred(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError)
func (*QLocalSocket) ErrorWithSocketError ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ErrorWithSocketError(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError)
func (*QLocalSocket) Flush ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Flush() bool
func (*QLocalSocket) FullServerName ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) FullServerName() string
func (*QLocalSocket) GoGC ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QLocalSocket) IsSequential ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) IsSequential() bool
func (*QLocalSocket) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QLocalSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalSocket) IsValid ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) IsValid() bool
func (*QLocalSocket) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QLocalSocket) OnAtEnd ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnCanReadLine ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnClose ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnConnected ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnConnected(slot func())
func (*QLocalSocket) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnDisconnected ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnDisconnected(slot func())
func (*QLocalSocket) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnErrorWithSocketError ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnErrorWithSocketError(slot func(socketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QLocalSocket) OnIsSequential ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnOpen ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnPos ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnReadData ¶
func (*QLocalSocket) OnReadLineData ¶
func (*QLocalSocket) OnReset ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnSeek ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnSize ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnStateChanged ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnStateChanged(slot func(socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QLocalSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QLocalSocket) OnWriteData ¶
func (*QLocalSocket) Open ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) Open(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) ReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ReadBufferSize() int64
func (*QLocalSocket) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QLocalSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalSocket) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QLocalSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalSocket) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QLocalSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalSocket) ServerName ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) ServerName() string
func (*QLocalSocket) SetErrorString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
SetErrorString can only be called from a QLocalSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalSocket) SetOpenMode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
SetOpenMode can only be called from a QLocalSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QLocalSocket) SetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
func (*QLocalSocket) SetServerName ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetServerName(name string)
func (*QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor2 ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor2(socketDescriptor uintptr, socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor3 ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) SetSocketDescriptor3(socketDescriptor uintptr, socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) SocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
func (*QLocalSocket) State ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) State() QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState
func (*QLocalSocket) StateChanged ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) StateChanged(socketState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState)
func (*QLocalSocket) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QLocalSocket) WaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForBytesWritten(msecs int) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) WaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForConnected() bool
func (*QLocalSocket) WaitForConnected1 ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForConnected1(msecs int) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) WaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForDisconnected() bool
func (*QLocalSocket) WaitForDisconnected1 ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForDisconnected1(msecs int) bool
func (*QLocalSocket) WaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QLocalSocket) WaitForReadyRead(msecs int) bool
type QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError ¶
type QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError int
const ( QLocalSocket__ConnectionRefusedError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 0 QLocalSocket__PeerClosedError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 1 QLocalSocket__ServerNotFoundError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 2 QLocalSocket__SocketAccessError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 3 QLocalSocket__SocketResourceError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 4 QLocalSocket__SocketTimeoutError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 5 QLocalSocket__DatagramTooLargeError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 6 QLocalSocket__ConnectionError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 7 QLocalSocket__UnsupportedSocketOperationError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 10 QLocalSocket__UnknownSocketError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = -1 QLocalSocket__OperationError QLocalSocket__LocalSocketError = 19 )
type QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState ¶
type QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState int
const ( QLocalSocket__UnconnectedState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState = 0 QLocalSocket__ConnectingState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState = 2 QLocalSocket__ConnectedState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState = 3 QLocalSocket__ClosingState QLocalSocket__LocalSocketState = 6 )
type QNetworkAccessManager ¶
func NewQNetworkAccessManager ¶
func NewQNetworkAccessManager() *QNetworkAccessManager
NewQNetworkAccessManager constructs a new QNetworkAccessManager object.
func NewQNetworkAccessManager2 ¶
func NewQNetworkAccessManager2(parent *qt.QObject) *QNetworkAccessManager
NewQNetworkAccessManager2 constructs a new QNetworkAccessManager object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkAccessManager ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkAccessManager(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkAccessManager
UnsafeNewQNetworkAccessManager constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ActiveConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ActiveConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) AddStrictTransportSecurityHosts ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) AddStrictTransportSecurityHosts(knownHosts []QHstsPolicy)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) AuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) AuthenticationRequired(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QAuthenticator)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) AutoDeleteReplies ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) AutoDeleteReplies() bool
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Cache ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Cache() *QAbstractNetworkCache
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ClearAccessCache ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ClearAccessCache()
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ClearConnectionCache ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ClearConnectionCache()
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Configuration ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Configuration() *QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHost(hostName string)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHost2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHost2(hostName string, port uint16)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted(hostName string)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted2(hostName string, port uint16, sslConfiguration *QSslConfiguration, peerName string)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted22 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted22(hostName string, port uint16)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted3 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ConnectToHostEncrypted3(hostName string, port uint16, sslConfiguration *QSslConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) CookieJar ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) CookieJar() *QNetworkCookieJar
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) DeleteResource ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) DeleteResource(request *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) EnableStrictTransportSecurityStore ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) EnableStrictTransportSecurityStore(enabled bool)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) EnableStrictTransportSecurityStore2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) EnableStrictTransportSecurityStore2(enabled bool, storeDir string)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Encrypted ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Encrypted(reply *QNetworkReply)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Finished ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Finished(reply *QNetworkReply)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Get ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Get(request *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Head ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Head(request *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QNetworkAccessManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) IsStrictTransportSecurityEnabled ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) IsStrictTransportSecurityEnabled() bool
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) IsStrictTransportSecurityStoreEnabled ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) IsStrictTransportSecurityStoreEnabled() bool
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Metacast ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkAccessible ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkAccessible() QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkAccessibleChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkAccessibleChanged(accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkSessionConnected ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) NetworkSessionConnected()
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnAuthenticationRequired(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QAuthenticator))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnCreateRequest ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnCreateRequest(slot func(super func(op QNetworkAccessManager__Operation, request *QNetworkRequest, outgoingData *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply, op QNetworkAccessManager__Operation, request *QNetworkRequest, outgoingData *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnEncrypted ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnEncrypted(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnFinished ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnFinished(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnNetworkAccessibleChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnNetworkAccessibleChanged(slot func(accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnNetworkSessionConnected ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnNetworkSessionConnected(slot func())
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnProxyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnProxyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnSslErrors ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnSslErrors(slot func(reply *QNetworkReply, errors []QSslError))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Post ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Post(request *QNetworkRequest, data *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Post2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Post2(request *QNetworkRequest, data []byte) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Post3 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Post3(request *QNetworkRequest, multiPart *QHttpMultiPart) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(reply *QNetworkReply, authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Proxy ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Proxy() *QNetworkProxy
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ProxyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ProxyAuthenticationRequired(proxy *QNetworkProxy, authenticator *QAuthenticator)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) ProxyFactory ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) ProxyFactory() *QNetworkProxyFactory
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Put ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Put(request *QNetworkRequest, data *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Put2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Put2(request *QNetworkRequest, data []byte) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Put3 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Put3(request *QNetworkRequest, multiPart *QHttpMultiPart) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QNetworkAccessManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) RedirectPolicy ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) RedirectPolicy() QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest2(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte, data []byte) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest3 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest3(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte, multiPart *QHttpMultiPart) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest32 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SendCustomRequest32(request *QNetworkRequest, verb []byte, data *qt.QIODevice) *QNetworkReply
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QNetworkAccessManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QNetworkAccessManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetAutoDeleteReplies ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetAutoDeleteReplies(autoDelete bool)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetCache ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetCache(cache *QAbstractNetworkCache)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetConfiguration(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetCookieJar ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetCookieJar(cookieJar *QNetworkCookieJar)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetNetworkAccessible ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetNetworkAccessible(accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetProxy ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetProxy(proxy *QNetworkProxy)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetProxyFactory ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetProxyFactory(factory *QNetworkProxyFactory)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetRedirectPolicy ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetRedirectPolicy(policy QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetStrictTransportSecurityEnabled ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetStrictTransportSecurityEnabled(enabled bool)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetTransferTimeout ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetTransferTimeout()
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SetTransferTimeout1 ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SetTransferTimeout1(timeout int)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SslErrors ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SslErrors(reply *QNetworkReply, errors []QSslError)
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) StrictTransportSecurityHosts ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) StrictTransportSecurityHosts() []QHstsPolicy
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SupportedSchemes ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SupportedSchemes() []string
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) SupportedSchemesImplementation ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) SupportedSchemesImplementation() []string
SupportedSchemesImplementation can only be called from a QNetworkAccessManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) TransferTimeout ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) TransferTimeout() int
func (*QNetworkAccessManager) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkAccessManager) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility ¶
type QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility int
const ( QNetworkAccessManager__UnknownAccessibility QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility = -1 QNetworkAccessManager__NotAccessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility = 0 QNetworkAccessManager__Accessible QNetworkAccessManager__NetworkAccessibility = 1 )
type QNetworkAccessManager__Operation ¶
type QNetworkAccessManager__Operation int
const ( QNetworkAccessManager__HeadOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 1 QNetworkAccessManager__GetOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 2 QNetworkAccessManager__PutOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 3 QNetworkAccessManager__PostOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 4 QNetworkAccessManager__DeleteOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 5 QNetworkAccessManager__CustomOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 6 QNetworkAccessManager__UnknownOperation QNetworkAccessManager__Operation = 0 )
type QNetworkAddressEntry ¶
type QNetworkAddressEntry struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkAddressEntry ¶
func NewQNetworkAddressEntry() *QNetworkAddressEntry
NewQNetworkAddressEntry constructs a new QNetworkAddressEntry object.
func NewQNetworkAddressEntry2 ¶
func NewQNetworkAddressEntry2(other *QNetworkAddressEntry) *QNetworkAddressEntry
NewQNetworkAddressEntry2 constructs a new QNetworkAddressEntry object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkAddressEntry ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkAddressEntry(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkAddressEntry
UnsafeNewQNetworkAddressEntry constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) Broadcast ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Broadcast() *QHostAddress
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) ClearAddressLifetime ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) ClearAddressLifetime()
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) DnsEligibility ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) DnsEligibility() QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) Ip ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Ip() *QHostAddress
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) IsLifetimeKnown ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) IsLifetimeKnown() bool
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) IsPermanent ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) IsPermanent() bool
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) IsTemporary ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) IsTemporary() bool
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) Netmask ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Netmask() *QHostAddress
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkAddressEntry)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkAddressEntry) bool
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkAddressEntry) bool
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) PreferredLifetime ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) PreferredLifetime() *qt.QDeadlineTimer
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) PrefixLength ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) PrefixLength() int
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) SetAddressLifetime ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetAddressLifetime(preferred qt.QDeadlineTimer, validity qt.QDeadlineTimer)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) SetBroadcast ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetBroadcast(newBroadcast *QHostAddress)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) SetDnsEligibility ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetDnsEligibility(status QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) SetIp ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetIp(newIp *QHostAddress)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) SetNetmask ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetNetmask(newNetmask *QHostAddress)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) SetPrefixLength ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) SetPrefixLength(length int)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) Swap(other *QNetworkAddressEntry)
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkAddressEntry) ValidityLifetime ¶
func (this *QNetworkAddressEntry) ValidityLifetime() *qt.QDeadlineTimer
type QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus ¶
type QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus int8
const ( QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityUnknown QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus = -1 QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsIneligible QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus = 0 QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligible QNetworkAddressEntry__DnsEligibilityStatus = 1 )
type QNetworkCacheMetaData ¶
type QNetworkCacheMetaData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkCacheMetaData ¶
func NewQNetworkCacheMetaData() *QNetworkCacheMetaData
NewQNetworkCacheMetaData constructs a new QNetworkCacheMetaData object.
func NewQNetworkCacheMetaData2 ¶
func NewQNetworkCacheMetaData2(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
NewQNetworkCacheMetaData2 constructs a new QNetworkCacheMetaData object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkCacheMetaData ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkCacheMetaData(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
UnsafeNewQNetworkCacheMetaData constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) Attributes ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Attributes() map[QNetworkRequest__Attribute]qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) ExpirationDate ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) ExpirationDate() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) IsValid ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) IsValid() bool
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) LastModified ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) LastModified() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData) bool
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData) bool
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) RawHeaders ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) RawHeaders() []struct { First []byte Second []byte }
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SaveToDisk ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SaveToDisk() bool
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetAttributes ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetAttributes(attributes map[QNetworkRequest__Attribute]qt.QVariant)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetExpirationDate ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetExpirationDate(dateTime *qt.QDateTime)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetLastModified ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetLastModified(dateTime *qt.QDateTime)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetRawHeaders ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetRawHeaders(headers []struct { First []byte Second []byte })
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetSaveToDisk ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetSaveToDisk(allow bool)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Swap(other *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkCacheMetaData) Url ¶
func (this *QNetworkCacheMetaData) Url() *qt.QUrl
type QNetworkConfiguration ¶
type QNetworkConfiguration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkConfiguration ¶
func NewQNetworkConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
NewQNetworkConfiguration constructs a new QNetworkConfiguration object.
