This directory contains examples of using OpenShift and explaining the new concepts
available on top of Kubernetes and Docker.
OpenShift Sample is an end-to-end application demonstrating the full
OpenShift v3 concept chain - images, builds, deployments, and templates.
Jenkins Example demonstrates how to enhance the sample-app by deploying a Jenkins pod on OpenShift and thereby enable continuous integration for incoming changes to the codebase and trigger deployments when integration succeeds.
Node.js echo Sample highlights the simple workflow from creating project, new app from GitHub, building, deploying, running and updating.
Configurable Git Server sets up a service capable of automatic mirroring of Git repositories, intended for use within a container or Kubernetes pod.
QuickStarts provides templates for very basic applications using various frameworks and databases.
Database Templates provides templates for ephemeral and persistent storage on OpenShift using MongoDB, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.