Index ¶
- Constants
- func BiteSignature() string
- func CatABI() string
- func CatFileChopLumpSignature() string
- func CatFileFlipSignature() string
- func CatFileVowSignature() string
- func CdpManagerABI() string
- func DealSignature() string
- func DentSignature() string
- func FlapABI() string
- func FlapKickSignature() string
- func FlipABI() string
- func FlipKickSignature() string
- func FlopABI() string
- func FlopKickSignature() string
- func GetContractAddress(contract string) string
- func GetContractAddresses(contractNames []string) (addresses []string)
- func GetContractsABI(contractNames []string) string
- func GetMinDeploymentBlock(contractNames []string) int64
- func GetTransformerContractNames(transformerLabel string) []string
- func JugABI() string
- func JugDripSignature() string
- func JugFileBaseSignature() string
- func JugFileIlkSignature() string
- func JugFileVowSignature() string
- func JugInitSignature() string
- func LogValueSignature() string
- func NewCdpSignature() string
- func OsmABI() string
- func PotABI() string
- func PotCageSignature() string
- func PotDripSignature() string
- func PotExitSignature() string
- func PotFileDSRSignature() string
- func PotFileVowSignature() string
- func PotJoinSignature() string
- func SpotABI() string
- func SpotFileMatSignature() string
- func SpotFileParSignature() string
- func SpotFilePipSignature() string
- func SpotPokeSignature() string
- func TendSignature() string
- func TickSignature() string
- func VatABI() string
- func VatFileDebtCeilingSignature() string
- func VatFileIlkSignature() string
- func VatFluxSignature() string
- func VatFoldSignature() string
- func VatForkSignature() string
- func VatFrobSignature() string
- func VatGrabSignature() string
- func VatHealSignature() string
- func VatInitSignature() string
- func VatMoveSignature() string
- func VatSlipSignature() string
- func VatSuckSignature() string
- func VowABI() string
- func VowFessSignature() string
- func VowFileSignature() string
- func VowFlogSignature() string
- func YankSignature() string
- type ContractMethod
- type MethodInput
Constants ¶
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const ( BidId storage.Key = "bid_id" Cdpi storage.Key = "cdpi" Flip storage.Key = "flip" Guy storage.Key = "guy" Ilk storage.Key = "ilk" MsgSender storage.Key = "msg_sender" Owner storage.Key = "owner" Timestamp storage.Key = "timestamp" )
Storage keys
View Source
const ( AddressColumn event.ColumnName = "address_id" ArtColumn event.ColumnName = "art" BidColumn event.ColumnName = "bid" BidIDColumn event.ColumnName = "bid_id" CdpColumn event.ColumnName = "cdp" DartColumn event.ColumnName = "dart" DataColumn event.ColumnName = "data" DinkColumn event.ColumnName = "dink" DstColumn event.ColumnName = "dst" EraColumn event.ColumnName = "era" FlipColumn event.ColumnName = "flip" GalColumn event.ColumnName = "gal" IlkColumn event.ColumnName = "ilk_id" InkColumn event.ColumnName = "ink" LotColumn event.ColumnName = "lot" MsgSenderColumn event.ColumnName = "msg_sender" OwnColumn event.ColumnName = "own" PipColumn event.ColumnName = "pip" RadColumn event.ColumnName = "rad" RateColumn event.ColumnName = "rate" SpotColumn event.ColumnName = "spot" SrcColumn event.ColumnName = "src" TabColumn event.ColumnName = "tab" UColumn event.ColumnName = "u" UrnColumn event.ColumnName = "urn_id" UsrColumn event.ColumnName = "usr" VColumn event.ColumnName = "v" WColumn event.ColumnName = "w" WadColumn event.ColumnName = "wad" WhatColumn event.ColumnName = "what" ValueColumn event.ColumnName = "value" )
Table column names
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const ( MakerSchema = "maker" APISchema = "api" PublicSchema = "public" )
