[Playing with Go] - Small weekend project to extract your Safari (O'Reilly Online Learning) playlists HTML pages into a single JSON file
*Works offline only.
*Provided as is, and needs improvement like accepting cmd line input, better and online parsing of the html..etc Goal was to keep things simple to learn/play with Go ;)
How it works
Goes through current directory and parses each HTML file and merge results in a json file. Useful to easily share/move your playlists with a single json. Notice: you still need O'Reilly to access the book/video/etc..
How to use:
For each of your playlists on Safari [Sep 8 2020 - the format might have changed :(]:
open the developer console in Chrome, paste and run: copy(document.getElementsByClassName("viewMain--u11Is")[0].outerHTML)
create an html file in your directory of choice and paste the content
Run: go run playlistextractor.go to get a file named all_playlists.json containing all of your playlists items in your cwd :)