Documentation ¶
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func CacheError(err error) error
- func NotFoundError(err error) error
- func WrappedError(err error, msg string) error
- type AddCategory
- type AddCategoryRelation
- type AddCategoryType
- type AddComic
- type AddComicCategory
- type AddComicChapter
- type AddComicCover
- type AddComicExternal
- type AddComicRelation
- type AddComicRelationType
- type AddComicSynopsis
- type AddComicTag
- type AddComicTitle
- type AddLanguage
- type AddTag
- type AddTagType
- type AddWebsite
- type Category
- type CategoryRelation
- type CategoryRelationSID
- type CategorySID
- type CategoryType
- type Comic
- type ComicCategory
- type ComicCategorySID
- type ComicChapter
- type ComicChapterSID
- type ComicCover
- type ComicExternal
- type ComicGenericSID
- type ComicRelation
- type ComicRelationSID
- type ComicRelationType
- type ComicSynopsis
- type ComicTag
- type ComicTagSID
- type ComicTitle
- type DBBooleanIs
- type DBBooleanIsNot
- type DBConditionalKV
- type DBCrossConditional
- type DBInsensitiveLike
- type DBIsDistinctFrom
- type DBIsNotDistinctFrom
- type DBIsNotNull
- type DBIsNull
- type DBLogicalAND
- type DBLogicalOR
- type DBQueryValue
- type DatabaseError
- type GenericError
- type Language
- type ListParams
- type OrderBy
- type OrderBys
- type Pagination
- type SetCategory
- type SetCategoryRelation
- type SetCategoryType
- type SetComic
- type SetComicCategory
- type SetComicChapter
- type SetComicCover
- type SetComicExternal
- type SetComicRelation
- type SetComicRelationType
- type SetComicSynopsis
- type SetComicTag
- type SetComicTitle
- type SetLanguage
- type SetTag
- type SetTagType
- type SetWebsite
- type Tag
- type TagSID
- type TagType
- type Website
Constants ¶
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const ( CategoryTypeCodeMax = 24 CategoryTypeNameMax = 24 CategoryTypeOrderBysMax = 3 CategoryTypePaginationDef = 10 CategoryTypePaginationMax = 50 DBCategoryType = donoengine.ID + "." + "category_type" DBCategoryTypeCode = "code" DBCategoryTypeName = "name" )
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const ( CategoryCodeMax = 32 CategoryNameMax = 32 CategoryOrderBysMax = 3 CategoryPaginationDef = 10 CategoryPaginationMax = 50 DBCategory = donoengine.ID + "." + "category" DBCategoryTypeID = "type_id" DBCategoryCode = "code" DBCategoryName = "name" )
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const ( DBCategoryGenericCategoryID = "category_id" CategoryRelationOrderBysMax = 3 CategoryRelationPaginationDef = 10 CategoryRelationPaginationMax = 50 DBCategoryRelation = donoengine.ID + "." + "category_relation" DBCategoryRelationParentID = "parent_id" DBCategoryRelationChildID = "child_id" )
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const ( ComicCodeLength = 8 ComicOrderBysMax = 5 ComicPaginationDef = 10 ComicPaginationMax = 30 DBComic = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic" DBComicCode = "code" DBComicPublishedFrom = "published_from" DBComicPublishedTo = "published_to" DBComicTotalChapter = "total_chapter" DBComicTotalVolume = "total_volume" DBComicNSFW = "nsfw" DBComicNSFL = "nsfl" DBComicAdditionals = "additionals" )
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const ( ComicGenericRIDLength = 4 DBComicGenericComicID = "comic_id" DBComicGenericRID = "rid" ComicTitleTitleMax = 255 ComicTitleOrderBysMax = 3 ComicTitlePaginationDef = 10 ComicTitlePaginationMax = 50 DBComicTitle = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_title" DBComicTitleTitle = "title" DBComicTitleSynonym = "synonym" DBComicTitleRomanized = "romanized" ComicCoverRelativeURLMax = 128 ComicCoverOrderBysMax = 3 ComicCoverPaginationDef = 10 ComicCoverPaginationMax = 50 DBComicCover = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_cover" DBComicCoverRelativeURL = "relative_url" DBComicCoverPriority = "priority" ComicSynopsisSynopsisMax = 2048 ComicSynopsisVersionMax = 12 ComicSynopsisOrderBysMax = 3 ComicSynopsisPaginationDef = 10 ComicSynopsisPaginationMax = 50 DBComicSynopsis = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_synopsis" DBComicSynopsisSynopsis = "synopsis" DBComicSynopsisVersion = "version" DBComicSynopsisRomanized = "romanized" ComicExternalRelativeURLMax = 128 ComicExternalOrderBysMax = 3 ComicExternalPaginationDef = 10 ComicExternalPaginationMax = 50 DBComicExternal = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_external" DBComicExternalRelativeURL = "relative_url" DBComicExternalOfficial = "official" ComicCategoryOrderBysMax = 3 ComicCategoryPaginationDef = 10 ComicCategoryPaginationMax = 50 DBComicCategory = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_category" ComicTagOrderBysMax = 3 