Overview ¶
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland/wayland.xml on 2020-04-17 01:01:14 +0100
Index ¶
- Constants
- func Float64bits(f float64) uint64
- func Float64frombits(b uint64) float64
- func GiveBack(b []byte)
- func ListenFD(addr string) (ret int, err error)
- type BaseProxy
- func (p *BaseProxy) Container() interface{}
- func (p *BaseProxy) Context() *Context
- func (p *BaseProxy) Id() ProxyId
- func (p *BaseProxy) SetContainer(c interface{})
- func (p *BaseProxy) SetContext(c *Context)
- func (p *BaseProxy) SetId(id ProxyId)
- func (p *BaseProxy) SetVersion(version uint32)
- func (p *BaseProxy) Unregister(s string)
- func (p *BaseProxy) Version() uint32
- type Buffer
- type BufferDestroyEvent
- type BufferDestroyHandler
- type BytePool
- type Callback
- type Compositor
- func (p *Compositor) AddCreateRegionHandler(h CompositorCreateRegionHandler)
- func (p *Compositor) AddCreateSurfaceHandler(h CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler)
- func (p *Compositor) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Compositor) RemoveCreateRegionHandler(h CompositorCreateRegionHandler)
- func (p *Compositor) RemoveCreateSurfaceHandler(h CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler)
- type CompositorCreateRegionEvent
- type CompositorCreateRegionHandler
- type CompositorCreateSurfaceEvent
- type CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler
- type Context
- func (c *Context) AddFD(fd uintptr)
- func (c *Context) Close()
- func (c *Context) Dispatch() chan<- struct{}
- func (ctx *Context) LookupProxy(id ProxyId) Proxy
- func (c *Context) NextFD() uintptr
- func (ctx *Context) Objects() map[ProxyId]Proxy
- func (c *Context) ReadEvent() (Event, error)
- func (ctx *Context) Register(proxy Proxy)
- func (ctx *Context) RegisterId(proxy Proxy, id int)
- func (context *Context) SendRequest(proxy Proxy, opcode uint32, args ...interface{}) (err error)
- func (ctx *Context) Unregister(proxy Proxy)
- type DataDevice
- func (p *DataDevice) AddReleaseHandler(h DataDeviceReleaseHandler)
- func (p *DataDevice) AddSetSelectionHandler(h DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler)
- func (p *DataDevice) AddStartDragHandler(h DataDeviceStartDragHandler)
- func (p *DataDevice) DataOffer(id int) (*DataOffer, error)
- func (p *DataDevice) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *DataDevice) Drop() error
- func (p *DataDevice) Enter(serial uint32, surface *Surface, x float32, y float32, id *DataOffer) error
- func (p *DataDevice) Leave() error
- func (p *DataDevice) Motion(time uint32, x float32, y float32) error
- func (p *DataDevice) RemoveReleaseHandler(h DataDeviceReleaseHandler)
- func (p *DataDevice) RemoveSetSelectionHandler(h DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler)
- func (p *DataDevice) RemoveStartDragHandler(h DataDeviceStartDragHandler)
- func (p *DataDevice) Selection(id *DataOffer) error
- type DataDeviceManager
- func (p *DataDeviceManager) AddCreateDataSourceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler)
- func (p *DataDeviceManager) AddGetDataDeviceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler)
- func (p *DataDeviceManager) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *DataDeviceManager) RemoveCreateDataSourceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler)
- func (p *DataDeviceManager) RemoveGetDataDeviceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler)
- type DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceEvent
- type DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler
- type DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceEvent
- type DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler
- type DataDeviceReleaseEvent
- type DataDeviceReleaseHandler
- type DataDeviceSetSelectionEvent
- type DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler
- type DataDeviceStartDragEvent
- type DataDeviceStartDragHandler
- type DataOffer
- func (p *DataOffer) Action(dnd_action uint32) error
- func (p *DataOffer) AddAcceptHandler(h DataOfferAcceptHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) AddDestroyHandler(h DataOfferDestroyHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) AddFinishHandler(h DataOfferFinishHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) AddReceiveHandler(h DataOfferReceiveHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) AddSetActionsHandler(h DataOfferSetActionsHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *DataOffer) Offer(mime_type string) error
- func (p *DataOffer) RemoveAcceptHandler(h DataOfferAcceptHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) RemoveDestroyHandler(h DataOfferDestroyHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) RemoveFinishHandler(h DataOfferFinishHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) RemoveReceiveHandler(h DataOfferReceiveHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) RemoveSetActionsHandler(h DataOfferSetActionsHandler)
- func (p *DataOffer) SourceActions(source_actions uint32) error
- type DataOfferAcceptEvent
- type DataOfferAcceptHandler
- type DataOfferDestroyEvent
- type DataOfferDestroyHandler
- type DataOfferFinishEvent
- type DataOfferFinishHandler
- type DataOfferReceiveEvent
- type DataOfferReceiveHandler
- type DataOfferSetActionsEvent
- type DataOfferSetActionsHandler
- type DataSource
- func (p *DataSource) Action(dnd_action uint32) error
- func (p *DataSource) AddDestroyHandler(h DataSourceDestroyHandler)
- func (p *DataSource) AddOfferHandler(h DataSourceOfferHandler)
- func (p *DataSource) AddSetActionsHandler(h DataSourceSetActionsHandler)
- func (p *DataSource) Cancelled() error
- func (p *DataSource) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *DataSource) DndDropPerformed() error
- func (p *DataSource) DndFinished() error
- func (p *DataSource) RemoveDestroyHandler(h DataSourceDestroyHandler)
- func (p *DataSource) RemoveOfferHandler(h DataSourceOfferHandler)
- func (p *DataSource) RemoveSetActionsHandler(h DataSourceSetActionsHandler)
- func (p *DataSource) Send(mime_type string, fd uintptr) error
- func (p *DataSource) Target(mime_type string) error
- type DataSourceDestroyEvent
- type DataSourceDestroyHandler
- type DataSourceOfferEvent
- type DataSourceOfferHandler
- type DataSourceSetActionsEvent
- type DataSourceSetActionsHandler
- type Dispatcher
- type Display
- func (p *Display) AddGetRegistryHandler(h DisplayGetRegistryHandler)
- func (p *Display) AddSyncHandler(h DisplaySyncHandler)
- func (p *Display) DeleteId(id uint32) error
- func (p *Display) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Display) Error(object_id, code uint32, message string) error
- func (p *Display) RemoveGetRegistryHandler(h DisplayGetRegistryHandler)
- func (p *Display) RemoveSyncHandler(h DisplaySyncHandler)
- type DisplayGetRegistryEvent
- type DisplayGetRegistryHandler
- type DisplaySyncEvent
- type DisplaySyncHandler
- type Event
- type Handler
- type Keyboard
- func (p *Keyboard) AddReleaseHandler(h KeyboardReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Keyboard) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Keyboard) Enter(serial uint32, surface *Surface, keys []int32) error
- func (p *Keyboard) Key(serial uint32, time uint32, key uint32, state uint32) error
- func (p *Keyboard) Keymap(format uint32, fd uintptr, size uint32) error
- func (p *Keyboard) Leave(serial uint32, surface *Surface) error
- func (p *Keyboard) Modifiers(serial uint32, mods_depressed uint32, mods_latched uint32, mods_locked uint32, ...) error
- func (p *Keyboard) RemoveReleaseHandler(h KeyboardReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Keyboard) RepeatInfo(rate int32, delay int32) error
- type KeyboardReleaseEvent
- type KeyboardReleaseHandler
- type Output
- func (p *Output) AddReleaseHandler(h OutputReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Output) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Output) Done() error
- func (p *Output) Geometry(x int32, y int32, physical_width int32, physical_height int32, subpixel int32, ...) error
- func (p *Output) Mode(flags uint32, width int32, height int32, refresh int32) error
- func (p *Output) RemoveReleaseHandler(h OutputReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Output) Scale(factor int32) error
- type OutputReleaseEvent
- type OutputReleaseHandler
- type Pointer
- func (p *Pointer) AddReleaseHandler(h PointerReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Pointer) AddSetCursorHandler(h PointerSetCursorHandler)
- func (p *Pointer) Axis(time uint32, axis uint32, value float32) error
- func (p *Pointer) AxisDiscrete(axis uint32, discrete int32) error
- func (p *Pointer) AxisSource(axis_source uint32) error
- func (p *Pointer) AxisStop(time uint32, axis uint32) error
- func (p *Pointer) Button(serial uint32, time uint32, button uint32, state uint32) error
- func (p *Pointer) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Pointer) Enter(serial uint32, surface *Surface, surface_x float32, surface_y float32) error
- func (p *Pointer) Frame() error
- func (p *Pointer) Leave(serial uint32, surface *Surface) error
- func (p *Pointer) Motion(time uint32, surface_x float32, surface_y float32) error
- func (p *Pointer) RemoveReleaseHandler(h PointerReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Pointer) RemoveSetCursorHandler(h PointerSetCursorHandler)
- type PointerReleaseEvent
- type PointerReleaseHandler
- type PointerSetCursorEvent
- type PointerSetCursorHandler
- type Proxy
- type ProxyId
- type Region
- func (p *Region) AddAddHandler(h RegionAddHandler)
- func (p *Region) AddDestroyHandler(h RegionDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Region) AddSubtractHandler(h RegionSubtractHandler)
