Index ¶
- func QAbstractPrintDialog_Tr(s string) string
- func QAbstractPrintDialog_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QAbstractPrintDialog_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QPageSetupDialog_Tr(s string) string
- func QPageSetupDialog_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QPageSetupDialog_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QPrintDialog_Tr(s string) string
- func QPrintDialog_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QPrintDialog_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QPrintPreviewDialog_Tr(s string) string
- func QPrintPreviewDialog_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QPrintPreviewDialog_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QPrintPreviewWidget_Tr(s string) string
- func QPrintPreviewWidget_Tr2(s string, c string) string
- func QPrintPreviewWidget_Tr3(s string, c string, n int) string
- func QPrinterInfo_AvailablePrinterNames() []string
- func QPrinterInfo_DefaultPrinterName() string
- type QAbstractPrintDialog
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Create()
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Delete()
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Destroy()
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) FromPage() int
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) GoGC()
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) MaxPage() int
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) MinPage() int
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(param1 int), param1 int))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) PrintRange() QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Printer() *QPrinter
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetFromTo(fromPage int, toPage int)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetMinMax(min int, max int)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetOptionTabs(tabs []*qt6.QWidget)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetPrintRange(rangeVal QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange)
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) ToPage() int
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
- type QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption
- type QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange
- type QPageSetupDialog
- func NewQPageSetupDialog(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPageSetupDialog
- func NewQPageSetupDialog2(printer *QPrinter) *QPageSetupDialog
- func NewQPageSetupDialog3() *QPageSetupDialog
- func NewQPageSetupDialog4(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPageSetupDialog
- func UnsafeNewQPageSetupDialog(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPageSetupDialog
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Create()
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Delete()
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Destroy()
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Done(result int)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Exec() int
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) GoGC()
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(result int), result int))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Printer() *QPrinter
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPageSetupDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
- type QPrintDialog
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Accept()
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Accepted(printer *QPrinter)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Create()
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Delete()
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Destroy()
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Done(result int)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Exec() int
- func (this *QPrintDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
- func (this *QPrintDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
- func (this *QPrintDialog) GoGC()
- func (this *QPrintDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QPrintDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnAccepted(slot func(printer *QPrinter))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(result int), result int))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Options() QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QPrintDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QPrintDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QPrintDialog) SetOption(option QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) SetOption2(option QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption, on bool)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) SetOptions(options QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (this *QPrintDialog) TestOption(option QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption) bool
- func (this *QPrintDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPrintDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
- type QPrintEngine
- func (this *QPrintEngine) Abort() bool
- func (this *QPrintEngine) Delete()
- func (this *QPrintEngine) GoGC()
- func (this *QPrintEngine) Metric(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int
- func (this *QPrintEngine) NewPage() bool
- func (this *QPrintEngine) OperatorAssign(param1 *QPrintEngine)
- func (this *QPrintEngine) PrinterState() QPrinter__PrinterState
- func (this *QPrintEngine) Property(key QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey) *qt6.QVariant
- func (this *QPrintEngine) SetProperty(key QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey, value *qt6.QVariant)
- func (this *QPrintEngine) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey
- type QPrintPreviewDialog
- func NewQPrintPreviewDialog(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func NewQPrintPreviewDialog2() *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func NewQPrintPreviewDialog3(printer *QPrinter) *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func NewQPrintPreviewDialog4(parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func NewQPrintPreviewDialog5(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func NewQPrintPreviewDialog6(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewDialog(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrintPreviewDialog
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Create()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Delete()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Destroy()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Done(result int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) GoGC()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(result int), result int))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintRequested(slot func(printer *QPrinter))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) PaintRequested(printer *QPrinter)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Printer() *QPrinter
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
- type QPrintPreviewWidget
- func NewQPrintPreviewWidget(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func NewQPrintPreviewWidget2(printer *QPrinter) *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func NewQPrintPreviewWidget3() *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func NewQPrintPreviewWidget4(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func NewQPrintPreviewWidget5(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func NewQPrintPreviewWidget6(parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewWidget(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrintPreviewWidget
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Create()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) CurrentPage() int
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Delete()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Destroy()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FitInView()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FitToWidth()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FocusNextChild() bool
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FocusPreviousChild() bool
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) GoGC()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QCloseEvent), event *qt6.QCloseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnContextMenuEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent) bool, event *qt6.QEvent) bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnEventFilter(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInputMethodEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInputMethodQuery(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnNativeEvent(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintRequested(slot func(printer *QPrinter))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPreviewChanged(slot func())
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QResizeEvent), event *qt6.QResizeEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QShowEvent), event *qt6.QShowEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Orientation() qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) PageCount() int
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) PaintRequested(printer *QPrinter)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) PreviewChanged()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Print()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Receivers(signal string) int
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Sender() *qt6.QObject
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SenderSignalIndex() int
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetAllPagesViewMode()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetCurrentPage(pageNumber int)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetFacingPagesViewMode()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetLandscapeOrientation()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetOrientation(orientation qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetPortraitOrientation()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetSinglePageViewMode()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetViewMode(viewMode QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetVisible(visible bool)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetZoomFactor(zoomFactor float64)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetZoomMode(zoomMode QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) UpdateMicroFocus()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) UpdatePreview()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ViewMode() QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomFactor() float64
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomIn()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomIn1(zoom float64)
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomMode() QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomOut()
- func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomOut1(zoom float64)
- type QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode
- type QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode
- type QPrinter
- func (this *QPrinter) Abort() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) CollateCopies() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) ColorMode() QPrinter__ColorMode
- func (this *QPrinter) CopyCount() int
- func (this *QPrinter) Creator() string
- func (this *QPrinter) Delete()
- func (this *QPrinter) DevType() int
- func (this *QPrinter) DocName() string
- func (this *QPrinter) Duplex() QPrinter__DuplexMode
- func (this *QPrinter) FontEmbeddingEnabled() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) FromPage() int
- func (this *QPrinter) FullPage() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) GoGC()
- func (this *QPrinter) IsValid() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) NewPage() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
- func (this *QPrinter) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, ...) int)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnNewPage(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnRedirected(...)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageLayout(...)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageMargins(...)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageOrientation(slot func(super func(orientation qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation) bool, ...) bool)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageRanges(slot func(super func(ranges *qt6.QPageRanges), ranges *qt6.QPageRanges))
- func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageSize(...)
