A tool to create files rendered from go templates and json
Usage: tplr [-o <output file>] [-d <data file>] [-t <template file>] [inline template]
Usage: tplr [-h|-v]
-o <output file> is a file to write to (default: stdout)
-d <data file> is a json file containing the templated variables (default: stdin)
-f <template file> is a file using the go templating notation.
If this is not specified, the template is taken from the remaining program args
-h Prints this messge
-v Prints the program version number and exits
The templating markup language used is defined by the go text/template package
Using go
go get -u github.com/mantidtech/tplr/cmd/tplr
echo '{"to":"World"}' | tplr 'Hello {{.to}}!'
# displays:
Hello World!
cat << EOF > sample.tpl
<title>{{ .title }}</title>
{{- range .items -}}
{{- include "listItem" . | indent 3 -}}
{{- end }}
{{- define "listItem" }}
{{- end -}}
cat << EOF > sample.json
"title": "My List Of Doom",
"items": [
"Acquire lair",
"Acquire henchmen",
"Acquire doomsday weapon"
tplr -d sample.json -t sample.tpl -o sample.html
cat sample.html
# displays:
<title>My List Of Doom</title>
Acquire lair
Acquire henchmen
Acquire doomsday weapon
NOTE: tplr
uses the text/template and not the html/template package.
This means there's no special translation of html elements, and therefore output isn't protected against code injection
-- so trust your data source if you intend to use tplr
in any sort of public facing html generation process.
Template Functions
In addition to the standard template functions, tplr
Composition Actions
{{ include "name" pipeline }}
Works like template
, but allows usage within pipelines
{{- include "foo" . | indent 6 -}}
Logical Operators
{{ isZero pipeline }}
Returns true
if the pipeline is empty (ie the zero
value of its type) OR
if it's a pointer and the dereferenced value is zero, OR
if the type of the pipeline has a length
(eg array, slice, map, string), and the length is zero
{{ whenEmpty pipeline1 pipeline0 }}
If pipeline0
is empty (ie the zero
value of its type), returns pipeline1
otherwise pipeline0
slightly backwards to look at, makes sense when chained though:
{{ .SomeValue | whenEmpty "something else" }}
{{ bracketWith S pipeline }}
Surrounds the pipeline with bracket pairs taken from S
must be an even-length string. The first half is used as the opening bracket, and the second as closing.
{{ bracketWith "<>" "html" }}
{{ bracket pipeline }}
Surrounds the pipeline
with (
& )
Equivalent to {{ bracketWith "()" pipeline }}
{{ indent N ARG }}
Indents all lines in the pipeline
with N
{{- indent 2 "Hello\n\tWorld" -}}
{{ joinWith S ARG_1..ARG_N }}
Concatenates the args into string joined by the string S
{{ join ARG_1..ARG_N }}
Concatenates the args into a single string
Equivalent to {{ joinWith "" ARG }}
{{ splitOn S ARG }}
Splits the arg into a list of strings on occurrences of the string S
{{ spIndent N ARG }}
Indents all lines in the arg with N
{{ padLeft N ARG }}
Returns the arg with a width of at least N
characters, adding spaces at the front to pad out the string
{{ padRight N ARG }}
Returns the arg with a width of at least N
characters, adding spaces at the end to pad out the string
{{ uppercaseFirst ARG }}
Returns the arg with the first character capitalised. There is no effect to other characters.
{{ toLower ARG }}
Returns the arg with the all characters converted to lowercase.
{{ toUpper ARG }}
Returns the arg with the all characters converted to uppercase.
{{ rep N ARG }}
Returns the arg printed N
number of times.
{{ space [N] }}
Returns a space character.
If N
is supplied, returns the given number of spaces.
Equivalent to {{ rep N " " }}
{{ tab [N] }}
Returns a tab character.
If N
is supplied, return the given number of tabs.
Equivalent to {{ rep N "\t" }}
{{ nl [N] }}
Returns a newline character.
If N
is supplied, return the given number of newlines.
Equivalent to {{ rep N "\n" }}
{{ typeName ARG }}
Returns the name of the Go type for the underlying variable of the argument
{{ toJSON ARG }}
Converts the given arg to a JSON string
Pretty-prints the pipeline. Returns an error if the arg isn't valid JSON.
Each element in the JSON object or array begins on a new line, indented by one or more copies of S
according to the nesting depth of the object.
{{ toYAML ARG }}
Converts the given arg to a YAML string
These methods work when the value of the pipeline is an array or slice (and return an error otherwise)
{{ list ITEM_1.ITEM_N }}
Creates a new list with the given set of items
{{ first LIST }}
Returns the first item in the list
{{ last LIST }}
Returns the last item of a list
{{ rest LIST }}
/ {{ pop LIST }}
Returns a list of everything except for the first item (aliased as pop)
{{ push LIST ITEM }}
Adds an item to the end of a list, returning the new list
{{ unshift LIST ITEM }}
Adds an item to the beginning of a list, returning the new list
{{ slice I J LIST }}
Returns a slice of the list, ie all items between indexes I (inclusive) and J (exclusive)
{{ contains LIST ITEM }}
Returns true
if the item are present in the list
{{ filter LIST ITEM }}
Returns a list with all instances of all item removed from it
Functions as a Library
You can also import the template functions to use with your own templating code.
go get github.com/mantidtech/tplr/functions
and use:
import github.com/mantidtech/tplr/functions
A convenience function, functions.All(t *template.Template)
, is provided to return all the functions as a template.FuncMap
docs are at https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/mantidtech/tplr/functions
To Do
Read data in other formats (yaml, toml, kv pairs, etc)
Process multiple templates and/or datasets at once
Greatly expand functions, including for
- Time
- Wordcase library (which I still need to release)
- Data format translations, eg toJSON, toYAML, base64{enc,dec}
- Anything else people might find useful
Less basic error messages/presentation
(c) 2020 - Julian Peterson <code@mantid.org>
- MIT Licensed