- func (p *Region) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Region) RemoveAddHandler(h RegionAddHandler)
- func (p *Region) RemoveDestroyHandler(h RegionDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Region) RemoveSubtractHandler(h RegionSubtractHandler)
- type RegionAddEvent
- type RegionAddHandler
- type RegionDestroyEvent
- type RegionDestroyHandler
- type RegionSubtractEvent
- type RegionSubtractHandler
- type Registry
- type RegistryBindEvent
- type RegistryBindHandler
- type Request
- func (r *Request) PutArray(a []int32)
- func (r *Request) PutFd(fd uintptr)
- func (r *Request) PutFloat32(f float32)
- func (r *Request) PutInt32(i int32)
- func (r *Request) PutProxy(p Proxy)
- func (r *Request) PutString(s string)
- func (r *Request) PutUint32(u uint32)
- func (r *Request) Write(arg interface{})
- type Seat
- func (p *Seat) AddGetKeyboardHandler(h SeatGetKeyboardHandler)
- func (p *Seat) AddGetPointerHandler(h SeatGetPointerHandler)
- func (p *Seat) AddGetTouchHandler(h SeatGetTouchHandler)
- func (p *Seat) AddReleaseHandler(h SeatReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Seat) Capabilities(capabilities uint32) error
- func (p *Seat) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Seat) Name(name string) error
- func (p *Seat) RemoveGetKeyboardHandler(h SeatGetKeyboardHandler)
- func (p *Seat) RemoveGetPointerHandler(h SeatGetPointerHandler)
- func (p *Seat) RemoveGetTouchHandler(h SeatGetTouchHandler)
- func (p *Seat) RemoveReleaseHandler(h SeatReleaseHandler)
- type SeatGetKeyboardEvent
- type SeatGetKeyboardHandler
- type SeatGetPointerEvent
- type SeatGetPointerHandler
- type SeatGetTouchEvent
- type SeatGetTouchHandler
- type SeatReleaseEvent
- type SeatReleaseHandler
- type Shell
- type ShellGetShellSurfaceEvent
- type ShellGetShellSurfaceHandler
- type ShellSurface
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddMoveHandler(h ShellSurfaceMoveHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddPongHandler(h ShellSurfacePongHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddResizeHandler(h ShellSurfaceResizeHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetClassHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetFullscreenHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetMaximizedHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetPopupHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetTitleHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetToplevelHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetTransientHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) Configure(edges uint32, width int32, height int32) error
- func (p *ShellSurface) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *ShellSurface) Ping(serial uint32) error
- func (p *ShellSurface) PopupDone() error
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveMoveHandler(h ShellSurfaceMoveHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemovePongHandler(h ShellSurfacePongHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveResizeHandler(h ShellSurfaceResizeHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetClassHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetFullscreenHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetMaximizedHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetPopupHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetTitleHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetToplevelHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler)
- func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetTransientHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler)
- type ShellSurfaceMoveEvent
- type ShellSurfaceMoveHandler
- type ShellSurfacePongEvent
- type ShellSurfacePongHandler
- type ShellSurfaceResizeEvent
- type ShellSurfaceResizeHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetClassEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetPopupEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetTitleEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetToplevelEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler
- type ShellSurfaceSetTransientEvent
- type ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler
- type Shm
- type ShmCreatePoolEvent
- type ShmCreatePoolHandler
- type ShmPool
- func (p *ShmPool) AddCreateBufferHandler(h ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler)
- func (p *ShmPool) AddDestroyHandler(h ShmPoolDestroyHandler)
- func (p *ShmPool) AddResizeHandler(h ShmPoolResizeHandler)
- func (p *ShmPool) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *ShmPool) RemoveCreateBufferHandler(h ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler)
- func (p *ShmPool) RemoveDestroyHandler(h ShmPoolDestroyHandler)
- func (p *ShmPool) RemoveResizeHandler(h ShmPoolResizeHandler)
- type ShmPoolCreateBufferEvent
- type ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler
- type ShmPoolDestroyEvent
- type ShmPoolDestroyHandler
- type ShmPoolResizeEvent
- type ShmPoolResizeHandler
- type Subcompositor
- func (p *Subcompositor) AddDestroyHandler(h SubcompositorDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Subcompositor) AddGetSubsurfaceHandler(h SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler)
- func (p *Subcompositor) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Subcompositor) RemoveDestroyHandler(h SubcompositorDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Subcompositor) RemoveGetSubsurfaceHandler(h SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler)
- type SubcompositorDestroyEvent
- type SubcompositorDestroyHandler
- type SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceEvent
- type SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler
- type Subsurface
- func (p *Subsurface) AddDestroyHandler(h SubsurfaceDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) AddPlaceAboveHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) AddPlaceBelowHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) AddSetDesyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) AddSetPositionHandler(h SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) AddSetSyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Subsurface) RemoveDestroyHandler(h SubsurfaceDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) RemovePlaceAboveHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) RemovePlaceBelowHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) RemoveSetDesyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) RemoveSetPositionHandler(h SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler)
- func (p *Subsurface) RemoveSetSyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler)
- type SubsurfaceDestroyEvent
- type SubsurfaceDestroyHandler
- type SubsurfacePlaceAboveEvent
- type SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler
- type SubsurfacePlaceBelowEvent
- type SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler
- type SubsurfaceSetDesyncEvent
- type SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler
- type SubsurfaceSetPositionEvent
- type SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler
- type SubsurfaceSetSyncEvent
- type SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler
- type Surface
- func (p *Surface) AddAttachHandler(h SurfaceAttachHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddCommitHandler(h SurfaceCommitHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddDamageBufferHandler(h SurfaceDamageBufferHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddDamageHandler(h SurfaceDamageHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddDestroyHandler(h SurfaceDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddFrameHandler(h SurfaceFrameHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddSetBufferScaleHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddSetBufferTransformHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddSetInputRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler)
- func (p *Surface) AddSetOpaqueRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler)
- func (p *Surface) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Surface) Enter(output *Output) error
- func (p *Surface) Leave(output *Output) error
- func (p *Surface) RemoveAttachHandler(h SurfaceAttachHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveCommitHandler(h SurfaceCommitHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveDamageBufferHandler(h SurfaceDamageBufferHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveDamageHandler(h SurfaceDamageHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveDestroyHandler(h SurfaceDestroyHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveFrameHandler(h SurfaceFrameHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveSetBufferScaleHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveSetBufferTransformHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveSetInputRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler)
- func (p *Surface) RemoveSetOpaqueRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler)
- type SurfaceAttachEvent
- type SurfaceAttachHandler
- type SurfaceCommitEvent
- type SurfaceCommitHandler
- type SurfaceDamageBufferEvent
- type SurfaceDamageBufferHandler
- type SurfaceDamageEvent
- type SurfaceDamageHandler
- type SurfaceDestroyEvent
- type SurfaceDestroyHandler
- type SurfaceFrameEvent
- type SurfaceFrameHandler
- type SurfaceSetBufferScaleEvent
- type SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler
- type SurfaceSetBufferTransformEvent
- type SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler
- type SurfaceSetInputRegionEvent
- type SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler
- type SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionEvent
- type SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler
- type TextCursorPosition
- type Touch
- func (p *Touch) AddReleaseHandler(h TouchReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Touch) Cancel() error
- func (p *Touch) Dispatch(event *Event)
- func (p *Touch) Down(serial uint32, time uint32, surface *Surface, id int32, x float32, y float32) error
- func (p *Touch) Frame() error
- func (p *Touch) Motion(time uint32, id int32, x float32, y float32) error
- func (p *Touch) Orientation(id int32, orientation float32) error
- func (p *Touch) RemoveReleaseHandler(h TouchReleaseHandler)
- func (p *Touch) Shape(id int32, major float32, minor float32) error
- func (p *Touch) Up(serial uint32, time uint32, id int32) error
- type TouchReleaseEvent
- type TouchReleaseHandler
- type WestonScreenshooter
- type WestonScreenshooterDoneEvent
Constants ¶
const ( DisplayErrorInvalidObject = 0 DisplayErrorInvalidMethod = 1 DisplayErrorNoMemory = 2 DisplayErrorImplementation = 3 )
const ( ShmErrorInvalidFormat = 0 ShmErrorInvalidStride = 1 ShmErrorInvalidFd = 2 )
const ( ShmFormatArgb8888 = 0 ShmFormatXrgb8888 = 1 ShmFormatC8 = 0x20203843 ShmFormatRgb332 = 0x38424752 ShmFormatBgr233 = 0x38524742 ShmFormatXrgb4444 = 0x32315258 ShmFormatXbgr4444 = 0x32314258 ShmFormatRgbx4444 = 0x32315852 ShmFormatBgrx4444 = 0x32315842 ShmFormatArgb4444 = 0x32315241 ShmFormatAbgr4444 = 0x32314241 ShmFormatRgba4444 = 0x32314152 ShmFormatBgra4444 = 0x32314142 ShmFormatXrgb1555 = 0x35315258 ShmFormatXbgr1555 = 0x35314258 ShmFormatRgbx5551 = 0x35315852 ShmFormatBgrx5551 = 0x35315842 ShmFormatArgb1555 = 0x35315241 ShmFormatAbgr1555 = 0x35314241 ShmFormatRgba5551 = 0x35314152 ShmFormatBgra5551 = 0x35314142 ShmFormatRgb565 = 0x36314752 ShmFormatBgr565 = 0x36314742 ShmFormatRgb888 = 0x34324752 ShmFormatBgr888 = 0x34324742 ShmFormatXbgr8888 = 0x34324258 ShmFormatRgbx8888 = 0x34325852 ShmFormatBgrx8888 = 0x34325842 ShmFormatAbgr8888 = 0x34324241 ShmFormatRgba8888 = 0x34324152 ShmFormatBgra8888 = 0x34324142 ShmFormatXrgb2101010 = 0x30335258 ShmFormatXbgr2101010 = 0x30334258 ShmFormatRgbx1010102 = 0x30335852 ShmFormatBgrx1010102 = 0x30335842 ShmFormatArgb2101010 = 0x30335241 ShmFormatAbgr2101010 = 0x30334241 ShmFormatRgba1010102 = 0x30334152 ShmFormatBgra1010102 = 0x30334142 ShmFormatYuyv = 0x56595559 ShmFormatYvyu = 0x55595659 ShmFormatUyvy = 0x59565955 ShmFormatVyuy = 0x59555956 ShmFormatAyuv = 0x56555941 ShmFormatNv12 = 0x3231564e ShmFormatNv21 = 0x3132564e ShmFormatNv16 = 0x3631564e ShmFormatNv61 = 0x3136564e ShmFormatYuv410 = 0x39565559 ShmFormatYvu410 = 0x39555659 ShmFormatYuv411 = 0x31315559 ShmFormatYvu411 = 0x31315659 ShmFormatYuv420 = 0x32315559 ShmFormatYvu420 = 0x32315659 ShmFormatYuv422 = 0x36315559 ShmFormatYvu422 = 0x36315659 ShmFormatYuv444 = 0x34325559 ShmFormatYvu444 = 0x34325659 )
const ( DataOfferErrorInvalidFinish = 0 DataOfferErrorInvalidActionMask = 1 DataOfferErrorInvalidAction = 2 DataOfferErrorInvalidOffer = 3 )
const ( DataSourceErrorInvalidActionMask = 0 DataSourceErrorInvalidSource = 1 )
const ( DataDeviceManagerDndActionNone = 0 DataDeviceManagerDndActionCopy = 1 DataDeviceManagerDndActionMove = 2 DataDeviceManagerDndActionAsk = 4 )
const ( ShellSurfaceResizeNone = 0 ShellSurfaceResizeTop = 1 ShellSurfaceResizeBottom = 2 ShellSurfaceResizeLeft = 4 ShellSurfaceResizeTopLeft = 5 ShellSurfaceResizeBottomLeft = 6 ShellSurfaceResizeRight = 8 ShellSurfaceResizeTopRight = 9 ShellSurfaceResizeBottomRight = 10 )
const ( ShellSurfaceFullscreenMethodDefault = 0 ShellSurfaceFullscreenMethodScale = 1 ShellSurfaceFullscreenMethodDriver = 2 ShellSurfaceFullscreenMethodFill = 3 )
const ( SurfaceErrorInvalidScale = 0 SurfaceErrorInvalidTransform = 1 )
const ( SeatCapabilityPointer = 1 SeatCapabilityKeyboard = 2 SeatCapabilityTouch = 4 )
const ( PointerButtonStateReleased = 0 PointerButtonStatePressed = 1 )
const ( PointerAxisVerticalScroll = 0 PointerAxisHorizontalScroll = 1 )
const ( PointerAxisSourceWheel = 0 PointerAxisSourceFinger = 1 PointerAxisSourceContinuous = 2 PointerAxisSourceWheelTilt = 3 )
const ( KeyboardKeymapFormatNoKeymap = 0 KeyboardKeymapFormatXkbV1 = 1 )
const ( KeyboardKeyStateReleased = 0 KeyboardKeyStatePressed = 1 )
const ( OutputSubpixelUnknown = 0 OutputSubpixelNone = 1 OutputSubpixelHorizontalRgb = 2 OutputSubpixelHorizontalBgr = 3 OutputSubpixelVerticalRgb = 4 OutputSubpixelVerticalBgr = 5 )
const ( OutputTransformNormal = 0 OutputTransform90 = 1 OutputTransform180 = 2 OutputTransform270 = 3 OutputTransformFlipped = 4 OutputTransformFlipped90 = 5 OutputTransformFlipped180 = 6 OutputTransformFlipped270 = 7 )
const ( OutputModeCurrent = 0x1 OutputModePreferred = 0x2 )
const (
DataDeviceErrorRole = 0
const (
PointerErrorRole = 0
const (
ShellErrorRole = 0
const (
ShellSurfaceTransientInactive = 0x1
const (
SubcompositorErrorBadSurface = 0
const (
SubsurfaceErrorBadSurface = 0
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func Float64bits ¶
func Float64frombits ¶
Types ¶
type BaseProxy ¶
type BaseProxy struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BaseProxy) SetContainer ¶
func (p *BaseProxy) SetContainer(c interface{})
func (*BaseProxy) SetContext ¶
func (*BaseProxy) SetVersion ¶
func (*BaseProxy) Unregister ¶
type Buffer ¶
type Buffer struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Buffer) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Buffer) AddDestroyHandler(h BufferDestroyHandler)
func (*Buffer) Release ¶
Release will compositor releases buffer.
Sent when this wl_buffer is no longer used by the compositor. The client is now free to reuse or destroy this buffer and its backing storage.
If a client receives a release event before the frame callback requested in the same wl_surface.commit that attaches this wl_buffer to a surface, then the client is immediately free to reuse the buffer and its backing storage, and does not need a second buffer for the next surface content update. Typically this is possible, when the compositor maintains a copy of the wl_surface contents, e.g. as a GL texture. This is an important optimization for GL(ES) compositors with wl_shm clients.
func (*Buffer) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Buffer) RemoveDestroyHandler(h BufferDestroyHandler)
type BufferDestroyEvent ¶
type BufferDestroyEvent struct { }
type BufferDestroyHandler ¶
type BufferDestroyHandler interface {
type Compositor ¶
type Compositor struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewCompositor ¶
func NewCompositor(ctx *Context, id int) *Compositor
func (*Compositor) AddCreateRegionHandler ¶
func (p *Compositor) AddCreateRegionHandler(h CompositorCreateRegionHandler)
func (*Compositor) AddCreateSurfaceHandler ¶
func (p *Compositor) AddCreateSurfaceHandler(h CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler)
func (*Compositor) Dispatch ¶
func (p *Compositor) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*Compositor) RemoveCreateRegionHandler ¶
func (p *Compositor) RemoveCreateRegionHandler(h CompositorCreateRegionHandler)
func (*Compositor) RemoveCreateSurfaceHandler ¶
func (p *Compositor) RemoveCreateSurfaceHandler(h CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler)
type CompositorCreateRegionEvent ¶
type CompositorCreateRegionEvent struct {
Id *Region
type CompositorCreateRegionHandler ¶
type CompositorCreateRegionHandler interface {
type CompositorCreateSurfaceEvent ¶
type CompositorCreateSurfaceEvent struct {
Id *Surface
type CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler ¶
type CompositorCreateSurfaceHandler interface {
type Context ¶
type Context struct { SockFD int // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Context) LookupProxy ¶
func (*Context) RegisterId ¶
func (*Context) SendRequest ¶
func (*Context) Unregister ¶
type DataDevice ¶
type DataDevice struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDataDevice ¶
func NewDataDevice(ctx *Context, id int) *DataDevice
func (*DataDevice) AddReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *DataDevice) AddReleaseHandler(h DataDeviceReleaseHandler)
func (*DataDevice) AddSetSelectionHandler ¶
func (p *DataDevice) AddSetSelectionHandler(h DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler)
func (*DataDevice) AddStartDragHandler ¶
func (p *DataDevice) AddStartDragHandler(h DataDeviceStartDragHandler)
func (*DataDevice) DataOffer ¶
func (p *DataDevice) DataOffer(id int) (*DataOffer, error)
DataOffer will introduce a new wl_data_offer.
The data_offer event introduces a new wl_data_offer object, which will subsequently be used in either the data_device.enter event (for drag-and-drop) or the data_device.selection event (for selections). Immediately following the data_device_data_offer event, the new data_offer object will send out data_offer.offer events to describe the mime types it offers.
func (*DataDevice) Dispatch ¶
func (p *DataDevice) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*DataDevice) Drop ¶
func (p *DataDevice) Drop() error
Drop will end drag-and-drop session successfully.
The event is sent when a drag-and-drop operation is ended because the implicit grab is removed.
The drag-and-drop destination is expected to honor the last action received through wl_data_offer.action, if the resulting action is "copy" or "move", the destination can still perform wl_data_offer.receive requests, and is expected to end all transfers with a wl_data_offer.finish request.
If the resulting action is "ask", the action will not be considered final. The drag-and-drop destination is expected to perform one last wl_data_offer.set_actions request, or wl_data_offer.destroy in order to cancel the operation.
func (*DataDevice) Enter ¶
func (p *DataDevice) Enter(serial uint32, surface *Surface, x float32, y float32, id *DataOffer) error
Enter will initiate drag-and-drop session.