- func (this *QPrinter) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
- func (this *QPrinter) OutputFileName() string
- func (this *QPrinter) OutputFormat() QPrinter__OutputFormat
- func (this *QPrinter) PageOrder() QPrinter__PageOrder
- func (this *QPrinter) PageRect(param1 QPrinter__Unit) *qt6.QRectF
- func (this *QPrinter) PaintEngine() *qt6.QPaintEngine
- func (this *QPrinter) PaperRect(param1 QPrinter__Unit) *qt6.QRectF
- func (this *QPrinter) PaperSource() QPrinter__PaperSource
- func (this *QPrinter) PdfVersion() qt6.QPagedPaintDevice__PdfVersion
- func (this *QPrinter) PrintEngine() *QPrintEngine
- func (this *QPrinter) PrintProgram() string
- func (this *QPrinter) PrintRange() QPrinter__PrintRange
- func (this *QPrinter) PrinterName() string
- func (this *QPrinter) PrinterSelectionOption() string
- func (this *QPrinter) PrinterState() QPrinter__PrinterState
- func (this *QPrinter) Resolution() int
- func (this *QPrinter) SetCollateCopies(collate bool)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetColorMode(colorMode QPrinter__ColorMode)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetCopyCount(copyCount int)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetCreator(creator string)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetDocName(docName string)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetDuplex(duplex QPrinter__DuplexMode)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetEngines(printEngine *QPrintEngine, paintEngine *qt6.QPaintEngine)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetFontEmbeddingEnabled(enable bool)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetFromTo(fromPage int, toPage int)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetFullPage(fullPage bool)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetOutputFileName(outputFileName string)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetOutputFormat(format QPrinter__OutputFormat)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPageOrder(pageOrder QPrinter__PageOrder)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPaperSource(paperSource QPrinter__PaperSource)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPdfVersion(version qt6.QPagedPaintDevice__PdfVersion)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPrintProgram(printProgram string)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPrintRange(rangeVal QPrinter__PrintRange)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPrinterName(printerName string)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetPrinterSelectionOption(printerSelectionOption string)
- func (this *QPrinter) SetResolution(resolution int)
- func (this *QPrinter) SupportedResolutions() []int
- func (this *QPrinter) SupportsMultipleCopies() bool
- func (this *QPrinter) ToPage() int
- func (this *QPrinter) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QPrinterInfo
- func NewQPrinterInfo() *QPrinterInfo
- func NewQPrinterInfo2(other *QPrinterInfo) *QPrinterInfo
- func NewQPrinterInfo3(printer *QPrinter) *QPrinterInfo
- func QPrinterInfo_AvailablePrinters() []QPrinterInfo
- func QPrinterInfo_DefaultPrinter() *QPrinterInfo
- func QPrinterInfo_PrinterInfo(printerName string) *QPrinterInfo
- func UnsafeNewQPrinterInfo(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrinterInfo
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) DefaultColorMode() QPrinter__ColorMode
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) DefaultDuplexMode() QPrinter__DuplexMode
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) DefaultPageSize() *qt6.QPageSize
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) Delete()
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) Description() string
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) GoGC()
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) IsDefault() bool
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) IsNull() bool
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) IsRemote() bool
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) Location() string
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) MakeAndModel() string
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) MaximumPhysicalPageSize() *qt6.QPageSize
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) MinimumPhysicalPageSize() *qt6.QPageSize
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) OperatorAssign(other *QPrinterInfo)
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) PrinterName() string
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) State() QPrinter__PrinterState
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedColorModes() []QPrinter__ColorMode
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedDuplexModes() []QPrinter__DuplexMode
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedPageSizes() []qt6.QPageSize
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedResolutions() []int
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportsCustomPageSizes() bool
- func (this *QPrinterInfo) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
- type QPrinter__ColorMode
- type QPrinter__DuplexMode
- type QPrinter__OutputFormat
- type QPrinter__PageOrder
- type QPrinter__PaperSource
- type QPrinter__PrintRange
- type QPrinter__PrinterMode
- type QPrinter__PrinterState
- type QPrinter__Unit
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func QAbstractPrintDialog_Tr ¶
func QPageSetupDialog_Tr ¶
func QPageSetupDialog_Tr2 ¶
func QPrintDialog_Tr ¶
func QPrintDialog_Tr2 ¶
func QPrintPreviewDialog_Tr ¶
func QPrintPreviewDialog_Tr2 ¶
func QPrintPreviewWidget_Tr ¶
func QPrintPreviewWidget_Tr2 ¶
func QPrinterInfo_AvailablePrinterNames ¶
func QPrinterInfo_AvailablePrinterNames() []string
func QPrinterInfo_DefaultPrinterName ¶
func QPrinterInfo_DefaultPrinterName() string
Types ¶
type QAbstractPrintDialog ¶
func NewQAbstractPrintDialog ¶
func NewQAbstractPrintDialog(printer *QPrinter) *QAbstractPrintDialog
NewQAbstractPrintDialog constructs a new QAbstractPrintDialog object.
