Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- func QGraphicsWebView_Tr(s string) string
- func QGraphicsWebView_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QGraphicsWebView_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QGraphicsWebView_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QGraphicsWebView_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QGraphicsWebView_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebDatabase_RemoveAllDatabases()
- func QWebDatabase_RemoveDatabase(param1 *QWebDatabase)
- func QWebFrame_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebFrame_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebFrame_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebFrame_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebFrame_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebFrame_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebHistoryInterface_SetDefaultInterface(defaultInterface *QWebHistoryInterface)
- func QWebHistoryInterface_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebHistoryInterface_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebHistoryInterface_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebHistoryInterface_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebHistoryInterface_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebHistoryInterface_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebInspector_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebInspector_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebInspector_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebInspector_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebInspector_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebInspector_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebNotificationPresenter_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebNotificationPresenter_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebNotificationPresenter_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebNotificationPresenter_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebNotificationPresenter_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebNotificationPresenter_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebPage_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebPage_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebPage_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebPage_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebPage_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebPage_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebPluginFactory_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebPluginFactory_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebPluginFactory_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebPluginFactory_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebPluginFactory_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebPluginFactory_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebSecurityOrigin_AddLocalScheme(scheme string)
- func QWebSecurityOrigin_LocalSchemes() []string
- func QWebSecurityOrigin_RemoveLocalScheme(scheme string)
- func QWebSelectMethod_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebSelectMethod_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebSelectMethod_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebSelectMethod_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebSelectMethod_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebSelectMethod_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebSettings_ClearIconDatabase()
- func QWebSettings_ClearMemoryCaches()
- func QWebSettings_EnablePersistentStorage()
- func QWebSettings_EnablePersistentStorage1(path string)
- func QWebSettings_IconDatabasePath() string
- func QWebSettings_IconForUrl(url *qt.QUrl) *qt.QIcon
- func QWebSettings_MaximumPagesInCache() int
- func QWebSettings_OfflineStorageDefaultQuota() int64
- func QWebSettings_OfflineStoragePath() string
- func QWebSettings_OfflineWebApplicationCachePath() string
- func QWebSettings_OfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota() int64
- func QWebSettings_PluginSearchPaths() []string
- func QWebSettings_SetIconDatabasePath(location string)
- func QWebSettings_SetMaximumPagesInCache(pages int)
- func QWebSettings_SetObjectCacheCapacities(cacheMinDeadCapacity int, cacheMaxDead int, totalCapacity int)
- func QWebSettings_SetOfflineStorageDefaultQuota(maximumSize int64)
- func QWebSettings_SetOfflineStoragePath(path string)
- func QWebSettings_SetOfflineWebApplicationCachePath(path string)
- func QWebSettings_SetOfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota(maximumSize int64)
- func QWebSettings_SetPluginSearchPaths(paths []string)
- func QWebSettings_SetWebGraphic(typeVal QWebSettings__WebGraphic, graphic *qt.QPixmap)
- func QWebSettings_WebGraphic(typeVal QWebSettings__WebGraphic) *qt.QPixmap
- func QWebSpellChecker_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebSpellChecker_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebSpellChecker_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebSpellChecker_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebSpellChecker_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebSpellChecker_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebTouchModifier_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebTouchModifier_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebTouchModifier_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebTouchModifier_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebTouchModifier_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebTouchModifier_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebView_Tr(s string) string
- func QWebView_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QWebView_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QWebView_TrUtf8(s string) string
- func QWebView_TrUtf82(s string, c string) string
- func QWebView_TrUtf83(s string, c string, n int) string
- type QGraphicsWebView
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Back()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Delete()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Event(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) FindText(subString string) bool
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) FindText2(subString string, options QWebPage__FindFlag) bool
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Forward()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) GoGC()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) History() *QWebHistory
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Icon() *qt.QIcon
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) IconChanged()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) InputMethodQuery(query qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) IsModified() bool
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) IsTiledBackingStoreFrozen() bool
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) ItemChange(change qt.QGraphicsItem__GraphicsItemChange, value *qt.QVariant) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LinkClicked(param1 *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Load(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Load2(request *network.QNetworkRequest, ...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Load3(request *network.QNetworkRequest, ...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadFinished(param1 bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadProgress(progress int)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadStarted()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadWithRequest(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnBoundingRect(slot func(super func() *qt.QRectF) *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool, param1 *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnGetContentsMargins(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnGrabKeyboardEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnGrabMouseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnHoverLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnHoverMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnIconChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnInitStyleOption(slot func(super func(option *qt.QStyleOption), option *qt.QStyleOption))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnItemChange(slot func(...) *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLinkClicked(slot func(param1 *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadFinished(slot func(param1 bool))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadProgress(slot func(progress int))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPaint(slot func(...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPaintWindowFrame(slot func(...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPolishEvent(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPropertyChange(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnSceneEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool, param1 *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnSetGeometry(slot func(super func(rect *qt.QRectF), rect *qt.QRectF))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnShape(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainterPath) *qt.QPainterPath)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnSizeHint(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnStatusBarMessage(slot func(message string))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnTitleChanged(slot func(param1 string))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUngrabKeyboardEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUngrabMouseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUpdateGeometry(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUrlChanged(slot func(param1 *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent), ...))
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnWindowFrameEvent(slot func(super func(e *qt.QEvent) bool, e *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnWindowFrameSectionAt(...)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Page() *QWebPage
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) PageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction) *qt.QAction
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Paint(param1 *qt.QPainter, options *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Reload()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) RenderHints() qt.QPainter__RenderHint
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) ResizesToContents() bool
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetContent(data []byte)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetContent2(data []byte, mimeType string)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetContent3(data []byte, mimeType string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetGeometry(rect *qt.QRectF)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetHtml(html string)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetHtml2(html string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetPage(page *QWebPage)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHint(param1 qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHint2(param1 qt.QPainter__RenderHint, enabled bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHints(renderHints qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetResizesToContents(enabled bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetTiledBackingStoreFrozen(frozen bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetZoomFactor(zoomFactor float64)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Settings() *QWebSettings
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SizeHint(which qt.SizeHint, constraint *qt.QSizeF) *qt.QSizeF
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) StatusBarMessage(message string)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Stop()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Title() string
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) TitleChanged(param1 string)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) TriggerPageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) TriggerPageAction2(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) UpdateGeometry()
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Url() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) UrlChanged(param1 *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QGraphicsWebView) ZoomFactor() float64
- type QWebDatabase
- func (this *QWebDatabase) Delete()
- func (this *QWebDatabase) DisplayName() string
- func (this *QWebDatabase) ExpectedSize() int64
- func (this *QWebDatabase) FileName() string
- func (this *QWebDatabase) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebDatabase) Name() string
- func (this *QWebDatabase) OperatorAssign(other *QWebDatabase)
- func (this *QWebDatabase) Origin() *QWebSecurityOrigin
- func (this *QWebDatabase) Size() int64
- func (this *QWebDatabase) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) AddClass(name string)
- func (this *QWebElement) AppendInside(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) AppendInsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) AppendOutside(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) AppendOutsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) Attribute(name string) string
- func (this *QWebElement) Attribute2(name string, defaultValue string) string
- func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string) string
- func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNS3(namespaceUri string, name string, defaultValue string) string
- func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNames() []string
- func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNames1(namespaceUri string) []string
- func (this *QWebElement) Classes() []string
- func (this *QWebElement) Clone() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) Delete()
- func (this *QWebElement) Document() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) EncloseContentsWith(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) EncloseContentsWithWithMarkup(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) EncloseWith(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) EncloseWithWithElement(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) EvaluateJavaScript(scriptSource string) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QWebElement) FindAll(selectorQuery string) *QWebElementCollection
- func (this *QWebElement) FindFirst(selectorQuery string) *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) FirstChild() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) Geometry() *qt.QRect
- func (this *QWebElement) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebElement) HasAttribute(name string) bool
- func (this *QWebElement) HasAttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string) bool
- func (this *QWebElement) HasAttributes() bool
- func (this *QWebElement) HasClass(name string) bool
- func (this *QWebElement) HasFocus() bool
- func (this *QWebElement) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QWebElement) LastChild() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) LocalName() string
- func (this *QWebElement) NamespaceUri() string
- func (this *QWebElement) NextSibling() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) OperatorEqual(o *QWebElement) bool
- func (this *QWebElement) OperatorNotEqual(o *QWebElement) bool
- func (this *QWebElement) Parent() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) Prefix() string
- func (this *QWebElement) PrependInside(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) PrependInsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) PrependOutside(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) PrependOutsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) PreviousSibling() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) RemoveAllChildren()
- func (this *QWebElement) RemoveAttribute(name string)
- func (this *QWebElement) RemoveAttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string)
- func (this *QWebElement) RemoveClass(name string)
- func (this *QWebElement) RemoveFromDocument()
- func (this *QWebElement) Render(painter *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QWebElement) Render2(painter *qt.QPainter, clipRect *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QWebElement) Replace(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) ReplaceWithElement(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebElement) SetAttribute(name string, value string)
- func (this *QWebElement) SetAttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string, value string)
- func (this *QWebElement) SetFocus()
- func (this *QWebElement) SetInnerXml(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) SetOuterXml(markup string)
- func (this *QWebElement) SetPlainText(text string)
- func (this *QWebElement) SetStyleProperty(name string, value string)
- func (this *QWebElement) StyleProperty(name string, strategy QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy) string
- func (this *QWebElement) TagName() string
- func (this *QWebElement) TakeFromDocument() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElement) ToInnerXml() string
- func (this *QWebElement) ToOuterXml() string
- func (this *QWebElement) ToPlainText() string
- func (this *QWebElement) ToggleClass(name string)
- func (this *QWebElement) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebElement) WebFrame() *QWebFrame
- type QWebElementCollection
- func NewQWebElementCollection() *QWebElementCollection
- func NewQWebElementCollection2(contextElement *QWebElement, query string) *QWebElementCollection
- func NewQWebElementCollection3(param1 *QWebElementCollection) *QWebElementCollection
- func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElementCollection
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) Append(collection *QWebElementCollection)
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) At(i int) *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) Begin() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) Begin2() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) ConstBegin() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) ConstEnd() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) Count() int
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) Delete()
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) End() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) End2() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) First() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) Last() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebElementCollection)
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorPlus(other *QWebElementCollection) *QWebElementCollection
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorPlusAssign(other *QWebElementCollection) *QWebElementCollection
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorSubscript(i int) *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) ToList() []QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator(collection_ *QWebElementCollection, index int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator2(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) Delete()
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorGreater(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorLesser(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusWithQWebElementCollectionconstIterator(j QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) int
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMultiply() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func NewQWebElementCollection__iterator(collection_ *QWebElementCollection, index int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func NewQWebElementCollection__iterator2(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) Delete()
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorGreater(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorLesser(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusWithQWebElementCollectioniterator(j QWebElementCollection__iterator) int
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMultiply() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
- func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy
- type QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebFrame) AddToJavaScriptWindowObject(name string, object *qt.QObject)
- func (this *QWebFrame) AddToJavaScriptWindowObject3(name string, object *qt.QObject, ownership QWebFrame__ValueOwnership)
- func (this *QWebFrame) BaseUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebFrame) ChildFrames() []*QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebFrame) ContentsSize() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QWebFrame) ContentsSizeChanged(size *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebFrame) DocumentElement() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebFrame) EvaluateJavaScript(scriptSource string) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QWebFrame) Event(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool
- func (this *QWebFrame) FindAllElements(selectorQuery string) *QWebElementCollection
- func (this *QWebFrame) FindFirstElement(selectorQuery string) *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebFrame) FrameName() string
- func (this *QWebFrame) Geometry() *qt.QRect
- func (this *QWebFrame) HasFocus() bool
- func (this *QWebFrame) HitTestContent(pos *qt.QPoint) *QWebHitTestResult
- func (this *QWebFrame) Icon() *qt.QIcon
- func (this *QWebFrame) IconChanged()
- func (this *QWebFrame) InitialLayoutCompleted()
- func (this *QWebFrame) JavaScriptWindowObjectCleared()
- func (this *QWebFrame) Load(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebFrame) Load2(request *network.QNetworkRequest, ...)
- func (this *QWebFrame) Load3(request *network.QNetworkRequest, ...)
- func (this *QWebFrame) LoadFinished(ok bool)
- func (this *QWebFrame) LoadStarted()
- func (this *QWebFrame) LoadWithRequest(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
- func (this *QWebFrame) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebFrame) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnContentsSizeChanged(slot func(size *qt.QSize))
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnIconChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnInitialLayoutCompleted(slot func())
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnJavaScriptWindowObjectCleared(slot func())
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnLoadFinished(slot func(ok bool))
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnPageChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnProvisionalLoad(slot func())
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnTitleChanged(slot func(title string))
- func (this *QWebFrame) OnUrlChanged(slot func(url *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QWebFrame) OwnerElement() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebFrame) Page() *QWebPage
- func (this *QWebFrame) PageChanged()
- func (this *QWebFrame) ParentFrame() *QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebFrame) Pos() *qt.QPoint
- func (this *QWebFrame) Print(printer *printsupport.QPrinter)
- func (this *QWebFrame) ProvisionalLoad()
- func (this *QWebFrame) Render(param1 *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QWebFrame) Render2(param1 *qt.QPainter, layer QWebFrame__RenderLayer)
- func (this *QWebFrame) Render22(param1 *qt.QPainter, clip *qt.QRegion)
- func (this *QWebFrame) Render3(param1 *qt.QPainter, layer QWebFrame__RenderLayer, clip *qt.QRegion)
- func (this *QWebFrame) RequestedUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebFrame) Scroll(param1 int, param2 int)
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarGeometry(orientation qt.Orientation) *qt.QRect
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarMaximum(orientation qt.Orientation) int
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarMinimum(orientation qt.Orientation) int
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarPolicy(orientation qt.Orientation) qt.ScrollBarPolicy
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarValue(orientation qt.Orientation) int
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollPosition() *qt.QPoint
- func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollToAnchor(anchor string)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SecurityOrigin() *QWebSecurityOrigin
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetContent(data []byte)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetContent2(data []byte, mimeType string)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetContent3(data []byte, mimeType string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetFocus()
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetHtml(html string)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetHtml2(html string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetScrollBarPolicy(orientation qt.Orientation, policy qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetScrollBarValue(orientation qt.Orientation, value int)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetScrollPosition(pos *qt.QPoint)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetTextSizeMultiplier(factor float64)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebFrame) SetZoomFactor(factor float64)
- func (this *QWebFrame) TextSizeMultiplier() float64
- func (this *QWebFrame) Title() string
- func (this *QWebFrame) TitleChanged(title string)
- func (this *QWebFrame) ToHtml() string
- func (this *QWebFrame) ToPlainText() string
- func (this *QWebFrame) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebFrame) Url() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebFrame) UrlChanged(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebFrame) ZoomFactor() float64
- type QWebFrame__RenderLayer
- type QWebFrame__ValueOwnership
- type QWebFullScreenRequest
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Accept()
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Delete()
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Element() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Origin() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Reject()
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) ToggleOn() bool
- func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer
- func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) Delete()
- func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) PlayHapticFeedback(param1 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent, hapticType string, ...)
