Index ¶
- func QGraphicsSvgItem_Tr(s string) string
- func QGraphicsSvgItem_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QGraphicsSvgItem_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QGraphicsSvgItem_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QGraphicsSvgItem_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QGraphicsSvgItem_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSvgRenderer_Tr(s string) string
- func QSvgRenderer_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QSvgRenderer_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSvgRenderer_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QSvgRenderer_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QSvgRenderer_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSvgWidget_Tr(s string) string
- func QSvgWidget_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QSvgWidget_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QSvgWidget_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QSvgWidget_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QSvgWidget_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- type QGraphicsSvgItem
- func NewQGraphicsSvgItem() *QGraphicsSvgItem
- func NewQGraphicsSvgItem2(fileName string) *QGraphicsSvgItem
- func NewQGraphicsSvgItem3(parentItem *qt.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsSvgItem
- func NewQGraphicsSvgItem4(fileName string, parentItem *qt.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsSvgItem
- func UnsafeNewQGraphicsSvgItem(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsSvgItem
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) BoundingRect() *qt.QRectF
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Delete()
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) ElementId() string
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) GoGC()
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) IsCachingEnabled() bool
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) MaximumCacheSize() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnBoundingRect(slot func(super func() *qt.QRectF) *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnEvent(slot func(super func(ev *qt.QEvent) bool, ev *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnPaint(slot func(...))
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Paint(painter *qt.QPainter, option *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Renderer() *QSvgRenderer
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetCachingEnabled(cachingEnabled bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetElementId(id string)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetMaximumCacheSize(size *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetSharedRenderer(renderer *QSvgRenderer)
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Type() int
- func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QGraphicsSvgItem__
- type QSvgGenerator
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) Delete()
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) Description() string
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) FileName() string
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) GoGC()
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnMetric(slot func(super func(metric qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) OutputDevice() *qt.QIODevice
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) Resolution() int
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetDescription(description string)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetFileName(fileName string)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetOutputDevice(outputDevice *qt.QIODevice)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetResolution(dpi int)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetSize(size *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetTitle(title string)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetViewBox(viewBox *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetViewBoxWithViewBox(viewBox *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) Size() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) Title() string
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) ViewBox() *qt.QRect
- func (this *QSvgGenerator) ViewBoxF() *qt.QRectF
- type QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer() *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer2(filename string) *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer3(contents []byte) *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer4(contents *qt.QXmlStreamReader) *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer5(parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer6(filename string, parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer7(contents []byte, parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
- func NewQSvgRenderer8(contents *qt.QXmlStreamReader, parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
- func UnsafeNewQSvgRenderer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSvgRenderer
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Animated() bool
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) AnimationDuration() int
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) AspectRatioMode() qt.AspectRatioMode
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) BoundsOnElement(id string) *qt.QRectF
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) CurrentFrame() int
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) DefaultSize() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Delete()
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) ElementExists(id string) bool
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) FramesPerSecond() int
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) GoGC()
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Load(filename string) bool
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Load2(contents *qt.QXmlStreamReader) bool
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) LoadWithContents(contents []byte) bool
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) MatrixForElement(id string) *qt.QMatrix
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnRepaintNeeded(slot func())
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Render(p *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Render2(p *qt.QPainter, bounds *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Render3(p *qt.QPainter, elementId string)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) Render32(p *qt.QPainter, elementId string, bounds *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) RepaintNeeded()
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetAspectRatioMode(mode qt.AspectRatioMode)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetCurrentFrame(currentFrame int)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetFramesPerSecond(num int)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetViewBox(viewbox *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetViewBoxWithViewbox(viewbox *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) TransformForElement(id string) *qt.QTransform
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) ViewBox() *qt.QRect
- func (this *QSvgRenderer) ViewBoxF() *qt.QRectF
- type QSvgWidget
- func (this *QSvgWidget) Delete()
- func (this *QSvgWidget) GoGC()
- func (this *QSvgWidget) Load(file string)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) LoadWithContents(contents []byte)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QSvgWidget) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QActionEvent), event *qt.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent), param1 *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDropEvent), event *qt.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMoveEvent), event *qt.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QPaintEvent), event *qt.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QResizeEvent), event *qt.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTabletEvent), event *qt.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QWheelEvent), event *qt.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QSvgWidget) Renderer() *QSvgRenderer
- func (this *QSvgWidget) SizeHint() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QSvgWidget) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func QGraphicsSvgItem_Tr ¶
func QGraphicsSvgItem_Tr2 ¶
func QGraphicsSvgItem_TrUtf8 ¶
func QSvgRenderer_Tr ¶
func QSvgRenderer_Tr2 ¶
func QSvgRenderer_TrUtf8 ¶
func QSvgRenderer_TrUtf82 ¶
func QSvgWidget_Tr ¶
func QSvgWidget_Tr2 ¶
func QSvgWidget_TrUtf8 ¶
func QSvgWidget_TrUtf82 ¶
Types ¶
type QGraphicsSvgItem ¶
type QGraphicsSvgItem struct { *qt.QGraphicsObject // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem ¶
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem() *QGraphicsSvgItem
NewQGraphicsSvgItem constructs a new QGraphicsSvgItem object.