func NewQNetworkConfiguration2 ¶
func NewQNetworkConfiguration2(other *QNetworkConfiguration) *QNetworkConfiguration
NewQNetworkConfiguration2 constructs a new QNetworkConfiguration object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkConfiguration ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkConfiguration(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkConfiguration
UnsafeNewQNetworkConfiguration constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) BearerType ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) BearerType() QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) BearerTypeFamily ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) BearerTypeFamily() QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) BearerTypeName ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) BearerTypeName() string
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Children ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Children() []QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) ConnectTimeout ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) ConnectTimeout() int
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Identifier ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Identifier() string
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) IsRoamingAvailable ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) IsRoamingAvailable() bool
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) IsValid ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) IsValid() bool
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Name ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Name() string
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkConfiguration) bool
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkConfiguration) bool
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Purpose ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Purpose() QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) SetConnectTimeout ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) SetConnectTimeout(timeout int) bool
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) State ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) State() QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Swap(other *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) Type ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) Type() QNetworkConfiguration__Type
func (*QNetworkConfiguration) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfiguration) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QNetworkConfigurationManager ¶
func NewQNetworkConfigurationManager ¶
func NewQNetworkConfigurationManager() *QNetworkConfigurationManager
NewQNetworkConfigurationManager constructs a new QNetworkConfigurationManager object.
func NewQNetworkConfigurationManager2 ¶
func NewQNetworkConfigurationManager2(parent *qt.QObject) *QNetworkConfigurationManager
NewQNetworkConfigurationManager2 constructs a new QNetworkConfigurationManager object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkConfigurationManager ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkConfigurationManager(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkConfigurationManager
UnsafeNewQNetworkConfigurationManager constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) AllConfigurations ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) AllConfigurations() []QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) AllConfigurations1 ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) AllConfigurations1(flags QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag) []QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) Capabilities ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Capabilities() QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationAdded ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationAdded(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationChanged(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationFromIdentifier ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationFromIdentifier(identifier string) *QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationRemoved ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) ConfigurationRemoved(config *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) DefaultConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) DefaultConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) IsOnline ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) IsOnline() bool
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QNetworkConfigurationManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) Metacast ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationAdded ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationAdded(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationChanged(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationRemoved ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConfigurationRemoved(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnOnlineStateChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnOnlineStateChanged(slot func(isOnline bool))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnUpdateCompleted ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnUpdateCompleted(slot func())
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnlineStateChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) OnlineStateChanged(isOnline bool)
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QNetworkConfigurationManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QNetworkConfigurationManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QNetworkConfigurationManager that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) UpdateCompleted ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) UpdateCompleted()
func (*QNetworkConfigurationManager) UpdateConfigurations ¶
func (this *QNetworkConfigurationManager) UpdateConfigurations()
type QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability ¶
type QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability int
const ( QNetworkConfigurationManager__CanStartAndStopInterfaces QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 1 QNetworkConfigurationManager__DirectConnectionRouting QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 2 QNetworkConfigurationManager__SystemSessionSupport QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 4 QNetworkConfigurationManager__ApplicationLevelRoaming QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 8 QNetworkConfigurationManager__ForcedRoaming QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 16 QNetworkConfigurationManager__DataStatistics QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 32 QNetworkConfigurationManager__NetworkSessionRequired QNetworkConfigurationManager__Capability = 64 )
type QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType ¶
type QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType int
const ( QNetworkConfiguration__BearerUnknown QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 0 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerEthernet QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 1 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerWLAN QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 2 QNetworkConfiguration__Bearer2G QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 3 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerCDMA2000 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 4 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerWCDMA QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 5 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerHSPA QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 6 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerBluetooth QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 7 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerWiMAX QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 8 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerEVDO QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 9 QNetworkConfiguration__BearerLTE QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 10 QNetworkConfiguration__Bearer3G QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 11 QNetworkConfiguration__Bearer4G QNetworkConfiguration__BearerType = 12 )
type QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose ¶
type QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose int
const ( QNetworkConfiguration__UnknownPurpose QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose = 0 QNetworkConfiguration__PublicPurpose QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose = 1 QNetworkConfiguration__PrivatePurpose QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose = 2 QNetworkConfiguration__ServiceSpecificPurpose QNetworkConfiguration__Purpose = 3 )
type QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag ¶
type QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag int
const ( QNetworkConfiguration__Undefined QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag = 1 QNetworkConfiguration__Defined QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag = 2 QNetworkConfiguration__Discovered QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag = 6 QNetworkConfiguration__Active QNetworkConfiguration__StateFlag = 14 )
type QNetworkConfiguration__Type ¶
type QNetworkConfiguration__Type int
const ( QNetworkConfiguration__InternetAccessPoint QNetworkConfiguration__Type = 0 QNetworkConfiguration__ServiceNetwork QNetworkConfiguration__Type = 1 QNetworkConfiguration__UserChoice QNetworkConfiguration__Type = 2 QNetworkConfiguration__Invalid QNetworkConfiguration__Type = 3 )
type QNetworkCookie ¶
type QNetworkCookie struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkCookie ¶
func NewQNetworkCookie() *QNetworkCookie
NewQNetworkCookie constructs a new QNetworkCookie object.
func NewQNetworkCookie2 ¶
func NewQNetworkCookie2(other *QNetworkCookie) *QNetworkCookie
NewQNetworkCookie2 constructs a new QNetworkCookie object.
func NewQNetworkCookie3 ¶
func NewQNetworkCookie3(name []byte) *QNetworkCookie
NewQNetworkCookie3 constructs a new QNetworkCookie object.
func NewQNetworkCookie4 ¶
func NewQNetworkCookie4(name []byte, value []byte) *QNetworkCookie
NewQNetworkCookie4 constructs a new QNetworkCookie object.
func QNetworkCookie_ParseCookies ¶
func QNetworkCookie_ParseCookies(cookieString []byte) []QNetworkCookie
func UnsafeNewQNetworkCookie ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkCookie(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkCookie
UnsafeNewQNetworkCookie constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkCookie) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkCookie) Domain ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Domain() string
func (*QNetworkCookie) ExpirationDate ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) ExpirationDate() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QNetworkCookie) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkCookie) HasSameIdentifier ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) HasSameIdentifier(other *QNetworkCookie) bool
func (*QNetworkCookie) IsHttpOnly ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) IsHttpOnly() bool
func (*QNetworkCookie) IsSecure ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) IsSecure() bool
func (*QNetworkCookie) IsSessionCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) IsSessionCookie() bool
func (*QNetworkCookie) Name ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Name() []byte
func (*QNetworkCookie) Normalize ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Normalize(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QNetworkCookie) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkCookie)
func (*QNetworkCookie) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkCookie) bool
func (*QNetworkCookie) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkCookie) bool
func (*QNetworkCookie) Path ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Path() string
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetDomain ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetDomain(domain string)
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetExpirationDate ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetExpirationDate(date *qt.QDateTime)
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetHttpOnly ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetHttpOnly(enable bool)
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetName ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetName(cookieName []byte)
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetPath ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetPath(path string)
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetSecure ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetSecure(enable bool)
func (*QNetworkCookie) SetValue ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) SetValue(value []byte)
func (*QNetworkCookie) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Swap(other *QNetworkCookie)
func (*QNetworkCookie) ToRawForm ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) ToRawForm() []byte
func (*QNetworkCookie) ToRawForm1 ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) ToRawForm1(form QNetworkCookie__RawForm) []byte
func (*QNetworkCookie) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkCookie) Value ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookie) Value() []byte
type QNetworkCookieJar ¶
func NewQNetworkCookieJar ¶
func NewQNetworkCookieJar() *QNetworkCookieJar
NewQNetworkCookieJar constructs a new QNetworkCookieJar object.
func NewQNetworkCookieJar2 ¶
func NewQNetworkCookieJar2(parent *qt.QObject) *QNetworkCookieJar
NewQNetworkCookieJar2 constructs a new QNetworkCookieJar object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkCookieJar ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkCookieJar(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkCookieJar
UnsafeNewQNetworkCookieJar constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) AllCookies ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) AllCookies() []QNetworkCookie
AllCookies can only be called from a QNetworkCookieJar that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) CookiesForUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) CookiesForUrl(url *qt.QUrl) []QNetworkCookie
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) DeleteCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) DeleteCookie(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) InsertCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) InsertCookie(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QNetworkCookieJar that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) Metacast ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnCookiesForUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnCookiesForUrl(slot func(super func(url *qt.QUrl) []QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) []QNetworkCookie)
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnDeleteCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnDeleteCookie(slot func(super func(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool, cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool)
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnInsertCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnInsertCookie(slot func(super func(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool, cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool)
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnSetCookiesFromUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnSetCookiesFromUrl(slot func(super func(cookieList []QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) bool, cookieList []QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) bool)
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnUpdateCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnUpdateCookie(slot func(super func(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool, cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool)
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) OnValidateCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) OnValidateCookie(slot func(super func(cookie *QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) bool, cookie *QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) bool)
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QNetworkCookieJar that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QNetworkCookieJar that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QNetworkCookieJar that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) SetAllCookies ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) SetAllCookies(cookieList []QNetworkCookie)
SetAllCookies can only be called from a QNetworkCookieJar that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) SetCookiesFromUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) SetCookiesFromUrl(cookieList []QNetworkCookie, url *qt.QUrl) bool
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkCookieJar) UpdateCookie ¶
func (this *QNetworkCookieJar) UpdateCookie(cookie *QNetworkCookie) bool
type QNetworkCookie__RawForm ¶
type QNetworkCookie__RawForm int
const ( QNetworkCookie__NameAndValueOnly QNetworkCookie__RawForm = 0 QNetworkCookie__Full QNetworkCookie__RawForm = 1 )
type QNetworkDatagram ¶
type QNetworkDatagram struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkDatagram ¶
func NewQNetworkDatagram() *QNetworkDatagram
NewQNetworkDatagram constructs a new QNetworkDatagram object.
func NewQNetworkDatagram2 ¶
func NewQNetworkDatagram2(data []byte) *QNetworkDatagram
NewQNetworkDatagram2 constructs a new QNetworkDatagram object.
func NewQNetworkDatagram3 ¶
func NewQNetworkDatagram3(other *QNetworkDatagram) *QNetworkDatagram
NewQNetworkDatagram3 constructs a new QNetworkDatagram object.
func NewQNetworkDatagram4 ¶
func NewQNetworkDatagram4(data []byte, destinationAddress *QHostAddress) *QNetworkDatagram
NewQNetworkDatagram4 constructs a new QNetworkDatagram object.
func NewQNetworkDatagram5 ¶
func NewQNetworkDatagram5(data []byte, destinationAddress *QHostAddress, port uint16) *QNetworkDatagram
NewQNetworkDatagram5 constructs a new QNetworkDatagram object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkDatagram ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkDatagram(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkDatagram
UnsafeNewQNetworkDatagram constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkDatagram) Clear ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Clear()
func (*QNetworkDatagram) Data ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Data() []byte
func (*QNetworkDatagram) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkDatagram) DestinationAddress ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) DestinationAddress() *QHostAddress
func (*QNetworkDatagram) DestinationPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) DestinationPort() int
func (*QNetworkDatagram) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkDatagram) HopLimit ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) HopLimit() int
func (*QNetworkDatagram) InterfaceIndex ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) InterfaceIndex() uint
func (*QNetworkDatagram) IsNull ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) IsNull() bool
func (*QNetworkDatagram) IsValid ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) IsValid() bool
func (*QNetworkDatagram) MakeReply ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) MakeReply(payload []byte) *QNetworkDatagram
func (*QNetworkDatagram) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkDatagram)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SenderAddress ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SenderAddress() *QHostAddress
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SenderPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SenderPort() int
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SetData ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetData(data []byte)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SetDestination ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetDestination(address *QHostAddress, port uint16)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SetHopLimit ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetHopLimit(count int)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SetInterfaceIndex ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetInterfaceIndex(index uint)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SetSender ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetSender(address *QHostAddress)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) SetSender2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) SetSender2(address *QHostAddress, port uint16)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) Swap(other *QNetworkDatagram)
func (*QNetworkDatagram) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkDatagram) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QNetworkDiskCache ¶
type QNetworkDiskCache struct { *QAbstractNetworkCache // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQNetworkDiskCache ¶
func NewQNetworkDiskCache() *QNetworkDiskCache
NewQNetworkDiskCache constructs a new QNetworkDiskCache object.