func NewQAbstractPrintDialog2 ¶
func NewQAbstractPrintDialog2(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QAbstractPrintDialog
NewQAbstractPrintDialog2 constructs a new QAbstractPrintDialog object.
func UnsafeNewQAbstractPrintDialog ¶
func UnsafeNewQAbstractPrintDialog(h unsafe.Pointer) *QAbstractPrintDialog
UnsafeNewQAbstractPrintDialog constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) AdjustPosition ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
AdjustPosition can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Create ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Create()
Create can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Delete ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Destroy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Destroy()
Destroy can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) FocusNextChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
FocusNextChild can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) FocusPreviousChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
FocusPreviousChild can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) FromPage ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) FromPage() int
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) GoGC ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) MaxPage ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) MaxPage() int
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Metacast ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) MinPage ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) MinPage() int
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnAccept ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnActionEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnChangeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent), param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDevType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDone ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(param1 int), param1 int))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDropEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnExec ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusInEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusOutEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHideEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInitPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInputMethodEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInputMethodQuery ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMetric ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMousePressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnNativeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnOpen ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnPaintEngine ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnPaintEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnRedirected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnReject ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSharedPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnTabletEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) OnWheelEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) PrintRange ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) PrintRange() QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Printer ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Printer() *QPrinter
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) SetFromTo ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetFromTo(fromPage int, toPage int)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) SetMinMax ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetMinMax(min int, max int)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) SetOptionTabs ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetOptionTabs(tabs []*qt6.QWidget)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) SetPrintRange ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) SetPrintRange(rangeVal QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange)
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) ToPage ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) ToPage() int
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QAbstractPrintDialog) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QAbstractPrintDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QAbstractPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
type QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption ¶
type QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption int
const ( QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintToFile QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption = 1 QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintSelection QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption = 2 QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintPageRange QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption = 4 QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintShowPageSize QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption = 8 QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintCollateCopies QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption = 16 QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintCurrentPage QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption = 64 )
type QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange ¶
type QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange int
const ( QAbstractPrintDialog__AllPages QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange = 0 QAbstractPrintDialog__Selection QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange = 1 QAbstractPrintDialog__PageRange QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange = 2 QAbstractPrintDialog__CurrentPage QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintRange = 3 )
type QPageSetupDialog ¶
func NewQPageSetupDialog ¶
func NewQPageSetupDialog(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPageSetupDialog
NewQPageSetupDialog constructs a new QPageSetupDialog object.
func NewQPageSetupDialog2 ¶
func NewQPageSetupDialog2(printer *QPrinter) *QPageSetupDialog
NewQPageSetupDialog2 constructs a new QPageSetupDialog object.
func NewQPageSetupDialog3 ¶
func NewQPageSetupDialog3() *QPageSetupDialog
NewQPageSetupDialog3 constructs a new QPageSetupDialog object.
func NewQPageSetupDialog4 ¶
func NewQPageSetupDialog4(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPageSetupDialog
NewQPageSetupDialog4 constructs a new QPageSetupDialog object.
func UnsafeNewQPageSetupDialog ¶
func UnsafeNewQPageSetupDialog(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPageSetupDialog
UnsafeNewQPageSetupDialog constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) AdjustPosition ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
AdjustPosition can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Create ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Create()
Create can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Delete ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Destroy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Destroy()
Destroy can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Done ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Done(result int)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Exec ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Exec() int
func (*QPageSetupDialog) FocusNextChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
FocusNextChild can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) FocusPreviousChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
FocusPreviousChild can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Metacast ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnAccept ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnActionEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnChangeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent), param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDevType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDone ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(result int), result int))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDragEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDragMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnDropEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnExec ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusInEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusOutEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnHideEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnInitPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnInputMethodEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnInputMethodQuery ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMetric ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMousePressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnNativeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnOpen ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnPaintEngine ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnPaintEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnRedirected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnReject ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnSharedPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnTabletEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) OnWheelEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Printer ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Printer() *QPrinter
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPageSetupDialog) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPageSetupDialog) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPageSetupDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QPageSetupDialog that was directly constructed.
type QPrintDialog ¶
type QPrintDialog struct { *QAbstractPrintDialog // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQPrintDialog ¶
func NewQPrintDialog(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintDialog
NewQPrintDialog constructs a new QPrintDialog object.