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const ( BiteTable = "bite" CatFileChopLumpTable = "cat_file_chop_lump" CatFileFlipTable = "cat_file_flip" CatFileVowTable = "cat_file_vow" DealTable = "deal" DentTable = "dent" FlapKickTable = "flap_kick" FlipKickTable = "flip_kick" FlopKickTable = "flop_kick" JugDripTable = "jug_drip" JugFileBaseTable = "jug_file_base" JugFileIlkTable = "jug_file_ilk" JugFileVowTable = "jug_file_vow" JugInitTable = "jug_init" LogValueTable = "log_value" NewCdpTable = "new_cdp" PotCageTable = "pot_cage" PotDripTable = "pot_drip" PotExitTable = "pot_exit" PotFileDSRTable = "pot_file_dsr" PotFileVowTable = "pot_file_vow" PotJoinTable = "pot_join" SpotFileMatTable = "spot_file_mat" SpotFileParTable = "spot_file_par" SpotFilePipTable = "spot_file_pip" SpotPokeTable = "spot_poke" TendTable = "tend" TickTable = "tick" VatFileDebtCeilingTable = "vat_file_debt_ceiling" VatFileIlkTable = "vat_file_ilk" VatFluxTable = "vat_flux" VatFoldTable = "vat_fold" VatForkTable = "vat_fork" VatFrobTable = "vat_frob" VatGrabTable = "vat_grab" VatHealTable = "vat_heal" VatInitTable = "vat_init" VatMoveTable = "vat_move" VatSlipTable = "vat_slip" VatSuckTable = "vat_suck" VowFessTable = "vow_fess" VowFileTable = "vow_file" VowFlogTable = "vow_flog" YankTable = "yank" )
event tables
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const ( CatIlkChopTable = "cat_ilk_chop" CatIlkFlipTable = "cat_ilk_flip" CatIlkLumpTable = "cat_ilk_lump" CatLiveTable = "cat_live" CatVatTable = "cat_vat" CatVowTable = "cat_vow" CdpManagerCdpiTable = "cdp_manager_cdpi" CdpManagerCountTable = "cdp_manager_count" CdpManagerFirstTable = "cdp_manager_first" CdpManagerIlksTable = "cdp_manager_ilks" CdpManagerLastTable = "cdp_manager_last" CdpManagerListNextTable = "cdp_manager_list_next" CdpManagerListPrevTable = "cdp_manager_list_prev" CdpManagerOwnsTable = "cdp_manager_owns" CdpManagerUrnsTable = "cdp_manager_urns" CdpManagerVatTable = "cdp_manager_vat" FlapBegTable = "flap_beg" FlapBidBidTable = "flap_bid_bid" FlapBidEndTable = "flap_bid_end" FlapBidGuyTable = "flap_bid_guy" FlapBidLotTable = "flap_bid_lot" FlapBidTicTable = "flap_bid_tic" FlapGemTable = "flap_gem" FlapKicksTable = "flap_kicks" FlapLiveTable = "flap_live" FlapTauTable = "flap_tau" FlapTtlTable = "flap_ttl" FlapVatTable = "flap_vat" FlipBegTable = "flip_beg" FlipBidBidTable = "flip_bid_bid" FlipBidEndTable = "flip_bid_end" FlipBidGalTable = "flip_bid_gal" FlipBidGuyTable = "flip_bid_guy" FlipBidLotTable = "flip_bid_lot" FlipBidTabTable = "flip_bid_tab" FlipBidTicTable = "flip_bid_tic" FlipBidUsrTable = "flip_bid_usr" FlipIlkTable = "flip_ilk" FlipKicksTable = "flip_kicks" FlipTauTable = "flip_tau" FlipTtlTable = "flip_ttl" FlipVatTable = "flip_vat" FlopBegTable = "flop_beg" FlopBidBidTable = "flop_bid_bid" FlopBidEndTable = "flop_bid_end" FlopBidGuyTable = "flop_bid_guy" FlopBidLotTable = "flop_bid_lot" FlopBidTicTable = "flop_bid_tic" FlopGemTable = "flop_gem" FlopKicksTable = "flop_kicks" FlopLiveTable = "flop_live" FlopPadTable = "flop_pad" FlopTauTable = "flop_tau" FlopTtlTable = "flop_ttl" FlopVatTable = "flop_vat" JugBaseTable = "jug_base" JugIlkDutyTable = "jug_ilk_duty" JugIlkRhoTable = "jug_ilk_rho" JugVatTable = "jug_vat" JugVowTable = "jug_vow" PotChiTable = "pot_chi" PotDsrTable = "pot_dsr" PotLiveTable = "pot_live" PotPieTable = "pot_pie" PotRhoTable = "pot_rho" SpotIlkMatTable = "spot_ilk_mat" SpotIlkPipTable = "spot_ilk_pip" SpotLiveTable = "spot_live" SpotParTable = "spot_par" SpotVatTable = "spot_vat" VatDaiTable = "vat_dai" VatDebtTable = "vat_debt" VatGemTable = "vat_gem" VatIlkArtTable = "vat_ilk_art" VatIlkDustTable = "vat_ilk_dust" VatIlkLineTable = "vat_ilk_line" VatIlkRateTable = "vat_ilk_rate" VatIlkSpotTable = "vat_ilk_spot" VatLineTable = "vat_line" VatLiveTable = "vat_live" VatSinTable = "vat_sin" VatUrnArtTable = "vat_urn_art" VatUrnInkTable = "vat_urn_ink" VatViceTable = "vat_vice" VowAshTable = "vow_ash" VowBumpTable = "vow_bump" VowDumpTable = "vow_dump" VowFlapperTable = "vow_flapper" VowFlopperTable = "vow_flopper" VowHumpTable = "vow_hump" VowSinIntegerTable = "vow_sin_integer" VowSinMappingTable = "vow_sin_mapping" VowSumpTable = "vow_sump" VowVatTable = "vow_vat" VowWaitTable = "vow_wait" )
storage tables
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func BiteSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func BiteSignature() string
func CatFileChopLumpSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func CatFileChopLumpSignature() string
func CatFileFlipSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func CatFileFlipSignature() string
func CatFileVowSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func CatFileVowSignature() string
func CdpManagerABI ¶ added in v0.2.15
func CdpManagerABI() string
func DealSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func DealSignature() string
func DentSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func DentSignature() string
func FlapKickSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func FlapKickSignature() string
func FlipKickSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func FlipKickSignature() string
func FlopKickSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func FlopKickSignature() string
func GetContractAddress ¶ added in v0.2.15
func GetContractAddresses ¶ added in v0.2.15
Get the addresses for multiple contracts from config
func GetContractsABI ¶ added in v0.2.15
Get the ABI for multiple contracts from config Makes sure the ABI matches for all, since a single transformer may run against many contracts.
func GetMinDeploymentBlock ¶ added in v0.2.15
Get the minimum deployment block for multiple contracts from config
func GetTransformerContractNames ¶ added in v0.2.15
Returns all contract config names from transformer configuration:
path = "transformers/events/vow_file/initializer" type = "eth_event" repository = "" migrations = "db/migrations" contracts = ["MCD_VOW"] <---- rank = "0"
func JugDripSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func JugDripSignature() string
func JugFileBaseSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func JugFileBaseSignature() string
func JugFileIlkSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func JugFileIlkSignature() string
func JugFileVowSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func JugFileVowSignature() string
func JugInitSignature ¶ added in v0.2.6
func JugInitSignature() string
func LogValueSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func LogValueSignature() string
func NewCdpSignature ¶ added in v0.2.15
func NewCdpSignature() string
func PotCageSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func PotCageSignature() string
func PotDripSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func PotDripSignature() string
func PotExitSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func PotExitSignature() string
func PotFileDSRSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func PotFileDSRSignature() string
func PotFileVowSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func PotFileVowSignature() string
func PotJoinSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func PotJoinSignature() string
func SpotFileMatSignature ¶ added in v0.2.7
func SpotFileMatSignature() string
func SpotFileParSignature ¶ added in v0.2.17
func SpotFileParSignature() string
func SpotFilePipSignature ¶ added in v0.2.7
func SpotFilePipSignature() string
func SpotPokeSignature ¶ added in v0.2.7
func SpotPokeSignature() string
func TendSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func TendSignature() string
func TickSignature ¶ added in v0.2.15
func TickSignature() string
func VatFileDebtCeilingSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatFileDebtCeilingSignature() string
func VatFileIlkSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatFileIlkSignature() string
func VatFluxSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatFluxSignature() string
func VatFoldSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatFoldSignature() string
func VatForkSignature ¶ added in v0.2.6
func VatForkSignature() string
func VatFrobSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatFrobSignature() string
func VatGrabSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatGrabSignature() string
func VatHealSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatHealSignature() string
func VatInitSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatInitSignature() string
func VatMoveSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatMoveSignature() string
func VatSlipSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VatSlipSignature() string
func VatSuckSignature ¶ added in v0.2.6
func VatSuckSignature() string
func VowFessSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VowFessSignature() string
func VowFileSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VowFileSignature() string
func VowFlogSignature ¶ added in v0.2.4
func VowFlogSignature() string
func YankSignature ¶ added in v0.2.8
func YankSignature() string
Types ¶
type ContractMethod ¶ added in v0.2.8
type ContractMethod struct { Name string Inputs []MethodInput }
type MethodInput ¶ added in v0.2.8
type MethodInput struct {
Type string
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