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem2 ¶
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem2(fileName string) *QGraphicsSvgItem
NewQGraphicsSvgItem2 constructs a new QGraphicsSvgItem object.
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem3 ¶
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem3(parentItem *qt.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsSvgItem
NewQGraphicsSvgItem3 constructs a new QGraphicsSvgItem object.
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem4 ¶
func NewQGraphicsSvgItem4(fileName string, parentItem *qt.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsSvgItem
NewQGraphicsSvgItem4 constructs a new QGraphicsSvgItem object.
func UnsafeNewQGraphicsSvgItem ¶
func UnsafeNewQGraphicsSvgItem(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsSvgItem
UnsafeNewQGraphicsSvgItem constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) BoundingRect ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) BoundingRect() *qt.QRectF
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) Delete ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) ElementId ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) ElementId() string
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) GoGC ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) IsCachingEnabled ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) IsCachingEnabled() bool
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) MaximumCacheSize ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) MaximumCacheSize() *qt.QSize
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) Metacast ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) OnBoundingRect ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnBoundingRect(slot func(super func() *qt.QRectF) *qt.QRectF)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) OnPaint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnPaint(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter, option *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget), painter *qt.QPainter, option *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget))
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) OnType ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) OnType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) Paint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Paint(painter *qt.QPainter, option *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) Renderer ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Renderer() *QSvgRenderer
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) SetCachingEnabled ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetCachingEnabled(cachingEnabled bool)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) SetElementId ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetElementId(id string)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) SetMaximumCacheSize ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetMaximumCacheSize(size *qt.QSize)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) SetSharedRenderer ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) SetSharedRenderer(renderer *QSvgRenderer)
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) Type ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) Type() int
func (*QGraphicsSvgItem) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QGraphicsSvgItem) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QGraphicsSvgItem__ ¶
type QGraphicsSvgItem__ int
const (
QGraphicsSvgItem__Type QGraphicsSvgItem__ = 13
type QSvgGenerator ¶
type QSvgGenerator struct { *qt.QPaintDevice // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQSvgGenerator ¶
func NewQSvgGenerator() *QSvgGenerator
NewQSvgGenerator constructs a new QSvgGenerator object.
func UnsafeNewQSvgGenerator ¶
func UnsafeNewQSvgGenerator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSvgGenerator
UnsafeNewQSvgGenerator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSvgGenerator) Delete ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSvgGenerator) Description ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) Description() string
func (*QSvgGenerator) FileName ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) FileName() string
func (*QSvgGenerator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSvgGenerator) OnDevType ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QSvgGenerator) OnInitPainter ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
func (*QSvgGenerator) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnMetric(slot func(super func(metric qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, metric qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QSvgGenerator) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
func (*QSvgGenerator) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice, offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice)
func (*QSvgGenerator) OnSharedPainter ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
func (*QSvgGenerator) OutputDevice ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) OutputDevice() *qt.QIODevice
func (*QSvgGenerator) Resolution ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) Resolution() int
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetDescription ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetDescription(description string)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetFileName ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetFileName(fileName string)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetOutputDevice ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetOutputDevice(outputDevice *qt.QIODevice)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetResolution ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetResolution(dpi int)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetSize ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetSize(size *qt.QSize)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetTitle ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetTitle(title string)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetViewBox ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetViewBox(viewBox *qt.QRect)
func (*QSvgGenerator) SetViewBoxWithViewBox ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) SetViewBoxWithViewBox(viewBox *qt.QRectF)
func (*QSvgGenerator) Size ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) Size() *qt.QSize
func (*QSvgGenerator) Title ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) Title() string
func (*QSvgGenerator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSvgGenerator) ViewBox ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) ViewBox() *qt.QRect
func (*QSvgGenerator) ViewBoxF ¶
func (this *QSvgGenerator) ViewBoxF() *qt.QRectF
type QSvgRenderer ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer() *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer2 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer2(filename string) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer2 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer3 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer3(contents []byte) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer3 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer4 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer4(contents *qt.QXmlStreamReader) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer4 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer5 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer5(parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer5 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer6 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer6(filename string, parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer6 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer7 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer7(contents []byte, parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer7 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func NewQSvgRenderer8 ¶
func NewQSvgRenderer8(contents *qt.QXmlStreamReader, parent *qt.QObject) *QSvgRenderer
NewQSvgRenderer8 constructs a new QSvgRenderer object.