func NewQNetworkDiskCache2 ¶
func NewQNetworkDiskCache2(parent *qt.QObject) *QNetworkDiskCache
NewQNetworkDiskCache2 constructs a new QNetworkDiskCache object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkDiskCache ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkDiskCache(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkDiskCache
UnsafeNewQNetworkDiskCache constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) CacheDirectory ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) CacheDirectory() string
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) CacheSize ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) CacheSize() int64
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Clear ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Clear()
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) FileMetaData ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) FileMetaData(fileName string) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Insert ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Insert(device *qt.QIODevice)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QNetworkDiskCache that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) MaximumCacheSize ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) MaximumCacheSize() int64
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) MetaData ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) MetaData(url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkCacheMetaData
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Metacast ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnCacheSize ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnCacheSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnClear ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnClear(slot func(super func()))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnExpire ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnExpire(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnInsert ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnInsert(slot func(super func(device *qt.QIODevice), device *qt.QIODevice))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnMetaData ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnMetaData(slot func(super func(url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkCacheMetaData, url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnPrepare ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnPrepare(slot func(super func(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *qt.QIODevice, metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *qt.QIODevice)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) OnUpdateMetaData ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) OnUpdateMetaData(slot func(super func(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData), metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData))
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Prepare ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Prepare(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData) *qt.QIODevice
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QNetworkDiskCache that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QNetworkDiskCache that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QNetworkDiskCache that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) SetCacheDirectory ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) SetCacheDirectory(cacheDir string)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) SetMaximumCacheSize ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) SetMaximumCacheSize(size int64)
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkDiskCache) UpdateMetaData ¶
func (this *QNetworkDiskCache) UpdateMetaData(metaData *QNetworkCacheMetaData)
type QNetworkInterface ¶
type QNetworkInterface struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkInterface ¶
func NewQNetworkInterface() *QNetworkInterface
NewQNetworkInterface constructs a new QNetworkInterface object.
func NewQNetworkInterface2 ¶
func NewQNetworkInterface2(other *QNetworkInterface) *QNetworkInterface
NewQNetworkInterface2 constructs a new QNetworkInterface object.
func QNetworkInterface_AllInterfaces ¶
func QNetworkInterface_AllInterfaces() []QNetworkInterface
func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceFromIndex ¶
func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceFromIndex(index int) *QNetworkInterface
func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceFromName ¶
func QNetworkInterface_InterfaceFromName(name string) *QNetworkInterface
func UnsafeNewQNetworkInterface ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkInterface(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkInterface
UnsafeNewQNetworkInterface constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkInterface) AddressEntries ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) AddressEntries() []QNetworkAddressEntry
func (*QNetworkInterface) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkInterface) Flags ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) Flags() QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag
func (*QNetworkInterface) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkInterface) HardwareAddress ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) HardwareAddress() string
func (*QNetworkInterface) HumanReadableName ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) HumanReadableName() string
func (*QNetworkInterface) Index ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) Index() int
func (*QNetworkInterface) IsValid ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) IsValid() bool
func (*QNetworkInterface) MaximumTransmissionUnit ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) MaximumTransmissionUnit() int
func (*QNetworkInterface) Name ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) Name() string
func (*QNetworkInterface) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkInterface)
func (*QNetworkInterface) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) Swap(other *QNetworkInterface)
func (*QNetworkInterface) Type ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) Type() QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType
func (*QNetworkInterface) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkInterface) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag ¶
type QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag int
const ( QNetworkInterface__IsUp QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag = 1 QNetworkInterface__IsRunning QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag = 2 QNetworkInterface__CanBroadcast QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag = 4 QNetworkInterface__IsLoopBack QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag = 8 QNetworkInterface__IsPointToPoint QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag = 16 QNetworkInterface__CanMulticast QNetworkInterface__InterfaceFlag = 32 )
type QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType ¶
type QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType int
const ( QNetworkInterface__Loopback QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 1 QNetworkInterface__Virtual QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 2 QNetworkInterface__Ethernet QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 3 QNetworkInterface__Slip QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 4 QNetworkInterface__CanBus QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 5 QNetworkInterface__Ppp QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 6 QNetworkInterface__Fddi QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 7 QNetworkInterface__Wifi QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 8 QNetworkInterface__Ieee80211 QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 8 QNetworkInterface__Phonet QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 9 QNetworkInterface__Ieee802154 QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 10 QNetworkInterface__SixLoWPAN QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 11 QNetworkInterface__Ieee80216 QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 12 QNetworkInterface__Ieee1394 QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 13 QNetworkInterface__Unknown QNetworkInterface__InterfaceType = 0 )
type QNetworkProxy ¶
type QNetworkProxy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkProxy ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy() *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func NewQNetworkProxy2 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy2(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType) *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy2 constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func NewQNetworkProxy3 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy3(other *QNetworkProxy) *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy3 constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func NewQNetworkProxy4 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy4(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string) *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy4 constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func NewQNetworkProxy5 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy5(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string, port uint16) *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy5 constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func NewQNetworkProxy6 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy6(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string, port uint16, user string) *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy6 constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func NewQNetworkProxy7 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxy7(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType, hostName string, port uint16, user string, password string) *QNetworkProxy
NewQNetworkProxy7 constructs a new QNetworkProxy object.
func QNetworkProxyFactory_ProxyForQuery ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_ProxyForQuery(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SystemProxyForQuery ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SystemProxyForQuery() []QNetworkProxy
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SystemProxyForQuery1 ¶
func QNetworkProxyFactory_SystemProxyForQuery1(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy
func QNetworkProxy_ApplicationProxy ¶
func QNetworkProxy_ApplicationProxy() *QNetworkProxy
func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxy ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxy(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkProxy
UnsafeNewQNetworkProxy constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkProxy) Capabilities ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Capabilities() QNetworkProxy__Capability
func (*QNetworkProxy) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkProxy) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkProxy) HasRawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) HasRawHeader(headerName []byte) bool
func (*QNetworkProxy) Header ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Header(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkProxy) HostName ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) HostName() string
func (*QNetworkProxy) IsCachingProxy ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) IsCachingProxy() bool
func (*QNetworkProxy) IsTransparentProxy ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) IsTransparentProxy() bool
func (*QNetworkProxy) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkProxy)
func (*QNetworkProxy) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkProxy) bool
func (*QNetworkProxy) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkProxy) bool
func (*QNetworkProxy) Password ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Password() string
func (*QNetworkProxy) Port ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Port() uint16
func (*QNetworkProxy) RawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) RawHeader(headerName []byte) []byte
func (*QNetworkProxy) RawHeaderList ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) RawHeaderList() [][]byte
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetCapabilities ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetCapabilities(capab QNetworkProxy__Capability)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetHeader(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetHostName ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetHostName(hostName string)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetPassword ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetPassword(password string)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetPort(port uint16)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetRawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetRawHeader(headerName []byte, value []byte)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetType ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetType(typeVal QNetworkProxy__ProxyType)
func (*QNetworkProxy) SetUser ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) SetUser(userName string)
func (*QNetworkProxy) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Swap(other *QNetworkProxy)
func (*QNetworkProxy) Type ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) Type() QNetworkProxy__ProxyType
func (*QNetworkProxy) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkProxy) User ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxy) User() string
type QNetworkProxyFactory ¶
type QNetworkProxyFactory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkProxyFactory ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyFactory() *QNetworkProxyFactory
NewQNetworkProxyFactory constructs a new QNetworkProxyFactory object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyFactory ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyFactory(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkProxyFactory
UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyFactory constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkProxyFactory) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkProxyFactory) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkProxyFactory) OnQueryProxy ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) OnQueryProxy(slot func(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy)
func (*QNetworkProxyFactory) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) OperatorAssign(param1 *QNetworkProxyFactory)
func (*QNetworkProxyFactory) QueryProxy ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) QueryProxy(query *QNetworkProxyQuery) []QNetworkProxy
func (*QNetworkProxyFactory) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyFactory) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QNetworkProxyQuery ¶
type QNetworkProxyQuery struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery() *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery10 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery10(hostname string, port int, protocolTag string) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery10 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery11 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery11(hostname string, port int, protocolTag string, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery11 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery12 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery12(bindPort uint16, protocolTag string) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery12 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery13 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery13(bindPort uint16, protocolTag string, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery13 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery14 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery14(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, requestUrl *qt.QUrl, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery14 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery15 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery15(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, hostname string, port int, protocolTag string) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery15 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery16 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery16(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, hostname string, port int, protocolTag string, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery16 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery17 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery17(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, bindPort uint16, protocolTag string) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery17 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery18 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery18(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, bindPort uint16, protocolTag string, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery18 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery2 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery2(requestUrl *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery2 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery3 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery3(hostname string, port int) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery3 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery4 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery4(bindPort uint16) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery4 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery5 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery5(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, requestUrl *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery5 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery6 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery6(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, hostname string, port int) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery6 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery7 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery7(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration, bindPort uint16) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery7 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery8 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery8(other *QNetworkProxyQuery) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery8 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery9 ¶
func NewQNetworkProxyQuery9(requestUrl *qt.QUrl, queryType QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType) *QNetworkProxyQuery
NewQNetworkProxyQuery9 constructs a new QNetworkProxyQuery object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyQuery ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyQuery(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkProxyQuery
UnsafeNewQNetworkProxyQuery constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) LocalPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) LocalPort() int
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) NetworkConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) NetworkConfiguration() *QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkProxyQuery)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkProxyQuery) bool
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkProxyQuery) bool
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) PeerHostName ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) PeerHostName() string
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) PeerPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) PeerPort() int
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) ProtocolTag ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) ProtocolTag() string
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) QueryType ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) QueryType() QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetLocalPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetLocalPort(port int)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetNetworkConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetNetworkConfiguration(networkConfiguration *QNetworkConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetPeerHostName ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetPeerHostName(hostname string)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetPeerPort ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetPeerPort(port int)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetProtocolTag ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetProtocolTag(protocolTag string)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetQueryType ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetQueryType(typeVal QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) SetUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) Swap(other *QNetworkProxyQuery)
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkProxyQuery) Url ¶
func (this *QNetworkProxyQuery) Url() *qt.QUrl
type QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType ¶
type QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType int
const ( QNetworkProxyQuery__TcpSocket QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType = 0 QNetworkProxyQuery__UdpSocket QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType = 1 QNetworkProxyQuery__SctpSocket QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType = 2 QNetworkProxyQuery__TcpServer QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType = 100 QNetworkProxyQuery__UrlRequest QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType = 101 QNetworkProxyQuery__SctpServer QNetworkProxyQuery__QueryType = 102 )
type QNetworkProxy__Capability ¶
type QNetworkProxy__Capability int
const ( QNetworkProxy__TunnelingCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 1 QNetworkProxy__ListeningCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 2 QNetworkProxy__UdpTunnelingCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 4 QNetworkProxy__CachingCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 8 QNetworkProxy__HostNameLookupCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 16 QNetworkProxy__SctpTunnelingCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 32 QNetworkProxy__SctpListeningCapability QNetworkProxy__Capability = 64 )
type QNetworkProxy__ProxyType ¶
type QNetworkProxy__ProxyType int
const ( QNetworkProxy__DefaultProxy QNetworkProxy__ProxyType = 0 QNetworkProxy__Socks5Proxy QNetworkProxy__ProxyType = 1 QNetworkProxy__NoProxy QNetworkProxy__ProxyType = 2 QNetworkProxy__HttpProxy QNetworkProxy__ProxyType = 3 QNetworkProxy__HttpCachingProxy QNetworkProxy__ProxyType = 4 QNetworkProxy__FtpCachingProxy QNetworkProxy__ProxyType = 5 )
type QNetworkReply ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkReply ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkReply(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkReply
UnsafeNewQNetworkReply constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkReply) Abort ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Abort()
func (*QNetworkReply) Attribute ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Attribute(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkReply) Close ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Close()
func (*QNetworkReply) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkReply) DownloadProgress ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) DownloadProgress(bytesReceived int64, bytesTotal int64)
func (*QNetworkReply) Encrypted ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Encrypted()
func (*QNetworkReply) Error ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Error() QNetworkReply__NetworkError
func (*QNetworkReply) ErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) ErrorOccurred(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError)
func (*QNetworkReply) ErrorWithQNetworkReplyNetworkError ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) ErrorWithQNetworkReplyNetworkError(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError)
func (*QNetworkReply) Finished ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Finished()
func (*QNetworkReply) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkReply) HasRawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) HasRawHeader(headerName []byte) bool
func (*QNetworkReply) Header ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Header(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkReply) IgnoreSslErrors ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) IgnoreSslErrors(errors []QSslError)
func (*QNetworkReply) IgnoreSslErrors2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) IgnoreSslErrors2()
func (*QNetworkReply) IsFinished ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) IsFinished() bool
func (*QNetworkReply) IsRunning ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) IsRunning() bool
func (*QNetworkReply) IsSequential ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) IsSequential() bool
func (*QNetworkReply) Manager ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Manager() *QNetworkAccessManager
func (*QNetworkReply) MetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) MetaDataChanged()
func (*QNetworkReply) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QNetworkReply) OnDownloadProgress ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnDownloadProgress(slot func(bytesReceived int64, bytesTotal int64))
func (*QNetworkReply) OnEncrypted ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnEncrypted(slot func())
func (*QNetworkReply) OnErrorOccurred ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnErrorOccurred(slot func(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError))
func (*QNetworkReply) OnErrorWithQNetworkReplyNetworkError ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnErrorWithQNetworkReplyNetworkError(slot func(param1 QNetworkReply__NetworkError))
func (*QNetworkReply) OnFinished ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnFinished(slot func())
func (*QNetworkReply) OnMetaDataChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnMetaDataChanged(slot func())
func (*QNetworkReply) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
func (*QNetworkReply) OnRedirectAllowed ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnRedirectAllowed(slot func())
func (*QNetworkReply) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnRedirected(slot func(url *qt.QUrl))
func (*QNetworkReply) OnSslErrors ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnSslErrors(slot func(errors []QSslError))
func (*QNetworkReply) OnUploadProgress ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) OnUploadProgress(slot func(bytesSent int64, bytesTotal int64))
func (*QNetworkReply) Operation ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Operation() QNetworkAccessManager__Operation
func (*QNetworkReply) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
func (*QNetworkReply) RawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) RawHeader(headerName []byte) []byte
func (*QNetworkReply) RawHeaderList ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) RawHeaderList() [][]byte
func (*QNetworkReply) RawHeaderPairs ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) RawHeaderPairs() []struct { First []byte Second []byte }
func (*QNetworkReply) ReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) ReadBufferSize() int64
func (*QNetworkReply) RedirectAllowed ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) RedirectAllowed()
func (*QNetworkReply) Redirected ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Redirected(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QNetworkReply) Request ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Request() *QNetworkRequest
func (*QNetworkReply) SetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
func (*QNetworkReply) SetSslConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) SetSslConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkReply) SslConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) SslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
func (*QNetworkReply) SslErrors ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) SslErrors(errors []QSslError)
func (*QNetworkReply) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkReply) UploadProgress ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) UploadProgress(bytesSent int64, bytesTotal int64)
func (*QNetworkReply) Url ¶
func (this *QNetworkReply) Url() *qt.QUrl
type QNetworkReply__NetworkError ¶
type QNetworkReply__NetworkError int
const ( QNetworkReply__NoError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 0 QNetworkReply__ConnectionRefusedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 1 QNetworkReply__RemoteHostClosedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 2 QNetworkReply__HostNotFoundError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 3 QNetworkReply__TimeoutError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 4 QNetworkReply__OperationCanceledError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 5 QNetworkReply__SslHandshakeFailedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 6 QNetworkReply__TemporaryNetworkFailureError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 7 QNetworkReply__NetworkSessionFailedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 8 QNetworkReply__BackgroundRequestNotAllowedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 9 QNetworkReply__TooManyRedirectsError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 10 QNetworkReply__InsecureRedirectError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 11 QNetworkReply__UnknownNetworkError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 99 QNetworkReply__ProxyConnectionRefusedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 101 QNetworkReply__ProxyConnectionClosedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 102 QNetworkReply__ProxyNotFoundError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 103 QNetworkReply__ProxyTimeoutError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 104 QNetworkReply__ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 105 QNetworkReply__UnknownProxyError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 199 QNetworkReply__ContentAccessDenied QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 201 QNetworkReply__ContentOperationNotPermittedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 202 QNetworkReply__ContentNotFoundError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 203 QNetworkReply__AuthenticationRequiredError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 204 QNetworkReply__ContentReSendError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 205 QNetworkReply__ContentConflictError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 206 QNetworkReply__ContentGoneError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 207 QNetworkReply__UnknownContentError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 299 QNetworkReply__ProtocolUnknownError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 301 QNetworkReply__ProtocolInvalidOperationError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 302 QNetworkReply__ProtocolFailure QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 399 QNetworkReply__InternalServerError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 401 QNetworkReply__OperationNotImplementedError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 402 QNetworkReply__UnknownServerError QNetworkReply__NetworkError = 499 )
type QNetworkRequest ¶
type QNetworkRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQNetworkRequest ¶
func NewQNetworkRequest() *QNetworkRequest
NewQNetworkRequest constructs a new QNetworkRequest object.
func NewQNetworkRequest2 ¶
func NewQNetworkRequest2(url *qt.QUrl) *QNetworkRequest
NewQNetworkRequest2 constructs a new QNetworkRequest object.
func NewQNetworkRequest3 ¶
func NewQNetworkRequest3(other *QNetworkRequest) *QNetworkRequest
NewQNetworkRequest3 constructs a new QNetworkRequest object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkRequest ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkRequest(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkRequest
UnsafeNewQNetworkRequest constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkRequest) Attribute ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Attribute(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkRequest) Attribute2 ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Attribute2(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute, defaultValue *qt.QVariant) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkRequest) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkRequest) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkRequest) HasRawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) HasRawHeader(headerName []byte) bool
func (*QNetworkRequest) Header ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Header(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkRequest) Http2Configuration ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Http2Configuration() *QHttp2Configuration
func (*QNetworkRequest) MaximumRedirectsAllowed ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) MaximumRedirectsAllowed() int
func (*QNetworkRequest) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) OperatorAssign(other *QNetworkRequest)
func (*QNetworkRequest) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) OperatorEqual(other *QNetworkRequest) bool
func (*QNetworkRequest) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) OperatorNotEqual(other *QNetworkRequest) bool
func (*QNetworkRequest) OriginatingObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) OriginatingObject() *qt.QObject
func (*QNetworkRequest) PeerVerifyName ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) PeerVerifyName() string
func (*QNetworkRequest) Priority ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Priority() QNetworkRequest__Priority
func (*QNetworkRequest) RawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) RawHeader(headerName []byte) []byte
func (*QNetworkRequest) RawHeaderList ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) RawHeaderList() [][]byte
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetAttribute ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetAttribute(code QNetworkRequest__Attribute, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetHeader(header QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetHttp2Configuration ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetHttp2Configuration(configuration *QHttp2Configuration)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetMaximumRedirectsAllowed ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetMaximumRedirectsAllowed(maximumRedirectsAllowed int)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetOriginatingObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetOriginatingObject(object *qt.QObject)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetPeerVerifyName ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetPeerVerifyName(peerName string)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetPriority ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetPriority(priority QNetworkRequest__Priority)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetRawHeader ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetRawHeader(headerName []byte, value []byte)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetSslConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetSslConfiguration(configuration *QSslConfiguration)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetTransferTimeout ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetTransferTimeout()
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetTransferTimeout1 ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetTransferTimeout1(timeout int)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SetUrl ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QNetworkRequest) SslConfiguration ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) SslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
func (*QNetworkRequest) Swap ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Swap(other *QNetworkRequest)
func (*QNetworkRequest) TransferTimeout ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) TransferTimeout() int
func (*QNetworkRequest) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkRequest) Url ¶
func (this *QNetworkRequest) Url() *qt.QUrl
type QNetworkRequest__Attribute ¶
type QNetworkRequest__Attribute int
const ( QNetworkRequest__HttpStatusCodeAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 0 QNetworkRequest__HttpReasonPhraseAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 1 QNetworkRequest__RedirectionTargetAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 2 QNetworkRequest__ConnectionEncryptedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 3 QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControlAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 4 QNetworkRequest__CacheSaveControlAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 5 QNetworkRequest__SourceIsFromCacheAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 6 QNetworkRequest__DoNotBufferUploadDataAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 7 QNetworkRequest__HttpPipeliningAllowedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 8 QNetworkRequest__HttpPipeliningWasUsedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 9 QNetworkRequest__CustomVerbAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 10 QNetworkRequest__CookieLoadControlAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 11 QNetworkRequest__AuthenticationReuseAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 12 QNetworkRequest__CookieSaveControlAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 13 QNetworkRequest__MaximumDownloadBufferSizeAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 14 QNetworkRequest__DownloadBufferAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 15 QNetworkRequest__SynchronousRequestAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 16 QNetworkRequest__BackgroundRequestAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 17 QNetworkRequest__SpdyAllowedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 18 QNetworkRequest__SpdyWasUsedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 19 QNetworkRequest__EmitAllUploadProgressSignalsAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 20 QNetworkRequest__FollowRedirectsAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 21 QNetworkRequest__Http2AllowedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 22 QNetworkRequest__Http2WasUsedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 23 QNetworkRequest__HTTP2AllowedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 22 QNetworkRequest__HTTP2WasUsedAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 23 QNetworkRequest__OriginalContentLengthAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 24 QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicyAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 25 QNetworkRequest__Http2DirectAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 26 QNetworkRequest__ResourceTypeAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 27 QNetworkRequest__AutoDeleteReplyOnFinishAttribute QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 28 QNetworkRequest__User QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 1000 QNetworkRequest__UserMax QNetworkRequest__Attribute = 32767 )
type QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl ¶
type QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl int
const ( QNetworkRequest__AlwaysNetwork QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl = 0 QNetworkRequest__PreferNetwork QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl = 1 QNetworkRequest__PreferCache QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl = 2 QNetworkRequest__AlwaysCache QNetworkRequest__CacheLoadControl = 3 )
type QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders ¶
type QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders int
const ( QNetworkRequest__ContentTypeHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 0 QNetworkRequest__ContentLengthHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 1 QNetworkRequest__LocationHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 2 QNetworkRequest__LastModifiedHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 3 QNetworkRequest__CookieHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 4 QNetworkRequest__SetCookieHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 5 QNetworkRequest__ContentDispositionHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 6 QNetworkRequest__UserAgentHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 7 QNetworkRequest__ServerHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 8 QNetworkRequest__IfModifiedSinceHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 9 QNetworkRequest__ETagHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 10 QNetworkRequest__IfMatchHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 11 QNetworkRequest__IfNoneMatchHeader QNetworkRequest__KnownHeaders = 12 )
type QNetworkRequest__LoadControl ¶
type QNetworkRequest__LoadControl int
const ( QNetworkRequest__Automatic QNetworkRequest__LoadControl = 0 QNetworkRequest__Manual QNetworkRequest__LoadControl = 1 )
type QNetworkRequest__Priority ¶
type QNetworkRequest__Priority int
const ( QNetworkRequest__HighPriority QNetworkRequest__Priority = 1 QNetworkRequest__NormalPriority QNetworkRequest__Priority = 3 QNetworkRequest__LowPriority QNetworkRequest__Priority = 5 )
type QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy ¶
type QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy int
const ( QNetworkRequest__ManualRedirectPolicy QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy = 0 QNetworkRequest__NoLessSafeRedirectPolicy QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy = 1 QNetworkRequest__SameOriginRedirectPolicy QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy = 2 QNetworkRequest__UserVerifiedRedirectPolicy QNetworkRequest__RedirectPolicy = 3 )
type QNetworkRequest__TransferTimeoutConstant ¶
type QNetworkRequest__TransferTimeoutConstant int
const (
QNetworkRequest__DefaultTransferTimeoutConstant QNetworkRequest__TransferTimeoutConstant = 30000
type QNetworkSession ¶
func NewQNetworkSession ¶
func NewQNetworkSession(connConfig *QNetworkConfiguration) *QNetworkSession
NewQNetworkSession constructs a new QNetworkSession object.
func NewQNetworkSession2 ¶
func NewQNetworkSession2(connConfig *QNetworkConfiguration, parent *qt.QObject) *QNetworkSession
NewQNetworkSession2 constructs a new QNetworkSession object.