This event is sent when an active drag-and-drop pointer enters a surface owned by the client. The position of the pointer at enter time is provided by the x and y arguments, in surface-local coordinates.
func (*DataDevice) Leave ¶
func (p *DataDevice) Leave() error
Leave will end drag-and-drop session.
This event is sent when the drag-and-drop pointer leaves the surface and the session ends. The client must destroy the wl_data_offer introduced at enter time at this point.
func (*DataDevice) Motion ¶
func (p *DataDevice) Motion(time uint32, x float32, y float32) error
Motion will drag-and-drop session motion.
This event is sent when the drag-and-drop pointer moves within the currently focused surface. The new position of the pointer is provided by the x and y arguments, in surface-local coordinates.
func (*DataDevice) RemoveReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *DataDevice) RemoveReleaseHandler(h DataDeviceReleaseHandler)
func (*DataDevice) RemoveSetSelectionHandler ¶
func (p *DataDevice) RemoveSetSelectionHandler(h DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler)
func (*DataDevice) RemoveStartDragHandler ¶
func (p *DataDevice) RemoveStartDragHandler(h DataDeviceStartDragHandler)
func (*DataDevice) Selection ¶
func (p *DataDevice) Selection(id *DataOffer) error
Selection will advertise new selection.
The selection event is sent out to notify the client of a new wl_data_offer for the selection for this device. The data_device.data_offer and the data_offer.offer events are sent out immediately before this event to introduce the data offer object. The selection event is sent to a client immediately before receiving keyboard focus and when a new selection is set while the client has keyboard focus. The data_offer is valid until a new data_offer or NULL is received or until the client loses keyboard focus. The client must destroy the previous selection data_offer, if any, upon receiving this event.
type DataDeviceManager ¶
type DataDeviceManager struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDataDeviceManager ¶
func NewDataDeviceManager(ctx *Context, id int) *DataDeviceManager
func (*DataDeviceManager) AddCreateDataSourceHandler ¶
func (p *DataDeviceManager) AddCreateDataSourceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler)
func (*DataDeviceManager) AddGetDataDeviceHandler ¶
func (p *DataDeviceManager) AddGetDataDeviceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler)
func (*DataDeviceManager) Dispatch ¶
func (p *DataDeviceManager) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*DataDeviceManager) RemoveCreateDataSourceHandler ¶
func (p *DataDeviceManager) RemoveCreateDataSourceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler)
func (*DataDeviceManager) RemoveGetDataDeviceHandler ¶
func (p *DataDeviceManager) RemoveGetDataDeviceHandler(h DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler)
type DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceEvent ¶
type DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceEvent struct {
Id *DataSource
type DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler ¶
type DataDeviceManagerCreateDataSourceHandler interface {
type DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceEvent ¶
type DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceEvent struct { Id *DataDevice Seat *Seat }
type DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler ¶
type DataDeviceManagerGetDataDeviceHandler interface {
type DataDeviceReleaseEvent ¶
type DataDeviceReleaseEvent struct { }
type DataDeviceReleaseHandler ¶
type DataDeviceReleaseHandler interface {
type DataDeviceSetSelectionEvent ¶
type DataDeviceSetSelectionEvent struct { Source *DataSource Serial uint32 }
type DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler ¶
type DataDeviceSetSelectionHandler interface {
type DataDeviceStartDragEvent ¶
type DataDeviceStartDragEvent struct { Source *DataSource Origin *Surface Icon *Surface Serial uint32 }
type DataDeviceStartDragHandler ¶
type DataDeviceStartDragHandler interface {
type DataOffer ¶
type DataOffer struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDataOffer ¶
func (*DataOffer) Action ¶
Action will notify the selected action.
This event indicates the action selected by the compositor after matching the source/destination side actions. Only one action (or none) will be offered here.
This event can be emitted multiple times during the drag-and-drop operation in response to destination side action changes through wl_data_offer.set_actions.
This event will no longer be emitted after wl_data_device.drop happened on the drag-and-drop destination, the client must honor the last action received, or the last preferred one set through wl_data_offer.set_actions when handling an "ask" action.
Compositors may also change the selected action on the fly, mainly in response to keyboard modifier changes during the drag-and-drop operation.
The most recent action received is always the valid one. Prior to receiving wl_data_device.drop, the chosen action may change (e.g. due to keyboard modifiers being pressed). At the time of receiving wl_data_device.drop the drag-and-drop destination must honor the last action received.
Action changes may still happen after wl_data_device.drop, especially on "ask" actions, where the drag-and-drop destination may choose another action afterwards. Action changes happening at this stage are always the result of inter-client negotiation, the compositor shall no longer be able to induce a different action.
Upon "ask" actions, it is expected that the drag-and-drop destination may potentially choose a different action and/or mime type, based on wl_data_offer.source_actions and finally chosen by the user (e.g. popping up a menu with the available options). The final wl_data_offer.set_actions and wl_data_offer.accept requests must happen before the call to wl_data_offer.finish.
func (*DataOffer) AddAcceptHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) AddAcceptHandler(h DataOfferAcceptHandler)
func (*DataOffer) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) AddDestroyHandler(h DataOfferDestroyHandler)
func (*DataOffer) AddFinishHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) AddFinishHandler(h DataOfferFinishHandler)
func (*DataOffer) AddReceiveHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) AddReceiveHandler(h DataOfferReceiveHandler)
func (*DataOffer) AddSetActionsHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) AddSetActionsHandler(h DataOfferSetActionsHandler)
func (*DataOffer) Offer ¶
Offer will advertise offered mime type.
Sent immediately after creating the wl_data_offer object. One event per offered mime type.
func (*DataOffer) RemoveAcceptHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) RemoveAcceptHandler(h DataOfferAcceptHandler)
func (*DataOffer) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) RemoveDestroyHandler(h DataOfferDestroyHandler)
func (*DataOffer) RemoveFinishHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) RemoveFinishHandler(h DataOfferFinishHandler)
func (*DataOffer) RemoveReceiveHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) RemoveReceiveHandler(h DataOfferReceiveHandler)
func (*DataOffer) RemoveSetActionsHandler ¶
func (p *DataOffer) RemoveSetActionsHandler(h DataOfferSetActionsHandler)
func (*DataOffer) SourceActions ¶
SourceActions will notify the source-side available actions.
This event indicates the actions offered by the data source. It will be sent right after wl_data_device.enter, or anytime the source side changes its offered actions through wl_data_source.set_actions.
type DataOfferAcceptEvent ¶
type DataOfferAcceptHandler ¶
type DataOfferAcceptHandler interface {
type DataOfferDestroyEvent ¶
type DataOfferDestroyEvent struct { }
type DataOfferDestroyHandler ¶
type DataOfferDestroyHandler interface {
type DataOfferFinishEvent ¶
type DataOfferFinishEvent struct { }
type DataOfferFinishHandler ¶
type DataOfferFinishHandler interface {
type DataOfferReceiveEvent ¶
type DataOfferReceiveHandler ¶
type DataOfferReceiveHandler interface {
type DataOfferSetActionsHandler ¶
type DataOfferSetActionsHandler interface {
type DataSource ¶
type DataSource struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewDataSource ¶
func NewDataSource(ctx *Context, id int) *DataSource
func (*DataSource) Action ¶
func (p *DataSource) Action(dnd_action uint32) error
Action will notify the selected action.
This event indicates the action selected by the compositor after matching the source/destination side actions. Only one action (or none) will be offered here.
This event can be emitted multiple times during the drag-and-drop operation, mainly in response to destination side changes through wl_data_offer.set_actions, and as the data device enters/leaves surfaces.
It is only possible to receive this event after wl_data_source.dnd_drop_performed if the drag-and-drop operation ended in an "ask" action, in which case the final wl_data_source.action event will happen immediately before wl_data_source.dnd_finished.
Compositors may also change the selected action on the fly, mainly in response to keyboard modifier changes during the drag-and-drop operation.
The most recent action received is always the valid one. The chosen action may change alongside negotiation (e.g. an "ask" action can turn into a "move" operation), so the effects of the final action must always be applied in wl_data_offer.dnd_finished.
Clients can trigger cursor surface changes from this point, so they reflect the current action.
func (*DataSource) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *DataSource) AddDestroyHandler(h DataSourceDestroyHandler)
func (*DataSource) AddOfferHandler ¶
func (p *DataSource) AddOfferHandler(h DataSourceOfferHandler)
func (*DataSource) AddSetActionsHandler ¶
func (p *DataSource) AddSetActionsHandler(h DataSourceSetActionsHandler)
func (*DataSource) Cancelled ¶
func (p *DataSource) Cancelled() error
Cancelled will selection was cancelled.
This data source is no longer valid. There are several reasons why this could happen:
- The data source has been replaced by another data source. - The drag-and-drop operation was performed, but the drop destination did not accept any of the mime types offered through - The drag-and-drop operation was performed, but the drop destination did not select any of the actions present in the mask offered through wl_data_source.action. - The drag-and-drop operation was performed but didn't happen over a surface. - The compositor cancelled the drag-and-drop operation (e.g. compositor dependent timeouts to avoid stale drag-and-drop transfers).
The client should clean up and destroy this data source.
For objects of version 2 or older, wl_data_source.cancelled will only be emitted if the data source was replaced by another data source.
func (*DataSource) Dispatch ¶
func (p *DataSource) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*DataSource) DndDropPerformed ¶
func (p *DataSource) DndDropPerformed() error
DndDropPerformed will the drag-and-drop operation physically finished.
