Index ¶
- type QCborArray
- func (this *QCborArray) Append(value *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborArray) At(i int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) Begin() *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Begin2() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Cbegin() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Cend() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Clear()
- func (this *QCborArray) Compare(other *QCborArray) int
- func (this *QCborArray) ConstBegin() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray) ConstEnd() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Contains(value *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborArray) Delete()
- func (this *QCborArray) Empty() bool
- func (this *QCborArray) End() *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray) End2() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Erase(it QCborArray__Iterator) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray) EraseWithIt(it QCborArray__ConstIterator) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Extract(it QCborArray__ConstIterator) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) ExtractWithIt(it QCborArray__Iterator) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) First() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) First2() *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborArray) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborArray) Insert(i int64, value *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborArray) Insert2(before QCborArray__Iterator, value *QCborValue) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray) Insert3(before QCborArray__ConstIterator, value *QCborValue) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray) IsEmpty() bool
- func (this *QCborArray) Last() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) Last2() *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorAssign(other *QCborArray)
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorEqual(other *QCborArray) bool
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorLesser(other *QCborArray) bool
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborArray) bool
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorPlus(v *QCborValue) *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorPlusAssign(v *QCborValue) *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorShiftLeft(v *QCborValue) *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorSubscript(i int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) OperatorSubscriptWithQsizetype(i int64) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborArray) PopBack()
- func (this *QCborArray) PopFront()
- func (this *QCborArray) Prepend(value *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborArray) PushBack(t *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborArray) PushFront(t *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborArray) RemoveAt(i int64)
- func (this *QCborArray) RemoveFirst()
- func (this *QCborArray) RemoveLast()
- func (this *QCborArray) Size() int64
- func (this *QCborArray) Swap(other *QCborArray)
- func (this *QCborArray) TakeAt(i int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) TakeFirst() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) TakeLast() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) ToCborValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborArray) ToJsonArray() *qt6.QJsonArray
- func (this *QCborArray) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) Delete()
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator)
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborArrayConstIterator(j QCborArray__ConstIterator) int64
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply() *QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) *QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) Delete()
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborArray__Iterator)
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater2() *QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborArrayIterator(j QCborArray__Iterator) int64
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMultiply() *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__Iterator
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborError
- type QCborError__Code
- type QCborKnownTags
- type QCborMap
- func NewQCborMap() *QCborMap
- func NewQCborMap2(other *QCborMap) *QCborMap
- func QCborMap_FromJsonObject(o *qt6.QJsonObject) *QCborMap
- func QCborMap_FromVariantHash(hash map[string]qt6.QVariant) *QCborMap
- func QCborMap_FromVariantMap(mapVal map[string]qt6.QVariant) *QCborMap
- func UnsafeNewQCborMap(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborMap) Begin() *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Begin2() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Cbegin() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Cend() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Clear()
- func (this *QCborMap) Compare(other *QCborMap) int
- func (this *QCborMap) ConstBegin() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) ConstEnd() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind(key int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind2(key string) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind3(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Contains(key int64) bool
- func (this *QCborMap) Contains2(key string) bool
- func (this *QCborMap) Contains3(key *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborMap) Delete()
- func (this *QCborMap) Empty() bool
- func (this *QCborMap) End() *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) End2() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Erase(it QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) EraseWithIt(it QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Extract(it QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) ExtractWithIt(it QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) Find(key int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Find2(key string) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Find3(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Find4(key int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Find6(key string) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Find7(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborMap) Insert(key int64, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Insert3(key string, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) Insert4(key *QCborValue, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) InsertWithQCborMapvalueType(v struct{ ... }) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap) IsEmpty() bool
- func (this *QCborMap) Keys() []QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap)
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorEqual(other *QCborMap) bool
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap) bool
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborMap) bool
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript(key int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript2(key string) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript4(key int64) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript6(key string) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript7(key *QCborValue) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborMap) Remove(key int64)
- func (this *QCborMap) Remove2(key string)
- func (this *QCborMap) Remove3(key *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborMap) Size() int64
- func (this *QCborMap) Swap(other *QCborMap)
- func (this *QCborMap) Take(key int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) Take2(key string) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) Take3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) ToCborValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) ToJsonObject() *qt6.QJsonObject
- func (this *QCborMap) ToVariantHash() map[string]qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QCborMap) ToVariantMap() map[string]qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QCborMap) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QCborMap) Value(key int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) Value2(key string) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap) Value3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- type QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Delete()
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Key() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator)
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapConstIterator(j QCborMap__ConstIterator) int64
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply() struct{ ... }
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) struct{ ... }
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Value() *QCborValueConstRef
- type QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Delete()
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Key() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap__Iterator)
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater2() *QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapIterator(j QCborMap__Iterator) int64
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMultiply() struct{ ... }
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__Iterator
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) struct{ ... }
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Value() *QCborValueRef
- type QCborNegativeInteger
- type QCborParserError
- type QCborSimpleType
- type QCborStreamReader
- func NewQCborStreamReader() *QCborStreamReader
- func NewQCborStreamReader2(data string, lenVal int64) *QCborStreamReader
- func NewQCborStreamReader3(data *byte, lenVal int64) *QCborStreamReader
- func NewQCborStreamReader4(data []byte) *QCborStreamReader
- func NewQCborStreamReader5(device *qt6.QIODevice) *QCborStreamReader
- func UnsafeNewQCborStreamReader(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborStreamReader
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) AddData(data []byte)
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) AddData2(data string, lenVal int64)
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) AddData3(data *byte, lenVal int64)
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Clear()
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ContainerDepth() int
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) CurrentOffset() int64
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) CurrentStringChunkSize() int64
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Delete()
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Device() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) EnterContainer() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) HasNext() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsArray() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsBool() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsByteArray() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsContainer() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsDouble() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsFalse() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsFloat() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsFloat16() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsInteger() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsInvalid() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsLengthKnown() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsMap() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsNegativeInteger() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsSimpleType() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsString() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsTag() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsTrue() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsUndefined() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsUnsignedInteger() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) LastError() *QCborError
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) LeaveContainer() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Length() uint64
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Next() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Next1(maxRecursion int) bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ParentContainerType() QCborStreamReader__Type
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Reparse()
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Reset()
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) SetDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToBool() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToDouble() float64