func NewQPrintDialog2 ¶
func NewQPrintDialog2(printer *QPrinter) *QPrintDialog
NewQPrintDialog2 constructs a new QPrintDialog object.
func NewQPrintDialog3 ¶
func NewQPrintDialog3() *QPrintDialog
NewQPrintDialog3 constructs a new QPrintDialog object.
func NewQPrintDialog4 ¶
func NewQPrintDialog4(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintDialog
NewQPrintDialog4 constructs a new QPrintDialog object.
func UnsafeNewQPrintDialog ¶
func UnsafeNewQPrintDialog(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrintDialog
UnsafeNewQPrintDialog constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPrintDialog) Accept ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) Accept()
func (*QPrintDialog) Accepted ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) Accepted(printer *QPrinter)
func (*QPrintDialog) AdjustPosition ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
AdjustPosition can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) Create ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) Create()
Create can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) Delete ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QPrintDialog) Destroy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) Destroy()
Destroy can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) Done ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) Done(result int)
func (*QPrintDialog) Exec ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) Exec() int
func (*QPrintDialog) FocusNextChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
FocusNextChild can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) FocusPreviousChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
FocusPreviousChild can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPrintDialog) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QPrintDialog) OnAccept ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnAccepted ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnAccepted(slot func(printer *QPrinter))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnActionEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnChangeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnCloseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnContextMenuEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent), param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDevType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDone ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(result int), result int))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDragEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDragMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnDropEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPrintDialog) OnExec ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnFocusInEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnFocusOutEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnHideEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnInitPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnInputMethodEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnInputMethodQuery ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnKeyPressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMetric ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMousePressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnNativeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPrintDialog) OnOpen ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnPaintEngine ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnPaintEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnRedirected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnReject ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnResizeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnSharedPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnShowEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnSizeHint ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPrintDialog) OnTabletEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) OnWheelEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
func (*QPrintDialog) Options ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) Options() QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption
func (*QPrintDialog) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintDialog) SetOption ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) SetOption(option QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption)
func (*QPrintDialog) SetOption2 ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) SetOption2(option QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption, on bool)
func (*QPrintDialog) SetOptions ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) SetOptions(options QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption)
func (*QPrintDialog) SetVisible ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) SetVisible(visible bool)
func (*QPrintDialog) TestOption ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) TestOption(option QAbstractPrintDialog__PrintDialogOption) bool
func (*QPrintDialog) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QPrintDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPrintDialog) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QPrintDialog that was directly constructed.
type QPrintEngine ¶
type QPrintEngine struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func UnsafeNewQPrintEngine ¶
func UnsafeNewQPrintEngine(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrintEngine
UnsafeNewQPrintEngine constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPrintEngine) Abort ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) Abort() bool
func (*QPrintEngine) Delete ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QPrintEngine) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPrintEngine) Metric ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) Metric(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int
func (*QPrintEngine) NewPage ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) NewPage() bool
func (*QPrintEngine) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) OperatorAssign(param1 *QPrintEngine)
func (*QPrintEngine) PrinterState ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) PrinterState() QPrinter__PrinterState
func (*QPrintEngine) Property ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) Property(key QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey) *qt6.QVariant
func (*QPrintEngine) SetProperty ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) SetProperty(key QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey, value *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QPrintEngine) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QPrintEngine) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey ¶
type QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey int
const ( QPrintEngine__PPK_CollateCopies QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 0 QPrintEngine__PPK_ColorMode QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 1 QPrintEngine__PPK_Creator QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 2 QPrintEngine__PPK_DocumentName QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 3 QPrintEngine__PPK_FullPage QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 4 QPrintEngine__PPK_NumberOfCopies QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 5 QPrintEngine__PPK_Orientation QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 6 QPrintEngine__PPK_OutputFileName QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 7 QPrintEngine__PPK_PageOrder QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 8 QPrintEngine__PPK_PageRect QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 9 QPrintEngine__PPK_PageSize QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 10 QPrintEngine__PPK_PaperRect QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 11 QPrintEngine__PPK_PaperSource QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 12 QPrintEngine__PPK_PrinterName QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 13 QPrintEngine__PPK_PrinterProgram QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 14 QPrintEngine__PPK_Resolution QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 15 QPrintEngine__PPK_SelectionOption QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 16 QPrintEngine__PPK_SupportedResolutions QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 17 QPrintEngine__PPK_WindowsPageSize QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 18 QPrintEngine__PPK_FontEmbedding QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 19 QPrintEngine__PPK_Duplex QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 20 QPrintEngine__PPK_PaperSources QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 21 QPrintEngine__PPK_CustomPaperSize QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 22 QPrintEngine__PPK_PageMargins QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 23 QPrintEngine__PPK_CopyCount QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 24 QPrintEngine__PPK_SupportsMultipleCopies QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 25 QPrintEngine__PPK_PaperName QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 26 QPrintEngine__PPK_QPageSize QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 27 QPrintEngine__PPK_QPageMargins QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 28 QPrintEngine__PPK_QPageLayout QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 29 QPrintEngine__PPK_PaperSize QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 10 QPrintEngine__PPK_CustomBase QPrintEngine__PrintEnginePropertyKey = 65280 )
type QPrintPreviewDialog ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewDialog
NewQPrintPreviewDialog constructs a new QPrintPreviewDialog object.