The user performed the drop action. This event does not indicate acceptance, wl_data_source.cancelled may still be emitted afterwards if the drop destination does not accept any mime type.
However, this event might however not be received if the compositor cancelled the drag-and-drop operation before this event could happen.
Note that the data_source may still be used in the future and should not be destroyed here.
func (*DataSource) DndFinished ¶
func (p *DataSource) DndFinished() error
DndFinished will the drag-and-drop operation concluded.
The drop destination finished interoperating with this data source, so the client is now free to destroy this data source and free all associated data.
If the action used to perform the operation was "move", the source can now delete the transferred data.
func (*DataSource) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *DataSource) RemoveDestroyHandler(h DataSourceDestroyHandler)
func (*DataSource) RemoveOfferHandler ¶
func (p *DataSource) RemoveOfferHandler(h DataSourceOfferHandler)
func (*DataSource) RemoveSetActionsHandler ¶
func (p *DataSource) RemoveSetActionsHandler(h DataSourceSetActionsHandler)
func (*DataSource) Send ¶
func (p *DataSource) Send(mime_type string, fd uintptr) error
Send will send the data.
Request for data from the client. Send the data as the specified mime type over the passed file descriptor, then close it.
func (*DataSource) Target ¶
func (p *DataSource) Target(mime_type string) error
Target will a target accepts an offered mime type.
Sent when a target accepts pointer_focus or motion events. If a target does not accept any of the offered types, type is NULL.
Used for feedback during drag-and-drop.
type DataSourceDestroyEvent ¶
type DataSourceDestroyEvent struct { }
type DataSourceDestroyHandler ¶
type DataSourceDestroyHandler interface {
type DataSourceOfferEvent ¶
type DataSourceOfferEvent struct {
MimeType string
type DataSourceOfferHandler ¶
type DataSourceOfferHandler interface {
type DataSourceSetActionsEvent ¶
type DataSourceSetActionsEvent struct {
DndActions uint32
type DataSourceSetActionsHandler ¶
type DataSourceSetActionsHandler interface {
type Dispatcher ¶
type Dispatcher interface {
type Display ¶
type Display struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewClientConnect ¶
func NewDisplay ¶
func (*Display) AddGetRegistryHandler ¶
func (p *Display) AddGetRegistryHandler(h DisplayGetRegistryHandler)
func (*Display) AddSyncHandler ¶
func (p *Display) AddSyncHandler(h DisplaySyncHandler)
func (*Display) DeleteId ¶
DeleteId will acknowledge object ID deletion.
This event is used internally by the object ID management logic. When a client deletes an object, the server will send this event to acknowledge that it has seen the delete request. When the client receives this event, it will know that it can safely reuse the object ID.
func (*Display) Error ¶
Error will fatal error event.
The error event is sent out when a fatal (non-recoverable) error has occurred. The object_id argument is the object where the error occurred, most often in response to a request to that object. The code identifies the error and is defined by the object interface. As such, each interface defines its own set of error codes. The message is a brief description of the error, for (debugging) convenience.
func (*Display) RemoveGetRegistryHandler ¶
func (p *Display) RemoveGetRegistryHandler(h DisplayGetRegistryHandler)
func (*Display) RemoveSyncHandler ¶
func (p *Display) RemoveSyncHandler(h DisplaySyncHandler)
type DisplayGetRegistryEvent ¶
type DisplayGetRegistryEvent struct {
Registry *Registry
type DisplayGetRegistryHandler ¶
type DisplayGetRegistryHandler interface {
type DisplaySyncEvent ¶
type DisplaySyncEvent struct {
Callback *Callback
type DisplaySyncHandler ¶
type DisplaySyncHandler interface {
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Pid ProxyId Opcode uint32 Data []byte // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func ReadEventUnix ¶
type Handler ¶
type Handler interface {
Handle(ev interface{})
func HandlerFunc ¶
func HandlerFunc(f func(interface{})) Handler
type Keyboard ¶
type Keyboard struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewKeyboard ¶
func (*Keyboard) AddReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Keyboard) AddReleaseHandler(h KeyboardReleaseHandler)
func (*Keyboard) Enter ¶
Enter will enter event.
Notification that this seat's keyboard focus is on a certain surface.
func (*Keyboard) Key ¶
Key will key event.
A key was pressed or released. The time argument is a timestamp with millisecond granularity, with an undefined base.
func (*Keyboard) Keymap ¶
Keymap will keyboard mapping.
This event provides a file descriptor to the client which can be memory-mapped to provide a keyboard mapping description.
From version 7 onwards, the fd must be mapped with MAP_PRIVATE by the recipient, as MAP_SHARED may fail.
func (*Keyboard) Leave ¶
Leave will leave event.
Notification that this seat's keyboard focus is no longer on a certain surface.
The leave notification is sent before the enter notification for the new focus.
func (*Keyboard) Modifiers ¶
func (p *Keyboard) Modifiers(serial uint32, mods_depressed uint32, mods_latched uint32, mods_locked uint32, group uint32) error
Modifiers will modifier and group state.
Notifies clients that the modifier and/or group state has changed, and it should update its local state.
func (*Keyboard) RemoveReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Keyboard) RemoveReleaseHandler(h KeyboardReleaseHandler)
func (*Keyboard) RepeatInfo ¶
RepeatInfo will repeat rate and delay.
Informs the client about the keyboard's repeat rate and delay.
This event is sent as soon as the wl_keyboard object has been created, and is guaranteed to be received by the client before any key press event.
Negative values for either rate or delay are illegal. A rate of zero will disable any repeating (regardless of the value of delay).
This event can be sent later on as well with a new value if necessary, so clients should continue listening for the event past the creation of wl_keyboard.
type KeyboardReleaseEvent ¶
type KeyboardReleaseEvent struct { }
type KeyboardReleaseHandler ¶
type KeyboardReleaseHandler interface {
type Output ¶
type Output struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Output) AddReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Output) AddReleaseHandler(h OutputReleaseHandler)
func (*Output) Done ¶
Done will sent all information about output.
This event is sent after all other properties have been sent after binding to the output object and after any other property changes done after that. This allows changes to the output properties to be seen as atomic, even if they happen via multiple events.
func (*Output) Geometry ¶
func (p *Output) Geometry(x int32, y int32, physical_width int32, physical_height int32, subpixel int32, make string, model string, transform int32) error
Geometry will properties of the output.
The geometry event describes geometric properties of the output. The event is sent when binding to the output object and whenever any of the properties change.
The physical size can be set to zero if it doesn't make sense for this output (e.g. for projectors or virtual outputs).
Note: wl_output only advertises partial information about the output position and identification. Some compositors, for instance those not implementing a desktop-style output layout or those exposing virtual outputs, might fake this information. Instead of using x and y, clients should use xdg_output.logical_position. Instead of using make and model, clients should use and xdg_output.description.
func (*Output) Mode ¶
Mode will advertise available modes for the output.
The mode event describes an available mode for the output.
The event is sent when binding to the output object and there will always be one mode, the current mode. The event is sent again if an output changes mode, for the mode that is now current. In other words, the current mode is always the last mode that was received with the current flag set.
The size of a mode is given in physical hardware units of the output device. This is not necessarily the same as the output size in the global compositor space. For instance, the output may be scaled, as described in wl_output.scale, or transformed, as described in wl_output.transform. Clients willing to retrieve the output size in the global compositor space should use xdg_output.logical_size instead.
Clients should not use the refresh rate to schedule frames. Instead, they should use the wl_surface.frame event or the presentation-time protocol.
Note: this information is not always meaningful for all outputs. Some compositors, such as those exposing virtual outputs, might fake the refresh rate or the size.
func (*Output) RemoveReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Output) RemoveReleaseHandler(h OutputReleaseHandler)
func (*Output) Scale ¶
Scale will output scaling properties.
This event contains scaling geometry information that is not in the geometry event. It may be sent after binding the output object or if the output scale changes later. If it is not sent, the client should assume a scale of 1.
A scale larger than 1 means that the compositor will automatically scale surface buffers by this amount when rendering. This is used for very high resolution displays where applications rendering at the native resolution would be too small to be legible.
It is intended that scaling aware clients track the current output of a surface, and if it is on a scaled output it should use wl_surface.set_buffer_scale with the scale of the output. That way the compositor can avoid scaling the surface, and the client can supply a higher detail image.
type OutputReleaseEvent ¶
type OutputReleaseEvent struct { }
type OutputReleaseHandler ¶
type OutputReleaseHandler interface {
type Pointer ¶
type Pointer struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewPointer ¶
func (*Pointer) AddReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Pointer) AddReleaseHandler(h PointerReleaseHandler)
func (*Pointer) AddSetCursorHandler ¶
func (p *Pointer) AddSetCursorHandler(h PointerSetCursorHandler)
func (*Pointer) Axis ¶
Axis will axis event.
Scroll and other axis notifications.
For scroll events (vertical and horizontal scroll axes), the value parameter is the length of a vector along the specified axis in a coordinate space identical to those of motion events, representing a relative movement along the specified axis.
For devices that support movements non-parallel to axes multiple axis events will be emitted.
When applicable, for example for touch pads, the server can choose to emit scroll events where the motion vector is equivalent to a motion event vector.