func UnsafeNewQNetworkSession ¶
func UnsafeNewQNetworkSession(h unsafe.Pointer) *QNetworkSession
UnsafeNewQNetworkSession constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QNetworkSession) Accept ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Accept()
func (*QNetworkSession) ActiveTime ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) ActiveTime() uint64
func (*QNetworkSession) BytesReceived ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) BytesReceived() uint64
func (*QNetworkSession) BytesWritten ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) BytesWritten() uint64
func (*QNetworkSession) Close ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Close()
func (*QNetworkSession) Closed ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Closed()
func (*QNetworkSession) Configuration ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Configuration() *QNetworkConfiguration
func (*QNetworkSession) Delete ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QNetworkSession) Error ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Error() QNetworkSession__SessionError
func (*QNetworkSession) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) ErrorString() string
func (*QNetworkSession) ErrorWithQNetworkSessionSessionError ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) ErrorWithQNetworkSessionSessionError(param1 QNetworkSession__SessionError)
func (*QNetworkSession) GoGC ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QNetworkSession) Ignore ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Ignore()
func (*QNetworkSession) Interface ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Interface() *QNetworkInterface
func (*QNetworkSession) IsOpen ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) IsOpen() bool
func (*QNetworkSession) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkSession) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QNetworkSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkSession) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QNetworkSession) Metacast ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkSession) Migrate ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Migrate()
func (*QNetworkSession) NewConfigurationActivated ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) NewConfigurationActivated()
func (*QNetworkSession) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnClosed ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnClosed(slot func())
func (*QNetworkSession) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnErrorWithQNetworkSessionSessionError ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnErrorWithQNetworkSessionSessionError(slot func(param1 QNetworkSession__SessionError))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QNetworkSession) OnNewConfigurationActivated ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnNewConfigurationActivated(slot func())
func (*QNetworkSession) OnOpened ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnOpened(slot func())
func (*QNetworkSession) OnPreferredConfigurationChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnPreferredConfigurationChanged(slot func(config *QNetworkConfiguration, isSeamless bool))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnStateChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnStateChanged(slot func(param1 QNetworkSession__State))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QNetworkSession) OnUsagePoliciesChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) OnUsagePoliciesChanged(slot func(usagePolicies QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy))
func (*QNetworkSession) Open ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Open()
func (*QNetworkSession) Opened ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Opened()
func (*QNetworkSession) PreferredConfigurationChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) PreferredConfigurationChanged(config *QNetworkConfiguration, isSeamless bool)
func (*QNetworkSession) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkSession) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QNetworkSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkSession) Reject ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Reject()
func (*QNetworkSession) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkSession) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QNetworkSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkSession) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QNetworkSession) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QNetworkSession that was directly constructed.
func (*QNetworkSession) SessionProperty ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) SessionProperty(key string) *qt.QVariant
func (*QNetworkSession) SetSessionProperty ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) SetSessionProperty(key string, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QNetworkSession) State ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) State() QNetworkSession__State
func (*QNetworkSession) StateChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) StateChanged(param1 QNetworkSession__State)
func (*QNetworkSession) Stop ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) Stop()
func (*QNetworkSession) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QNetworkSession) UsagePolicies ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) UsagePolicies() QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy
func (*QNetworkSession) UsagePoliciesChanged ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) UsagePoliciesChanged(usagePolicies QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy)
func (*QNetworkSession) WaitForOpened ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) WaitForOpened() bool
func (*QNetworkSession) WaitForOpened1 ¶
func (this *QNetworkSession) WaitForOpened1(msecs int) bool
type QNetworkSession__SessionError ¶
type QNetworkSession__SessionError int
const ( QNetworkSession__UnknownSessionError QNetworkSession__SessionError = 0 QNetworkSession__SessionAbortedError QNetworkSession__SessionError = 1 QNetworkSession__RoamingError QNetworkSession__SessionError = 2 QNetworkSession__OperationNotSupportedError QNetworkSession__SessionError = 3 QNetworkSession__InvalidConfigurationError QNetworkSession__SessionError = 4 )
type QNetworkSession__State ¶
type QNetworkSession__State int
const ( QNetworkSession__Invalid QNetworkSession__State = 0 QNetworkSession__NotAvailable QNetworkSession__State = 1 QNetworkSession__Connecting QNetworkSession__State = 2 QNetworkSession__Connected QNetworkSession__State = 3 QNetworkSession__Closing QNetworkSession__State = 4 QNetworkSession__Disconnected QNetworkSession__State = 5 QNetworkSession__Roaming QNetworkSession__State = 6 )
type QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy ¶
type QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy int
const ( QNetworkSession__NoPolicy QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy = 0 QNetworkSession__NoBackgroundTrafficPolicy QNetworkSession__UsagePolicy = 1 )
type QOcspCertificateStatus ¶
type QOcspCertificateStatus int
const ( QOcspCertificateStatus__Good QOcspCertificateStatus = 0 QOcspCertificateStatus__Revoked QOcspCertificateStatus = 1 QOcspCertificateStatus__Unknown QOcspCertificateStatus = 2 )
type QOcspResponse ¶
type QOcspResponse struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQOcspResponse ¶
func NewQOcspResponse() *QOcspResponse
NewQOcspResponse constructs a new QOcspResponse object.
func NewQOcspResponse2 ¶
func NewQOcspResponse2(other *QOcspResponse) *QOcspResponse
NewQOcspResponse2 constructs a new QOcspResponse object.
func UnsafeNewQOcspResponse ¶
func UnsafeNewQOcspResponse(h unsafe.Pointer) *QOcspResponse
UnsafeNewQOcspResponse constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QOcspResponse) CertificateStatus ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) CertificateStatus() QOcspCertificateStatus
func (*QOcspResponse) Delete ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QOcspResponse) GoGC ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QOcspResponse) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) OperatorAssign(other *QOcspResponse)
func (*QOcspResponse) Responder ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) Responder() *QSslCertificate
func (*QOcspResponse) RevocationReason ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) RevocationReason() QOcspRevocationReason
func (*QOcspResponse) Subject ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) Subject() *QSslCertificate
func (*QOcspResponse) Swap ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) Swap(other *QOcspResponse)
func (*QOcspResponse) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QOcspResponse) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QOcspRevocationReason ¶
type QOcspRevocationReason int
const ( QOcspRevocationReason__None QOcspRevocationReason = -1 QOcspRevocationReason__Unspecified QOcspRevocationReason = 0 QOcspRevocationReason__KeyCompromise QOcspRevocationReason = 1 QOcspRevocationReason__CACompromise QOcspRevocationReason = 2 QOcspRevocationReason__AffiliationChanged QOcspRevocationReason = 3 QOcspRevocationReason__Superseded QOcspRevocationReason = 4 QOcspRevocationReason__CessationOfOperation QOcspRevocationReason = 5 QOcspRevocationReason__CertificateHold QOcspRevocationReason = 6 QOcspRevocationReason__RemoveFromCRL QOcspRevocationReason = 7 )
type QSslCertificate ¶
type QSslCertificate struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslCertificate ¶
func NewQSslCertificate(device *qt.QIODevice) *QSslCertificate
NewQSslCertificate constructs a new QSslCertificate object.
func NewQSslCertificate2 ¶
func NewQSslCertificate2() *QSslCertificate
NewQSslCertificate2 constructs a new QSslCertificate object.
func NewQSslCertificate3 ¶
func NewQSslCertificate3(other *QSslCertificate) *QSslCertificate
NewQSslCertificate3 constructs a new QSslCertificate object.
func NewQSslCertificate4 ¶
func NewQSslCertificate4(device *qt.QIODevice, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslCertificate
NewQSslCertificate4 constructs a new QSslCertificate object.
func NewQSslCertificate5 ¶
func NewQSslCertificate5(data []byte) *QSslCertificate
NewQSslCertificate5 constructs a new QSslCertificate object.
func NewQSslCertificate6 ¶
func NewQSslCertificate6(data []byte, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslCertificate
NewQSslCertificate6 constructs a new QSslCertificate object.
func QSslCertificate_FromData ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromData(data []byte) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromData2 ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromData2(data []byte, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromDevice ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromDevice(device *qt.QIODevice) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromDevice2 ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromDevice2(device *qt.QIODevice, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromPath ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromPath(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax qt.QRegExp__PatternSyntax) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromPath2 ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromPath2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromPath3 ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromPath3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax) []QSslCertificate
func QSslCertificate_FromPathWithPath ¶
func QSslCertificate_FromPathWithPath(path string) []QSslCertificate
func QSslConfiguration_SystemCaCertificates ¶
func QSslConfiguration_SystemCaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
func QSslSocket_DefaultCaCertificates ¶
func QSslSocket_DefaultCaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
func QSslSocket_SystemCaCertificates ¶
func QSslSocket_SystemCaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
func UnsafeNewQSslCertificate ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslCertificate(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslCertificate
UnsafeNewQSslCertificate constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslCertificate) Clear ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Clear()
func (*QSslCertificate) Delete ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSslCertificate) Digest ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Digest() []byte
func (*QSslCertificate) Digest1 ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Digest1(algorithm qt.QCryptographicHash__Algorithm) []byte
func (*QSslCertificate) EffectiveDate ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) EffectiveDate() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QSslCertificate) ExpiryDate ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) ExpiryDate() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QSslCertificate) Extensions ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Extensions() []QSslCertificateExtension
func (*QSslCertificate) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslCertificate) Handle ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Handle() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSslCertificate) IsBlacklisted ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IsBlacklisted() bool
func (*QSslCertificate) IsNull ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IsNull() bool
func (*QSslCertificate) IsSelfSigned ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IsSelfSigned() bool
func (*QSslCertificate) IssuerDisplayName ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerDisplayName() string
func (*QSslCertificate) IssuerInfo ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerInfo(info QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo) []string
func (*QSslCertificate) IssuerInfoAttributes ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerInfoAttributes() [][]byte
func (*QSslCertificate) IssuerInfoWithAttribute ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) IssuerInfoWithAttribute(attribute []byte) []string
func (*QSslCertificate) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) OperatorAssign(other *QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslCertificate) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) OperatorEqual(other *QSslCertificate) bool
func (*QSslCertificate) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslCertificate) bool
func (*QSslCertificate) PublicKey ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) PublicKey() *QSslKey
func (*QSslCertificate) SerialNumber ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) SerialNumber() []byte
func (*QSslCertificate) SubjectDisplayName ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectDisplayName() string
func (*QSslCertificate) SubjectInfo ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectInfo(info QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo) []string
func (*QSslCertificate) SubjectInfoAttributes ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectInfoAttributes() [][]byte
func (*QSslCertificate) SubjectInfoWithAttribute ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) SubjectInfoWithAttribute(attribute []byte) []string
func (*QSslCertificate) Swap ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Swap(other *QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslCertificate) ToDer ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) ToDer() []byte
func (*QSslCertificate) ToPem ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) ToPem() []byte
func (*QSslCertificate) ToText ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) ToText() string
func (*QSslCertificate) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSslCertificate) Version ¶
func (this *QSslCertificate) Version() []byte
type QSslCertificateExtension ¶
type QSslCertificateExtension struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslCertificateExtension ¶
func NewQSslCertificateExtension() *QSslCertificateExtension
NewQSslCertificateExtension constructs a new QSslCertificateExtension object.
func NewQSslCertificateExtension2 ¶
func NewQSslCertificateExtension2(other *QSslCertificateExtension) *QSslCertificateExtension
NewQSslCertificateExtension2 constructs a new QSslCertificateExtension object.
func UnsafeNewQSslCertificateExtension ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslCertificateExtension(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslCertificateExtension
UnsafeNewQSslCertificateExtension constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) Delete ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) IsCritical ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) IsCritical() bool
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) IsSupported ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) IsSupported() bool
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) Name ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Name() string
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) Oid ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Oid() string
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) OperatorAssign(other *QSslCertificateExtension)
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) Swap ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Swap(other *QSslCertificateExtension)
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSslCertificateExtension) Value ¶
func (this *QSslCertificateExtension) Value() *qt.QVariant
type QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax ¶
type QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax int
const ( QSslCertificate__RegularExpression QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax = 0 QSslCertificate__Wildcard QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax = 1 QSslCertificate__FixedString QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax = 2 )
type QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo ¶
type QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo int
const ( QSslCertificate__Organization QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 0 QSslCertificate__CommonName QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 1 QSslCertificate__LocalityName QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 2 QSslCertificate__OrganizationalUnitName QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 3 QSslCertificate__CountryName QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 4 QSslCertificate__StateOrProvinceName QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 5 QSslCertificate__DistinguishedNameQualifier QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 6 QSslCertificate__SerialNumber QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 7 QSslCertificate__EmailAddress QSslCertificate__SubjectInfo = 8 )
type QSslCipher ¶
type QSslCipher struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslCipher ¶
func NewQSslCipher() *QSslCipher
NewQSslCipher constructs a new QSslCipher object.
func NewQSslCipher2 ¶
func NewQSslCipher2(name string) *QSslCipher
NewQSslCipher2 constructs a new QSslCipher object.
func NewQSslCipher3 ¶
func NewQSslCipher3(name string, protocol QSsl__SslProtocol) *QSslCipher
NewQSslCipher3 constructs a new QSslCipher object.