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog2 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog2() *QPrintPreviewDialog
NewQPrintPreviewDialog2 constructs a new QPrintPreviewDialog object.
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog3 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog3(printer *QPrinter) *QPrintPreviewDialog
NewQPrintPreviewDialog3 constructs a new QPrintPreviewDialog object.
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog4 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog4(parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewDialog
NewQPrintPreviewDialog4 constructs a new QPrintPreviewDialog object.
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog5 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog5(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewDialog
NewQPrintPreviewDialog5 constructs a new QPrintPreviewDialog object.
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog6 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewDialog6(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewDialog
NewQPrintPreviewDialog6 constructs a new QPrintPreviewDialog object.
func UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewDialog ¶
func UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewDialog(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrintPreviewDialog
UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewDialog constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) AdjustPosition ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) AdjustPosition(param1 *qt6.QWidget)
AdjustPosition can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Create ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Create()
Create can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Delete ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Destroy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Destroy()
Destroy can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Done ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Done(result int)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) FocusNextChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) FocusNextChild() bool
FocusNextChild can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) FocusPreviousChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) FocusPreviousChild() bool
FocusPreviousChild can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Metacast ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnAccept ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnAccept(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnActionEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnChangeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent), param1 *qt6.QCloseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent), param1 *qt6.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDevType ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDone ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDone(slot func(super func(result int), result int))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDropEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnEnterEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnEventFilter ¶
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnExec ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnExec(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusInEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusOutEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHeightForWidth ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHideEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInitPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInputMethodEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInputMethodQuery ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent), param1 *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnLeaveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMetric ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMousePressEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMoveEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnNativeEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnOpen ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnOpen(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintEngine ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintRequested ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnPaintRequested(slot func(printer *QPrinter))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnRedirected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnReject ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnReject(slot func(super func()))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent), param1 *qt6.QResizeEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSharedPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QShowEvent), param1 *qt6.QShowEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnTabletEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) OnWheelEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) PaintRequested ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) PaintRequested(printer *QPrinter)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Printer ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Printer() *QPrinter
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) SetVisible ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) SetVisible(visible bool)
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPrintPreviewDialog) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewDialog) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QPrintPreviewDialog that was directly constructed.
type QPrintPreviewWidget ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget(parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewWidget
NewQPrintPreviewWidget constructs a new QPrintPreviewWidget object.
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget2 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget2(printer *QPrinter) *QPrintPreviewWidget
NewQPrintPreviewWidget2 constructs a new QPrintPreviewWidget object.
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget3 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget3() *QPrintPreviewWidget
NewQPrintPreviewWidget3 constructs a new QPrintPreviewWidget object.
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget4 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget4(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget) *QPrintPreviewWidget
NewQPrintPreviewWidget4 constructs a new QPrintPreviewWidget object.
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget5 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget5(printer *QPrinter, parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewWidget
NewQPrintPreviewWidget5 constructs a new QPrintPreviewWidget object.
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget6 ¶
func NewQPrintPreviewWidget6(parent *qt6.QWidget, flags qt6.WindowType) *QPrintPreviewWidget
NewQPrintPreviewWidget6 constructs a new QPrintPreviewWidget object.
func UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewWidget ¶
func UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewWidget(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrintPreviewWidget
UnsafeNewQPrintPreviewWidget constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Create ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Create()
Create can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) CurrentPage ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) CurrentPage() int
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Delete ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Destroy ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Destroy()
Destroy can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) FitInView ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FitInView()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) FitToWidth ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FitToWidth()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) FocusNextChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FocusNextChild() bool
FocusNextChild can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) FocusPreviousChild ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) FocusPreviousChild() bool
FocusPreviousChild can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) IsSignalConnected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) IsSignalConnected(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod) bool
IsSignalConnected can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) MetaObject ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) MetaObject() *qt6.QMetaObject
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Metacast ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Metacast(param1 string) unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnActionEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnActionEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QActionEvent), event *qt6.QActionEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnChangeEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnChangeEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QEvent), param1 *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnChildEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnChildEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QChildEvent), event *qt6.QChildEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnCloseEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnCloseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QCloseEvent), event *qt6.QCloseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnConnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnConnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnContextMenuEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnContextMenuEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QContextMenuEvent), event *qt6.QContextMenuEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnCustomEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnCustomEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDevType ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDevType(slot func(super func() int) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDisconnectNotify ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDisconnectNotify(slot func(super func(signal *qt6.QMetaMethod), signal *qt6.QMetaMethod))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent), event *qt6.QDragEnterEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent), event *qt6.QDragLeaveEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDragMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent), event *qt6.QDragMoveEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDropEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnDropEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QDropEvent), event *qt6.QDropEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnEnterEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnEnterEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEnterEvent), event *qt6.QEnterEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnEventFilter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusInEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusInEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusNextPrevChild(slot func(super func(next bool) bool, next bool) bool)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusOutEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnFocusOutEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QFocusEvent), event *qt6.QFocusEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHasHeightForWidth(slot func(super func() bool) bool)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHeightForWidth ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHeightForWidth(slot func(super func(param1 int) int, param1 int) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHideEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnHideEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QHideEvent), event *qt6.QHideEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInitPainter ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInitPainter(slot func(super func(painter *qt6.QPainter), painter *qt6.QPainter))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInputMethodEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInputMethodEvent(slot func(super func(param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent), param1 *qt6.QInputMethodEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInputMethodQuery ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnInputMethodQuery(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant, param1 qt6.InputMethodQuery) *qt6.QVariant)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnKeyPressEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnKeyPressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnKeyReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QKeyEvent), event *qt6.QKeyEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnLeaveEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnLeaveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QEvent), event *qt6.QEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMinimumSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseDoubleClickEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMousePressEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMousePressEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMouseReleaseEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMouseEvent), event *qt6.QMouseEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMoveEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnMoveEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QMoveEvent), event *qt6.QMoveEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnNativeEvent ¶
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QPaintEvent), event *qt6.QPaintEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintRequested ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPaintRequested(slot func(printer *QPrinter))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPreviewChanged ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnPreviewChanged(slot func())
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnRedirected ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnResizeEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnResizeEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QResizeEvent), event *qt6.QResizeEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSetVisible ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSetVisible(slot func(super func(visible bool), visible bool))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSharedPainter ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSharedPainter(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPainter) *qt6.QPainter)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnShowEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnShowEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QShowEvent), event *qt6.QShowEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSizeHint ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnSizeHint(slot func(super func() *qt6.QSize) *qt6.QSize)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnTabletEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnTabletEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTabletEvent), event *qt6.QTabletEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnTimerEvent ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnTimerEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QTimerEvent), event *qt6.QTimerEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) OnWheelEvent ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) OnWheelEvent(slot func(super func(event *qt6.QWheelEvent), event *qt6.QWheelEvent))
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Orientation ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Orientation() qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) PageCount ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) PageCount() int
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) PaintRequested ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) PaintRequested(printer *QPrinter)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) PreviewChanged ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) PreviewChanged()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Print ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Print()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Receivers ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Receivers(signal string) int
Receivers can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) Sender ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) Sender() *qt6.QObject
Sender can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SenderSignalIndex ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SenderSignalIndex() int
SenderSignalIndex can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetAllPagesViewMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetAllPagesViewMode()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetCurrentPage ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetCurrentPage(pageNumber int)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetFacingPagesViewMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetFacingPagesViewMode()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetLandscapeOrientation ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetLandscapeOrientation()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetOrientation ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetOrientation(orientation qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetPortraitOrientation ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetPortraitOrientation()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetSinglePageViewMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetSinglePageViewMode()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetViewMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetViewMode(viewMode QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetVisible ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetVisible(visible bool)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetZoomFactor ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetZoomFactor(zoomFactor float64)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) SetZoomMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) SetZoomMode(zoomMode QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) UpdateMicroFocus ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) UpdateMicroFocus()
UpdateMicroFocus can only be called from a QPrintPreviewWidget that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) UpdatePreview ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) UpdatePreview()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ViewMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ViewMode() QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomFactor ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomFactor() float64
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomIn ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomIn()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomIn1 ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomIn1(zoom float64)
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomMode ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomMode() QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomOut ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomOut()
func (*QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomOut1 ¶
func (this *QPrintPreviewWidget) ZoomOut1(zoom float64)
type QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode ¶
type QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode int
const ( QPrintPreviewWidget__SinglePageView QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode = 0 QPrintPreviewWidget__FacingPagesView QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode = 1 QPrintPreviewWidget__AllPagesView QPrintPreviewWidget__ViewMode = 2 )
type QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode ¶
type QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode int
const ( QPrintPreviewWidget__CustomZoom QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode = 0 QPrintPreviewWidget__FitToWidth QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode = 1 QPrintPreviewWidget__FitInView QPrintPreviewWidget__ZoomMode = 2 )
type QPrinter ¶
type QPrinter struct { *qt6.QPagedPaintDevice // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewQPrinter2 ¶
func NewQPrinter2(printer *QPrinterInfo) *QPrinter
NewQPrinter2 constructs a new QPrinter object.
func NewQPrinter3 ¶
func NewQPrinter3(mode QPrinter__PrinterMode) *QPrinter
NewQPrinter3 constructs a new QPrinter object.
func NewQPrinter4 ¶
func NewQPrinter4(printer *QPrinterInfo, mode QPrinter__PrinterMode) *QPrinter
NewQPrinter4 constructs a new QPrinter object.