func UnsafeNewQSvgRenderer ¶
func UnsafeNewQSvgRenderer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSvgRenderer
UnsafeNewQSvgRenderer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSvgRenderer) Animated ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) Animated() bool
func (*QSvgRenderer) AnimationDuration ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) AnimationDuration() int
func (*QSvgRenderer) AspectRatioMode ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) AspectRatioMode() qt.AspectRatioMode
func (*QSvgRenderer) BoundsOnElement ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) BoundsOnElement(id string) *qt.QRectF
func (*QSvgRenderer) CurrentFrame ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) CurrentFrame() int
func (*QSvgRenderer) DefaultSize ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) DefaultSize() *qt.QSize
func (*QSvgRenderer) Delete ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QSvgRenderer) ElementExists ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) ElementExists(id string) bool
func (*QSvgRenderer) FramesPerSecond ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) FramesPerSecond() int
func (*QSvgRenderer) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSvgRenderer) IsValid ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) IsValid() bool
func (*QSvgRenderer) Load ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) Load(filename string) bool
func (*QSvgRenderer) Load2 ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) Load2(contents *qt.QXmlStreamReader) bool
func (*QSvgRenderer) LoadWithContents ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) LoadWithContents(contents []byte) bool
func (*QSvgRenderer) MatrixForElement ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) MatrixForElement(id string) *qt.QMatrix
func (*QSvgRenderer) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnRepaintNeeded ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnRepaintNeeded(slot func())
func (*QSvgRenderer) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QSvgRenderer) Render ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) Render(p *qt.QPainter)
func (*QSvgRenderer) RepaintNeeded ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) RepaintNeeded()
func (*QSvgRenderer) SetAspectRatioMode ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetAspectRatioMode(mode qt.AspectRatioMode)
func (*QSvgRenderer) SetCurrentFrame ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetCurrentFrame(currentFrame int)
func (*QSvgRenderer) SetFramesPerSecond ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetFramesPerSecond(num int)
func (*QSvgRenderer) SetViewBox ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetViewBox(viewbox *qt.QRect)
func (*QSvgRenderer) SetViewBoxWithViewbox ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) SetViewBoxWithViewbox(viewbox *qt.QRectF)
func (*QSvgRenderer) TransformForElement ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) TransformForElement(id string) *qt.QTransform
func (*QSvgRenderer) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QSvgRenderer) ViewBox ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) ViewBox() *qt.QRect
func (*QSvgRenderer) ViewBoxF ¶
func (this *QSvgRenderer) ViewBoxF() *qt.QRectF
type QSvgWidget ¶
func NewQSvgWidget ¶
func NewQSvgWidget(parent *qt.QWidget) *QSvgWidget
NewQSvgWidget constructs a new QSvgWidget object.
func NewQSvgWidget2 ¶
func NewQSvgWidget2() *QSvgWidget
NewQSvgWidget2 constructs a new QSvgWidget object.
func NewQSvgWidget3 ¶
func NewQSvgWidget3(file string) *QSvgWidget
NewQSvgWidget3 constructs a new QSvgWidget object.
func NewQSvgWidget4 ¶
func NewQSvgWidget4(file string, parent *qt.QWidget) *QSvgWidget
NewQSvgWidget4 constructs a new QSvgWidget object.
func UnsafeNewQSvgWidget ¶
func UnsafeNewQSvgWidget(h unsafe.Pointer) *QSvgWidget
UnsafeNewQSvgWidget constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QSvgWidget) GoGC ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QSvgWidget) Load ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) Load(file string)
func (*QSvgWidget) LoadWithContents ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) LoadWithContents(contents []byte)
func (*QSvgWidget) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QSvgWidget) OnActionEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QActionEvent), event *qt.QActionEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnChangeEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent), param1 *qt.QEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QContextMenuEvent), event *qt.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnDevType ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnDragEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnDragMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnDropEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDropEvent), event *qt.QDropEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnFocusInEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnFocusOutEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnHideEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnInitPainter ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnInputMethodEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnInputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant, param1 qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMousePressEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMoveEvent), event *qt.QMoveEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnNativeEvent ¶
func (*QSvgWidget) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnPaintEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QPaintEvent), event *qt.QPaintEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice, offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QResizeEvent), event *qt.QResizeEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnSharedPainter ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
func (*QSvgWidget) OnTabletEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTabletEvent), event *qt.QTabletEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) OnWheelEvent ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QWheelEvent), event *qt.QWheelEvent))
func (*QSvgWidget) Renderer ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) Renderer() *QSvgRenderer
func (*QSvgWidget) SizeHint ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) SizeHint() *qt.QSize
func (*QSvgWidget) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QSvgWidget) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer