Pluggable benchmarking tool which can do multi processing and measure throughput and latency.
It is intentionally written to benchmark manticore daemon.
As prominent feature it is possibility to cross-bench different protocols manticore supports, and not just public mysql/http, but also ancient sphinx API and even sphinx API internode flavour (the one used by distr index to connect to agents).
Assume that you have installed go lang on your test platform (visit download section of for it).
Then perform this couple of commands:
go get -u
Usage: stress [-?] [-b N] [-c N] [--csv] [--data path/to/data] [--from N] [-h mysql|plain3|json|fjson|http|fhttp|api] [--limit N] [--tag tag] [parameters ...]
-?, --help
-b N batch size (1 by default)
-c N concurrency (1 by default)
--csv will output only final result in csv compatible format
path to data dir or file
--from=N N starts with defined document
-h, --plugin=mysql|plain3|json|fjson|http|fhttp|api
name of plugin
--limit=N N max number of documents to process
--tag=tag add tag to the csv output
After all opts for the app you can also provide options for plugins:
--host= host where daemon listens
--port port where daemon listens (default 9306 for mysql, 9308 for http, 9312 for api)
--index=idx name of the index to query
--maxmatches maxmatches or limit param.
For mysql plugin you can also provide:
--filter clause which will be appended after 'WHERE MATCH()'...
Available plugins:
mysql executes queries via sphinxql, may use filters
plain3 hardcoded mysql to, index lj, limit 100000 (no options available)
json executes queries via http, /search/json endpoint
fjson same as json, but works using fasthttp package
http executes queries via http, /search endpoint
fhttp same as http, but works using fasthttp package
api executes queries via classic binary sphinx API proto as distr works with agents
apiclient executes queries via classic binary sphinx API proto, as php and another APIs
Few examples
./stress -h api --limit 100000 -b2 -c10 --data /work/stress/ljquerylog.txt.gz --index lj
Time elapsed: 0s, throughput (curr / from start): 0 / 0 rps, 10 children running, 0 elements processed
Time elapsed: 1s, throughput (curr / from start): 2744 / 2744 rps, 10 children running, 2752 elements processed
Time elapsed: 2s, throughput (curr / from start): 2660 / 2702 rps, 10 children running, 5408 elements processed
Time elapsed: 3s, throughput (curr / from start): 3018 / 2807 rps, 10 children running, 8428 elements processed
Time elapsed: 38s, throughput (curr / from start): 2607 / 2518 rps, 10 children running, 95712 elements processed
Time elapsed: 39s, throughput (curr / from start): 2505 / 2518 rps, 10 children running, 98220 elements processed
Finally time elapsed: 39.8s, final throughput 2510 rps, 99922 elements processed
FINISHED. Total time: 39.8s throughput: 2510 rps
Worker api
Latency stats:
count: 99922 latencies analyzed
avg: 3.969ms
median: 1.450ms
95p: 11.044ms
99p: 45.840ms
Plugin's output:
Count: 99922
Total matches: 734164
snikolaev@dev:~/stress_tester$ ./stress -h api --limit 10000 --csv -b2 -c10 --data /work/stress/ljquerylog.txt.gz --index lj
95p latency, ms;99p latency, ms;avg latency, ms;batch size;concurrency;elements count;latencies count;median latency, ms;throughput;total time