When applicable, a client can transform its content relative to the scroll distance.
func (*Pointer) AxisDiscrete ¶
AxisDiscrete will axis click event.
Discrete step information for scroll and other axes.
This event carries the axis value of the wl_pointer.axis event in discrete steps (e.g. mouse wheel clicks).
This event does not occur on its own, it is coupled with a wl_pointer.axis event that represents this axis value on a continuous scale. The protocol guarantees that each axis_discrete event is always followed by exactly one axis event with the same axis number within the same wl_pointer.frame. Note that the protocol allows for other events to occur between the axis_discrete and its coupled axis event, including other axis_discrete or axis events.
This event is optional; continuous scrolling devices like two-finger scrolling on touchpads do not have discrete steps and do not generate this event.
The discrete value carries the directional information. e.g. a value of -2 is two steps towards the negative direction of this axis.
The axis number is identical to the axis number in the associated axis event.
The order of wl_pointer.axis_discrete and wl_pointer.axis_source is not guaranteed.
func (*Pointer) AxisSource ¶
AxisSource will axis source event.
Source information for scroll and other axes.
This event does not occur on its own. It is sent before a wl_pointer.frame event and carries the source information for all events within that frame.
The source specifies how this event was generated. If the source is wl_pointer.axis_source.finger, a wl_pointer.axis_stop event will be sent when the user lifts the finger off the device.
If the source is wl_pointer.axis_source.wheel, wl_pointer.axis_source.wheel_tilt or wl_pointer.axis_source.continuous, a wl_pointer.axis_stop event may or may not be sent. Whether a compositor sends an axis_stop event for these sources is hardware-specific and implementation-dependent; clients must not rely on receiving an axis_stop event for these scroll sources and should treat scroll sequences from these scroll sources as unterminated by default.
This event is optional. If the source is unknown for a particular axis event sequence, no event is sent. Only one wl_pointer.axis_source event is permitted per frame.
The order of wl_pointer.axis_discrete and wl_pointer.axis_source is not guaranteed.
func (*Pointer) AxisStop ¶
AxisStop will axis stop event.
Stop notification for scroll and other axes.
For some wl_pointer.axis_source types, a wl_pointer.axis_stop event is sent to notify a client that the axis sequence has terminated. This enables the client to implement kinetic scrolling. See the wl_pointer.axis_source documentation for information on when this event may be generated.
Any wl_pointer.axis events with the same axis_source after this event should be considered as the start of a new axis motion.
The timestamp is to be interpreted identical to the timestamp in the wl_pointer.axis event. The timestamp value may be the same as a preceding wl_pointer.axis event.
func (*Pointer) Button ¶
Button will pointer button event.
Mouse button click and release notifications.
The location of the click is given by the last motion or enter event. The time argument is a timestamp with millisecond granularity, with an undefined base.
The button is a button code as defined in the Linux kernel's linux/input-event-codes.h header file, e.g. BTN_LEFT.
Any 16-bit button code value is reserved for future additions to the kernel's event code list. All other button codes above 0xFFFF are currently undefined but may be used in future versions of this protocol.
func (*Pointer) Enter ¶
func (p *Pointer) Enter(serial uint32, surface *Surface, surface_x float32, surface_y float32) error
Enter will enter event.
Notification that this seat's pointer is focused on a certain surface.
When a seat's focus enters a surface, the pointer image is undefined and a client should respond to this event by setting an appropriate pointer image with the set_cursor request.
func (*Pointer) Frame ¶
Frame will end of a pointer event sequence.
Indicates the end of a set of events that logically belong together. A client is expected to accumulate the data in all events within the frame before proceeding.
All wl_pointer events before a wl_pointer.frame event belong logically together. For example, in a diagonal scroll motion the compositor will send an optional wl_pointer.axis_source event, two wl_pointer.axis events (horizontal and vertical) and finally a wl_pointer.frame event. The client may use this information to calculate a diagonal vector for scrolling.
When multiple wl_pointer.axis events occur within the same frame, the motion vector is the combined motion of all events. When a wl_pointer.axis and a wl_pointer.axis_stop event occur within the same frame, this indicates that axis movement in one axis has stopped but continues in the other axis. When multiple wl_pointer.axis_stop events occur within the same frame, this indicates that these axes stopped in the same instance.
A wl_pointer.frame event is sent for every logical event group, even if the group only contains a single wl_pointer event. Specifically, a client may get a sequence: motion, frame, button, frame, axis, frame, axis_stop, frame.
The wl_pointer.enter and wl_pointer.leave events are logical events generated by the compositor and not the hardware. These events are also grouped by a wl_pointer.frame. When a pointer moves from one surface to another, a compositor should group the wl_pointer.leave event within the same wl_pointer.frame. However, a client must not rely on wl_pointer.leave and wl_pointer.enter being in the same wl_pointer.frame. Compositor-specific policies may require the wl_pointer.leave and wl_pointer.enter event being split across multiple wl_pointer.frame groups.
func (*Pointer) Leave ¶
Leave will leave event.
Notification that this seat's pointer is no longer focused on a certain surface.
The leave notification is sent before the enter notification for the new focus.
func (*Pointer) Motion ¶
Motion will pointer motion event.
Notification of pointer location change. The arguments surface_x and surface_y are the location relative to the focused surface.
func (*Pointer) RemoveReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Pointer) RemoveReleaseHandler(h PointerReleaseHandler)
func (*Pointer) RemoveSetCursorHandler ¶
func (p *Pointer) RemoveSetCursorHandler(h PointerSetCursorHandler)
type PointerReleaseEvent ¶
type PointerReleaseEvent struct { }
type PointerReleaseHandler ¶
type PointerReleaseHandler interface {
type PointerSetCursorEvent ¶
type PointerSetCursorHandler ¶
type PointerSetCursorHandler interface {
type Region ¶
type Region struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Region) AddAddHandler ¶
func (p *Region) AddAddHandler(h RegionAddHandler)
func (*Region) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Region) AddDestroyHandler(h RegionDestroyHandler)
func (*Region) AddSubtractHandler ¶
func (p *Region) AddSubtractHandler(h RegionSubtractHandler)
func (*Region) RemoveAddHandler ¶
func (p *Region) RemoveAddHandler(h RegionAddHandler)
func (*Region) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Region) RemoveDestroyHandler(h RegionDestroyHandler)
func (*Region) RemoveSubtractHandler ¶
func (p *Region) RemoveSubtractHandler(h RegionSubtractHandler)
type RegionAddHandler ¶
type RegionAddHandler interface {
type RegionDestroyEvent ¶
type RegionDestroyEvent struct { }
type RegionDestroyHandler ¶
type RegionDestroyHandler interface {
type RegionSubtractEvent ¶
type RegionSubtractHandler ¶
type RegionSubtractHandler interface {
type Registry ¶
type Registry struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewRegistry ¶
func (*Registry) AddBindHandler ¶
func (p *Registry) AddBindHandler(h RegistryBindHandler)
func (*Registry) Global ¶
Global will announce global object.
Notify the client of global objects.
The event notifies the client that a global object with the given name is now available, and it implements the given version of the given interface.
func (*Registry) GlobalRemove ¶
GlobalRemove will announce removal of global object.
Notify the client of removed global objects.
This event notifies the client that the global identified by name is no longer available. If the client bound to the global using the bind request, the client should now destroy that object.
The object remains valid and requests to the object will be ignored until the client destroys it, to avoid races between the global going away and a client sending a request to it.
func (*Registry) RemoveBindHandler ¶
func (p *Registry) RemoveBindHandler(h RegistryBindHandler)
type RegistryBindEvent ¶
type RegistryBindHandler ¶
type RegistryBindHandler interface {
type Request ¶
type Request struct { Opcode uint32 // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Request) PutFloat32 ¶
type Seat ¶
type Seat struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Seat) AddGetKeyboardHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) AddGetKeyboardHandler(h SeatGetKeyboardHandler)
func (*Seat) AddGetPointerHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) AddGetPointerHandler(h SeatGetPointerHandler)
func (*Seat) AddGetTouchHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) AddGetTouchHandler(h SeatGetTouchHandler)
func (*Seat) AddReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) AddReleaseHandler(h SeatReleaseHandler)
func (*Seat) Capabilities ¶
Capabilities will seat capabilities changed.
This is emitted whenever a seat gains or loses the pointer, keyboard or touch capabilities. The argument is a capability enum containing the complete set of capabilities this seat has.
When the pointer capability is added, a client may create a wl_pointer object using the wl_seat.get_pointer request. This object will receive pointer events until the capability is removed in the future.
When the pointer capability is removed, a client should destroy the wl_pointer objects associated with the seat where the capability was removed, using the wl_pointer.release request. No further pointer events will be received on these objects.
In some compositors, if a seat regains the pointer capability and a client has a previously obtained wl_pointer object of version 4 or less, that object may start sending pointer events again. This behavior is considered a misinterpretation of the intended behavior and must not be relied upon by the client. wl_pointer objects of version 5 or later must not send events if created before the most recent event notifying the client of an added pointer capability.
The above behavior also applies to wl_keyboard and wl_touch with the keyboard and touch capabilities, respectively.
func (*Seat) Name ¶
Name will unique identifier for this seat.