func NewQSslCipher4 ¶
func NewQSslCipher4(other *QSslCipher) *QSslCipher
NewQSslCipher4 constructs a new QSslCipher object.
func QSslConfiguration_SupportedCiphers ¶
func QSslConfiguration_SupportedCiphers() []QSslCipher
func QSslSocket_DefaultCiphers ¶
func QSslSocket_DefaultCiphers() []QSslCipher
func QSslSocket_SupportedCiphers ¶
func QSslSocket_SupportedCiphers() []QSslCipher
func UnsafeNewQSslCipher ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslCipher(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslCipher
UnsafeNewQSslCipher constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslCipher) AuthenticationMethod ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) AuthenticationMethod() string
func (*QSslCipher) EncryptionMethod ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) EncryptionMethod() string
func (*QSslCipher) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslCipher) IsNull ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) IsNull() bool
func (*QSslCipher) KeyExchangeMethod ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) KeyExchangeMethod() string
func (*QSslCipher) Name ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) Name() string
func (*QSslCipher) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) OperatorAssign(other *QSslCipher)
func (*QSslCipher) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) OperatorEqual(other *QSslCipher) bool
func (*QSslCipher) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslCipher) bool
func (*QSslCipher) Protocol ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) Protocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
func (*QSslCipher) ProtocolString ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) ProtocolString() string
func (*QSslCipher) SupportedBits ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) SupportedBits() int
func (*QSslCipher) Swap ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) Swap(other *QSslCipher)
func (*QSslCipher) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSslCipher) UsedBits ¶
func (this *QSslCipher) UsedBits() int
type QSslConfiguration ¶
type QSslConfiguration struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslConfiguration ¶
func NewQSslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
NewQSslConfiguration constructs a new QSslConfiguration object.
func NewQSslConfiguration2 ¶
func NewQSslConfiguration2(other *QSslConfiguration) *QSslConfiguration
NewQSslConfiguration2 constructs a new QSslConfiguration object.
func QSslConfiguration_DefaultConfiguration ¶
func QSslConfiguration_DefaultConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
func QSslConfiguration_DefaultDtlsConfiguration ¶
func QSslConfiguration_DefaultDtlsConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
func UnsafeNewQSslConfiguration ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslConfiguration(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslConfiguration
UnsafeNewQSslConfiguration constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates(path string) bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates2 ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates3 ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificates3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax QSslCertificate__PatternSyntax) bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificatesWithCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) AddCaCertificatesWithCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslConfiguration) AllowedNextProtocols ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) AllowedNextProtocols() [][]byte
func (*QSslConfiguration) CaCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) CaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
func (*QSslConfiguration) Ciphers ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) Ciphers() []QSslCipher
func (*QSslConfiguration) Delete ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSslConfiguration) DiffieHellmanParameters ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) DiffieHellmanParameters() *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
func (*QSslConfiguration) DtlsCookieVerificationEnabled ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) DtlsCookieVerificationEnabled() bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) EllipticCurves ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) EllipticCurves() []QSslEllipticCurve
func (*QSslConfiguration) EphemeralServerKey ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) EphemeralServerKey() *QSslKey
func (*QSslConfiguration) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslConfiguration) IsNull ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) IsNull() bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) LocalCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) LocalCertificate() *QSslCertificate
func (*QSslConfiguration) LocalCertificateChain ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) LocalCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
func (*QSslConfiguration) NextNegotiatedProtocol ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) NextNegotiatedProtocol() []byte
func (*QSslConfiguration) NextProtocolNegotiationStatus ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) NextProtocolNegotiationStatus() QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus
func (*QSslConfiguration) OcspStaplingEnabled ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) OcspStaplingEnabled() bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) OperatorAssign(other *QSslConfiguration)
func (*QSslConfiguration) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) OperatorEqual(other *QSslConfiguration) bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) OperatorNotEqual(other *QSslConfiguration) bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) PeerCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerCertificate() *QSslCertificate
func (*QSslConfiguration) PeerCertificateChain ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
func (*QSslConfiguration) PeerVerifyDepth ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerVerifyDepth() int
func (*QSslConfiguration) PeerVerifyMode ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) PeerVerifyMode() QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode
func (*QSslConfiguration) PreSharedKeyIdentityHint ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) PreSharedKeyIdentityHint() []byte
func (*QSslConfiguration) PrivateKey ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) PrivateKey() *QSslKey
func (*QSslConfiguration) Protocol ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) Protocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
func (*QSslConfiguration) SessionCipher ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionCipher() *QSslCipher
func (*QSslConfiguration) SessionProtocol ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionProtocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
func (*QSslConfiguration) SessionTicket ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionTicket() []byte
func (*QSslConfiguration) SessionTicketLifeTimeHint ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SessionTicketLifeTimeHint() int
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetAllowedNextProtocols ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetAllowedNextProtocols(protocols [][]byte)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetBackendConfiguration ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetBackendConfiguration()
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetBackendConfigurationOption ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetBackendConfigurationOption(name []byte, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetCaCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetCaCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetCiphers ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetCiphers(ciphers []QSslCipher)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetDiffieHellmanParameters ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetDiffieHellmanParameters(dhparams *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetDtlsCookieVerificationEnabled ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetDtlsCookieVerificationEnabled(enable bool)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetEllipticCurves ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetEllipticCurves(curves []QSslEllipticCurve)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetLocalCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetLocalCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetLocalCertificateChain ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetLocalCertificateChain(localChain []QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetOcspStaplingEnabled ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetOcspStaplingEnabled(enable bool)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetPeerVerifyDepth ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPeerVerifyDepth(depth int)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetPeerVerifyMode ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPeerVerifyMode(mode QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetPreSharedKeyIdentityHint ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPreSharedKeyIdentityHint(hint []byte)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetPrivateKey ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetPrivateKey(key *QSslKey)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetProtocol ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetProtocol(protocol QSsl__SslProtocol)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetSessionTicket ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetSessionTicket(sessionTicket []byte)
func (*QSslConfiguration) SetSslOption ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) SetSslOption(option QSsl__SslOption, on bool)
func (*QSslConfiguration) Swap ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) Swap(other *QSslConfiguration)
func (*QSslConfiguration) TestSslOption ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) TestSslOption(option QSsl__SslOption) bool
func (*QSslConfiguration) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslConfiguration) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus ¶
type QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus int
const ( QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationNone QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus = 0 QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationNegotiated QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus = 1 QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationUnsupported QSslConfiguration__NextProtocolNegotiationStatus = 2 )
type QSslDiffieHellmanParameters ¶
type QSslDiffieHellmanParameters struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters ¶
func NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters() *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters constructs a new QSslDiffieHellmanParameters object.
func NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters2 ¶
func NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters2(other *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
NewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters2 constructs a new QSslDiffieHellmanParameters object.
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_DefaultParameters ¶
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_DefaultParameters() *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded ¶
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded(encoded []byte) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded2 ¶
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded2(encoded []byte, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded22 ¶
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncoded22(device *qt.QIODevice, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncodedWithDevice ¶
func QSslDiffieHellmanParameters_FromEncodedWithDevice(device *qt.QIODevice) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
func UnsafeNewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters
UnsafeNewQSslDiffieHellmanParameters constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Delete ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Error ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Error() QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) ErrorString() string
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) IsEmpty ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) IsEmpty() bool
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) IsValid ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) IsValid() bool
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) OperatorAssign(other *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters)
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Swap ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) Swap(other *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters)
func (*QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslDiffieHellmanParameters) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error ¶
type QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error int
const ( QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__NoError QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error = 0 QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__InvalidInputDataError QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error = 1 QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__UnsafeParametersError QSslDiffieHellmanParameters__Error = 2 )
type QSslEllipticCurve ¶
type QSslEllipticCurve struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslEllipticCurve ¶
func NewQSslEllipticCurve() *QSslEllipticCurve
NewQSslEllipticCurve constructs a new QSslEllipticCurve object.
func NewQSslEllipticCurve2 ¶
func NewQSslEllipticCurve2(param1 *QSslEllipticCurve) *QSslEllipticCurve
NewQSslEllipticCurve2 constructs a new QSslEllipticCurve object.
func QSslConfiguration_SupportedEllipticCurves ¶
func QSslConfiguration_SupportedEllipticCurves() []QSslEllipticCurve
func QSslEllipticCurve_FromLongName ¶
func QSslEllipticCurve_FromLongName(name string) *QSslEllipticCurve
func QSslEllipticCurve_FromShortName ¶
func QSslEllipticCurve_FromShortName(name string) *QSslEllipticCurve
func UnsafeNewQSslEllipticCurve ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslEllipticCurve(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslEllipticCurve
UnsafeNewQSslEllipticCurve constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) Delete ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) IsTlsNamedCurve ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) IsTlsNamedCurve() bool
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) IsValid ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) IsValid() bool
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) LongName ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) LongName() string
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) ShortName ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) ShortName() string
func (*QSslEllipticCurve) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslEllipticCurve) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QSslError ¶
type QSslError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslError2 ¶
func NewQSslError2(error QSslError__SslError) *QSslError
NewQSslError2 constructs a new QSslError object.
func NewQSslError3 ¶
func NewQSslError3(error QSslError__SslError, certificate *QSslCertificate) *QSslError
NewQSslError3 constructs a new QSslError object.
func NewQSslError4 ¶
NewQSslError4 constructs a new QSslError object.
func QSslCertificate_Verify ¶
func QSslCertificate_Verify(certificateChain []QSslCertificate) []QSslError
func QSslCertificate_Verify2 ¶
func QSslCertificate_Verify2(certificateChain []QSslCertificate, hostName string) []QSslError
func UnsafeNewQSslError ¶
UnsafeNewQSslError constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslError) Certificate ¶
func (this *QSslError) Certificate() *QSslCertificate
func (*QSslError) Error ¶
func (this *QSslError) Error() QSslError__SslError
func (*QSslError) ErrorString ¶
func (*QSslError) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslError) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslError) OperatorAssign ¶
func (*QSslError) OperatorEqual ¶
func (*QSslError) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (*QSslError) UnsafePointer ¶
type QSslError__SslError ¶
type QSslError__SslError int
const ( QSslError__NoError QSslError__SslError = 0 QSslError__UnableToGetIssuerCertificate QSslError__SslError = 1 QSslError__UnableToDecryptCertificateSignature QSslError__SslError = 2 QSslError__UnableToDecodeIssuerPublicKey QSslError__SslError = 3 QSslError__CertificateSignatureFailed QSslError__SslError = 4 QSslError__CertificateNotYetValid QSslError__SslError = 5 QSslError__CertificateExpired QSslError__SslError = 6 QSslError__InvalidNotBeforeField QSslError__SslError = 7 QSslError__InvalidNotAfterField QSslError__SslError = 8 QSslError__SelfSignedCertificate QSslError__SslError = 9 QSslError__SelfSignedCertificateInChain QSslError__SslError = 10 QSslError__UnableToGetLocalIssuerCertificate QSslError__SslError = 11 QSslError__UnableToVerifyFirstCertificate QSslError__SslError = 12 QSslError__CertificateRevoked QSslError__SslError = 13 QSslError__InvalidCaCertificate QSslError__SslError = 14 QSslError__PathLengthExceeded QSslError__SslError = 15 QSslError__InvalidPurpose QSslError__SslError = 16 QSslError__CertificateUntrusted QSslError__SslError = 17 QSslError__CertificateRejected QSslError__SslError = 18 QSslError__SubjectIssuerMismatch QSslError__SslError = 19 QSslError__AuthorityIssuerSerialNumberMismatch QSslError__SslError = 20 QSslError__NoPeerCertificate QSslError__SslError = 21 QSslError__HostNameMismatch QSslError__SslError = 22 QSslError__NoSslSupport QSslError__SslError = 23 QSslError__CertificateBlacklisted QSslError__SslError = 24 QSslError__CertificateStatusUnknown QSslError__SslError = 25 QSslError__OcspNoResponseFound QSslError__SslError = 26 QSslError__OcspMalformedRequest QSslError__SslError = 27 QSslError__OcspMalformedResponse QSslError__SslError = 28 QSslError__OcspInternalError QSslError__SslError = 29 QSslError__OcspTryLater QSslError__SslError = 30 QSslError__OcspSigRequred QSslError__SslError = 31 QSslError__OcspResponseCannotBeTrusted QSslError__SslError = 33 QSslError__OcspResponseCertIdUnknown QSslError__SslError = 34 QSslError__OcspResponseExpired QSslError__SslError = 35 QSslError__OcspStatusUnknown QSslError__SslError = 36 QSslError__UnspecifiedError QSslError__SslError = -1 )
type QSslKey ¶
type QSslKey struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslKey10 ¶
func NewQSslKey10(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, typeVal QSsl__KeyType) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey10 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey11 ¶
func NewQSslKey11(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, typeVal QSsl__KeyType, passPhrase []byte) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey11 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey12 ¶
func NewQSslKey12(handle unsafe.Pointer, typeVal QSsl__KeyType) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey12 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey2 ¶
func NewQSslKey2(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey2 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey3 ¶
func NewQSslKey3(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey3 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey4 ¶
NewQSslKey4 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey5 ¶
NewQSslKey5 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey6 ¶
func NewQSslKey6(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey6 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey7 ¶
func NewQSslKey7(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, typeVal QSsl__KeyType) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey7 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey8 ¶
func NewQSslKey8(encoded []byte, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, typeVal QSsl__KeyType, passPhrase []byte) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey8 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func NewQSslKey9 ¶
func NewQSslKey9(device *qt.QIODevice, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) *QSslKey
NewQSslKey9 constructs a new QSslKey object.