- func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent
- type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength
- type QWebHistory
- func (this *QWebHistory) Back()
- func (this *QWebHistory) BackItem() *QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) BackItems(maxItems int) []QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) CanGoBack() bool
- func (this *QWebHistory) CanGoForward() bool
- func (this *QWebHistory) Clear()
- func (this *QWebHistory) Count() int
- func (this *QWebHistory) CurrentItem() *QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) CurrentItemIndex() int
- func (this *QWebHistory) Forward()
- func (this *QWebHistory) ForwardItem() *QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) ForwardItems(maxItems int) []QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) GoToItem(item *QWebHistoryItem)
- func (this *QWebHistory) ItemAt(i int) *QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) Items() []QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistory) LoadFromMap(mapVal map[string]qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QWebHistory) MaximumItemCount() int
- func (this *QWebHistory) SetMaximumItemCount(count int)
- func (this *QWebHistory) ToMap() map[string]qt.QVariant
- func (this *QWebHistory) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebHistoryInterface
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) AddHistoryEntry(url string)
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) Delete()
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) HistoryContains(url string) bool
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnAddHistoryEntry(slot func(url string))
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnHistoryContains(slot func(url string) bool)
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebHistoryItem
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Delete()
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Icon() *qt.QIcon
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) LastVisited() *qt.QDateTime
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) LoadFromMap(mapVal map[string]qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) OperatorAssign(other *QWebHistoryItem)
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) OriginalUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) SetUserData(userData *qt.QVariant)
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Title() string
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) ToMap() map[string]qt.QVariant
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Url() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebHistoryItem) UserData() *qt.QVariant
- type QWebHitTestResult
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) AlternateText() string
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) BoundingRect() *qt.QRect
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Delete()
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Element() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) EnclosingBlockElement() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Frame() *QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) ImageUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) IsContentEditable() bool
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) IsContentSelected() bool
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkElement() *QWebElement
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkTargetFrame() *QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkText() string
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkTitle() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkTitleString() string
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) MediaUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) OperatorAssign(other *QWebHitTestResult)
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Pixmap() *qt.QPixmap
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Pos() *qt.QPoint
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Title() string
- func (this *QWebHitTestResult) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebInspector
- func (this *QWebInspector) Delete()
- func (this *QWebInspector) Event(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool
- func (this *QWebInspector) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebInspector) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebInspector) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QActionEvent), event *qt.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent), param1 *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDropEvent), event *qt.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool, param1 *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMoveEvent), event *qt.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QPaintEvent), event *qt.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QResizeEvent), event *qt.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTabletEvent), event *qt.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QWheelEvent), event *qt.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QWebInspector) Page() *QWebPage
- func (this *QWebInspector) SetPage(page *QWebPage)
- func (this *QWebInspector) SizeHint() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QWebInspector) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebKitPlatformPlugin
- func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) CreateExtension(param1 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension) *qt.QObject
- func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) Delete()
- func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebKitPlatformPlugin)
- func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) SupportsExtension(param1 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension) bool
- func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension
- type QWebNotificationData
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) Delete()
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) IconUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) Message() string
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) OpenerPageUrl() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebNotificationData)
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) Title() string
- func (this *QWebNotificationData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebNotificationPresenter
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) Delete()
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) NotificationClicked()
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) NotificationClosed()
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) OnNotificationClicked(slot func())
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) OnNotificationClosed(slot func())
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) ShowNotification(param1 *QWebNotificationData)
- func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebPage
- func (this *QWebPage) Action(action QWebPage__WebAction) *qt.QAction
- func (this *QWebPage) ApplicationCacheQuotaExceeded(origin *QWebSecurityOrigin, defaultOriginQuota uint64, totalSpaceNeeded uint64)
- func (this *QWebPage) BytesReceived() uint64
- func (this *QWebPage) ConsoleMessageReceived(source QWebPage__MessageSource, level QWebPage__MessageLevel, message string, ...)
- func (this *QWebPage) ContentsChanged()
- func (this *QWebPage) CreateStandardContextMenu() *qt.QMenu
- func (this *QWebPage) CurrentFrame() *QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebPage) CustomAction(action int) *qt.QAction
- func (this *QWebPage) DatabaseQuotaExceeded(frame *QWebFrame, databaseName string)
- func (this *QWebPage) Delete()
- func (this *QWebPage) DevicePixelRatio() float64
- func (this *QWebPage) DownloadRequested(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
- func (this *QWebPage) Event(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) Extension(extension QWebPage__Extension, option *QWebPage__ExtensionOption, ...) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) FeaturePermissionRequestCanceled(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature)
- func (this *QWebPage) FeaturePermissionRequested(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature)
- func (this *QWebPage) FindText(subString string) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) FindText2(subString string, options QWebPage__FindFlag) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) FocusNextPrevChild(next bool) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) FocusedElementChanged(element *QWebElement)
- func (this *QWebPage) ForwardUnsupportedContent() bool
- func (this *QWebPage) FrameAt(pos *qt.QPoint) *QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebPage) FrameCreated(frame *QWebFrame)
- func (this *QWebPage) FullScreenRequested(fullScreenRequest QWebFullScreenRequest)
- func (this *QWebPage) GeometryChangeRequested(geom *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QWebPage) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebPage) HasSelection() bool
- func (this *QWebPage) History() *QWebHistory
- func (this *QWebPage) InputMethodQuery(property qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QWebPage) IsContentEditable() bool
- func (this *QWebPage) IsModified() bool
- func (this *QWebPage) LinkClicked(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebPage) LinkDelegationPolicy() QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy
- func (this *QWebPage) LinkHovered(link string, title string, textContent string)
- func (this *QWebPage) LoadFinished(ok bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) LoadProgress(progress int)
- func (this *QWebPage) LoadStarted()
- func (this *QWebPage) MainFrame() *QWebFrame
- func (this *QWebPage) MenuBarVisibilityChangeRequested(visible bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebPage) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebPage) MicroFocusChanged()
- func (this *QWebPage) NetworkAccessManager() *network.QNetworkAccessManager
- func (this *QWebPage) OnAcceptNavigationRequest(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnApplicationCacheQuotaExceeded(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnChooseFile(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnConsoleMessageReceived(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnContentsChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebPage) OnCreatePlugin(slot func(...) *qt.QObject)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnCreateWindow(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnDatabaseQuotaExceeded(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, databaseName string))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnDownloadRequested(slot func(request *network.QNetworkRequest))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool, param1 *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnExtension(slot func(...) bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnFeaturePermissionRequestCanceled(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnFeaturePermissionRequested(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnFocusedElementChanged(slot func(element *QWebElement))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnFrameCreated(slot func(frame *QWebFrame))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnFullScreenRequested(slot func(fullScreenRequest QWebFullScreenRequest))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnGeometryChangeRequested(slot func(geom *qt.QRect))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnJavaScriptAlert(slot func(super func(originatingFrame *QWebFrame, msg string), ...))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnJavaScriptConfirm(slot func(super func(originatingFrame *QWebFrame, msg string) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnJavaScriptConsoleMessage(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnLinkClicked(slot func(url *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnLinkHovered(slot func(link string, title string, textContent string))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnLoadFinished(slot func(ok bool))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnLoadProgress(slot func(progress int))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
- func (this *QWebPage) OnMenuBarVisibilityChangeRequested(slot func(visible bool))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnMicroFocusChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebPage) OnPrintRequested(slot func(frame *QWebFrame))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnRecentlyAudibleChanged(slot func(recentlyAudible bool))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnRepaintRequested(slot func(dirtyRect *qt.QRect))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnRestoreFrameStateRequested(slot func(frame *QWebFrame))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnSaveFrameStateRequested(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, item *QWebHistoryItem))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnScrollRequested(slot func(dx int, dy int, scrollViewRect *qt.QRect))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnSelectionChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebPage) OnShouldInterruptJavaScript(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnStatusBarMessage(slot func(text string))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnStatusBarVisibilityChangeRequested(slot func(visible bool))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnSupportsExtension(...)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnToolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(slot func(visible bool))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnTriggerAction(slot func(super func(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool), ...))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnUnsupportedContent(slot func(reply *network.QNetworkReply))
- func (this *QWebPage) OnUserAgentForUrl(slot func(super func(url *qt.QUrl) string, url *qt.QUrl) string)
- func (this *QWebPage) OnViewportChangeRequested(slot func())
- func (this *QWebPage) OnWindowCloseRequested(slot func())
- func (this *QWebPage) Palette() *qt.QPalette
- func (this *QWebPage) PluginFactory() *QWebPluginFactory
- func (this *QWebPage) PreferredContentsSize() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QWebPage) PrintRequested(frame *QWebFrame)
- func (this *QWebPage) RecentlyAudible() bool
- func (this *QWebPage) RecentlyAudibleChanged(recentlyAudible bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) RepaintRequested(dirtyRect *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QWebPage) ResetDevicePixelRatio()
- func (this *QWebPage) RestoreFrameStateRequested(frame *QWebFrame)
- func (this *QWebPage) SaveFrameStateRequested(frame *QWebFrame, item *QWebHistoryItem)
- func (this *QWebPage) ScrollRequested(dx int, dy int, scrollViewRect *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QWebPage) SelectedHtml() string
- func (this *QWebPage) SelectedText() string
- func (this *QWebPage) SelectionChanged()
- func (this *QWebPage) SetActualVisibleContentRect(rect *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetContentEditable(editable bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetDevicePixelRatio(ratio float64)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetFeaturePermission(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature, policy QWebPage__PermissionPolicy)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetForwardUnsupportedContent(forward bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetLinkDelegationPolicy(policy QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetNetworkAccessManager(manager *network.QNetworkAccessManager)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetPalette(palette *qt.QPalette)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetPluginFactory(factory *QWebPluginFactory)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetPreferredContentsSize(size *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetView(view *qt.QWidget)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetViewportSize(size *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebPage) SetVisibilityState(visibilityState QWebPage__VisibilityState)
- func (this *QWebPage) Settings() *QWebSettings
- func (this *QWebPage) ShouldInterruptJavaScript() bool
- func (this *QWebPage) StatusBarMessage(text string)
- func (this *QWebPage) StatusBarVisibilityChangeRequested(visible bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) SupportedContentTypes() []string
- func (this *QWebPage) SupportsContentType(mimeType string) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) SupportsExtension(extension QWebPage__Extension) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) SwallowContextMenuEvent(event *qt.QContextMenuEvent) bool
- func (this *QWebPage) ToolBarVisibilityChangeRequested(visible bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) TotalBytes() uint64
- func (this *QWebPage) TriggerAction(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool)
- func (this *QWebPage) UndoStack() *qt.QUndoStack
- func (this *QWebPage) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebPage) UnsupportedContent(reply *network.QNetworkReply)
- func (this *QWebPage) UpdatePositionDependentActions(pos *qt.QPoint)
- func (this *QWebPage) View() *qt.QWidget
- func (this *QWebPage) ViewportAttributesForSize(availableSize *qt.QSize) *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes
- func (this *QWebPage) ViewportChangeRequested()
- func (this *QWebPage) ViewportSize() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QWebPage) VisibilityState() QWebPage__VisibilityState
- func (this *QWebPage) WindowCloseRequested()
- type QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption
- type QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn
- type QWebPage__ErrorDomain
- type QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption
- type QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
- func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn() *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
- func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn2(param1 *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
- func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
- type QWebPage__Extension
- type QWebPage__ExtensionOption
- type QWebPage__ExtensionReturn
- type QWebPage__Feature
- type QWebPage__FindFlag
- type QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy
- type QWebPage__MessageLevel
- type QWebPage__MessageSource
- type QWebPage__NavigationType
- type QWebPage__PermissionPolicy
- type QWebPage__ViewportAttributes
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) Delete()
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) DevicePixelRatio() float64
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) InitialScaleFactor() float64
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) IsUserScalable() bool
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) MaximumScaleFactor() float64
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) MinimumScaleFactor() float64
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) OperatorAssign(other *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes)
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) Size() *qt.QSizeF
- func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebPage__VisibilityState
- type QWebPage__WebAction
- type QWebPage__WebWindowType
- type QWebPluginFactory
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Create(mimeType string, param2 *qt.QUrl, argumentNames []string, ...) *qt.QObject
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Delete()
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Extension(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension, ...) bool
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnCreate(...)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent) bool, event *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnExtension(...)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnPlugins(slot func() []QWebPluginFactory__Plugin)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnRefreshPlugins(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnSupportsExtension(slot func(super func(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Plugins() []QWebPluginFactory__Plugin
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) RefreshPlugins()
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) SupportsExtension(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension) bool
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebPluginFactory__Extension
- type QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption
- type QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn
- type QWebPluginFactory__MimeType
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) Delete()
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType)
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorEqual(other *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) bool
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorNotEqual(other *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) bool
- func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebPluginFactory__Plugin
- type QWebSecurityOrigin
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) AddAccessWhitelistEntry(scheme string, host string, ...)
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) DatabaseQuota() int64
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) DatabaseUsage() int64
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Databases() []QWebDatabase
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Delete()
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Host() string
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) OperatorAssign(other *QWebSecurityOrigin)
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Port() int
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) RemoveAccessWhitelistEntry(scheme string, host string, ...)
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Scheme() string
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) SetApplicationCacheQuota(quota int64)
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) SetDatabaseQuota(quota int64)
- func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting
- type QWebSelectData
- func (this *QWebSelectData) BackgroundColor() *qt.QColor
- func (this *QWebSelectData) Delete()
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ForegroundColor() *qt.QColor
- func (this *QWebSelectData) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemBackgroundColor(index int) *qt.QColor
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemCount() int
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemForegroundColor(index int) *qt.QColor
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemIsEnabled(index int) bool
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemIsSelected(index int) bool
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemText(index int) string
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemToolTip(index int) string
- func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemType(param1 int) QWebSelectData__ItemType
- func (this *QWebSelectData) Multiple() bool
- func (this *QWebSelectData) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebSelectData)
- func (this *QWebSelectData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebSelectData__ItemType
- type QWebSelectMethod
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Delete()
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) DidHide()
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Hide()
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) OnDidHide(slot func())
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) OnSelectItem(slot func(index int, allowMultiplySelections bool, shift bool))
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) SelectItem(index int, allowMultiplySelections bool, shift bool)
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) SetFont(font *qt.QFont)
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) SetGeometry(geometry *qt.QRect)
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Show(param1 *QWebSelectData)
- func (this *QWebSelectMethod) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebSettings
- func (this *QWebSettings) CssMediaType() string
- func (this *QWebSettings) DefaultTextEncoding() string
- func (this *QWebSettings) FontFamily(which QWebSettings__FontFamily) string
- func (this *QWebSettings) FontSize(typeVal QWebSettings__FontSize) int
- func (this *QWebSettings) LocalStoragePath() string
- func (this *QWebSettings) ResetAttribute(attr QWebSettings__WebAttribute)
- func (this *QWebSettings) ResetFontFamily(which QWebSettings__FontFamily)
- func (this *QWebSettings) ResetFontSize(typeVal QWebSettings__FontSize)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetAttribute(attr QWebSettings__WebAttribute, on bool)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetCSSMediaType(cSSMediaType string)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetDefaultTextEncoding(encoding string)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetFontFamily(which QWebSettings__FontFamily, family string)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetFontSize(typeVal QWebSettings__FontSize, size int)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetLocalStoragePath(path string)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetThirdPartyCookiePolicy(thirdPartyCookiePolicy QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy)
- func (this *QWebSettings) SetUserStyleSheetUrl(location *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebSettings) TestAttribute(attr QWebSettings__WebAttribute) bool
- func (this *QWebSettings) ThirdPartyCookiePolicy() QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy
- func (this *QWebSettings) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebSettings) UserStyleSheetUrl() *qt.QUrl
- type QWebSettings__FontFamily
- type QWebSettings__FontSize
- type QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy
- type QWebSettings__WebAttribute
- type QWebSettings__WebGraphic
- type QWebSpellChecker
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) AutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord(word string) string
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) CheckGrammarOfString(param1 string, param2 []QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail, ...)
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) CheckSpellingOfString(word string, misspellingLocation *int, misspellingLength *int)
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) Delete()
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) GuessesForWord(word string, context string, guesses []string)
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) IgnoreWordInSpellDocument(word string)
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) IsContinousSpellCheckingEnabled() bool
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) IsGrammarCheckingEnabled() bool
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) LearnWord(word string)
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) ToggleContinousSpellChecking()
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) ToggleGrammarChecking()
- func (this *QWebSpellChecker) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail
- type QWebTouchModifier
- func (this *QWebTouchModifier) Delete()
- func (this *QWebTouchModifier) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebTouchModifier) HitTestPaddingForTouch(param1 QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection) uint
- func (this *QWebTouchModifier) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebTouchModifier) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebTouchModifier) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection
- type QWebView
- func (this *QWebView) Back()
- func (this *QWebView) Delete()
- func (this *QWebView) Event(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool
- func (this *QWebView) FindText(subString string) bool
- func (this *QWebView) FindText2(subString string, options QWebPage__FindFlag) bool
- func (this *QWebView) Forward()
- func (this *QWebView) GoGC()
- func (this *QWebView) HasSelection() bool
- func (this *QWebView) History() *QWebHistory
- func (this *QWebView) Icon() *qt.QIcon
- func (this *QWebView) IconChanged()
- func (this *QWebView) InputMethodQuery(property qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant
- func (this *QWebView) IsModified() bool
- func (this *QWebView) LinkClicked(param1 *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebView) Load(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebView) Load2(request *network.QNetworkRequest, ...)
- func (this *QWebView) Load3(request *network.QNetworkRequest, ...)
- func (this *QWebView) LoadFinished(param1 bool)
- func (this *QWebView) LoadProgress(progress int)
- func (this *QWebView) LoadStarted()
- func (this *QWebView) LoadWithRequest(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
- func (this *QWebView) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
- func (this *QWebView) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebView) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QActionEvent), event *qt.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent), param1 *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QWebView) OnCreateWindow(...)
- func (this *QWebView) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QWebView) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDragEnterEvent), param1 *qt.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDragLeaveEvent), param1 *qt.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDragMoveEvent), param1 *qt.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDropEvent), param1 *qt.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent) bool, param1 *qt.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QWebView) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QWebView) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QWebView) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QWebView) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnIconChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebView) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
- func (this *QWebView) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QWebView) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QWebView) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnLinkClicked(slot func(param1 *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QWebView) OnLoadFinished(slot func(param1 bool))
- func (this *QWebView) OnLoadProgress(slot func(progress int))
- func (this *QWebView) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
- func (this *QWebView) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QWebView) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebView) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMoveEvent), event *qt.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QWebView) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QWebView) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QPaintEvent), param1 *qt.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QWebView) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnSelectionChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QWebView) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QWebView) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
- func (this *QWebView) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
- func (this *QWebView) OnStatusBarMessage(slot func(text string))
- func (this *QWebView) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTabletEvent), event *qt.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) OnTitleChanged(slot func(title string))
- func (this *QWebView) OnUrlChanged(slot func(param1 *qt.QUrl))
- func (this *QWebView) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QWheelEvent), param1 *qt.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QWebView) Page() *QWebPage
- func (this *QWebView) PageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction) *qt.QAction
- func (this *QWebView) Print(param1 *printsupport.QPrinter)
- func (this *QWebView) Reload()
- func (this *QWebView) RenderHints() qt.QPainter__RenderHint
- func (this *QWebView) SelectedHtml() string
- func (this *QWebView) SelectedText() string
- func (this *QWebView) SelectionChanged()
- func (this *QWebView) SetContent(data []byte)
- func (this *QWebView) SetContent2(data []byte, mimeType string)
- func (this *QWebView) SetContent3(data []byte, mimeType string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebView) SetHtml(html string)
- func (this *QWebView) SetHtml2(html string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebView) SetPage(page *QWebPage)
- func (this *QWebView) SetRenderHint(hint qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
- func (this *QWebView) SetRenderHint2(hint qt.QPainter__RenderHint, enabled bool)
- func (this *QWebView) SetRenderHints(hints qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
- func (this *QWebView) SetTextSizeMultiplier(factor float64)
- func (this *QWebView) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebView) SetZoomFactor(factor float64)
- func (this *QWebView) Settings() *QWebSettings
- func (this *QWebView) SizeHint() *qt.QSize
- func (this *QWebView) StatusBarMessage(text string)
- func (this *QWebView) Stop()
- func (this *QWebView) TextSizeMultiplier() float64
- func (this *QWebView) Title() string
- func (this *QWebView) TitleChanged(title string)
- func (this *QWebView) TriggerPageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction)
- func (this *QWebView) TriggerPageAction2(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool)
- func (this *QWebView) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QWebView) Url() *qt.QUrl
- func (this *QWebView) UrlChanged(param1 *qt.QUrl)
- func (this *QWebView) ZoomFactor() float64
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func QGraphicsWebView_Tr ¶
func QGraphicsWebView_Tr2 ¶
func QGraphicsWebView_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebDatabase_RemoveAllDatabases ¶
func QWebDatabase_RemoveAllDatabases()
func QWebDatabase_RemoveDatabase ¶
func QWebDatabase_RemoveDatabase(param1 *QWebDatabase)
func QWebFrame_Tr ¶
func QWebFrame_Tr2 ¶
func QWebFrame_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebFrame_TrUtf82 ¶
func QWebHistoryInterface_SetDefaultInterface ¶
func QWebHistoryInterface_SetDefaultInterface(defaultInterface *QWebHistoryInterface)
func QWebHistoryInterface_Tr ¶
func QWebInspector_Tr ¶
func QWebInspector_Tr2 ¶
func QWebInspector_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebInspector_TrUtf82 ¶
func QWebPage_Tr ¶
func QWebPage_Tr2 ¶
func QWebPage_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebPage_TrUtf82 ¶
func QWebPluginFactory_Tr ¶
func QWebPluginFactory_Tr2 ¶
func QWebSecurityOrigin_AddLocalScheme ¶
func QWebSecurityOrigin_AddLocalScheme(scheme string)
func QWebSecurityOrigin_LocalSchemes ¶
func QWebSecurityOrigin_LocalSchemes() []string
func QWebSecurityOrigin_RemoveLocalScheme ¶
func QWebSecurityOrigin_RemoveLocalScheme(scheme string)
func QWebSelectMethod_Tr ¶
func QWebSelectMethod_Tr2 ¶
func QWebSelectMethod_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebSettings_ClearIconDatabase ¶
func QWebSettings_ClearIconDatabase()
func QWebSettings_ClearMemoryCaches ¶
func QWebSettings_ClearMemoryCaches()
func QWebSettings_EnablePersistentStorage ¶
func QWebSettings_EnablePersistentStorage()
func QWebSettings_EnablePersistentStorage1 ¶
func QWebSettings_EnablePersistentStorage1(path string)
func QWebSettings_IconDatabasePath ¶
func QWebSettings_IconDatabasePath() string
func QWebSettings_MaximumPagesInCache ¶
func QWebSettings_MaximumPagesInCache() int
func QWebSettings_OfflineStorageDefaultQuota ¶
func QWebSettings_OfflineStorageDefaultQuota() int64
func QWebSettings_OfflineStoragePath ¶
func QWebSettings_OfflineStoragePath() string
func QWebSettings_OfflineWebApplicationCachePath ¶
func QWebSettings_OfflineWebApplicationCachePath() string
func QWebSettings_OfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota ¶
func QWebSettings_OfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota() int64
func QWebSettings_PluginSearchPaths ¶
func QWebSettings_PluginSearchPaths() []string
func QWebSettings_SetIconDatabasePath ¶
func QWebSettings_SetIconDatabasePath(location string)
func QWebSettings_SetMaximumPagesInCache ¶
func QWebSettings_SetMaximumPagesInCache(pages int)
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineStorageDefaultQuota ¶
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineStorageDefaultQuota(maximumSize int64)
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineStoragePath ¶
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineStoragePath(path string)
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineWebApplicationCachePath ¶
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineWebApplicationCachePath(path string)
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota ¶
func QWebSettings_SetOfflineWebApplicationCacheQuota(maximumSize int64)
func QWebSettings_SetPluginSearchPaths ¶
func QWebSettings_SetPluginSearchPaths(paths []string)
func QWebSettings_SetWebGraphic ¶
func QWebSettings_SetWebGraphic(typeVal QWebSettings__WebGraphic, graphic *qt.QPixmap)
func QWebSettings_WebGraphic ¶
func QWebSettings_WebGraphic(typeVal QWebSettings__WebGraphic) *qt.QPixmap
func QWebSpellChecker_Tr ¶
func QWebSpellChecker_Tr2 ¶
func QWebSpellChecker_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebTouchModifier_Tr ¶
func QWebTouchModifier_Tr2 ¶
func QWebView_Tr ¶
func QWebView_Tr2 ¶
func QWebView_TrUtf8 ¶
func QWebView_TrUtf82 ¶
Types ¶
type QGraphicsWebView ¶
type QGraphicsWebView struct { *qt.QGraphicsWidget // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQGraphicsWebView ¶
func NewQGraphicsWebView() *QGraphicsWebView
NewQGraphicsWebView constructs a new QGraphicsWebView object.
func NewQGraphicsWebView2 ¶
func NewQGraphicsWebView2(parent *qt.QGraphicsItem) *QGraphicsWebView
NewQGraphicsWebView2 constructs a new QGraphicsWebView object.
func UnsafeNewQGraphicsWebView ¶
func UnsafeNewQGraphicsWebView(h unsafe.Pointer) *QGraphicsWebView
UnsafeNewQGraphicsWebView constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Back ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Back()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Delete ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QGraphicsWebView) FindText ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) FindText(subString string) bool
func (*QGraphicsWebView) FindText2 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) FindText2(subString string, options QWebPage__FindFlag) bool
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Forward ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Forward()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) GoGC ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QGraphicsWebView) History ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) History() *QWebHistory
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Icon ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Icon() *qt.QIcon
func (*QGraphicsWebView) IconChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) IconChanged()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) InputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) InputMethodQuery(query qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant
func (*QGraphicsWebView) IsModified ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) IsModified() bool
func (*QGraphicsWebView) IsTiledBackingStoreFrozen ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) IsTiledBackingStoreFrozen() bool
func (*QGraphicsWebView) ItemChange ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) ItemChange(change qt.QGraphicsItem__GraphicsItemChange, value *qt.QVariant) *qt.QVariant
func (*QGraphicsWebView) LinkClicked ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LinkClicked(param1 *qt.QUrl)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Load ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Load(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Load2 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Load2(request *network.QNetworkRequest, operation network.QNetworkAccessManager__Operation)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Load3 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Load3(request *network.QNetworkRequest, operation network.QNetworkAccessManager__Operation, body []byte)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) LoadFinished ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadFinished(param1 bool)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) LoadProgress ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadProgress(progress int)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) LoadStarted ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadStarted()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) LoadWithRequest ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) LoadWithRequest(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Metacast ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnBoundingRect ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnBoundingRect(slot func(super func() *qt.QRectF) *qt.QRectF)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnChangeEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneContextMenuEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnDragEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnDragMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnDropEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneDragDropEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusInEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusOutEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnGetContentsMargins ¶
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnGrabKeyboardEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnGrabKeyboardEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnGrabMouseEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnGrabMouseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnHideEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnHoverLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnHoverLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnHoverMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnHoverMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnIconChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnIconChanged(slot func())
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnInitStyleOption ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnInitStyleOption(slot func(super func(option *qt.QStyleOption), option *qt.QStyleOption))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnInputMethodEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnInputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(query qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant, query qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnItemChange ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnItemChange(slot func(super func(change qt.QGraphicsItem__GraphicsItemChange, value *qt.QVariant) *qt.QVariant, change qt.QGraphicsItem__GraphicsItemChange, value *qt.QVariant) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt.QKeyEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt.QKeyEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnLinkClicked ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLinkClicked(slot func(param1 *qt.QUrl))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadFinished ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadFinished(slot func(param1 bool))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadProgress ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadProgress(slot func(progress int))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadStarted ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnMousePressEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent), event *qt.QGraphicsSceneMoveEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnPaint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPaint(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QPainter, options *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget), param1 *qt.QPainter, options *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnPaintWindowFrame ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPaintWindowFrame(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter, option *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget), painter *qt.QPainter, option *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnPolishEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnPolishEvent(slot func(super func()))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnPropertyChange ¶
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent), event *qt.QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnSceneEvent ¶
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnSetGeometry ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnSetGeometry(slot func(super func(rect *qt.QRectF), rect *qt.QRectF))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnShape ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnShape(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainterPath) *qt.QPainterPath)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnSizeHint ¶
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnStatusBarMessage ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnStatusBarMessage(slot func(message string))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnTitleChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnTitleChanged(slot func(param1 string))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnType ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnUngrabKeyboardEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUngrabKeyboardEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnUngrabMouseEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUngrabMouseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnUpdateGeometry ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUpdateGeometry(slot func(super func()))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnUrlChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnUrlChanged(slot func(param1 *qt.QUrl))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnWheelEvent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent), param1 *qt.QGraphicsSceneWheelEvent))
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnWindowFrameEvent ¶
func (*QGraphicsWebView) OnWindowFrameSectionAt ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) OnWindowFrameSectionAt(slot func(super func(pos *qt.QPointF) qt.WindowFrameSection, pos *qt.QPointF) qt.WindowFrameSection)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Page ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Page() *QWebPage
func (*QGraphicsWebView) PageAction ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) PageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction) *qt.QAction
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Paint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Paint(param1 *qt.QPainter, options *qt.QStyleOptionGraphicsItem, widget *qt.QWidget)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Reload ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Reload()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) RenderHints ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) RenderHints() qt.QPainter__RenderHint
func (*QGraphicsWebView) ResizesToContents ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) ResizesToContents() bool
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetContent ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetContent(data []byte)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetContent2 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetContent2(data []byte, mimeType string)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetContent3 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetContent3(data []byte, mimeType string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetGeometry ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetGeometry(rect *qt.QRectF)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetHtml ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetHtml(html string)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetHtml2 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetHtml2(html string, baseUrl *qt.QUrl)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetPage ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetPage(page *QWebPage)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHint ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHint(param1 qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHint2 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHint2(param1 qt.QPainter__RenderHint, enabled bool)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHints ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetRenderHints(renderHints qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetResizesToContents ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetResizesToContents(enabled bool)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetTiledBackingStoreFrozen ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetTiledBackingStoreFrozen(frozen bool)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetUrl ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetUrl(url *qt.QUrl)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) SetZoomFactor ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) SetZoomFactor(zoomFactor float64)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Settings ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Settings() *QWebSettings
func (*QGraphicsWebView) StatusBarMessage ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) StatusBarMessage(message string)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Stop ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Stop()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Title ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Title() string
func (*QGraphicsWebView) TitleChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) TitleChanged(param1 string)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) TriggerPageAction ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) TriggerPageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) TriggerPageAction2 ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) TriggerPageAction2(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QGraphicsWebView) UpdateGeometry ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) UpdateGeometry()
func (*QGraphicsWebView) Url ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) Url() *qt.QUrl
func (*QGraphicsWebView) UrlChanged ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) UrlChanged(param1 *qt.QUrl)
func (*QGraphicsWebView) ZoomFactor ¶
func (this *QGraphicsWebView) ZoomFactor() float64
type QWebDatabase ¶
type QWebDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebDatabase ¶
func NewQWebDatabase(other *QWebDatabase) *QWebDatabase
NewQWebDatabase constructs a new QWebDatabase object.
func UnsafeNewQWebDatabase ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebDatabase(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebDatabase
UnsafeNewQWebDatabase constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebDatabase) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebDatabase) DisplayName ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) DisplayName() string
func (*QWebDatabase) ExpectedSize ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) ExpectedSize() int64
func (*QWebDatabase) FileName ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) FileName() string
func (*QWebDatabase) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebDatabase) Name ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) Name() string
func (*QWebDatabase) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) OperatorAssign(other *QWebDatabase)
func (*QWebDatabase) Origin ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) Origin() *QWebSecurityOrigin
func (*QWebDatabase) Size ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) Size() int64
func (*QWebDatabase) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebDatabase) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebElement ¶
type QWebElement struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebElement ¶
func NewQWebElement() *QWebElement
NewQWebElement constructs a new QWebElement object.
func NewQWebElement2 ¶
func NewQWebElement2(param1 *QWebElement) *QWebElement
NewQWebElement2 constructs a new QWebElement object.
func UnsafeNewQWebElement ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebElement(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElement
UnsafeNewQWebElement constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebElement) AddClass ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AddClass(name string)
func (*QWebElement) AppendInside ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AppendInside(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) AppendInsideWithElement ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AppendInsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) AppendOutside ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AppendOutside(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) AppendOutsideWithElement ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AppendOutsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) Attribute ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Attribute(name string) string
func (*QWebElement) Attribute2 ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Attribute2(name string, defaultValue string) string
func (*QWebElement) AttributeNS ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string) string
func (*QWebElement) AttributeNS3 ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNS3(namespaceUri string, name string, defaultValue string) string
func (*QWebElement) AttributeNames ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNames() []string
func (*QWebElement) AttributeNames1 ¶
func (this *QWebElement) AttributeNames1(namespaceUri string) []string
func (*QWebElement) Classes ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Classes() []string
func (*QWebElement) Clone ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Clone() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) Document ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Document() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) EncloseContentsWith ¶
func (this *QWebElement) EncloseContentsWith(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) EncloseContentsWithWithMarkup ¶
func (this *QWebElement) EncloseContentsWithWithMarkup(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) EncloseWith ¶
func (this *QWebElement) EncloseWith(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) EncloseWithWithElement ¶
func (this *QWebElement) EncloseWithWithElement(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) EvaluateJavaScript ¶
func (this *QWebElement) EvaluateJavaScript(scriptSource string) *qt.QVariant
func (*QWebElement) FindAll ¶
func (this *QWebElement) FindAll(selectorQuery string) *QWebElementCollection
func (*QWebElement) FindFirst ¶
func (this *QWebElement) FindFirst(selectorQuery string) *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) FirstChild ¶
func (this *QWebElement) FirstChild() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) Geometry ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Geometry() *qt.QRect
func (*QWebElement) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebElement) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebElement) HasAttribute ¶
func (this *QWebElement) HasAttribute(name string) bool
func (*QWebElement) HasAttributeNS ¶
func (this *QWebElement) HasAttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string) bool
func (*QWebElement) HasAttributes ¶
func (this *QWebElement) HasAttributes() bool
func (*QWebElement) HasClass ¶
func (this *QWebElement) HasClass(name string) bool
func (*QWebElement) HasFocus ¶
func (this *QWebElement) HasFocus() bool
func (*QWebElement) IsNull ¶
func (this *QWebElement) IsNull() bool
func (*QWebElement) LastChild ¶
func (this *QWebElement) LastChild() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) LocalName ¶
func (this *QWebElement) LocalName() string
func (*QWebElement) NamespaceUri ¶
func (this *QWebElement) NamespaceUri() string
func (*QWebElement) NextSibling ¶
func (this *QWebElement) NextSibling() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElement) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElement) OperatorEqual(o *QWebElement) bool
func (*QWebElement) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElement) OperatorNotEqual(o *QWebElement) bool
func (*QWebElement) Parent ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Parent() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) Prefix ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Prefix() string
func (*QWebElement) PrependInside ¶
func (this *QWebElement) PrependInside(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) PrependInsideWithElement ¶
func (this *QWebElement) PrependInsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) PrependOutside ¶
func (this *QWebElement) PrependOutside(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) PrependOutsideWithElement ¶
func (this *QWebElement) PrependOutsideWithElement(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) PreviousSibling ¶
func (this *QWebElement) PreviousSibling() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) RemoveAllChildren ¶
func (this *QWebElement) RemoveAllChildren()
func (*QWebElement) RemoveAttribute ¶
func (this *QWebElement) RemoveAttribute(name string)
func (*QWebElement) RemoveAttributeNS ¶
func (this *QWebElement) RemoveAttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string)
func (*QWebElement) RemoveClass ¶
func (this *QWebElement) RemoveClass(name string)
func (*QWebElement) RemoveFromDocument ¶
func (this *QWebElement) RemoveFromDocument()
func (*QWebElement) Render ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Render(painter *qt.QPainter)
func (*QWebElement) Render2 ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Render2(painter *qt.QPainter, clipRect *qt.QRect)
func (*QWebElement) Replace ¶
func (this *QWebElement) Replace(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) ReplaceWithElement ¶
func (this *QWebElement) ReplaceWithElement(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebElement) SetAttribute ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetAttribute(name string, value string)
func (*QWebElement) SetAttributeNS ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetAttributeNS(namespaceUri string, name string, value string)
func (*QWebElement) SetFocus ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetFocus()
func (*QWebElement) SetInnerXml ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetInnerXml(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) SetOuterXml ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetOuterXml(markup string)
func (*QWebElement) SetPlainText ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetPlainText(text string)
func (*QWebElement) SetStyleProperty ¶
func (this *QWebElement) SetStyleProperty(name string, value string)
func (*QWebElement) StyleProperty ¶
func (this *QWebElement) StyleProperty(name string, strategy QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy) string
func (*QWebElement) TagName ¶
func (this *QWebElement) TagName() string
func (*QWebElement) TakeFromDocument ¶
func (this *QWebElement) TakeFromDocument() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElement) ToInnerXml ¶
func (this *QWebElement) ToInnerXml() string
func (*QWebElement) ToOuterXml ¶
func (this *QWebElement) ToOuterXml() string
func (*QWebElement) ToPlainText ¶
func (this *QWebElement) ToPlainText() string
func (*QWebElement) ToggleClass ¶
func (this *QWebElement) ToggleClass(name string)
func (*QWebElement) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebElement) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebElement) WebFrame ¶
func (this *QWebElement) WebFrame() *QWebFrame
type QWebElementCollection ¶
type QWebElementCollection struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebElementCollection ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection() *QWebElementCollection
NewQWebElementCollection constructs a new QWebElementCollection object.
func NewQWebElementCollection2 ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection2(contextElement *QWebElement, query string) *QWebElementCollection
NewQWebElementCollection2 constructs a new QWebElementCollection object.
func NewQWebElementCollection3 ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection3(param1 *QWebElementCollection) *QWebElementCollection
NewQWebElementCollection3 constructs a new QWebElementCollection object.
func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElementCollection
UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebElementCollection) Append ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) Append(collection *QWebElementCollection)
func (*QWebElementCollection) At ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) At(i int) *QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection) Begin ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) Begin() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection) Begin2 ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) Begin2() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection) ConstBegin ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) ConstBegin() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection) ConstEnd ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) ConstEnd() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection) Count ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) Count() int
func (*QWebElementCollection) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebElementCollection) End ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) End() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection) End2 ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) End2() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection) First ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) First() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebElementCollection) Last ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) Last() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebElementCollection)
func (*QWebElementCollection) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorPlus(other *QWebElementCollection) *QWebElementCollection
func (*QWebElementCollection) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorPlusAssign(other *QWebElementCollection) *QWebElementCollection
func (*QWebElementCollection) OperatorSubscript ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) OperatorSubscript(i int) *QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection) ToList ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) ToList() []QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebElementCollection__const_iterator ¶
type QWebElementCollection__const_iterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator(collection_ *QWebElementCollection, index int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator constructs a new QWebElementCollection::const_iterator object.
func NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator2 ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator2(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
NewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator2 constructs a new QWebElementCollection::const_iterator object.
func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__const_iterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorGreater ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorGreater(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorLesser(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusMinus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusWithQWebElementCollectionconstIterator ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMinusWithQWebElementCollectionconstIterator(j QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) int
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMultiply ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorMultiply() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusPlus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__const_iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebElementCollection__iterator ¶
type QWebElementCollection__iterator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebElementCollection__iterator ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection__iterator(collection_ *QWebElementCollection, index int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
NewQWebElementCollection__iterator constructs a new QWebElementCollection::iterator object.
func NewQWebElementCollection__iterator2 ¶
func NewQWebElementCollection__iterator2(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
NewQWebElementCollection__iterator2 constructs a new QWebElementCollection::iterator object.
func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__iterator ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__iterator(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
UnsafeNewQWebElementCollection__iterator constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorGreater ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorGreater(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorGreaterOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorLesser ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorLesser(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorLesserOrEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusMinus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusMinus() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusMinusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusWithQWebElementCollectioniterator ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMinusWithQWebElementCollectioniterator(j QWebElementCollection__iterator) int
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMultiply ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorMultiply() *QWebElement
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorNotEqual(o *QWebElementCollection__iterator) bool
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlus(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusAssign ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusAssign(j int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusPlus ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusPlus() *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) OperatorPlusPlusWithInt(param1 int) *QWebElementCollection__iterator
func (*QWebElementCollection__iterator) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebElementCollection__iterator) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy ¶
type QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy int
const ( QWebElement__InlineStyle QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy = 0 QWebElement__CascadedStyle QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy = 1 QWebElement__ComputedStyle QWebElement__StyleResolveStrategy = 2 )
type QWebFrame ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebFrame ¶
UnsafeNewQWebFrame constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebFrame) AddToJavaScriptWindowObject ¶
func (*QWebFrame) AddToJavaScriptWindowObject3 ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) AddToJavaScriptWindowObject3(name string, object *qt.QObject, ownership QWebFrame__ValueOwnership)
func (*QWebFrame) ChildFrames ¶
func (*QWebFrame) ContentsSize ¶
func (*QWebFrame) ContentsSizeChanged ¶
func (*QWebFrame) DocumentElement ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) DocumentElement() *QWebElement
func (*QWebFrame) EvaluateJavaScript ¶
func (*QWebFrame) FindAllElements ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) FindAllElements(selectorQuery string) *QWebElementCollection
func (*QWebFrame) FindFirstElement ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) FindFirstElement(selectorQuery string) *QWebElement
func (*QWebFrame) HitTestContent ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) HitTestContent(pos *qt.QPoint) *QWebHitTestResult
func (*QWebFrame) IconChanged ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) IconChanged()
func (*QWebFrame) InitialLayoutCompleted ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) InitialLayoutCompleted()
func (*QWebFrame) JavaScriptWindowObjectCleared ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) JavaScriptWindowObjectCleared()
func (*QWebFrame) Load2 ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) Load2(request *network.QNetworkRequest, operation network.QNetworkAccessManager__Operation)
func (*QWebFrame) Load3 ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) Load3(request *network.QNetworkRequest, operation network.QNetworkAccessManager__Operation, body []byte)
func (*QWebFrame) LoadFinished ¶
func (*QWebFrame) LoadStarted ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) LoadStarted()
func (*QWebFrame) LoadWithRequest ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) LoadWithRequest(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
func (*QWebFrame) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebFrame) OnContentsSizeChanged ¶
func (*QWebFrame) OnIconChanged ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OnIconChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebFrame) OnInitialLayoutCompleted ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OnInitialLayoutCompleted(slot func())
func (*QWebFrame) OnJavaScriptWindowObjectCleared ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OnJavaScriptWindowObjectCleared(slot func())
func (*QWebFrame) OnLoadFinished ¶
func (*QWebFrame) OnLoadStarted ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
func (*QWebFrame) OnPageChanged ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OnPageChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebFrame) OnProvisionalLoad ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OnProvisionalLoad(slot func())
func (*QWebFrame) OnTitleChanged ¶
func (*QWebFrame) OnUrlChanged ¶
func (*QWebFrame) OwnerElement ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) OwnerElement() *QWebElement
func (*QWebFrame) PageChanged ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) PageChanged()
func (*QWebFrame) ParentFrame ¶
func (*QWebFrame) Print ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) Print(printer *printsupport.QPrinter)
func (*QWebFrame) ProvisionalLoad ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) ProvisionalLoad()
func (*QWebFrame) Render2 ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) Render2(param1 *qt.QPainter, layer QWebFrame__RenderLayer)
func (*QWebFrame) RequestedUrl ¶
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollBarGeometry ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarGeometry(orientation qt.Orientation) *qt.QRect
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollBarMaximum ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarMaximum(orientation qt.Orientation) int
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollBarMinimum ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarMinimum(orientation qt.Orientation) int
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollBarPolicy ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarPolicy(orientation qt.Orientation) qt.ScrollBarPolicy
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollBarValue ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) ScrollBarValue(orientation qt.Orientation) int
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollPosition ¶
func (*QWebFrame) ScrollToAnchor ¶
func (*QWebFrame) SecurityOrigin ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) SecurityOrigin() *QWebSecurityOrigin
func (*QWebFrame) SetContent ¶
func (*QWebFrame) SetContent2 ¶
func (*QWebFrame) SetContent3 ¶
func (*QWebFrame) SetScrollBarPolicy ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) SetScrollBarPolicy(orientation qt.Orientation, policy qt.ScrollBarPolicy)
func (*QWebFrame) SetScrollBarValue ¶
func (this *QWebFrame) SetScrollBarValue(orientation qt.Orientation, value int)
func (*QWebFrame) SetScrollPosition ¶
func (*QWebFrame) SetTextSizeMultiplier ¶
func (*QWebFrame) SetZoomFactor ¶
func (*QWebFrame) TextSizeMultiplier ¶
func (*QWebFrame) TitleChanged ¶
func (*QWebFrame) ToPlainText ¶
func (*QWebFrame) UnsafePointer ¶
func (*QWebFrame) UrlChanged ¶
func (*QWebFrame) ZoomFactor ¶
type QWebFrame__RenderLayer ¶
type QWebFrame__RenderLayer int
const ( QWebFrame__ContentsLayer QWebFrame__RenderLayer = 16 QWebFrame__ScrollBarLayer QWebFrame__RenderLayer = 32 QWebFrame__PanIconLayer QWebFrame__RenderLayer = 64 QWebFrame__AllLayers QWebFrame__RenderLayer = 255 )
type QWebFrame__ValueOwnership ¶
type QWebFrame__ValueOwnership int
const ( QWebFrame__QtOwnership QWebFrame__ValueOwnership = 0 QWebFrame__ScriptOwnership QWebFrame__ValueOwnership = 1 QWebFrame__AutoOwnership QWebFrame__ValueOwnership = 2 )
type QWebFullScreenRequest ¶
type QWebFullScreenRequest struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebFullScreenRequest ¶
func NewQWebFullScreenRequest() *QWebFullScreenRequest
NewQWebFullScreenRequest constructs a new QWebFullScreenRequest object.
func NewQWebFullScreenRequest2 ¶
func NewQWebFullScreenRequest2(param1 *QWebFullScreenRequest) *QWebFullScreenRequest
NewQWebFullScreenRequest2 constructs a new QWebFullScreenRequest object.
func UnsafeNewQWebFullScreenRequest ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebFullScreenRequest(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebFullScreenRequest
UnsafeNewQWebFullScreenRequest constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) Accept ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Accept()
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) Element ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Element() *QWebElement
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) Origin ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Origin() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) Reject ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) Reject()
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) ToggleOn ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) ToggleOn() bool
func (*QWebFullScreenRequest) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebFullScreenRequest) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebHapticFeedbackPlayer ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebHapticFeedbackPlayer(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer
UnsafeNewQWebHapticFeedbackPlayer constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) PlayHapticFeedback ¶
func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) PlayHapticFeedback(param1 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent, hapticType string, param3 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength)
func (*QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent ¶
type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent int
const ( QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__Press QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent = 0 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__Release QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticEvent = 1 )
type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength ¶
type QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength int
const ( QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__None QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength = 0 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__Weak QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength = 1 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__Medium QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength = 2 QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__Strong QWebHapticFeedbackPlayer__HapticStrength = 3 )
type QWebHistory ¶
type QWebHistory struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQWebHistory ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebHistory(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebHistory
UnsafeNewQWebHistory constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebHistory) Back ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) Back()
func (*QWebHistory) BackItem ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) BackItem() *QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) BackItems ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) BackItems(maxItems int) []QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) CanGoBack ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) CanGoBack() bool
func (*QWebHistory) CanGoForward ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) CanGoForward() bool
func (*QWebHistory) Clear ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) Clear()
func (*QWebHistory) Count ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) Count() int
func (*QWebHistory) CurrentItem ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) CurrentItem() *QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) CurrentItemIndex ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) CurrentItemIndex() int
func (*QWebHistory) Forward ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) Forward()
func (*QWebHistory) ForwardItem ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) ForwardItem() *QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) ForwardItems ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) ForwardItems(maxItems int) []QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) GoToItem ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) GoToItem(item *QWebHistoryItem)
func (*QWebHistory) ItemAt ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) ItemAt(i int) *QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) Items ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) Items() []QWebHistoryItem
func (*QWebHistory) LoadFromMap ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) LoadFromMap(mapVal map[string]qt.QVariant)
func (*QWebHistory) MaximumItemCount ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) MaximumItemCount() int
func (*QWebHistory) SetMaximumItemCount ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) SetMaximumItemCount(count int)
func (*QWebHistory) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebHistory) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebHistoryInterface ¶
func NewQWebHistoryInterface ¶
func NewQWebHistoryInterface() *QWebHistoryInterface
NewQWebHistoryInterface constructs a new QWebHistoryInterface object.
func NewQWebHistoryInterface2 ¶
func NewQWebHistoryInterface2(parent *qt.QObject) *QWebHistoryInterface
NewQWebHistoryInterface2 constructs a new QWebHistoryInterface object.
func QWebHistoryInterface_DefaultInterface ¶
func QWebHistoryInterface_DefaultInterface() *QWebHistoryInterface
func UnsafeNewQWebHistoryInterface ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebHistoryInterface(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebHistoryInterface
UnsafeNewQWebHistoryInterface constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) AddHistoryEntry ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) AddHistoryEntry(url string)
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) HistoryContains ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) HistoryContains(url string) bool
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnAddHistoryEntry ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnAddHistoryEntry(slot func(url string))
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnHistoryContains ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnHistoryContains(slot func(url string) bool)
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QWebHistoryInterface) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryInterface) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebHistoryItem ¶
type QWebHistoryItem struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebHistoryItem ¶
func NewQWebHistoryItem(other *QWebHistoryItem) *QWebHistoryItem
NewQWebHistoryItem constructs a new QWebHistoryItem object.
func UnsafeNewQWebHistoryItem ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebHistoryItem(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebHistoryItem
UnsafeNewQWebHistoryItem constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebHistoryItem) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebHistoryItem) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebHistoryItem) Icon ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Icon() *qt.QIcon
func (*QWebHistoryItem) IsValid ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) IsValid() bool
func (*QWebHistoryItem) LastVisited ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) LastVisited() *qt.QDateTime
func (*QWebHistoryItem) LoadFromMap ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) LoadFromMap(mapVal map[string]qt.QVariant)
func (*QWebHistoryItem) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) OperatorAssign(other *QWebHistoryItem)
func (*QWebHistoryItem) OriginalUrl ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) OriginalUrl() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebHistoryItem) SetUserData ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) SetUserData(userData *qt.QVariant)
func (*QWebHistoryItem) Title ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Title() string
func (*QWebHistoryItem) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebHistoryItem) Url ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) Url() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebHistoryItem) UserData ¶
func (this *QWebHistoryItem) UserData() *qt.QVariant
type QWebHitTestResult ¶
type QWebHitTestResult struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebHitTestResult ¶
func NewQWebHitTestResult() *QWebHitTestResult
NewQWebHitTestResult constructs a new QWebHitTestResult object.
func NewQWebHitTestResult2 ¶
func NewQWebHitTestResult2(other *QWebHitTestResult) *QWebHitTestResult
NewQWebHitTestResult2 constructs a new QWebHitTestResult object.
func UnsafeNewQWebHitTestResult ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebHitTestResult(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebHitTestResult
UnsafeNewQWebHitTestResult constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebHitTestResult) AlternateText ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) AlternateText() string
func (*QWebHitTestResult) BoundingRect ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) BoundingRect() *qt.QRect
func (*QWebHitTestResult) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebHitTestResult) Element ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Element() *QWebElement
func (*QWebHitTestResult) EnclosingBlockElement ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) EnclosingBlockElement() *QWebElement
func (*QWebHitTestResult) Frame ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Frame() *QWebFrame
func (*QWebHitTestResult) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebHitTestResult) ImageUrl ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) ImageUrl() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebHitTestResult) IsContentEditable ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) IsContentEditable() bool
func (*QWebHitTestResult) IsContentSelected ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) IsContentSelected() bool
func (*QWebHitTestResult) IsNull ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) IsNull() bool
func (*QWebHitTestResult) LinkElement ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkElement() *QWebElement
func (*QWebHitTestResult) LinkTargetFrame ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkTargetFrame() *QWebFrame
func (*QWebHitTestResult) LinkText ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkText() string
func (*QWebHitTestResult) LinkTitle ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkTitle() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebHitTestResult) LinkTitleString ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkTitleString() string
func (*QWebHitTestResult) LinkUrl ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) LinkUrl() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebHitTestResult) MediaUrl ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) MediaUrl() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebHitTestResult) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) OperatorAssign(other *QWebHitTestResult)
func (*QWebHitTestResult) Pixmap ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Pixmap() *qt.QPixmap
func (*QWebHitTestResult) Pos ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Pos() *qt.QPoint
func (*QWebHitTestResult) Title ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) Title() string
func (*QWebHitTestResult) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebHitTestResult) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebInspector ¶
func NewQWebInspector ¶
func NewQWebInspector(parent *qt.QWidget) *QWebInspector
NewQWebInspector constructs a new QWebInspector object.
func NewQWebInspector2 ¶
func NewQWebInspector2() *QWebInspector
NewQWebInspector2 constructs a new QWebInspector object.
func UnsafeNewQWebInspector ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebInspector(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebInspector
UnsafeNewQWebInspector constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebInspector) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebInspector) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebInspector) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebInspector) OnActionEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QActionEvent), event *qt.QActionEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnChangeEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QEvent), param1 *qt.QEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QContextMenuEvent), event *qt.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnDevType ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QWebInspector) OnDragEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnDragMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnDropEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QDropEvent), event *qt.QDropEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnFocusInEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QWebInspector) OnFocusOutEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QFocusEvent), event *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QWebInspector) OnHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QWebInspector) OnHideEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnInitPainter ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt.QPainter), painter *qt.QPainter))
func (*QWebInspector) OnInputMethodEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnInputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant, param1 qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QWebInspector) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QKeyEvent), event *qt.QKeyEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QWebInspector) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
func (*QWebInspector) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnMousePressEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMouseEvent), event *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMoveEvent), event *qt.QMoveEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnNativeEvent ¶
func (*QWebInspector) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
func (*QWebInspector) OnPaintEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QPaintEvent), event *qt.QPaintEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice, offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice)
func (*QWebInspector) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QResizeEvent), event *qt.QResizeEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QWebInspector) OnSharedPainter ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt.QPainter) *qt.QPainter)
func (*QWebInspector) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt.QSize) *qt.QSize)
func (*QWebInspector) OnTabletEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTabletEvent), event *qt.QTabletEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) OnWheelEvent ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QWheelEvent), event *qt.QWheelEvent))
func (*QWebInspector) Page ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) Page() *QWebPage
func (*QWebInspector) SetPage ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) SetPage(page *QWebPage)
func (*QWebInspector) SizeHint ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) SizeHint() *qt.QSize
func (*QWebInspector) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebInspector) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebKitPlatformPlugin ¶
type QWebKitPlatformPlugin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQWebKitPlatformPlugin ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebKitPlatformPlugin(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebKitPlatformPlugin
UnsafeNewQWebKitPlatformPlugin constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebKitPlatformPlugin) CreateExtension ¶
func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) CreateExtension(param1 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension) *qt.QObject
func (*QWebKitPlatformPlugin) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebKitPlatformPlugin) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebKitPlatformPlugin) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebKitPlatformPlugin)
func (*QWebKitPlatformPlugin) SupportsExtension ¶
func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) SupportsExtension(param1 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension) bool
func (*QWebKitPlatformPlugin) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebKitPlatformPlugin) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension ¶
type QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension int
const ( QWebKitPlatformPlugin__MultipleSelections QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension = 0 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Notifications QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension = 1 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Haptics QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension = 2 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__TouchInteraction QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension = 3 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__FullScreenVideoPlayer QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension = 4 QWebKitPlatformPlugin__SpellChecker QWebKitPlatformPlugin__Extension = 5 )
type QWebNotificationData ¶
type QWebNotificationData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQWebNotificationData ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebNotificationData(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebNotificationData
UnsafeNewQWebNotificationData constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebNotificationData) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebNotificationData) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebNotificationData) IconUrl ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) IconUrl() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebNotificationData) Message ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) Message() string
func (*QWebNotificationData) OpenerPageUrl ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) OpenerPageUrl() *qt.QUrl
func (*QWebNotificationData) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebNotificationData)
func (*QWebNotificationData) Title ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) Title() string
func (*QWebNotificationData) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebNotificationPresenter ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebNotificationPresenter ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebNotificationPresenter(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebNotificationPresenter
UnsafeNewQWebNotificationPresenter constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) NotificationClicked ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) NotificationClicked()
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) NotificationClosed ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) NotificationClosed()
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) OnNotificationClicked ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) OnNotificationClicked(slot func())
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) OnNotificationClosed ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) OnNotificationClosed(slot func())
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) ShowNotification ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) ShowNotification(param1 *QWebNotificationData)
func (*QWebNotificationPresenter) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebNotificationPresenter) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage ¶
func NewQWebPage2 ¶
NewQWebPage2 constructs a new QWebPage object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPage ¶
UnsafeNewQWebPage constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage) ApplicationCacheQuotaExceeded ¶
func (this *QWebPage) ApplicationCacheQuotaExceeded(origin *QWebSecurityOrigin, defaultOriginQuota uint64, totalSpaceNeeded uint64)
func (*QWebPage) BytesReceived ¶
func (*QWebPage) ConsoleMessageReceived ¶
func (this *QWebPage) ConsoleMessageReceived(source QWebPage__MessageSource, level QWebPage__MessageLevel, message string, lineNumber int, sourceID string)
func (*QWebPage) ContentsChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) ContentsChanged()
func (*QWebPage) CreateStandardContextMenu ¶
func (*QWebPage) CurrentFrame ¶
func (*QWebPage) DatabaseQuotaExceeded ¶
func (*QWebPage) DevicePixelRatio ¶
func (*QWebPage) DownloadRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) DownloadRequested(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
func (*QWebPage) Extension ¶
func (this *QWebPage) Extension(extension QWebPage__Extension, option *QWebPage__ExtensionOption, output *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) bool
func (*QWebPage) FeaturePermissionRequestCanceled ¶
func (this *QWebPage) FeaturePermissionRequestCanceled(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature)
func (*QWebPage) FeaturePermissionRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) FeaturePermissionRequested(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature)
func (*QWebPage) FindText2 ¶
func (this *QWebPage) FindText2(subString string, options QWebPage__FindFlag) bool
func (*QWebPage) FocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (*QWebPage) FocusedElementChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) FocusedElementChanged(element *QWebElement)
func (*QWebPage) ForwardUnsupportedContent ¶
func (*QWebPage) FrameCreated ¶
func (*QWebPage) FullScreenRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) FullScreenRequested(fullScreenRequest QWebFullScreenRequest)
func (*QWebPage) GeometryChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage) HasSelection ¶
func (*QWebPage) History ¶
func (this *QWebPage) History() *QWebHistory
func (*QWebPage) InputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QWebPage) InputMethodQuery(property qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant
func (*QWebPage) IsContentEditable ¶
func (*QWebPage) IsModified ¶
func (*QWebPage) LinkClicked ¶
func (*QWebPage) LinkDelegationPolicy ¶
func (this *QWebPage) LinkDelegationPolicy() QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy
func (*QWebPage) LinkHovered ¶
func (*QWebPage) LoadFinished ¶
func (*QWebPage) LoadProgress ¶
func (*QWebPage) LoadStarted ¶
func (this *QWebPage) LoadStarted()
func (*QWebPage) MenuBarVisibilityChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebPage) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebPage) MicroFocusChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) MicroFocusChanged()
func (*QWebPage) NetworkAccessManager ¶
func (this *QWebPage) NetworkAccessManager() *network.QNetworkAccessManager
func (*QWebPage) OnAcceptNavigationRequest ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnAcceptNavigationRequest(slot func(super func(frame *QWebFrame, request *network.QNetworkRequest, typeVal QWebPage__NavigationType) bool, frame *QWebFrame, request *network.QNetworkRequest, typeVal QWebPage__NavigationType) bool)
func (*QWebPage) OnApplicationCacheQuotaExceeded ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnApplicationCacheQuotaExceeded(slot func(origin *QWebSecurityOrigin, defaultOriginQuota uint64, totalSpaceNeeded uint64))
func (*QWebPage) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QWebPage) OnChooseFile ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWebPage) OnConsoleMessageReceived ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnConsoleMessageReceived(slot func(source QWebPage__MessageSource, level QWebPage__MessageLevel, message string, lineNumber int, sourceID string))
func (*QWebPage) OnContentsChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnContentsChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebPage) OnCreatePlugin ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnCreateWindow ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnCreateWindow(slot func(super func(typeVal QWebPage__WebWindowType) *QWebPage, typeVal QWebPage__WebWindowType) *QWebPage)
func (*QWebPage) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnDatabaseQuotaExceeded ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWebPage) OnDownloadRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnDownloadRequested(slot func(request *network.QNetworkRequest))
func (*QWebPage) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnExtension ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnExtension(slot func(super func(extension QWebPage__Extension, option *QWebPage__ExtensionOption, output *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) bool, extension QWebPage__Extension, option *QWebPage__ExtensionOption, output *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) bool)
func (*QWebPage) OnFeaturePermissionRequestCanceled ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnFeaturePermissionRequestCanceled(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature))
func (*QWebPage) OnFeaturePermissionRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnFeaturePermissionRequested(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature))
func (*QWebPage) OnFocusedElementChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnFocusedElementChanged(slot func(element *QWebElement))
func (*QWebPage) OnFrameCreated ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnFullScreenRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnFullScreenRequested(slot func(fullScreenRequest QWebFullScreenRequest))
func (*QWebPage) OnGeometryChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnJavaScriptAlert ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnJavaScriptConfirm ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnJavaScriptConsoleMessage ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnLinkClicked ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnLinkHovered ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnLoadFinished ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnLoadProgress ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnLoadStarted ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
func (*QWebPage) OnMenuBarVisibilityChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnMicroFocusChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnMicroFocusChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebPage) OnPrintRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnRecentlyAudibleChanged ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnRepaintRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnRestoreFrameStateRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnSaveFrameStateRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnSaveFrameStateRequested(slot func(frame *QWebFrame, item *QWebHistoryItem))
func (*QWebPage) OnScrollRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnSelectionChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebPage) OnShouldInterruptJavaScript ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnStatusBarMessage ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnStatusBarVisibilityChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnSupportsExtension ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnSupportsExtension(slot func(super func(extension QWebPage__Extension) bool, extension QWebPage__Extension) bool)
func (*QWebPage) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QWebPage) OnToolBarVisibilityChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnTriggerAction ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnTriggerAction(slot func(super func(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool), action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool))
func (*QWebPage) OnUnsupportedContent ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnUnsupportedContent(slot func(reply *network.QNetworkReply))
func (*QWebPage) OnUserAgentForUrl ¶
func (*QWebPage) OnViewportChangeRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnViewportChangeRequested(slot func())
func (*QWebPage) OnWindowCloseRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) OnWindowCloseRequested(slot func())
func (*QWebPage) PluginFactory ¶
func (this *QWebPage) PluginFactory() *QWebPluginFactory
func (*QWebPage) PreferredContentsSize ¶
func (*QWebPage) PrintRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) RecentlyAudible ¶
func (*QWebPage) RecentlyAudibleChanged ¶
func (*QWebPage) RepaintRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) ResetDevicePixelRatio ¶
func (this *QWebPage) ResetDevicePixelRatio()
func (*QWebPage) RestoreFrameStateRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) SaveFrameStateRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SaveFrameStateRequested(frame *QWebFrame, item *QWebHistoryItem)
func (*QWebPage) ScrollRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) SelectedHtml ¶
func (*QWebPage) SelectedText ¶
func (*QWebPage) SelectionChanged ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SelectionChanged()
func (*QWebPage) SetActualVisibleContentRect ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetContentEditable ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetDevicePixelRatio ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetFeaturePermission ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SetFeaturePermission(frame *QWebFrame, feature QWebPage__Feature, policy QWebPage__PermissionPolicy)
func (*QWebPage) SetForwardUnsupportedContent ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetLinkDelegationPolicy ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SetLinkDelegationPolicy(policy QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy)
func (*QWebPage) SetNetworkAccessManager ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SetNetworkAccessManager(manager *network.QNetworkAccessManager)
func (*QWebPage) SetPalette ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetPluginFactory ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SetPluginFactory(factory *QWebPluginFactory)
func (*QWebPage) SetPreferredContentsSize ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetViewportSize ¶
func (*QWebPage) SetVisibilityState ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SetVisibilityState(visibilityState QWebPage__VisibilityState)
func (*QWebPage) Settings ¶
func (this *QWebPage) Settings() *QWebSettings
func (*QWebPage) ShouldInterruptJavaScript ¶
func (*QWebPage) StatusBarMessage ¶
func (*QWebPage) StatusBarVisibilityChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) SupportedContentTypes ¶
func (*QWebPage) SupportsContentType ¶
func (*QWebPage) SupportsExtension ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SupportsExtension(extension QWebPage__Extension) bool
func (*QWebPage) SwallowContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QWebPage) SwallowContextMenuEvent(event *qt.QContextMenuEvent) bool
func (*QWebPage) ToolBarVisibilityChangeRequested ¶
func (*QWebPage) TotalBytes ¶
func (*QWebPage) TriggerAction ¶
func (this *QWebPage) TriggerAction(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool)
func (*QWebPage) UndoStack ¶
func (this *QWebPage) UndoStack() *qt.QUndoStack
func (*QWebPage) UnsafePointer ¶
func (*QWebPage) UnsupportedContent ¶
func (this *QWebPage) UnsupportedContent(reply *network.QNetworkReply)
func (*QWebPage) UpdatePositionDependentActions ¶
func (*QWebPage) ViewportAttributesForSize ¶
func (this *QWebPage) ViewportAttributesForSize(availableSize *qt.QSize) *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes
func (*QWebPage) ViewportChangeRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) ViewportChangeRequested()
func (*QWebPage) ViewportSize ¶
func (*QWebPage) VisibilityState ¶
func (this *QWebPage) VisibilityState() QWebPage__VisibilityState
func (*QWebPage) WindowCloseRequested ¶
func (this *QWebPage) WindowCloseRequested()
type QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption ¶
type QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption struct { *QWebPage__ExtensionOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionOption) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn ¶
type QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn struct { *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__ErrorDomain ¶
type QWebPage__ErrorDomain int
const ( QWebPage__QtNetwork QWebPage__ErrorDomain = 0 QWebPage__Http QWebPage__ErrorDomain = 1 QWebPage__WebKit QWebPage__ErrorDomain = 2 )
type QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption ¶
type QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption struct { *QWebPage__ExtensionOption // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption ¶
func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption(param1 *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption
NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption constructs a new QWebPage::ErrorPageExtensionOption object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption)
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionOption) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn ¶
type QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn struct { *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn ¶
func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn() *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn constructs a new QWebPage::ErrorPageExtensionReturn object.
func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn2 ¶
func NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn2(param1 *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
NewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn2 constructs a new QWebPage::ErrorPageExtensionReturn object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn)
func (*QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ErrorPageExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__Extension ¶
type QWebPage__Extension int
const ( QWebPage__ChooseMultipleFilesExtension QWebPage__Extension = 0 QWebPage__ErrorPageExtension QWebPage__Extension = 1 )
type QWebPage__ExtensionOption ¶
type QWebPage__ExtensionOption struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebPage__ExtensionOption ¶
func NewQWebPage__ExtensionOption(param1 *QWebPage__ExtensionOption) *QWebPage__ExtensionOption
NewQWebPage__ExtensionOption constructs a new QWebPage::ExtensionOption object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ExtensionOption ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ExtensionOption(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ExtensionOption
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ExtensionOption constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ExtensionOption) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ExtensionOption) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ExtensionOption) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ExtensionOption) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ExtensionOption) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ExtensionOption) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__ExtensionReturn ¶
type QWebPage__ExtensionReturn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn ¶
func NewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn(param1 *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn
NewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn constructs a new QWebPage::ExtensionReturn object.
func NewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn2 ¶
func NewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn2() *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn
NewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn2 constructs a new QWebPage::ExtensionReturn object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ExtensionReturn constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__Feature ¶
type QWebPage__Feature int
const ( QWebPage__Notifications QWebPage__Feature = 0 QWebPage__Geolocation QWebPage__Feature = 1 )
type QWebPage__FindFlag ¶
type QWebPage__FindFlag int
const ( QWebPage__FindBackward QWebPage__FindFlag = 1 QWebPage__FindCaseSensitively QWebPage__FindFlag = 2 QWebPage__FindWrapsAroundDocument QWebPage__FindFlag = 4 QWebPage__HighlightAllOccurrences QWebPage__FindFlag = 8 QWebPage__FindAtWordBeginningsOnly QWebPage__FindFlag = 16 QWebPage__TreatMedialCapitalAsWordBeginning QWebPage__FindFlag = 32 QWebPage__FindBeginsInSelection QWebPage__FindFlag = 64 QWebPage__FindAtWordEndingsOnly QWebPage__FindFlag = 128 QWebPage__FindExactMatchOnly QWebPage__FindFlag = 144 )
type QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy ¶
type QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy int
const ( QWebPage__DontDelegateLinks QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy = 0 QWebPage__DelegateExternalLinks QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy = 1 QWebPage__DelegateAllLinks QWebPage__LinkDelegationPolicy = 2 )
type QWebPage__MessageLevel ¶
type QWebPage__MessageLevel int
const ( QWebPage__LogMessageLevel QWebPage__MessageLevel = 1 QWebPage__WarningMessageLevel QWebPage__MessageLevel = 2 QWebPage__ErrorMessageLevel QWebPage__MessageLevel = 3 QWebPage__DebugMessageLevel QWebPage__MessageLevel = 4 QWebPage__InfoMessageLevel QWebPage__MessageLevel = 5 )
type QWebPage__MessageSource ¶
type QWebPage__MessageSource int
const ( QWebPage__XmlMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 0 QWebPage__JSMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 1 QWebPage__NetworkMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 2 QWebPage__ConsoleAPIMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 3 QWebPage__StorageMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 4 QWebPage__AppCacheMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 5 QWebPage__RenderingMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 6 QWebPage__CSSMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 7 QWebPage__SecurityMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 8 QWebPage__ContentBlockerMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 9 QWebPage__OtherMessageSource QWebPage__MessageSource = 10 )
type QWebPage__PermissionPolicy ¶
type QWebPage__PermissionPolicy int
const ( QWebPage__PermissionUnknown QWebPage__PermissionPolicy = 0 QWebPage__PermissionGrantedByUser QWebPage__PermissionPolicy = 1 QWebPage__PermissionDeniedByUser QWebPage__PermissionPolicy = 2 )
type QWebPage__ViewportAttributes ¶
type QWebPage__ViewportAttributes struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes ¶
func NewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes() *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes
NewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes constructs a new QWebPage::ViewportAttributes object.
func NewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes2 ¶
func NewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes2(other *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes
NewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes2 constructs a new QWebPage::ViewportAttributes object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes
UnsafeNewQWebPage__ViewportAttributes constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) DevicePixelRatio ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) DevicePixelRatio() float64
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) InitialScaleFactor ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) InitialScaleFactor() float64
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) IsUserScalable ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) IsUserScalable() bool
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) IsValid ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) IsValid() bool
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) MaximumScaleFactor ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) MaximumScaleFactor() float64
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) MinimumScaleFactor ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) MinimumScaleFactor() float64
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) OperatorAssign(other *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes)
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) Size ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) Size() *qt.QSizeF
func (*QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPage__ViewportAttributes) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPage__VisibilityState ¶
type QWebPage__VisibilityState int
const ( QWebPage__VisibilityStateVisible QWebPage__VisibilityState = 0 QWebPage__VisibilityStateHidden QWebPage__VisibilityState = 1 QWebPage__VisibilityStatePrerender QWebPage__VisibilityState = 2 QWebPage__VisibilityStateUnloaded QWebPage__VisibilityState = 3 )
type QWebPage__WebAction ¶
type QWebPage__WebAction int
const ( QWebPage__NoWebAction QWebPage__WebAction = -1 QWebPage__OpenLink QWebPage__WebAction = 0 QWebPage__OpenLinkInNewWindow QWebPage__WebAction = 1 QWebPage__OpenFrameInNewWindow QWebPage__WebAction = 2 QWebPage__DownloadLinkToDisk QWebPage__WebAction = 3 QWebPage__CopyLinkToClipboard QWebPage__WebAction = 4 QWebPage__OpenImageInNewWindow QWebPage__WebAction = 5 QWebPage__DownloadImageToDisk QWebPage__WebAction = 6 QWebPage__CopyImageToClipboard QWebPage__WebAction = 7 QWebPage__Back QWebPage__WebAction = 8 QWebPage__Forward QWebPage__WebAction = 9 QWebPage__Stop QWebPage__WebAction = 10 QWebPage__Reload QWebPage__WebAction = 11 QWebPage__Cut QWebPage__WebAction = 12 QWebPage__Copy QWebPage__WebAction = 13 QWebPage__Paste QWebPage__WebAction = 14 QWebPage__Undo QWebPage__WebAction = 15 QWebPage__Redo QWebPage__WebAction = 16 QWebPage__MoveToNextChar QWebPage__WebAction = 17 QWebPage__MoveToPreviousChar QWebPage__WebAction = 18 QWebPage__MoveToNextWord QWebPage__WebAction = 19 QWebPage__MoveToPreviousWord QWebPage__WebAction = 20 QWebPage__MoveToNextLine QWebPage__WebAction = 21 QWebPage__MoveToPreviousLine QWebPage__WebAction = 22 QWebPage__MoveToStartOfLine QWebPage__WebAction = 23 QWebPage__MoveToEndOfLine QWebPage__WebAction = 24 QWebPage__MoveToStartOfBlock QWebPage__WebAction = 25 QWebPage__MoveToEndOfBlock QWebPage__WebAction = 26 QWebPage__MoveToStartOfDocument QWebPage__WebAction = 27 QWebPage__MoveToEndOfDocument QWebPage__WebAction = 28 QWebPage__SelectNextChar QWebPage__WebAction = 29 QWebPage__SelectPreviousChar QWebPage__WebAction = 30 QWebPage__SelectNextWord QWebPage__WebAction = 31 QWebPage__SelectPreviousWord QWebPage__WebAction = 32 QWebPage__SelectNextLine QWebPage__WebAction = 33 QWebPage__SelectPreviousLine QWebPage__WebAction = 34 QWebPage__SelectStartOfLine QWebPage__WebAction = 35 QWebPage__SelectEndOfLine QWebPage__WebAction = 36 QWebPage__SelectStartOfBlock QWebPage__WebAction = 37 QWebPage__SelectEndOfBlock QWebPage__WebAction = 38 QWebPage__SelectStartOfDocument QWebPage__WebAction = 39 QWebPage__SelectEndOfDocument QWebPage__WebAction = 40 QWebPage__DeleteStartOfWord QWebPage__WebAction = 41 QWebPage__DeleteEndOfWord QWebPage__WebAction = 42 QWebPage__SetTextDirectionDefault QWebPage__WebAction = 43 QWebPage__SetTextDirectionLeftToRight QWebPage__WebAction = 44 QWebPage__SetTextDirectionRightToLeft QWebPage__WebAction = 45 QWebPage__ToggleBold QWebPage__WebAction = 46 QWebPage__ToggleItalic QWebPage__WebAction = 47 QWebPage__ToggleUnderline QWebPage__WebAction = 48 QWebPage__InspectElement QWebPage__WebAction = 49 QWebPage__InsertParagraphSeparator QWebPage__WebAction = 50 QWebPage__InsertLineSeparator QWebPage__WebAction = 51 QWebPage__SelectAll QWebPage__WebAction = 52 QWebPage__ReloadAndBypassCache QWebPage__WebAction = 53 QWebPage__PasteAndMatchStyle QWebPage__WebAction = 54 QWebPage__RemoveFormat QWebPage__WebAction = 55 QWebPage__ToggleStrikethrough QWebPage__WebAction = 56 QWebPage__ToggleSubscript QWebPage__WebAction = 57 QWebPage__ToggleSuperscript QWebPage__WebAction = 58 QWebPage__InsertUnorderedList QWebPage__WebAction = 59 QWebPage__InsertOrderedList QWebPage__WebAction = 60 QWebPage__Indent QWebPage__WebAction = 61 QWebPage__Outdent QWebPage__WebAction = 62 QWebPage__AlignCenter QWebPage__WebAction = 63 QWebPage__AlignJustified QWebPage__WebAction = 64 QWebPage__AlignLeft QWebPage__WebAction = 65 QWebPage__AlignRight QWebPage__WebAction = 66 QWebPage__StopScheduledPageRefresh QWebPage__WebAction = 67 QWebPage__CopyImageUrlToClipboard QWebPage__WebAction = 68 QWebPage__OpenLinkInThisWindow QWebPage__WebAction = 69 QWebPage__DownloadMediaToDisk QWebPage__WebAction = 70 QWebPage__CopyMediaUrlToClipboard QWebPage__WebAction = 71 QWebPage__ToggleMediaControls QWebPage__WebAction = 72 QWebPage__ToggleMediaLoop QWebPage__WebAction = 73 QWebPage__ToggleMediaPlayPause QWebPage__WebAction = 74 QWebPage__ToggleMediaMute QWebPage__WebAction = 75 QWebPage__ToggleVideoFullscreen QWebPage__WebAction = 76 QWebPage__RequestClose QWebPage__WebAction = 77 QWebPage__Unselect QWebPage__WebAction = 78 QWebPage__WebActionCount QWebPage__WebAction = 79 )
type QWebPage__WebWindowType ¶
type QWebPage__WebWindowType int
const ( QWebPage__WebBrowserWindow QWebPage__WebWindowType = 0 QWebPage__WebModalDialog QWebPage__WebWindowType = 1 )
type QWebPluginFactory ¶
func NewQWebPluginFactory ¶
func NewQWebPluginFactory() *QWebPluginFactory
NewQWebPluginFactory constructs a new QWebPluginFactory object.
func NewQWebPluginFactory2 ¶
func NewQWebPluginFactory2(parent *qt.QObject) *QWebPluginFactory
NewQWebPluginFactory2 constructs a new QWebPluginFactory object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPluginFactory
UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPluginFactory) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory) Extension ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Extension(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension, option *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption, output *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) bool
func (*QWebPluginFactory) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebPluginFactory) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnChildEvent ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QChildEvent), event *qt.QChildEvent))
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnConnectNotify ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnCustomEvent ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QEvent), event *qt.QEvent))
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnDisconnectNotify ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt.QMetaMethod), signal *qt.QMetaMethod))
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnExtension ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnExtension(slot func(super func(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension, option *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption, output *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) bool, extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension, option *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption, output *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) bool)
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnPlugins ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnPlugins(slot func() []QWebPluginFactory__Plugin)
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnRefreshPlugins ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnRefreshPlugins(slot func(super func()))
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnSupportsExtension ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnSupportsExtension(slot func(super func(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension) bool, extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension) bool)
func (*QWebPluginFactory) OnTimerEvent ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTimerEvent), event *qt.QTimerEvent))
func (*QWebPluginFactory) Plugins ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) Plugins() []QWebPluginFactory__Plugin
func (*QWebPluginFactory) RefreshPlugins ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) RefreshPlugins()
func (*QWebPluginFactory) SupportsExtension ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) SupportsExtension(extension QWebPluginFactory__Extension) bool
func (*QWebPluginFactory) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPluginFactory__Extension ¶
type QWebPluginFactory__Extension int
type QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption ¶
type QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption
UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionOption) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn ¶
type QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn
UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__ExtensionReturn) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPluginFactory__MimeType ¶
type QWebPluginFactory__MimeType struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebPluginFactory__MimeType ¶
func NewQWebPluginFactory__MimeType(param1 *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType
NewQWebPluginFactory__MimeType constructs a new QWebPluginFactory::MimeType object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__MimeType ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__MimeType(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType
UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__MimeType constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType)
func (*QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorEqual ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorEqual(other *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) bool
func (*QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorNotEqual ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) OperatorNotEqual(other *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) bool
func (*QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__MimeType) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebPluginFactory__Plugin ¶
type QWebPluginFactory__Plugin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebPluginFactory__Plugin ¶
func NewQWebPluginFactory__Plugin(param1 *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin
NewQWebPluginFactory__Plugin constructs a new QWebPluginFactory::Plugin object.
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__Plugin ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__Plugin(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin
UnsafeNewQWebPluginFactory__Plugin constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin)
func (*QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebPluginFactory__Plugin) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebSecurityOrigin ¶
type QWebSecurityOrigin struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebSecurityOrigin ¶
func NewQWebSecurityOrigin(url *qt.QUrl) *QWebSecurityOrigin
NewQWebSecurityOrigin constructs a new QWebSecurityOrigin object.
func NewQWebSecurityOrigin2 ¶
func NewQWebSecurityOrigin2(other *QWebSecurityOrigin) *QWebSecurityOrigin
NewQWebSecurityOrigin2 constructs a new QWebSecurityOrigin object.