ComicTagPaginationDef = 10 ComicTagPaginationMax = 50 DBComicTag = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_tag" ComicRelationTypeCodeMax = 24 ComicRelationTypeNameMax = 24 ComicRelationTypeOrderBysMax = 3 ComicRelationTypePaginationDef = 10 ComicRelationTypePaginationMax = 50 DBComicRelationType = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_relation_type" DBComicRelationTypeCode = "code" DBComicRelationTypeName = "name" ComicRelationOrderBysMax = 3 ComicRelationPaginationDef = 10 ComicRelationPaginationMax = 50 DBComicRelation = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_relation" DBComicRelationTypeID = "type_id" DBComicRelationParentID = "parent_id" DBComicRelationChildID = "child_id" )
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const ( ComicChapterChapterMax = 64 ComicChapterVersionMax = 32 ComicChapterVolumeMax = 24 ComicChapterOrderBysMax = 5 ComicChapterPaginationDef = 10 ComicChapterPaginationMax = 50 DBComicChapter = donoengine.ID + "." + "comic_chapter" DBComicChapterChapter = "chapter" DBComicChapterVersion = "version" DBComicChapterVolume = "volume" DBComicChapterReleasedAt = "released_at" )
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const ( LanguageIETFMax = 12 LanguageNameMax = 24 LanguageOrderBysMax = 3 LanguagePaginationDef = 10 LanguagePaginationMax = 50 DBLanguage = donoengine.ID + "." + "language" DBLanguageIETF = "ietf" DBLanguageName = "name" )
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const ( SecretString = "*****" DBGenericID = "id" DBGenericCreatedAt = "created_at" DBGenericUpdatedAt = "updated_at" )
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const ( TagTypeCodeMax = 24 TagTypeNameMax = 24 TagTypeOrderBysMax = 3 TagTypePaginationDef = 10 TagTypePaginationMax = 50 DBTagType = donoengine.ID + "." + "tag_type" DBTagTypeCode = "code" DBTagTypeName = "name" )
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const ( TagCodeMax = 32 TagNameMax = 32 TagOrderBysMax = 3 TagPaginationDef = 10 TagPaginationMax = 50 DBTag = donoengine.ID + "." + "tag" DBTagTypeID = "type_id" DBTagCode = "code" DBTagName = "name" )
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const ( WebsiteDomainMax = 32 WebsiteNameMax = 48 WebsiteOrderBysMax = 3 WebsitePaginationDef = 10 WebsitePaginationMax = 50 DBWebsite = donoengine.ID + "." + "website" DBWebsiteDomain = "domain" DBWebsiteName = "name" )
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const ( DBWebsiteGenericWebsiteID = "website_id" DBWebsiteGenericWebsiteDomain = "website_domain" )
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const DBLanguageGenericLanguageID = "language_id"
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const DBTagGenericTagID = "tag_id"
Variables ¶
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var ( ErrGeneric GenericError ErrNotFound notFoundError ErrDatabase DatabaseError ErrCache cacheError )
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var ( CategoryTypeOrderByAllow = []string{ DBCategoryTypeCode, DBCategoryTypeName, } DBCategoryTypeCodeToID = func(code string) DBQueryValue { return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBCategoryType, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: DBConditionalKV{Key: DBCategoryTypeCode, Value: code}, } } )
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var ( CategoryOrderByAllow = []string{ DBCategoryCode, DBCategoryName, } DBCategorySIDToID = func(sid CategorySID) DBQueryValue { var typeID any switch { case sid.TypeID != nil: typeID = sid.TypeID case sid.TypeCode != nil: typeID = DBCategoryTypeCodeToID(*sid.TypeCode) } return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBCategory, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: map[string]any{ DBCategoryTypeID: typeID, DBCategoryCode: sid.Code, }, } } )
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var ( ComicOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicCode, DBComicPublishedFrom, DBComicPublishedTo, DBComicTotalChapter, DBComicTotalVolume, DBComicNSFW, DBComicNSFL, DBLanguageGenericLanguageID, } ComicSetNullAllow = []string{ DBComicPublishedFrom, DBComicPublishedTo, DBComicTotalChapter, DBComicTotalVolume, DBComicNSFW, DBComicNSFL, DBLanguageGenericLanguageID, DBComicAdditionals, } DBComicCodeToID = func(code string) DBQueryValue { return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBComic, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: DBConditionalKV{Key: DBComicCode, Value: code}, } } )