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToFloat() float32
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToInteger() int64
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToNegativeInteger() QCborNegativeInteger
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToTag() QCborTag
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToUnsignedInteger() uint64
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) Type() QCborStreamReader__Type
- func (this *QCborStreamReader) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborStreamReader__StringResultCode
- type QCborStreamReader__Type
- type QCborStreamWriter
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append(u uint64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append22(str string, size int64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append3(tag QCborKnownTags)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append4(str string)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendByteString(data string, lenVal int64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendNull()
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendTextString(utf8 string, lenVal int64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendUndefined()
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithBa(ba []byte)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithBool(b bool)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithDouble(d float64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithFloat(f float32)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithInt(i int)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithQCborNegativeInteger(n QCborNegativeInteger)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithQint64(i int64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithSt(st QCborSimpleType)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithTag(tag QCborTag)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithUint(u uint)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Delete()
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Device() *qt6.QIODevice
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) EndArray() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) EndMap() bool
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) SetDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartArray()
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartArrayWithCount(count uint64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartMap()
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartMapWithCount(count uint64)
- func (this *QCborStreamWriter) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborTag
- type QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue() *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue10(s string) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue11(s string) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue12(a *QCborArray) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue13(m *QCborMap) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue14(tag QCborTag) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue15(t_ QCborKnownTags) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue16(dt *qt6.QDateTime) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue17(url *qt6.QUrl) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue18(rx *qt6.QRegularExpression) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue19(uuid *qt6.QUuid) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue2(t_ QCborValue__Type) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue20(other *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue21(tag QCborTag, taggedValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue22(t_ QCborKnownTags, tv *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue3(b_ bool) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue4(i int) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue5(u uint) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue6(i int64) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue7(v float64) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue8(st QCborSimpleType) *QCborValue
- func NewQCborValue9(ba []byte) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCbor(reader *QCborStreamReader) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCbor2(data string, lenVal int64) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCbor22(ba []byte, error *QCborParserError) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCbor3(data *byte, lenVal int64) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCbor32(data string, lenVal int64, error *QCborParserError) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCbor33(data *byte, lenVal int64, error *QCborParserError) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromCborWithBa(ba []byte) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromJsonValue(v *qt6.QJsonValue) *QCborValue
- func QCborValue_FromVariant(variant *qt6.QVariant) *QCborValue
- func UnsafeNewQCborValue(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValue) Compare(other *QCborValue) int
- func (this *QCborValue) Delete()
- func (this *QCborValue) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborValue) IsArray() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsBool() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsByteArray() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsContainer() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsDateTime() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsDouble() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsFalse() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsInteger() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsInvalid() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsMap() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsRegularExpression() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsSimpleType() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsString() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsTag() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsTrue() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsUndefined() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsUrl() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) IsUuid() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorAssign(other *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorLesser(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript(key string) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript2(key int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript3(key int64) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript5(key string) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborValue) Swap(other *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborValue) Tag() QCborTag
- func (this *QCborValue) Tag1(defaultValue QCborTag) QCborTag
- func (this *QCborValue) TaggedValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValue) TaggedValue1(defaultValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValue) ToArray() *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborValue) ToArrayWithDefaultValue(defaultValue *QCborArray) *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborValue) ToBool() bool
- func (this *QCborValue) ToBool1(defaultValue bool) bool
- func (this *QCborValue) ToByteArray() []byte
- func (this *QCborValue) ToByteArray1(defaultValue []byte) []byte
- func (this *QCborValue) ToCbor() []byte
- func (this *QCborValue) ToCbor1(opt QCborValue__EncodingOption) []byte
- func (this *QCborValue) ToCbor2(writer *QCborStreamWriter, opt QCborValue__EncodingOption)
- func (this *QCborValue) ToCborWithWriter(writer *QCborStreamWriter)
- func (this *QCborValue) ToDateTime() *qt6.QDateTime
- func (this *QCborValue) ToDateTime1(defaultValue *qt6.QDateTime) *qt6.QDateTime
- func (this *QCborValue) ToDiagnosticNotation() string
- func (this *QCborValue) ToDiagnosticNotation1(opts QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption) string
- func (this *QCborValue) ToDouble() float64
- func (this *QCborValue) ToDouble1(defaultValue float64) float64
- func (this *QCborValue) ToInteger() int64
- func (this *QCborValue) ToInteger1(defaultValue int64) int64
- func (this *QCborValue) ToJsonValue() *qt6.QJsonValue
- func (this *QCborValue) ToMap() *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborValue) ToMapWithDefaultValue(defaultValue *QCborMap) *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborValue) ToRegularExpression() *qt6.QRegularExpression
- func (this *QCborValue) ToRegularExpression1(defaultValue *qt6.QRegularExpression) *qt6.QRegularExpression
- func (this *QCborValue) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborValue) ToSimpleType1(defaultValue QCborSimpleType) QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborValue) ToString() string
- func (this *QCborValue) ToString1(defaultValue string) string
- func (this *QCborValue) ToUrl() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QCborValue) ToUrl1(defaultValue *qt6.QUrl) *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QCborValue) ToUuid() *qt6.QUuid
- func (this *QCborValue) ToUuid1(defaultValue *qt6.QUuid) *qt6.QUuid
- func (this *QCborValue) ToVariant() *qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QCborValue) Type() QCborValue__Type
- func (this *QCborValue) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborValueConstRef
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Compare(other *QCborValue) int
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Delete()
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsArray() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsBool() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsByteArray() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsContainer() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsDateTime() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsDouble() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsFalse() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsInteger() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsInvalid() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsMap() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsRegularExpression() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsSimpleType() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsString() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsTag() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsTrue() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsUndefined() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsUrl() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsUuid() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorLesser(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorSubscript(key string) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorSubscript2(key int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Tag() QCborTag
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Tag1(defaultValue QCborTag) QCborTag
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) TaggedValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) TaggedValue1(defaultValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToArray() *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToArrayWithQCborArray(a *QCborArray) *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToBool() bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToBool1(defaultValue bool) bool
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToByteArray() []byte
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToByteArray1(defaultValue []byte) []byte
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor() []byte
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor1(opt QCborValue__EncodingOption) []byte
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor2(writer *QCborStreamWriter, opt QCborValue__EncodingOption)
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCborWithWriter(writer *QCborStreamWriter)
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDateTime() *qt6.QDateTime
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDateTime1(defaultValue *qt6.QDateTime) *qt6.QDateTime
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDiagnosticNotation() string
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDiagnosticNotation1(opt QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption) string
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDouble() float64
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDouble1(defaultValue float64) float64
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToInteger() int64
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToInteger1(defaultValue int64) int64
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToJsonValue() *qt6.QJsonValue
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToMap() *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToMapWithQCborMap(m *QCborMap) *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToQCborValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToRegularExpression() *qt6.QRegularExpression
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToRegularExpression1(defaultValue *qt6.QRegularExpression) *qt6.QRegularExpression
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToSimpleType1(defaultValue QCborSimpleType) QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToString() string
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToString1(defaultValue string) string
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUrl() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUrl1(defaultValue *qt6.QUrl) *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUuid() *qt6.QUuid
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUuid1(defaultValue *qt6.QUuid) *qt6.QUuid
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToVariant() *qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Type() QCborValue__Type
- func (this *QCborValueConstRef) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborValueRef) Compare(other *QCborValue) int
- func (this *QCborValueRef) Delete()
- func (this *QCborValueRef) GoGC()
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsArray() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsBool() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsByteArray() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsContainer() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsDateTime() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsDouble() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsFalse() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsInteger() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsInvalid() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsMap() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsRegularExpression() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsSimpleType() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsString() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsTag() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsTrue() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsUndefined() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsUrl() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) IsUuid() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorAssign(other *QCborValue)
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorAssignWithOther(other *QCborValueRef)
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorLesser(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript(key int64) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript2(key string) *QCborValueRef
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript3(key string) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript5(key int64) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueRef) Tag() QCborTag
- func (this *QCborValueRef) Tag1(defaultValue QCborTag) QCborTag
- func (this *QCborValueRef) TaggedValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueRef) TaggedValue1(defaultValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToArray() *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToArrayWithQCborArray(a *QCborArray) *QCborArray
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToBool() bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToBool1(defaultValue bool) bool
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToByteArray() []byte
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToByteArray1(defaultValue []byte) []byte
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCbor() []byte
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCbor1(opt QCborValue__EncodingOption) []byte
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCbor2(writer *QCborStreamWriter, opt QCborValue__EncodingOption)
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCborWithWriter(writer *QCborStreamWriter)
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDateTime() *qt6.QDateTime
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDateTime1(defaultValue *qt6.QDateTime) *qt6.QDateTime
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDiagnosticNotation() string
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDiagnosticNotation1(opt QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption) string
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDouble() float64
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDouble1(defaultValue float64) float64
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToInteger() int64
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToInteger1(defaultValue int64) int64
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToJsonValue() *qt6.QJsonValue
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToMap() *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToMapWithQCborMap(m *QCborMap) *QCborMap
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToQCborValue() *QCborValue
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToRegularExpression() *qt6.QRegularExpression
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToRegularExpression1(defaultValue *qt6.QRegularExpression) *qt6.QRegularExpression
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToSimpleType1(defaultValue QCborSimpleType) QCborSimpleType
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToString() string
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToString1(defaultValue string) string
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUrl() *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUrl1(defaultValue *qt6.QUrl) *qt6.QUrl
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUuid() *qt6.QUuid
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUuid1(defaultValue *qt6.QUuid) *qt6.QUuid
- func (this *QCborValueRef) ToVariant() *qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QCborValueRef) Type() QCborValue__Type
- func (this *QCborValueRef) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption
- type QCborValue__EncodingOption
- type QCborValue__Type
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type QCborArray ¶
type QCborArray struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborArray ¶
func NewQCborArray() *QCborArray
NewQCborArray constructs a new QCborArray object.
func NewQCborArray2 ¶
func NewQCborArray2(other *QCborArray) *QCborArray
NewQCborArray2 constructs a new QCborArray object.
func QCborArray_FromJsonArray ¶
func QCborArray_FromJsonArray(array *qt6.QJsonArray) *QCborArray
func QCborArray_FromStringList ¶
func QCborArray_FromStringList(list []string) *QCborArray
func UnsafeNewQCborArray ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborArray(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborArray
UnsafeNewQCborArray constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborArray) Append ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Append(value *QCborValue)
func (*QCborArray) At ¶
func (this *QCborArray) At(i int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) Begin ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Begin() *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray) Begin2 ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Begin2() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray) Cbegin ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Cbegin() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray) Cend ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Cend() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray) Clear ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Clear()
func (*QCborArray) Compare ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Compare(other *QCborArray) int
func (*QCborArray) ConstBegin ¶
func (this *QCborArray) ConstBegin() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray) ConstEnd ¶
func (this *QCborArray) ConstEnd() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray) Contains ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Contains(value *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborArray) Empty ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Empty() bool
func (*QCborArray) End ¶
func (this *QCborArray) End() *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray) End2 ¶
func (this *QCborArray) End2() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray) Erase ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Erase(it QCborArray__Iterator) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray) EraseWithIt ¶
func (this *QCborArray) EraseWithIt(it QCborArray__ConstIterator) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray) Extract ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Extract(it QCborArray__ConstIterator) *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) ExtractWithIt ¶
func (this *QCborArray) ExtractWithIt(it QCborArray__Iterator) *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) First ¶
func (this *QCborArray) First() *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) First2 ¶
func (this *QCborArray) First2() *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborArray) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborArray) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborArray) Insert ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Insert(i int64, value *QCborValue)
func (*QCborArray) Insert2 ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Insert2(before QCborArray__Iterator, value *QCborValue) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray) Insert3 ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Insert3(before QCborArray__ConstIterator, value *QCborValue) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray) IsEmpty ¶
func (this *QCborArray) IsEmpty() bool
func (*QCborArray) Last ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Last() *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) Last2 ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Last2() *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborArray) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorAssign(other *QCborArray)
func (*QCborArray) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorEqual(other *QCborArray) bool
func (*QCborArray) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorLesser(other *QCborArray) bool
func (*QCborArray) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborArray) bool
func (*QCborArray) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorPlus(v *QCborValue) *QCborArray
func (*QCborArray) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorPlusAssign(v *QCborValue) *QCborArray
func (*QCborArray) OperatorShiftLeft ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorShiftLeft(v *QCborValue) *QCborArray
func (*QCborArray) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorSubscript(i int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) OperatorSubscriptWithQsizetype ¶
func (this *QCborArray) OperatorSubscriptWithQsizetype(i int64) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborArray) PopBack ¶
func (this *QCborArray) PopBack()
func (*QCborArray) PopFront ¶
func (this *QCborArray) PopFront()
func (*QCborArray) Prepend ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Prepend(value *QCborValue)
func (*QCborArray) PushBack ¶
func (this *QCborArray) PushBack(t *QCborValue)
func (*QCborArray) PushFront ¶
func (this *QCborArray) PushFront(t *QCborValue)
func (*QCborArray) RemoveAt ¶
func (this *QCborArray) RemoveAt(i int64)
func (*QCborArray) RemoveFirst ¶
func (this *QCborArray) RemoveFirst()
func (*QCborArray) RemoveLast ¶
func (this *QCborArray) RemoveLast()
func (*QCborArray) Size ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Size() int64
func (*QCborArray) Swap ¶
func (this *QCborArray) Swap(other *QCborArray)
func (*QCborArray) TakeAt ¶
func (this *QCborArray) TakeAt(i int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) TakeFirst ¶
func (this *QCborArray) TakeFirst() *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) TakeLast ¶
func (this *QCborArray) TakeLast() *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) ToCborValue ¶
func (this *QCborArray) ToCborValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborArray) ToJsonArray ¶
func (this *QCborArray) ToJsonArray() *qt6.QJsonArray
func (*QCborArray) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborArray) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborArray__ConstIterator ¶
type QCborArray__ConstIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborArray__ConstIterator ¶
func NewQCborArray__ConstIterator() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
NewQCborArray__ConstIterator constructs a new QCborArray::ConstIterator object.