func QWebSecurityOrigin_AllOrigins ¶
func QWebSecurityOrigin_AllOrigins() []QWebSecurityOrigin
func UnsafeNewQWebSecurityOrigin ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSecurityOrigin(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebSecurityOrigin
UnsafeNewQWebSecurityOrigin constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) AddAccessWhitelistEntry ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) AddAccessWhitelistEntry(scheme string, host string, subdomainSetting QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting)
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) DatabaseQuota ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) DatabaseQuota() int64
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) DatabaseUsage ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) DatabaseUsage() int64
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) Databases ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Databases() []QWebDatabase
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) Host ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Host() string
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) OperatorAssign(other *QWebSecurityOrigin)
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) Port ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Port() int
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) RemoveAccessWhitelistEntry ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) RemoveAccessWhitelistEntry(scheme string, host string, subdomainSetting QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting)
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) Scheme ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) Scheme() string
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) SetApplicationCacheQuota ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) SetApplicationCacheQuota(quota int64)
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) SetDatabaseQuota ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) SetDatabaseQuota(quota int64)
func (*QWebSecurityOrigin) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebSecurityOrigin) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting ¶
type QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting int
const ( QWebSecurityOrigin__AllowSubdomains QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting = 0 QWebSecurityOrigin__DisallowSubdomains QWebSecurityOrigin__SubdomainSetting = 1 )
type QWebSelectData ¶
type QWebSelectData struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQWebSelectData ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSelectData(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebSelectData
UnsafeNewQWebSelectData constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebSelectData) BackgroundColor ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) BackgroundColor() *qt.QColor
func (*QWebSelectData) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebSelectData) ForegroundColor ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ForegroundColor() *qt.QColor
func (*QWebSelectData) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemBackgroundColor ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemBackgroundColor(index int) *qt.QColor
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemCount ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemCount() int
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemForegroundColor ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemForegroundColor(index int) *qt.QColor
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemIsEnabled ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemIsEnabled(index int) bool
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemIsSelected ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemIsSelected(index int) bool
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemText ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemText(index int) string
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemToolTip ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemToolTip(index int) string
func (*QWebSelectData) ItemType ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) ItemType(param1 int) QWebSelectData__ItemType
func (*QWebSelectData) Multiple ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) Multiple() bool
func (*QWebSelectData) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebSelectData)
func (*QWebSelectData) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebSelectData) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebSelectData__ItemType ¶
type QWebSelectData__ItemType int
const ( QWebSelectData__Option QWebSelectData__ItemType = 0 QWebSelectData__Group QWebSelectData__ItemType = 1 QWebSelectData__Separator QWebSelectData__ItemType = 2 )
type QWebSelectMethod ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSelectMethod ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSelectMethod(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebSelectMethod
UnsafeNewQWebSelectMethod constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebSelectMethod) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebSelectMethod) DidHide ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) DidHide()
func (*QWebSelectMethod) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebSelectMethod) Hide ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Hide()
func (*QWebSelectMethod) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebSelectMethod) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebSelectMethod) OnDidHide ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) OnDidHide(slot func())
func (*QWebSelectMethod) OnSelectItem ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) OnSelectItem(slot func(index int, allowMultiplySelections bool, shift bool))
func (*QWebSelectMethod) SelectItem ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) SelectItem(index int, allowMultiplySelections bool, shift bool)
func (*QWebSelectMethod) SetFont ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) SetFont(font *qt.QFont)
func (*QWebSelectMethod) SetGeometry ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) SetGeometry(geometry *qt.QRect)
func (*QWebSelectMethod) Show ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) Show(param1 *QWebSelectData)
func (*QWebSelectMethod) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebSelectMethod) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebSettings ¶
type QWebSettings struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func QWebSettings_GlobalSettings ¶
func QWebSettings_GlobalSettings() *QWebSettings
func UnsafeNewQWebSettings ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSettings(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebSettings
UnsafeNewQWebSettings constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebSettings) CssMediaType ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) CssMediaType() string
func (*QWebSettings) DefaultTextEncoding ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) DefaultTextEncoding() string
func (*QWebSettings) FontFamily ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) FontFamily(which QWebSettings__FontFamily) string
func (*QWebSettings) FontSize ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) FontSize(typeVal QWebSettings__FontSize) int
func (*QWebSettings) LocalStoragePath ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) LocalStoragePath() string
func (*QWebSettings) ResetAttribute ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) ResetAttribute(attr QWebSettings__WebAttribute)
func (*QWebSettings) ResetFontFamily ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) ResetFontFamily(which QWebSettings__FontFamily)
func (*QWebSettings) ResetFontSize ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) ResetFontSize(typeVal QWebSettings__FontSize)
func (*QWebSettings) SetAttribute ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetAttribute(attr QWebSettings__WebAttribute, on bool)
func (*QWebSettings) SetCSSMediaType ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetCSSMediaType(cSSMediaType string)
func (*QWebSettings) SetDefaultTextEncoding ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetDefaultTextEncoding(encoding string)
func (*QWebSettings) SetFontFamily ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetFontFamily(which QWebSettings__FontFamily, family string)
func (*QWebSettings) SetFontSize ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetFontSize(typeVal QWebSettings__FontSize, size int)
func (*QWebSettings) SetLocalStoragePath ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetLocalStoragePath(path string)
func (*QWebSettings) SetThirdPartyCookiePolicy ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetThirdPartyCookiePolicy(thirdPartyCookiePolicy QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy)
func (*QWebSettings) SetUserStyleSheetUrl ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) SetUserStyleSheetUrl(location *qt.QUrl)
func (*QWebSettings) TestAttribute ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) TestAttribute(attr QWebSettings__WebAttribute) bool
func (*QWebSettings) ThirdPartyCookiePolicy ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) ThirdPartyCookiePolicy() QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy
func (*QWebSettings) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebSettings) UserStyleSheetUrl ¶
func (this *QWebSettings) UserStyleSheetUrl() *qt.QUrl
type QWebSettings__FontFamily ¶
type QWebSettings__FontFamily int
const ( QWebSettings__StandardFont QWebSettings__FontFamily = 0 QWebSettings__FixedFont QWebSettings__FontFamily = 1 QWebSettings__SerifFont QWebSettings__FontFamily = 2 QWebSettings__SansSerifFont QWebSettings__FontFamily = 3 QWebSettings__CursiveFont QWebSettings__FontFamily = 4 QWebSettings__FantasyFont QWebSettings__FontFamily = 5 )
type QWebSettings__FontSize ¶
type QWebSettings__FontSize int
const ( QWebSettings__MinimumFontSize QWebSettings__FontSize = 0 QWebSettings__MinimumLogicalFontSize QWebSettings__FontSize = 1 QWebSettings__DefaultFontSize QWebSettings__FontSize = 2 QWebSettings__DefaultFixedFontSize QWebSettings__FontSize = 3 )
type QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy ¶
type QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy int
const ( QWebSettings__AlwaysAllowThirdPartyCookies QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy = 0 QWebSettings__AlwaysBlockThirdPartyCookies QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy = 1 QWebSettings__AllowThirdPartyWithExistingCookies QWebSettings__ThirdPartyCookiePolicy = 2 )
type QWebSettings__WebAttribute ¶
type QWebSettings__WebAttribute int
const ( QWebSettings__AutoLoadImages QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 0 QWebSettings__JavascriptEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 1 QWebSettings__JavaEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 2 QWebSettings__PluginsEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 3 QWebSettings__PrivateBrowsingEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 4 QWebSettings__JavascriptCanOpenWindows QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 5 QWebSettings__JavascriptCanAccessClipboard QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 6 QWebSettings__DeveloperExtrasEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 7 QWebSettings__LinksIncludedInFocusChain QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 8 QWebSettings__ZoomTextOnly QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 9 QWebSettings__PrintElementBackgrounds QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 10 QWebSettings__OfflineStorageDatabaseEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 11 QWebSettings__OfflineWebApplicationCacheEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 12 QWebSettings__LocalStorageEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 13 QWebSettings__LocalStorageDatabaseEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 13 QWebSettings__LocalContentCanAccessRemoteUrls QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 14 QWebSettings__DnsPrefetchEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 15 QWebSettings__XSSAuditingEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 16 QWebSettings__AcceleratedCompositingEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 17 QWebSettings__LocalContentCanAccessFileUrls QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 19 QWebSettings__TiledBackingStoreEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 20 QWebSettings__FrameFlatteningEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 21 QWebSettings__SiteSpecificQuirksEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 22 QWebSettings__JavascriptCanCloseWindows QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 23 QWebSettings__WebGLEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 24 QWebSettings__CSSRegionsEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 25 QWebSettings__HyperlinkAuditingEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 26 QWebSettings__CSSGridLayoutEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 27 QWebSettings__ScrollAnimatorEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 28 QWebSettings__CaretBrowsingEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 29 QWebSettings__NotificationsEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 30 QWebSettings__WebAudioEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 31 QWebSettings__Accelerated2dCanvasEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 32 QWebSettings__MediaSourceEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 33 QWebSettings__MediaEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 34 QWebSettings__WebSecurityEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 35 QWebSettings__FullScreenSupportEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 36 QWebSettings__ImagesEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 37 QWebSettings__AllowRunningInsecureContent QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 38 QWebSettings__ErrorPageEnabled QWebSettings__WebAttribute = 39 )
type QWebSettings__WebGraphic ¶
type QWebSettings__WebGraphic int
const ( QWebSettings__MissingImageGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 0 QWebSettings__MissingPluginGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 1 QWebSettings__DefaultFrameIconGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 2 QWebSettings__TextAreaSizeGripCornerGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 3 QWebSettings__DeleteButtonGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 4 QWebSettings__InputSpeechButtonGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 5 QWebSettings__SearchCancelButtonGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 6 QWebSettings__SearchCancelButtonPressedGraphic QWebSettings__WebGraphic = 7 )
type QWebSpellChecker ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSpellChecker ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSpellChecker(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebSpellChecker
UnsafeNewQWebSpellChecker constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebSpellChecker) AutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) AutoCorrectSuggestionForMisspelledWord(word string) string
func (*QWebSpellChecker) CheckGrammarOfString ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) CheckGrammarOfString(param1 string, param2 []QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail, badGrammarLocation *int, badGrammarLength *int)
func (*QWebSpellChecker) CheckSpellingOfString ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) CheckSpellingOfString(word string, misspellingLocation *int, misspellingLength *int)
func (*QWebSpellChecker) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebSpellChecker) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebSpellChecker) GuessesForWord ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) GuessesForWord(word string, context string, guesses []string)
func (*QWebSpellChecker) IgnoreWordInSpellDocument ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) IgnoreWordInSpellDocument(word string)
func (*QWebSpellChecker) IsContinousSpellCheckingEnabled ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) IsContinousSpellCheckingEnabled() bool
func (*QWebSpellChecker) IsGrammarCheckingEnabled ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) IsGrammarCheckingEnabled() bool
func (*QWebSpellChecker) LearnWord ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) LearnWord(word string)
func (*QWebSpellChecker) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebSpellChecker) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebSpellChecker) ToggleContinousSpellChecking ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) ToggleContinousSpellChecking()
func (*QWebSpellChecker) ToggleGrammarChecking ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) ToggleGrammarChecking()
func (*QWebSpellChecker) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail ¶
type QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail ¶
func NewQWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail(param1 *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail
NewQWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail constructs a new QWebSpellChecker::GrammarDetail object.
func UnsafeNewQWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail
UnsafeNewQWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) OperatorAssign(param1 *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail)
func (*QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebSpellChecker__GrammarDetail) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebTouchModifier ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebTouchModifier ¶
func UnsafeNewQWebTouchModifier(h unsafe.Pointer) *QWebTouchModifier
UnsafeNewQWebTouchModifier constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebTouchModifier) Delete ¶
func (this *QWebTouchModifier) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QWebTouchModifier) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebTouchModifier) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebTouchModifier) HitTestPaddingForTouch ¶
func (this *QWebTouchModifier) HitTestPaddingForTouch(param1 QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection) uint
func (*QWebTouchModifier) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebTouchModifier) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebTouchModifier) Metacast ¶
func (this *QWebTouchModifier) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QWebTouchModifier) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QWebTouchModifier) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection ¶
type QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection int
const ( QWebTouchModifier__Up QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection = 0 QWebTouchModifier__Right QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection = 1 QWebTouchModifier__Down QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection = 2 QWebTouchModifier__Left QWebTouchModifier__PaddingDirection = 3 )
type QWebView ¶
func NewQWebView ¶
NewQWebView constructs a new QWebView object.
func UnsafeNewQWebView ¶
UnsafeNewQWebView constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QWebView) FindText2 ¶
func (this *QWebView) FindText2(subString string, options QWebPage__FindFlag) bool
func (*QWebView) GoGC ¶
func (this *QWebView) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QWebView) HasSelection ¶
func (*QWebView) History ¶
func (this *QWebView) History() *QWebHistory
func (*QWebView) IconChanged ¶
func (this *QWebView) IconChanged()
func (*QWebView) InputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QWebView) InputMethodQuery(property qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant
func (*QWebView) IsModified ¶
func (*QWebView) LinkClicked ¶
func (*QWebView) Load2 ¶
func (this *QWebView) Load2(request *network.QNetworkRequest, operation network.QNetworkAccessManager__Operation)
func (*QWebView) Load3 ¶
func (this *QWebView) Load3(request *network.QNetworkRequest, operation network.QNetworkAccessManager__Operation, body []byte)
func (*QWebView) LoadFinished ¶
func (*QWebView) LoadProgress ¶
func (*QWebView) LoadStarted ¶
func (this *QWebView) LoadStarted()
func (*QWebView) LoadWithRequest ¶
func (this *QWebView) LoadWithRequest(request *network.QNetworkRequest)
func (*QWebView) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QWebView) MetaObject() *qt.QMetaObject
func (*QWebView) OnActionEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QActionEvent), event *qt.QActionEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnChangeEvent ¶
func (*QWebView) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QCloseEvent), event *qt.QCloseEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QContextMenuEvent), param1 *qt.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnCreateWindow ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnCreateWindow(slot func(super func(typeVal QWebPage__WebWindowType) *QWebView, typeVal QWebPage__WebWindowType) *QWebView)
func (*QWebView) OnDragEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDragEnterEvent), param1 *qt.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDragLeaveEvent), param1 *qt.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnDragMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDragMoveEvent), param1 *qt.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnDropEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QDropEvent), param1 *qt.QDropEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnEnterEvent ¶
func (*QWebView) OnFocusInEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (*QWebView) OnFocusOutEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QFocusEvent), param1 *qt.QFocusEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶
func (*QWebView) OnHeightForWidth ¶
func (*QWebView) OnHideEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QHideEvent), event *qt.QHideEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnIconChanged ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnIconChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebView) OnInitPainter ¶
func (*QWebView) OnInputMethodEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnInputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(property qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant, property qt.InputMethodQuery) *qt.QVariant)
func (*QWebView) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (*QWebView) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func (*QWebView) OnLeaveEvent ¶
func (*QWebView) OnLinkClicked ¶
func (*QWebView) OnLoadFinished ¶
func (*QWebView) OnLoadProgress ¶
func (*QWebView) OnLoadStarted ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnLoadStarted(slot func())
func (*QWebView) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QWebView) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (*QWebView) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnMousePressEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QMouseEvent), param1 *qt.QMouseEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QMoveEvent), event *qt.QMoveEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnNativeEvent ¶
func (*QWebView) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt.QPaintEngine) *qt.QPaintEngine)
func (*QWebView) OnPaintEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QPaintEvent), param1 *qt.QPaintEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice, offset *qt.QPoint) *qt.QPaintDevice)
func (*QWebView) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt.QResizeEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnSelectionChanged ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnSelectionChanged(slot func())
func (*QWebView) OnSetVisible ¶
func (*QWebView) OnSharedPainter ¶
func (*QWebView) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QShowEvent), event *qt.QShowEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnSizeHint ¶
func (*QWebView) OnStatusBarMessage ¶
func (*QWebView) OnTabletEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt.QTabletEvent), event *qt.QTabletEvent))
func (*QWebView) OnTitleChanged ¶
func (*QWebView) OnUrlChanged ¶
func (*QWebView) OnWheelEvent ¶
func (this *QWebView) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt.QWheelEvent), param1 *qt.QWheelEvent))
func (*QWebView) PageAction ¶
func (this *QWebView) PageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction) *qt.QAction
func (*QWebView) Print ¶
func (this *QWebView) Print(param1 *printsupport.QPrinter)
func (*QWebView) RenderHints ¶
func (this *QWebView) RenderHints() qt.QPainter__RenderHint
func (*QWebView) SelectedHtml ¶
func (*QWebView) SelectedText ¶
func (*QWebView) SelectionChanged ¶
func (this *QWebView) SelectionChanged()
func (*QWebView) SetContent ¶
func (*QWebView) SetContent2 ¶
func (*QWebView) SetContent3 ¶
func (*QWebView) SetRenderHint ¶
func (this *QWebView) SetRenderHint(hint qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
func (*QWebView) SetRenderHint2 ¶
func (this *QWebView) SetRenderHint2(hint qt.QPainter__RenderHint, enabled bool)
func (*QWebView) SetRenderHints ¶
func (this *QWebView) SetRenderHints(hints qt.QPainter__RenderHint)
func (*QWebView) SetTextSizeMultiplier ¶
func (*QWebView) SetZoomFactor ¶
func (*QWebView) Settings ¶
func (this *QWebView) Settings() *QWebSettings
func (*QWebView) StatusBarMessage ¶
func (*QWebView) TextSizeMultiplier ¶
func (*QWebView) TitleChanged ¶
func (*QWebView) TriggerPageAction ¶
func (this *QWebView) TriggerPageAction(action QWebPage__WebAction)
func (*QWebView) TriggerPageAction2 ¶
func (this *QWebView) TriggerPageAction2(action QWebPage__WebAction, checked bool)
func (*QWebView) UnsafePointer ¶
func (*QWebView) UrlChanged ¶
func (*QWebView) ZoomFactor ¶
Source Files ¶
- binding.go
- cflags.go
- gen_qgraphicswebview.go
- gen_qwebdatabase.go
- gen_qwebelement.go
- gen_qwebframe.go
- gen_qwebfullscreenrequest.go
- gen_qwebhistory.go
- gen_qwebhistoryinterface.go
- gen_qwebinspector.go
- gen_qwebkitplatformplugin.go
- gen_qwebpage.go
- gen_qwebpluginfactory.go
- gen_qwebsecurityorigin.go
- gen_qwebsettings.go
- gen_qwebview.go