func UnsafeNewQPrinter ¶
UnsafeNewQPrinter constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPrinter) CollateCopies ¶
func (*QPrinter) ColorMode ¶
func (this *QPrinter) ColorMode() QPrinter__ColorMode
func (*QPrinter) Duplex ¶
func (this *QPrinter) Duplex() QPrinter__DuplexMode
func (*QPrinter) FontEmbeddingEnabled ¶
func (*QPrinter) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPrinter) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPrinter) OnInitPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPrinter) OnMetric ¶
func (this *QPrinter) OnMetric(slot func(super func(param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int, param1 qt6.QPaintDevice__PaintDeviceMetric) int)
func (*QPrinter) OnPaintEngine ¶
func (this *QPrinter) OnPaintEngine(slot func(super func() *qt6.QPaintEngine) *qt6.QPaintEngine)
func (*QPrinter) OnRedirected ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrinter) OnRedirected(slot func(super func(offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice, offset *qt6.QPoint) *qt6.QPaintDevice)
func (*QPrinter) OnSetPageLayout ¶
func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageLayout(slot func(super func(pageLayout *qt6.QPageLayout) bool, pageLayout *qt6.QPageLayout) bool)
func (*QPrinter) OnSetPageMargins ¶
func (*QPrinter) OnSetPageOrientation ¶
func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageOrientation(slot func(super func(orientation qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation) bool, orientation qt6.QPageLayout__Orientation) bool)
func (*QPrinter) OnSetPageRanges ¶
func (this *QPrinter) OnSetPageRanges(slot func(super func(ranges *qt6.QPageRanges), ranges *qt6.QPageRanges))
func (*QPrinter) OnSetPageSize ¶
func (*QPrinter) OnSharedPainter ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (*QPrinter) OutputFileName ¶
func (*QPrinter) OutputFormat ¶
func (this *QPrinter) OutputFormat() QPrinter__OutputFormat
func (*QPrinter) PageOrder ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PageOrder() QPrinter__PageOrder
func (*QPrinter) PaintEngine ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PaintEngine() *qt6.QPaintEngine
func (*QPrinter) PaperSource ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PaperSource() QPrinter__PaperSource
func (*QPrinter) PdfVersion ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PdfVersion() qt6.QPagedPaintDevice__PdfVersion
func (*QPrinter) PrintEngine ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PrintEngine() *QPrintEngine
func (*QPrinter) PrintProgram ¶
func (*QPrinter) PrintRange ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PrintRange() QPrinter__PrintRange
func (*QPrinter) PrinterName ¶
func (*QPrinter) PrinterSelectionOption ¶
func (*QPrinter) PrinterState ¶
func (this *QPrinter) PrinterState() QPrinter__PrinterState
func (*QPrinter) Resolution ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetCollateCopies ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetColorMode ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetColorMode(colorMode QPrinter__ColorMode)
func (*QPrinter) SetCopyCount ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetCreator ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetDocName ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetDuplex ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetDuplex(duplex QPrinter__DuplexMode)
func (*QPrinter) SetEngines ¶ added in v0.9.0
func (this *QPrinter) SetEngines(printEngine *QPrintEngine, paintEngine *qt6.QPaintEngine)
SetEngines can only be called from a QPrinter that was directly constructed.
func (*QPrinter) SetFontEmbeddingEnabled ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetFullPage ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetOutputFileName ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetOutputFormat ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetOutputFormat(format QPrinter__OutputFormat)
func (*QPrinter) SetPageOrder ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetPageOrder(pageOrder QPrinter__PageOrder)
func (*QPrinter) SetPaperSource ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetPaperSource(paperSource QPrinter__PaperSource)
func (*QPrinter) SetPdfVersion ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetPdfVersion(version qt6.QPagedPaintDevice__PdfVersion)
func (*QPrinter) SetPrintProgram ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetPrintRange ¶
func (this *QPrinter) SetPrintRange(rangeVal QPrinter__PrintRange)
func (*QPrinter) SetPrinterName ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetPrinterSelectionOption ¶
func (*QPrinter) SetResolution ¶
func (*QPrinter) SupportedResolutions ¶
func (*QPrinter) SupportsMultipleCopies ¶
func (*QPrinter) UnsafePointer ¶
type QPrinterInfo ¶
type QPrinterInfo struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewQPrinterInfo ¶
func NewQPrinterInfo() *QPrinterInfo
NewQPrinterInfo constructs a new QPrinterInfo object.
func NewQPrinterInfo2 ¶
func NewQPrinterInfo2(other *QPrinterInfo) *QPrinterInfo
NewQPrinterInfo2 constructs a new QPrinterInfo object.
func NewQPrinterInfo3 ¶
func NewQPrinterInfo3(printer *QPrinter) *QPrinterInfo
NewQPrinterInfo3 constructs a new QPrinterInfo object.
func QPrinterInfo_AvailablePrinters ¶
func QPrinterInfo_AvailablePrinters() []QPrinterInfo
func QPrinterInfo_DefaultPrinter ¶
func QPrinterInfo_DefaultPrinter() *QPrinterInfo
func QPrinterInfo_PrinterInfo ¶
func QPrinterInfo_PrinterInfo(printerName string) *QPrinterInfo
func UnsafeNewQPrinterInfo ¶
func UnsafeNewQPrinterInfo(h unsafe.Pointer) *QPrinterInfo
UnsafeNewQPrinterInfo constructs the type using only unsafe pointers.
func (*QPrinterInfo) DefaultColorMode ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) DefaultColorMode() QPrinter__ColorMode
func (*QPrinterInfo) DefaultDuplexMode ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) DefaultDuplexMode() QPrinter__DuplexMode
func (*QPrinterInfo) DefaultPageSize ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) DefaultPageSize() *qt6.QPageSize
func (*QPrinterInfo) Delete ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) Delete()
Delete this object from C++ memory.
func (*QPrinterInfo) Description ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) Description() string
func (*QPrinterInfo) GoGC ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) GoGC()
GoGC adds a Go Finalizer to this pointer, so that it will be deleted from C++ memory once it is unreachable from Go memory.