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var ( ComicTitleOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicGenericRID, DBLanguageGenericLanguageID, DBComicTitleTitle, DBComicTitleSynonym, DBComicTitleRomanized, } ComicTitleSetNullAllow = []string{ DBComicTitleSynonym, DBComicTitleRomanized, } ComicCoverOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicGenericRID, DBWebsiteGenericWebsiteID, DBComicCoverRelativeURL, DBComicCoverPriority, } ComicCoverSetNullAllow = []string{ DBComicCoverPriority, } ComicSynopsisOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicGenericRID, DBLanguageGenericLanguageID, DBComicSynopsisSynopsis, DBComicSynopsisVersion, DBComicSynopsisRomanized, } ComicSynopsisSetNullAllow = []string{ DBComicSynopsisVersion, DBComicSynopsisRomanized, } ComicExternalOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicGenericRID, DBWebsiteGenericWebsiteID, DBWebsiteGenericWebsiteDomain, DBComicExternalRelativeURL, DBComicExternalOfficial, } ComicExternalSetNullAllow = []string{ DBComicExternalRelativeURL, DBComicExternalOfficial, } ComicCategoryOrderByAllow = []string{ DBCategoryGenericCategoryID, } ComicTagOrderByAllow = []string{ DBTagGenericTagID, } ComicRelationTypeOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicRelationTypeCode, DBComicRelationTypeName, } DBComicRelationTypeCodeToID = func(code string) DBQueryValue { return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBComicRelationType, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: DBConditionalKV{Key: DBComicRelationTypeCode, Value: code}, } } ComicRelationOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicRelationTypeID, DBComicRelationChildID, } )
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var ( ComicChapterOrderByAllow = []string{ DBComicGenericComicID, DBComicChapterChapter, DBComicChapterVersion, DBComicChapterVolume, DBComicChapterReleasedAt, } ComicChapterSetNullAllow = []string{ DBComicChapterChapter, DBComicChapterVersion, DBComicChapterVolume, } DBComicChapterSIDToID = func(sid ComicChapterSID) DBQueryValue { var comicID any switch { case sid.ComicID != nil: comicID = sid.ComicID case sid.ComicCode != nil: comicID = DBComicCodeToID(*sid.ComicCode) } var version any switch { case sid.Version != nil: version = sid.Version default: version = DBIsNull{} } return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBComicChapter, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: map[string]any{ DBComicGenericComicID: comicID, DBComicChapterChapter: sid.Chapter, DBComicChapterVersion: version, }, } } )
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var ( LanguageOrderByAllow = []string{ DBLanguageIETF, DBLanguageName, } DBLanguageIETFToID = func(ietf string) DBQueryValue { return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBLanguage, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: DBConditionalKV{Key: DBLanguageIETF, Value: ietf}, } } )
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var ( EmptyString = "" GenericOrderByAllow = []string{DBGenericID, DBGenericCreatedAt, DBGenericUpdatedAt} )
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var ( TagTypeOrderByAllow = []string{ DBCategoryTypeCode, DBCategoryTypeName, } DBTagTypeCodeToID = func(code string) DBQueryValue { return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBTagType, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: DBConditionalKV{Key: DBTagTypeCode, Value: code}, } } )
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var ( TagOrderByAllow = []string{ DBTagCode, DBTagName, } DBTagSIDToID = func(sid TagSID) DBQueryValue { var typeID any switch { case sid.TypeID != nil: typeID = sid.TypeID case sid.TypeCode != nil: typeID = DBTagTypeCodeToID(*sid.TypeCode) } return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBTag, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: map[string]any{ DBTagTypeID: typeID, DBTagCode: sid.Code, }, } } )
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var ( WebsiteOrderByAllow = []string{ DBWebsiteDomain, DBWebsiteName, } DBWebsiteDomainToID = func(domain string) DBQueryValue { return DBQueryValue{ Table: DBWebsite, Expression: DBGenericID, ZeroValue: 0, Conditions: DBConditionalKV{Key: DBWebsiteDomain, Value: domain}, } } )
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var CategoryRelationOrderByAllow = []string{ DBCategoryRelationChildID, }
Functions ¶
func CacheError ¶
func NotFoundError ¶
func WrappedError ¶
Types ¶
type AddCategory ¶
func (AddCategory) Validate ¶
func (m AddCategory) Validate() error
type AddCategoryRelation ¶
type AddCategoryRelation struct { TypeID *uint TypeCode *string ParentID *uint ParentCode *string ChildID *uint ChildCode *string }
func (AddCategoryRelation) Validate ¶
func (m AddCategoryRelation) Validate() error
type AddCategoryType ¶
func (AddCategoryType) Validate ¶
func (m AddCategoryType) Validate() error
type AddComic ¶
type AddComicCategory ¶