func NewQCborArray__ConstIterator2 ¶
func NewQCborArray__ConstIterator2(param1 *QCborArray__ConstIterator) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
NewQCborArray__ConstIterator2 constructs a new QCborArray::ConstIterator object.
func UnsafeNewQCborArray__ConstIterator ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborArray__ConstIterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
UnsafeNewQCborArray__ConstIterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator)
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueConstRef
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborArrayConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborArrayConstIterator(j QCborArray__ConstIterator) int64
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply() *QCborValueConstRef
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__ConstIterator
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) *QCborValueConstRef
func (*QCborArray__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborArray__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborArray__Iterator ¶
type QCborArray__Iterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborArray__Iterator ¶
func NewQCborArray__Iterator() *QCborArray__Iterator
NewQCborArray__Iterator constructs a new QCborArray::Iterator object.
func NewQCborArray__Iterator2 ¶
func NewQCborArray__Iterator2(param1 *QCborArray__Iterator) *QCborArray__Iterator
NewQCborArray__Iterator2 constructs a new QCborArray::Iterator object.
func UnsafeNewQCborArray__Iterator ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborArray__Iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborArray__Iterator
UnsafeNewQCborArray__Iterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborArray__Iterator)
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreater ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater2 ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater2() *QCborValueConstRef
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborArrayIterator ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborArrayIterator(j QCborArray__Iterator) int64
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMultiply ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorMultiply() *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborArray__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborArrayConstIterator(o *QCborArray__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborArray__Iterator
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborArray__Iterator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborArray__Iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborError ¶
type QCborError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQCborError ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborError(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborError
UnsafeNewQCborError constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborError) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborError) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborError) ToQCborError__Code ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (this *QCborError) ToQCborError__Code() QCborError__Code
func (*QCborError) ToString ¶
func (this *QCborError) ToString() string
func (*QCborError) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborError) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborError__Code ¶
type QCborError__Code int
const ( QCborError__UnknownError QCborError__Code = 1 QCborError__AdvancePastEnd QCborError__Code = 3 QCborError__InputOutputError QCborError__Code = 4 QCborError__GarbageAtEnd QCborError__Code = 256 QCborError__EndOfFile QCborError__Code = 257 QCborError__UnexpectedBreak QCborError__Code = 258 QCborError__UnknownType QCborError__Code = 259 QCborError__IllegalType QCborError__Code = 260 QCborError__IllegalNumber QCborError__Code = 261 QCborError__IllegalSimpleType QCborError__Code = 262 QCborError__InvalidUtf8String QCborError__Code = 516 QCborError__DataTooLarge QCborError__Code = 1024 QCborError__NestingTooDeep QCborError__Code = 1025 QCborError__UnsupportedType QCborError__Code = 1026 QCborError__NoError QCborError__Code = 0 )
type QCborKnownTags ¶
type QCborKnownTags int
const ( QCborKnownTags__DateTimeString QCborKnownTags = 0 QCborKnownTags__UnixTime_t QCborKnownTags = 1 QCborKnownTags__PositiveBignum QCborKnownTags = 2 QCborKnownTags__NegativeBignum QCborKnownTags = 3 QCborKnownTags__Decimal QCborKnownTags = 4 QCborKnownTags__Bigfloat QCborKnownTags = 5 QCborKnownTags__COSE_Encrypt0 QCborKnownTags = 16 QCborKnownTags__COSE_Mac0 QCborKnownTags = 17 QCborKnownTags__COSE_Sign1 QCborKnownTags = 18 QCborKnownTags__ExpectedBase64url QCborKnownTags = 21 QCborKnownTags__ExpectedBase64 QCborKnownTags = 22 QCborKnownTags__ExpectedBase16 QCborKnownTags = 23 QCborKnownTags__EncodedCbor QCborKnownTags = 24 QCborKnownTags__Url QCborKnownTags = 32 QCborKnownTags__Base64url QCborKnownTags = 33 QCborKnownTags__Base64 QCborKnownTags = 34 QCborKnownTags__RegularExpression QCborKnownTags = 35 QCborKnownTags__MimeMessage QCborKnownTags = 36 QCborKnownTags__Uuid QCborKnownTags = 37 QCborKnownTags__COSE_Encrypt QCborKnownTags = 96 QCborKnownTags__COSE_Mac QCborKnownTags = 97 QCborKnownTags__COSE_Sign QCborKnownTags = 98 QCborKnownTags__Signature QCborKnownTags = 55799 )
type QCborMap ¶
type QCborMap struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborMap2 ¶
NewQCborMap2 constructs a new QCborMap object.
func QCborMap_FromJsonObject ¶
func QCborMap_FromJsonObject(o *qt6.QJsonObject) *QCborMap
func QCborMap_FromVariantMap ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborMap ¶
UnsafeNewQCborMap constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborMap) Begin ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Begin() *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Begin2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Begin2() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) Cbegin ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Cbegin() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) Cend ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Cend() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) ConstBegin ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ConstBegin() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) ConstEnd ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ConstEnd() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) ConstFind ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind(key int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) ConstFind2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind2(key string) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) ConstFind3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ConstFind3(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) Contains3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Contains3(key *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborMap) End ¶
func (this *QCborMap) End() *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) End2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) End2() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) Erase ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Erase(it QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) EraseWithIt ¶
func (this *QCborMap) EraseWithIt(it QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Extract ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Extract(it QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) ExtractWithIt ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ExtractWithIt(it QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) Find ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Find(key int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Find2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Find2(key string) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Find3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Find3(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Find4 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Find4(key int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) Find6 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Find6(key string) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) Find7 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Find7(key *QCborValue) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborMap) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborMap) Insert ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Insert(key int64, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Insert3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Insert3(key string, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Insert4 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Insert4(key *QCborValue, value_ *QCborValue) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) InsertWithQCborMapvalueType ¶
func (this *QCborMap) InsertWithQCborMapvalueType(v struct { First QCborValue Second QCborValue }) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap) Keys ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Keys() []QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) OperatorAssign ¶
func (*QCborMap) OperatorEqual ¶
func (*QCborMap) OperatorLesser ¶
func (*QCborMap) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (*QCborMap) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript(key int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) OperatorSubscript2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript2(key string) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) OperatorSubscript3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) OperatorSubscript4 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript4(key int64) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborMap) OperatorSubscript6 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript6(key string) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborMap) OperatorSubscript7 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) OperatorSubscript7(key *QCborValue) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborMap) Remove3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Remove3(key *QCborValue)
func (*QCborMap) Take ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Take(key int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) Take2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Take2(key string) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) Take3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Take3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) ToCborValue ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ToCborValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) ToJsonObject ¶
func (this *QCborMap) ToJsonObject() *qt6.QJsonObject
func (*QCborMap) UnsafePointer ¶
func (*QCborMap) Value ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Value(key int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) Value2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Value2(key string) *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap) Value3 ¶
func (this *QCborMap) Value3(key *QCborValue) *QCborValue
type QCborMap__ConstIterator ¶
type QCborMap__ConstIterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborMap__ConstIterator ¶
func NewQCborMap__ConstIterator() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
NewQCborMap__ConstIterator constructs a new QCborMap::ConstIterator object.
func NewQCborMap__ConstIterator2 ¶
func NewQCborMap__ConstIterator2(param1 *QCborMap__ConstIterator) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
NewQCborMap__ConstIterator2 constructs a new QCborMap::ConstIterator object.
func UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
UnsafeNewQCborMap__ConstIterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) Key ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Key() *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator)
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueConstRef
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapConstIterator(j QCborMap__ConstIterator) int64
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorMultiply() struct { First QCborValueConstRef Second QCborValueConstRef }
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__ConstIterator
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) struct { First QCborValueConstRef Second QCborValueConstRef }
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QCborMap__ConstIterator) Value ¶
func (this *QCborMap__ConstIterator) Value() *QCborValueConstRef
type QCborMap__Iterator ¶
type QCborMap__Iterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborMap__Iterator ¶
func NewQCborMap__Iterator() *QCborMap__Iterator
NewQCborMap__Iterator constructs a new QCborMap::Iterator object.
func NewQCborMap__Iterator2 ¶
func NewQCborMap__Iterator2(param1 *QCborMap__Iterator) *QCborMap__Iterator
NewQCborMap__Iterator2 constructs a new QCborMap::Iterator object.
func UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborMap__Iterator
UnsafeNewQCborMap__Iterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) Key ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Key() *QCborValue
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorAssign(other *QCborMap__Iterator)
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreater ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreater(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorGreaterWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesser(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(other *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqualWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorLesserWithOther(other *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinus(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater() *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater2 ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusGreater2() *QCborValueConstRef
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapIterator ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMinusWithQCborMapIterator(j QCborMap__Iterator) int64
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMultiply ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorMultiply() struct { First QCborValueConstRef Second QCborValueRef }
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QCborMap__Iterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorNotEqualWithQCborMapConstIterator(o *QCborMap__ConstIterator) bool
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlus(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int64) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QCborMap__Iterator
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) OperatorSubscript(j int64) struct { First QCborValueConstRef Second QCborValueRef }
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QCborMap__Iterator) Value ¶
func (this *QCborMap__Iterator) Value() *QCborValueRef
type QCborNegativeInteger ¶
type QCborNegativeInteger uint64
type QCborParserError ¶
type QCborParserError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQCborParserError ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborParserError(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborParserError
UnsafeNewQCborParserError constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborParserError) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborParserError) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborParserError) ErrorString ¶
func (this *QCborParserError) ErrorString() string
func (*QCborParserError) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborParserError) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborParserError) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborParserError) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborSimpleType ¶
type QCborSimpleType byte
const ( QCborSimpleType__False QCborSimpleType = 20 QCborSimpleType__True QCborSimpleType = 21 QCborSimpleType__Null QCborSimpleType = 22 QCborSimpleType__Undefined QCborSimpleType = 23 )
type QCborStreamReader ¶
type QCborStreamReader struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborStreamReader ¶
func NewQCborStreamReader() *QCborStreamReader
NewQCborStreamReader constructs a new QCborStreamReader object.
func NewQCborStreamReader2 ¶
func NewQCborStreamReader2(data string, lenVal int64) *QCborStreamReader
NewQCborStreamReader2 constructs a new QCborStreamReader object.
func NewQCborStreamReader3 ¶
func NewQCborStreamReader3(data *byte, lenVal int64) *QCborStreamReader
NewQCborStreamReader3 constructs a new QCborStreamReader object.
func NewQCborStreamReader4 ¶
func NewQCborStreamReader4(data []byte) *QCborStreamReader
NewQCborStreamReader4 constructs a new QCborStreamReader object.
func NewQCborStreamReader5 ¶
func NewQCborStreamReader5(device *qt6.QIODevice) *QCborStreamReader
NewQCborStreamReader5 constructs a new QCborStreamReader object.
func UnsafeNewQCborStreamReader ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborStreamReader(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborStreamReader
UnsafeNewQCborStreamReader constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborStreamReader) AddData ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) AddData(data []byte)
func (*QCborStreamReader) AddData2 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) AddData2(data string, lenVal int64)
func (*QCborStreamReader) AddData3 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) AddData3(data *byte, lenVal int64)
func (*QCborStreamReader) Clear ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Clear()
func (*QCborStreamReader) ContainerDepth ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ContainerDepth() int
func (*QCborStreamReader) CurrentOffset ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) CurrentOffset() int64
func (*QCborStreamReader) CurrentStringChunkSize ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) CurrentStringChunkSize() int64
func (*QCborStreamReader) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborStreamReader) Device ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Device() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QCborStreamReader) EnterContainer ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) EnterContainer() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborStreamReader) HasNext ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) HasNext() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsArray ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsArray() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsBool ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsBool() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsByteArray() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsContainer ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsContainer() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsDouble ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsDouble() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsFalse ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsFalse() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsFloat ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsFloat() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsFloat16 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsFloat16() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsInteger() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsInvalid ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsInvalid() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsLengthKnown ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsLengthKnown() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsMap ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsMap() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsNegativeInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsNegativeInteger() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsNull ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsNull() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsSimpleType() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsSimpleTypeWithSt ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsString ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsString() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsTag ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsTag() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsTrue ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsTrue() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsUndefined ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsUndefined() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsUnsignedInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsUnsignedInteger() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) IsValid ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) IsValid() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) LastError ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) LastError() *QCborError
func (*QCborStreamReader) LeaveContainer ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) LeaveContainer() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) Length ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Length() uint64
func (*QCborStreamReader) Next ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Next() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) Next1 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Next1(maxRecursion int) bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) ParentContainerType ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ParentContainerType() QCborStreamReader__Type
func (*QCborStreamReader) Reparse ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Reparse()
func (*QCborStreamReader) Reset ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Reset()
func (*QCborStreamReader) SetDevice ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) SetDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToBool ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToBool() bool
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToDouble ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToDouble() float64
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToFloat ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToFloat() float32
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToInteger() int64
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToNegativeInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToNegativeInteger() QCborNegativeInteger
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToTag ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToTag() QCborTag
func (*QCborStreamReader) ToUnsignedInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) ToUnsignedInteger() uint64
func (*QCborStreamReader) Type ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) Type() QCborStreamReader__Type
func (*QCborStreamReader) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborStreamReader) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborStreamReader__StringResultCode ¶
type QCborStreamReader__StringResultCode int
const ( QCborStreamReader__EndOfString QCborStreamReader__StringResultCode = 0 QCborStreamReader__Ok QCborStreamReader__StringResultCode = 1 QCborStreamReader__Error QCborStreamReader__StringResultCode = -1 )
type QCborStreamReader__Type ¶
type QCborStreamReader__Type byte
const ( QCborStreamReader__UnsignedInteger QCborStreamReader__Type = 0 QCborStreamReader__NegativeInteger QCborStreamReader__Type = 32 QCborStreamReader__ByteString QCborStreamReader__Type = 64 QCborStreamReader__ByteArray QCborStreamReader__Type = 64 QCborStreamReader__TextString QCborStreamReader__Type = 96 QCborStreamReader__String QCborStreamReader__Type = 96 QCborStreamReader__Array QCborStreamReader__Type = 128 QCborStreamReader__Map QCborStreamReader__Type = 160 QCborStreamReader__Tag QCborStreamReader__Type = 192 QCborStreamReader__SimpleType QCborStreamReader__Type = 224 QCborStreamReader__HalfFloat QCborStreamReader__Type = 249 QCborStreamReader__Float16 QCborStreamReader__Type = 249 QCborStreamReader__Float QCborStreamReader__Type = 250 QCborStreamReader__Double QCborStreamReader__Type = 251 QCborStreamReader__Invalid QCborStreamReader__Type = 255 )
type QCborStreamWriter ¶
type QCborStreamWriter struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborStreamWriter ¶
func NewQCborStreamWriter(device *qt6.QIODevice) *QCborStreamWriter
NewQCborStreamWriter constructs a new QCborStreamWriter object.