In a multiseat configuration this can be used by the client to help identify which physical devices the seat represents. Based on the seat configuration used by the compositor.
func (*Seat) RemoveGetKeyboardHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) RemoveGetKeyboardHandler(h SeatGetKeyboardHandler)
func (*Seat) RemoveGetPointerHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) RemoveGetPointerHandler(h SeatGetPointerHandler)
func (*Seat) RemoveGetTouchHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) RemoveGetTouchHandler(h SeatGetTouchHandler)
func (*Seat) RemoveReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Seat) RemoveReleaseHandler(h SeatReleaseHandler)
type SeatGetKeyboardEvent ¶
type SeatGetKeyboardEvent struct {
Id *Keyboard
type SeatGetKeyboardHandler ¶
type SeatGetKeyboardHandler interface {
type SeatGetPointerEvent ¶
type SeatGetPointerEvent struct {
Id *Pointer
type SeatGetPointerHandler ¶
type SeatGetPointerHandler interface {
type SeatGetTouchEvent ¶
type SeatGetTouchEvent struct {
Id *Touch
type SeatGetTouchHandler ¶
type SeatGetTouchHandler interface {
type SeatReleaseEvent ¶
type SeatReleaseEvent struct { }
type SeatReleaseHandler ¶
type SeatReleaseHandler interface {
type Shell ¶
type Shell struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Shell) AddGetShellSurfaceHandler ¶
func (p *Shell) AddGetShellSurfaceHandler(h ShellGetShellSurfaceHandler)
func (*Shell) RemoveGetShellSurfaceHandler ¶
func (p *Shell) RemoveGetShellSurfaceHandler(h ShellGetShellSurfaceHandler)
type ShellGetShellSurfaceEvent ¶
type ShellGetShellSurfaceEvent struct { Id *ShellSurface Surface *Surface }
type ShellGetShellSurfaceHandler ¶
type ShellGetShellSurfaceHandler interface {
type ShellSurface ¶
type ShellSurface struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShellSurface ¶
func NewShellSurface(ctx *Context, id int) *ShellSurface
func (*ShellSurface) AddMoveHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddMoveHandler(h ShellSurfaceMoveHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddPongHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddPongHandler(h ShellSurfacePongHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddResizeHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddResizeHandler(h ShellSurfaceResizeHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetClassHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetClassHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetFullscreenHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetFullscreenHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetMaximizedHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetMaximizedHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetPopupHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetPopupHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetTitleHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetTitleHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetToplevelHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetToplevelHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) AddSetTransientHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) AddSetTransientHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) Configure ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) Configure(edges uint32, width int32, height int32) error
Configure will suggest resize.
The configure event asks the client to resize its surface.
The size is a hint, in the sense that the client is free to ignore it if it doesn't resize, pick a smaller size (to satisfy aspect ratio or resize in steps of NxM pixels).
The edges parameter provides a hint about how the surface was resized. The client may use this information to decide how to adjust its content to the new size (e.g. a scrolling area might adjust its content position to leave the viewable content unmoved).
The client is free to dismiss all but the last configure event it received.
The width and height arguments specify the size of the window in surface-local coordinates.
func (*ShellSurface) Dispatch ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*ShellSurface) Ping ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) Ping(serial uint32) error
Ping will ping client.
Ping a client to check if it is receiving events and sending requests. A client is expected to reply with a pong request.
func (*ShellSurface) PopupDone ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) PopupDone() error
PopupDone will popup interaction is done.
The popup_done event is sent out when a popup grab is broken, that is, when the user clicks a surface that doesn't belong to the client owning the popup surface.
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveMoveHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveMoveHandler(h ShellSurfaceMoveHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemovePongHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemovePongHandler(h ShellSurfacePongHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveResizeHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveResizeHandler(h ShellSurfaceResizeHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetClassHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetClassHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetFullscreenHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetFullscreenHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetMaximizedHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetMaximizedHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetPopupHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetPopupHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetTitleHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetTitleHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetToplevelHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetToplevelHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler)
func (*ShellSurface) RemoveSetTransientHandler ¶
func (p *ShellSurface) RemoveSetTransientHandler(h ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler)
type ShellSurfaceMoveEvent ¶
type ShellSurfaceMoveHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceMoveHandler interface {
type ShellSurfacePongEvent ¶
type ShellSurfacePongEvent struct {
Serial uint32
type ShellSurfacePongHandler ¶
type ShellSurfacePongHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceResizeEvent ¶
type ShellSurfaceResizeHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceResizeHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetClassEvent ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetClassEvent struct {
Class string
type ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetClassHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetFullscreenHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedEvent ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedEvent struct {
Output *Output
type ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetMaximizedHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetPopupHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetTitleEvent ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetTitleEvent struct {
Title string
type ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetTitleHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetToplevelEvent ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetToplevelEvent struct { }
type ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetToplevelHandler interface {
type ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler ¶
type ShellSurfaceSetTransientHandler interface {
type Shm ¶
type Shm struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Shm) AddCreatePoolHandler ¶
func (p *Shm) AddCreatePoolHandler(h ShmCreatePoolHandler)
func (*Shm) Format ¶
Format will pixel format description.
Informs the client about a valid pixel format that can be used for buffers. Known formats include argb8888 and xrgb8888.
func (*Shm) RemoveCreatePoolHandler ¶
func (p *Shm) RemoveCreatePoolHandler(h ShmCreatePoolHandler)
type ShmCreatePoolEvent ¶
type ShmCreatePoolHandler ¶
type ShmCreatePoolHandler interface {
type ShmPool ¶
type ShmPool struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewShmPool ¶
func (*ShmPool) AddCreateBufferHandler ¶
func (p *ShmPool) AddCreateBufferHandler(h ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler)
func (*ShmPool) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *ShmPool) AddDestroyHandler(h ShmPoolDestroyHandler)
func (*ShmPool) AddResizeHandler ¶
func (p *ShmPool) AddResizeHandler(h ShmPoolResizeHandler)
func (*ShmPool) RemoveCreateBufferHandler ¶
func (p *ShmPool) RemoveCreateBufferHandler(h ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler)
func (*ShmPool) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *ShmPool) RemoveDestroyHandler(h ShmPoolDestroyHandler)
func (*ShmPool) RemoveResizeHandler ¶
func (p *ShmPool) RemoveResizeHandler(h ShmPoolResizeHandler)
type ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler ¶
type ShmPoolCreateBufferHandler interface {
type ShmPoolDestroyEvent ¶
type ShmPoolDestroyEvent struct { }
type ShmPoolDestroyHandler ¶
type ShmPoolDestroyHandler interface {
type ShmPoolResizeEvent ¶
type ShmPoolResizeEvent struct {
Size int32
type ShmPoolResizeHandler ¶
type ShmPoolResizeHandler interface {
type Subcompositor ¶
type Subcompositor struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSubcompositor ¶
func NewSubcompositor(ctx *Context, id int) *Subcompositor
func (*Subcompositor) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Subcompositor) AddDestroyHandler(h SubcompositorDestroyHandler)
func (*Subcompositor) AddGetSubsurfaceHandler ¶
func (p *Subcompositor) AddGetSubsurfaceHandler(h SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler)
func (*Subcompositor) Dispatch ¶
func (p *Subcompositor) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*Subcompositor) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Subcompositor) RemoveDestroyHandler(h SubcompositorDestroyHandler)
func (*Subcompositor) RemoveGetSubsurfaceHandler ¶
func (p *Subcompositor) RemoveGetSubsurfaceHandler(h SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler)
type SubcompositorDestroyEvent ¶
type SubcompositorDestroyEvent struct { }
type SubcompositorDestroyHandler ¶
type SubcompositorDestroyHandler interface {
type SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceEvent ¶
type SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceEvent struct { Id *Subsurface Surface *Surface Parent *Surface }
type SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler ¶
type SubcompositorGetSubsurfaceHandler interface {
type Subsurface ¶
type Subsurface struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSubsurface ¶
func NewSubsurface(ctx *Context, id int) *Subsurface
func (*Subsurface) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) AddDestroyHandler(h SubsurfaceDestroyHandler)
func (*Subsurface) AddPlaceAboveHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) AddPlaceAboveHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler)
func (*Subsurface) AddPlaceBelowHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) AddPlaceBelowHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler)
func (*Subsurface) AddSetDesyncHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) AddSetDesyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler)
func (*Subsurface) AddSetPositionHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) AddSetPositionHandler(h SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler)
func (*Subsurface) AddSetSyncHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) AddSetSyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler)
func (*Subsurface) Dispatch ¶
func (p *Subsurface) Dispatch(event *Event)
func (*Subsurface) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) RemoveDestroyHandler(h SubsurfaceDestroyHandler)
func (*Subsurface) RemovePlaceAboveHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) RemovePlaceAboveHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler)
func (*Subsurface) RemovePlaceBelowHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) RemovePlaceBelowHandler(h SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler)
func (*Subsurface) RemoveSetDesyncHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) RemoveSetDesyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler)
func (*Subsurface) RemoveSetPositionHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) RemoveSetPositionHandler(h SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler)
func (*Subsurface) RemoveSetSyncHandler ¶
func (p *Subsurface) RemoveSetSyncHandler(h SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler)
type SubsurfaceDestroyEvent ¶
type SubsurfaceDestroyEvent struct { }
type SubsurfaceDestroyHandler ¶
type SubsurfaceDestroyHandler interface {
type SubsurfacePlaceAboveEvent ¶
type SubsurfacePlaceAboveEvent struct {
Sibling *Surface
type SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler ¶
type SubsurfacePlaceAboveHandler interface {
type SubsurfacePlaceBelowEvent ¶
type SubsurfacePlaceBelowEvent struct {
Sibling *Surface
type SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler ¶
type SubsurfacePlaceBelowHandler interface {
type SubsurfaceSetDesyncEvent ¶
type SubsurfaceSetDesyncEvent struct { }
type SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler ¶
type SubsurfaceSetDesyncHandler interface {
type SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler ¶
type SubsurfaceSetPositionHandler interface {
type SubsurfaceSetSyncEvent ¶
type SubsurfaceSetSyncEvent struct { }
type SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler ¶
type SubsurfaceSetSyncHandler interface {
type Surface ¶
type Surface struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func NewSurface ¶
func (*Surface) AddAttachHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddAttachHandler(h SurfaceAttachHandler)
func (*Surface) AddCommitHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddCommitHandler(h SurfaceCommitHandler)
func (*Surface) AddDamageBufferHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddDamageBufferHandler(h SurfaceDamageBufferHandler)
func (*Surface) AddDamageHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddDamageHandler(h SurfaceDamageHandler)
func (*Surface) AddDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddDestroyHandler(h SurfaceDestroyHandler)
func (*Surface) AddFrameHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddFrameHandler(h SurfaceFrameHandler)
func (*Surface) AddSetBufferScaleHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddSetBufferScaleHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler)
func (*Surface) AddSetBufferTransformHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddSetBufferTransformHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler)
func (*Surface) AddSetInputRegionHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddSetInputRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler)
func (*Surface) AddSetOpaqueRegionHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) AddSetOpaqueRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler)
func (*Surface) Enter ¶
Enter will surface enters an output.