func UnsafeNewQSslKey ¶
UnsafeNewQSslKey constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslKey) Algorithm ¶
func (this *QSslKey) Algorithm() QSsl__KeyAlgorithm
func (*QSslKey) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslKey) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslKey) OperatorAssign ¶
func (*QSslKey) OperatorEqual ¶
func (*QSslKey) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (*QSslKey) Type ¶
func (this *QSslKey) Type() QSsl__KeyType
func (*QSslKey) UnsafePointer ¶
type QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator ¶
type QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator ¶
func NewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator() *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator
NewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator constructs a new QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator object.
func NewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator2 ¶
func NewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator2(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator
NewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator2 constructs a new QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator object.
func UnsafeNewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator
UnsafeNewQSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Delete ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Identity ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Identity() []byte
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) IdentityHint ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) IdentityHint() []byte
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) MaximumIdentityLength ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) MaximumIdentityLength() int
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) MaximumPreSharedKeyLength ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) MaximumPreSharedKeyLength() int
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) OperatorAssign(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) PreSharedKey ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) PreSharedKey() []byte
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) SetIdentity ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) SetIdentity(identity []byte)
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) SetPreSharedKey ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) SetPreSharedKey(preSharedKey []byte)
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Swap ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) Swap(other *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
func (*QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QSslSocket ¶
type QSslSocket struct { *QTcpSocket // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQSslSocket ¶
func NewQSslSocket() *QSslSocket
NewQSslSocket constructs a new QSslSocket object.
func NewQSslSocket2 ¶
func NewQSslSocket2(parent *qt.QObject) *QSslSocket
NewQSslSocket2 constructs a new QSslSocket object.
func UnsafeNewQSslSocket ¶
func UnsafeNewQSslSocket(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSslSocket
UnsafeNewQSslSocket constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSslSocket) Abort ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Abort()
func (*QSslSocket) AddCaCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates(path string) bool
func (*QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates2 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates2(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat) bool
func (*QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates3 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificates3(path string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, syntax qt.QRegExp__PatternSyntax) bool
func (*QSslSocket) AddCaCertificatesWithCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) AddCaCertificatesWithCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslSocket) AtEnd ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) AtEnd() bool
func (*QSslSocket) BytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) BytesAvailable() int64
func (*QSslSocket) BytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) BytesToWrite() int64
func (*QSslSocket) CaCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) CaCertificates() []QSslCertificate
func (*QSslSocket) CanReadLine ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) CanReadLine() bool
func (*QSslSocket) Ciphers ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Ciphers() []QSslCipher
func (*QSslSocket) Close ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Close()
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHost(hostName string, port uint16, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol)
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted(hostName string, port uint16)
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted2 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted2(hostName string, port uint16, sslPeerName string)
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted3 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted3(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted4 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted4(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol)
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted42 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted42(hostName string, port uint16, sslPeerName string, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
func (*QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted5 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ConnectToHostEncrypted5(hostName string, port uint16, sslPeerName string, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol)
func (*QSslSocket) DisconnectFromHost ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) DisconnectFromHost()
func (*QSslSocket) Encrypted ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Encrypted()
func (*QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesAvailable() int64
func (*QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesToWrite() int64
func (*QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) EncryptedBytesWritten(totalBytes int64)
func (*QSslSocket) Flush ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Flush() bool
func (*QSslSocket) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSslSocket) IgnoreSslErrors ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) IgnoreSslErrors(errors []QSslError)
func (*QSslSocket) IgnoreSslErrors2 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) IgnoreSslErrors2()
func (*QSslSocket) IsEncrypted ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) IsEncrypted() bool
func (*QSslSocket) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) LocalCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) LocalCertificate() *QSslCertificate
func (*QSslSocket) LocalCertificateChain ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) LocalCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
func (*QSslSocket) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QSslSocket) Mode ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Mode() QSslSocket__SslMode
func (*QSslSocket) ModeChanged ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) ModeChanged(newMode QSslSocket__SslMode)
func (*QSslSocket) NewSessionTicketReceived ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) NewSessionTicketReceived()
func (*QSslSocket) OcspResponses ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OcspResponses() []QOcspResponse
func (*QSslSocket) OnAtEnd ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QSslSocket) OnBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QSslSocket) OnCanReadLine ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QSslSocket) OnClose ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
func (*QSslSocket) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QSslSocket) OnConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnConnectToHost(slot func(super func(hostName string, port uint16, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol), hostName string, port uint16, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol))
func (*QSslSocket) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QSslSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
func (*QSslSocket) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QSslSocket) OnEncrypted ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnEncrypted(slot func())
func (*QSslSocket) OnEncryptedBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnEncryptedBytesWritten(slot func(totalBytes int64))
func (*QSslSocket) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QSslSocket) OnIsSequential ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnModeChanged ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnModeChanged(slot func(newMode QSslSocket__SslMode))
func (*QSslSocket) OnNewSessionTicketReceived ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnNewSessionTicketReceived(slot func())
func (*QSslSocket) OnOpen ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnPeerVerifyError ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnPeerVerifyError(slot func(error *QSslError))
func (*QSslSocket) OnPos ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QSslSocket) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnPreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(slot func(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator))
func (*QSslSocket) OnReadData ¶
func (*QSslSocket) OnReadLineData ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QSslSocket) OnReset ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnResume ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
func (*QSslSocket) OnSeek ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
func (*QSslSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnSetSocketOption ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSetSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant), option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant))
func (*QSslSocket) OnSize ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QSslSocket) OnSocketDescriptor ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
func (*QSslSocket) OnSocketOption ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant, option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QSslSocket) OnSslErrorsWithErrors ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnSslErrorsWithErrors(slot func(errors []QSslError))
func (*QSslSocket) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QSslSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnWaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QSslSocket) OnWriteData ¶
func (*QSslSocket) PeerCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PeerCertificate() *QSslCertificate
func (*QSslSocket) PeerCertificateChain ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PeerCertificateChain() []QSslCertificate
func (*QSslSocket) PeerVerifyDepth ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyDepth() int
func (*QSslSocket) PeerVerifyError ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyError(error *QSslError)
func (*QSslSocket) PeerVerifyMode ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyMode() QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode
func (*QSslSocket) PeerVerifyName ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PeerVerifyName() string
func (*QSslSocket) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PreSharedKeyAuthenticationRequired(authenticator *QSslPreSharedKeyAuthenticator)
func (*QSslSocket) PrivateKey ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) PrivateKey() *QSslKey
func (*QSslSocket) Protocol ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Protocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
func (*QSslSocket) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) Resume ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) Resume()
func (*QSslSocket) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SessionCipher ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SessionCipher() *QSslCipher
func (*QSslSocket) SessionProtocol ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SessionProtocol() QSsl__SslProtocol
func (*QSslSocket) SetCaCertificates ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetCaCertificates(certificates []QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslSocket) SetCiphers ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetCiphers(ciphers []QSslCipher)
func (*QSslSocket) SetCiphersWithCiphers ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetCiphersWithCiphers(ciphers string)
func (*QSslSocket) SetErrorString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
SetErrorString can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetLocalAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetLocalAddress can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificate ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificate(certificate *QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificate2 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificate2(fileName string, format QSsl__EncodingFormat)
func (*QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificateChain ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificateChain(localChain []QSslCertificate)
func (*QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificateWithFileName ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalCertificateWithFileName(fileName string)
func (*QSslSocket) SetLocalPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
SetLocalPort can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetOpenMode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
SetOpenMode can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetPeerAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetPeerAddress can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetPeerName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
SetPeerName can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetPeerPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
SetPeerPort can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyDepth ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyDepth(depth int)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyMode ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyMode(mode QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyName ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPeerVerifyName(hostName string)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey(key *QSslKey)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey2 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey2(fileName string, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey3 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey3(fileName string, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey4 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKey4(fileName string, algorithm QSsl__KeyAlgorithm, format QSsl__EncodingFormat, passPhrase []byte)
func (*QSslSocket) SetPrivateKeyWithFileName ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetPrivateKeyWithFileName(fileName string)
func (*QSslSocket) SetProtocol ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetProtocol(protocol QSsl__SslProtocol)
func (*QSslSocket) SetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetReadBufferSize(size int64)
func (*QSslSocket) SetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool
func (*QSslSocket) SetSocketError ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
SetSocketError can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetSocketOption ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant)
func (*QSslSocket) SetSocketState ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QSslSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
SetSocketState can only be called from a QSslSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QSslSocket) SetSslConfiguration ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SetSslConfiguration(config *QSslConfiguration)
func (*QSslSocket) SocketOption ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SocketOption(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant
func (*QSslSocket) SslConfiguration ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SslConfiguration() *QSslConfiguration
func (*QSslSocket) SslErrors ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SslErrors() []QSslError
func (*QSslSocket) SslErrorsWithErrors ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SslErrorsWithErrors(errors []QSslError)
func (*QSslSocket) SslHandshakeErrors ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) SslHandshakeErrors() []QSslError
func (*QSslSocket) StartClientEncryption ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) StartClientEncryption()
func (*QSslSocket) StartServerEncryption ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) StartServerEncryption()
func (*QSslSocket) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSslSocket) WaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForBytesWritten(msecs int) bool
func (*QSslSocket) WaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForConnected(msecs int) bool
func (*QSslSocket) WaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForDisconnected(msecs int) bool
func (*QSslSocket) WaitForEncrypted ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForEncrypted() bool
func (*QSslSocket) WaitForEncrypted1 ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForEncrypted1(msecs int) bool
func (*QSslSocket) WaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QSslSocket) WaitForReadyRead(msecs int) bool
type QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode ¶
type QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode int
const ( QSslSocket__VerifyNone QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode = 0 QSslSocket__QueryPeer QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode = 1 QSslSocket__VerifyPeer QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode = 2 QSslSocket__AutoVerifyPeer QSslSocket__PeerVerifyMode = 3 )
type QSslSocket__SslMode ¶
type QSslSocket__SslMode int
const ( QSslSocket__UnencryptedMode QSslSocket__SslMode = 0 QSslSocket__SslClientMode QSslSocket__SslMode = 1 QSslSocket__SslServerMode QSslSocket__SslMode = 2 )
type QSsl__AlternativeNameEntryType ¶
type QSsl__AlternativeNameEntryType int
const ( QSsl__EmailEntry QSsl__AlternativeNameEntryType = 0 QSsl__DnsEntry QSsl__AlternativeNameEntryType = 1 QSsl__IpAddressEntry QSsl__AlternativeNameEntryType = 2 )
type QSsl__EncodingFormat ¶
type QSsl__EncodingFormat int
const ( QSsl__Pem QSsl__EncodingFormat = 0 QSsl__Der QSsl__EncodingFormat = 1 )
type QSsl__KeyAlgorithm ¶
type QSsl__KeyAlgorithm int
const ( QSsl__Opaque QSsl__KeyAlgorithm = 0 QSsl__Rsa QSsl__KeyAlgorithm = 1 QSsl__Dsa QSsl__KeyAlgorithm = 2 QSsl__Ec QSsl__KeyAlgorithm = 3 QSsl__Dh QSsl__KeyAlgorithm = 4 )
type QSsl__KeyType ¶
type QSsl__KeyType int
const ( QSsl__PrivateKey QSsl__KeyType = 0 QSsl__PublicKey QSsl__KeyType = 1 )
type QSsl__SslOption ¶
type QSsl__SslOption int
const ( QSsl__SslOptionDisableEmptyFragments QSsl__SslOption = 1 QSsl__SslOptionDisableSessionTickets QSsl__SslOption = 2 QSsl__SslOptionDisableCompression QSsl__SslOption = 4 QSsl__SslOptionDisableServerNameIndication QSsl__SslOption = 8 QSsl__SslOptionDisableLegacyRenegotiation QSsl__SslOption = 16 QSsl__SslOptionDisableSessionSharing QSsl__SslOption = 32 QSsl__SslOptionDisableSessionPersistence QSsl__SslOption = 64 QSsl__SslOptionDisableServerCipherPreference QSsl__SslOption = 128 )
type QSsl__SslProtocol ¶
type QSsl__SslProtocol int
const ( QSsl__SslV3 QSsl__SslProtocol = 0 QSsl__SslV2 QSsl__SslProtocol = 1 QSsl__TlsV1_0 QSsl__SslProtocol = 2 QSsl__TlsV1_1 QSsl__SslProtocol = 3 QSsl__TlsV1_2 QSsl__SslProtocol = 4 QSsl__AnyProtocol QSsl__SslProtocol = 5 QSsl__TlsV1SslV3 QSsl__SslProtocol = 6 QSsl__SecureProtocols QSsl__SslProtocol = 7 QSsl__TlsV1_0OrLater QSsl__SslProtocol = 8 QSsl__TlsV1_1OrLater QSsl__SslProtocol = 9 QSsl__TlsV1_2OrLater QSsl__SslProtocol = 10 QSsl__DtlsV1_0 QSsl__SslProtocol = 11 QSsl__DtlsV1_0OrLater QSsl__SslProtocol = 12 QSsl__DtlsV1_2 QSsl__SslProtocol = 13 QSsl__DtlsV1_2OrLater QSsl__SslProtocol = 14 QSsl__TlsV1_3 QSsl__SslProtocol = 15 QSsl__TlsV1_3OrLater QSsl__SslProtocol = 16 QSsl__UnknownProtocol QSsl__SslProtocol = -1 )
type QTcpServer ¶
func NewQTcpServer ¶
func NewQTcpServer() *QTcpServer
NewQTcpServer constructs a new QTcpServer object.