func UnsafeNewQCborStreamWriter ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborStreamWriter(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborStreamWriter
UnsafeNewQCborStreamWriter constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborStreamWriter) Append ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append(u uint64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) Append22 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append22(str string, size int64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) Append3 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append3(tag QCborKnownTags)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) Append4 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Append4(str string)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendByteString ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendByteString(data string, lenVal int64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendNull ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendNull()
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendTextString ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendTextString(utf8 string, lenVal int64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendUndefined ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendUndefined()
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithBa ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithBa(ba []byte)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithBool ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithBool(b bool)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithDouble ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithDouble(d float64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithFloat ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithFloat(f float32)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithInt ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithInt(i int)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithQCborNegativeInteger ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithQCborNegativeInteger(n QCborNegativeInteger)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithQint64 ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithQint64(i int64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithSt ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithSt(st QCborSimpleType)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithTag ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithTag(tag QCborTag)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithUint ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) AppendWithUint(u uint)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborStreamWriter) Device ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) Device() *qt6.QIODevice
func (*QCborStreamWriter) EndArray ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) EndArray() bool
func (*QCborStreamWriter) EndMap ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) EndMap() bool
func (*QCborStreamWriter) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborStreamWriter) SetDevice ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) SetDevice(device *qt6.QIODevice)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) StartArray ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartArray()
func (*QCborStreamWriter) StartArrayWithCount ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartArrayWithCount(count uint64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) StartMap ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartMap()
func (*QCborStreamWriter) StartMapWithCount ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) StartMapWithCount(count uint64)
func (*QCborStreamWriter) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborStreamWriter) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborValue ¶
type QCborValue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborValue ¶
func NewQCborValue() *QCborValue
NewQCborValue constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue10 ¶
func NewQCborValue10(s string) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue10 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue11 ¶
func NewQCborValue11(s string) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue11 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue12 ¶
func NewQCborValue12(a *QCborArray) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue12 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue13 ¶
func NewQCborValue13(m *QCborMap) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue13 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue14 ¶
func NewQCborValue14(tag QCborTag) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue14 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue15 ¶
func NewQCborValue15(t_ QCborKnownTags) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue15 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue16 ¶
func NewQCborValue16(dt *qt6.QDateTime) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue16 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue17 ¶
func NewQCborValue17(url *qt6.QUrl) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue17 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue18 ¶
func NewQCborValue18(rx *qt6.QRegularExpression) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue18 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue19 ¶
func NewQCborValue19(uuid *qt6.QUuid) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue19 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue2 ¶
func NewQCborValue2(t_ QCborValue__Type) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue2 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue20 ¶
func NewQCborValue20(other *QCborValue) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue20 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue21 ¶
func NewQCborValue21(tag QCborTag, taggedValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue21 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue22 ¶
func NewQCborValue22(t_ QCborKnownTags, tv *QCborValue) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue22 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue3 ¶
func NewQCborValue3(b_ bool) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue3 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue4 ¶
func NewQCborValue4(i int) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue4 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue5 ¶
func NewQCborValue5(u uint) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue5 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue6 ¶
func NewQCborValue6(i int64) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue6 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue7 ¶
func NewQCborValue7(v float64) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue7 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue8 ¶
func NewQCborValue8(st QCborSimpleType) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue8 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func NewQCborValue9 ¶
func NewQCborValue9(ba []byte) *QCborValue
NewQCborValue9 constructs a new QCborValue object.