type AddComicCategory struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string CategoryID *uint CategoryTypeID *uint CategoryTypeCode *string CategoryCode *string }
func (AddComicCategory) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicCategory) Validate() error
type AddComicChapter ¶
type AddComicChapter struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string Chapter string Version *string Volume *string ReleasedAt time.Time }
func (AddComicChapter) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicChapter) Validate() error
type AddComicCover ¶
type AddComicCover struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string WebsiteID *uint WebsiteDomain *string RelativeURL string Priority *int }
func (AddComicCover) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicCover) Validate() error
type AddComicExternal ¶
type AddComicExternal struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string WebsiteID *uint WebsiteDomain *string RelativeURL *string Official *bool }
func (AddComicExternal) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicExternal) Validate() error
type AddComicRelation ¶
type AddComicRelation struct { ParentID *uint ParentCode *string TypeID *uint TypeCode *string ChildID *uint ChildCode *string }
func (AddComicRelation) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicRelation) Validate() error
type AddComicRelationType ¶
func (AddComicRelationType) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicRelationType) Validate() error
type AddComicSynopsis ¶
type AddComicSynopsis struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string LanguageID *uint LanguageIETF *string Synopsis string Version *string Romanized *bool }
func (AddComicSynopsis) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicSynopsis) Validate() error
type AddComicTag ¶
type AddComicTag struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string TagID *uint TagTypeID *uint TagTypeCode *string TagCode *string }
func (AddComicTag) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicTag) Validate() error
type AddComicTitle ¶
type AddComicTitle struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string LanguageID *uint LanguageIETF *string Title string Synonym *bool Romanized *bool }
func (AddComicTitle) Validate ¶
func (m AddComicTitle) Validate() error
type AddLanguage ¶
func (AddLanguage) Validate ¶
func (m AddLanguage) Validate() error
type AddTagType ¶
func (AddTagType) Validate ¶
func (m AddTagType) Validate() error
type AddWebsite ¶
func (AddWebsite) Validate ¶
func (m AddWebsite) Validate() error
type CategoryRelation ¶
type CategoryRelationSID ¶
type CategorySID ¶
type CategoryType ¶
type Comic ¶
type Comic struct { ID uint `json:"id"` Code string `json:"code"` Titles []*ComicTitle `db:"-" json:"titles"` Covers []*ComicCover `db:"-" json:"covers"` Synopses []*ComicSynopsis `db:"-" json:"synopses"` PublishedFrom *time.Time `json:"publishedFrom"` PublishedTo *time.Time `json:"publishedTo"` TotalChapter *int `json:"totalChapter"` TotalVolume *int `json:"totalVolume"` NSFW *int `json:"nsfw"` NSFL *int `json:"nsfl"` LanguageID *uint `json:"languageID"` LanguageIETF *string `json:"languageIETF"` Chapters []*ComicChapter `db:"-" json:"chapters"` Externals []*ComicExternal `db:"-" json:"externals"` Categories []*Category `db:"-" json:"categories"` Tags []*Tag `db:"-" json:"tags"` Relations []*ComicRelation `db:"-" json:"relations"` Additionals map[string]any `json:"additionals"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
type ComicCategory ¶
type ComicCategorySID ¶
type ComicCategorySID struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string CategoryID *uint CategorySID *CategorySID }
type ComicChapter ¶
type ComicChapterSID ¶
type ComicCover ¶
type ComicCover struct { ID uint `json:"id"` ComicID uint `json:"-"` RID string `json:"rid"` WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID"` WebsiteDomain string `json:"websiteDomain"` RelativeURL string `json:"relativeURL"` Priority *int `json:"priority"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
type ComicExternal ¶
type ComicExternal struct { ID uint `json:"id"` ComicID uint `json:"-"` RID string `json:"rid"` WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID"` WebsiteDomain string `json:"websiteDomain"` RelativeURL *string `json:"relativeURL"` Official *bool `json:"official"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
type ComicGenericSID ¶
type ComicRelation ¶
type ComicRelationSID ¶
type ComicRelationType ¶
type ComicSynopsis ¶
type ComicSynopsis struct { ID uint `json:"id"` ComicID uint `json:"-"` RID string `json:"rid"` LanguageID uint `json:"languageID"` LanguageIETF string `json:"languageIETF"` Synopsis string `json:"synopsis"` Version *string `json:"version"` Romanized *bool `json:"romanized"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