func (*QPrinterInfo) IsDefault ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) IsDefault() bool
func (*QPrinterInfo) IsNull ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) IsNull() bool
func (*QPrinterInfo) IsRemote ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) IsRemote() bool
func (*QPrinterInfo) Location ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) Location() string
func (*QPrinterInfo) MakeAndModel ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) MakeAndModel() string
func (*QPrinterInfo) MaximumPhysicalPageSize ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) MaximumPhysicalPageSize() *qt6.QPageSize
func (*QPrinterInfo) MinimumPhysicalPageSize ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) MinimumPhysicalPageSize() *qt6.QPageSize
func (*QPrinterInfo) OperatorAssign ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) OperatorAssign(other *QPrinterInfo)
func (*QPrinterInfo) PrinterName ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) PrinterName() string
func (*QPrinterInfo) State ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) State() QPrinter__PrinterState
func (*QPrinterInfo) SupportedColorModes ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedColorModes() []QPrinter__ColorMode
func (*QPrinterInfo) SupportedDuplexModes ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedDuplexModes() []QPrinter__DuplexMode
func (*QPrinterInfo) SupportedPageSizes ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedPageSizes() []qt6.QPageSize
func (*QPrinterInfo) SupportedResolutions ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportedResolutions() []int
func (*QPrinterInfo) SupportsCustomPageSizes ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) SupportsCustomPageSizes() bool
func (*QPrinterInfo) UnsafePointer ¶
func (this *QPrinterInfo) UnsafePointer() unsafe.Pointer
type QPrinter__ColorMode ¶
type QPrinter__ColorMode int
const ( QPrinter__GrayScale QPrinter__ColorMode = 0 QPrinter__Color QPrinter__ColorMode = 1 )
type QPrinter__DuplexMode ¶
type QPrinter__DuplexMode int
const ( QPrinter__DuplexNone QPrinter__DuplexMode = 0 QPrinter__DuplexAuto QPrinter__DuplexMode = 1 QPrinter__DuplexLongSide QPrinter__DuplexMode = 2 QPrinter__DuplexShortSide QPrinter__DuplexMode = 3 )
type QPrinter__OutputFormat ¶
type QPrinter__OutputFormat int
const ( QPrinter__NativeFormat QPrinter__OutputFormat = 0 QPrinter__PdfFormat QPrinter__OutputFormat = 1 )
type QPrinter__PageOrder ¶
type QPrinter__PageOrder int
const ( QPrinter__FirstPageFirst QPrinter__PageOrder = 0 QPrinter__LastPageFirst QPrinter__PageOrder = 1 )
type QPrinter__PaperSource ¶
type QPrinter__PaperSource int
const ( QPrinter__OnlyOne QPrinter__PaperSource = 0 QPrinter__Lower QPrinter__PaperSource = 1 QPrinter__Middle QPrinter__PaperSource = 2 QPrinter__Manual QPrinter__PaperSource = 3 QPrinter__Envelope QPrinter__PaperSource = 4 QPrinter__EnvelopeManual QPrinter__PaperSource = 5 QPrinter__Auto QPrinter__PaperSource = 6 QPrinter__Tractor QPrinter__PaperSource = 7 QPrinter__SmallFormat QPrinter__PaperSource = 8 QPrinter__LargeFormat QPrinter__PaperSource = 9 QPrinter__LargeCapacity QPrinter__PaperSource = 10 QPrinter__Cassette QPrinter__PaperSource = 11 QPrinter__FormSource QPrinter__PaperSource = 12 QPrinter__MaxPageSource QPrinter__PaperSource = 13 QPrinter__CustomSource QPrinter__PaperSource = 14 QPrinter__LastPaperSource QPrinter__PaperSource = 14 QPrinter__Upper QPrinter__PaperSource = 0 )
type QPrinter__PrintRange ¶
type QPrinter__PrintRange int
const ( QPrinter__AllPages QPrinter__PrintRange = 0 QPrinter__Selection QPrinter__PrintRange = 1 QPrinter__PageRange QPrinter__PrintRange = 2 QPrinter__CurrentPage QPrinter__PrintRange = 3 )
type QPrinter__PrinterMode ¶
type QPrinter__PrinterMode int
const ( QPrinter__ScreenResolution QPrinter__PrinterMode = 0 QPrinter__PrinterResolution QPrinter__PrinterMode = 1 QPrinter__HighResolution QPrinter__PrinterMode = 2 )
type QPrinter__PrinterState ¶
type QPrinter__PrinterState int
const ( QPrinter__Idle QPrinter__PrinterState = 0 QPrinter__Active QPrinter__PrinterState = 1 QPrinter__Aborted QPrinter__PrinterState = 2 QPrinter__Error QPrinter__PrinterState = 3 )
type QPrinter__Unit ¶
type QPrinter__Unit int
const ( QPrinter__Millimeter QPrinter__Unit = 0 QPrinter__Point QPrinter__Unit = 1 QPrinter__Inch QPrinter__Unit = 2 QPrinter__Pica QPrinter__Unit = 3 QPrinter__Didot QPrinter__Unit = 4 QPrinter__Cicero QPrinter__Unit = 5 QPrinter__DevicePixel QPrinter__Unit = 6 )