func QCborValue_FromCbor ¶
func QCborValue_FromCbor(reader *QCborStreamReader) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromCbor2 ¶
func QCborValue_FromCbor2(data string, lenVal int64) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromCbor22 ¶
func QCborValue_FromCbor22(ba []byte, error *QCborParserError) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromCbor3 ¶
func QCborValue_FromCbor3(data *byte, lenVal int64) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromCbor32 ¶
func QCborValue_FromCbor32(data string, lenVal int64, error *QCborParserError) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromCbor33 ¶
func QCborValue_FromCbor33(data *byte, lenVal int64, error *QCborParserError) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromCborWithBa ¶
func QCborValue_FromCborWithBa(ba []byte) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromJsonValue ¶
func QCborValue_FromJsonValue(v *qt6.QJsonValue) *QCborValue
func QCborValue_FromVariant ¶
func QCborValue_FromVariant(variant *qt6.QVariant) *QCborValue
func UnsafeNewQCborValue ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborValue(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborValue
UnsafeNewQCborValue constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborValue) Compare ¶
func (this *QCborValue) Compare(other *QCborValue) int
func (*QCborValue) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborValue) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborValue) IsArray ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsArray() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsBool ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsBool() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsByteArray() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsContainer ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsContainer() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsDateTime ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsDateTime() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsDouble ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsDouble() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsFalse ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsFalse() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsInteger ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsInteger() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsInvalid ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsInvalid() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsMap ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsMap() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsNull ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsNull() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsRegularExpression ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsRegularExpression() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsSimpleType() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsSimpleTypeWithSt ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
func (*QCborValue) IsString ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsString() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsTag ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsTag() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsTrue ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsTrue() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsUndefined ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsUndefined() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsUrl ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsUrl() bool
func (*QCborValue) IsUuid ¶
func (this *QCborValue) IsUuid() bool
func (*QCborValue) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorAssign(other *QCborValue)
func (*QCborValue) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValue) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorLesser(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValue) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValue) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript(key string) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValue) OperatorSubscript2 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript2(key int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValue) OperatorSubscript3 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript3(key int64) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborValue) OperatorSubscript5 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) OperatorSubscript5(key string) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborValue) Swap ¶
func (this *QCborValue) Swap(other *QCborValue)
func (*QCborValue) Tag ¶
func (this *QCborValue) Tag() QCborTag
func (*QCborValue) Tag1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) Tag1(defaultValue QCborTag) QCborTag
func (*QCborValue) TaggedValue ¶
func (this *QCborValue) TaggedValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborValue) TaggedValue1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) TaggedValue1(defaultValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValue) ToArray ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToArray() *QCborArray
func (*QCborValue) ToArrayWithDefaultValue ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToArrayWithDefaultValue(defaultValue *QCborArray) *QCborArray
func (*QCborValue) ToBool ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToBool() bool
func (*QCborValue) ToBool1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToBool1(defaultValue bool) bool
func (*QCborValue) ToByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToByteArray() []byte
func (*QCborValue) ToByteArray1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToByteArray1(defaultValue []byte) []byte
func (*QCborValue) ToCbor ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToCbor() []byte
func (*QCborValue) ToCbor1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToCbor1(opt QCborValue__EncodingOption) []byte
func (*QCborValue) ToCbor2 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToCbor2(writer *QCborStreamWriter, opt QCborValue__EncodingOption)
func (*QCborValue) ToCborWithWriter ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToCborWithWriter(writer *QCborStreamWriter)
func (*QCborValue) ToDateTime ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToDateTime() *qt6.QDateTime
func (*QCborValue) ToDateTime1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToDateTime1(defaultValue *qt6.QDateTime) *qt6.QDateTime
func (*QCborValue) ToDiagnosticNotation ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToDiagnosticNotation() string
func (*QCborValue) ToDiagnosticNotation1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToDiagnosticNotation1(opts QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption) string
func (*QCborValue) ToDouble ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToDouble() float64
func (*QCborValue) ToDouble1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToDouble1(defaultValue float64) float64
func (*QCborValue) ToInteger ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToInteger() int64
func (*QCborValue) ToInteger1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToInteger1(defaultValue int64) int64
func (*QCborValue) ToJsonValue ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToJsonValue() *qt6.QJsonValue
func (*QCborValue) ToMap ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToMap() *QCborMap
func (*QCborValue) ToMapWithDefaultValue ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToMapWithDefaultValue(defaultValue *QCborMap) *QCborMap
func (*QCborValue) ToRegularExpression ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToRegularExpression() *qt6.QRegularExpression
func (*QCborValue) ToRegularExpression1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToRegularExpression1(defaultValue *qt6.QRegularExpression) *qt6.QRegularExpression
func (*QCborValue) ToSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborValue) ToSimpleType1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToSimpleType1(defaultValue QCborSimpleType) QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborValue) ToString ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToString() string
func (*QCborValue) ToString1 ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToString1(defaultValue string) string
func (*QCborValue) ToUrl ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToUrl() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QCborValue) ToUuid ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToUuid() *qt6.QUuid
func (*QCborValue) ToVariant ¶
func (this *QCborValue) ToVariant() *qt6.QVariant
func (*QCborValue) Type ¶
func (this *QCborValue) Type() QCborValue__Type
func (*QCborValue) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborValue) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborValueConstRef ¶
type QCborValueConstRef struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQCborValueConstRef ¶
func NewQCborValueConstRef(param1 *QCborValueConstRef) *QCborValueConstRef
NewQCborValueConstRef constructs a new QCborValueConstRef object.
func UnsafeNewQCborValueConstRef ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborValueConstRef(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborValueConstRef
UnsafeNewQCborValueConstRef constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborValueConstRef) Compare ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Compare(other *QCborValue) int
func (*QCborValueConstRef) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborValueConstRef) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsArray() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsBool ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsBool() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsByteArray() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsContainer ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsContainer() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsDateTime ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsDateTime() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsDouble ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsDouble() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsFalse ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsFalse() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsInteger ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsInteger() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsInvalid ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsInvalid() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsMap ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsMap() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsNull ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsNull() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsRegularExpression ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsRegularExpression() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsSimpleType() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsSimpleTypeWithSt ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsString ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsString() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsTag ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsTag() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsTrue ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsTrue() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsUndefined ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsUndefined() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsUrl ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsUrl() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) IsUuid ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) IsUuid() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorLesser(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorSubscript(key string) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueConstRef) OperatorSubscript2 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) OperatorSubscript2(key int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueConstRef) Tag ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Tag() QCborTag
func (*QCborValueConstRef) Tag1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Tag1(defaultValue QCborTag) QCborTag
func (*QCborValueConstRef) TaggedValue ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) TaggedValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueConstRef) TaggedValue1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) TaggedValue1(defaultValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToArray() *QCborArray
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToArrayWithQCborArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToArrayWithQCborArray(a *QCborArray) *QCborArray
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToBool ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToBool() bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToBool1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToBool1(defaultValue bool) bool
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToByteArray() []byte
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToByteArray1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToByteArray1(defaultValue []byte) []byte
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor() []byte
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor1(opt QCborValue__EncodingOption) []byte
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor2 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCbor2(writer *QCborStreamWriter, opt QCborValue__EncodingOption)
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToCborWithWriter ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToCborWithWriter(writer *QCborStreamWriter)
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToDateTime ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDateTime() *qt6.QDateTime
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToDateTime1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDateTime1(defaultValue *qt6.QDateTime) *qt6.QDateTime
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToDiagnosticNotation ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDiagnosticNotation() string
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToDiagnosticNotation1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDiagnosticNotation1(opt QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption) string
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToDouble ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDouble() float64
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToDouble1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToDouble1(defaultValue float64) float64
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToInteger ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToInteger() int64
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToInteger1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToInteger1(defaultValue int64) int64
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToJsonValue ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToJsonValue() *qt6.QJsonValue
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToMap ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToMap() *QCborMap
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToMapWithQCborMap ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToMapWithQCborMap(m *QCborMap) *QCborMap
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToQCborValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToQCborValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToRegularExpression ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToRegularExpression() *qt6.QRegularExpression
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToRegularExpression1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToRegularExpression1(defaultValue *qt6.QRegularExpression) *qt6.QRegularExpression
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToSimpleType1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToSimpleType1(defaultValue QCborSimpleType) QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToString ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToString() string
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToString1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToString1(defaultValue string) string
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToUrl ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUrl() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToUrl1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUrl1(defaultValue *qt6.QUrl) *qt6.QUrl
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToUuid ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUuid() *qt6.QUuid
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToUuid1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToUuid1(defaultValue *qt6.QUuid) *qt6.QUuid
func (*QCborValueConstRef) ToVariant ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) ToVariant() *qt6.QVariant
func (*QCborValueConstRef) Type ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) Type() QCborValue__Type
func (*QCborValueConstRef) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborValueConstRef) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborValueRef ¶
type QCborValueRef struct { *QCborValueConstRef // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQCborValueRef ¶
func NewQCborValueRef(param1 *QCborValueRef) *QCborValueRef
NewQCborValueRef constructs a new QCborValueRef object.