type ComicTagSID ¶
type ComicTitle ¶
type ComicTitle struct { ID uint `json:"id"` ComicID uint `json:"-"` RID string `json:"rid"` LanguageID uint `json:"languageID"` LanguageIETF string `json:"languageIETF"` Title string `json:"title"` Synonym *bool `json:"synonym"` Romanized *bool `json:"romanized"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"` UpdatedAt *time.Time `json:"updatedAt"` }
type DBBooleanIs ¶
type DBBooleanIs bool
type DBBooleanIsNot ¶
type DBBooleanIsNot bool
type DBConditionalKV ¶
type DBCrossConditional ¶
type DBInsensitiveLike ¶
type DBInsensitiveLike string
type DBIsDistinctFrom ¶
type DBIsDistinctFrom struct{ Value any }
type DBIsNotDistinctFrom ¶
type DBIsNotDistinctFrom struct{ Value any }
type DBIsNotNull ¶
type DBIsNotNull struct{}
type DBLogicalAND ¶
type DBLogicalAND struct{}
type DBLogicalOR ¶
type DBLogicalOR struct{}
type DBQueryValue ¶
type DatabaseError ¶
func (DatabaseError) Error ¶
func (e DatabaseError) Error() string
func (DatabaseError) Unwrap ¶
func (e DatabaseError) Unwrap() error
type GenericError ¶
type GenericError string
func (GenericError) Error ¶
func (e GenericError) Error() string
type ListParams ¶
type ListParams struct { Conditions any OrderBys OrderBys Pagination *Pagination }
func (ListParams) Validate ¶
func (m ListParams) Validate() error
type Pagination ¶
func (Pagination) Validate ¶
func (p Pagination) Validate() error
type SetCategory ¶
func (SetCategory) Validate ¶
func (m SetCategory) Validate() error
type SetCategoryRelation ¶
type SetCategoryRelation struct { TypeID *uint TypeCode *string ParentID *uint ParentCode *string ChildID *uint ChildCode *string }
func (SetCategoryRelation) Validate ¶
func (m SetCategoryRelation) Validate() error
type SetCategoryType ¶
func (SetCategoryType) Validate ¶
func (m SetCategoryType) Validate() error
type SetComic ¶
type SetComicCategory ¶
type SetComicCategory struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string CategoryID *uint CategoryTypeID *uint CategoryTypeCode *string CategoryCode *string }
func (SetComicCategory) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicCategory) Validate() error
type SetComicChapter ¶
type SetComicChapter struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string Chapter *string Version *string Volume *string ReleasedAt *time.Time SetNull []string }
func (SetComicChapter) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicChapter) Validate() error
type SetComicCover ¶
type SetComicCover struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string WebsiteID *uint WebsiteDomain *string RelativeURL *string Priority *int SetNull []string }
func (SetComicCover) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicCover) Validate() error
type SetComicExternal ¶
type SetComicExternal struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string WebsiteID *uint WebsiteDomain *string RelativeURL *string Official *bool SetNull []string }
func (SetComicExternal) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicExternal) Validate() error
type SetComicRelation ¶
type SetComicRelation struct { ParentID *uint ParentCode *string TypeID *uint TypeCode *string ChildID *uint ChildCode *string }
func (SetComicRelation) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicRelation) Validate() error
type SetComicRelationType ¶
func (SetComicRelationType) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicRelationType) Validate() error
type SetComicSynopsis ¶
type SetComicSynopsis struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string LanguageID *uint LanguageIETF *string Synopsis *string Version *string Romanized *bool SetNull []string }
func (SetComicSynopsis) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicSynopsis) Validate() error
type SetComicTag ¶
type SetComicTag struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string TagID *uint TagTypeID *uint TagTypeCode *string TagCode *string }
func (SetComicTag) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicTag) Validate() error
type SetComicTitle ¶
type SetComicTitle struct { ComicID *uint ComicCode *string RID *string LanguageID *uint LanguageIETF *string Title *string Synonym *bool Romanized *bool SetNull []string }
func (SetComicTitle) Validate ¶
func (m SetComicTitle) Validate() error
type SetLanguage ¶
func (SetLanguage) Validate ¶
func (m SetLanguage) Validate() error
type SetTagType ¶
func (SetTagType) Validate ¶
func (m SetTagType) Validate() error
type SetWebsite ¶
func (SetWebsite) Validate ¶
func (m SetWebsite) Validate() error
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