func NewQTcpServer2 ¶
func NewQTcpServer2(parent *qt.QObject) *QTcpServer
NewQTcpServer2 constructs a new QTcpServer object.
func UnsafeNewQTcpServer ¶
func UnsafeNewQTcpServer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QTcpServer
UnsafeNewQTcpServer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QTcpServer) AcceptError ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) AcceptError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
func (*QTcpServer) AddPendingConnection ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpServer) AddPendingConnection(socket *QTcpSocket)
AddPendingConnection can only be called from a QTcpServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpServer) Close ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) Close()
func (*QTcpServer) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) ErrorString() string
func (*QTcpServer) GoGC ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QTcpServer) HasPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) HasPendingConnections() bool
func (*QTcpServer) IsListening ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) IsListening() bool
func (*QTcpServer) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpServer) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QTcpServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpServer) Listen ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) Listen() bool
func (*QTcpServer) Listen1 ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) Listen1(address *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QTcpServer) Listen2 ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) Listen2(address *QHostAddress, port uint16) bool
func (*QTcpServer) MaxPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) MaxPendingConnections() int
func (*QTcpServer) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QTcpServer) NewConnection ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) NewConnection()
func (*QTcpServer) NextPendingConnection ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) NextPendingConnection() *QTcpSocket
func (*QTcpServer) OnAcceptError ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnAcceptError(slot func(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError))
func (*QTcpServer) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QTcpServer) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QTcpServer) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QTcpServer) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QTcpServer) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QTcpServer) OnHasPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnHasPendingConnections(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QTcpServer) OnIncomingConnection ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnIncomingConnection(slot func(super func(handle uintptr), handle uintptr))
func (*QTcpServer) OnNewConnection ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnNewConnection(slot func())
func (*QTcpServer) OnNextPendingConnection ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnNextPendingConnection(slot func(super func() *QTcpSocket) *QTcpSocket)
func (*QTcpServer) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QTcpServer) PauseAccepting ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) PauseAccepting()
func (*QTcpServer) Proxy ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) Proxy() *QNetworkProxy
func (*QTcpServer) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpServer) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QTcpServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpServer) ResumeAccepting ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) ResumeAccepting()
func (*QTcpServer) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpServer) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QTcpServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpServer) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpServer) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QTcpServer that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpServer) ServerAddress ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) ServerAddress() *QHostAddress
func (*QTcpServer) ServerError ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) ServerError() QAbstractSocket__SocketError
func (*QTcpServer) ServerPort ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) ServerPort() uint16
func (*QTcpServer) SetMaxPendingConnections ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) SetMaxPendingConnections(numConnections int)
func (*QTcpServer) SetProxy ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) SetProxy(networkProxy *QNetworkProxy)
func (*QTcpServer) SetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) SetSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor uintptr) bool
func (*QTcpServer) SocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) SocketDescriptor() uintptr
func (*QTcpServer) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection() bool
func (*QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection1 ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection1(msec int) bool
func (*QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection2 ¶
func (this *QTcpServer) WaitForNewConnection2(msec int, timedOut *bool) bool
type QTcpSocket ¶
type QTcpSocket struct { *QAbstractSocket // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQTcpSocket ¶
func NewQTcpSocket() *QTcpSocket
NewQTcpSocket constructs a new QTcpSocket object.
func NewQTcpSocket2 ¶
func NewQTcpSocket2(parent *qt.QObject) *QTcpSocket
NewQTcpSocket2 constructs a new QTcpSocket object.
func UnsafeNewQTcpSocket ¶
func UnsafeNewQTcpSocket(h unsafe.Pointer) *QTcpSocket
UnsafeNewQTcpSocket constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QTcpSocket) GoGC ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QTcpSocket) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QTcpSocket) OnAtEnd ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnCanReadLine ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnClose ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnConnectToHost(slot func(super func(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol), hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QTcpSocket) OnIsSequential ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnOpen ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnPos ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnReadData ¶
func (*QTcpSocket) OnReadLineData ¶
func (*QTcpSocket) OnReset ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnResume ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSeek ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSetSocketOption ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSetSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant), option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSize ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnSocketOption ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant, option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QTcpSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnWaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QTcpSocket) OnWriteData ¶
func (*QTcpSocket) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetErrorString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
SetErrorString can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetLocalAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetLocalAddress can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetLocalPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
SetLocalPort can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetOpenMode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
SetOpenMode can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetPeerAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetPeerAddress can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetPeerName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
SetPeerName can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetPeerPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
SetPeerPort can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetSocketError ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
SetSocketError can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) SetSocketState ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QTcpSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
SetSocketState can only be called from a QTcpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QTcpSocket) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QTcpSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QUdpSocket ¶
type QUdpSocket struct { *QAbstractSocket // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQUdpSocket ¶
func NewQUdpSocket() *QUdpSocket
NewQUdpSocket constructs a new QUdpSocket object.
func NewQUdpSocket2 ¶
func NewQUdpSocket2(parent *qt.QObject) *QUdpSocket
NewQUdpSocket2 constructs a new QUdpSocket object.
func UnsafeNewQUdpSocket ¶
func UnsafeNewQUdpSocket(h unsafe.Pointer) *QUdpSocket
UnsafeNewQUdpSocket constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QUdpSocket) GoGC ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QUdpSocket) HasPendingDatagrams ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) HasPendingDatagrams() bool
func (*QUdpSocket) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) JoinMulticastGroup ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) JoinMulticastGroup(groupAddress *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QUdpSocket) JoinMulticastGroup2 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) JoinMulticastGroup2(groupAddress *QHostAddress, iface *QNetworkInterface) bool
func (*QUdpSocket) LeaveMulticastGroup ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) LeaveMulticastGroup(groupAddress *QHostAddress) bool
func (*QUdpSocket) LeaveMulticastGroup2 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) LeaveMulticastGroup2(groupAddress *QHostAddress, iface *QNetworkInterface) bool
func (*QUdpSocket) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QUdpSocket) MulticastInterface ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) MulticastInterface() *QNetworkInterface
func (*QUdpSocket) OnAtEnd ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnAtEnd(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnBytesAvailable ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnBytesAvailable(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnBytesToWrite ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnBytesToWrite(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnCanReadLine ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnCanReadLine(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnClose ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnClose(slot func(super func()))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnConnectToHost ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnConnectToHost(slot func(super func(hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol), hostName string, port uint16, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag, protocol QAbstractSocket__NetworkLayerProtocol))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnDisconnectFromHost(slot func(super func()))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QUdpSocket) OnIsSequential ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnIsSequential(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnOpen ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnOpen(slot func(super func(mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, mode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnPos ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnPos(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnReadData ¶
func (*QUdpSocket) OnReadLineData ¶
func (*QUdpSocket) OnReset ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnReset(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnResume ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnResume(slot func(super func()))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSeek ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSeek(slot func(super func(pos int64) bool, pos int64) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSetReadBufferSize(slot func(super func(size int64), size int64))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSetSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func(socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool, socketDescriptor uintptr, state QAbstractSocket__SocketState, openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSetSocketOption ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSetSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant), option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption, value *qt.QVariant))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSize ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSize(slot func(super func() int64) int64)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSocketDescriptor ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSocketDescriptor(slot func(super func() uintptr) uintptr)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnSocketOption ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnSocketOption(slot func(super func(option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant, option QAbstractSocket__SocketOption) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QUdpSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForBytesWritten(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnWaitForConnected ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForConnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForDisconnected(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) OnWaitForReadyRead(slot func(super func(msecs int) bool, msecs int) bool)
func (*QUdpSocket) OnWriteData ¶
func (*QUdpSocket) PendingDatagramSize ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) PendingDatagramSize() int64
func (*QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram(data string, maxlen int64) int64
func (*QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram3 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram3(data string, maxlen int64, host *QHostAddress) int64
func (*QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram4 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) ReadDatagram4(data string, maxlen int64, host *QHostAddress, port *uint16) int64
func (*QUdpSocket) ReceiveDatagram ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) ReceiveDatagram() *QNetworkDatagram
func (*QUdpSocket) ReceiveDatagram1 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) ReceiveDatagram1(maxSize int64) *QNetworkDatagram
func (*QUdpSocket) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) Sender() *qt.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetErrorString ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetErrorString(errorString string)
SetErrorString can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetLocalAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetLocalAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetLocalAddress can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetLocalPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetLocalPort(port uint16)
SetLocalPort can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetMulticastInterface ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetMulticastInterface(iface *QNetworkInterface)
func (*QUdpSocket) SetOpenMode ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetOpenMode(openMode qt.QIODevice__OpenModeFlag)
SetOpenMode can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetPeerAddress ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetPeerAddress(address *QHostAddress)
SetPeerAddress can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetPeerName ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetPeerName(name string)
SetPeerName can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetPeerPort ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetPeerPort(port uint16)
SetPeerPort can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetSocketError ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetSocketError(socketError QAbstractSocket__SocketError)
SetSocketError can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) SetSocketState ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QUdpSocket) SetSocketState(state QAbstractSocket__SocketState)
SetSocketState can only be called from a QUdpSocket that was directly constructed.
func (*QUdpSocket) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram(datagram *QNetworkDatagram) int64
func (*QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram2 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram2(data string, lenVal int64, host *QHostAddress, port uint16) int64
func (*QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram3 ¶
func (this *QUdpSocket) WriteDatagram3(datagram []byte, host *QHostAddress, port uint16) int64
Source Files
- cflags.go
- gen_qabstractnetworkcache.go
- gen_qabstractsocket.go
- gen_qauthenticator.go
- gen_qdnslookup.go
- gen_qdtls.go
- gen_qhostaddress.go
- gen_qhostinfo.go
- gen_qhstspolicy.go
- gen_qhttp2configuration.go
- gen_qhttpmultipart.go
- gen_qlocalserver.go
- gen_qlocalsocket.go
- gen_qnetworkaccessmanager.go
- gen_qnetworkconfigmanager.go
- gen_qnetworkconfiguration.go
- gen_qnetworkcookie.go
- gen_qnetworkcookiejar.go
- gen_qnetworkdatagram.go
- gen_qnetworkdiskcache.go
- gen_qnetworkinterface.go
- gen_qnetworkproxy.go
- gen_qnetworkreply.go
- gen_qnetworkrequest.go
- gen_qnetworksession.go
- gen_qocspresponse.go
- gen_qssl.go
- gen_qsslcertificate.go
- gen_qsslcertificateextension.go
- gen_qsslcipher.go
- gen_qsslconfiguration.go
- gen_qssldiffiehellmanparameters.go
- gen_qsslellipticcurve.go
- gen_qsslerror.go
- gen_qsslkey.go
- gen_qsslpresharedkeyauthenticator.go
- gen_qsslsocket.go
- gen_qtcpserver.go
- gen_qtcpsocket.go
- gen_qudpsocket.go