func UnsafeNewQCborValueRef ¶
func UnsafeNewQCborValueRef(h unsafe.Pointer) *QCborValueRef
UnsafeNewQCborValueRef constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QCborValueRef) Compare ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) Compare(other *QCborValue) int
func (*QCborValueRef) Delete ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QCborValueRef) GoGC ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QCborValueRef) IsArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsArray() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsBool ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsBool() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsByteArray() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsContainer ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsContainer() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsDateTime ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsDateTime() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsDouble ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsDouble() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsFalse ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsFalse() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsInteger ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsInteger() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsInvalid ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsInvalid() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsMap ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsMap() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsNull ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsNull() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsRegularExpression ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsRegularExpression() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsSimpleType() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsSimpleTypeWithSt ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsSimpleTypeWithSt(st QCborSimpleType) bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsString ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsString() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsTag ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsTag() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsTrue ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsTrue() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsUndefined ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsUndefined() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsUrl ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsUrl() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) IsUuid ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) IsUuid() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorAssign(other *QCborValue)
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorAssignWithOther ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorAssignWithOther(other *QCborValueRef)
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorLesser(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorNotEqual(other *QCborValue) bool
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript(key int64) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript2 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript2(key string) *QCborValueRef
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript3 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript3(key string) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript5 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) OperatorSubscript5(key int64) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueRef) Tag ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) Tag() QCborTag
func (*QCborValueRef) Tag1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) Tag1(defaultValue QCborTag) QCborTag
func (*QCborValueRef) TaggedValue ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) TaggedValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueRef) TaggedValue1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) TaggedValue1(defaultValue *QCborValue) *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueRef) ToArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToArray() *QCborArray
func (*QCborValueRef) ToArrayWithQCborArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToArrayWithQCborArray(a *QCborArray) *QCborArray
func (*QCborValueRef) ToBool ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToBool() bool
func (*QCborValueRef) ToBool1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToBool1(defaultValue bool) bool
func (*QCborValueRef) ToByteArray ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToByteArray() []byte
func (*QCborValueRef) ToByteArray1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToByteArray1(defaultValue []byte) []byte
func (*QCborValueRef) ToCbor ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCbor() []byte
func (*QCborValueRef) ToCbor1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCbor1(opt QCborValue__EncodingOption) []byte
func (*QCborValueRef) ToCbor2 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCbor2(writer *QCborStreamWriter, opt QCborValue__EncodingOption)
func (*QCborValueRef) ToCborWithWriter ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToCborWithWriter(writer *QCborStreamWriter)
func (*QCborValueRef) ToDateTime ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDateTime() *qt6.QDateTime
func (*QCborValueRef) ToDateTime1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDateTime1(defaultValue *qt6.QDateTime) *qt6.QDateTime
func (*QCborValueRef) ToDiagnosticNotation ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDiagnosticNotation() string
func (*QCborValueRef) ToDiagnosticNotation1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDiagnosticNotation1(opt QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption) string
func (*QCborValueRef) ToDouble ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDouble() float64
func (*QCborValueRef) ToDouble1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToDouble1(defaultValue float64) float64
func (*QCborValueRef) ToInteger ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToInteger() int64
func (*QCborValueRef) ToInteger1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToInteger1(defaultValue int64) int64
func (*QCborValueRef) ToJsonValue ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToJsonValue() *qt6.QJsonValue
func (*QCborValueRef) ToMap ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToMap() *QCborMap
func (*QCborValueRef) ToMapWithQCborMap ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToMapWithQCborMap(m *QCborMap) *QCborMap
func (*QCborValueRef) ToQCborValue ¶ added in v0.8.0
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToQCborValue() *QCborValue
func (*QCborValueRef) ToRegularExpression ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToRegularExpression() *qt6.QRegularExpression
func (*QCborValueRef) ToRegularExpression1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToRegularExpression1(defaultValue *qt6.QRegularExpression) *qt6.QRegularExpression
func (*QCborValueRef) ToSimpleType ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToSimpleType() QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborValueRef) ToSimpleType1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToSimpleType1(defaultValue QCborSimpleType) QCborSimpleType
func (*QCborValueRef) ToString ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToString() string
func (*QCborValueRef) ToString1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToString1(defaultValue string) string
func (*QCborValueRef) ToUrl ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUrl() *qt6.QUrl
func (*QCborValueRef) ToUuid ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUuid() *qt6.QUuid
func (*QCborValueRef) ToUuid1 ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToUuid1(defaultValue *qt6.QUuid) *qt6.QUuid
func (*QCborValueRef) ToVariant ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) ToVariant() *qt6.QVariant
func (*QCborValueRef) Type ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) Type() QCborValue__Type
func (*QCborValueRef) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QCborValueRef) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption ¶
type QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption int
const ( QCborValue__Compact QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption = 0 QCborValue__LineWrapped QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption = 1 QCborValue__ExtendedFormat QCborValue__DiagnosticNotationOption = 2 )
type QCborValue__EncodingOption ¶
type QCborValue__EncodingOption int
const ( QCborValue__SortKeysInMaps QCborValue__EncodingOption = 1 QCborValue__UseFloat QCborValue__EncodingOption = 2 QCborValue__UseFloat16 QCborValue__EncodingOption = 6 QCborValue__UseIntegers QCborValue__EncodingOption = 8 QCborValue__NoTransformation QCborValue__EncodingOption = 0 )
type QCborValue__Type ¶
type QCborValue__Type int
const ( QCborValue__Integer QCborValue__Type = 0 QCborValue__ByteArray QCborValue__Type = 64 QCborValue__String QCborValue__Type = 96 QCborValue__Array QCborValue__Type = 128 QCborValue__Map QCborValue__Type = 160 QCborValue__Tag QCborValue__Type = 192 QCborValue__SimpleType QCborValue__Type = 256 QCborValue__False QCborValue__Type = 276 QCborValue__True QCborValue__Type = 277 QCborValue__Null QCborValue__Type = 278 QCborValue__Undefined QCborValue__Type = 279 QCborValue__Double QCborValue__Type = 514 QCborValue__DateTime QCborValue__Type = 65536 QCborValue__Url QCborValue__Type = 65568 QCborValue__RegularExpression QCborValue__Type = 65571 QCborValue__Uuid QCborValue__Type = 65573 QCborValue__Invalid QCborValue__Type = -1 )