This is emitted whenever a surface's creation, movement, or resizing results in some part of it being within the scanout region of an output.
Note that a surface may be overlapping with zero or more outputs.
func (*Surface) Leave ¶
Leave will surface leaves an output.
This is emitted whenever a surface's creation, movement, or resizing results in it no longer having any part of it within the scanout region of an output.
func (*Surface) RemoveAttachHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveAttachHandler(h SurfaceAttachHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveCommitHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveCommitHandler(h SurfaceCommitHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveDamageBufferHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveDamageBufferHandler(h SurfaceDamageBufferHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveDamageHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveDamageHandler(h SurfaceDamageHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveDestroyHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveDestroyHandler(h SurfaceDestroyHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveFrameHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveFrameHandler(h SurfaceFrameHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveSetBufferScaleHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveSetBufferScaleHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveSetBufferTransformHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveSetBufferTransformHandler(h SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveSetInputRegionHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveSetInputRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler)
func (*Surface) RemoveSetOpaqueRegionHandler ¶
func (p *Surface) RemoveSetOpaqueRegionHandler(h SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler)
type SurfaceAttachEvent ¶
type SurfaceAttachHandler ¶
type SurfaceAttachHandler interface {
type SurfaceCommitEvent ¶
type SurfaceCommitEvent struct { }
type SurfaceCommitHandler ¶
type SurfaceCommitHandler interface {
type SurfaceDamageBufferHandler ¶
type SurfaceDamageBufferHandler interface {
type SurfaceDamageEvent ¶
type SurfaceDamageHandler ¶
type SurfaceDamageHandler interface {
type SurfaceDestroyEvent ¶
type SurfaceDestroyEvent struct { }
type SurfaceDestroyHandler ¶
type SurfaceDestroyHandler interface {
type SurfaceFrameEvent ¶
type SurfaceFrameEvent struct {
Callback *Callback
type SurfaceFrameHandler ¶
type SurfaceFrameHandler interface {
type SurfaceSetBufferScaleEvent ¶
type SurfaceSetBufferScaleEvent struct {
Scale int32
type SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler ¶
type SurfaceSetBufferScaleHandler interface {
type SurfaceSetBufferTransformEvent ¶
type SurfaceSetBufferTransformEvent struct {
Transform int32
type SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler ¶
type SurfaceSetBufferTransformHandler interface {
type SurfaceSetInputRegionEvent ¶
type SurfaceSetInputRegionEvent struct {
Region *Region
type SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler ¶
type SurfaceSetInputRegionHandler interface {
type SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionEvent ¶
type SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionEvent struct {
Region *Region
type SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler ¶
type SurfaceSetOpaqueRegionHandler interface {
type TextCursorPosition ¶
type TextCursorPosition struct {
func NewTextCursorPosition ¶
func NewTextCursorPosition(conn *Context) *TextCursorPosition
type Touch ¶
type Touch struct { BaseProxy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Touch) AddReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Touch) AddReleaseHandler(h TouchReleaseHandler)
func (*Touch) Cancel ¶
Cancel will touch session cancelled.
Sent if the compositor decides the touch stream is a global gesture. No further events are sent to the clients from that particular gesture. Touch cancellation applies to all touch points currently active on this client's surface. The client is responsible for finalizing the touch points, future touch points on this surface may reuse the touch point ID.
func (*Touch) Down ¶
func (p *Touch) Down(serial uint32, time uint32, surface *Surface, id int32, x float32, y float32) error
Down will touch down event and beginning of a touch sequence.
A new touch point has appeared on the surface. This touch point is assigned a unique ID. Future events from this touch point reference this ID. The ID ceases to be valid after a touch up event and may be reused in the future.
func (*Touch) Frame ¶
Frame will end of touch frame event.
Indicates the end of a set of events that logically belong together. A client is expected to accumulate the data in all events within the frame before proceeding.
A wl_touch.frame terminates at least one event but otherwise no guarantee is provided about the set of events within a frame. A client must assume that any state not updated in a frame is unchanged from the previously known state.
func (*Touch) Motion ¶
Motion will update of touch point coordinates.
A touch point has changed coordinates.
func (*Touch) Orientation ¶
Orientation will update orientation of touch point.
Sent when a touchpoint has changed its orientation.
This event does not occur on its own. It is sent before a wl_touch.frame event and carries the new shape information for any previously reported, or new touch points of that frame.
Other events describing the touch point such as wl_touch.down, wl_touch.motion or wl_touch.shape may be sent within the same wl_touch.frame. A client should treat these events as a single logical touch point update. The order of wl_touch.shape, wl_touch.orientation and wl_touch.motion is not guaranteed. A wl_touch.down event is guaranteed to occur before the first wl_touch.orientation event for this touch ID but both events may occur within the same wl_touch.frame.
The orientation describes the clockwise angle of a touchpoint's major axis to the positive surface y-axis and is normalized to the -180 to +180 degree range. The granularity of orientation depends on the touch device, some devices only support binary rotation values between 0 and 90 degrees.
This event is only sent by the compositor if the touch device supports orientation reports.
func (*Touch) RemoveReleaseHandler ¶
func (p *Touch) RemoveReleaseHandler(h TouchReleaseHandler)
func (*Touch) Shape ¶
Shape will update shape of touch point.
Sent when a touchpoint has changed its shape.
This event does not occur on its own. It is sent before a wl_touch.frame event and carries the new shape information for any previously reported, or new touch points of that frame.
Other events describing the touch point such as wl_touch.down, wl_touch.motion or wl_touch.orientation may be sent within the same wl_touch.frame. A client should treat these events as a single logical touch point update. The order of wl_touch.shape, wl_touch.orientation and wl_touch.motion is not guaranteed. A wl_touch.down event is guaranteed to occur before the first wl_touch.shape event for this touch ID but both events may occur within the same wl_touch.frame.
A touchpoint shape is approximated by an ellipse through the major and minor axis length. The major axis length describes the longer diameter of the ellipse, while the minor axis length describes the shorter diameter. Major and minor are orthogonal and both are specified in surface-local coordinates. The center of the ellipse is always at the touchpoint location as reported by wl_touch.down or wl_touch.move.
This event is only sent by the compositor if the touch device supports shape reports. The client has to make reasonable assumptions about the shape if it did not receive this event.
type TouchReleaseEvent ¶
type TouchReleaseEvent struct { }
type TouchReleaseHandler ¶
type TouchReleaseHandler interface {
type WestonScreenshooter ¶
type WestonScreenshooter struct { BaseProxy DoneChan chan WestonScreenshooterDoneEvent }
func NewWestonScreenshooter ¶
func NewWestonScreenshooter(conn *Context) *WestonScreenshooter
type WestonScreenshooterDoneEvent ¶
type WestonScreenshooterDoneEvent struct { }
Source Files
Path | Synopsis |
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland-protocols/unstable/linux-dmabuf/linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1.xml on 2020-04-17 01:02:10 +0100
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland-protocols/unstable/linux-dmabuf/linux-dmabuf-unstable-v1.xml on 2020-04-17 01:02:10 +0100 |
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland-protocols/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml on 2020-04-17 01:06:21 +0100
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland-protocols/stable/xdg-shell/xdg-shell.xml on 2020-04-17 01:06:21 +0100 |
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland-protocols/unstable/xdg-decoration/xdg-decoration-unstable-v1.xml on 2020-04-17 01:07:31 +0100
generated by wl-scanner from: /usr/share/wayland-protocols/unstable/xdg-decoration/xdg-decoration-unstable-v1.xml on 2020-04-17 01:07:31 +0100 |